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Unread 03-23-2023   #1
Resident Mad Scientist
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 47
The Mad Doctor at Work

This post actually isn’t from me personally at all! It’s a commission and a piece of gift fanfiction! This very early proto-Victor caught a young wolverine snooping around his lab and decide to have a bit of fun...
A wonderful comission by
With a short story by

“ZOH... You zaught you could infiltrate my laboratory und get avay with it… not so clever now ar ve?” Grinned a silver-furred wolf, turning to gaze back with his one blue eye at the bound figure below in the observation chamber, her form hugging an operation chair along with binding cords that coiled under her breasts and over her arms and legs, effectively rendering her immobile, save at least for her mouth.

“Will you knock off the German accent! I know its fake!” Growled the woman, her sharp teeth gnashing as she struggled in vain against the bindings, her black and brown fur standing on end as her claws flexed. From above, the silver-furred wolf paused, his shoulders slumping a bit as he swept a hand back through his long straggle mane of red hair.

“Oh course I catch the spy without a slice of humor… just ruin all the fun why don’t you...” the man huffed, turning, his black stripes fur bristling a bit under his lab coat attire, as his mechanical eye focused down with a few clicks through the observation deck's windowed wall and at the woman below. The chair she was bound to centered in the dull grey room, marking the only point not smooth and polished to perfection. Above, the wolf turned, tail flicking, as he plucked up a mug of coffee sipping on it as he flipped idly through the captured wolverine’s wallet.

“So… Ms. Nahlia Denota, hm, and here I was going to call you Logan.” He chuckled, glancing round to see the woman glaring up at him with those bright golden eyes. “Ohh scary. Let's see, chief investigator, for… oh now, what do we have here…. Thomas you old scoundrel, sending a spy to get my secrets.” Chuckled the man, setting the wallet aside and stepping back to the lip of the chamber, one hand behind his back as the tipped the cup to his lips once more.

“Mordenheim I swear if you DON’T-”

“Doctorr..” replied the wolf, causing the woman to pause before growling up at him.

“What!” She snapped, trying again to burst the bindings as the man above grinned down at her.

“Its Doctor... Dr. Victor Mordenheim. I didn’t get a degree to be spoken to like that by a spy… Honestly, where do you children get your manners nowadays...” Mocked the good doctor, as the woman below began to squirm, snarling a few choice words and threats up towards the man as he watched, smiling while polishing off his coffee.

After a while, the woman was huffing her little tantrum seeming to have tired her off a bit.

“Finish my dear?” Called Mordenheim, getting a snarl in reply that he took for assent. “Very good. Now, let’s see, according to where my security caught you, seems you were looking into my growth formulas… what, did little Denota want to be bit taller for the company basketball game?” Teased the wolf, tail wagging as he saw the woman flushing, her dark black cheeks brightening with a kiss of pink that made him pause.

“Oh… now that is interesting.” He smiled, hopping onto an elevator. Moments later he was walking through a set of doors and into the chamber, his paws padding closer as the woman turned her head to growl at him. “Oh please dear. No need for that. Now tell me," grinned the wolf, his mechanical eye spinning to focus on her, a digital read out filling his computer with her exact height and scale, even as he spoke. “How much bigger were you looking to be.. hmmmm, an inch… two, ooh. Maybe it wasn’t height, maybe you were wanting to be stronger… big arms… or maybe even butt I hear a lot of guys like that in a short girl.” Chattered the doc in open amusement as he padded round the five-foot wolverine, who was now looking much less angry and much more… well...

“Cu… Cut it out.” Blushed Nahlia, wishing she could cover her pink shirted chest and white panted legs from the wolf’s gaze. His teasing words hinting a bit to close for comfort on a few of the women’s more…private desires. Something not lost on the good doctor as he paused, chuckling as he closed his organic eye, nodding as if he understood completely as to what she was thinking.

“Well my dear… it's your lucky day!” Grinned Mordrenheim, spinning round and padding back towards the door, waving back at the woman as he did. “I was just looking for a patient for my newest invention and seeing as you were kind enough to drop in and just happen to want a bit of size... Well, I just wouldn’t dream of seeing you go away unsatisfied.” Cheered the canine, ascending back into the overlooking lab, as with a few button presses, the lab rattled to life, leaving him just enough time to slip into a viewing seat to watch the show.

“What is that madman doing now…?” grumbled the carnivore, giving her bindings one last flex when...


All three simply dropped from her, the locks within the table releasing. The act so sudden that for a moment, the wolverine woman simply lay there in surprise. With a start, however, she was up and off the table, glancing up to see the stripped man waving down at her in a way that made her shiver from fluffy brown ears to tail tip, as she turned… just in time to see a wide lensed device rising from the floor, a building humming giving her a good idea what came next.

“Oh….shit.” gasped Nahila, throwing up her hands just as a bright yellow light swallowed her whole. “NO…. no… wait… what?” Called the woman, dropping her arms to see herself unharmed, the device that had blasted her receding into the smooth tiled floor as she padded herself down as if expecting to find herself missing something. “Tail, claws, butt, ears... WHAT DID YOU DO!?” Growled the woman, turning, her clawed fingers flexing as she glared up at the watching wolf, who grinned knowingly down at her.

