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Unread 08-27-2013   #1
Chaos Echo
Process Disciple
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Join Date: Apr 2006
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Writing thing - Rejuvenation

I wrote this for a DA friend's birthday but that was two and a half weeks ago WHOOPS

Anyway, here you go. Involves lactation, living clothing, and brief BE.


A light came on in an empty room, shortly followed by a woman with an armful of assorted materials. “Alright, I think this is everything…” She said to herself, setting them down on the table as gently as she could. She turned to the open book lying on the table, reading each line carefully. “Let’s see… so this goes in first, I think…” She said, slowly pouring a small amount of one of the vials of liquid into a fairly small cauldron on a stool next to the table. She looked back at the book in question again before moving on. “Did I put in the right amount of water first?” She questioned. “I think that’s about right…”

She looked to the book again. “Next, put in an onion…” She briefly made a face while dropping it in. “Bleh. I hope I can’t taste that through the rest.” She stirred the contents of the cauldron while still musing to herself. “Granted, it could be worse… could be before these substitute ingredients were discovered, and you had to use stuff like cat whiskers and various creatures’ eyeballs…” She trailed off. “Sevalti, get a hold of yourself, you never talk to yourself.” She walked back to the table. “And by never I mean all the time.” She continued, bending over the table to reach something on the far end. “…said Sevalti to herself.” She finished, amused.

As she straightened up, one of her sizable breasts nudged a shallow bowl of milk on the table, and her head whipped down to look. “Did any go in?” She worried, and stooped down close to look at it. “I don’t think so…” She decided, eyeing it suspiciously, before scooting it away from the edge. “Stupid cat. If I didn’t have to leave this out for him, then it wouldn’t have even…” She trailed off, mumbling incoherently.

Sevalti continued intermittently pouring in vials, or throwing in a more solid ingredient, while constantly stirring, and the mixture in the cauldron kept changing color as she did. “Alright!” She happily announced to the empty room, once she’d finished. “Done!” She looked into it. “Looks good.” She noted, with a wide smile. She grabbed her wand, which in reality was merely a relatively straight stick she’d found, and made a motion with it from the cauldron to a glass she had sitting on the table. Some of the liquid came out from within following that, and all poured into the glass.

Sevalti excitedly peered into the bright blue liquid. “Could it look any more like an energy drink? Granted, it only makes sense, but…” She grabbed the glass. “Hey, at least I won’t feel so rundown after this. Bottoms up!” The witch emptied the drink, and set the glass down, eagerly awaiting its effects. She didn’t have to wait long before a warmth began to go through her body. She leaned her head back, running her hands through her short black hair. “Ahh, this feels wonderful…” She sighed out almost sensually.

She let her hands travel down her somewhat tight black dress, going over the curves of her hips until her arms were fully extended. She already felt amazing, as the potion coursed through her, but she did begin to notice an oddity. Her breasts in particular were feeling it, and in fact were a little more sensitive than usual. However, she wrote it off as a side effect of this, since it’d only make sense that a potion for rejuvenation might make one feel sexually revived as well.

Sevalti both took advantage of the moment, and ran a check, by slowly running her hands over her breasts, pleased by how they felt. The pair was of a pretty large size, which she definitely appreciated right then as she gently caressed them. Once she concluded her brief self-fondling session, she noticed another oddity, though – a slight tingling from within, becoming most prominent at her nipples. Ceasing to be turned on then, and more curious, she poked one of the steadily hardening nubs, and in response got a greater tingle from it. She didn’t quite know how to explain it… it wasn’t quite good-feeling, but it was at least somewhat pleasant.

“Oh no… did I mess up?” She worried to herself. Just after she said it, she felt as though something released, and a wet feeling came over her nipples. She gasped. “Am… am I lactating?” Sevalti wondered out loud, pressing the cloth of her dress and bra against her skin. She then did the opposite, and pulled them out a little, as to stick a finger into the light cleavage her dress provided. She touched her nipple directly, shuddering slightly as it was still sensitive, but got her fingertip soaked in confirmation.

“Dang it!” She yelled, stamping her foot. “This was not supposed to happen!” She sighed, the noise coming out a little more sexual-sounding than she’d have liked. “Now what?” She asked herself, as the steady lactation began to soak her bra and make it stick to her breasts. “I had to have knocked some of the milk in… that’s the only reason they’d do this. I guess I’ll just have to wait it out until they stop…”

But even as she waited, she noticed that the milkflow wasn’t slowing at all, even though it had already soaked through her bra and was wetting her dress and running down the front. “H-hey!” She shouted, somewhat nervously. “Why won’t you stop? I can’t have spilled that much in!”

