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Unread 12-04-2011   #1
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Audiobook - Honesty's Reward (Complete)


Welcome everyone, to yet another pseudoclever story. I've got a lot to say about this one, so let's get to it.


This story deals primarily with Macro SW (which is to say, girls generally measured with a yard stick, not a ruler.) You can also expect to see slow shrink, BE, female muscle loss, M/f, F/f, and yeah, M/f/f.


18+, NSFW, and all that. If you've read a story by me, you know what you're in for (face.)

ALSO BE AWARE that there are some minor GTS elements, though really, I don't think even the most staunch SW purist is going to be offended by them.


I haven't written an SW story since my very first one, almost three years ago. It's been a genre I've missed, and I've been thinking for a long time about how to get back into it. One day, about 18 months ago, I sat down and tried to make a list of all my favorite elements of SW stories. Over time, I refined it. And slowly, I tried to piece together a good story that incorporated as many of those things as possible.

When I first started writing a year ago, the working title was ?All The Buttons.? It was going to be a quick little 'scenario' piece...but then I fell in love with the characters. Details were changed, plots were developed ? and so on. Thus, here we are.

This, by a wide margin, is the most effort I've ever put into a single story. I'm a little embarrassed to say of this posting, the total edit time on my .doc file is up to 560 hours - and I STILL have a little work to do. I really hope you enjoy it.


A good friend of mine, Yogurcita, helped out with the above mentioned ?listing of favorite things.? She was around when I needed someone to vent at, and on a few occasions helped me dig out of plot holes.

Toward the end of development, I asked if she would be willing to do an audiobook (her voice is perfect for it, and she was the inspiration for one of the characters. Don't ask which!) Her answer, obviously, was yes. And man, we've been having fun with this project ever since.

For as long as possible, I'm going to post her reading of each chapter a day or two after the text version. But making good recordings is tough and time consuming, especially on our budget of $0. So, we'll see how long we can keep up.


Inspiration for this piece came from several sources, including:

Merritstone, who continues to post things that make me furrow my brow, and realize I need to work a lot harder if I'm going to keep up.

Jadenyx, who proved to me the value of good character development and that genre fiction can inspire actual emotion.

And Sally1/4, whose epic Slumber Party is what got me writing in the first place, and directly inspired one of the later chapters. I stole exactly two words from her to use in this story ? try to guess which!

And finally....

Comments, praise, and constructive criticism are what fuel works like this. If you enjoy the text and recording, or even if you don't...let us know. It will, quite literally, make our day.

Pshew. Anyone still awake out there? Alright then. Here we go.

Stories by Pseudoclever

My Lovely Sylvia (SW)
An Expanded Hypothesis (SW/GTS)
Big Surprises (GTS)
Four Types of Reactions (GTS)

...and many others.
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Unread 12-04-2011   #2
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Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

Honesty's Reward

by pseudoclever

read by yogurcita

1. ?I Should've Worn Stilts?

The old-fashioned door had an old-fashioned bell attached, and it jingled as I entered the shop. Thanks to Pavlovian conditioning, it also caused the kneeling young man stocking shelves to turn and greet me warmly. ?Welcome to Ardeen Nutrition!? he called, in the moment before he recognized me. ?Can I help...oh! Hey Samantha, what's up??

Three carefully balanced steps had me standing over him, close enough that I could see my shadow on his face. ?Hey Anthony! I was hoping you'd be working today.? I flashed him a wide, somewhat smirky grin, reached out to offer my hand. He took it, smiling uncertainly, and let me pull him to his feet.

It took Anthony a full second to notice ? to measure me in his mind, to do a double-take. And then he realized what had changed. Slowly, timidly, he craned his neck to meet my gaze, his mouth hanging in slack-jawed wonder. ?Wow're really...really tall.?

?Mmm-hmm,? I answered, pursing my lips in a way that was perhaps ninety percent of the way to seductive. ?I thought I might give my new platforms a try. Do you like them?? I stuck out one long, sculpted leg, inviting him to admire my choice of footwear. He did. Of course he did. Though if I was playing this right, it wasn't my shoes he was admiring.

