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Unread 01-26-2009   #1
Dr. Otto
AKA Sister Hyde
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Real Ghostbusters: The Final Case (Complete)

Fan-fiction set in the “Real Ghostbusters” universe. (The animated and live-action Ghostbusters are two different things, y'know.) Feedback is most welcome. There's only one “detailed” transformation, but I didn't want to get repetitious.

Note to any Catholic-Christians who might take offense: The nuns in this story AREN'T holy. They're evil. EEEEEEvil. Just thought I'd clear that up.


The familiar blaring sirens of Ecto-1 was the first thing to be heard on the empty street, moments before the main transport vehicle of the Ghostbusters parked in front of St. Susanna Cathedral. The church itself was in a severe state of disrepair; thirty years of desolation and decay had done their work. The entire structure was comprised of peeling paint and rotten wood. The church wasn't the largest of its kind in New York; in fact, it was incredibly modest in its size, dwarfed by the shadows of encroaching skyscrapers as the sun set on the horizon.
Father Kenton, wringing his hands nervously, stepped out from the main entrance. Kenton was 74 years old, trey and withered, but he had no time to chat about his advanced age. Winston was at the driver's seat, he was the first to step out of the car. Egon quickly followed from the other side.
“Oh, thank God!” Father Kenton muttered, approaching Winston. “It's getting dark, and I...I didn't want to be around this place after the sun's gone...”
“You can take it easy, Father,” Winston said. “We deal with this sort of problem all the time.”
Father Kenton narrowed his eyes. “Do you?”
“Yeah, we do,” came Peter Venkman's voice. He climbed out from the back of Ecto-1. “I mean, come on. Don't you even read the newspapers? We live for this crap 24/7. We eat, breathe, and poop spooks. We...”
“Have you guys read about the history of this church?” Ray excitedly shouted as he ran to the back of the car. “This is the real deal! I'm talking about a classic Roman-Catholic set-up! They don't build churches like this anymore!”
Peter followed Ray, sighing deeply. “Ray, we're only sixty seconds into the job, and you're already giving me a headache.”
Winston noticed how Father Kenton was staring at Peter and Ray. “Just ignore them,” he said. “That's what I always do.”
Egon walked to Kenton, wiping the perspiration from his glasses with a handkerchief. “Father Kenton, I'd appreciate it if you could clarify to us what exactly is going on in this cathedral. Our secretary Janine Melnitz said you were a little vague over the phone.”
Kenton massaged his forehead, not eager to go into any sort of detail. “There was a...terrible incident here, about thirty years ago. A group of the church's nuns had apparently formed some kind of...suicide pact between themselves.”
Egon frowned. “ A suicide pact? I thought it was blasphemy in the Catholic religion to commit suicide.”
“Yes,” Kenton said. “Yes, you're correct. But these nuns were quite insane, I assure you. Nobody has any idea why they did it. Oh, there are theories. Some of my colleagues uptown have suggested that the here sisters somehow felt the difficult age we now live in was a sign that God had become angry with his children, and craved...I shudder even to say this...craved sacrifice. But that's neither here nor there, really.”
Winston looked at Egon. “This is pretty dark, Egon.”
“We've seen darker,” Egon replied coldly. “Please continue, Father.”
“The sisters killed themselves by gathering within the main hall and...setting the wooden benches aflame. They died fairly quickly, or so I've been told.” Kenton glanced back at the church, swallowing. “The fire itself was put out before the entire building was consumed, but by then it was too late. This church had been marked with evil. There have been repeated attempts through the years to rebuild it, but each time something kept driving the construction workers away. Reports of noises.”
Egon frowned. “What kind of noises?”
Kenton looked at Egon, his lips twitching. “What do you think? The voices of women whispering quietly in the hallways. Long cloth moving across stone floors.”
“Give me a break,” Peter said as he walked up, proton pack fully holstered. “They were scared off by the sound of gal-talk?”
Winston shot Peter a look. “Peter, if you mind...”
“Please, Mr. Venkman,” Father Kenton muttered beneath his breath. “I know you've tackled plenty of unnatural entities before, but don't take this so lightly.”
“Lightly?” Peter scoffed. “I take EVERYTHING lightly.” Peter strode towards the main door. “Come on, guys. All this stuff about nuns killing themselves is depressing. Let's bust some spooks already.”
Ray was following up from behind Peter, caught up in his own excitement. “Nuns, guys!” He shouted back at Egon and Winston. “This is gonna be so cool!!”
Winston shook Kenton's hand. “Thanks, Father, but I think we can take care of ourselves.”
Kenton tried to smile, but still didn't look too comforted. “I'll be catching the bus back to my own parish,” he said, walking away. “Please, remember what I told you.”
Winston rolled his eyes and slapped Egon on the shoulder. “Come on, Egon. Let's get this over with.”
Winston followed Peter and Ray into the church. Egon continued to watch Father Kenton leave, until he was completely out of sight. Then he disappeared into the cathedral.