Almost as though in response to that, her bra shifted slightly on her bosoms. “And now it’s slippery… great, it’s probably ruined if it’s that bad…” Sevalti went to unhook it, reaching around her back, but found that for whatever reason, it refused to budge. Instead, it suddenly bounced up and down, taking her breasts with it. “Oh! What is-?” She started, her sentence interrupted by the article furiously rubbing her nipples. “N-no, stop, what’re you doing?” She let out a small, cute whimper, trying not to be aroused by the action.

Her bra undid itself at that point, easily sliding off her chest and to the outside of her dress. While she still tried to process that, it cupped itself over her breasts again, her dress between the two, and somehow, as though it had a grip of its own, began to rub the front of the dress across her nipples, wettening with milk the parts that had remained dry. “S-stop…” She pleaded again with the suddenly animate object, beginning to lose her battle. “I like this d-dress, and I don’t want it r-ruined by… ooh…”

She trailed off, and the bra stopped, the dress almost completely soaked between both direct contact and milk flowing down it, at least in front. Then, as she feared, the dress itself began to stir, wiggling against her thighs. It pulled her legs tightly together, and its hemline, only just above her knees to begin with, began to sneak up her thighs. Sevalti covered her crotch as the dress revealed her undergarments, and continued upwards, up her stomach.

Only when it exposed almost all of her torso beneath her breasts did the bunched-up clothing stop, which relieved her. “Is it over now?” She asked, hoping to everything that it was. But then her bra stirred, and she only had a useless moment to react before it and her dress up there squeezed her breasts hard, their sensitivity being too enjoyable for her to resist crying out, and the action itself causing milk to spurt out and even waterlog the dress, beginning to spatter little bits on the carpet.

Then she felt a light tickling from all over the dress, which she realized was it somehow spreading the wetness all over itself. “Wh-what are you planning to do to me?” The confused witch asked. Neither of the animate clothes responded in any way, only continuing to fondle her breasts to stimulate milk, and try to get the dress properly done. Sevalti could feel her skin getting a little damp everywhere she contacted the dress, and at that point, their milking ceased, and the two calmed down.

“Um… so can I just-?” She started, reaching for her bra, that first instigator. But then her sleeves suddenly pulled back her motion, and then stuck straight up, bringing her arms with them. She gasped, but couldn’t find words to say about this. Then, in a rapid motion, her dress slid up and off of her body, bra with it, and both fell on the floor, motionless. “Okay, now you must be done…” She said firmly and hopefully, noting that her lactation was coming to a stop as well. She turned and looked at her spellbook then.

“Thank goodness… that was actually pretty scary. How did that even happen?” Sevalti asked herself, looking over the book and self-consciously covering her bare breasts with her arm. “The lactation obviously happened from spilled milk, but why the rest…?” She continued. “Or maybe I’m just crazy. I mean, I do talk to myself, and I thought that was a sign of…” The witch trailed off. She idly bent a little and brought up her leg to scratch an itch on her ankle, but then froze.

Her dress and bra were no longer in the spot they’d last been.

“Um… hello? Where’d you go?” She asked the room, once again a little afraid. She got no answer of course, and gingerly set her leg back down. She considered if she could just get out of the room and then lock it, and figure out how to deal with this. So far, it hadn’t seemed to want to hurt her, but…

Something black slithered into her view from beneath the table without warning, and tripped her up, causing her to yelp in surprise. Thankfully, the clothing immediately moved beneath her head as she fell, so she had a soft landing there, and it also confirmed that her living clothing was not out to harm her. Still, as soon as it seemed sure she was fine, it continued its formless slide along the ground, and went over to her feet. The dress, with the bra presumably within since she could not see it, wrapped itself over her feet, and wrung itself just slightly, and Sevalti could feel a small bit of the stored milk dripping over her skin.