I had purchased these platforms for the sole purpose (no pun intended) of showing off for Anthony. I'm fairly tall for a woman, you see ? five ten, according to my drivers license ? and the platforms added a little extra. Honestly though? I could have towered over Anthony even in flats. He's an adorable little thing, probably not much over five foot four, and his reaction to even my natural height always gets my blood pumping.

Okay, so confession time. There's something important you need to know about me, right up front. Forgive me if I'm a bit nervous, alright? I've gone through this with a few people by now, but never to an audience this big. Here goes.

You...might think me a freak for admitting this, but I have this weird obsession with...height. I'm constantly thinking about it, figuring out how tall I am compared to the people around me. I always get this cheap little thrill when I'm much bigger than someone. For reasons we'll get to, it goes double for Anthony. So the platforms let me, I don't know, pretend that I had magically grown even bigger than usual, and made that thrill just a little stronger.

Confession number two, though this one is easier. At this point, I'd been working a pretty hardcore crush on Anthony Spielman for the better part of a year. I mean, aside from the appeal of his hobbit-height, the guy is absolutely GORGEOUS. Neat brown hair, hazel eyes, chiseled jaw. And his physique? He works in a fitness store, for chrissakes! So maybe that explains me wanting to be the biggest thing in his universe. Whatever. No judgement zone, from here on out. Okay guys?

Anthony finally tore his eyes away from (I went with my favorite short-shorts, the ones that really show off how long my legs are. Yes, even though it was early February. Sue me.) ?So what brings you to our humble little shop today?? he asked clearing his throat and trying to come off dignified. ?The supplements you bought last time should have lasted another couple weeks at least.?

?Aw, I'm flatted you keep track of me enough to know that. But I'm just browsing today. Actually, I'm here looking for something that might not even exist. I'm after a certain kind of weight loss product. But hmm, 'weight loss' isn't the right word for it, because my BMI is down close to ideal. What I want to lose is...thickness.?

Anthony stepped back enough to meet my eyes, his expression serious. ?Sam. Don't. You're NOT fat.?

I nodded at the little guy. ?You're right, not anymore. I've dropped a full thirty pounds in the past year, thanks to your advice ? and plenty of hard work at the gym, of course. My pear-shaped figure finally looks a little more like an hour glass, you know? But as it turns out, the excuse I've been giving people for my entire life turned out to be true. I am actually, factually, big boned.? My hands traced a line down the ample curve of my hip, demonstrating. ?I do a thousand sit-ups a week. Thirty minutes a day on the elliptical. Yet no matter how hard I try, I still can't lose these last couple inches!?

?You look...ahh...really good, though,? Anthony said, self-consciously examining a bottle of creatine. ?Really.?

?Thank you for saying so,? I told him, suppressing a grin. Everything was going to plan. ?Really though, I would feel much better about myself if I could trim down a bit more. And it's not as simple as just losing more weight. Because, well, when you said that I'm not fat? You were right. See??

Before I could remember all the things that my mother had taught me, about what a good girl should and should not do...I just did it. I lifted my shirt provocatively, flashing him a glimpse of my tight, early stage six-pack, 'accidentally' going high enough to show him the underside of my lacy black bra. He whistled in appreciation, a red flush of excitement now faintly visible on his cheeks.

I beamed down at him knowingly. That move had turned the trick ? he wouldn't be able to resist much longer. Any second now, he was finally, at long last, going to ask me out. ?So you see what I mean,? I went on. ?I almost need something that could, I don't know, change my body type. That's probably beyond the scope of a supplement, but maybe, if you wanted to take some time and work out a program with me....?

?Did somebody say MAGIC?? a voice boomed ? deep, rumbling, yet obviously feminine.

I grimaced, swearing under my breath.

From behind a stack of protein shakes stepped Tiffany Ardeen, owner and namesake of Ardeen Nutrition. The girl looked down at the two of us, arms crossed over her chest, wearing her usual arrogant smirk. It was the kind of expression you might see on the statue of a Greek goddess ? one meant to convey both contempt and benevolence as she regards the insignificant mortals who grovel at her feet.

?Why Samantha Millers! Good to see you! How's my best customer??

?Fine, thanks for asking,? I replied, forcing a thin little smile. My plans for seducing Anthony were out the window, for today at least. Now I realized how foolish it had been to think I could be 'the biggest thing' in his world. If I had wanted to compete with Tiffany for that honor...forget the platforms. I should've worn stilts.