The main prayer hall was badly gutted, as Kenton had warned them. The fire of thirty years before had left only blackened wood and charred walls in its wake. Egon slowly approached the priest's altar, PKE meter in hand.
“Father Kenton wasn't exaggerating,” Egon said aloud. “There is a considerable level of psycho-kinetic energy in this church, but I'm having a hard time pinpointing it.”
Peter sat down on a pew. It collapsed under his weight.
“So this is what we've come to,” Peter muttered, rubbing his butt. “Chasing nuns in a church. I hate to say this, but I'm starting to miss giant demon dogs.” He noticed Egon on the altar. “And why are YOU always the one who uses the PKE meter?!”
“Because you never learned how to use it yourself?” Winston said helpfully. He was looking at the statues of robed, praying women at the sides of the hall.
Ray was taking samples of wood from the floor. “Hey guys, how old do you think this cathedral is anyway? A hundred years? Two hundred?”
“Hard to say,” Egon said, shutting off the meter. “Well, we're obviously not doing anything useful here. I suggest we split up and cover the church from top to bottom, but watch your step, especially on any stairs.”
Peter folded his arms and sat down on a more reliable pew. “I'm staying right here.”
Winston groaned. “Peter...”
“You guys go off and explore. Have fun. I'll hold the fort.”
Egon shook his head. “All right, but don't touch anything.”
Peter spread his arms out in an innocent gesture. “Hey, Egon. Have I ever let you down? Don't answer that,” he snapped, seeing that Egon was about to reply.
Ray, Winston, and Egon vanished into the smaller corridors of St. Susanna. Peter cracked his knuckles and put his feet up, whistling a casual tune to himself.
A sudden noise caught Peter's ears; the sound of long cloth moving across the floor. His trained hands immediately went for the proton pack, and he jumped up from the pew.
There was no one there. He was alone.
Peter smirked and holstered his gun. “I don't believe it,” he said. “I'm letting a bunch of nuns scare me.”
Peter walked over to one of the statues of the cathedral. He leaned in close to its stony face. “I don't know about you, sweet-cheeks,” he whispered, “but I'm getting lonely. How about you and I...?” Peter immediately slapped himself. “What are you thinking, you perv? You're in a CATHEDRAL!”
Peter turned around and started strolling back to the pew, when the sound of moving cloth drifted to his ears again. He spun around, and what he saw made his jaw drop.
The statue of the woman had moved, as impossible as that could have been. Her hands, once clasped together in prayer, had now opened up the front of its robe, revealing a torso of large stone breasts.
Peter stared at the statue in disbelief. He desperately wanted to say something clever, but nothing came to him.
He found his eyes slowly focusing on the statue's breasts. They were...they were so big. And beautiful. Hell, they were the boobs of an angel.
A strange spell began to fall over Peter. A base, primordial urge overwhelmed his mind. At first he recoiled from it with disgust, but his resistance was quickly dissolved by powers outside of his control.
Peter staggered to the statue, and tried to pull back one last time, but the breasts called out to him like a siren song. He put his mouth on one of the statue's teats, and started to suckle like a baby.
Very soon, Peter Venkman was no more.

