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All Hallows' Eve 0: Devil's Night [Story; M + F Humans -> M + F Halloween Monsters] - The Process Forum
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Unread 10-19-2022   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 71
All Hallows' Eve 0: Devil's Night [Story; M + F Humans -> M + F Halloween Monsters]

Three grad students get help from an unusual source - and inadvertently kick off the events that will transform their college town into the city where Halloween never ends! A prequel to the All Hallows' Eve series.


October had come to the campus of Carpenter State University; the trees were turning red and orange, and a brisk chill had replaced the warm breezes. With Homecoming over, the thoughts of the student body were beginning to turn to Halloween, always a source of great debauchery in the sleepy college town.

But for three students in a cramped off-campus apartment, the fanciful fears of ghouls and goblins were far from their minds; instead, they feared failure. And that fear was all too real.

Friends since freshman year, biochemistry majors Nolan Bloch, Jasmine Fairvale, and Gregg Stefano were grad students now, and were partnering on the project that would make – or break – their scientific careers. They’d come up with the idea of using plasmids – small DNA molecules found in bacteria – to perform gene therapy in humans, and had initially made some promising inroads. Now, their research had reached a dead end. They’d become desperate, and frantically scrounged the scientific literature for any help. By providence, they’d found a twenty-five-year-old paper that seemed to be on the same track they were. It was written by a “Samuel Hanes”, whose existence seemed to have been mysteriously scrubbed from all of the school’s records.

A number of their professors had been at the university at the same time Hanes seemingly had, so they’d asked around, only to be met with stony silence – or with a warning never to speak that name again. Finally, a sympathetic campus librarian had directed Gregg to the microfiche archives of the school newspaper, and he had returned to their shared apartment with the fruits of his research.

“Good news and bad news, guys. The good news is, I found Hanes – and he used to teach at this university, even.”

Gregg was the most ambitious of the group – the most likely to cut corners in search of the results that would earn him fame, fortune, and acclaim. He was a handsome, olive-skinned Italian American guy, with thick dark hair and prominent eyebrows; he was a little on the short side, which he was self-conscious about.

Nolan looked quizzical. “So what, is he dead or something?”

Nolan was in many ways, Gregg’s opposite – it was possible he’d never broken a rule in his life. His parents had been prison guards, and had filled his head with enough wild stories from behind bars that Nolan was convinced the slightest deviation from the norm would doom him to unspeakable punishment. He was slim and unathletic, with short pale-blond hair and a long face.

“Not exactly. This is the bad news”

Gregg handed over a stack of newspaper articles, photocopied off microfiche. The headlines told the story.

“Prof Arrested – Had Plan to Poison Campus”

“Hanes’ Poison Was ‘Monster Serum’ – Wanted to Transform Campus into House of Horrors”

“Girlfriend Testifies – Psycho Doc Obsessed with Sex and Monsters”

“Expert Testimony – Hanes Serum Was ‘Impossible’”

“Court Says Hanes Insane – Locked Up in Madhouse for Life”

Jasmine grimaced. “This is bad. Which is a shame, because he was clearly on to something.”

Jasmine had all of Gregg’s drive, but she wasn’t motivated by any sort of personal ambition; she was a true altruist, and saw science as a way to work towards a greater good. She was a petite bookworm, her blue eyes kept hidden beneath thick-framed glasses, and her dark hair in a tight ponytail.

Gregg shrugged. “Yeah – I mean, this court reporter has the scientific literacy of an Alabama congressman, but if you read between the lines, it’s clear Hanes was trying to get this plasmid serum to do the same things we wanted it to – it’s just that we want to cure cancer, and he wanted to turn people into goblins. The technology just wasn’t there yet.”

Jasmine thought for a moment. “But the technology might be there now…is Hanes? Is he still alive?”

“Yeah, he is. I called the hospital they sent him to – “

“Can he have visitors?”

“Yeah, they asked, but…oh, I see. Hmm.” Gregg stroked his chin, a smile beginning to creep into his features.

Nolan looked nervous. “Are you really sure we should talk to him? They made him an un-person for a reason – we could get in trouble. We could get expelled.”

