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Unread 10-12-2010   #1
Atrocious Pokegirl
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The Fruitful Tale of Martin Read (Complete)

I posted this story as my initiation challenge over at the Council RP site. It got me approved, so I figured, why not share with my good friends of the Process? This is the first piece I have ever written that could really qualify as an erotic story, so I'm not as confident in my writing as I normally would be...but I'll just let all of you be the judges of that.

For this initiation, I was given the scenario and told to use a story to act it out to the best of my ability. This story contains elements of TG, BE, and other aspects of general increased beauty.

You have been warned.


-The Fruitful Tale of Martin Read-

I spit out a mouthful of seawater as I slowly dragged myself up out of the surf. “Those…*hack* bastards…! *cough* It wasn’t my fault…*gasp*…you’d think none of them ever mistook pyrite for gold!”

It had been only a short while ago that I’d been sailing along with my crewmates on board the Los Pelirrojo, one of the most fearsome brigantines to ever savage the coast. Just by successfully joining their crew, any man who called himself ‘pirate’ could begin the path to being recognized among the smartest, strongest, and saltiest sea-dogs of all.

Suffice to say, I was more than a little excited to be accepted into the group, even if I did have to start out as a lowly powder-monkey. It would get better with time. I just had to work hard and be patient…

At least, that was the plan.

During our last stopover in a small port town, I had come across a fellow from another crew who was offering an entire chest full of gold in exchange for knowledge on whereabouts we had buried the loot from our crew’s most recent plunder.

I was almost drooling; the chest had to be stuffed full of more than twice the shine we had buried! I quickly took the chest and surrendered the information. It was only after we’d set sail that the captain was shown the fruit of my brilliant exchange.

It was shortly thereafter that I was being carried by my mates over to the portside rail.

“O’course…” the captain told me, “I might be willin’ ter o’erlook yer almighty blunder…if ye done like any buccaneer worth his salt ought an’ given the swindler a flase headin’. How ‘bout it, Marty?”


I do wish the water hadn’t been quite so cold…

So now, here I was, hopelessly marooned on this miserable little island. You’d think nobody before me had ever made a mistake! Then again, you didn’t hear of mistakes often on pirate ships…I guessed this must be the reason.

“Well…a ship should be by eventually…maybe I can barter service for a lift back to the nearest port…”

A loud growl from within me cut into my thoughts.

“Er…but first…I suppose I’d better locate some food.”


The ocean was a cruel mistress. This was common knowledge among any seafarer. But this...this was just unfair, even in terms of outright cruelty!

I’d been worried when I’d heard neither bird cries, nor the grunts of any wild beasts during my hunt, but to discover that I seemed to be the only living creature on the entire island!? Surely no higher power could condone such beastly luck all in the same day!?

…………In retrospect, I’m not certain how I would have managed to face any large animal I did find with just a small knife and a pistol with only one shot. The powder was still wet, too.

“Damned to the depths be whatever possessed me to shake hands with that toothless swindler!” I screamed, smashing a fist against the tree I was leaning on in frustration. “I was to be the dread buccaneer Martin Read! This can’t be how I’m meant to meet my end!”


Now I was furious. There I was trying to encourage myself to keep going, and my reward was having bits of the heavens attempting to crack my skull open!

Enraged, I reached down and picked up the thing that had struck me, preparing to hurl it away.

“And while I’m at it, damned to the depths be this fruit and all…others…like…it?”

I stared at the object that was just large enough to fill my hand. It was an oval-shaped yellow fruit, dappled with brown flecks, with a small stem sticking out of the top. It had firm but yielding skin and gave of a rather sweet scent. It seemed ripe…and didn’t even look damaged after falling on my head. Glancing up, I discovered that the tree was full of such fruits, as were most of the others in this little patch of forest!

“Food!” I exalted, even pleased with how the word itself felt in my mouth. “I’m saved!”

I quickly unbuttoned my shirt and spread it out on the forest floor, shaking the tree as hard as I could. Once a good number of the fruits had fallen, I loaded them onto my shirt and tied the ends together into a makeshift sack.

