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Unread 07-29-2023   #1
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Video Producers Process Ranked

Just a little something that I was thinking about doing which is to create a ranking system of the current video producers out there. The guidelines to make it to A-Tier are as follows with creators losing points along the way to bump them down tiers.

1. The speed of the process has to be visible. These are the creators that are putting the process back into expansion. The growths are easily visible and the changes are noticeable.
2. Using jump cuts are disqualified from A-Tier running but can be used for various transitions (I.E they grew through process but then change out to a different prop afterwards.)
3. These are producers who are current and release clips with regularity so one off clips or producers who no longer make BE content won't be ranked.
4. The maker is consistent with their quality.


Madz Is Stacked: She used to do mostly jump cuts but has been doing a lot of growth clips and even her jump cuts are very well done! Do I even have to explain why she is top tier?

BustySasha/The Stacked Milf: Great process, and fun clips overall, well timed and executed. Again, belongs here without question.

Taylormadeclips: Yes, they are now A-Tier after a long time of very slow hard to see processes. Some of the growths on their new clips over the last few years have been great. Not always perfect but a lot better then times of old.

Jessy Adams: Jessy just clears into A-Tier with some of the newer clips that I have seen of her. She has always had process but something was always off about it. I think her new camera makes a big difference in being able to see and she doesn't "Lift" the props as much anymore and just lets them do their thing which is a welcome improvement. Even when she uses just her large props she is really good at creating process where there actually is none.

Ginary Kinky Adventures: They have the potential to be A-Tier but they lack consistency. Sometimes you can see the growths and its great! Other times you can't. They really need to work with the models better to get them to move their arms away and stop moving when the growths happen and also speed them up/hold the camera still when it makes sense. The Catherine Foxx Grows Giant clip is very well done in this regard.

Ludella Hahn: Technically uses jump cuts but mixes CG and zooming shots so the effect is less noticeable.

Molly the Pixie: Good process but releases are not too often and mostly uses jump cuts.

Bendy Brooke: A new comer to the scene and I wanted to put her higher but she jumped in strong, then took a giant step back but is crawling back again. A few of her early BE clips had very fast growth which I was happy to see! Then she released clips where the growth was slow....very slow, spanning the entire length of the video. She recently released some short clips with fast growth but I haven't seen them or any of the water growth clips so she stays at B for now (A shame because it looks like she does everything without any help whatsoever!)


TMF Fantasies: If there is process it is so slow as to be barely visible unless you like watching clips at 32x speed.
Riki Ramsey: She would be much higher but doesn't release new material with any regularity.
Inflata-a-girl: Super slow growths and she never takes the time to hide tubes and things.
Shell ground: Sometimes you can sorta see a change but I haven't seen any consistency.

Let me know if anyone feels that a creator should be higher or lower or who I left out that you feel deserves a ranking.

Last edited by likeembig; 07-29-2023 at 08:44 PM.
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Unread 07-30-2023   #2
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Re: Video Producers Process Ranked

I'd just like to point out to other people that you're strictly rating these creators based on the strength of their props. Personally that is one of the least important criteria to me. At this point I've commissioned over 100 BE videos in the past decade, and what I tend to focus on is the strength of the creator's dialogue and reactions. So for someone like me, 90% of the creators on this list I wouldn't even buy content from. Based off your criteria though, I would say Jessy and Taylor both deserve a promotion to S-Tier.
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Unread 07-30-2023   #3
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Re: Video Producers Process Ranked

Originally Posted by fredzor View Post
I'd just like to point out to other people that you're strictly rating these creators based on the strength of their props. Personally that is one of the least important criteria to me. At this point I've commissioned over 100 BE videos in the past decade, and what I tend to focus on is the strength of the creator's dialogue and reactions. So for someone like me, 90% of the creators on this list I wouldn't even buy content from. Based off your criteria though, I would say Jessy and Taylor both deserve a promotion to S-Tier.

