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Unread 09-29-2009   #1
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Horst-Wessel-Lied (Complete)

Figured I would test the waters with a little story that is part to the series I have been working on and posting on Min's site. If folks do not hate it, I will post more.

Dark themes (My specialty) and distressing concepts of cruelty and misbehavior.


Adjusting his black cap as he smiled into the mirror that hung by his office door, Dr. Ute Lutz regarded himself for a moment before taking his daily walk through the camp to the depot. Brushing a bit of dandruff from the shoulder of his black leather coat that hung upon his shoulders, he made certain that his uniform was in good order. Never one to be any less than a shining example of the SS Medical Corps, Scientific Division, he smiled. Today he would test the project that Reichsf?hrer Himmler himself called the ultimate weapon if the right subject could be found among the new arrivals.

Strutting out of his office, Dr. Lutz indulged himself in the fawning looks his secretary always gave him. Tall and almost the archetypical example of Aryan supremacy, Dr. Lutz basked in the attention of most women. Tipping his cap to the young woman as he strode for the door, he breathed deeply of the cold winter air. Walking to the receiving area, the strains of the Blue Danube filled the area as the more talented prisoners played to calm the new arrivals and lengthen their own lives. Smiling to the string quartet as they bowed their heads to avoid his eyes in fear of what punishment such behavior warranted, he could not resist a grin. The world was the Greater Reich and the Greater Reich was the world. History had made its choice and nothing could resist the might of Germany under the leadership of Der F?hrer. Dr. Lutz was more than happy to be able to offer his brilliance in service to the Reich.

Watching the poor wretches disembark from the cattle cars, he moved his right hand in time with the music. Standing on the platform, he made certain to keep a keen eye for a suitable subject of his crowning achievement. Seeing few that appeared even nearly healthy enough to endure the rigors of the experiment, he felt his hopes beginning to fade. His mind listing the attributes that would mark a subject as being viable for the experiment, he frowned and wondered why the captured individuals being dropped off at the camp were such poor examples even for their less than Aryan influences.

Ready to give up and endure the wait until the next shipment of prisoners, his cold blue eyes caught sight of what he hoped would prove to be an almost perfect subject. While the sex of the individual did not really matter, a female seemed to be more desirable as a matter of his own tastes. Unsullied by the hard work and starvation of the camp, the ones he had at his disposal already, were hardly fit to survive the process. Seeing her look about nervously as she clung to a leather bag and a suitcase, both of which were yanked from her hands and tossed into one of the bins before the guard handed her a claim check she would never need.

Healthy by all he could see at the distance, he moved to instruct the guards to pull her from the line that was being sorted between those with the ability to work and those who would simply take their last steps to the liquidation area. Walking slowly towards the woman as the guard tugged her arm to direct her out of the line, Dr. Lutz shook his head. ?No no Sergeant. We must not be so rude to such a fine young lady.? Tapping his riding crop against the back of the Ukrainian guard, Dr. Lutz could not help but consider that the man was a barbarian barely worthy of wearing the uniform of the Reich. It was wartime after all and such as the guard had their place but one did have to correct them when they acted so brutishly without good cause or orders. Further, the new arrivals were to be kept calm until they could be sorted and separated. Once they were diluted by the masses in the camp, then they could see just how banal the guards could get when bored or annoyed.

Seeing that the woman was not only frightened but shaking from the cold, Dr. Lutz pulled off his scarf and offered it to her with a smile. Watching as she hesitantly took the woolen scarf and wrapped it around her neck, he nodded with a wider smile. ?Come my dear. Let me see what we can do to accommodate you more properly.? Running a gloved finger along her cheek with the touch of a butterfly?s wing, he sighed happily as she held as still as she could. Lifting a few locks of her long auburn hair to watch them cascade across his leather clad index finger, he addressed her. ?Now. Why such a sad face. I can only imagine how terrible the journey was in that awful train car. Please, allow me to offer you something warm to drink. Some food perhaps?? His tone soft and friendly as her sparkling blue eyes rose to met his. Seeing her relax a bit, he nodded. ?Yes. You must be famished after that long ride and I think a hot meal should be just the thing to make you feel more at home. Don?t you?? As her shoulders slumped, her head turned and she looked at her meager belongings in the bin by the train. ?Of course.? he offered before flicking his crop to get the Sergeant?s attention. ?Her bags. Please get them and bring them to my laboratory. Miss?? Smiling at her as a suggestion that she should give her name, he sighed as she quietly offered ?Arceneau, Simone Arceneau.? Her voice shaking as he pulled his leather trench coat off to drape it carefully across her shoulders. ?French I see. How lovely.? he replied before addressing the Sergeant. ?Yes. Please retrieve Miss Arceneau?s bags and bring them along Sergeant. She will be staying with me at the lab and will need her things.? Nodding at the guard?s salute, he turned his attentions once more to the young woman next to him who seemed dwarfed by his black leather coat. ?How fitting.? he could not help but think to himself as he offered his arm and led her to the center of his professional life.