“This’ll hold me for a while yet…” I reasoned. “And I should be able to hold out until a ship comes.”

I got back to the shore and spread the shirt out like a picnic blanket, picking over the pile of fruit, debating which one to eat first.

“Ah, hell, what’s it matter, really?” I laughed, seizing the top fruit. “They’ll all be eaten, anyway if it tastes good!” I raised the fruit to my mouth and took a greedy bite.

Delicious! The fruit was completely smooth in texture, giving it a gentle, velvet-like feel as it slid into my mouth, and tasted sweeter than anything I had yet sampled in my life. The king’s own baker would find his most elaborate pastry shamed by the delectable flavor of this wondrous fruit.

I was so enthralled with the lovely taste that I had already swallowed three mouthfuls before I happened to glance at the fruit again.

A small bit of chewed-up pulp fell from my gaping mouth.

Inside the skin, the fruit pulp was blue! Not even a darker shade, closer to purple as was true of the blueberry, but a brilliant, bright-hued blue, about the same as the sky!

“What madness is this!?” I yelled, about to pitch the fruit away…only to repeat my earlier action and stay my arm. This fruit was all I had for food right now…and it even tasted good. Few starving people could hope for such odds. It didn’t seem to have anything wrong with it…

“Oh, what does it matter?” I grumbled, stuffing the fruit back into my mouth for another bite and continuing to rationalize with my mouth full. “Ah’m dead anyway imf I don’ eat…who caresh f’itsh poishon?”

After finishing the fruit, I got up, grabbing another one to take with me. I was still hungry, but I really wanted to wash off the sea salt from my skin. It was really starting to hurt.

I set out into the forest again, this time moving with a purpose rather than blindly searching. During my search for food, I had located a small spring of freshwater. It would mean bathing in the water I planned to drink if I stayed her much longer, but it was better than the itching pain that would follow if I didn't.

As I got to the spring, I started to strip off my sodden pants…only to have them get stuck on my hips. This hardly surprised me at first, given that they were plastered to my legs with a combination of seawater, sand and sweat- I simply tugged harder. This time, I was rewarded with an uncomfortable stretching pain in my lower torso, as if I was tearing my skin. I glanced down to see what could be wrong, and found that my pants were now a bit too small in the hips.

“Hmph…I always thought all that talk of clothes shrinkin’ in the water was an old wives tale…don’t tell me it’s tr-”

I cut off as I realized something; my skin was now totally smooth! My chest hair, arm hair, the small, scraggly beard I’d had on my chin- all gone! I suspected, if I could have gotten a better look at them, that my legs would have been smooth, too.

Before I could begin to wonder how this could be possible, my pants tightened painfully, and this time I saw it happen; my hips were pushing outwards, widening and growing rounded. At the same time, my waist was squeezing inward, as if the mass were being pinched down lower on my body. This caused my pants to slip down slightly, but get caught on my widening hips.

“How in the name of almighty Neptune is- hgggh! Haaa…” I gasped and slapped a hand to my throat as my voice suddenly cut out.

Oh no, I thought, now I’ve done it! The fruit really was poisoned! Now it’s mangling my body…and I can’t breathe anymore…it’s…over…

…Wasn’t it?

No…no, I could breathe just fine…but my voice didn’t seem to be working. I also noticed my neck seemed to be shrinking, growing more slender…in fact, my entire body was following suit! I stared in amazed horror as my limbs lost muscle by the second, making my figure seem oddly stick-like. My hands and feet were next, a feeling of compression washing over them as they shrank, soon stopping at two-thirds the size they had been, just as skinny and delicate as the rest of me now looked. It was cold comfort that my height hadn’t decreased any; I had already been closer to being considered short than not.

The comfort didn’t last as the compression came again, now focusing on my groin. I was strongly reminded of the time that I had squeezed the buttocks of a pretty bar-wench while dancing with her…only to feel her knee deliver a swift order of “Belay that!” in a rather tender spot. The only difference was that this was much slower, and not painful…and the pressure just kept increasing!

