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Unread 02-18-2013   #1
Chaos Echo
Process Disciple
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Join Date: Apr 2006
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A Nice Spring Day

Hey, time for one of Chaos Echo's one-off writings again yayyyyyyy!


A man named Mike was walking down a forest path on a nice spring day. It was fairly cold out, so he had a jacket on, but it was still nice. A slight chill went down his spine as he went, causing him to shiver. Looking up, he saw someone approaching from the opposite direction, which he quickly identified as female, given her shape. She looked to have on a simple, dark purple dress, which hung closely to her modest curves, ending about halfway down her calves. Amusingly, she also wore an oversized, stereotypical witch hat in the same color, which obscured her face. Little bits of her red hair were coming out from beneath it as well. As Mike passed her, he could have sworn she raised her head to look at him, so he decided to give a hello out of courtesy.

?Oh, hello.? The woman said in return, stopping to chat. Mike turned to face her then. ?Nice day out, hm?? She said. ?A bit cold, but still nice.? She continued, exactly mirroring his thoughts. She looked him in the eyes, and he noticed that hers were of mismatched color; one blue, one purple.

?Um, if you don?t mind my saying it, I like your eyes.?

The woman had a neutral expression for a moment before seemingly realizing why that mattered. ?Oh, right, the different colors. Yeah, pretty unique, isn?t it??

?Yeah? not only that, but one?s purple too. I?ve never seen purple eyes before.?

?Well, I don?t mind it.? She gestured down her body. ?Obviously I like the color.?

Mike?s eyes followed her motion, and he promptly noticed that she was not wearing a bra, as he could see her nipples poking through the fabric of her dress from the temperature. He quickly looked back up, not about to acknowledge it if she wasn?t, and tried to find something else to talk about.

?So? that hat??

?Oh, this?? She said, tapping the underside of the brim with her finger.

?Yeah, what?s with it? You supposed to be a witch or something??

The woman laughed. ?I just like how it looks. Besides, with something this gaudy, people tend to not notice something even odder.?

She took off the hat, and her hair spilled out of it, though not going very far due to its short length. Most was red, but curiously, there were random streaks of white throughout it.

?Red and white??

?Yes. Both are natural, before you ask.?

?So? both your eyes and your hair are multiple colors? That?s weird.?

?Yes, quite different from your standard blonde-hair-blue-eyes that you seem to subscribe to.?

?Oh, I?m sorry. Did I offend you??

She laughed again. ?No, not at all.?

The woman smiled at him. ?I like you.? She held out her hand. ?My name?s Taika. What?s yours??

?My name? ?s Mike.? He said, extending his hand to shake hers.

?Mike, huh. I like it.? Taika?s smile grew wider. ?You?ll be a perfect candidate for what I have in store.? She said, and before Mike could question what that meant, everything became a blur of light and then total darkness.

Mike?s eyes opened again, and he was sitting on what appeared to be a perfectly normal couch in a perfectly normal living room. ?How did I get- that?s right! That strange woman-?

?Oh, I see how it is. I?m a ?strange woman? now.? Taika said as she entered the room, wearing a similar dress as earlier, but with no sleeves, only straps over her shoulders. She hung her hat on a rack near the door as she passed it.

?Yeah. You are.? Mike asserted. ?What did you do, drug me??

?No, if I?d cared enough to have done that, I?d have restrained you.?

Mike flapped his arms in his spot, and they moved without issue. Not only that, he didn?t feel woozy or anything. ?Oh. So you didn?t.? he said, getting up from the couch. ?So what are you even doing, anyway??

?Kidnapping you.? She said simply.

?Is that so?? Mike said, walking toward the large window in the room.

?Yep. They?ll never find you here.?

?I?m pretty sure I can see? yeah, I know where this is, actually. I recognize this neighborhood.?

Taika was silent a moment before speaking again. ?Well, that doesn?t matter. They?ll still never find you.?

?Who?s ?they???

?Whoever will be looking for you. I don?t know.?

?Okay, lady. You?re clearly incompetent. How about this: I just walk out your entirely unguarded front door not 15 feet away from where I?m standing, and I don?t report you to the police for this??

