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Unread 03-24-2019   #1
أنا رجل مضحك
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Story time with the weird guy

I'm just gonna write this shit because I'm bored. I'll make new drafts as I feel like it

I call this story "Aware"

Enjoy! Or don't I really don't care...

I wish I could tell you my name, or where I am, or what led me here. I wish I could tell you about myself, who I was, what street I grew up on, where I went to school; all of that! Trust me, I really want to; more than anything in the world I want to! Its just....

The author didn't write me a backstory...

Yep! You heard that right! This half ass excuse for a writer didn't even bother to write me a compelling backstory! Oh but look! He did give me a mirror so I can find out what the fuck I actually look like! I am very well proportioned (the realistic kind mind you, not the kind those breast expansion or muscle creeps are into). I find myself having very nice and feminine legs that are complimented perfectly with a pair of 2 inch black pumps. Looking into a nearby mirror I see I was given long black hair that is pushed behind my ears, blue eyes, an admittedly cute short black dress, snug fitting underwear, and a smile that might as well scream "I control men with this". Taking all of this into consideration, I have developed a hypothesis that this shitshow of a story is supposed to be either a romance or an erotica.

Sorry I threw all of that exposition at you, but I'm telling you everything I know! I only just "remembered" what I'm doing in this building: conducting an experiment (oh God this is an erotica isn't it?). And hey I finally got a backstory now! My name is Dr. Jessica Simons, I am 25 years old and I spent a good 2 and a half years researching the concept of diminishing matter; shrinking things in size essentially. I finally have developed what I believe is a functioning shrinking pill.

My hypothesis is that all living matter is the size it is because of the brain. The brain tells the body what to grow, how much of it to grow, and when to stop growing. I believe this pill contains the chemicals necessary to trick the brain into rapidly reversing its growth commands. This would cause the organism in question to painlessly and efficiently shrink in stature. Of course if I left it at that the brain would shrink until it's smaller than a cell. So I also produced a bacteria that stops this reversal at a default of around 14 cm (or for all you Americans that's roughly 5 and a half inches).

Walking into my laboratory, I see my test subject sitting in a swivel chair: a 19 year old girl named Andrea Miller, despite being a massive 180 centimeters (5'10), she looks like a 10 year old girl. Perfect for shrinking inconspicuously! I set the pill to shrink her to 137 (4'5) centimeters just to test it out and- wait a minute... she's dressed very conservative and not lewd at all, and I'm dressed all feminine and erotic... oh fuck me I'm the one going to shrink aren't I? No! Fuck you author and your weird ass kinks! I'm shrinking this girl whether you like it or not!

"Um, are you okay Jessica? You seem to be staring into space." I heard Andrea say in her typical so-shy-its-cute voice (hey you did some actual characterization, good job author!). It made me remember she doesn't realize were in a shitty story. For her sake I'm gonna play along.

"Of course I'm fine! Just making sure everything is all good and ready!" That's not really a lie either, I'm making sure she will be the one shrinking and not me. At first I was staring into space, but now I'm just making sure there aren't any secret machines or anything that can cause me to shrink. Nothing is in sight and the syringe is in my hand. Everything is good! Time to beat the author at his own game!

I smiled and readied the syringe. "Alright, all things are good, I will now give you the shot. Don't worry about your dignity or anything. I made sure it is just us girls in the building!" I was able to say that will full confidence since the author hasn't given me memory of, nor has he ever written in any male characters! Honestly i'm starting to wonder if it's just me doing these studies in the building. Is this legal? Where is this building even located? All the places I know wouldn't allow this shit on human subjects.

Oh fuck I'm wasting time, gotta inject this syringe! I walked over to her and grabbed and wiped her arm with an alcohol wipe (no I didn't have this before. Its like I said: the writer makes this shit up as he goes.) before I slowly injected the formula. Afterwords I stepped back and grabbed my notepad to take notes.

It bloody worked! Only mere seconds after the injection and she's already shrinking! I can see her head creeping down the chair as her shirt begins to swallow the cuffs of her hands. Her white tennis shoes are getting so obviously looser, I don't know why she felt the need to put one leg over the other, because now her shoe is dangling off her ever dwindling bare foot. The other is just leaving it outright on the ground. I look back up and see her hands completely engulfed by her sleeves. Andrea tried to pull her sleeves back and all it did was cause her shirt to start sliding off her right shoulder. Damn she has a really cute bra, where can I get that? Wait there isn't anything outside of this lab is there? Dammit!

