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Unread 10-29-2023   #108
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Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

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Following their harrowingly alarming (and yet, somehow, at the same time, secretly and excitingly sexually arousing) discovery that the pair of 'super-cool' 'summer internship' positions for which they had applied at the ultra-swanky VIP luxury resort-hotel The House of Bacchus, high up in the hills overlooking the heart of downtown Las Vegas, required them to first undergo an intensely erogenous experience of sex-changing, girl-making gender transformation, the two twenty-year-old college seniors Fred and Stephen retreat to the super luxurious suite that they are being comped up in one of the guest residential towers looming high above the central resort complex and make a plan to hole up there while they try to hold out against the enticingly seductive allure of the taboo, effeminate and emasculating thoughts and fantasies which are now raging within both their minds and hearts, not solely as a result of the feminizing magics that have now been unleashed upon them but also in response to their own private, personal lifelong fantasies and fetishes about just how 'hot' and 'sexy' they had occasionally imagined, over the years, that it might be to get to turn into a foxy babe for a night or two (or even longer.)

If Fred and Stephen can only hold out against the effeminizing, sex-changing magic for the duration of the one week 'probationary period' built into their magically-binding contracts, then they will once more be free to depart from The House of Bacchus with their lives and masculinities fully intact. Unfortunately, their resolve to resist the feminizing enticements that now seek to get their hooks into the two hapless young men are directly undercut by the fact that upon returning to their suite the two are horrified to discover that the previously-empty closets and dresser drawers within their shared sleeping area are now jam-packed full of sexy, flirty, and revealingly fetching items of female clothing such as skirts, dresses, snug-fitting leggings and hip-hugging blue jeans, sky-high stiletto heels and shimmering pairs of women's pantyhose (etc., etc.), while the bathroom countertop is littered with more items of feminine grooming, beauty, and cosmetic supplies than they can count--physical evidence of the two brand-new, no-longer-quite-so-theoretical female lives and identities (alter-egos) that the magic of the resort has prepared for both Fred and Stephen to step into once they finally give in to the girlish and feminizing powers that swirl about them!

Will the two young college men be able to hold out against the combined seductive thrall of their own private sexual fantasies of male-to-female gender transformation and the alluring enticements provided by abruptly finding themselves hemmed in on all sides by every bit of enticingly fetching feminine finery that they had ever thought to fantasize about a hypothetical female fantasy version of themselves getting all dressed up in before a fun and frisky night out on the town? Or will they slowly but surely begin to succumb?

At just over 30,000 words, The House of Bacchus (Part Three)is the third installment in what is now a planned, four-part story featuring Initially-Reluctant Magical Gender Transformation and Feminization in the context of working at a sexy, swanky, magically-enchanted Las Vegas casino-hotel resort! I hope you enjoy it!
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