?Go right ahead.? Taika said, not caring. Mike eyed her suspiciously, keeping her in his sight as he walked over to the door, and then he turned the knob and opened it without fanfare.

Through the doorway was that very same room.

Taika was standing there, in that same spot, arms folded smugly. The room itself was identical in every way to the one he?d just exited. He turned to look behind himself without moving, and Taika was standing in the same spot there, too. He decided to go through anyway. Maybe it was some kind of projection or something.

He closed the door behind himself as he entered, and Taika gave a sarcastic ?And how?d that work out for ya?? Mike said nothing, and opened the door again, with the exact same sight as before greeting him.

?How are you doing this?!? He asked incredulously from his spot.

?I told you it wouldn?t work.? She said, and he heard the one behind him saying the same thing at the same time too. ?Well, no, I didn?t. But I implied it with what I said. Now hurry up and get back inside. Perceiving you like this too long is gonna give me a headache.?

Mike closed the door again. ?Okay, so that didn?t work, obviously.?

?Obviously.? Taika echoed. He glanced to the window then. ?I wouldn?t do that. Pretty much the same thing will happen, but with more broken glass. It?ll hurt.?

?Taika?? Mike said. ?I joked earlier, but? you really are a witch or something, aren?t you??

?Yep!? She said gladly. ?I would?ve thought you?d figure it out with the whole handshake and blackout thing, but??

?We?re not actually in that neighborhood out there then, are we??

?Yes and no. This house is there, but it?s empty. It?s my house, yes, but right now we?re in a twisted space. Um? it?s complicated.?

?Okay, so then answer me this: Why did you kidnap me? I?m sorry if I offended you earlier; honest.?

?And like I said, you didn?t. I actually like you.?

?Then why-??

?Because I want someone around the house. Someone to spend time with. I?m lonely.?

?Couldn?t you just go out and find a husband, you know, legitimately??

?Husband? When did I say that??

?You? kind of implied it by virtue of the fact that I am a man, and want someone around the house. I guess I got ahead of myself though. Boyfriend, then.?

?When did I say boyfriend?? Taika questioned, as though hinting at something.

??you like women??


?You? you do know I?m a man, right??

?Yes, of course.?

??which is kind of the exact opposite of a woman??

?That?s fine. I already decided that I like you. It just means I don?t like your face.?

?Gee, thanks.?

?No, I can totally fix that. Check this out!?

Taika pointed a finger directly at his face, and a bright flash emitted from it along with a sound like a lightning strike. All Mike could hear was a high ringing, even though he saw her mouth moving.

?What?? He said, and loudly, he assumed. Taika had an annoyed look for a brief moment, followed by one of understanding. Her two index fingers pointed at either ear, and then the ringing stopped.

?Better?? She asked.

?Yes, thank you.?

?As I was saying, I?ve never done this before, so it could be interesting. Apparently that?s a side effect; that?ll be good to know.?

?Done what before?? He said, in a slightly high voice, before clearing his throat.

?Done wh-? he started again, before he cleared his throat a second time, feeling as though some sort of mucus had gotten stuck in there. ?I can?t- ugh!? He said, irritated, before a third one. He reached for his neck. ?What?s wrong with my-? He started, attempting speech again before cutting himself off.

?Geez, are you ever gonna finish a sentence there?? Taika asked him playfully.

?You? you actually?? He said slowly, before swallowing the last of it down. His hand on his neck, he felt it moving from the action, sure, but his Adam?s apple was nowhere to be found.

?So, you?ve changed my voice.? Mike said, in a much higher, feminine tone.

?Oh, that?s hardly all of it. There?s much more to come. For instance, right now.? Taika said, pointing to his nose, which had gotten a bit smaller.

?What the-!?? He shouted in that womanly voice of his. ??this voice is annoying me.?

?Trust me, before long, it won?t be a problem at all.?

It clicked for him then. ?You don?t like my face, so you?re? giving me a woman?s face?? He asked, his jaw bone narrowing with a curious lack of pain or anything but a light tingling.

?Well, yes, but not quite the complete answer.?

The tingling spread to his scalp, and a few strands of hair quickly fell and blocked his vision. ?What the?? My hair?s not this long?? He said, brushing it aside, only for it to be joined by more.