His tall black boots crunching in the snow beneath them, the quartet had moved on to a bit of Bach. Waving his free hand to the rhythm of the music, he felt as he did when he was a child on Christmas morning. Even the sound of some of the new arrivals sobbing and calling out to loved ones as they were separated could not spoil his mood as he led his prize to the large building that housed his laboratory. Having learned to ignore the smell that hung about the camp like a miasma to cling to one?s clothing and soul, Dr. Lutz enjoyed the look on the young woman?s face immensely. Fear had such a succulent nature for him and nothing could quite sate his appetites like seeing the human animal react in the most primal expressions of terror. During the preliminary experiments, so many had given up their most honest renditions of pure fright and for him, that was simply one of the aspects of his work that made it more of a joy than just a duty.

When he had presented the first notes on his work to the Science Division, no less than Dr. Heydrich had contacted him directly. While the man had a way about him that unnerved Dr. Lutz, he could recognize pure, unadulterated genus instantly. No bothersome questions that were more matters of the fanciful science fiction serials the Americans seemed so fond of, but rather in depth inquiries into the very heart of the sciences involved in his work. The pale blue eyes that had stared at him through wire rim glasses appeared to absorb even the most minute details of what he had proposed and offered as proof that his experiments were worthy of the SS Scientific Division.

?The issue of mass. You have an answer for that Dr. Lutz?? Dr. Heydrich had asked with a look of deep concern. Indeed, the most perplexing aspect had been what to do with the left over mass and Dr. Lutz took the greatest pride in explaining that he had, indeed, found a solution. After his next visit to Berchtesgaden, Dr. Heydrich had returned to meet with Dr. Lutz and offered a very excited entourage of guests along with Reichsf?hrer Himmler. When asked if he should perhaps move his experiments to a more secure location by Dr. Heydrich, Reichsf?hrer Himmler had grown surly. Reminding Dr. Heydrich that the Concentration Centers were among the most secure facilities in the Reich. Not wanting to anger either man, Dr. Lutz had made it clear that he would move his research or remain where he was as a matter of loyalty to his superiors. This had the oddest effect of seeming to please both men as they dined that evening.

The first few subjects had suffered the ill effects of the processes used to test both his theories and equipment. In every case, the prisoner was left dead in the most gruesome of manners. Always living long enough to experience the effects of the experiments, their fear became as rewarding as the information gathered through their utilization. Their faces contorted in impossible mockeries of normal expressions, gave to Dr. Lutz a feeling of pleasure that only such unchallenged omnipotence could. Their last cries of agony as, in some cases, their bodies were turned inside out, they knew beyond any possible doubt as to the name of the man who had visited such powers over their existences. No lover?s kiss or simple act of carnal lust could compare with the ecstasy of being the last thought in the mind of a sentient being. Of being like a god to them in their last moments of life. Still, the object was not his pleasures. There was a war raging and his duties to the Reich came first. Knowing this, he had awaited the perfect subject for the refined and calibrated applications of his device. And now, he had just the sort of subject that would offer the best hope of having a surviving result of his work.

Leading her into the outer room of the laboratory, he helped her off with the leather coat and held it out to one of his assistants. Likewise his cap but his crop he kept as was his habit. ?Some soup and meat for our guest.? he spoke while staring into her eyes. His teeth bared in a happy smile that concealed so many of his dark designs with regards to her. Having her sit at the little table that served to afford him the ability to eat without having to leave the sanctuary of his lab, he took the seat next to her and poured wine from a crystal decanter into a glass before her. ?The sweetest of wines for such a sweet young woman.? he offered while raising his own glass in a toast to her.

Seeing her reaction to the food as it was placed before her, he could not contain a soft chuckle. ?Go on. I can assure you my cook is quite good. You do look as if you have not eaten well in some considerable time.? Her hollow cheeks and deep set eyes denoting a harsh time of late in her life. The threadbare clothes that, while certainly of a decent quality, indicated a moderate lot in life, bore holes and stains as well as being mixed together to create an outfit meant for warmth and durability more than any sense of style. Her long thin fingers grasping the silverware as she leaned closer to the steaming bowl of potato soup making her all the more a vision of want and deprivation. Tapping the tip of his crop to the shaft of his left boot as his leg rested atop his right, he took a singular pleasure in how she jumped a bit at its rhythm. ?Oh I am so very sorry. An old habit from my days of riding as a lad. Please, enjoy yourself.? he quipped as he continued the action that caused her some concern. Even the groaning and flexing of the leather of his boot as his ankle bent and rotated, gave his eyes the treat of seeing her react like a small frightened animal torn between the desire to flee for some hidden place and the gnawing pangs of long familiar hunger.

