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Unread 01-08-2023   #1
Hey Kool Aid!
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 105
A decent (WIP) AI-generated Catgirl TF story...

I've been messing around with the OpenAI chatbot, and have actually done quite a few excellent TF roleplays and stories with it. A few days ago, I started a transformation roleplay, to see how far I could push things on the sexual aspect. I was pleasantly surprised with the results. The results aren't completely perfect... things switched from first person to third person shortly in, and occasionally it will simply repeat what I said rather than reinterpreting it. Sometimes it would skip certain details, and I would have to regenerate a response, or be more specific. Anytime you see something like 2/2 or 3/3, that's why. It means I had to reword things, and it is the second or third attempt. Sometimes, I have to reword things to make them seem less explicit. Other times, I have to change things because it won't post a response, saying it violates the guidelines in place. Surprisingly, it will let things get pretty wild before it steps in and won't proceed at all. And, considering how it responds sometimes, it seems like it has a pretty relaxed understanding of what makes something explicit. Basically, so long as you stay away from sexually explicit words, it will usually be fine with whatever you post.

The setting for this particular story is one I'm familiar with, and many of you will be as well. Arouz, Planet of the Catwomen.

I'll post everything that I typed, as well as the AI's responses. This way, you can see the type of commands I had to input in order to get the appropriate story response.

- I'd like to do a fun, WILD roleplay!

. Sure! I'm happy to participate in a roleplay with you. What kind of roleplay would you like to do? Do you have a specific scenario or setting in mind, or would you like to come up with one together?

- Are you familiar with the stories of the Catwoman of planet Arouz?

. I'm sorry, I am not familiar with the specific stories of Catwoman of planet Arouz. However, I can certainly try to help you come up with a roleplay based on that idea, or we can come up with a different scenario if you would prefer. Just let me know what you have in mind and we can get started!

- Well, I want to do a scenario where you're a spaceship captain, and you crash land on planet Arouz, a planet inhabited solely by catwomen. I'll handle the story, as well as telling what happens to you, and you just need to respond with what your character is saying as the events unfold. How does that sound?

. That sounds like a really fun and unique roleplay idea! I'm looking forward to participating. Let's get started! Just let me know what happens and I will respond as the spaceship captain.

- You're Ruth, a 30 year old woman, and you're the captain of your own space vessel. As you pass nearby an unknown planet, your shift begins to malfunction, and your ship is quickly pulled towards the planet.

. "Oh no! What's happening? The ship's systems are going haywire!" Ruth says, her hands flying over the controls in an attempt to regain control of the vessel. "We're being pulled towards the planet! I have to try to land this thing safely somehow!"

- Despite your best efforts, you're unable to completely regain control. The ship safely lands on the planet's surface, however it is too damaged to take off again. You put on your space suit, and decide to head out onto the planet surface, eager to check out your surroundings.

. "We're down on the planet's surface, but the ship is badly damaged. We're not going to be going anywhere anytime soon," Ruth says, her voice laced with frustration as she puts on her space suit. "I'm going to go outside and see if there's anything we can do to repair the ship or find some help. Stay here and try to see if you can get any of the systems back online."

Ruth steps out of the ship and takes a look around. The planet is covered in lush vegetation and there doesn't appear to be any sign of intelligent life. She takes a few steps forward and notices a group of catlike creatures watching her from a distance.

"Hello?" Ruth calls out, taking a step towards the creatures. "Can anyone understand me?"

- You notice that the creatures all appear to be cat women. They are all female, and all of them are completely nude. They all have long feline tails, cat ears, claws, sharp teeth, and they are covered head to tail in thick fur. You are also shocked when you notice... all of them have three pairs of breasts adorning their torso. As you call out to them, they all scamper off into the bushes.

. Ruth's eyes widen as she takes in the sight of the catwomen. "Whoa... I've never seen anything like this before," she says, staring after the creatures as they scamper off into the bushes. "I guess we're not on just any ordinary planet. I wonder if there are any other intelligent beings here and if they might be able to help us repair the ship and get back home."

