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Unread 10-03-2023   #6
Writer of the Fetishes
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Re: Feeling Low - Shrink Fan Comics

Originally Posted by 変な変態 View Post
Not liking certain stories is one thing. Perfectly fine, as we all have different tastes. In matter a fact I also found that the antagonist in Laundry Day just didn’t do it for me.
But you can’t deny that this, by many, is a beloved story and the antagonist plays a important part in it. Don’t you think people would feel cheated if they adapted this story without the antagonist? I would make the argument that this wouldn’t be the same story they came to love.

I get your frustration, but I think it’s unfair to claim that “your kink” is being used somehow. Your argument sounds a lot like you being sick of people who enjoy parts of this kink you don’t.
Most of Jitensha’s work is probably not to your tastes, but I hope you would agree that there’s nothing wrong with the work she enjoys making.

There is nothing wrong with wishing that there was more consensual, girl on girl, sw, content. In matter a fact I’m wishing the same. I would just ask you to not take down those who enjoy something you don’t.

Have you read PlushWombat’s works on DA?
He has quite a few romantic SW stories. As far as I know all of them are girl on girl.
I have read and prefered PlushWomabt's work.

What I am saying is that there is an uncomfortable majority of stories, typically male focused, on keeping the female lead in peril or being punished for perceived slights. It's an obvious power fantasy and if you have been in the scene as long as I have, you would have noticed how violent SW can be and how so many male SW writers seem to be bleeding female people they know irl or simulations of women they know into these works. Often over the idea of control (read: non-consensual)

I' not here to 'knock' against people's kinks. I just don't want people getting a boner over keeping women terrified and under power with the threat of potential violence with them being shrunk.

Take Boom, Boom, Shrink. "The bully gets what's coming to her"

Or "Upcoming Descent" where the person being shrunk is "a bitch that needs to be taken down a notch"

As if justifying an experience the shrunken perceives as terrifying and not equal to the 'crime'.

Then there is Small Justice which is just torture porn, same as Size Smahers to name a few that Shrinkfan has made themselves.

I just want more lesbian romance in shrinking fantasies that doesn't also go to micro in the first or second act.

There's also a very weird amount of penis worship surrounding SWs

Last edited by Doll-Elf; 10-03-2023 at 05:25 PM.
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