Gregg leaned back in his chair. “Shit. This is actually perfect. The beautiful thing about him getting hidden away like this is that if we talk to him, nobody else has to know about it. We don’t have to say Thing One about him in our paper, and if he somehow complains, hey, who’s gonna believe him? He’s crazy!”

Nolan turned to Jasmine. “Okay, I guess you’re the deciding vote on this.”

She thought for a moment. “What we’re working on could help millions of people. If we can do anything to make it a reality, we have to do it. Even if it means talking to…an outside consultant.”

Nolan sighed. Gregg clapped his hands. “The ayes have it. Next stop, the loony bin.”

The Wallachia Institute for the Criminally Insane was a low-slung, modern facility just on the outskirts of town. Patients strolled casually around its well-tended grounds – a couple of them even waved as the trio of students walked in the front door.

Gregg looked around, unimpressed. “I admit, I’m a little disappointed. I wanted it to be all Arkham Asylum and shit, with…I dunno, gargoyles and stained-glass windows and flying buttresses.”

Nolan gulped. “No, this is fine with me, thanks. He’s gonna be behind Plexiglass or something, right? I saw the photographs, he looks like he bites people.”

Jasmine laid a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “It’s going to be fine. They were actually excited to hear from us – he never gets visitors. They said he’s been a model patient.”

Once inside, they were led to a small furnished room; once they’d gotten comfortable, two guards ushered in the notorious Dr. Samuel Hanes.

He was tall and handsome, his dark hair beginning to gray at the temples. The news articles had mentioned he’d been a real ladykiller on campus, and Jasmine certainly understood why. His piercing blue eyes almost had a hypnotic quality to them. He shook their hands, and took a seat.

“Thank you so much for coming to see me. You must have read the articles they wrote about me – and while they were salacious, I’m afraid they were all true. I was a…sick man, my mind warped by hardcore pornography, late-night horror movies, and lab chemicals. I’ve made excellent progress with my therapy – helping me work through my traumas, my obsessions, my paraphilias. Of course, they’ll never let me out of here. The university holds a lot of sway in this town, and they still find me terribly embarrassing.”

Gregg ran a hand through his hair. “Well that’s…total bullshit, professor.”

“Please, call me Sam. And please, don’t go raising a fuss with the administration – they’d only tar you with the same brush, and I don’t want to hinder your careers. From the research you so kindly sent me, I can tell that you three are really brilliant.”

Jasmine blushed at the compliment. “Thank you, D – uh, Sam. We came to you for some help – we’re stuck, and we found your paper..."

Nolan was still a little dubious. “Of course, if you can’t help us, that’s fine. I know that things have changed a lot while you’ve been in here.”

“Oh, I’ve been keeping up with the literature. They let me start getting science journals a couple years in, after it was clear I wasn’t going to be able to do anything without a university-grade lab. I’ve even come up with some genetic formulae for beneficial plasmids, capable of totally wiping some rare genetic syndromes from the genome. Of course, this was long before it was possible to assemble them, but you can do that quite easily with CRISPR these days, can’t you?”

He pulled out a stack of papers. “You can probably scan these into your phones or something. Boy, they have great phones these days, don’t they? When I got in here, we didn’t even have cameras on them.”

Jasmine goggled at the plasmid formulae – this was exactly what they needed! “Wow, we…we aren’t even at that stage yet. We’re having trouble finding a suitable medium to stabilize larger plasmids…”

“Oh, that? I solved that years ago. 7% solution of 2-4-5 trioxin infused with 13-molar Occidens’ Reagent – vary the ratio based on your plasmid composition. I’ve got some documents on that, too.”

The three grad students gave each other a silent look, trying to conceal their glee. They’d just won the scientific lottery.

Night had fallen on the campus; the autumn moon was cloaked in a veil of murky clouds. Befitting their status as lowly grad students, the trio had only managed to book the most undesirable lab hours; but if their experiment was a success tonight, they’d never have to worry about booking lab time again.

They’d met with Hanes several more times since, even talking to him on the hospital’s payphone when they couldn’t make the trip. Together, they’d planned out an experiment to assemble a few of Hanes’ plasmids, and test their viability in the stabilizing serum he’d devised. Now, everything was ready – they’d even arranged to call him to report back on their results.