“Oh no…” she whispered, already knowing what was to happen next. And just as she thought, her high heels pulled themselves off of her within the confines of the dress, and the entire mass slithered away from her, leaving her with nothing but her panties and earrings. The witch propped herself up on her elbows, wondering where they were going next, and gauging them still to see whether she could outrun them to the door, and preferably take her wand as she did. Curiously, they headed in the direction of her wardrobe in the room, which she realized in a quick horrified moment wasn’t curious at all. Why oh why did she have to put these things in random places throughout her home?

The amorphous fabric opened and closed several drawers, before diving in one and retrieving relatively long gloves. At that point, surprisingly, the dress straightened up, and “filled out”, so to speak, so that it looked as though it was being worn by an invisible woman of similar build as Sevalti herself. And more disconcertingly, it began to float. Sevalti’s jaw dropped at that one.

“How did I even mess up that badly…?” She asked, and the dress, gloves scooped up in its non-existent cleavage, turned toward the sound of her voice. The witch quickly got to her feet, and decided to make a run for her wand. Perhaps with it she could do something to stop this strangeness. But the dress could cover ground much faster than her, and was on her in moments, its sleeves wrapped around her with surprising strength. “Please! Let me go! I’m sorry I ever did this!” She pleaded.

The dress gently turned her around to be facing it, and she gulped. Sevalti had no idea what to make of this. It obviously didn’t want to hurt her, and its only actions so far were to bring other articles to life with her odd magic milk. The enchanted dress in question, however, then began to fondle her breasts, pressing its own against them and its sleeves kneading her soft bosoms. Her increased sensitivity came back into play then, and she began to get hot again.

“N-no, please don’t…” The witch futilely pleaded with it, and she felt a tingling begin within her breasts again. “W-wait, are you trying to stimulate me t-to…?” Once again the hard-to-describe feeling of her lactating came on, and the dress stopped its previous action and leaned forward a little, rubbing its breasts against hers. She noted that even with nothing in them, they seemed to have faked presence, since it felt very much like there was actually another pair of breasts there.

It was getting a little hard to focus, since her dress kept turning her on by spurring her lactation to continue, but it looked to be trying to get the gloves under its command, since it had taken them out of its bra and was rubbing them against her milky nipples, holding them with its seemingly omnipresent ability to grip things.

“Wh-why can’t you communicate? Then I could just ask what it is you want…” Sevalti lamented, still trying to ignore its (likely unintended) arousing of her by the aforementioned rubbing. Then, as before when the bra was wettening the dress, her dress pushed in closer, pinning the gloves between their two pairs of breasts, and began to squeeze hers. She cried out again, this time less restrained than the previous, and she sprayed directly into the gloves.

Satisfied, the dress pulled away, and the witch dropped to her knees, breathing a little labored. “Oh my goodness…” she whispered to herself. She looked up and saw the gloves straightened out and filling out, taking their place where the arms would be on a theoretical invisible woman. It ran a hand along the length of one of the dripping things, and seemed satisfied.

The outfit relaxedly grabbed Sevalti’s wand on the table, and she gulped. It did the slightest upward motion with the implement, and the witch was brought to her feet by her own magic. She just modestly crossed her arms over her chest, ignoring the continued light milk flow going over them, and asked yet again: “What do you want? I know you can communicate now with that thing.”

The drenched attire only shrugged, and spread its arms with wand in hand, making Sevalti unfold her own. The near-naked woman didn’t bother trying to put them back, knowing that that magic wouldn’t allow her to. Following that, the dress pointed her wand directly at her breasts, and the lactation stopped immediately, as well as any of its symptoms. “Oh! Um, thanks?” She said questioningly.

The dress did not acknowledge her words, and seemed to debate a moment, crossing its arms and tapping its shoes on the ground. It appeared to hit on an idea before long, and turned to the spellbook she had lying on the table yet. “Um, dress of mine?” Sevalti started, before it brought its hand to its nonexistent lips to shush her. It flipped rapidly through the book, Sevalti awkwardly watching, and didn’t seem to be finding anything it was looking for.

“Dress…?” She tried again, and it stopped. “That’s my potions book. You’re not going to find anything useful in there. Please stop getting it wet.” The phantom clothing did nothing for a bit on hearing that, then pointed the wand at the book, drying the slightly damp pages, and straightened up again. Sevalti once again debated options, this time wresting the wand from it, but it laid its eyes on her again, and walked over to her, hips swinging.

