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Unread 07-10-2008   #1
Lord T Hawkeye
It's play time!
Lord T Hawkeye's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 1,183
Story time again! (Doll transformation, possibly others to come)

Episode 1: Doll becomes Her

? see Daisuke...the truth is...?

Megumi struggled to find the right words as she fumbled with the prop flower she held behind her back.

?You've had feelings for me since we were kids?? Daisuke guessed.

?What?!? Megumi said in surprise.

?Oh don't worry about it, I'm guessing you were next going to ask me about going to the dance with me??

?Oh yes! Will you?? Megumi asked eagerly.

?Of course I will!?

Megumi smiled brightly as she lept into his arms. Everything was perfect. Megumi was happy. Megumi was in paradise.

Megumi was, of course, dreaming...

The blare of an alarm awoke the young girl from her dream. She awoke as the sunlight peaked through her window, revealing a room filled with colorful posters and a shelf lined with dolls of all shapes and sizes on a shelf.

?Aw...just a dream,? she said disappointed but looked over hopefully at the colorful fake flower that lay on her dresser, ?But today is the day it's going to be real! I'm going to ask Daisuke to the spring dance this time for sure!?

She got up and began dressing herself in her school uniform..

?And...I'm going to tell him how I really feel too!?


Emerging from the bathtub, Megumi adjusted her glassess and ran her hands through her brown, shoulder length hair as she tried to maintain her confidence. She was always a small, shy girl but she was determined not to let that get in her way today because today, all the girls were going to give their spring flower to the one they wanted to take to the spring dance and Megumi knew who she had her eyes set on.

?Hey! Is that your dance flower?? came the voice of a younger girl who quickly bounded out of her room that faced Megumi's.

?Yes...I'm going to do it today this time!? Megumi said as though trying to convince herself as well.

?I'll be rooting for you sis!? replied the girl who looked almost like a younger version of Megumi except without glasses and she kept her hair longer and decorated with a colorful headband..

?Thanks Natsume, but I gotta go!? Megumi said as she dashed out the door.


?Megumi! Just in time!? said the red haired girl next to Megumi's desk as she took her place, ?So, are you ready this time? No chickening out like last year??

?No! This time I'm going to ask Daisuke out for real! I need you to promise me you won't let me leave until I've said it,? Megumi replied as she fiddled with her books, ?Did you already give out your flower Kotomi??

?I sure did,? Kotomi answered smiling, ?It wasn't easy but he said yes. Don't worry about it. Daisuke knows you, I'm sure he'd love to go with you.?

?Thanks Mikoto...I'm going to ask him after school,? Megumi said nodding until her attention was diverted by a young man with short black hair and narrow eyes entering the class. Megumi blushed as red can be as she hid her face behind a book.

? can't ask him with a book in front of your face. You really need to stop doubting yourself like this,? Kotomi said shaking her head.

?Heh...doubting? I just...wasn't sure about one of my answers when I did my homework last night...that's all...?

Kotomi sighed as the teacher entered and began class.


The hours passed. Megumi who was normally what many would call a teacher's pet found herself unable to concentrate all the way until lunch. Daisuke was on her mind and the tension was just killing her. Sure, she had known him since they were little and they were always good friends but now she felt more for him than ever but never could say it. Finally, lunch came and offered her something to get her mind off the matter for a while.

?So, has any of your doll making talents rubbed off on your little sister yet?? Kotomi asked Megumi as they chatted over lunch.

?She's doing all right. She's like looking at me 4 years ago sometimes,? Megumi said.

?How come you don't do that stuff anymore? You were really good at it,? Kotomi asked.

?I too busy for it,? Megumi said, not quite convincing Kotomi that's all there was to it.

?Grew out of playing with dolls? Maybe there is some hope for you, though not much,? came a sultry voice that made both of them cringe.

?What do you want Nanaka?? Kotomi asked, barely containing her hostility.

