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Unread 05-27-2023   #101
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Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
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Fourth-Year-College Students from the University of North Carolina at Raleigh Stephen and Fred, both twenty-one-years old, are heading West on a summer road-trip out to the sandy beaches of California before commencing their final year of undergraduate study intending to beach-bum their way all up and down along the coastline surfing the waves and hitting on hot beach bunnies until it's time to head back home again at the end of August when they wind up stopping for a few nights at the swanky, exclusive and luxurious new House of Bacchus casino-resort hotel on the outskirts of Las Vegas. There they are astonished to see that the resort is densely inhabited by a seemingly-overwhelming number of gorgeous young women, many of whom work on the resort's 'hospitality staff' and are more than willing to partake in a little sensual fun with the guests and patrons staying at the resort. Unfortunately, upon arriving at the resort, the two young men are all-but turned away on account of their inability to afford even the cheapest of the sumptuously-luxurious guest accommodations there.

When the mysterious, handsome, and strangely-alluring owner of the resort, a man named 'Fabius,' not only offers to comp the two travelling college guys a free room for the evening, but then also goes on to extend them the chance to stay on at the resort for the remainder of the summer and to work there as 'interns,' Stephen and Fred are sorely tempted by the offer, and soon make up their minds to accept, not yet realizing just what it is that they are actually agreeing to, or where the bulk of the gorgeous young women who make the House of Bacchus' hospitality staff originally came from, though even as they begin to partake in the many sensuous and pleasurable delights and enticements that the resort facilities have to offer, they soon begin experiencing strange and unusually effeminate thoughts and fantasies that begin to make them question whether they might not rather prefer to change places with a few of the gorgeous young female employees who work on the hotel staff. . .

At 30,000 words, The House of Bacchus (Part One)is the first installment in a new, two-part story featuring Initially-Reluctant Magical Gender Transformation and Feminization in the context of working at a sexy, swanky, magically-enchanted Las Vegas casino-hotel resort! I hope you enjoy it!
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