Knowing what was to come, he found his enjoyment of the anticipation of the experiment to hold a greater character than even the very decent wine he shared with his subject on this occasion. The young woman who had accepted the food and drink was, as yet, unspoiled. Innocent and relatively pure of the more troubling aspects of the camp. Aside from a few glimpses of the darker nature of the function of the camp from the train station, she had yet to be exposed to the various diseases and hardships faced by the prisoners. Typhus, typhoid, dysentery and cholera had not yet become parts of her permanent lexicon. Nor had the lack of food or fresh water been a factor in breaking down her body as yet. Certainly not suitable to be considered for the ranks of the Kapos, those who did the bidding of the Reich to coerce and beat their fellow prisoners for the privilege of a heavier jacket and permission to eat from the SS garbage cans, her future in the camp would have been a short and miserable one at best.

?Innocent.?, the word made Dr. Lutz smirk as he watched her try to steady her hand in anticipation of the flavor and filling qualities of the soup and meats that were her reward for being of use to both his professional duties and, he had to confess, his appetites. Enjoying the show she unwittingly put on for his gratification, the sound of boots scuffing along the floor of his private dining area made him scowl.

?Sturmbannf?hrer Lutz?? the younger officer began before being cut off by a very annoyed Dr. Lutz. Without rising from his chair or turning his head as he observed how his subject reacted to the interruption, her fork dropping from her hand as she stared hungrily at her plate. ?DOCTOR Lutz, Untersturmf?hrer. How many times must I point out that is how I am to addressed?? he asked in a cold tone before smiling to calm his guest. Still refusing to turn his head to regard the junior officer, Dr. Lutz sighed. ?What is it that is so pressing that you would interrupt my meal time so rudely Untersturmf?hrer?? he asked before motioning to his guest that she should continue eating.

?The Commandant is concerned over the news that you have taken a new arrival out of processing and would appreciate it if you could come to his office and explain your actions. She has not even been assigned a number let alone examined by the medical staff. You know this is all highly irregular and?? Before the young officer could continue, Dr. Lutz waved his hand dismissively. ?If you can find a more qualified doctor in this camp to examine Miss Arceneau, I would be very interested in meeting him. As for the Commandant?s other concerns, please remind him that if he has questions with regards to my activities, he need only call Reichsf?hrer Himmler in Berlin or he may try to track down Dr. Heydrich. In either case I can only imagine their reaction to my being interrupted in any way as I work on my projects for the Reich. Now, if you will be so kind as to allow Miss Arceneau to finish her meal, I will be most grateful.? The contempt and delight in his own importance practically dripping from his lips as he offered Miss Arceneau another happy smile. ?But Herr Doctor?? the young man began to protest only to have his words met with a sharp slap of the crop held by Dr. Lutz across his own boot. ?That WILL be all Untersturmf?hrer.? Dr. Lutz answered as he continued to tap the crop against the shaft of his tall black boot. Knowing he was in a perilous position in the presence of authorities far above himself, the young officer excused himself quietly and left.

?Nothing to concern yourself over Miss Arceneau. I can assure that while in my sphere of influence, no one else will touch you or harm you in any way.? His lips pulling back into a smile that made her stare for a moment. While completely honest in everyway, Dr. Lutz considered that she could not even comprehend the fate that he had in store for her. This only enhanced the final reveal for him. To have her come to trust him, to see him as some form of protector only to have her hopes dashed. Would she be stunned, horrified or simply lose control of her emotions all together? Wanting to savor every moment of the game, Dr. Lutz felt his power over her world growing with every sip of her soup and bit of meat on her fork.

Her meal finished, Dr. Lutz could not help but notice as she put a hunk of bread into her pocket. Smiling as she reinforced the image of one who had known want long enough to see the need for squirreling away food for survival, her host nodded. ?Of course you are welcome to the bread but I can only hope to assure you that such actions are not necessary. You will be provided nourishment as you contribute to one of the most important scientific projects of the Reich. But if it helps you to feel more comfortable, please take as much as you like.? His voice soft as his eyes held her in their gaze. Nervously she took the rest of the loaf and quickly concealed it in her other pocket. Caught in the act of taking food, a matter of dire punishment or outright death in the world as it was under the cloud of war, her eyes refused to meet his.

