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Unread 07-17-2010   #1
Lord T Hawkeye
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The Heiress (TG, TF's) (Complete)

All you vixen fans out there should be happy. Now nobody say I only give the cat girls attention.

So, are you enjoying the tea? It's what you'd probably call a family recipe but I'm sure you didn't come all this way to discuss that did you? No, you wanted to learn about me. I'm flattered. I don't usually talk about how I came to be here a cute face like yours? How could I possibly say no? Well then...let me take you back to when I was just 18 years and already getting myself on the wrong side of the law.

My name is Garem Swiftrunner...or at least it was. Don't worry about it, it'll make sense when I'm done. I promise. My father was a smuggler for the local gangs and I was always tagging along, usually acting like a lookout. Back then, I admired my dad and wanted to be just as clever as him. Well that came to a close the day the guards caught wind of us and...well I was the only one my dad conveniently forgot to warn as everyone made a break for it. Well, I did do my job well enough as an unwitting decoy. The guards wasted enough time questioning me that everyone else had made good their escape.

Well, because I was so young, the court went easy on me. They said I could be free when I'm 21 if I kept my nose clean. Too bad I was still young and stupid at the time. That was when I met Wolfgang. You see, we were cell mates and I guess you could say we got real friendly with each other. He was an assassin for one of the top end theives' guilds and everything was looking up for him...until the day he picked the wrong guy to be his lookout. The kid lost his nerve and chickend out on him. Wolfgang never knew what hit him. He was serving a life sentence for the jobs he'd pulled and believe me, he'd proudly tell you about any one of them if you asked. His career had done a number on him though. He wore an eyepatch to cover the nasty cut on his left eye and the rest of his face bore the scars of many clients who weren't about to go down without a fight. He was a nice guy if you were on his side but boy did he have a nasty temper if you crossed him.

One guard learned that the hard way one day when we were sent out to the rock pile to make ourselves useful. Me and Wolf were busy busting our backs almost as badly as the rocks when the guard just decided to give us a hard time as he was always fond of doing. Just as we were making some progress, he came walking along above and kicked a few rocks down the slope at us. Wolf only just barely got his hands out of the way.

?Hey! What was that for?? Wolf demanded.

The guard just laughed at his handiwork and walked on. Well, it looked like that was the moment Wolf decided he'd had enough. He looked above the guard as he walked on and it seemed he got himself a nice idea. He picked up a rock and hurled it at a rather unstable looking mound further up the slope above the guard. He never saw it coming as a rock slide came barreling down on him. In the ensuing confusion, Wolf and I were running like mad men off into the woods. We didn't know where we were going. We just wanted to get as far away from there as we could. Before we knew it, the sun had gone down and the forest was black as could be. We knew the guards would call off the search until morning since they weren't about to go after a wanted assassin in the dark but we had to find somewhere to hide before morning. That was when we found it. Right smack dab in the middle of this creepy forest was a house of all things!

?Who would live out here?? I asked looking at it. It was no modest hovel either. It looked big enough for any noble to find comfortable and it did look like someone was home.

?Who cares, it's a place to hide so just follow me,? Wolf responded as he drew the sword he'd managed to steal from the guards' rack before we fled.

He walked up and pounded on the door with the sword at the ready in case whoever answered didn't feel like being cooperative. The door slowly opened, and what stepped out was an image I'd never forget. She looked like an elf woman with long silvery hair, shining gold eyes and a figure like you'd never believe. She wore a red silk dress that left none of her curvy figure to the imagination along with gold jewelry to accent it. I was surprised that Wolf was able to keep his scary composure when he saw her.

?Oh, gentlemen callers at this time of night?? she said in a playful tone, not seeming the least bit afraid of Wolf and his brandished weapon.

?Look lady! We're on the run from the law and if you know what's good for you, you'll keep us hidden until the heat dies down! Got it?? Wolf threatened. I found myself hoping she wouldn't try to resist.

?Oh of course,? she replied to my relief, ?I'm never one to turn down company. Please come in.?

Her sweet smile made me feel like I'd never be unhappy again. I didn't know what it was about her. I'd never reacted so strongly to a gal before. I just kept on hoping this would all end well.

?So, who wants tea?? she asked looking a the two of us before walking to the steaming kettle, ?I do!?