To her surprise, it laid a hand on her breast, letting it gently slide down and off the side. Sevalti gasped, shocked that it was doing this now. “Y-you want to… you’re trying to…?” She started incoherently, and the dress didn’t pay her much attention. Its hand then traveled down to her butt, stroking that too, and she backed away. “N-no, that’s too far, more than anything else. No more!” She asserted. Also surprisingly, the clothing obeyed, taking its hand back immediately.

Seeing opportunity, she made a sudden reach for her wand, but the dress both saw and reacted quickly, holding the wand high above itself. It pointed it at her from up there, and backed away slowly. Once out of reach, it took a shapeless form again, and promptly made the distance between its spot and the wardrobe before reforming. The gloves hastily opened a drawer, and pointed the wand within.

Two shirts rose up, one red, the other grey, both long sleeved, and fell to the ground, panicking Sevalti. “You can animate others?” She asked it, not really caring that it had yet to respond to any of her questions. The two newcomers waited patiently, and the dress opened the drawer below it, enchanting two of her pairs of pants within, and they jumped out, each joining a shirt. As the dress before them, each filled out with a nonexistent woman, though these, which Sevalti noted and which amused her a little, actually bothered to make nipples show through from lack of bras.

The dress pointed at Sevalti like a general giving a command, and she gasped and tried to run as the two new ones charged her. Just as the dress before them, they moved inhumanly fast, so she didn’t get far before they caught her, holding her arms behind her back. The dress came over calmly, and she could only assume smugly, while she tried and failed to struggle against the magically-enhanced strength of the shirts.

Again, it laid a hand on her breast, and this time, there was nothing to be done about it. It trailed it down the slope a second time, down the front, and stopped at her nipple, lightly pinching it between finger and thumb. Sevalti began to squirm a little, but its two minions held her firm. At the very least, she wouldn’t give it the satisfaction of showing that she was aroused by this, even as her nipples became hard under its touch.

Unfortunately, it looked to notice that, and its other hand went down to her crotch, setting a finger over it outside her panties. “O-oh! Don’t do that, p-please!” She begged, but as usual, it didn’t care, and began to rub as lightly as it was her nipple. She held back as best and as long as she could, but the dress only stepped up its fondling the longer it waited. Eventually, a small, quiet moan escaped her lips, and the dress stopped, satisfied. It made a motion to the red and grey, and they walked her over to the wall. Sevalti complied, if only because it was easier and she couldn’t escape their grip.

The dress pointed the wand at itself, to no visible effect. She presumed it was something to keep itself enchanted, since milk had long since ceased to drip from it, and it was beginning to dry. It turned to the witch, doing another of its quick flights to get up to her again, and patted both shirts on the back. As though it was some kind of signal, the two jumped up and split, their shirts staying on her arms, and pants clinging to her legs.

All four articles wrapped their sleeves and legs around her wrists and ankles, holding her against the wall. She noted how they all kept their breasts and butts, though, since all were pressing against her limbs still. The dress surveyed the result a moment, before making a small motion with its hand. The pants moved slightly farther apart in response, and her legs spread slightly. “You’re… you’re not doing what I think you are, are you?” Sevalti asked fearfully.

The dress came dangerously close to her, almost enough that their bosoms were touching again, but stopped short and raised the wand instead. It pointed straight up, and in a puff of smoke, materialized a feather. The outfit stowed the wand between dress and bra, then it reached down, and delicately ran its fingers across her belly. Sevalti squirmed a little. “What are you even doing?”

The dress bent even further, showing what would have been quite a bit of cleavage if it were there, and grasped her foot. “Um…” Sevalti started, before it did the same with the sole of her foot. “O-oh! N-no, don’t do that, I’m ti-” She immediately stopped talking on a realization, but she’d said more than enough for the dress to know. It reached up and plucked the feather out of the air, and she just knew that if it had a face, it would be wearing the most devious smile.

It began to brush the underside of her foot like an artist painting a picture, and the witch wriggled more in response to it. “P-please stop! I c-can’t even get a-away from-!” She tried to protest, before breaking into giggles. The dress continued to tickle her sole with the feather, and Sevalti began to laugh more and more as it did, protesting weakly throughout whenever she could manage to speak.

It went on doing this for several minutes, by the end of which she was both out of breath and in possession of hurting sides. “Whoo…” She panted. “Are… are you done…?” The dress stood, discarding the feather in its hand. “I haven’t laughed… that hard in a while…” She continued, sighing happily and slumping a little in her clothing hold. Her smile faded when she looked back up at the dress, which she could tell was eyeing her breasts again. “Now what do you want?” She asked.