Stiff and unmoving as she kept silent in his presence, the subtle quivering her of lips and fingers fueled Dr. Lutz?s desires to savor her trepidation. Rising to his feet and holding out his hand, he offered a soft smile while indicating that she should join him. ?We shall see to your medical examination before we begin Miss Arceneau. Purely routine to make sure you are healthy and able to play out your part in my work.? Knowing she had little choice, she placed her right hand in his and stood. Dabbing a few crumbs that clung to her woolen skirt with a fingertip and bringing them to her lips guardedly. The worn leather soles of her shoes scraping along the concrete floor of the room as she was led to the huge steel doors that guarded the inner sanctum of his laboratory.

The large room past those doors held a collection of various devices and gauges. A table at the center, made of polished steel surrounded by lights and what looked like a giant camera with a long lens. Wires and pipes running from the camera like object led to machines that hummed with a low sound that seemed to vibrate the floor under her feet. ?Please my dear Miss Arceneau. If you would disrobe and allow me to examine you.? his cold blue eyes gleaming in the light of the overhead lamps. Seeing her hands reach up to clutch at her simple jacket and blouse, he chuckled. ?I am a doctor. Nothing to concern yourself over Miss Arceneau.? ?How quaint.? he thought to himself as she expressed her old world notions with regards to personal modesty. The idea that he could be tempted in such a base manner was almost comical. Aside from the stringent regulations with regards to any carnal relations between prisoners and those assigned to the camp, his world simply did not include such drives when faced with one of the lesser examples of humanity.

Sitting on the examination table as she slowly began to take off her jacket, placing it carefully on the table next to him, the trembling of her limbs and the nervous darting of her eyes gave him the sustenance that his more physical natures desired. Seeing her fingers fumble with the buttons of her blouse as she stripped it off to place it atop the jacket, his smile remained friendly. As her hands moved to her skirt and haltingly opened the side of it to allow it to drop along her legs and pool at her feet, he began nodding his head without comment. Bending over to untie her shoes and pull them off, the holes in her wool stockings afforded yet more the idea of her hard life and the length of time she had endured such hardships as was common among those living in the conquered nations the Reich now controlled. The care with which her long slender fingers rolled down those stockings expressing the sense that not one thing, no matter how worn and ruined, could be wasted in a world such as she knew.

Standing in her undergarments which bore the evidence of having lacked care for some time, he raised his crop and motioned to indicate that those too were to be removed. The soft sigh that escaped her lips as her shoulders slumped at the acceptance that the choice in such matters was no longer her own, she obliged in removing them with hands that seemed gripped by quiet fear. Standing before him now fully exposed, her hands moved to her breasts and womanhood to conceal them in a last attempt at some dignified sense of modesty. Allowing her the temporary and questionable comfort of such attempts on her part, Dr. Lutz picked up the clipboard that lay at his side by the small pile of her clothing on the table. Pulling the fountain pen from the inside pocket of his tunic, he began scribbling on the paper that was attached to the clipboard.

Noting her place of birth and age, which as it turned out was twenty four, he sounded out her name as his pen put it to paper. ?Well educated I would think as your German sounds flawless.? he offered with a wider smile as he recalled his one trip to Paris after it had fallen to the German forces. So many dull expressions as those living in the city made such a point of jabbering away in French. A small matter as his education had included that decadent language and making his orders known to the inhabitants of that city was no real challenge. All in all, a dull and wasted trip and more a matter of national pride in seeing the subjugated populace than any desire to sample its supposed pleasures of art and culture. Little use they proved to be as Germany so easily demonstrated its might and dominated the nation of France with little real resistance. Oh there were still those who opposed their new masters from the shadows but aside from some chance instances of cowardly assassinations and acts of futile sabotage, those misguided individuals were destined to be brought to justice when their luck finally ran out. As with the young woman now before him, France was stripped bare and merely a tool and a prize of the Reich.

Motioning her to move closer to him with his hand, he then moved his index finger to indicate that she was to turn around. Further enforcing his will upon her, Dr. Lutz could not help but notice her feminine attributes. While food had obviously been in short supply for the young woman, she still had the soft curves and rounded hips that denoted a softer body in her happier days. Hips that were shaped with a decidedly wide nature led to legs that, while still very womanly, had the benefit of muscles that had a toned nature that only added to her over all charm. Her breasts held the look of youth while giving the impression of fullness. Pert nipples, no doubt under the effect of both the slight chill in the lab and her nervous feelings, peeked out from behind her hand and arm as she tried to obscure them. As she turned fully to face him once again, he nodded approval. Rising to his feet from the examination table and scooping up her meager belongings with his free hand, he motioned with his head to tell her to take her place in the table.