She had to be either insane or had nerves of steel. Wolf was always good at intimidating people yet she seemed not the least bit bothered by someone in her house who had just threatened her life. Instead, she just cheerfully placed mugs in front of us and poured tea for all of us. Wolf seemed suspicious and waited for her to take a sip before he relaxed and took up his. I didn't want to seem rude so I quickly tasted mine as well. I couldn't put my finger on what it was but it certainly helped calm my nerves.

? live out here? All by yourself?? I asked.

?Oh yes,? she answered, ?I'm not always alone but I do like my privacy. Of course, I always get men who can't resist paying me a visit. Oh yes, we never properly introduced ourselves did we? My name is Aurette. And you??

?I'm Garem, this is Wolfgang,? I replied.

Whenever I asked her questions, she would always answer as though every word should dazzle and amaze me. She certainly seemed to enjoy talking about herself. Wolf paid it little mind, constantly keeping an eye out the window. I found myself more fascinated by the second. In hindsight, maybe I should have found the whole situation suspicious I said, young and stupid and all that.

Aurette provided us with a room to sleep in and boy, warm sheets felt like heaven after all this time. The next morning, we were awoken by the sound of knocking.

?Wha...? Wolf said bolting awake, ?Oh no, it can't be them already!?

?It's just the door,? Aurette said as she walked by in her night wear, ?I'll get it.?

She casually strolled up to the door as we ducked out of sight. Sure enough, several armed men were standing outside. She still kept her calm, cheerful composure.

?Oh my,? she said, ?Three gentlemen callers now? Whatever shall I do??

?Miss, we're looking for two men who escaped from the barracks just yesterday. We believe they went this way,? one of the guards explained.

?Oh man...if she snitches, we're dead,? I whispered.

?Quiet,? Wolf ordered as he stood ready to make a break for it.

?Hmm...I do believe I saw two men who seems to be in an awful hurry,? she replied playfully.

My heart sank. She was only playing along until she saw her chance to sell us out. If it were possible to feel lower than this, I couldn't imagine how.

?They didn't stay long. They asked me how they could get to Maradon city so I told them. If you hurry, you can still catch them,? she then lied to both our relief.

?I see, thank you very much miss,? the captain said as he turned to his men, ?All right, you heard her. Let's make haste!?

We both let out massive sighs as we heard them get aboard their horses and ride off into the woods.

?Well then, now that we're alone again. Who wants breakfast?? Aurette asked.

Wolf seemed to be letting off his suspicion for the moment which helped reassure me but then we noticed our clothes we had left on the floor missing.

?Oh those,? she said smiling, ?I took the liberty of washing them for you. They smelled like blood and sweat.?

She handed Wolf his clothing which did look much more presentable now but she didn't have mine.

?I'm...rather sorry,? she said turning to me, ?There was a little accident with yours. I'm afraid they're ruined...?

?That's...that's okay,? I stammered, unable to be angry at her, ?Do you have anything else I can wear??

?Hee hee! Only this I'm afraid,? she said handing me a simple white garment that I unfolded to reveal was a dress.

?Wha?! I can't wear this!?

?Oh don't worry, it should fit,? she said still snickering.

?That's not what I mean...? I said dejected.

?Well I'm sorry but it's all I can spare. It's that or you grace me with your birthday suit all day,? she teased.

It seemed I had no choice. Wolf even seemed to chuckle at my misfortune. Well, at least she was right, it did fit. Anyway, so we decided to stay for a few days until the heat died down. Wolf had it all planned out. Once the coast was clear, we'd make for the south. Once we were past the border, we'd be home free. I didn't like having to spend my time dressed like this but it sure as heck beat the barracks. At least the company was more pleasant. Indeed, Aurette seemed to mostly dote on me for some reason, paying Wolf little mind even when he gave her his usual harsh glances. It was strange though. It wasn't like she fancied me per say, she treated me more like a family member.

A few days later, Wolf announced that tonight would be the night we'd make our break. I didn't want to leave Aurette but it was both our necks on the line and believe me, you didn't cross Wolf.

?Aw, having to leave already?? Aurette said disappointed, ?Well, can we do something fun first??

?Fun? What do you mean?? I asked.

?Come with me,? she asked as she took my hand and led me into her room which I had never been in before. It was quite a sight to behold. It was easily the most colorful and decorate room in the whole house. It seemed she was quite fond of pampering herself lavishly. Wait, her bedroom? Did she want me to...