She’d actually come to like the older man, who seemed about as sane and genuine as any of her professors, if not more so. It made her feel a little guilty that Hanes would be uncredited on all of their work; that he’d receive nothing while they received all the acclaim and glory that were rightfully his. But…it was all for the greater good, after all. The recognition they received would only be a means to an end, a way of accomplishing more scientific goals for the well-being of humanity.

The yellowish trioxin serum, freshly infused with plasmids, was there on the lab bench. Jasmine carefully drew the fluorescent green Occidens’ Reagent into her pipette. Keeping her pipette steady, Jasmine dripped the prescribed number of reagent drops into the beaker. The magnetic stirrer began to combine the two, resulting in a vibrantly orange mixture.

Gregg sighed with relief. Nolan wiped the sweat off his brow. “Okay. Now we wait five minutes, take a sample, and test plasmid stabil – “

The beaker exploded like a hand grenade, filling the room with a fluorescent orange gas. Neither of the chemicals was known to be volatile, and they had taken no precautions other than wearing lab goggles; it exploded with such suddenness that none of them even thought to hold their breath. All three inhaled burning, stinging lungfuls of gas, but thankfully it dispersed quickly – so quickly it didn’t trigger the smoke alarm or the sprinklers.

Nolan and Jasmine had escaped with a few cuts; Gregg had a large shard of glass sticking out of his bicep. He sighed. “Shit. This is what happens when you find your graduate advisor in the bughouse, I guess. I can’t remember, am I supposed to pull this out or leave it in, if I don’t want to bleed to death?”

Jasmine was in tears, and not just because of the smoke. “I…I can’t believe it. We trusted him. He seemed so…so genuine, so smart, so nice…”

Nolan was tempted to be smug, but refrained. “So he fucked us. Fine, whatever. We’re at Square One now, and as long as we don’t tell anyone where we got our formula from – “

“No. I…I feel weird…”

Gregg’s arm had stopped bleeding. As they watched, dumbstruck, the shard of glass was pushed out of the wound, finally falling out and clattering to the floor as the gash sealed itself up without even leaving a scar. He gasped, half-astonished, half-overjoyed.

Jasmine took off her lab goggles to take a closer look. “That’s not…did it work? Did the plasmids…?”

But Gregg’s wonder soon turned to terror.

“Oh…oh no. No no no…”

Gregg’s muscles were starting to tear his shirt and labcoat apart from the inside as they swelled – and the gaps in the fabric let them see that his flesh was turning an alarming shade of chartreuse.

Nolan had begun to itch furiously, and pulled off his own lab coat – only for his short-sleeved shirt to reveal that he was growing an alarming amount of dark, wiry body hair. Hair that almost looked like fur.

Seeing both of her compatriots, Jasmine was almost too frightened to look down at her own body. But soon curiosity overwhelmed her fear, and she looked down, seeing that her clothes were now barely containing an increasingly-curvy bombshell body – and one that was turning redder as her temperature got hotter. What, exactly, she was turning into soon became clear; she felt a pinch at her temples as two slim protrusions emerged from her skull, quickly curving and thickening into spiralling ram’s horns. They pushed the lab goggles right off her head; the nascent demoness saw her changing reflection in their lenses, and recoiled in horror.

“Hanes never stopped being crazy – and he just used us to complete his monster serum!” she shrieked.

Gregg’s own goggles snapped off, no longer fitting his large square-topped head. He groaned.

These weren’t random mutations – and suddenly, Jasmine’s mind turned to Hanes’ Halloween obsession…

Nolan stared down at his hands, as his nails extended into dark claws. “Wolfman…Frankenstein…devil…oh Christ, he actually designed his plasmids to alter our phenotypes into copies of Halloween monsters!”

A devil. Jasmine had been raised in a non-religious household, and was staunchly atheist. And now, of course, she knew that she was not becoming an actual supernatural being, but a madman’s facsimile of one. And yet…something devilish was rising up in her.