?Yeah, and it wasn?t that colorfully blonde a few moments ago either, was it~?? Taika noted. ?And I?m willing to bet that your lips weren?t quite so full or pink as well.? Mike gasped, touching his lips, which felt swollen to him.

?Here,? the witch said, conjuring up a small mirror and holding it up for him. ?Wanna see??

?Oh my?? Mike breathed on seeing his reflection, as it finished changing before his eyes. While most of his body was the same, his neck and up had entirely transformed, the only similarities being the colors, and even then his hair was blonder and his eyes bluer. His jaw curved in slowly and smoothly, his features soft now, his eyes round, his eyelashes long, even his lips full and pink, just as Taika had said. His hair was down to about his shoulders in length, looking well-kept. His mouth was opened slightly in shock, and he saw that his teeth had even corrected and whitened themselves within. And on his cheeks stayed a slight natural blush, too, to complete the innocent look he had.

?Oh? I?m? I?m hot!? He finally declared.

?Yes, I noticed you felt that way about your face.? Taika said, lowering the mirror and pointing towards his crotch, where a slight bulge could be seen. He felt a good bit of embarrassment about that, but Taika went on, offhandedly having the mirror disappear into nothingness. ?And I?m glad that you do, because I definitely think so. However? it?s not quite enough?? She pushed up against him, using this close distance to study him intricately. ?Hm? your lips are a bit uneven?? she said, before pointing a finger at them for a slight adjustment. ?Nice blue eyes? Lovely blonde hair? plump, luscious lips?? She listed off, as she lightly ran her hands over his new face.

Mike, meanwhile, was feeling the slight rubbing her body was doing against his as she did, especially her breasts against his chest, and his slight erection grew further. Taika?s face shifted slightly in expression, feeling that.

?Okay, could you hold it back a little? I?m trying to-? She promptly cut off before a smile grew on her face. ?On second thought? let?s keep going now.? Her face only inches from his, she put her hand directly up next to it, pointed down, and another lightning-like noise and light emitted from it.

This time it took a moment for his vision to come back, and by then, he saw she?d backed away and was lowering her hands from pointing at the sides of his head again.

?Sorry? like I said, first use and everything. Not familiar with how to make it not do that.?

?If this is the first, then how can I trust that it?ll work right??

?You can?t.? She said simply. ?What are you going to do about it, anyway??

Mike sat in thought of some manner of retort, when he felt a tingling down below, much like the one on his face minutes before. ?Wait, no! I know what you?re doing now! You?re turning me into a woman!?

Taika giggled. ?Took you long enough. Not very fast on the uptake, are you??

Mike felt, between his body and hers, his shaft shrinking. He tried his best to just ignore it, and Taika seemed surprised.

?What, no sadly watching it go or anything??

?No, I?d rather just not think about it until it?s done.?

?Suit yourself,? she said, going down to her knees. ?Because I kinda want to see this.?

Taika undid his belt, and yanked down both pants and underwear just in time to see the tiny remainder of his penis retreating into his new part. ?Aw man?? She said, frowning as his testicles followed. ?I missed the best part?? Her frown quickly turned around. ?But, I always liked the sight of a cute little pussy, too, so it works out~?

?So that emptiness I feel??

?I sure hope you only mean physically, you sexist you, because yep, it?s gone! Want me to prove it?? Taika slid a finger in there before waiting for an answer, and Mike cooed, this feeling entirely unfamiliar to him. ?But since this is weird to look at,? she said, ?Let?s get this moving some more.?

?No, wait, not-!? Mike cried out as the normal bang went off from that finger, and the witch stood up.

?How?d that feel??

?Wonderful??Mike moaned, his womanly voice turning him on further.

?See? And I?m even learning to muffle it better. But you helped.?

Still down there, strange, unidentifiable feelings were going on, which he assumed were the rest of his plumbing changing to match.

?And? boop!? Taika lightheartedly said, jabbing him in the stomach, accompanied by another loud bang, but this one not deafening. Now his entire body tingled, and he squirmed from the feeling. ?What?s the matter, Mike~?? She asked him rhetorically. ?Something wrong??

?Now what are you doing??