?Sit down, I'm just dying to see something,? she said as she let me to the chair before her vanity dresser.

She eagerly opened a drawer containing a variety of makeup and accessories.

?Wait...what is this?? I asked.

?Don't worry, it won't hurt. I just want to see what you'd look like,? she replied as she massaged my shoulders to calm me down. I found myself unable to resist her charm.

I sat there in a partial stupor as she got to work. She applied blush to my cheeks, color to my eyes and lipstick that shone with a bright red sheen. Just to top it all off, she brushed my shoulder length hair and tied it in a neat pony tail.

?Aw! It's perfect!? she said looking at me in triumph, ?Well, almost but can't be picky.?

I snapped out of my euphoria and looked in the mirror. I still had the same manly physique as before but from the neck up, I'd swear I was looking at my twin sister if I had one.

?Why? What did you want to see?? I asked curious though also quite shocked.

?You look a lot like me when I was younger, well except being male and all but still. I just wanted to see what you'd look like,? she replied happy.

It felt weird to be all done up like this but it made her so happy that I just laughed it off. That is, until Wolf burst into the room looking quite agitated.

?All right lady, what's going on here?? he demanded.

?Why? Whatever do you mean? We were just playing a little game of dress up,? she replied gesturing towards me as I slouched down behind the chair, now turning as red as my lipstick.

?I did some looking around and found a few interesting things. For one, you didn't ruin Garem's clothes, you threw them out! I found them in the waste.?

?Aw, can't blame a girl for a little prank,? she answered with a grin.

?Some prank, I also found your other dresses in the wash. Why do they all have the same hole in the back? What are you?? Wolf demanded.

?Oh, peeking at a woman's unmentionables, shame on you,? she said waving her finger.

?All right, I don't know what you're up to but it ends now, come on Garem,? he ordered for me to follow as he picked up his equipment, ?And you too!?

He grabbed Aurette by the arm forcefully which caused my teeth to grit with rage. I still didn't have the guts to speak out about it. He took us out back where he ordered Aurette to kneel on the ground while he pulled out his sword.

?What?! What are you doing?!? I asked as I realized what he was planning.

?Just clearing up some loose ends before we head out,? he replied.

?Come on! She didn't do anything wrong! She lied for us once already. We can trust her!? I pleaded.

?Don't be such a flake!? he barked back angrily, ?A pretty face doesn't change anything. Sure she covered for us while we were here but she'll sing real good once the guards come back. No, I don't like leaving things to chance and dead girls tell no tales.?

She still didn't even flinch as he raised his sword to drive a killing blow. In that moment, I just snapped and leaped at him. I tackled him only to be kicked away into the dirt.

?So, that's how it's gonna be is it? I guess I go it alone from now on,? Wolf said as he stood over me with the sword raised.

?Hmm hmm hmm!? Aurette laughed to herself as she stood up, ?I don't think so.?

She gestured up towards the night sky as the clouds moved away to reveal the moon waxing full, beaming down onto us.

?I don't think we've been properly introduced yet...? she said as her eyes began to glow softly.

We both could only watch in shock as the moonlight illuminated her strange transformation. At first appearing to grow paler, we soon realized a coat of silvery fur was rapidly spreading over her body from head to toe, growing darker as it reached her forearms and calves. He face distorted and lengthened into a bestial muzzle as pointed ears sprouted from within her still long, full mane if hair. I quickly understood the odd adjustments made to her dresses as a long, bushy silver tail emerged from behind her and waved around as though trying to see everything that was going on. She looked like a humanoid silver fox, her silky fur glittering in the moonlight. Despite this, she someone seemed only all the more stunning for it.

?I knew it!? Wolf said as he felt around on the ground for the sword he had dropped in shock, taking it up quickly, ?Some kind of forest demon out for my soul!?

He stood up intent on slaying her and asking questions later...or at least he tried to stand up only to fall flat on his face as his legs failed to retain balance.

?Ugh...? he groaned spitting out dirt, ?What's going on? Why can't I get up??

?Hmm hmm!? she laughed quietly, ?Let's just say you won't need to worry about the guards ever finding you.?

Unable to rise, Wolf instead spun onto his back to try and see what was wrong with his legs. I could only watch in horror as he pulled back his pant legs to reveal a pair of hind paws, quite unsuitable for standing alone.

?Wh...what's going on?!? he cried out as a tail crept out from under him. Desperately, he crawled up to Aurette's feet pleadingly.