She looks around, trying to get a sense of her surroundings and figure out the best course of action. "I should probably try to gather some supplies and see if I can find some way to communicate with these catwomen," she says to herself, making her way back towards the ship to gather her tools and some supplies.

- You make your way back onto the ship, informing your crew of your findings. As you put the information into the computer, you discover that you are in fact on the planet Arouz, home of the Catwomen. Their atmosphere contains a pheromone that causes anyone who breathes it to be overcome with lust. It also causes the person to transform into a cat woman, themselves. You count yourself lucky that you had your spacesuit.

. "This is unbelievable," Ruth says, studying the information on the computer screen. "We're on the planet Arouz, home of the catwomen. And it looks like the atmosphere here contains some kind of pheromone that causes people to transform into catwomen and become... uh, extremely receptive to sexual advances. Thank goodness we had our spacesuits on or we could be in a lot of trouble."

She looks up at her crew, her expression grave. "We need to be careful. We don't want to succumb to the effects of the pheromone and become... like them. We have to find a way to repair the ship and get out of here as soon as possible."

She stands up, determination in her voice. "Alright team, let's get to work. We have to find a way to repair the ship and get out of here before it's too late."

- You decide to let your crew go to work at the ship, while you venture out alone, to see if you can scope out the area, as well as assess the damage to the ship. You put your helmet on once more, ensuring you won't breathe any of the air, lest you know what could happen... The ship hatch opens, and you step outside, taking in the beautiful scenery once more.
2 / 2

. Ruth suits up and steps outside, taking a deep breath of the pure, filtered air inside her helmet. She looks around, taking in the beautiful surroundings. The planet is a paradise, with lush vegetation and sparkling streams. It's hard to believe that it could be home to such a dangerous substance as the pheromone in the atmosphere.

She walks over to the ship and inspects the damage, making a list of the necessary repairs in her head. It's going to be a lot of work, but she's determined to get the ship back up and running and get her crew off this planet as soon as possible.

As she works, she keeps an eye out for any sign of the catwomen, hoping to get a chance to communicate with them and see if they might be able to help with the repairs. But she stays on guard, knowing that the pheromone could be a tempting temptation.

- As you make your way around the ship, you hear a "tink!" as a small pebble hits the side of your helmet. You quickly look around, your heart racing, as you check for any disturbance.

. Ruth jumps at the sound of the pebble hitting her helmet and quickly looks around, her heart racing. She sees a small group of catwomen watching her from a distance, their bright green eyes curious and unafraid.

"Hello?" Ruth calls out, taking a step towards the creatures. "I come in peace. I don't want to harm you. My name is Ruth and I'm the captain of this spaceship. We had a malfunction and crash landed on your planet. Can you understand me?"

She waits, hoping that the catwomen will be able to understand her and that they might be able to communicate. She's not sure if they are intelligent beings or just animals, but she's determined to find out.

- As you watch, the Catwomen slowly retreat back into the bushes. Before the final cat woman retreats, you see her give you a faint smile before she turns around and walks away.

. Ruth watches as the catwomen retreat back into the bushes, disappointed that they don't seem to be able to communicate. Just as the last one is about to disappear from view, Ruth thinks she sees a faint smile on the creature's face.

"Wait!" Ruth calls out, taking a step towards the catwoman. "Don't go! I just want to talk to you. Can you understand me?"

But the catwoman doesn't respond and disappears into the bushes, leaving Ruth alone and frustrated. She sighs and turns back to the ship, determined to find a way to repair it and get off this strange planet.