The dress responded by prodding one with the wand. “H-hey! You have your own; play with those!” It held the wand in place, hearing that, and experimentally reached up and grabbed one of its own breasts, softly squeezing it. It seemed to enjoy the feeling, as the wand’s firm pressing into her breast slackened. She watched its careful handling of itself, while it pulled its outer layer down, squeezing the bra now. To her surprise, a nipple slowly started to poke through the bra as it played with itself, which it began to pinch. The dress really seemed to be turning itself on, its legs trembling a little, but unfortunately, it didn’t seem to weaken the spell on the other two, who kept Sevalti pinned in place.

“Hey!” She yelled at it. “Have some shame! Don’t just sit here and touch yourself!” It abruptly stopped, as though it just remembered what was going on, and straightened up again. It didn’t bother to correct its sleeve hanging off its shoulder, however. It pushed her wand into her again, the soft flesh indenting beneath it, and then quickly swiped it across. “Ow! That’s pointy; you scratched me!” She scolded. For once, it seemed to have listened, since it did the same with her other one, but was more gentle about it.

Sevalti would have asked it again what it was doing, but didn’t bother, since it had been unresponsive every prior time anyway. That is, until she felt a tingling return in her chest. “W-why are you making me lactate again? Don’t you already have enough of you?” She questioned, but as she discovered in a few moments, this tingling felt… different.

She stared down at her breasts while the tingling continued to build, and wiggled slightly as it began to itch. “Could you at least-?” She half-asked, but the dress seemed to know, kindly reaching up to scratch the itch for some odd reason. Yet while it did, the tingling suddenly ceased, followed by her breasts swelling a little in every direction.

“WHAT IN THE!?” Sevalti shouted, dumbfounded. “My breasts just got bigger! Did you do this!?” She demanded of the dress. It didn’t react, innocently scratching the spot still. “Answer me! Of everything so far, this I want an answer to!” Still it only scratched. “That doesn’t itch anymore, stop- oh!”

Her angry yelling was cut off by another small burst, her naked breasts jiggling from the growth. She made a quiet noise, a combination of fear, annoyance, and anger. She was already a DD; she didn’t need these! Already, with these two small bursts of growth, her bra would be too tight on her. “Stop this at once! Everything else was nothing compared to this. Stop now, you hear me!?”

The dress had another of the usual cases of playing dumb, and pretended not to hear her. Instead, it reached up with both hands, putting the wand back in its storage place, and began to fondle her breasts. “Oh! N-no, that’s not what I said at all!” She protested, her breasts billowing out a little once more. The dress ignored her complaints, continuing to lovingly caress her breasts, while she tried to not get turned on again by its actions. It was hard though, between her breasts slowly and sporadically growing, and the dress’s handling of them with its smooth, silky gloves, and she began to moan quietly.

The dress took a slight break to tap one of the pairs of pants with its shoe, and the two shirts fell from her at the apparent order. She fell straight into the dress’s non-existent cleavage, face planting between two invisible breasts that the dress had quickly whipped out its wand and created as it saw the fall. While grateful for its care, Sevalti still did not much appreciate the rest of the treatment, and lunged for the wand blindly.

The dress drew back, offended, leaving her to fall to her knees. She shakily stood again, made hard by the pants around her ankles, but they shimmied up her legs to just above her knees, while still keeping them rather spread. The dress, meanwhile, pointed her wand at her wardrobe again, and another pair of gloves came flying out. It directed these toward her, and then held still expectantly.

“What, you want me to put them on? No.” She said firmly, as though scolding a dog, and put her arms behind her back. The dress wouldn’t have that, and with a flick of the wand, the gloves swooped down, separated her arms, and slid up them. “Oh! You are really misbehaving, young lady!” The witch scolded again, gambling on this being one of the times it listened to her.

It did hesitate a moment, but did not look deterred, and it came directly up to her, again pressing its breasts to hers, though hers now had a size advantage from the three growths. Sevalti moved her arms to push it away, but instead of hitting its sleeves, her hands swerved and grabbed its breasts. “What the-?” She sputtered, before she felt her hands beginning to squeeze the soft mounds. “You… these are alive too, aren’t they?” She asked, and her left hand stopped the squeezing long enough to give a thumbs up.