Taking her clothes to another bench and placing them upon it, he then moved to a white metal cabinet and retrieved a stethoscope. Putting the buds of the device in his ears after setting his cap upon her clothes, he walked back to her. As she sat on the table, still trying to cover herself with her hands, he placed the cone of the stethoscope between her full breasts. ?Just breathe deeply Miss Arceneau.? he instructed her in a soft professional tone. As her chest rose and fell, he smirked as he felt her shiver under the pressure of the cone. Moving the cone to the quadrants of her chest and then her to her back, the sound of her heart beating so rapidly further stoked his passions for her fear. ?Such a child.? he thought of her as she still attempted to maintain her modesty. The idea that he would want her in that way and the dark mirth his true intentions gave rise to within himself making his lips curl ever so slightly.

Looking closely at her thick hair, he could see the roots did not quite match the color as a whole. Bright red hints of her true color had already begun to emerge from her scalp. Slipping a fingertip along her hairline as the cone of the stethoscope pressed to her warm flesh making her gasp just a bit, he wondered at how a woman of any age could consider such vanity so important when the basic necessities were in such short supply. As her eyes turned to meet his for a moment, the depth of her blue eyes flashed to offer him an almost pure example of the fear he desired before turning away from his gaze. His mind hungering to recapture that very essence of terror in his subject, Dr. Lutz set the stethoscope around his neck and drew forth a hypodermic needle for the purpose of drawing a blood sample. Strapping her upper arm and then piercing a vein, the sound of her whimper blew across the glowing coals of his passions. While many had given him their honest terror in the past as he conducted his work, she, this young woman, seemed to know exactly how to do so in a form that captivated him completely. The joys of what he would receive when the experiment was implemented was a matter he could only imagine as he felt his breath catching in anticipation.

Removing the needle from her arm, he set the tray with the blood samples on the other workbench and unbuckled his pistol belt. Setting it on the bench, he then unbuttoned his black tunic and set it on a hanger suspended from a hook against the wall. Pulling on a white lab coat, he turned back to the young woman. ?Please lay still as I set up the equipment.? his voice soft as he waited for any protestations on her part. Hearing none, he decided she was simply to afraid to do more than obey and that thought made his pulse races faster. Wiggling his hands and fingers into the thick rubber gloves he kept in the pockets of his lab coat, the snap that echoed from the rubber made her jump a bit on the table. His heavy boots echoing on the concrete floor timed out the pace of his movements. Keeping his actions slow and precise for the sake of the experiment and to allow her to think about what was to come, he took occasional glances to study her face. Seeing her bite her lower lip as her limbs lay still, he smiled while pushing the heavy metal barriers in place all around her. Leaving only a gap at one corner that was large enough for him to pass through. Reaching up to grasp the lens of the elongated device that looked like an oversized camera, he pulled it down, the joints of the armature squealing as it bounced a few times before sitting in place. Adjusting the barrel of the lens as a small light shone to give him a precise aim point, he saw those deep blue eyes of his subject dart about nervously. ?Nothing to worry about. It will all be over so quickly and then we shall perform the follow up examinations.? he offered the young woman as she held silent.

Lifting the ends of the leather straps that sat on both sides of the table, he drew them across her body after gently caressing her cheek. Watching intently as her face reacted to the sensation of the soft leather straps cinching across her breasts as another pulled across her waist, he glanced at her eyes for another taste of her helpless expressions. Buckling both straps in place, her body now trapped under them as she lay upon the cold metal table, he was careful not to make them too tight. Seeing her breasts become pressed down by the strap across her chest, he could observe her respiration become more rapid and shallow.

Taking up his clipboard and pulling a set of goggles from the front pocket of his lab coat, he instructed her to keep her eyes firmly shut until told to open them. His grin growing wide as he pulled the goggles over his face, he slipped through the gap in the metal barrier walls and pushed it shut behind him. Making a notation of the time, he walked slowly towards the instrument panel that controlled the device. Switching the wire recorder on to capture the events in audio as he began reading from his notes with regards to the woman, he threw the main power switch to begin the cycle that would build until the beam was fully charged. Seeing the lens of the machine glow above the metal barriers, he could only wish to see the reaction of his subject. Keeping his ears alert for the first sounds of true fear, he supposed that she was simply too terrified to offer more than whimpers that were drowned out by the droning of the machine. Turning his attention to the dial that indicated the level of the charge as it cycled, he watched the arrow shaped needle hover closer and closer to the red mark on the gauge?s face. Once it sat firmly in place within the ?Fully Charged? mark, he grasped the firing switch and held his breath.