?Oh, most of the rest. Like?? She grabbed one of his wrists, and pulled down his jacket sleeve, holding it in front of him, and he watched as his arm slimmed in her hand, his own becoming daintier, the fingers slender. ?This is what I?m talking about, Mike.?

??Mike.? She said to herself. ?You need a different name.?

?I knew a girl named Mike once??

?Well, that?s stupid. How about Michelle?? Taika suggested, unzipping his jacket.

?Michelle?? He asked, his shoulders slimming down. ?I?d like something closer to my name? Michaela??

?Eh? not feeling it.? She said, excitedly patting his slimming waist. ?If you want something closer to your name, how about? Mika??

?Meeka? That?s not very similar??

?Yes it is. M-I-K-E, M-I-K-A. They?re only one letter off.?

?Then why isn?t it pronounced Mike-ah??

?Because it?s Japanese. I?m pretty sure it?s pronounced Mee-kah.?

?Japanese? I don?t look remotely Japanese! I?m blonde-haired, I?m blue-eyed, I?m tall!?

?Oh, you are, are you?? Taika jumped up and slapped down on his head, and he felt a sudden jolt as he shrunk a good five inches.

?Ow! You did that on purpose!?

?Maybe a little. Stop whining, Mika.?

?Fine, fine, I?ll be Mika?? He said.

She finished removing his jacket, and he held his slender, feminine arm in front of his face. ?The hair?s gone on it too?? He noted.

?Yep! Your legs, too!? Taika told him, lightly kicking one of his increasingly shapely legs. ?Consider it a favor. In fact, I made it so you won?t need to shave period! No body hair! Well?? She put a hand on the space between his crotch and stomach. ?Except here, because I like the aesthetic of a little hair down there?? She said, letting her hand go lower to feel it as she did.

?But!? She suddenly shouted, louder than necessary. ?With parts like these, I don?t think you should be calling yourself male, any more!?

?Alright.? Mika said, hardly fazed.

?You?re taking this really well, Mika. I was expecting you to be all ?oh nooooo, don?t turn me into a lady!?, but you don?t really seem to mind.?

?To be honest, I actually think this is kind of fun.?

?You do know I?m not going to change you back??

?I can live with that.?

Taika pursed her lips with a slight disappointment. The victim struggling was supposed to be half the fun. ?Okay then? I?m still far from done, mind you.?

?What do you mean? I?ve got the face, the genitals, the girlish body??

?Well, you?re missing a couple ?somethings?.? Taika said, clasping her hands behind her and sticking out her chest.

With two steps then, she was behind her. ?Of course, a big bootay~!? She shouted again, jabbing Mika?s butt. The usual sound and light like a small explosion rang out, and Mika felt her butt beginning to swell.

?Oh!? Was all she had to say, feeling both the tingling from the spell and the filling of her rear.

?And then, obviously, these too.? Taika said, patting her hips as she had her waist earlier. ?Let?s see if I can get your pants to fit again.?

Mika pulled up her underwear again finally, having just remembered that she was exposing her most private of parts, and tried buckling her pants, to discover that they didn?t fit well, as Taika predicted. However, with her hips spreading out slowly, and her butt jutting further out, the too-large pants began to get more snug again.

?Oh, also, I want you to have some fuller thighs too.? Taika interjected, permissionlessly sliding her hand into Mika?s pants and letting off a muffled bang within. Following that, Mika felt her thighs tingle and begin to thicken as well. Her butt and hips continued rounding out her lower body, until the waistline of her jeans was safely held to her form, and they stopped shortly after. Her thighs didn?t grow much, but enough that she wasn?t standing on stilts like before.

?Cool,? she said, turning herself to try and see her girly butt.

?Oh, it?s very cool.? Taika agreed, grabbing hold of it. ?I think it turned out pretty well, don?t you??

?Very much, yes.?

?Good. Now?? Taika walked back to her front. ?Something?s missing?? She said, looking her up and down. ?Something important??

?Oh, I dunno?? Mika said suggestively, rocking back and forth on her feet, blatantly staring at Taika?s chest. The latter snapped her fingers.

?Got it!? She exclaimed, before pointing at Mika?s chest. ?Your clothes! They need to be more feminine!?

?Pardon me??