She gasped as she felt her breasts swell another stage, pressing tighter against the dress’s and starting to press into her arms a little. “Dress!” She yelled. “Stop all of this, right now!” She yelled angrily. This was another time it didn’t care, and it snaked a hand down and around to her bottom, giving her nicely-sized butt a squeeze too. “Ooh… I-I mean no! Bad!” The dress calmly stuck the wand into the back of her panties, pulled them out, and let them snap back onto her butt. “Oh!” She yelped. “Now you’re being mean, too!”

Sevalti gasped as her panties suddenly tightened, the underwear giving her a wedgie out of nowhere. “Th-these too? How long h-have these been alive?” The dress shrugged playfully, more concerned about its own pleasure from her hands forcibly groping its breasts. She turned her head and hissed at her panties then. “Don’t you dare! Stop that at once!”

Just like with her dress and its random moments of submissiveness, they relented, sliding back down over her cheeks. But before she got too relieved, they began to pinch and squeeze her butt instead. And, far more embarrassingly and personally, they started wiggling in the front as well, rubbing her crotch erotically. “Ooh! Ooh, d-don’t do that, please!” She begged. “Y-you’ve been playing with me w-way too long, and- ahh~!” She broke off, moaning, between her panties, her dress starting to play with her breasts again, and another growth spurt.

Really, she rationalized, this wasn’t as bad as it seemed… after all, it felt wonderful… the dress’s breasts (and by extension, her own, narcissistic as it was) were big, soft, and round… its gloves caressing her enlarged bosom felt heavenly… and her panties were giving her a pretty good display down there, both attending to her rear, and seemingly trying to do another kind of wedgie in the front as they went…

Sevalti was moaning from the three different fondlings she was receiving, each feeling great, turning her on more and more… “I-Is… is this your ‘g-grand plan’ here? T-to get me to-ooh~” She moaned again, unable to finish. “…b-because if it is, before long, I’m g-gonna… I’m gonna…” She got quiet, just breathing quickly and trying to process all these sources of pleasure, before finally crying out loudly in release paired with a sixth breast growth.

The dress relaxed its hold on all of her clothing as she panted, and she realized it was now or never. She rushed forward, pulling her pants from the wall, removed the glove from her right hand, and seized the wand from the dress. Her other hand grabbed at it, but she silenced that glove with a quick movement, and pointed her wand directly at the center of the dress’s chest. “Al…alright. That’s… th-that’s enough of you now. You will behave!” She asserted, and all the enchanted clothing fell to the floor, lifeless.

As soon as she was sure she’d done it herself, and it wasn’t a trick by them, she dropped to her knees, breasts jiggling freely, and put her hands in her lap, over her wet panties. “That… wow…” She said breathlessly. “How did a simple rejuvenation potion turn into that?” The witch poked the dress with her wand, and it didn’t react. “G-good… stay down. You’ve been very bad.” She hesitated. “Though if I could figure out how to control you, you could be very useful indeed…”

She turned her attention down to her breasts then. “And what do I do with these?” She lamented, lifting one. “They’re probably as big as my head now, and I don’t even know how it did that, so I can’t fix them…” She sighed. “I’ll have to get an entirely new wardrobe… probably have to show off a lot more of them, since I doubt many places have clothing in ‘gigantic breasts’ size… dangit, where am I gonna get a bra, even…?” She sighed again. “Oh well. At least it’s over.”

Sevalti heard the door creak then, and whipped her head toward the noise, panicked. Thankfully, it was just her cat coming in. “And just where were you during all of this, huh?” She somewhat angrily asked it. The cat just stared at its randomly underwear-clad and very busty owner, and then disinterestedly made its way to its milk bowl on the table. “This is all your fault, you know! If it weren’t for you this wouldn’t have happened!”

The cat only meowed, and carried on. Sevalti was a little amused by a realization, then. “No wonder it was so irritating and only half-obedient. The milk in the potion was milk for a cat.” She glared at it. “Totally your fault!”

The cat didn’t acknowledge her, just like the dress so many times.

Me on DeviantART. I upload my stuff over there. Pretty much dead though.
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Unread 09-04-2013   #2
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Re: Writing thing - Rejuvenation

Good story, well-written and very creative idea, although I read the whole thing hoping to find some actual rejuvenation.
bstgate is offline   Reply With Quote

breast expansion, lactation, living clothes

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