Pulling the switch down, a bright flash that refused to vanish too rapidly filled the room as his ears popped. The smell of ozone becoming all that his nose could discern. Even behind the dark glass of the goggles, turning his head in the direction of the containment area made small bright spots follow his field of vision. The sound of the forces unleashed by his machine as it first contracted and then displaced matter itself, thundering loud enough to make the heavy concrete floor shudder under the soles of his boots. Moving his shaded eyes to the smaller dial on the panel that gave the duration of the beam, he began to count down with it until, once it reached zero, he disengaged the machine. As the room of the lab slowly took on its normal appearance, his eyes gradually came back into perfect focus. Pulling the goggles from his face once the room was no longer flooded with light, he placed them back in his lab coat pocket and hurried to the small cabinet that contained his camera. Lifting the small Leica from the cabinet, he took a deep breath. This was it, and if anyone could have survived the process, the young and obviously healthy Miss Arceneau would be the one. If not, further tests would have to be conducted and more time wasted as those in Berlin grew more impatient with regards to his progress.

Pushing the wheeled metal barrier open, he saw the tiny figure laying at the center of the table surrounded by the now empty straps. Too small to be held by them any longer, Miss Arceneau?s body was no more than eight inches in length. This had been the aspect that had captured the attentions of the Reichsf?hrer and Dr. Heydrich. The ability to produce a weapon that could render the enemy utterly impotent by sheer size alone. Once refined, the machine could be made portable and when employed in the battlefield, having the glorious Wehrmacht faced with diminutive forces to crush or capture at will. Once the Reich had come to encompass the entire globe, captured populaces could be controlled by means of keeping those considered a risk, tiny. Germany would reign supreme and the might of the German forces would know no equal as the British, Americans and Russians came to know their place or remain doll sized for all time. The ultimate Wonder Weapon unparalleled in human history. Because of the need for captive populations to serve the Reich, the effects were to be non-lethal. After all, what is the point of conquering the dead alone. Someone had to be left alive to worship the people who had come to master the world.

Moving closer to the tiny figure of the woman as he put the buds of the stethoscope back into his ears and then placed the cone atop her now tiny chest. Hearing the faint sounds of her heart and respiratory system, he took a moment to silently congratulate himself. Surely even the mysterious and often unpopular Dr. Heydrich could not match such a feat of science brought to the edges of all possibility. The man would simply have to accept being second favored within the Reich as he, Dr. Ute Lutz rose to the greatest heights of prominence.

Seeing the now tiny woman?s eyes flutter open gradually, he smiled broadly. ?Welcome to not only your new existence but the future of warfare.? he boasted as his eyes locked on to her face for the moment of horrific realization on her part. Waiting as he considered that her mind may well have become addled by the process, he found her expression disconcerting. Not the fear he had expected nor even the dull acceptance so common among the prisoners after a few days of adjusting to life in the camp. Testing his theory with regards to her thoughts, he reached into the front pocket of his lab coat and produced a small ruler. Setting it next to her and making sure to lean forward above her as well as slipping the rubber clad thumb of his hand against her side, he then lifted the camera to his eye and snapped a few pictures. Letting the strap that hung down from the camera dangle low enough to make contact with her as he did. A few pictures of her new measurements taken, he frowned as her face conveyed nothing if not an almost matter of fact acceptance of what had happened to her. ?Impossible? he mouthed before setting the camera down and pulling off his heavy rubber gloves with a resounding snap in each case. Tossing the gloves to the surface of the table near the tiny woman, he stared at her tiny face for any hint of the precious fear she had so ably exhibited for him previously.

Considering the worst, that her mind had become permanently damaged by the effects of his device, Dr. Lutz worried that the results of the experiment would be less than optimal for his report to Berlin. With any luck at all, the condition was temporary and he could, of course, justify further investigation with regards to her faculties. Placing his hand on the table as he leaned directly above her, he spoke slowly in case her IQ had suffered or damage to the reasoning centers of her brain had resulted. ?Can you hear me Miss Arceneau?? his tone low for the sake of what he could only imagine what her sense of hearing might be like at her new size. Seeing her tiny blue eyes look up at him as her mouth opened, he could only just hear her calm reply. ?Yes. Yes I can.? ?What is your name? Your date of birth? Where are you now? What is today?s date?? he continued as she answered each question without hesitation and did so accurately. Her personal details easily confirmed by the notes he had scribbled on his clipboard.