Ray walked into the main hall. He was mildly annoyed; his search had proved completely fruitless. “Peter, where are you? I'm starting to think all the PKE activity is focused in this one hall, and...”
He stopped dead in his tracks. Kneeling in front of the altar was a woman, dressed in a nun's familiar black-and-white habit. Her face was turned away from Ray, but he could tell she was whispering some sort of prayer. He failed to see the loose heap of clothes and equipment stashed away in a corner of the hall.
“Uh...excuse me?” Ray said.
The woman didn't stand up, but spoke with her back still turned. “Can I help you?”
Ray scratched the back of his head. “Uh...this is a little awkward. My friend Pete was in here, and he...” He frowned as he realized something. “Hey, what are you doing here, anyway?”
“I'm a woman devoted to God's word,” she replied. “And this a church, isn't it?”
Ray flushed, feeling a tad embarrassed. “Well...I guess when you put it like that...” He caught himself. “Now wait just a minute. This church has been closed for thirty years!”
“I'm well aware of that.” The woman's voice was gentle and methodical.
Ray was getting impatient. “Okay...look. I'm...I'm sorry if I might have offended you, but I really need to know where my friend Peter Venkman got to. He's a thin guy, brown hair...”
“Oh, I know all about Mr. Venkman,” the woman said.
Ray frowned. “You do?”
The woman slowly stood up. “Such a proud man, such a sinful man. But he's been redeemed. He drank the holy milk of St. Susanna, and now the same milk is within my breasts, ready to convert others to the path of God.”
Ray took a step back. “Lady, you're starting to creep me out...”
“There's nothing to be frightened of, Ray,” the woman said.
“How did you know my name?”
The woman finally turned around. The benign, angelic face of a devoted nun beamed out from the habit's gowns, and smiled at Ray. “Because I was once the sinner you called Peter Venkman.”
Ray couldn't speak. He couldn't even reach for his proton pack. The blue eyes of the nun hypnotized him, had him rooted to the spot.
The woman slowly approached Ray. “My name is now Patricia. And you, Raymond Stantz...your name will soon be Regan.”
Ray shook his head. “''ve got to fight it...”
Patricia's hands moved to the front of her habit. “Fight what?” she said gently. “Redemption? Salvation? I have been blessed by St. Susanna, as I am now about to bless you.” She opened up her gown, and displayed her vast breasts to Ray; the breasts of an angel.
“Drink,” she intoned soothingly. “Drink my holy milk.”
Shaking his head, but unable to control himself, Ray stumbled towards Patricia. He fell to his knees, staring at Patricia's torso.
“I...I can't...” he muttered.
“Oh, but you can,” Patricia said. “It was easy for me. So it will be with you.”
Ray tried to call out to Egon and Winston, but the image of Patricia's cleavage burned itself into his eyes, filling his whole being with the bizarre but irresistible urge to suckle from her. Before he could stop himself, his mouth descended upon Patricia's left nipple.
Once Ray started to drink from Patricia, he was doomed. Her milk tasted like warm vanilla, and made him feel dizzy. He felt as if his whole body was flooded with heavenly light. His uniform and proton pack quickly sloughed off as his body shrank to a more feminine configuration. His buttocks flared and became distinctly pear-shaped. Ray shuddered slightly as his genitals slid into a tiny slit that had opened up between his legs, a slit that was quickly covered in a gentle sheet of peach-colored pubic hair. His large belly quickly flattened into a smooth, perfect tummy. Ray's hair lengthened into a long, red, soft mane. His chest inflated outwards into voluptuous breasts, and his nipples burst out with a final “POP!”
His face was the last thing to go. Ray's chubby features dissolved away, leaving the pretty face of a young nun, no less benign or serene than Patricia's.
Sister Regan of St. Susanna's Church had fully replaced Ray Stantz of New York, but there was still the matter of clothes to be taken care of. A mist slowly crept over her naked body, and when it had left, she was neatly dressed in the black-and-white habit of a nun.
She took her mouth away from Patricia's breast, and exhaled.
“How do you feel, Sister Regan?” Patricia inquired.
Her eyes snapped open, revealing the same blue complexion of Patricia's. “I...I don't know...”
“It's a little disorientating, I'll admit,” Patricia said. She helped Regan to her feet.
Regan's hands moved over her new dress. “This...” she started to speak. “This is incredible.”
Patricia smiled. “Truly, you and I have been wed to God.”
“A complete...a complete transfiguration, in body and mind...”
Patricia held Regan's head in her hands. “Don't talk like that anymore, Sister. The evil knowledge we have gathered over the years must be expelled from our souls.” With that, she kissed Regan on the lips; it wasn't a passionate kiss, but instead a sort of communion between kindred spirits. As she did so, the last vestige of Ray's personality vanished forever.
At that exact moment, Winston and Egon walked into the hall.
“I think we should get out of here,” Egon was saying. “I've noticed a sharp spike in PKE activity on the meter, and we aren't properly equipped to...” His sentence died on his lips when he saw the two kissing nuns at the altar.
Winston's expression was identical to Egon's. “ this a bad time, ladies?”
Sister Patricia and Sister Regan looked at the two remaining Ghostbusters. “Well, well,” Patricia said with a gentle smile. “Sister Edna. Sister Willow. We're so happy you could join us.”
Egon and Winston exchanged glances. “Any idea what they're talking about, Egon?” Winston asked.
But Egon had turned pale. He already knew what had happened, and even though it was probably too late, he knew he still had to try. “Peter. Ray,” he said slowly. “You've both been possessed by the spirits in this church. Even your bodies have even been reshaped. But you have to remember who you are. If we can just get you two back to headquarters, we can save you - “
“No, Egon,” Sister Patricia interrupted. “It is we who will save you.” Her hands began to reach for her gowns...

