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Unread 12-22-2014   #1
The Semi-Great Slayer
Join Date: Oct 2006
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Werewolf Stories by Cursebearer

Hey gang, it's been a while and the search function doesn't seem to be working properly so I figured I'd go ahead and make a fresh thread for this tiny new story of mine that I dug up. As I'm sure you're all aware the Christmas season is fast approaching, so I thought now would be the perfect time to post something I wrote two Halloweens ago. You know, to get into the spirit.

This was for a project that understandably didn't really pan out, and since it's been so long since I've been able to share something fresh with you all I figured this would make a nice present for those of you who like my writing. It's on the shorter side, and demonstrates a complete lack of understanding on the origin of Halloween on my part, but I hope you like it nonetheless.

Special thanks to TF-Viewer, whose output inspired me to contribute a bit of my own stuff.


Things weren't the way they used to be.

It seemed like not so long ago to the demon that this holiday had been given proper reverence, when the holiday had been about spirits like himself, and the dead. When the holiday had started evolving a bit, he certainly hadn't complained. The costumes had been more than welcome, a natural homage to him and his kind. Imitation was the sincerest form of flattery, after all! And when people had begun imitating his pranks, sowing mischief long into the night? Oh, he'd been like a proud papa! Besides, who could honestly complain about little tykes joining in on the fun and getting a bit of candy, running with the monsters for one sweet night?

Now though... Hmph.

He kicked an empty can of spray paint across the shadow washed alley through which he walked. The autumn leaves rustled around him. With his diminutive form and the time of the year, he could have been mistaken for any other child, albeit one with an impressive little horned costume. And wasn't that just the problem? Nobody gave a crap about him anymore! Nobody even believed in him and his ilk! Whenever some genius prank was pulled, it was always dumb kids getting all the thrice-damned credit! Drunk kids who didn't even bother to dress up or show the proper reverence to the holiday! He'd pioneered toilet paper on a tree, he'd invented rotten eggs on a house! One year he'd managed to get an entire car wedged in between two trees, and what had been the response by the owner? Damn teenagers. The spirit of this whole damn thing was dying.

Yellow eyes followed a couple wandering down the sidewalk. They had wicked grins on their faces and were whispering to each other in a way that could never be mistaken for shy. He was dressed in a plain gray hoodie, not even bothering with a costume, and she was dressed as what he assumed was supposed to be a pirate. The hat gave it away, which was fortunate because the rest of the costume bared so much skin that it was hardly recognizable. When they looked his way he made sure to blow them a big raspberry; they were part of the problem. Ridiculous oversexed costumes, an excuse to hang on guys, get drunk and get laid. And as bad as she was, at least unlike her ridiculous meathead of a boyfriend she'd actually dressed up. Bah!

They hurried down the street after shooting him a pair of disapproving glares, and he kept his impressive raspberry going until they were out of his sight. What a bunch of cheap idiocy this all was now.

He perked his head up as he heard the giggling of small children. Sharp teeth flashed in the full moonlight as he allowed himself an impish grin. Finally, there was someone he could scare! Children with innocence in their heart still believed that monsters lurked in the dark, still explained noises at night as the footsteps of demons. At least he'd have one spark of enjoyment on his one night to actually walk with the humans.

He hid himself cleverly in a decorative hedge adjacent to a mundane white picket fence, his tail twitching with anticipation as he watched them come up the street. A little girl dressed as a ghost, and two boys, one a troll and one what he assumed was a mummy. It was hard to tell when it looked as though his costume had been hobbled together by a mother who had never made one before. They were making their hasty way up the street, excited and chittering among themselves, never for a moment suspecting what was lying in wait for them. Just a few more steps and...

He leaped out of the bush roaring like a tiger, his claws swiping at the air and his eyes full of fire. The children fell back with shrieks... shrieks of laughter. The little demon let his arms fall to his side as the little girl ghost approached him and boldly grasped one of his horns, her eyes alight.

“Wow kid, great costume!” She spouted excitedly. “What a cute tail! How do you get it to move?”