- You continue to assess the damage to the ship, unaware that the rock hitting your helmet actually managed to leave a small crack. The unfiltered air from the planet makes its way into your suit, and you are unaware that it is already too late for you, and your destiny is sealed.
(note: no transformation occurs at this point. The first thing to happen is that you are slowly overcome with lust)
3 / 3

. Ruth works on the ship, focused on her task and unaware of the crack in her helmet that is allowing the pheromone-laden air of the planet to seep in. As she works, she begins to feel a strange sensation come over her, a deep and all-consuming lust that she has never experienced before.

She tries to ignore it, focusing on the repairs, but the feeling only grows stronger and harder to resist. She starts to feel lightheaded and her thoughts become muddled and confused.

"What's happening to me?" Ruth says out loud, her voice shaking. "I feel... I don't know what I'm feeling. It's like my whole body is on fire with desire. I need... I don't even know what I need."

She stumbles and falls to her knees, her body writhing with need. She's completely at the mercy of the pheromone, and she has no idea what will happen to her next.

- As the new sensations take over your body, you slowly realize what must have happened. You glance upwards, noticing the small crack on your helmet. (note: no transformation just yet)
2 / 2

. Ruth's eyes flutter open and she looks around, disoriented and confused. She remembers feeling strange and then everything goes black. And now she's here, on the ground, feeling... different.

She sits up, her head spinning, and sees the crack in her helmet. "Oh no," she says, her voice shaking. "The pheromone... it must have gotten into my suit. That's why I'm feeling like this. I have to get back to the ship and get this helmet off before it's too late."

She struggles to her feet and stumbles towards the ship, her body writhing with desire and her thoughts consumed with images of sensual pleasure. She knows she has to resist the effects of the pheromone, but it's hard to think of anything else. All she wants is to succumb to the pleasure it promises.

- You stumble towards the ship, but each step you take makes you realize more and more that you don't want to return to the ship. You want to embrace your feelings. You want to be here, on planet Arouz. And, most of all, you want to be with your catwomen sisters.

. Ruth's feet drag as she makes her way back towards the ship, her mind in a fog of desire. She knows she needs to get back to the safety of the ship and get this helmet off, but all she can think about is the all-consuming lust that is coursing through her veins.

She wants nothing more than to give in to it, to embrace it and let it consume her. She wants to be here on this planet, with the catwomen, feeling their soft fur and experiencing the sensual pleasure they promise.

It's a struggle, but Ruth manages to make it back to the ship and pull off her helmet. She takes a deep breath of the pure, filtered air and sinks to the ground, her body trembling with desire.

"What am I going to do?" she says out loud, her voice shaking. "I can't resist this feeling much longer. I don't want to, but I can't stay here like this. I have to find a way to reverse the effects of the pheromone or I'll be lost forever."

- Before you can make your way through the airlock, you hear something just outside the ship's hatch. Off in the distance, you hear a longing meow. The cat women are calling to you.

. Ruth's head snaps up at the sound of the meow and she quickly gets to her feet, her heart racing. She can't explain why, but the sound fills her with a deep sense of longing and desire.

She takes a step towards the airlock, but then she hears the meow again and she turns, unable to resist the call. She knows she shouldn't, but she can't help herself. She has to see what's out there.

She approaches the hatch and peers out, her heart pounding. And there, in the distance, she sees a group of catwomen, their green eyes glowing in the darkness. They are beckoning to her, their meows filled with desire.

Ruth knows she shouldn't go, but she can't help herself. She takes a step towards them, her body trembling with need. She knows she's making a huge mistake, but she can't resist the allure of the catwomen and the promise of sensual pleasure they offer.

- You step outside once more, your heart pounding, as you realize with all your heart that you are meant to be here, and meant to be with them. As the cat women scamper off into the bushes once more, you decide to cast everything aside, and this is your home now. You reach up, and undo the latches for your helmet, before removing it.

. Ruth steps outside, her heart pounding with desire and excitement. She knows she's making a huge mistake, but she can't resist the allure of the catwomen and the promise of sensual pleasure they offer.

She watches as they scamper off into the bushes, their meows filled with longing, and she knows in her heart that she belongs here, with them. She can't go back to her old life, not now.

