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Unread 04-10-2016   #1
Join Date: Oct 2014
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That chemical growth story

Hey everyone, I'm a long time lurker who has finally decided to share some of my own creative work. Let me know what you think, if you think anything at all of it.

*Growth, couples growth, clothing destruction, sex

It was a dark night, one of those nights where you wish you’d thought to bring a flash light with you to the party or that at the very least that your phone wasn’t dead, the moon was out but the light cast from it fell sporadically on the ground where it was able to pierce the dense tree coverage above. Nikki didn’t mind, despite being scared of all the things she couldn’t see but her imagination placed out in the woods, because her crush and best friend Topher had offered to walk her home. Nikki had, had a crush on Topher for a long time, ever since they had met in first year biology two years earlier. Nikki often thought of the moment they first met, she was sitting in her first ever class straight out of high school and was beyond nervous. As she watched students flood into the auditorium she found herself wondering if any of these new people would think she was cool or even want to talk to her in the first place. Nikki had never been the pretty or popular girl at school and so social situations stressed her out, standing a mere 5’2” and with small A-cup sized breast she felt like no guy would want her and the other girls would just make fun of her. All Nikki truly loved about herself was her firm perky butt that she had developed over years of gymnastics as a kid. Her train of thought was instantly shut down, however, when Topher walked in that day. Standing roughly 6’6” it was hard to miss him, and Nikki was hooked instantly. Dark hair, light brown eyes, light complexion, and a fit build, he was every woman’s dream and to Nikki’s surprise, excitement and fear he was heading straight for the open chair beside her.

“Hi there, my name is Chris, most people call me Topher though, don’t ask it’s a long story feel free to come up with some other nickname for me if you want, it’s rare that anyone calls me just one thing for too long.” He said as he sat down next to her.

“Ummmm yah, great, okay, thanks Topher…. I uhhhh, I’m Nikki… I uhhh, shit, ummmm yah you can just call me Nikki, I don’t have anything clever to say, or a story to go along with my name.” She said embarrassed that she had even opened her mouth at all.

“Haha, hey Nikki it’s amazing to meet you, I hope I didn’t come off to strong. I can be talkative when I’m nervous and start rambling about all sorts of things. It’s my first time in a classroom with this many students, I’m from a small place up north, so this is really intimidating for me and when I walked in I sensed that you were a nervous too and so I thought maybe we could help protect each other.” Topher said with a smile on his face.

That was it, Nikki was hooked. Topher was handsome, tall, kind, and despite his size nervous and scared just like her. From that day on Topher and Nikki were inseparable and spent most of their free time studying together, hanging out, and going to parties. They spent so much time together that everyone by 3rd year were convinced that they were dating. A notion that they whole heartedly denied every time it came up, but both secretly wished it was true neither ever brave enough to just ask because both were worried about ruining the friendship they had developed over the years.

As Nikki and Topher walked through the thicket together on their way home from the party there was a big bang, a flash of light, and then a wave of a putrid chemically smell that neither were familiar with but that both wanted to escape as soon as possible.

“What was that!?” Nikki yelped in terror “And what is that awful smell!”

“Ugh you’re right that is awful, but we should go check it out!” Topher said in an uncharacteristically brave way.

“I don’t know Topher, what if it’s dangerous, I think we should get home as quickly as possible so we can charge our phones and call it in.” But before she could finish her sentence Topher was dragging her through the forest in the direction of the noise. As the approach the smell became stronger and stronger, smelt almost like pickle juice but was accompanied by a slight irritating burn in the nostrils with every deep breath.

Breaking through the tree line they both saw for the first time what had created the noise and the smell. In front of them was a transport truck nearly ripped in half by a hydro pole and broken bottles everywhere that were leaking a wide array of different coloured liquids. Running around the front of the truck Topher finally found out what had happened.

“Nikki come look!” He hollered over the front end of the truck.

Nikki ran over and on the ground lay two deer, obviously they had been crossing the street and the truck driver attempted to serve to miss them and ended up fishtailing, throwing his truck into the hydro poll. Then it suddenly dawned on Nikki “The driver! Where the hell are they?”