By now Andrea is blushing harder than a tomato smeared with blood, her right shoe finally fell off her foot, she understandably curls her toes in embarrassment. A few more seconds and- bingo! Her left foot rose up the chair to the point where her big toe is the only one still in the shoe, holding onto it for dear life. The shirts a lost cause at this point, she's already accepted that and is trying to cover herself with her bra (now the neck hole is wider than her entire body), and after losing the battle with the shoe, the big toe succumbs to the black void of the jean's pantlegs (which had already swallowed up the right foot).

Andrea has now gotten small enough to the point her legs are no longer dangling off of the chair. I told her to stand up and had to suppress a giggle when she stood right out of her jeans and her panties. She's a clever girl this one, she's using one bra cup to cover her chest and the other to cover her vagina; not bad!

It was only now I realized the problem: she is significantly shorter than 137 centimeters. Dammit! The author gave me the default one! "I-I thought I was only gonna shrink a foot in height!" Andrea squeaked out in terror. I informed her of the situation, and how she will become the default 14 centimeters. I think she started to yell in protest about how she didn't agree to this, but by then her voice was being swallowed up by her massive bra.

Alllright! A few seconds have passed, I've documented all the notes, and now Andrea is sitting in her panties, desperately trying to cover herself. It's actually really cute how helpless and innocent she looks. (I'd say you'd have to be here to see it, but there isn't really a here. After all I am just a string of the ISO basic Latin alphabet written in such a way to conceptualize a living female.)

"Super sorry about that Andrea! I'll be sure to increase your pay to make up for this!" Yes this is a lie, I have no money, however I want to make her feel at least a little better about her situation. I mean I don't just want to come out and say "You're going too be sexually humiliated and then cease to exist." Something tells me that wouldn't bode well with her, you know?

Anyway I walked over to where she is and grabbed the newly-made pipsqueak before giving her a napkin as a dress and taking her over to my examining table. Proportionally she looks fine, her breasts and thighs might be a tad bigger since the author is a fucking perverted asshole, but besides that she's all good!

So now I'm just measuring her height, weight, and what have you to complete the study. Weirdly enough one of my dress straps fell off my shoulder, so I had to fix it an- why am I dangling my heel? I know the author has a shoe fetish but I was never a shoeplayer. Come to think of it, the heel of my foot isn't reaching the edge of the heel, and my dress strap fell off agai-

Oh fuck me I'm shrinking.

How? Fucking how? This is just bullshit! If you wanted me to shrink, at least write up a dumb excuse as to why! Don't just have me start for no fucking reason! How hard would it have been for me to simply forget the side effect that freshly shrunken subjects are contagious? Clearly not too hard, since I just fucking came up with it!

Its getting really hard to keep on my shoes, every second they are getting bigger and bigger! I can see them growing on my feet! My toes are just being engulfed by the very shoe that just a minute ago was a tad on the tight side. I'm not even bothering with my dress straps since my boobs are already starting to be revealed. Luckily the author gave me a size smaller bra so right now the bra fits perfectly.

"Jessica, wh-why are you getting smaller too?" Poor Andrea doesn't realize she just fucked me over. Well kind of, in reality the author did by writing this in. Hey author! This shitty plot device doesn't even make any fucking sense!

Why am I even bothering? I can't stop fate. I'm nothing but a fictitious character at the whim of a horny author. So if you can't beat them, I guess I have no choice but to join them! You win author! I was created to shrink for the amusement of the reader by golly that is what I'll do!

With a loud thud my heels have fallen off of my little diminishing toes, a cool breeze goes between them as I wiggle them playfully. Grabbing a hold of my dress by the chest, I decided to stand up, giggling as my panties fell to the floor. I need to get onto the table before its too late, the gap is getting ever wider as I am growing ever smaller. With a running start I leaped over and grabbed the ledge of the table, took me some effort but I managed to pull myself up without losing my dress (which is now creeping so far down I can only see my toes).