I had to know what was happening; I tore furiously at my pants, finally managing to form a small rip at the right hip. Seizing on that small weakness, the rest of the fabric tore loose fairly quickly, leaving me to behold…nothing. Somehow, in just that short time, my ship had lost its mast, so to speak. I shot a hand down to investigate…only to have another horrible surprise (albeit coupled with a rather pleasurable tingle) as two of my questing fingers slipped between a pair of soft folds and into a moist orifice.

Now, I had never been the most popular sailor with the ladies, but I had managed to at least get the minimum number of tavern-wenches drunk enough as was necessary to be familiar with what I had just felt before jerking my hand back.

“That’s impossible!” I screamed. “I can’t really be-! Ahhhhh!” I had cut off and screamed again when I heard my voice. It was wonderful that my speech had returned, but it was all wrong! My voice was now higher and softer, reminiscent of the timid shop-girl from my home port! As much as I wanted to deny it…I had somehow been changed into a woman!

Even with that realization, the change wasn’t quite over with. I could feel my figure shifting as it started to fill out; my widened hips were soon accompanied by my buttocks swelling out into a pert rump, soft to the touch like the rest of my skin. My nipples ached horribly for a moment before swelling up, then pushing forward like driftwood in the surf on the crest of the waves of growing flesh behind them. In what seemed like the span of a blink to me, I had a fair-sized bosom capped with delicate pink nipples that stuck out proudly. I hefted one of the sensitive mounds in my hand, marveling at it’s incredible softness, and the way that it filled my hand perfectly, not unlike the fruits that I had fou-

“The fruit!” I shrieked, realization crashing down on me like an angry squall. I had definitely never eaten such a thing before; why hadn’t I simply gotten rid of it the instant I had laid eyes on its strange, blue innards!?
I quickly kicked the second fruit away from me. There was no way I could risk eating such a thing again- who knew what another one might do to me! There had to be something else edible on this island!

Forgetting my bath, I wrapped the torn pants around my nether region as well as I could manage in my fumbling, panicked state and dashed off to begin my search anew.


I didn’t know how many hours had passed since I had gone in search of alternate means of nourishment. The sun was still high in the sky when I returned to the shore. My spirits were not quite so elevated.

The entire search had turned up nothing but more of the same fruit. All of the other trees were totally bare, and not a single animal or even an insect was anywhere to be found.

I was tired and sore, especially in the chest. My breasts had been bouncing all over as I tore around the island in my mad, fear-driven search, and now my entire front was screaming from the aching pain.

To make matters worse, I was now even hungrier than I’d been before.

I turned my head to the pile of fruit, gazing longingly at each speckled piece, running my tongue over my lips as I recalled the incredible, sugary goodness that was its flavor. Perhaps…perhaps I could eat just a bit…this island wasn’t too far away from the mainland…somebody would surely come before the day was out…

No! I turned my head away, refusing to be tricked a second time. I could endure this. I was a pirate, after all. My will was-


Before I had even fully turned around, my hand had seized another fruit and brought it up to my lips. I bit off several huge chunks at a time, swallowing it gratefully, not even bothering to chew. I reveled in the sweet taste, seizing another before even finishing the first fruit. Incredibly, it tasted even better than it had before! Was it because I was a woman now? I recalled hearing something once about how women had more refined palates… At the time, I had dismissed it as nonsense, but there may have been some truth to it after all…

The more I ate, the more entranced I became with the delicious fruit, and the more enthusiastically I began to devour it. So fixated was I on filling my stomach and enjoying the marvelous flavor, that I was only dimly aware of my body changing even further.