Almost without thinking about it, she had begun to tear her clothes off, her clawed fingers making it easy work. Partly, it was because her clothes were already shredding at the seams; they had been made for a petite body she no longer possessed. There was an element of scientific curiosity to it, as well – she wanted to see the outcome of the experiment, even if that outcome was the erasure of her humanity.

But most of all, as much as she didn’t want to acknowledge it, she was taking off her clothes because she didn’t feel like wearing them anymore. Because she wanted to be naked – wanted to be FREE! Free of society, free of morality – free of humanity! She was a creature of lust and pleasure and sin now – a succubus in spirit, if not in reality.

Her nipples were as black and as hard as obsidian, crowning her perfectly jiggly crimson tits. She had a perfectly toned stomach, a squeezable, heart-shaped ass, and long, sleek legs, ending in taloned feet – a far cry from the petite frame she’d possessed minutes ago. Her tongue – long and forked, now – lolled out of her fang-lined mouth as she felt herself up, marvelling at how sensitive, how sensual, her silky new flesh was. Hanes was a lunatic, and a pervert – but also, clearly, a genius. Who else could have reshaped her into such a wondrous being?

She could smell the lust in the air, and not just hers. She glanced over at Nolan, whose face had turned dark and leathery, his glowing amber eyes shrouded beneath furry brows, then turned her gaze on Gregg, whose green flesh now faintly crackled with electricity as his height surpassed seven feet. She wondered how Hanes had accomplished that – knifefish genomes, perhaps. And they were both surrendering to the throes of passion, as she was.

She slashed her scrunchie with her claws, then shook out her mane of glossy dark hair. She bit her lip, moaning as her spine extended, bone by orgasmic bone, into a prehensile, spade-tipped tail. Her eyelids squeezed shut – when she opened them, her sclera had turned black, her once-blue irises now a molten gold.

Finally, it was done. Jasmine’s old self was erased, barely recognizable in the scarlet-skinned succubus that stood amidst the shredded remains of her past life. Inside, she was changed – but fundamentally, still the same. She still possessed that same altruism that had motivated her as a human – but she now saw that the true path to the betterment of humanity was in its total transformation, in the embrace of the monstrous and the misshapen.

There was so much she could do with this formula, so much she still had to learn from Hanes. But now, her scientific concerns were being pushed aside by a more urgent and prurient dilemma – which of her monster stud lab partners was she going to fuck first? The towering, jacked Franken-monster that had been Gregg, or the virile, bestial man-wolf that used to be Nolan?

But maybe she didn’t have to choose. She’d seen something once, in a porn video. She’d had to turn it off…because she liked it too much.

She ran her clawed hands over both of their exposed, muscular chests – Gregg was sculpted like marble, and almost as cold, while Nolan’s wiry muscles were beneath a thick, musky pelt of fur.

“Either of you boys ever had a devil’s threesome? Two hot guys. One sexy babe, hungry for both of their cocks. And…uh, that’s me. The sexy babe. I bend over. Someone fucks me from behind while I suck the other one off. We come. You switch. Repeat.”

Nolan was still trying to fight his new nature. “We didn’t…at least, I didn’t…didn’t think about you that way.”

Gregg shrugged, his massive hand casually wrapped around his throbbing cock. “I kinda did.”

“And maybe I dreamed about the day when you’d both tear open my labcoat and make me a woman. But those were human dreams. Now we’re not human, and we don’t have dreams – we have nightmares. We ARE nightmares. And in my nightmares, I get fucking railed by two monsters.”

They were both already hard. Gregg’s cock was proportionate with the rest of his body – and he was seven feet tall, so it was enormous. She might need to…ease into that one a little. And Nolan…well, it was clear the fur and claws weren’t the only canine traits he’d taken on. It was red, and pointed, with a distinct swelling at its base. She knew enough zoology to know she was looking at bulbus glandis – the canine knot. It was going to lock that wolf cock inside her while it filled her devil pussy to the brim with hot, musky wolf cum. It was meant to facilitate breeding, but who knew if a werewolf could knock up a demon?

She grabbed it, firmly. “This goes in me.”

She turned to Gregg, licking her lips. “I hope my hot little mouth isn’t too disappointing of a consolation prize. I’ll be all warmed up by the time you two switch.”