Topher ran over to the cab swung the door open but found that no one was there.

“Weird, I mean I guess he might have been okay and went to look for help?” he said, puzzled at the fact that there was no trace of him at all.

Then it happened, a terrible rumble started coming from the cab of the truck and before they could realize what was happening they both were flying through the air. Nikki was blown across the street but luckily landed in a flower bed of the city park that was across the street, Topher, however, was not so lucky. Flying in the other direction Topher slammed off a tree breaking his arm as he then tumbled across the ground till he came to a stop 20 feet later.

Nikki dazed but feeling fine sprung to her feet running to Topher’s side not having realized that her speed was incredible and that she wasn’t even winded when she made it to him only seconds later.

“Topher! Topher are you okay!?” Holding his head in her lap as she surveyed his injuries. “Don’t you dare die on me! I never even got to tell you how much of a crush I had on you, and how I wish we were more!” Sobbing as she assessed his body for all its injuries: broken arm, at least one broken rib, and a broken ankle. As she looked him up and down she noticed the bulge in the front of his pants. Was he always that big? Is he just erect and so it looks big now? But before she could continue the train of thought Topher shot up and took a deep exasperated breath. He then suddenly looked down at his arm which began to twist and move, it was subtle at first but it definitely appeared as though his arm was repairing itself.

“Ummmm, what is happening to your arm? That really doesn’t look good.” Nikki said completely confused at what she was seeing.
“It’s going to be hard to believe, but this doesn’t hurt at all. In fact it feel fantastic.” He stared in awe as his arm looked completely normal now as if it had never been even slightly damage before. Topher then surveyed the rest of his body, and those bones too seemed to have fixed themselves.

“Man!!! How nuts was that?!” Nikki shouted. “I mean I’ve always wished more exciting things would happen to me, but this? I’d never have prayed in a million years for this…. And Topher… I don’t know if you have thought about this yet… but your body fucking healed itself… you’re a fucking mutant dude!”
Topher hadn’t thought about it before, she was right, he had some sort of accelerated healing factor, a power pretty high up there on the A-list of powers. Thoughts ran wild in his head about how awesome this power would be, he had always wanted to have some sort of power, for as long as he could remember he wished to be different, be special, and even be noticed. Then all of a sudden it dawned on him “NIKKI!! You were just in the same accident I bet you have some sort of power too! I wonder what it could be!”
Nikki took a step back “Oh my goodness, YOU’RE RIGHT! Oh man, oh man, this is the coolest day ever I have been given some sort of power and now I get to try and figure out what it is!” Nikki took a long look at Topher, her confidence had never been higher, she didn’t know what her power was but just knowing that she may have one filled her with a strength she had never felt before, a new confidence, one that said she could take the world by the throat and have her way with it, and for once she was going to have what she wanted.

“So Topher, when I came over to make sure you were doing okay I noticed that maybe something else was a little different?” She playfully pointed to his cock as she walked closer to him.
Topher looked down to see what it was she was referring to. It must have been all the terror and excitement that had just occurred but Topher looking down now realized that his pants had been feeling extra tight and it certainly looked like his dick had gained a few inches “Oh man, Nikki I think I have a huge cock all of a sudden!” His excitement couldn’t be hidden, but who could blame him, it’s every guys wish to suddenly wake up and have a monster cock.

By this point Nikki was right beside him “Mmmm well big boy, maybe you should let your best friend Nikki play doctor and make sure nothing is out of place down there.” And before Topher could protest, Nikki had his fly down, pants unbuttoned, and to his knees within seconds.
“Oh my!” Nikki said “This is the biggest dick I think I’ve ever seen.” Topher’s dick flopped out of his underwear reaching at least 9-10 inches unerrect. “Jesus, I mean I’ve always had a crush on you, and I’ve always wanted to fuck you, but this. I don’t think I’ll ever fit something that size in me. I mean look at me I’m only 5’2”. I wish my power was to grow bigger so I could fit that giant in my pussy.” As soon as the words left her mouth Nikki felt a warm wave flood over her body. “Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo” she exclaimed gripping her breast in extasy.