My skin was darkening, becoming a deep, rich tan as if I had spent months sitting on this sunny beach rather than just a few hours. In short order, it had gone from a pale, ghostly white brought on by my weeks below deck cleaning cannons to a lovely dark shade, similar to a caramel toffee. I could feel my hips spreading wider, my thighs plumping, and my buttocks swelling and rounding out even further in the sand beneath me. I could feel my lips doing a little growth of their own, noticing how they seemed to feel a little fuller and softer with every bite of fruit I brought to my mouth. My hair was growing out at an impossible rate, tumbling down my shoulders, playing about the enlarging flesh of my firm bottom, dropping to the sand, and continuing to extend out as if possessed of its own will. As it grew, the color steadily lightened, changing from my usual black, to a reddish-brown, then to an exotic pink shade, even brighter than the inside of a fresh watermelon.

On the topic of watermelons, my breasts had apparently caught on to whatever my lower half was up to and were now racing desperately to catch up. The nipples fattened and swelled quickly, the quivering mounds of flesh behind them surging out so fast that I was nearly pulled face-first into the sand. After the first couple of fruits, they had quickly grown large enough to qualify as a double- er, make that a triple handful of sensitive flesh.

Ooooh…make that very sensitive! The juices from the fruit were dribbling down my chin, and drippjg into my cleavage, causing me to feel more and more aroused as my tanned orbs grew larger and heavier with every bite of strange, blue pulp that passed my lips.

Sadly, all things had to end at some point. In this case, that point came when I became too full to swallow another bite of fruit. I flopped down on my back, feeling the vast expanse of breastflesh on my front wobble all over at the jarring motion.

“It’s all packed up, Cap’n…the holds are bursting with swag…” I mumbled dazedly, before falling into a deep slumber on the beach.


I awoke to the feeling of water on my toes, the waves lapping against my feet. I sat up…only to fall back hard, gravity pulling me insistently down.

The reason was obvious. I gasped with horror through swollen-feeling lips at the sight I beheld.

Each of my breasts was easily twice as large as my own head, the throbbing, chocolate-colored nipples standing out a good three inches from the vast saucers of my puffy areolae.

After two more failures to sit up, I tried a new tactic, flipping over onto my stomach and pushing myself up. It worked…but only after I had stopped twitching and jerking after my nipples hit the sand. As soon as they had contacted the soft, shifting grit, my body had exploded with a sensation I recognized as an orgasm, but with ten times the intensity I had ever experienced before.

After managing to push myself up, I struggled to stay on my feet, tottering like a young child just learning to walk. Once I stabilized myself against a tree, I took stock of myself; My skin was now slightly more tanned, making me look like I was a native of this tiny island. My enormous, pillowy breasts hung down nearly to my slim waist, and my nipples instantly hardened just from a light sea-breeze blowing across them. My hips had widened even further, now several inches beyond my shoulder span, and my buttocks had swollen almost equal in size to my breasts, forming a huge, heart-shaped bubble at the base of my spine.

My hair had grown long enough to touch the ground and trail several feet behind me, the pink color bright and vibrant, like the final wisps of pink in the sky during a sunset. And, as I reached up a trembling hand to feel my face, I discovered high cheekbones, much larger eyes, and lips so full and puffy that if I crossed my eyes, I could almost see them clearly, poking out from my face.

I couldn’t believe what had happened to me. Less than a day ago, I had been a man of fairly average build, but one who was destined for greatness as a member of the most famous crew on the sea. Now, I looked like something the drunks at the taverns would fantasize about in their most intense of drunken stupors!

What was I to do now? Even if a ship did come for me…I found myself rather worried about how I would be received by a group of sailors, or worse, pirates, when my body looked like this.

But the worst part of all…was that I was already starting to feel hungry again.


Feedback, positive or negative is welcome and appreciated, O' fellow process enthusiasts!
"It's time to start slapping people." -- George Carlin

Last edited by CaptainSanji; 10-12-2010 at 03:36 AM.
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Unread 10-12-2010   #2
Milky Meister
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Re: The Fruitful Tale of Martin Read

As I said on the Council Forum, freakin' awesome, matey!
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Unread 10-12-2010   #3
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Re: The Fruitful Tale of Martin Read

Well-written, descriptive TG process scene + well-written, descriptive increased-beauty process scene + hair color not found in nature = quality entertainment as far as I'm concerned. Thanks for sharing here!
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