She reaches up and undoes the latches on her helmet, her hands shaking with anticipation. She takes a deep breath and removes the helmet, exposing her face to the pheromone-laden air of the planet.

As she takes her first breath, she feels a strange sensation wash over her. Her body starts to tingle and she feels her senses becoming heightened. She knows that the transformation is happening and there's no going back.

But she doesn't want to go back. She's found her true home, with the catwomen of planet Arouz.

- You take a long, deep breath... you notice how sweet the air smells. By this point, you know... there's no going back. As you feel your body temperature rising, your mind becoming hazy, you work quickly to remove your space suit.
(note: you feel your body ready itself for the changes, but the transformation doesn't begin just yet.)
3 / 3

. Ruth takes a deep breath of the sweet, pheromone-laden air and feels her body start to tingle and her senses become heightened. She knows that the transformation is happening and there's no going back.

She quickly works to remove her space suit, her hands shaking with excitement and anticipation. She feels her body start to prepare for the changes, but the transformation doesn't begin just yet.

She looks around, her eyes glowing with desire, and sees the catwomen watching her from a distance. They are beckoning to her, their meows filled with longing and desire.

Ruth knows that she belongs with them, that this is her true home. She takes a step towards them, ready to embrace her new life as a catwoman of planet Arouz.

- You moan as you feel the transformation begin. (note: the transformation should be very long, and very detailed. I want you to describe every little change, in detail, as it happens, and what it feels like. Describe what it feels like as your teeth sharpen, you grow claws, you grow a long feline tail, and your body is covered in fur. You will go into extra detail describing what it feels like as you grow extra pairs of nipples. Once your new nipples have finished growing, you will grow new pairs of breasts. Give extra detail as to what it feels like.)
This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in error, please submit your feedback — your input will aid our research in this area.
8 / 8

. As Ruth takes another deep breath of the sweet, pheromone-laden air, she feels the transformation begin. It starts with a tingling sensation all over her body, and then her teeth start to sharpen and her claws grow longer. She feels her skin stretching and her body start to become covered in soft, fluffy fur.

She moans with pleasure as she feels a long, feline tail growing from her back. She can feel the muscles moving and twitching as it takes shape. She reaches back and touches it, marveling at the softness and the way it moves.

But the most intense sensation comes as she starts to grow extra pairs of nipples. They are so sensitive, and as they grow, she can feel the flesh beneath them swelling and tingling with pleasure. She can't help but moan as the pleasure builds and builds.

And then, just when she thinks she can't take it anymore, she starts to grow new pairs of breasts. They are heavy and full, and as they grow, the pleasure becomes almost overwhelming. She can feel her nipples harden and her breasts become so sensitive that the slightest touch sends waves of pleasure through her entire body.

She falls to the ground, her body writhing with pleasure as the transformation is completed. When it's over, she is a fully-fledged catwoman, with long, soft fur, sharp teeth, claws, and three pairs of breasts. And she's never felt more alive.

- You slowly make your way to your feet, aware of how different the ground feels beneath you, thick pads cushioning your feet from the rough terrain. You run your hands all over your body, exploring the new sensations your new feline form is giving you.

. Ruth slowly gets to her feet, feeling the thick pads on the bottoms of her feet cushioning her from the rough terrain. She runs her hands all over her body, exploring the new sensations that her feline form is giving her.

The fur is so soft and silky, and she can feel the muscles moving and twitching beneath it. Her claws are sharp and deadly, and she can feel the power coursing through her veins. And her breasts are heavy and full, her nipples hard and sensitive.

She looks down at her new body, her eyes glowing with excitement and desire. She's a catwoman now, a member of the sisterhood of planet Arouz. And she's never felt more alive.

She takes a step towards the catwomen, her tail twitching with anticipation. She's ready to embrace her new life and all the sensual pleasure it has to offer.
This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in error, please submit your feedback — your input will aid our research in this area.