Janine was getting worried. Over six hours since the boys had left for St. Susanna, and there hadn't been a single call from Egon or Winston. She was used to jobs taking up to sixteen, even twenty-four hours, but this blanket of silence wasn't making her feel any better.
She tapped her red fingernails on her work desk, staring at the phone. She kept her cell close by in her purse; she knew Egon had her number, in case of a real emergency. But so far, nothing.
Slimer floated into the room, and noticed the downcast expression on Janine's face.
“Jannnniiinne?” He asked in his infantile voice, drifting towards her.
“Relax, Slimer,” Janine said, dismissive. “They're all right. I'm sure they are. It's just...” she sighed. “I can't stop thinking about Egon...”
She abruptly heard the sound of Ecto-1 sliding into the firehouse. Janine jumped up from her desk. “About time!” she shouted happily.
“Icjttploo?” Slimer asked, looking curious.
Janine walked towards the garage, ignoring Slimer. “Strange...usually the boys have the sirens blaring at full volume, even when coming home,” she thought to herself.
Janine had seen all sorts of bizarre sights in her lifetime ever since signing on as the Ghostbusters's secretary, but she wasn't prepared for the sight of four nuns, dressed in black-and-white habits, casually climbing out of a long, black car that resembled a funeral hearse.
“What the...?” was all she could say.
One of the nuns turned to her. She wore a pair of small glasses that only accentuated her gentle features. “Janine,” she whispered softly.
Another one of the nuns, a black woman, was looking over the garage. “This will make a fine new church for us,” she said happily.
“Now, now, Sister Willow,” Sister Patricia chided. “First, we must take care of a few smaller matters.”
Janine backed away from the nuns. “Okay, listen: I have no idea who you are, but this isn't a church. It's a firehouse.”
The nun with the glasses touched Janine on the shoulder. “Janine, please. This isn't a firehouse anymore. This is the new sanctuary for St. Susanna.”
Janine shrugged off her hand, and pointed at the car. “Look, I know you're nuns and all, but you'd better get that thing out of here. The Ghostbusters will be getting back real soon, and they need the room in the garage for Ecto-1.”
The Sisters exchanged silent smiles between each other.
“What?” Janine said, getting annoyed.
“Janine,” Sister Regan said, putting her hand on the black car's hood, “this IS Ecto-1.”
Janine blinked. “Excuse me?”
“We redeem everything, Janine,” Sister Willow explained. “Even things that don't have a soul.”
“We converted the Ecto-1 into a more appropriate vehicle for us,” Sister Patricia said. “It is now a carrier of God's message. But I suspect we won't be using it often.”
Janine was now officially peeved. “That's it. Just because you're nuns doesn't mean I have to put up with this crap. Get the hell out of here!”
“Jannniinnne?” Slimer said uneasily, peeking out from behind a wall.
Sister Patricia's eyes grew bright. “Slimer!” She cried out. “Come to me, dear Slimer. It's your turn to be saved.”
“GRAAAAAAAAAAAA!!” Slimer screamed. Unlike humans, a ghost knows bad news when he sees it. He made a straight beeline for the exit, not looking back.
“Slimer!” Janine called out. She tried to follow, but was stopped by Sister Edna.
“Janine, I've always liked you,” Sister Edna told her. “It is fitting that I should be the one to redeem you.”
“You're all crazy!” Janine shouted. “Get out, before I - “
Edna opened the front of her habit, revealing her breasts. Janine instantly fell silent.
“Drink, Janine,” Edna said gently.
Just as the Ghostbusters before her, Janine was unable to resist the sight of the angelic breasts. The spell of St. Susanna had equal power over men and women alike. She squashed her mouth against Edna's nipple, and suckled.
Already being female, Janine's shape didn't change much, except gain a distinctly heavenly glow. Her clothes slowly fell away, but unlike Ray's transformation, she had become nude simply because her own body had rejected her garments. A nun's habit quickly materialized on her skin, and Sister Janine of St. Susanna was born.
Sister Edna helped Sister Janine to her feet. “My God,” she breathed in amazement.
“Yes, Janine,” Sister Edna smiled. “We're all devoted to His word now.”
Sister Patricia stepped between the two women. “Come, come, Sisters!” she announced. “It's time we renovated this place into our new home.”
And so the nuns of St. Susanna went about changing the entire firehouse into a cathedral, simply by the touch of their fingertips. Where the Ghostbusters headquarters once stood, a modest church now resided, a proud cross mounted high on its rooftop, inviting all who seek salvation to enter, and be saved. The Second Church of St. Susanna was here to stay.
As for Slimer, he never entirely abandoned the nuns who had formerly been the greatest ghostbusting team on the planet, but haunted their footsteps all the time, hoping for the day when they would be released from St. Susanna's “salvation”.