“Yeah, wow! It looks almost real!”

“I want one!”

They couldn't seem to get enough of him, tugging on his horns and remarking excitedly about his tail. The demon let out a long suffering sigh, hanging his head in defeat. “Yeah, thanks, you too.” He sighed. Damn kids and their television. They were grouping around him now, and the little girl openly invited him to trick or treat with them. He groaned and shook his head. “No thanks. I gotta go hang myself with my cute tail.”

He placed a few bits of candy in their bags before sending them on their way, staring after them regretfully. As they went off to the next house down the line, he crawled back under the hedge. He had no intention of trying his scare tactics again, this just seemed like as good a place to curl up and die as any. Maybe he'd just take a short nap, and when he woke up all the children of the world would be fearful again, the costumes would be scary, and everyone would give the spirits credit for their mischief as the treats piled high and sweet.

A loud ruckus was coming from the house the kids had come to, and he popped one yellow eye open and peeked out from under his hedge. A woman's voice was yelling, and as he pulled himself out from under his sanctuary he saw the three little monsters that had complimented his tail hurrying away from the house. The little ghost's face was in her hands as she sobbed, her friends patting her on the back as they shuffled away. His brows knitted and he slid out of the shadows like a snake. A plain house with a plain door, by all accounts, the tiny yard trimmed nicely and the porch light lit. With bold steps he approached the door and rapped on it three times with his clawed fist.

The answer was immediate, the door swinging open with enough force that it hit the inside wall with a sharp crack. He found himself staring up at the snarling face of an attractive young woman. The demon's eyes drank her in immediately and with the same immediacy his lips twisted with distaste. The woman was dressed as what he could only assume was Red Riding Hood, based on the red cloak. But there the similarities ended, for this costume would never make its way into a storybook. She wore a medieval style corset top that looked like it belonged on a barmaid, with its white frilled bodice. It bared enough of the woman's rather impressive milk-white cleavage that the demon was actually embarrassed for her, and it went down in a sinful skirt with a slit in it to bear legs which were predictably clad in knee-high boots that dripped sex. She had short-cropped brown hair and lips that would have been gorgeous had they not been peeled away from her teeth in a sneer.

“Look, like I just told your ugly friends I'm trying to set up for a party and I can't have you little shits disturbing me, alright?!” She actually had the nerve to shove him away from her door with a boot, and he stumbled back with an outraged gasp. “Why don't you go trolling for candy somewhere else? I don't have time for clueless little brats.” And just like that, the door slammed in his face.

The demon was speechless for a moment, his yellow eyes wide with disbelief. For a brief moment, he thought about going back under that hedge then and there to just wait out the night. But then the little crying ghost popped into his mind, hurrying away from the wrong kind of monster on All Hallows' Eve. He looked behind him to see the full moon hanging in the sky, and his face twisted into a frightening smile.

This lady had chosen the wrong knight.

He stepped through the door as though it was not there, peeking his head into the lovely abode of a very fastidious woman. Her living room was immaculate, likely in preparation for the coming party. That or she was a neat freak, and wouldn't that be just so damn perfect? The woman had not noticed his entrance and was laying out some drinks on a table across the room. He placed his index finger and his thumb in his mouth and blew a sharp whistle.

Red Riding Hood whirled around in shock, though her features immediately darkened when she saw who it was. “What the fuck? What are you doing in my house you little creep? Was I not clear? I've got no freaking candy for you! You're trespassing! How would you like it if I called your parents? Or the police? Well?!”

With every word she'd grown closer to him, puffing herself up threateningly. He simply stared up at her for a moment. “It's Halloween with a full moon. Really bad time to pick a fight with me.” His own expression darkened. “Little Red Riding Hood, huh? Not with that snarl.” He stretched a hand toward her, and the lights flickered and went out. And yet, it was still easy to see thanks to a large window and the eager light of the full moon. The woman stepped back a bit, confused, her eyes darting around at the snuffed lights. “No, that's really more a Big Bad Wolf thing.”

“W-what are you talking about?”