?Yeah. Short-sleeved shirt? Jeans? Lame. How about?? Taika held an arm just below her chest, the elbow of the other propped up on it, and thought. ?Okay, how ?bout this?? She asked, letting her wrist roll back and pointed at Mika?s pants. She immediately felt her legs being drawn together, and a strange noise emitting from her pants legs.

?What?s going on??

?Oh, they?re fusing together.?

?Not my legs, I hope.? Mika tried pulling her legs away as she said this, but they only hit the outer edges of her pants.

?No, just the jeans.? Another sound came from them, like a ripping. ?Ah, and now it?s a skirt. But boringly long. How about I shorten it?? Her finger still hanging there from the previous spell, she let off another round, and the skirt began shrinking, raising itself from Mika?s ankles. ?Ooh, lovely legs.? She noted, as they were slowly revealed.

?You think so?? Mika said, bending slightly to feel one. It was soft, shapely, lovely beneath her fingers. And while she was doing that, her skirt stopped just below her butt, which it showed off right now, given how she was bent. It darkened into a light shade of black, and the material shifted into a more proper one than denim.

?Al-right~? Taika piped up, pleased. ?Miniskirt looks good on you. This can change, though.? She pointed beneath her skirt, and Mika?s briefs quickly shifted, tightened, and shrunk on her, the newly-created panties stretching flat over her nethers and closely over her bottom. ?Better??

?Not quite as comfortable??

?You?ll get used to it. That shirt of yours, though?? Taika grabbed the bottom of it, quickly yanking it up to her collarbone. Mika let out a small noise of surprise.

?Oh! Why are you so sudden??

?If you?re not gonna be all surprised about the sex change, I may as well make you surprised somehow.? She bunched up Mika?s shirt, and pinched it between finger and thumb. A small spark sounded out, and it fell back down, split perfectly in the middle so that it now resembled a vest. She pinched it on a side at set intervals, buttons appearing where she did. ?Awesome!? She declared, the white button-up shirt it now was flapping off of one side.

?So?? Mika started, hoping she?d notice the lack of having given her breasts now that one of her nipples was clearly exposed.

?So??? Taika repeated, seemingly oblivious.

?My boobs!? She came out and said. ?Are you gonna give me boobs or not??

?Jeez, you?re pushy. In case you forgot, I kidnapped you. I?ll get there, be patient.? She retorted, having her shirt button itself for emphasis.

?Well, what?s left, even??

?Hm?? Taika walked a slow circle around her, looking her up and down again. She stopped and grabbed her hair, pulling it, but instead of pain, it seemed to be making it longer. ?You know what, Mika?? She said, getting it long enough to reach her rear.


?I?m actually more into curvy women. Lots of T&A, y?know??

Mika heard a bang and felt a tingling in her butt again. ?Oh! How big??

?I want a bubble butt outta you, girl!?

?Fine by me~? A warmth was going through her behind as it swelled further, pressing against her skirt in its growth.

?You know, Mika, I was kinda disappointed that you accepted it so fast, but now I like it. Means you?ll be much more willing to do, say, this~? She finished seductively, and took a handful of Mika?s growing flesh. ?Definitely the right decision,? she said, stroking it.

?Ooh, yes, it is?? Mika moaned, her butt lifting her skirt up on its own merits now.

?Yes, this is good?? Taika said, continuing her rubbing. ?I?m getting you all horny, aren?t I??

?A-a little, yeah??

She reached a hand around Mika, placing two fingers right over her crotch, lightly feeling it. ?A little? These are too damp for ?a little?!? She backed away, and motioned the curtains closed. ?Looks like we?ll be able to start shortly, then? in which case?? She pulled off her shoulder straps, lowering her dress past her chest. ?Now, earlier, I know these things were turning you on?? She said, grabbing her breasts. ?How about now, hm?? She pressed herself against her, rubbing her bare chest on Mika?s clothed one.

?Ooh? yes, very much!? Mika said, her nipples hardening. Taika smiled, and eased her dress the rest of the way off, only in her panties any longer. ?Good to know you find me hot, then~?

She touched Mika?s nipples, both poking through her shirt. ?Now, since you?ve been whining this whole time, here you go!? This light and sound were as intense as the first, and Mika saw and heard nothing for some seconds before both were restored. ??sorry again. But you wanted boobies? Here they come!?