I wouldn't say entirely but it is a big chunk of it since this is the Process forum. It is actually part of the point in that you can have the best props and still manage to come out with something lackluster. No doubt that reactions and dialog are also very important. I adore reactions to the moments of growth themselves and can't stand a zoomed in chest shots where you can't see the actresses face. Technically that all falls into place with the criteria above. With that said if we were to include at into the running (Which we should!) I would make the following adjustments

Ludella would go to A-Tier, TMF would be B-Tier. BusySasha would actually move down to B-Tier since her dialog/stories could be better. Everything else would stay the same but again there is room for improvements. I could include an S-Tier but for now I think keeping it simpler would be better.

Last edited by likeembig; 07-30-2023 at 07:29 AM.
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Unread 07-31-2023   #4
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Re: Video Producers Process Ranked

My favorite BE clips have been made by Lovely Lilith... and I'm not sure how she'd place in this system. But her videos are my favorite of all the ones I've bought.
I clicked on it by accident in yellowbelt's signature... but it was fun so now I have one!
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Unread 08-02-2023   #5
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Re: Video Producers Process Ranked

Originally Posted by ArcaneBEFan View Post
My favorite BE clips have been made by Lovely Lilith... and I'm not sure how she'd place in this system. But her videos are my favorite of all the ones I've bought.
For this list I don't think she would qualify as I feel there should be a dividing line between prop and non-prop breast expansion. Don't get me wrong her work is amazing and she does excellent "growth" sequences with staggering end results. I think Lilith only used props once from what I can remember but she is in good company with this style along with beLietoFied, Roxanne Miller and others as well.

So as this is list more of a consumer advice sort of thing then someone else should do a non-prop version as well since there is room for all styles and preferences
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Unread 08-02-2023   #6
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Re: Video Producers Process Ranked

I guess they're no longer current, but AkemiExpansions created several of my all time favorites.
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Unread 10-07-2023   #7
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Re: Video Producers Process Ranked

I have decided that Bendy Brooke does indeed deserve to be A-Tier! She now occasionally releases a series of short clips with "Rapid inflation" in the title. While these clips lack any sort of plot or dialog the process is top notch and of course she is super cute as well! Bursting buttons? Check! Growth fast enough to be seen but not so fast as to miss it in a blink? Check!

With that said it is clear that she is doing everything solo without any outside help at all. I have to give her a lot of credit for that as it takes a lot of effort to do everything by ones self. I don't expect it but it would be nice to see clips from her in the future that contain stories and dialog.
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Unread 02-02-2025   #8
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Re: Video Producers Process Ranked

Figured I would do something up a 2025 update to this list.


Madz Is Stacked: She is currently MIA but she really put even more effort into her process so she definitely stays here.

BustySasha/The Stacked Milf: Nothing has changed and her rank remains.

Taylormadeclips: Still A-Tier but can still be hit or miss at times. When the clips are great, they are great. But there are always duds for various reasons.

Jessy Adams: Formely A-Tier she seems to be gone and no longer making content. She will be missed


TMF Fantasies: Moves up to B-Tier now for a few reasons namely that they have very clear videos (Good cameras) and have some very attractive actresses who aren't bad at acting. I find that some of their dialog can be somewhat drawn out at times though. Keep in mind though that they are still very slow on the process side.

Ousweetheart-clips: A newcomer who actually mostly seems to improve their process and approaches with each new BE clip. They do use some jump cuts for sure but almost always real time expansion as well which is nice to see. They also get to the point and are not repetitive.

Media Impact Customs: Used to do BE back in the day then stopped. Has come back with some help from Maxgrowth. Great process, acting and camera work. Really only down at B due to BE not being their main focus.

Ginary Kinky Adventures: No changes here. Sometimes good but rarely anything amazing. They do seem to be slowly improving though (The latest Josie clips is very good!)

Ludella Hahn: No Change

Bendy Brooke: Bendy holds at B-tier. Good process but usually little to no plot.


Molly the Pixie: Molly moves to C-Tier since BE no longer seems to be her focus.
Riki Ramsey: Had high hopes but content releases are rare.
Inflata-a-girl: Super slow growths and she never takes the time to hide tubes and things.
Shell ground: No change.
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