“What? Are you okay Nikki?” Topher said, suddenly disappointed that his friend was no longer gripping his cock, but was instead seemingly orgasming without anyone having touched her at all.

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Came another scream from Nikki, and that when Topher noticed. Nikki was getting bigger, slowly, but definitely getting bigger.

“Nikki hurry stand up a quick second!” Topher said in excitement. “I think……. I think we figured out your power, I think you’re growing!”
With that Nikki jumped to her feet and sure enough, when she use to only come as high as Topher’s nipple she now came up to his collar bone. “Oh man, oh man, Topher! I can change my size at will! This is unbelievable! I wish my boobs were 3 sizes bigger!”

Topher instantly look towards her chest where her shirt was being pulled tighter and tigher across her boobs which were growing rapidly. B-cup, C-cup, any bigger and her bra would never be able to hold them in, and boom D-cup. Topher rushed behind her and through her shirt he released the super tight bra strap with snap it came off releasing Nikki’s now D sized breasts of their prison.

“Wow, I mean just wow! Topher I have tits! Can you believe it, all the girls at school are going to be so jealous, I can have whatever……. Oh man…. My ass I could make it so much nicer. I wish my ass was bigger and perkier!” She instantly grabbed her ass and yes it too was starting to get bigger, I could see the outline of her underwear sliding higher and higher as her ass grew bigger and bigger enveloping them till they looked like nothing more than a g-string hidden underneath some amazingly tight LuLu lemons. At this point Topher couldn’t help it anymore, his dick started to swell as he was becoming very turned on by the changing body of his best friend. 10 in, 11 in, 12 in, Topher’s dick was getting bigger and bigger the more he stared at her, and Nikki did not fail to notice. 13 in, 14 in, 15 in “Christ Topher, this is not just big this is enormous, I cant even…… *muffled noise* fit my mouth over it. I’m going to need to be way bigger. I wish I was waayyyyyyyyyy bigger!” Nikki said in a very provocative voice.

She stood up against Topher, mainly so she could enjoy the view of him getting smaller as she got bigger, and it started. Slowly at first, but picking up speed, Nikki sprang from her now 5’8” to 6’0”. Her shirt barely holding on any longer, and her pants stretched to their max they started to tear. “Oooo it feels kinda sexy to break out of my clothes, and look I’m nearly your height now. Just a little further and I might out grow you baby, think you’re ready for that?”

But Topher didn’t hear her, he was way too turned on and focused on this girl who was now passing 6’2” without any sign of slowing down. At this point Topher was rock hard and horny as fuck his dick reaching a final size of around 17 in. “Please fuck me!” Topher begged. Nikki finally having stopped at 6’5” with the majority of her clothes torn to shreds by still holding on for dear life.

“Mmmmmmm I’m so turned on baby, growing has….. mmmmmm well I just can’t explain it, you’d have to experience it for yourself but my god! And fuck, that dick Topher, let me just take care of these clothes. I wish I was big enough to explode from these clothes!” And it started again, only this time it was way faster and certainly had much to do likely with the wording she chose. In no more than 2 or so seconds Nikki went from 6’5” to 7’10” blowing her clothes to smithereens and sending them flying. “Oh my, it looks like I may have over done it! But look now I’m as tall as you were in comparison when we were both normal size! This is so hot!”

Topher looked up at his immense friend. Never in his life did he think he would ever be looking a pair of tits straight in the “eye”. They were huge, way beyond the D’s they were only moments before and they looked perfect, they were full and perky without a sign of imperfection. Her stomach was looking fabulous too, sporting a faint 6 pack now Nikki really was looking like she spent many a day in a gym. But the excitement for his friend slipped quickly when he then started to feel inferior. This was the first time in Topher’s life that he had ever been the small one and he really didn’t like it. “Nikki this is unbelievably hot, I assure you….. But I’ll be honest, it’s really weird to be the small one. I wish I could grow as big as you.”

That was it, Topher felt it instantly. His skin getting tight, his muscles feeling strained, and his cock throbbing beyond belief. He began to grow too.

