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Unread 09-21-2023   #2178
AAWIL fanatic
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Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by TF-Viewer View Post
Yeah. Most of us know better than to get our hopes up, especially with some obscure low budget project.

There have been a couple surprisingly good TFs this year, and because we generally aren't allowed many nice things... this next one's probably going to be underwhelming. As always I'd love to be wrong about that. But I think that Black Mirror werewolf TF used up all the good luck we had accumulated for the foreseeable future.
Totally agree, Black Mirror gave us one of the best female werewolf TFs ever. Moreover, if you go here:
this invites to optimism for the near future: an affordable and replicable way to make good werewolf transformations that could be reused many times, for example for a series. The usage of a "digital twin" of the actress will let create some nice stuff in the near future, for sure .
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