Still nothing. Not one hint of the fear she had shown before the blast of the beam. Her body moving slowly as she lifted one hand to grip her other wrist and massage it before his eyes. Sitting up as she regarded him with a look of what he could almost consider that of growing impatience, his mind began to squirm at the very sight of her. Was she simply too stupid, too dull witted to see not only the amazing demonstration of science that he had unleashed upon her but to ignore the perilous situation she now found herself in? To be so tiny, so helpless that a mere overly indulgent press of his little finger could crush the life out of her like some insect. How was it possible that she was not only containing screams of pure terror but looking up at him with a boldness that few of the prisoners dared to confront their captors with on any occasion.

His temper growing hot as he considered her impudence in the face of his utter mastery over her, he devised a true test of her will that would not necessarily result in having little to show for his efforts other than a tiny corpse. ?Lay back and hold still.? he growled softly before leaving the confinement of the rolling walls that surrounded the table upon which she now lay. Going to the rows of cabinets and taking out a small glass container and a set of metal tongs, he returned with a smirk on his face. ?Now we shall test your reaction to outside stimuli.? he whispered with a cruel hiss. Setting the glass container on the table and opening the top, he dipped the tongs into it to grasp and pull out a small snail. The metal fingers of the tongs holding it by the shell, he brought it to her face as she lay and stared up at him with a puzzling expression. As the creature ventured forth from its shell, the body of the snail reaching out with its slime laden form, he placed it upon her torso. Seeing it writhe and begin to pull itself along her body, he continued to he assaulted with the uncaring expression on her face. The undulating mass of the snail?s body slithering along her front to press itself to her breasts, he waited for any sign of discomfort let alone fear on her face. The trail of glistening moisture shining under the lights of the laboratory as the snail worked its way along her body to move closer to her face.

?Absurd.? he hissed before asking her if she could feel the snail as it drew forth and dragged its body along hers. ?Of course.? she answered before reaching out with a steady little hand to stroke the body of the creature. His anger rising as she made a mockery of his attempts to illicit her fear, he grasped the shell of the snail and lifted it to place it between her legs after another finger had pushed them apart. Now she made no attempts to cling to any modesty as she offered no resistance at all against his omnipotent finger as it forced her womanhood into plain view. Pushing the snail against her sex, he felt certain that such a banal and foul act on his part should demonstrate that he had little regard for her sensibilities and that she was nothing more than an object to him.

Still, as the creature recovered from being handled to emerge from its shell once more, reaching out to touch her most intimate of areas, her expression was that of one waiting for a train on any given day. He could tell that she knew what was happening to her on every level and yet she continued to deny him the pleasure of his little reward in the form of her terror. Picking up the snail and dropping it back into the little glass jar from which he had taken it, he nodded. ?A test of wills is it? Is that your game?? he spoke in a cold tone. ?This is your game Dr. Lutz. Not mine.? she answered without a hint of concern in her voice. ?Have it your own way.? he replied before picking a cotton swab with a wooden shaft from his lab coat pocket. Twirling the head near her tiny face as his lips parted in a toothy grin, he sighed. ?I recall your telling me that you are a virgin.? he whispered with the voice of a snake. Seeing her nod with little regard to the implications of his actions, he placed the tip of the swab on her bare tummy and began stroking her flesh with it teasingly. ?I think it will take nothing from the examination or the findings if I help myself to your?innocence?? His eyes narrow and menacing before dragging the head of the swab along her flesh to press it to the lips of her womanhood. Seeing no reaction beyond a hint of boredom, he began to increase the pressure of the swab against her sex. Feeling it pop past the lips of her womanhood, he grinned. ?Not exactly a romantic wedding night but?? And with that he forced the object into her. Her only reaction being a slight shaking of her head from side to side as her lips formed into an uncaring smirk.

?What is this nonsense?? he remarked after forcing the swab deep within her womanhood gave no hint of producing the desired effect. Pulling it out of her, he looked at the blood that stained the white cotton at the tip of the swab and found himself feeling the growing sense of rage in the face of a lesser being having attempted to make a fool of him. ?What are you?? he hissed before grasping her right breast between his thumb and forefinger with enough force the he was certain, had to produce a degree of agony for the tiny woman. ?Come now MISS ARCENEAU?surely you feel this!? he chuckled with the glee of a child tormenting a small animal. ?Of course.? being her only answer. Releasing her breast with a look of utter astonishment, he stepped back only to advance on the table once more before slamming his fist against its metal surface with enough force to cause her body to bounce to lay on her side. Watching her roll back to regard him with impatient eyes, his temper began to thunder within his mind. ?How?how DARE you look at me like that?? he shouted. Thrusting his hand towards her and grabbing her, the sensation of his fingers against her warm flesh sent flashes across his mind. Unable to contain his normally evolved emotions, hatred, white hot and cruel erupted in his thoughts as if someone had set fire to the very flesh of his mind.