The blond haired girl stood behind Megumi looking down at her with her usual cruel grin. Her two friends Kyaka and Yohko stood behind her as always, cheering her on.

?So does little Megumi have a special someone to give her flower to?? Nanaka asked in a teasing tone.

?That's none of your business. Leave her alone!? Kotomi said growing more irritated by the second.

?A secret is it? Well he won't think much of you if you're always going to need your friend to defend you.?

With that, the three girls walked off laughing as Megumi hung her head low.

?Don't worry about her. Concentrate on what you're going to do after school now,? Kotomi said reassuringly.

Megumi simply nodded weakly as they finished up their meal.


Megumi and Kotomi stood just inside the school doors looking outside at Daisuke talking with his friends near the road.

?I'm so nervous...? Megumi said sweating and shaking profusely.

?Relax now, it's just words. All you have to do is say the words. Can you do that?? Kotomi said encouragingly.

?Just words...okay, I can do it. It's just words...? Megumi said as she took a deep breath, ?Okay! I'm going!?

Holding her flower to her chest, Megumi slowly walked through the doors. She was determined. She kept her eyes focused on Daisuke and managed to avoid blushing or growing nervous. She could do it this time.

Alas, she was so focused that she didn't notice movement at her feet that caused her to trip and fall, causing her flower to fall from her grip and blow into the bushes nearby.

?Ack! My flower!? Megumi cried as she quickly dove into the prickly shrups to retrieve it, caring nothing for the scratches nor damaging her clothes. She couldn't let this stop her now. Reaching in, she managed to pull her flower out and was happy to find it undamaged.

?Okay, now I can...? Megumi stopped in a dead freeze as she turned back to Daisuke to see none other than Nanaka talking to him. She could only watch in horror as she handed him a flower which he accepted with a smile. As she excitedly hugged him fiercely, she watched with satisfaction as Megumi ran past them crying and winked at her friends as they go up from behind the bushes with a field hockey stick in hand.


Natsume's warm smile greeted Megumi as she slowly walked in the door.

?Megumi! How did it go? Did you...? Natsume began only to be coldly pushed aside as Megumi walked upstairs to her room, throwing her things to one side and falling face first into her bed, clutching her pillow to her face.

Natsume curiously peeked her head in.

?Megumi? Are you okay? What happened? He didn't say no did he?? she asked concerned.

?I don't want to talk about it...? Megumi said sobbing.

?Oh! I wanted to show you something,? Natsume said, desperate to try and cheer her sister up.

She dashed over to her room and came back with a simple but well made doll in hand. It still had no clothes or hair but it's face was well under way and it's eyes already shone with the love and caring that went into it.

?Isn't it coming out nicely? Thank you for teaching me!? she said cheerfully only to receive no response in return.

Natsume lowered her hands dejectedly, ?Come on Megumi. You used to love these. Why can't we work on them together like we used to??

?I just don't want to anymore,? Megumi said still unmoving.

?That's not it, you stopped because that mean girl at school teased you about them didn't you??

Megumi's eyes widened.

?Megumi, you can't keep letting her do this to you. So what if all the guys dote on her. If being a snake like her is what it takes to be popular, you're better off,? Natsume said as she walked out to let her sister calm down.


A few hours later found Megumi downstairs making herself some tea to try and soothe herself. A knock on the door interrupted her as she looked around for the sugar.

?Who is it?? she called out.

?I have a delivery for a Megumi Shantio,? came a woman's voice outside.

Megumi blinked at this, ?Strange...I'm not expecting anything.?

Nevertheless, she opened the door to see a fair skinned woman with long golden hair dressed in a postal uniform carrying a small red box wrapped in a shiny white ribbon with gold trip.

?Hello there, how are you this fine day?? the woman asked cheerfully.

?I've...I've been better...? Megumi stammered.

?Oh, that's too bad. Maybe whatever's in here might cheer you up. Sign here please,? she said as she handed Megumi the form to sign and left her with her mysterious package.