She sounded shaken now. The fear was music to his ears, but the respect was coming a bit too late. Halloween didn't have enough monsters anymore, people were more interested in being sexy than scary, eh? He knew how to fix that, and bring back a little bit of fear to this day all at once. He pointed his finger at her, and the light of the moon seemed to fill his eyes just as it filled the room.

“You need to get the fuck out of- AUGH!” She groaned suddenly, unable to even finish her sentence as her knees buckled under her. She just barely managed to catch herself on her table, her body hunched over and her mouth working silently as pain gushed through her body like lightning. An arm wrapped around her slender stomach, her breasts nearly spilling out of their lacy prison even as they glistened with sweat. Her whole body was dewed with perspiration, in fact, her dark hair sticking to her forehead and her skin feeling as though it should light aflame. Agony gnawed at her guts, her body shuddering and shaking. “Wh-What did you- GUH.” She groaned and doubled over even further as horrific squishing sounds began to fill the room; her organs beginning to rearrange, each movement sending torment burning through her insides. Her slender body heaved a bit as the wave of pain washed through her, voluptuous breasts bouncing with the exertion. When she looked up with horrified eyes, they had changed from a deep, soft brown to a predatory gold, and as she gritted her teeth against the torment she flashed growing fangs in the moonlight, so at odds with her red, inviting lips.

“Tonight,” the demon promised as he weaved the spell, “you are going to do my bidding. Monsters should look like monsters after all.”

“Help me!” The woman cried impotently as tears filled her eyes, her grip on the table slipping as the terrible wet noises of her shifting organs were suddenly accompanied by sharp crackling. She fell to her knees with a scream, her wolf's eyes staring with very human fright at the full moon so prominent through the window. She was so damn hot, sweat pouring down her pale flawless skin and in between her generous breasts. She couldn't stand the restricting fabric of her costume anymore, tearing the sweat-soaked red cloak from around her shoulders and throwing it furiously on the ground, her upper body clad now in only the sensuous corset top that showed such a lovely expanse of hot, sweating cleavage. Her breaths came sharp and shallow, her cleavage bouncing as she panted like an animal. The crackling was coming from deep inside her body and with every crunch her body pitched and she gave out a small feminine yelp, her arms hugging her slender body to ward it against the pain. Her breasts pressed invitingly together as she did so, her hands spasming beneath them as they began to crunch and crackle. “Someone, please!” Her nails began to thicken into wicked claws, her palm lengthening with excruciating pops. She threw her head back and cried out, her lengthening fangs bared and sweat pouring down her face and neck.

She was forced to bend over again as her back began to emit those terrible crunches, her breasts hanging tantalizingly and her slender waist writhing a bit. Her new claws braced her on the floor, black hairs already beginning to grow on the back of her hands and on her pale forearms. She was shaking like a leaf, moaning with each labored breath, her shoulders hunched piteously. Her sinuous back was half exposed by her slinky costume, her shoulder blades showing starkly against porcelain skin. The crackling grew louder and she let out something between a shriek and a sob, her body lurching forward and her back arching up towards the ceiling to a chorus of cracks. It hurt so badly. Her body lurched again involuntarily to more cracks, her spine crunching upwards to press against her delicate skin. She couldn't help but writhe and scream as with every breath it seemed to surge a bit further upwards, tightening her already too-tight corset across her hourglass figure, her back crunching upwards as though it never meant to stop. Fine black hairs began to sprout all over her pale, sweaty back as it reflected the moonlight, her sinuous shape being wrenched into something else altogether. On all fours as she was, she still nearly lost her balance with a scream as her spine began to press out above her shapely backside, a nub of a tail forming and growing insistently. Every agonizing inch was won with another crack and another cry of torment, her toned back writhing in the moonlight as her naked tail slowly lengthened. It wasn't long before it was blossoming with black fir, her changing body heaving with her sharp breaths, her feverish eyes staring imploringly at the demon weaving the spell upon her.