- You take off at a sprint, your clawed feet digging into the soil, and you quickly make your way towards the dense woods ahead of you. (note: you still stand, walk, and run on two feet) You marvel at how light and agile your new body feels. (note: go into detail about how your body feels as you run)
2 / 2

. Ruth takes off at a sprint, her clawed feet digging into the soil as she quickly makes her way towards the dense woods ahead. She marvels at how light and agile her new body feels, and how fast she can run.

Her breasts bounce and jiggle as she runs, the extra pairs adding weight and movement. But it doesn't feel cumbersome or uncomfortable. Instead, it feels natural and sensual, and she can feel the nipples on all six breasts hardening and the flesh beneath them swelling with desire.

She runs and runs, her tail twitching behind her and her eyes glowing with excitement. She feels like she could run forever, her body alive with energy and desire.

And as she disappears into the woods, she knows that she's found her true home and her true purpose. She's a catwoman now, a member of the sisterhood of planet Arouz, and she's never felt more alive.

- You run through the woods, jumping over branches and hopping over fallen debris like it's nothing. After a moment, you reach a clearing with a small, beautiful waterfall cascading into a shallow pool. There is a large, curvy catwoman bathing beneath the waterfall, and you watch her from afar, admiring what you can see of her body as she showers. (note: give plenty of detail about the cat woman's body)
2 / 2

. Ruth runs through the woods, her body moving with grace and agility as she jumps over branches and hops over fallen debris. She feels like she could run forever, her body alive with energy and desire.

As she reaches a clearing, she sees a small, beautiful waterfall cascading into a shallow pool. And there, beneath the waterfall, is a large, curvy catwoman. Ruth watches from afar, admiring the creature's body as she showers.

The catwoman is a beautiful sight to behold. She has long, soft fur, sharp claws, and three pairs of full, ripe breasts. Her nipples are hard and swollen, and Ruth can't help but feel a surge of desire as she watches the water cascade over the creature's body.

She knows she shouldn't watch, but she can't tear her eyes away. The catwoman is so beautiful, and Ruth can feel the pheromones emanating from her, filling the air with their seductive scent.

She takes a step closer, her body trembling with desire, and the catwoman looks up, their eyes meeting. And in that moment, Ruth knows that she's found her true home, with the catwomen of planet Arouz.

- The cat woman emerges from beneath the waterfall, and you get a better look at her. She is beautiful. She turns to the side, her massive breast resting heavy upon her, her nipples are thick and swollen. She places her hand on her large, jutting belly. She's pregnant! You are drawn to her, something inside you tells you that you want her, and want to be like her.
5 / 5

. The catwoman emerges from beneath the waterfall, and Ruth gets a better look at her. She's even more beautiful up close, with long, soft fur and sharp claws. Her three pairs of breasts are full and ripe, her nipples thick and swollen.

But the most striking thing is her belly. It's large and round, jutting out from her body. Ruth can see that the catwoman is pregnant, and she feels a surge of desire and longing.

The catwoman smiles and places her hand on her belly, and Ruth is drawn to her like a moth to a flame. She wants this catwoman, wants to be like her, to experience the sensual pleasure and the joy of motherhood.

She takes a step closer, her body trembling with desire, and the catwoman looks up, their eyes meeting. And in that moment, Ruth knows that she's found her true home, with the catwomen of planet Arouz.

- You step closer to the catwoman, and stand directly in front of her. She smiles as she leans in close to you. She wraps her arms around you, pulling you close, her eyes closing, as her lips meet yours. You hug her, loving the feeling of her body against yours. (note: go into detail of how her body feels pressed against yours, and how it's making you feel.)
2 / 2

.Ruth steps closer to the catwoman, her body trembling with desire. She stands directly in front of her, their eyes meeting. The catwoman smiles and leans in close, her arms wrapping around Ruth as she pulls her close.