Last edited by Dr. Otto; 01-27-2009 at 09:26 AM.
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Unread 01-26-2009   #2
"My way of thanking you"
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Re: Real Ghostbusters: The Final Case

I enjoyed it, thanks for sharing .
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Unread 01-27-2009   #3
Dr. Otto
AKA Sister Hyde
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Re: Real Ghostbusters: The Final Case

Thank you, frice. Glad somebody got a kick out of this strange little tale o' mine.

Ghostbusters vs. evil nuns. Honestly, who would YOU want to see win?
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Unread 01-27-2009   #4
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Re: Real Ghostbusters: The Final Case

Originally Posted by Dr. Otto View Post
Thank you, frice. Glad somebody got a kick out of this strange little tale o' mine.

Ghostbusters vs. evil nuns. Honestly, who would YOU want to see win?
i don't know about evil nuns in general but....
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Unread 01-27-2009   #5
Dr. Otto
AKA Sister Hyde
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Re: Real Ghostbusters: The Final Case

(I changed the title for this story, just because I felt "The Final Case" sounded a little too vague.)
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Unread 01-28-2009   #6
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Re: Real Ghostbusters: The Final Case

Well, do as you wish. It was pretty well-written....I just don't want to think of a sexy version of Ray....
Meh. Cranky and old.
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Unread 01-28-2009   #7
Dr. Otto
AKA Sister Hyde
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Re: Real Ghostbusters: The Final Case

Originally Posted by Vengeance1701 View Post
Well, do as you wish. It was pretty well-written....I just don't want to think of a sexy version of Ray....
You mean a sexy nun version of Ray.

But seriously, thanks. Were there any scenes or moments you liked in particular?
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Unread 01-31-2009   #8
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Re: Real Ghostbusters: The Final Case

Originally Posted by Dr. Otto View Post
Thank you, frice. Glad somebody got a kick out of this strange little tale o' mine.

Ghostbusters vs. evil nuns. Honestly, who would YOU want to see win?
the ghostbusters but with them still ladys in the end. but i like the good guys to win, pun intended

Last edited by develdragon; 01-31-2009 at 12:09 AM. Reason: incomplete at posting
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