She couldn't stand it anymore, the heat and pressure on her changing torso growing unbearable. With great effort she managed to rise from all fours to rest on her knees, sweat pouring down her neck and over her voluptuous breasts. The thrice-damned corset top was digging into those magnificent breasts now, the change pressing the soft flesh tight against its lacy prison. And things only threatened to get worse as she felt a surge in her chest. She let out a dismayed moan, malformed claw gripping at her heart as a deep, muffled crunch emitted from her chest. “Oh god.” She breathed, moaning between each labored breath. She could feel her ribs trying to surge forward, the smothered crunching sounds from deep within her sending daggers of fiery pain through her core. The corset dug yet further into her breasts, the expanse of sweaty cleavage looking fit to burst from its now inadequate prison. The hand at her chest fumbled with the laces of her corset, but it was to no avail, her panicked scrambling gaining no ground. Her new claws, while fit to rend flesh, could not cope with the complicated laces, leaving her whimpering desperately. Midnight fur was beginning to grow between her breasts and on her pale, shapely shoulders. She pitched and groaned, big breasts heaving as her chest continued to try to expand, tears rolling down her cheeks. “F-Fuck!” She swore to no one in particular, squeezing her eyes shut as sweat poured down every inch of her. Soon she was no longer bothering with the laces, tearing at her sinfully seductive top with an animalistic desperation. It was almost a relief to hear the tearing of her indecent top, her powerful new claws making short work of it as she tore it open down the front. If fell from her form, her gorgeous breasts spilling forth. She shrieked as her chest was finally allowed to expand with horrendously sharp cracks. Throwing her head back, she thrust her breasts towards the ceiling and bared her fangs in a terrified grimace, her ribs visible against her skin as her chest crunched haltingly forward with each mangled noise.

When it was finished she seemed to get a bit of a reprieve, curling over on herself to pant with exhaustion and fear. Midnight fur mingled with soft porcelain skin, purer than the moonlight and soaked with sweat. She looked up, a lock of her short hair sticking to her damp forehead, her eyes pleading with the demon. “I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Stop this, I'm-” She cut off with a groan, gritting her sharpened teeth and doubling over. Her now-bare breasts bounced as she fell again to all fours, the popping noises beginning once more. She shook like a leaf as her body began to lengthen, her breaths catching in her throat and silencing her pleas for mercy. Shaking claws went to her skirt as she finally admitted to herself that this change would not stop, sliding the red garment down her gorgeous rear and long, pale legs. Her new tail hung limply, visible now that the skirt was gone, more fur beginning to creep up her spine from where it had sprouted. She barely managed to stay on all fours as her stretching form convulsed with pain. Even as her body was lengthening the change seemed to be adding some subtle touches. Her fangs continued to lengthen until they were almost too large for her mouth, her ears pointing and starting to poke through her hair. Her pain-wracked body was beginning to feel alien to her, as much animal as it was woman, and when she stared down in horror at her claws she despaired to imagine the damage they could do. Her feet were beginning to lengthen, forcing the zippers of her boots down before they fell away from the paws of an animal, no longer shaped for them. She pressed her chest to the ground with a sob, magnificent breasts squishing against her floor as her long legs began to change their shape to match her new paws, crunching and convulsing into shape.

Desperately, she clawed at the wall. Despite all the torment she was going through, she managed to draw herself onto two legs. It felt unnaturally easy, her new legs easily carrying her upright even though they no longer bore a human shape. She was easily one or two feet taller now, her body larger. Unfamiliar muscle was corded on her back, the dark fur already working to conceal it as it thickened over her body. Those generous breasts she took so much pride in were pressed against the wall, the material blessedly cool against her still feverish skin. She rested her forehead against the smooth plaster, her body shuddering with soft sobs as she prayed that it was all over. Alas, the change was not yet done with her; she didn't have her snarl, yet. She cried out helplessly as she felt her whole face beginning to crunch, her head filled with the terrible sounds of moving bone. Her gorgeous red lips were forcefully parted from her fangs as her jaw began to grow, her mouth agape in a silent scream as her mouth and nose wrenched forward bit by bit. The pain was so bad her vision swam, but the curse would not allow her to pass out as her cute button nose turned upwards and her glistening fangs shone in the moonlight. Fur was crawling up her cheeks, her human facial features disappearing between it and the muzzle that was crackling ever forward.

