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Unread 10-15-2013   #1
Crash Ichimonji
Perverted Asexual
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Requesting Help from Female Process Members

(I'm not asking for photos or nudes. Don't worry.)

I was wondering if any of the real-life female members of this forum can sing and, if so, would any of you be willing to sing lyrics I wrote for a song? Note: the song itself isn't mine, just the lyrics.

Here's the thing, the lyrics are in an auxiliary language I've been working on for a while. I'm not expecting anyone to memorize it (unless you want to), but for the song I'd just give you a video showing the lyrics (using English pronunciations and such) as I sang them to the beat of the song.

What's the song? 'Tsubasa wo Kudosai', the version used in Evangelion 2.22.

What's the song about? Eh, long story short it's about this group of immortals I'd like to use for a comic or story, who are tasked to cull life on an intergalactic scale in the name of evolution. Blah blah blah....

The language is mostly based on Latin with a hint of ancient Greek words and some influences of English here and there.

I would have put this in the request section, but this isn't process-related so I figured this would be a better place.

I'll pay $15 via Paypal compensation for whomever gives me the best results. I need your singing voice essentially near the pitch and tone range of Megumi Hayashibara's voice when she sings 'Tsubasa wo Kudosai', the closer the better.

When all's said and done I just need a good-quality MP3 file of your voice singing to the beat of the song (no music in the background).
DA Account: Crash-Ichimonji
Originally Posted by morwalugi View Post

Missa the host
a rental van with 10 fetishists aboard
a film crew
a road map of tf shrines and areas of interest
and drive the van and its fetishists around to f/x labs,
Sleepy Hollow,etc as the passengers discuss their fetish

turn the camera on yourselfs to make a documentary about
your RL kinks due to the fetish
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Unread 10-15-2013   #2
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Re: Requesting Help from Female Process Members

I'll try to imitate a ladies voice and give this a shot just for giggles.
Thank you everyone!

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Unread 10-15-2013   #3
Rachel Bronwyn
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Re: Requesting Help from Female Process Members

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foreign language, lyrics, music, request, song

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