I couldn't help but smile as I saw the bewildered Andrea standing before me, growing ever taller. "I guess this is my karma for getting you the wrong dose huh?" My joke didn't seem to get through to her, as she continued to look scared and confused.

"D-did I do this to you? I'm so so so so so so sorry!" The girl fell to her knees and sobbed. Even though this will speed up my shrinking, probably to the point I become shorter than her, I can't sit here and watch her cry. I bent down and began to comfort her, letting her cry on my shoulder for as long as I can since her head is becoming bigger than my entire chest. My dress has swallowed my body whole at this point, only being held by the girls head pressed against my chest. I felt another weird sensation as my breasts now felt a silky dress instead of a cotton bra, meanwhile my knees had the opposite effect.

I am now too small to hold her head with just my shoulder, I have to use my hands too. Luckily she eventually found this out and hugged me instead. Unluckily for me, however, she stood up and carried me to her chest. Now I have fallen out of my dress as well and still shrinking.

Well this is it I guess, I was unable to stop fate. I tried to become more than just a sexual concept made for those who have a fetish impossible to realize in the real world, but it was all in vain. Soon I will shrink to nothing, this story will end, and I will cease to exist. There is only one decision I have left to make... Now what I'm going to do next is out of character for me, and I'm not doing this to please the author. On the contrary, what I do next he will find disgusting. I'm doing this for the rest of you readers who like things a little spicy. Author, grant me this one wish.

"You know, you look kind of cute this small. I think before you shrink to nothing, I might get my payback." Andrea smirked at me, now small enough to be held with one hand. I know this is out of character for her, author, and I know this isn't even that sexy, but for the sake of those who do find this sexy, I thank you. As Andrea lowers me down to her clitoris, I ask one thing of you: the reader. Do not forget about me, do not forget about my sacrifice.

I knew from the very beginning I was to only last a view paragraphs before ceasing to exist, I was hoping I would get the ending where I outsmart the author and ride into the sunset victorious. But you know what? This is okay too. I hopefully got to be apart of your daily masturbation, or at least turned you on with my tale. Maybe you can re-read my story sometime, let me exist once more. I'll be here if you ever need me.

Last edited by Anotherfetishguy; 03-24-2019 at 04:47 AM. Reason: you're*
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Unread 03-24-2019   #2
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Re: Story time with the weird guy

Perfect title and kinda fun, if you don't mind the forth, fifth, and sixth walls being broken. ha

I've been hesitating to post any stories lately, cause my significant other has kept me busy. ha And she wasn't really into the SW or other transformation kinks, but she's humoring me now. She's really just wonderful. I love her - as big as I want to be small. ha
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Unread 03-24-2019   #3
Professor of Shrinkology
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Re: Story time with the weird guy

This was fun in a meta sort of way. And I enjoyed the paragraphs describing the process.

@OhZone I'm in a similar situation, but my SO has fun with it now (took a while).
I took the Splunge! Thanks to Prof_Sai for the avatar. =)
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Unread 03-24-2019   #4
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Re: Story time with the weird guy

Cool! Let's keep converting people to the small side.
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Unread 03-24-2019   #5
أنا رجل مضحك
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Re: Story time with the weird guy

Originally Posted by OhZone View Post
Perfect title and kinda fun, if you don't mind the forth, fifth, and sixth walls being broken. ha
Originally Posted by armorcommand View Post
This was fun in a meta sort of way. And I enjoyed the paragraphs describing the process.
Glad you guys liked it! I've had this idea for awhile now and randomly decided to make it a real thing. I've been on ERP servers a bit more so I wanted to see if I truly did improve as a writer.

Last edited by Anotherfetishguy; 03-24-2019 at 03:10 PM.
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Unread 03-26-2019   #6
Julie Juggernaut
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Re: Story time with the weird guy

Originally Posted by ohzone View Post
perfect title and kinda fun, if you don't mind the forth, fifth, and sixth walls being broken. Ha

i've been hesitating to post any stories lately, cause my significant other has kept me busy. Ha and she wasn't really into the sw or other transformation kinks, but she's humoring me now. She's really just wonderful. I love her - as big as i want to be small. Ha
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