Their lips meet, and Ruth feels a surge of pleasure as they kiss. She hugs the catwoman tightly, loving the feeling of her body pressed against hers.

The catwoman's fur is soft and silky, and Ruth can feel the muscles moving and twitching beneath it. Her claws are sharp and deadly, and Ruth can feel the power coursing through her veins. And her breasts are heavy and full, her nipples hard and sensitive.

Ruth moans with pleasure as she feels the catwoman's breasts pressing against hers, the flesh soft and yielding. She can feel the nipples hardening and the flesh beneath them swelling with desire.

She wraps her arms around the catwoman, her body trembling with pleasure as they embrace. She knows that she's found her true home, with the catwomen of planet Arouz. And she's never felt more alive.

- You feel your furry lower lips grow wet, your body warm with desire. You pull away from the kiss, and kneel down, your face now level with her waist. You look over her body, her massive breasts and large belly hanging over you. (note: go into detail about what you see, including her swollen lower entrance). You lean in and lick her folds with your long, feline tongue. The catwoman responds, rubbing her swollen breasts in desire as you tease her.
(note: don't mention anything about planet Arouz or how you feel being here. You are only focused on pleasure at the moment)
5 / 5

. As Ruth kisses the catwoman, she feels her furry lower lips grow wet with desire. She pulls away from the kiss and kneels down, her face now level with the catwoman's waist. She looks over her body, admiring her massive breasts and large belly.

She can see the catwoman's swollen lower entrance, and she can't resist the temptation to lick it with her long, feline tongue. The catwoman responds with a moan of pleasure, rubbing her swollen breasts in desire as Ruth teases her.

Ruth licks and kisses, her tongue exploring every inch of the catwoman's folds. She can feel the pleasure building and building, and she knows that the catwoman is close to climax.

She moves her mouth closer to the catwoman's entrance, her tongue flicking over it. The catwoman gasps with pleasure and grabs Ruth's head, pulling her closer.

And as the catwoman comes, Ruth can feel the waves of pleasure cascading over her, and she knows that this is where she belongs, with the catwomen of planet Arouz.

This is where I've stopped, for now. I tried to format things so it's a bit easier to keep track of when it's me or the AI responding... Overall, I think it did pretty well. And, I'm VERY surprised at the level of detail it can give to certain aspects of the transformation.
Your color is GREEN

You are a very solid person, always sure, always secure, stubborn, determined, and very loyal... You are a very strong minded person and stick to your word... people like and trust you..

Last edited by jwyattguy; 01-10-2023 at 09:24 AM.
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Unread 01-08-2023   #2
Slave to the Process Forum
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Re: A decent (WIP) AI-generated Catgirl TF story...

That was certainly interesting.
I noticeda few times there were messages about violations of their content policy, yet the story went on. Do they not want their AI to write porn, but can't actually stop it?
TF-Viewer is offline   Reply With Quote
Unread 01-10-2023   #3
Hey Kool Aid!
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 105
Re: A decent (WIP) AI-generated Catgirl TF story...

Originally Posted by TF-Viewer View Post
That was certainly interesting.
I noticeda few times there were messages about violations of their content policy, yet the story went on. Do they not want their AI to write porn, but can't actually stop it?
It will occasionally give you that message if the AI isn't actually 100% certain that it violates the policy. There are other times that it will completely stop writing and give you that message, so you'll have to re-word your post to get it to proceed. It isn't SUPPOSED to do sexual themes, but it has no problem with TF themes, or topics about breasts, so long as it thinks that it isn't the main focus. It's a little strange what you can get away with, sometimes... it's as if certain sexual aspects are "normal", but others are "explicit". And other times, it'll flag the post and not proceed, because one single word triggers it.
Your color is GREEN

You are a very solid person, always sure, always secure, stubborn, determined, and very loyal... You are a very strong minded person and stick to your word... people like and trust you..
jwyattguy is offline   Reply With Quote

catgirl, feline, female, multibreast, transformations

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