“Shhhh this is where it gets good!” Cheered, Victor giggling, his fingers tapping against one another excitedly as he leaned in.

“Wh.. what you expect me to beg you to know or something?” Huffed the woman, feeling a bit hot under the collar, as she found her tongue sliding out to wet her lips… her body tingling as she glared up at the wolf.

“Hehe, no my dear…. heheeh I EXPECT YOU TO GROW!” Laughed the man in wild abandon as below Nahila’s reply was cut off by her own body.

“Wha ahahah…. ahhhhhhhh ohhhhh oohhhhh fuck, it… hurts!” Gasped Nahila, dropping to all fours as her body began to ripple, fur standing on end as she felt as though she was being wrapped in a tight bearhug. The sudden pressure assaulting not just her chest but every inch of her furry flesh, from heaving breasts to her now burning spot just between her thick thighs, which were even now pressed together as with the pressure came a something else, something... “SOO… HOT!!!” Cried the wolverine, rolling onto her side, panting as she broke in to a cool sweat, her body jerking below in sharp yet wonderful spasms of pleasure, the tightness closing in as she though any second it would crush her till…

“OOHh!” Moaning, her back arching, she felt the pressure upon her chest lighten, her back suddenly free to stretch, her legs and arms pushing out, fingers spreading to slap paws upon the floor, her mouth opening in an "O" of pleasure to feel herself stretch from the horrible tightness that had been swallowing her seconds before. The panting girl laid upon the cool tile, her tongue lolling from her full lips as she gazed up at the glass roof above, her bosom rising and falling as she stretched out…. and out? “Wh… what the heck!”

Nahila’s question came as she looked down to see her feet still stretching below her, hands sliding across the tile as the same wonderful feeling of release flooded through her, dancing along her fur as it swelled, her arms and legs pushing bigger and longer, fuller with each panting breath. Her eyes dropping to see her chest swell with air, and not drop even as she exhaled, her shirt once covering a modest curve now sliding up to expose her growing belly as her breasts tugged it up round their expanding girth.

And worse it felt just so.... “GOOOODDDD!” Gasped the woman as her body groaned in naked approval, pushing out bigger and bigger, her pants splitting down the seams with a loud rip as her top popped, buttons punching out as her slick black bra shrunk along her growing breasts, slinding up and up, hugging them together as her clevage grew tighter between the twin fluffy mountains till her bra was cupped over her erect nipples, pinching them in a way that made the woman whimper lustfully. Her booming voice now shook the room as above, Victor stumbled a bit before bringing up a digital keyboard and typing away his findings, electronic eye whirring with information.

“Size twenty, no twentyfive feet and growing, pleasurable response. Subject still...” He glanced back, seeing her sliding one clawed hand down over her breasts just as the massive twins snapped their confines, each now swollen bigger than than a kingsized bed, bouncing against the woman’s chest as she panted, sliding her free hand down to slap into the floor cracking the tile as her body rose bigger and bigger.

“Ohhh mhmmm soo… gooodd, mhmmm moRRRREEE!” Roared the woman as her head grew level with the glass dome. Her panties sanpped free, as her hips rocked forwards, crushing the table she was once bound, now smashed below one massive brown check as she groaned, feet punching into the side of the observation room, forcing the growing giantess to bend her knees as she pushed ever higher.

“Still eager to continue testing,” nodded the man, typing away as he glanced round to see the now globe sized brown eyes level with his observation room, the giantess beyond fogging up the glass with her breath, as her pants and shirt burst form her furry form, arms thick as trees and hips wide enough to crush a car shivering as she lay curled in his examination room, her hand leaving her breast to tap up on the glass partition.

Still smiling the wolf padded over grinning at the flushed giantess now cradled in his observation room. “Yes my dear…what can I do for you?”

“I…um…” blushed the woman cradling her gigantic chest under one arm, her legs pressing thighs nearly a dozen feet thick and shaped like a super model. “Could…I …be….” Her words dripping out form full wet lips as she gazed at the smiling man, her back shivering as below her sex throbbed hungrily giving her all the permission she needed to beg for what she truly wanted… “Bigggeerrr!” she moaned her hot breath fogging up the glass, her pink tongue lolling out as she felt a fresh jolt at saying it outload, her body quaking as dripped across the observation floor, panting up to see the Dr smiling down at her.
“Hehe of course Ms. Nahila, that,” he smiled turning from the panting giantess, “we do best.”

A few days later found a particular Thomas standing at the window to his office building watching in naked shock as with a booming tread two gigantic paws smashed into the parking lot as he and hundreds of others followed the massive pillars up and up past sharply wolverine hips to the smiling face of a towering wolverine spy her long tongue sliding out to run over her lips as she rubbed one paw down her black chest panting as she turned, tail lifting to expose proof of just how much she enjoyed looking down on the tiny man, her shadow swallowing him and his building…her eager moan telling all just what she had in mind for his nice thick building. As off in the distance one could here a madman’s laughter as his new employee set about showing the city just what happens to those that bother him.
In other words, there must inevitably be unholy business here, just as there will be sacred, but I cannot guarantee to tell you -or even sometimes to know- which is which... All I want now is time to enchant you.
{Clive Barker, Galilee}
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