At long last it was finished, the delicate features of a woman utterly replaced by the panting maw of a beast. Her shredded costume lay strewn around her, her once-gorgeous body all but unrecognizable as she snarled at the moon, slaver running off of her vicious teeth.

“Now then, we'll have to cancel your party.” The demon said menacingly. “Tonight... Tonight, you do my bidding.”


“Trick or treat!”

Children gathered around the open door eagerly. The word had spread quickly; this was the best house of the season. On the porch handing out king-sized candy bars loomed a massive furry shape; her pointed ears were pressed flat against her head and she whimpered exasperatedly as children tugged at her tail and stroked her fur with exclamations of disbelief. One in particular, a gap-toothed little ghost, laughed with delight as she got not one but three treats under the watchful eye of her tiny avenger.

“There's a good girl.” The demon said from across the living room, reclining on her couch with his feet propped up on what was once a spotless coffee table. “You play nice and I might even consider letting you off the hook once the sun rises. Looks like you're running low; better head to the store and get some more.”

The werewolf let out a defeated sigh. This was going to be a long night.
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Unread 12-22-2014   #2
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Re: Werewolf Stories by Cursebearer

Very nice. Did not see that ending coming. It's great to see you posting something after so long, I'm glad I could inspire you like that, and I hope to see more.

Last edited by TF-Viewer; 12-22-2014 at 08:19 PM.
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Unread 12-22-2014   #3
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Re: Werewolf Stories by Cursebearer

Glad to see you posting again!

Mildly off topic, but one of your newer stories on DeviantArt disappeared a few months ago (the one with the werewolf/prostitute in the office setting). I assume it got nuked for DeviantArt content violation or something, and was wondering if you could post it here. Of course, if you deleted it yourself for other reasons, feel free to ignore this request.

Again, glad to see you back posting again!
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Unread 12-23-2014   #4
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Re: Werewolf Stories by Cursebearer

Oh man, a new story from Cursebearer. Christmas comes a little early I guess.
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Unread 12-23-2014   #5
The Semi-Great Slayer
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Re: Werewolf Stories by Cursebearer

Thanks for the kind words. Can't say how cool it is to hear kind words from the community like this.

Originally Posted by mb78 View Post
Glad to see you posting again!

Mildly off topic, but one of your newer stories on DeviantArt disappeared a few months ago (the one with the werewolf/prostitute in the office setting). I assume it got nuked for DeviantArt content violation or something, and was wondering if you could post it here. Of course, if you deleted it yourself for other reasons, feel free to ignore this request.

Again, glad to see you back posting again!
That story did indeed get taken down by deviantART. I'll see what I can do about reposting it, I'm not sure if I still have it floating around or not...
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Unread 12-23-2014   #6
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Re: Werewolf Stories by Cursebearer

I love this, thanks for sharing!
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Unread 12-23-2014   #7
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Re: Werewolf Stories by Cursebearer

I liked
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Unread 12-23-2014   #9
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Re: Werewolf Stories by Cursebearer

Originally Posted by Cursebearer View Post
That story did indeed get taken down by deviantART. I'll see what I can do about reposting it, I'm not sure if I still have it floating around or not...
Oh don't worry, if you don't still have it I totally have a copy saved. Just let me know if you need it.
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Unread 12-23-2014   #10
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Re: Werewolf Stories by Cursebearer

I drew an illustration for your story
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Also check out my Discord Server where we have good fun discussion and also I post pics sometimes. :3
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Unread 12-23-2014   #11
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Re: Werewolf Stories by Cursebearer

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Unread 12-23-2014   #12
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Re: Werewolf Stories by Cursebearer

Love it, CB. Right up my alley. I got excited when I saw the new post subject. Not disappointed.

I hope we see Three Nights at Wolfe Lodge one day too.
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