?Gah! My hands...arrrrrf! They're paws too! Arf arf!? he screamed as he saw the last of his hands pull back and fur take them over.

?Tsk tsk, you've been a bad boy Wolfie, and now you must be punished,? Aurette teased.

?Arf! Please don't! Arf! I don't...wanna be a...arf arf!!? Wolf begged as his voice grew hoarser and the changing of his face rendered him incapable of human speech after those last words. He stood there now just a simple black dog who looked at Aurette with terrified eyes.

?Run along now, if you're good, I'll have treats for you later,? Aurette commanded to which Wolf simply whined and ran away.

She turned back to me as I found myself frantically backing away, sure that I was next.

?W-wolf?! What did you do to him?!? I stuttered.

I had never been more terrified in my life. She just walked closer with that knowing smile of hers. It was the end of the line, I just knew it.

?Never mind him, an ugly beast of a man like him isn't important. Now that we have some privacy, I want to ask you something,? she said as she kneeled up close to me.

I stopped shaking long enough to ask what it was.

?I've seen it in you since you arrived. All your life, people have used you and manipulated you into doing their bidding. Aren't you tired of it? Wouldn't YOU like to be the one pulling the strings for a change? Don't you feel you deserve to be admired? To have people do anything for you??

What was she talking about? I guess she wasn't off. I did always want to be the one in charge but...I just never felt worthy of it. I was just a kid after all.

?I'll be honest with you now, I've lived here a long time and I used to have men doting on me all the time but I've felt my time is growing short so I've sent them away. I wanted to see if you would appropriate heiress for me.?

I felt like I was going to wake up any second now.

?Heiress? What are you...? I stammered as she crawled around behind me and put her arms around me like a mother comforting a child.

?Hush, this will only sting for a moment...? she whispered in my ear before I felt a sudden sharp pain in my shoulder. I recoiled from her as I looked to see blood trickling from a fresh bite mark in my shoulder.

?Ugh...what did you...? I tried to say, my mind reeling as I felt myself growing increasingly hot.

?Just let the moon's embrace flow through you,? she reassured as she watched me with unflinching interest.

The heat grew strong particularly in my pelvic bone, as though it were being reforged by the smith. I saw through the dress as my hips began to spread out, growing into a wide, feminine curve. I felt a sharp tub between my legs as my hands were too late to get a feel of the last few seconds of my masculinity, now faded as though it were never there. I didn't have time to dwell on it before the heat to grow in my chest. As though rising in an oven, the flesh swelled and grew, causing the dress' fit to grow more snug as though it were made for this purpose all along. They were sensitive to the touch and my curious hands couldn't tear themselves away from them as I massaged them gently, feeling I would go mad if I didn't stop. Thankfully, further changes snapped me from that trance as I felt my posterior follow suit, growing to bring the dress to a tight fit that left none of my new figure to the imagination. Just when I felt my midsection would burst if it swelled any further, it finally came to a stop, leaving me with a backside who's weight shifted back and forth with every step in a way that would catch the eye of any man.

?Oh, how exciting!? Aurette said with pleasure as she watched unblinking.

?I felt something soft trickling down my neck and back as I saw a thick mane of silvery white hair trail down until it reached my prestigious waist and wavering slightly in the night breeze. That was when I saw a strange discolor on my new breasts. I stroked it with my hands to be met with a soft texture that reminded me of...animal fur?

Yes, I was growing a coat of fur the spread from there, all over me, darkening to a grey as it reached the ends of my arms and legs, just like a fox. I felt an unpleasant tugging at the base of my spine though I had long guessed what would emerge. There it was, a long, bushy tail just like Aurette's. My tongue now grew eager and curious as it felt around for my new sharp canines to emerge and my mouth's shape to charge as my face took on the same shape of the lady fox before me. When the heat finally subsided, I found myself looking much like Aurette, though perhaps somewhat less matured.

?What have you...done to me?!? I shrieked in horror, even more as I heard my own high voice.

?Take a look for yourself dear,? Aurette said as she pulled down a nearby sheet revealing an old mirror. Looking back at me was an image I couldn't pull my eyes from. She was a human like fox with long soft hair, gold eyes and wore a slightly soiled dress that could not hide her beautiful form. I found myself posing in various ways as I longed to look at every inch of myself in the mirror. The more I looked at myself, the more I fell in love with the reflection that looked back at me. I smiled as the image returned the gesture.