“OMG! Topher! You can grow too! I bet that means I can heal as well! This is unbelievable! Mmmmm baby please please please fuck me.”
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Unread 04-10-2016   #2
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Re: That chemical growth story

Nice,well written. I enjoyed it, would love to see some additional parts.
P.S. I detect a hint of Canadian vocabulary and spelling. Great first content keep it up
my fellow Canuck.
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Unread 04-10-2016   #3
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Re: That chemical growth story

This is a very good first attempt. Interesting premise and some good descriptions.

Constructive Criticisms:

Hate to be the grammar nazi (since I'm not innocent when it comes to proper grammar), but you have commas where there shouldn't be any, and you have no commas where there should be one. Your punctuation is off and, at times, it fucks with the flow and pacing of the story. If you clean it up, this story and future one's will flow much more naturally.

Secondly, while the characters of Topher and Nikki start off as interesting and relatable, they soon sort of devolve into flat archetypes. Their dialogue becomes somewhat...stilted? Unbelievable? Definitely not natural. Try and consider how someone might react in the situation that you described. Nikki just watched Topher's arm self-heal in a fraction of the time normally needed, Topher is watching Nikki slowly expand in every direction; both are experiencing very, very unusual alterations, and while it's okay for them to be excited about them, a little more trepidation and confusion might make their dialogue more believable.

Overall, this is a decent start, and don't let my CC dissuade you from continuing to write; you definitely should. I believe you're just a diamond in the rough, so-to-speak. With practice, you'll definitely produce better stories and exert a stronger command over the mechanics of writing.

And as with anyone who produces content, thanks for sharing it with the community; very much appreciated!
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Unread 04-11-2016   #4
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Re: That chemical growth story

I am Canadian... Dammit I really thought I had caught all my Canadianisms. I definitely spelt words the UK English way, but I was sure I took out all the Eh's haha.

Thanks for the criticism. I've never been the best with grammar. Math and science were always my thing. I will admit I wrote that in one go and didn't edit it at all other than to remove my Canadian Ehs haha. I Appreciate the comments though. I will be sure to take what you said into consideration next time. You'll likely see me post again.
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Unread 04-11-2016   #5
Mr GorpThorp
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Re: That chemical growth story

Thanks for sharing your work!
Gorp. Thorp.
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Unread 04-11-2016   #6
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Re: That chemical growth story

Originally Posted by booyanti View Post
I am Canadian... Dammit I really thought I had caught all my Canadianisms. I definitely spelt words the UK English way, but I was sure I took out all the Eh's haha.

Thanks for the criticism. I've never been the best with grammar. Math and science were always my thing. I will admit I wrote that in one go and didn't edit it at all other than to remove my Canadian Ehs haha. I Appreciate the comments though. I will be sure to take what you said into consideration next time. You'll likely see me post again.
It was the Hydro pole.
AWW! That's mean! Life's not worth living without Boobies!-Ensign Francesca Lucchini-Strike Witches The Sky That Connects Us
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Unread 04-20-2016   #7
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Re: That chemical growth story

Originally Posted by jack36262001 View Post
It was the Hydro pole.
haha oh... what are they called else where? haha
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Unread 04-20-2016   #8
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Re: That chemical growth story

Originally Posted by booyanti View Post
haha oh... what are they called else where? haha
Pretty much anything but the one utility they don't actually carry.
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Unread 04-25-2016   #9
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Re: That chemical growth story

Originally Posted by vincent_richter View Post
Pretty much anything but the one utility they don't actually carry.
haha, they may be carrying hydroelectrically generated power.... haha
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Unread 04-25-2016   #10
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Re: That chemical growth story

Originally Posted by booyanti View Post
haha, they may be carrying hydroelectrically generated power.... haha
That would be the reason, I live in one of our three completely land locked provinces, so most of our power is coal or natural gas, we have a few dams but less acsses to running water. We usual just call them power lines or utility poles. Hydro out here usually brings up images of the old public utilities. Anyways can't wait to see the next part.
AWW! That's mean! Life's not worth living without Boobies!-Ensign Francesca Lucchini-Strike Witches The Sky That Connects Us
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