Mika?s nipples stuck out further still, their pink clearly shown through the white shirt. She pinched them both, cooing from the feeling.

?Hey.? Taika said, pushing her hands away. ?Don?t be taking this too far. I wanna cause your first~? She jabbed a finger into the middle of her chest, but it seemed to be for effect this time, since nothing happened. In the meantime, a small amount of softness had built up behind her nipples, and Mika just watched with enjoyment.

?Yay, titties!? She giggled. She lay a hand over one of the small mounds, feeling the shifting of the tiny dome from the pressure on it. With her hand there, she could feel it blooming, the supple breast tissue beneath her hands so warm, though that might?ve just been her that was.

The sliding of her shirt over her breasts as they grew was a pleasant feeling, the thin cloth caressing them. She unbuttoned the top few on her shirt, watching her breasts grow enough to smush together to form some cleavage, and giggled again.

?W-wow? these are wonderful??

?I know, right??

Both watched excitedly as the blonde?s breasts kept growing, having passed up Taika?s once cleavage was possible, and their owner having put her hand back over one again. Before long, a quiet stretching was heard from her shirt, her C cup breasts too big for what it had been turned into. She reached to unbutton it, but Taika grabbed her wrist. ?No no, this is more fun.? She said, smiling reassuringly.

The pressure continued to increase as her bust outgrew her shirt, her breasts spilling into the space she?d made from undoing the top few, and it was beginning to get painful.

?Taika, please??

?Just a moment longer?? She said, holding her hand out at an odd angle. A loud tearing and a high noise sounded at the same time, and Taika?s hand closed.

?Ha!? She laughed, and held her hand out to Mika, opening it to show the button she?d caught. ?Good prediction skills, or what??

Mika nodded with a slightly uncomfortable face, her breasts quickly filling the room that had been made by that pop.

?Okay, fine, take it off.? Taika said, disappointed. Mika unbuttoned her shirt as fast as she could, working against her breasts, as they kept applying pressure to keep it difficult. She managed to get enough of them undone, and her breasts came bouncing out, larger than E?s now.

?Oh! I like that! Do it again!? Taika insisted. The other woman bounced up and down a little, her breasts following suit. The witch giggled. ?So sexy! I wish mine could do that!?

?Couldn?t you just make yours bigger??

?Not until I figure out a way to put them back.?

?Wait, you mean I?m gonna be all busty with a huge butt with no way to turn it back!??


?Fine by me!? The witch giggled again. ?I made the right choice in liking you.?

A cease of tingling told Mika that her breasts were finished, and she held them up proudly. They were probably a good 6.5, maybe seven inches in diameter.

?Gorgeous tits, Mika!? Taika yelled joyfully. ?They?re huge! Awesome!? She shoved her face between them without warning, causing Mika to yelp.

?What are you doing!??

?Hey, I?ve never had the opportunity to do this before.? She said, surfacing. ?I love these! They?re so soft, and round, and big!? She grabbed them with her hands now, fondling them, while Mika blushed and quietly vocalized from the pleasure. ?And all mine~? She said seductively. ?Which further means??

The witch let go, and circled her yet again. ?Butt?s so big that your skirt?s on top of it now? hair all the way down to there too? panties eaten by it? in the front here, stretched enough to reveal some sexy details?? She giggled and continued. ?Huge, round boobies? that sexy face from before?? She looked her in the eyes after that last one. ?Yep, you?re perfect.?

She bent slightly to take off her own panties then. ?And now it?s time for this~? She said, pushing herself against her like she had before when Mika was largely male, her small breasts compressing against Mika?s huge ones. She pointed behind the curvy woman, and nothing visible happened. The hand she used for that came down right above her butt then, using minimal effort to snap her tight panties. ?Feel better??


?You asked why I kidnapped you, remember??


?Well, here you go~? Taika moved her head closer, pressing their beautiful lips together, and both fell onto a nonexistent, soft surface that she?d made seconds ago. Using one hand, Taika resumed fondling her breasts, and the other went lower.

Mika gasped. ?Not how I expected my day to go?? She thought, moaning out loud. ?But much better!?

Me on DeviantART. I upload my stuff over there. Pretty much dead though.
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