?Who's it from?? Megumi asked.

?I don't know,? the woman said, ?A secret admirer maybe??

Megumi just sighed as she took the present and bid the woman farewell. She held it up and looked at it for a moment. It was wrapped in silk rather than paper and very elaborately to boot though it bore almost no weight to it.

?'s not my birthday...? Megumi pondered, the kettle snapping her out of it. She put the present down as made her tea. Her mind returning to her heartbreak of the day, she left the present on the table as she took her tea to the living room to watch some television and try to forget everything.


Watching her favorite anime was almost enough to put her back into a more bright mood, almost...

Natsume having already gone to bed, she decided it was best she retired as well. As she walked up the stairs, the brightly colored present caught her eye again. Shrugging, she brought it upstairs with her to her room. She was confused as to who might have sent it. It seemed there was only one way to find out. She pulled the delicate ribbon, undoing it and pulling away the silk wrapping to reveal a plain white box underneath. Opening the box, she was greeted to the sight of a bright scarlet hair ribbon with a pale blue round jewel at it's center.

? beautiful, but who...? Megumi began when she spotted the card that sat beside it.

On it's front, it simply read ?To Megumi? with no sign of a sender's name. Opening it up, written in gold letters it said...

You make them with love
Yet you remain coy
Place this gift in your hair
And become the bringer of joy

?What does that mean? Is it talking about the dolls I used to make?? Megumi wondered as she looked over at the shelves where they all stood, ?Well, I definitely could use some joy right now but I don't see how this is going to...huh??

Megumi was cut off as she swore she saw the jewel pulse with a slight glow of light. At first she was apprehensive but then curiosity quickly began to overtake it. Was there something to this strange item? Hesitantly, she slowly placed the ribbon on her head and was startled as it latched onto her hair all by itself.

?What in the world...? she began before watching in shock as the end ribbons extended themselves and began to animate like snakes.

Before she could say another word, they quickly wrapped around her mouth, preventing her from calling out as they quickly began to entwine her whole body from her arms all the way down to her feet. Megumi struggled in fright but found the ribbons were far stronger than her. She could only look down as light began to pulse down the gold trip of the ribbon almost like blood rushing through a body. Her eyes widened even further the cracks in the ribbon where her skin remained exposed began to glow with pale white light. Her eyes clenched as the shape of her body began to remold itself under the ribbons. Her small breasts swelled out to a much more prominent size. Her hips widened and grew more shapely. Her eyes began to glaze over as they themselves transformed. Her eyes lashes lengthening with a sharper point to them and her eyes themselves becoming brighter and taking on a shiny, glassy tone. With one last surge, the light intensified until the ribbons were all blown off of Megumi in a storm of confetti.

Standing in Megumi's place now was a bizzare sight indeed. At first, she looked like a pale skinned human but then the sheen to her skin and the visible joints in her knees and elbows showed her to be something entirely different. Though she still wore Megumi's school uniform, it was strained against her more voluptuous form. She also now wore a red silk purse that hung from one shoulder against her side. Her face was decorated with colourful makeup including bright rosy blush, deep blue eye liner and her lips bore a waxy red sheen. Her long, silky hair was most striking of all. Reaching her knees, it was bright pink with a single blue highlight.

?Mwee hee hee! It's play time!? she said with a childish grin as she stepped outside and looked over at Natsume's room.

?Aw, past Natsume's bedtime? We'll just have to play another day, but for now, time for some fun!?

Sliding down the stair banister with inhuman agility, Megumi walked out the door into the night.


Just two issues at the moment. I'm lost on a title to give this story and Megumi's new little alter ego is gonna need an alias at some point. Suggestions always welcome.
My stories
Cat girl sorceresses, tentacled doctors, maid robots and a doll super hero. What more could you ask for?

Hey Dollyteers! Dolly's got herself a comic now! Go check it out!
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