Neither monster objected, and within moments she was on her hands and knees, mouth and pussy both filled with inhuman cock. Gregg put all his unholy strength into face-fucking her, using her horns as handlebars while making his heavy, boulder-like balls bounce on her chin, while Nolan dug his claws into her ass, gaining purchase for his own feral thrusts. And she loved it. Every second of it, the pain and pleasure, the joy and the fear…

Nolan was reduced to howls and growls, while Gregg could do little more than groan and moan. Jasmine’s vocalizations were severely inhibited by the enormous cock in her mouth, but with the level of stimulation she was getting, she probably wouldn’t have had much to say, anyway.

She’d never had a threesome before. She honestly hadn’t had that many twosomes. But with her erotically-charged body and her keen scientific mind, it wasn’t as difficult as she might have thought. Really, it was just like running an experiment. You had to keep an eye on all your instruments, and make sure everything was ready at the same time. Here, that meant tonguing Nolan’s manhood, thrusting on Gregg’s knot, and stroking her own clit to ensure the two men would come at the same time, and that she’d be ready to come when they did. Every now and then, she received a little zap on the chin from Gregg’s electrically-charged dermis – she looked forward to how it would feel on her pussy when their positions were reversed.

It turned out to be a short experiment. They were already well-stimulated from their near-orgasmic transformations, and the pent-up lust they’d all had for each other – even if, like Nolan, they weren’t willing to admit it to the others or themselves – soon had them approaching a climax of monstrous proportions.

Jasmine almost didn’t need to worry about her own needs – the sensation of hot wolfman jizz blasting into her pussy and Gregg’s icy cum gushing down her throat was almost enough to send her into orgasm anyway. Impaled on two spasming, erupting cocks, she writhed in horrific euphoria. She gurgled out as much of a cry of pleasure as she could muster.

Eventually, as their members softened, they withdrew themselves from her; she rolled over, and they began caressing and kissing her nude body with surprising gentility – almost worshipping it – as they waited for their shortened refractory periods to end so they could resume.

Her phone rang. Unknown name, unknown number. Something told her to answer it.

“Huh…hello?” She answered the phone, gently petting Nolan’s furred face.

“Hello, Jasmine. Dr. Hanes here, on the hospital’s payphone. I know you've already run your experiment, but I’m just calling because I’m afraid I may have made a little error in my calculations when I gave you the formula. I’m afraid it may be a touch more…volatile than I promised without a third stabilizing component that I just happened to forget during our conversation. But are you happy with the results, anyway?”

Lust burned between her thick thighs. She could still taste Frankencock on her black lips. Still feel wolfman seed trickling down her thighs…

“Yes. Very happy, doctor.” Her voice had taken on a poisoned-honey purr – still recognizably hers, but with enough of a difference to please her.

“I can tell from the tone of your voice that the experiment was a resounding success. Did your labmates experience it with you?”

“Yessssss. I think we’re going to experience it again in a few minutes.”

“I won’t keep you, then. But we must stay in touch. I think this is the beginning of a very fruitful scientific relationship. I’ve got hundreds of plasmids mapped out here – with a little planning, we could greatly expand our range of test subjects, especially given the mass public gatherings there’ll be at the end of the month. But as you saw, a gaseous infusion is too unstable for mass use – we’ll need it in liquid form, which means a lot of one-on-one inoculation. I’ll need your help, Jasmine.”

She grinned, trying not to giggle as Nolan began to stroke her tail. The thought of the campus Halloween revelry turning into a nightmare orgy, one that made what had just happened in the lab look like a box social…yes, that was what she wanted. “You’ll have it. But please…call me Jazebel.”

“Jazebel. Of course. I think many people will choose new names when they undergo the change.” He paused for a moment. “Most of all, I’d like to see the results for myself – to witness the fruits of my labors up close and personal. Maybe we can arrange a little…day trip?”


And if you liked this and want to see what happens next, check out the rest of the series!

All Hallows' Eve
All Hallows' Eve II: Send More Cops
All Hallows' Eve III: Creature Feature
All Hallows' Eve IV: Intensive Scare Unit
All Hallows' Eve V: Day of the Dead
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