?You are replaceable. Not unique in any way. After I have done with you, I will soon find another who does not?MOCK me!? he screamed as he carried her tiny body to the far end of the lab. ?We shall see how fearless you think you are and I can assure you, in this case you will come to harm!? his words almost tripping over themselves as he began to rant. His emotions and thoughts blazing past the point of any sense of self control. Lifting the top of the glass container that was attached to a pump by a series of hoses, he dropped her into the tube and sealed the lid. Setting his index finger upon the switch of the pump, he smiled. ?And this Miss Arceneau is where we say goodbye. I will examine your body by way of dissection once I am confident you have?expired.? Flicking the little switch that started the pump, he saw the rubber gasket at the top of the chamber compress. In short order the air would he sucked out of the container and his nemesis could enjoy the same sort of death that small animals used in experiments came to know. His eyes staring at the tiny figure of the woman as she sat motionless in the jar, he hoped that some last admission of his power over her would be forthcoming. But still, her hands never once rose to pound on the glass surface of the jar and her face never took on any other look than one of bored annoyance. As if forced to spend time with some unruly child who, while misbehaving, never had the capacity to push her to anger or fear.

His heart pounding as his pulse thundered in his ears, Dr. Lutz heard the heavy knocking at the steel doors that kept his laboratory safe from all who might wish to invade its personal sanctity for him. Not wanting to miss a moment of Miss Arceneau?s passing, he barked for the person attempting to interrupt him to ?Go AWAY!? His voice cracking as the sense of something ripping at his thoughts grew more pronounced. Watching her sit back so as to lean her shoulders against the surface of the container, he glared at the tiny blue eyes as they slowly closed without struggle on her part. Hearing the doors groan as they began to open, Dr. Lutz felt his rage boil over. Hurrying to his pistol belt and drawing the Luger from his holster, he could not consider anything but an act of violence as the uniformed men entered his lab. Firing off a round as the men stared at him and raised their Schmeiser machine pistols and began to fire in return.

The nine millimeter rounds ripping into his flesh, Dr. Lutz fell to the ground and snarled in primal rage. Dragging himself towards the rear of the lab, he decided that one last look at his victim was in order as death took him. Gripping his chest as the crimson blood began to stain his white lab coat, he lifted his eyes to the tiny figure that was sitting within the airless confines of the glass container. Seeing her tiny blue eyes, so full of depth and color staring back at him, he howled. Raising his pistol again to use the last of his strength to fire it at the object of his growing torment, another burst of rounds pounded into his flesh, ending his rage with a dull thud as his body slumped to the ground one last time.

Entering the laboratory as the uniformed members of the SS Sicherheitsdienst, considered the sister agency of the Gestapo, made sure the laboratory was secure, Dr. Heydrich came to stand by the corpse of the man who now lay on the floor. Shutting off the machine that had sucked the air from the glass container, he cracked the seal and reached into to grasp the tiny woman it held. Lifting her out and bringing her to his face, he smiled. ?Well done my Yvette.? he offered before turning to the armed men around him.

?See that the equipment is carefully packed and removed from here immediately. Use prisoners and see that they are liquidated after their tasks are completed. I will expect that no word of this incident or anything in this laboratory is ever leaked. Am I clear?? As the uniformed men snapped to attention, Dr. Heydrich motioned for them to leave so that he might have a moment alone in the lab.

?No he wasn?t.? the tiny woman spoke as Dr. Heydrich lifted her to his face once more. ?Of course not. One decent apple does not an orchard make. Just another human with a few bright ideas. Nothing more.? Answering the unasked question as his mind ?Heard? her thoughts. ?Had he been as brilliant as I am, he would have felt you scratching away at his simple little mind from the start. Still, he proved to be of use and I am sure his family will be told some comforting lie as to how he met his end.? Staring into her tiny blue eyes, Dr. Heydrich smiled softly. ?I can only imagine what you did to his mind. All that hate you keep so tightly contained in your thoughts. I think we shall keep you this size for sometime to come. No use letting you have too much power when I still own you so completely.?

Shouting for the members of the Sicherheitsdienst to begin the task of removing all of the laboratory?s contents including the notes and wire recordings, Dr. Heydrich slipped Yvette into his tunic pocket and walked out into the cold winter air of the camp. Such foolish little men as Dr. Lutz were so useful at times and Dr. Heydrich could appreciate the stench of the camp as it continued the process of demonstrating how easy it was to goad one group of worthless humans into hating all others so completely as to all but beg for their own domination and manipulation. Once more the world had given him everything he required to continue his work and for as long as the Reich proved to be of use, he would allow it to exist.
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