?Now do you feel it? That you deserve to be admired and adored?? Aurette asked.

?Yes, yes I do!? I replied enthusiastically, still wanting to look at myself some more, ?I deserve better than what people have given me.?

?Of course you do, now come in. A beautiful figure like yours shouldn't been seen with that unsightly stain on her front.


A few days later, several guardsmen were trecking through the forest looking weary and irritable.

?No sign of them, what's the point of coming back here anyway sir?? one of them complained as they got off their horses.

?She did see them. She's our only witness. Besides, I'm having my doubts about the story she told us,? the captain said as he marched up to the door and knocked.

?Oh my, I knew gentlemen like you couldn't stay away,? Aurette said as she opened the door.

?Enough games miss, we didn't find any trace of them in town or along the way. If you're hiding anything, you better...huh??

The captain's eye was taken as another woman emerged from behind, looking very much like a younger Aurette who's beauty rivaled even her own.

?Hello,? she said bowing politely.

?Oh I'm sorry, I didn't get to introduce you before. This is daughter.?

?Will they be staying for tea, mother?? Shivalla asked with eagerness in her eyes as she eyed the men one by one.

The captain found himself losing his hard composure as he returned the gaze.

?Well...we've been walking such a long way...I don't see any harm in resting for a moment,? he replied as the guards all happily walked inside, delighted to be guests of such beautiful women.


Yes, that's right, I'm a werefox just like mother. Just living to pamper myself as I've always deserved. Sadly, mother has moved on and has left this place to me. Oh I'm not lonely. I always have charming visitors like yourself to keep me company. Are you all right? You seem on edge all of a sudden.

What? Leave? So soon? Aw, look me in the eyes and tell me you really want to leave.

And go where? Back to your old life of worries and woes?

No, stay here with me and you can be happy forever.

The rest of the world will go on...

without you....
My stories
Cat girl sorceresses, tentacled doctors, maid robots and a doll super hero. What more could you ask for?

Hey Dollyteers! Dolly's got herself a comic now! Go check it out!
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Unread 07-17-2010   #2
"My way of thanking you"
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Re: The Heiress (TG, TF's)

Nice story. Very interesting and compelling. The transformation sequence was quite nice as well. Only wish you had gone longer and dealt a little more with the characters dealing with their transformations. Other then that very nicely done thanks for sharing.
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Unread 07-18-2010   #3
Lord T Hawkeye
It's play time!
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Re: The Heiress (TG, TF's)

Seems to always be the one thing about my stories, people always want more. ^^

In my defense, I was going for an ominous ending and too much explaining might have messed up the mood IMO.

But hey, there always can be sequels if I ever get a good idea for one. Any suggestions?
My stories
Cat girl sorceresses, tentacled doctors, maid robots and a doll super hero. What more could you ask for?

Hey Dollyteers! Dolly's got herself a comic now! Go check it out!
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Unread 07-19-2010   #4
"My way of thanking you"
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Re: The Heiress (TG, TF's)

For me I would've liked to see the newly born kitsuneish girl struggle with her new form and gender a bit more. Maybe also some interactions with her changed partner the wolf. How much personality is still there from both of them would've been of interest. Still with how you had it structured guess that would be difficult. You're right though I do usually get frustrated with your stories because the endings usually leave a few too many questions. The only ones you've written that i can point to and say that ended nicely and logically without nagging questions are Aryll's first story and Hawkeye's first story. Both of those ended very nicely resolving your open plot threads while leaving room for a sequel. Most of your others just scream for more filling in before their ends.
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Unread 07-20-2010   #5
Lord T Hawkeye
It's play time!
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Re: The Heiress (TG, TF's)

Those were also long stories where I had plenty of room rather than the short one shot dealie here.

Nonetheless, I think I'm starting to get SOMETHING of an idea for a sequel to this but it still needs a little sprouting. I'll see what I can do.
My stories
Cat girl sorceresses, tentacled doctors, maid robots and a doll super hero. What more could you ask for?

Hey Dollyteers! Dolly's got herself a comic now! Go check it out!
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Unread 07-22-2010   #6
Come into my parlour...
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Re: The Heiress (TG, TF's)

A rather enjoyable tale, this. I did noticve one or two gramattical mistakes, and one instance where it looked like a word had been left out, but otherwise, good show sir.
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