The girl gave me a sweet, almost impish grin. It was impossible not to be enchanted by that smile, not when it came from a face as lovely as Tiffany's. And not when the sudden appearance of the amazon girl was already making my insides feel funny. I told you it gives me a thrill when I'm taller than someone, right? Well, it can go the other way too.

?I couldn't help but overhear you pouring your little heart out to my stock boy. Maybe you should just call me 'Genie,' because believe it or not, I might have something that can grant your wish.?

?Are you KIDDING me?? Anthony shrilled. ?We have products that can DO that? Then why have I never heard of them??

Tiffany turned her head, peering down at him as if he were a smudge of dog poo on her favorite Gucci sandals. ?I'm not in the habit of divulging company secrets to low ranking employees.?

?Low ranking?? he chuffed. ?I'm the only person who works here besides you.?

Tiffany let out a long-suffering sigh. ?Anthony, I'll be kind and not count this as your break. But I pay you to stock, not chit-chat. Get back to work.?

At once Anthony snapped to attention, giving me a sidelong little smirk. ?Yes'm massus Tif'ney. You just watch deas feet get'a movin'! I's gon'a pick dis whole row by sundown, sho nuff!?

The giant girl turned to face him full-on, her expression deceptively, almost frighteningly neutral. ?Anthony, do we need to have another closed-door discussion about your unprofessional decorum? As I recall, you didn't much enjoy the last one.?

Anthony met her gaze, looking up at this woman who was well over a foot taller than him, a lesser species of fear in his eyes. ?No ma'am,? he answered smartly.

?Good.? She turned on her heels and headed toward the back of the shop, beckoning me to follow with one long, tapered finger. ?It is SO hard to find good help these days,? she said, her voice adopting a patrician drawl.

I spared one final, sympathetic glance for Anthony. Then I hurried after.


Audiobook, Chapter 1:

When we recorded this chapter, Yogurcita and I were both as green as it gets at doing this sort of thing. With each chapter we've done, we've gotten a LOT better. Look for our recurring blurb here - Audio Lessons Learned - to hear what, exactly, we figured out.

Stories by Pseudoclever

My Lovely Sylvia (SW)
An Expanded Hypothesis (SW/GTS)
Big Surprises (GTS)
Four Types of Reactions (GTS)

...and many others.
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Unread 12-04-2011   #3
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Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

Love it so far can't wait for more!
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Unread 12-04-2011   #4
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Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

This is an EXCELLENT idea and an exploration of a long-neglected piece of the multi-media experience. Hey, if every other novel can be an audiobook, why not SW?
Can't wait to see...hear... more.
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Unread 12-05-2011   #5
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Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

Absolutely brilliant. I love the personality in the writing and she has an excellent voice. It fits perfectly. Bravo! I would like to send you guys a little money if at all possible to support this idea. Do you have a paypal or somethihg similar?
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Unread 12-05-2011   #6
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Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

Thank you all for your wonderful comments, glad you like it so far.


Originally Posted by Yorick89 View Post
Absolutely brilliant. I love the personality in the writing and she has an excellent voice. It fits perfectly. Bravo! I would like to send you guys a little money if at all possible to support this idea. Do you have a paypal or somethihg similar?
I'm actually on my way out the door right now to buy a quality head-set mic for Yogurcita to use - so yes, anything you could do to help would be appreciated.

Send any donations to:

And thank you again.

Stories by Pseudoclever

My Lovely Sylvia (SW)
An Expanded Hypothesis (SW/GTS)
Big Surprises (GTS)
Four Types of Reactions (GTS)

...and many others.
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Unread 12-05-2011   #7
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Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

hm, interesting. I'm definitely curious where your going to go with this.
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Unread 12-05-2011   #8
Nom Anor
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Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

Neat idea and good setup.
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Unread 12-05-2011   #9
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Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

2. Tiffany On Sale

Now, I want to make one thing perfectly clear at this stage: I am NOT the kind of girl who gets jealous of other women. I mean, seriously. If you saw me on the street, you WOULD give me a second glance. Probably even a third. I've already mentioned my height, and recently improved figure.

Ah, why don't you let me give you a quick top-down.

I have a lovely face ? high cheek bones, button nose, and full, somewhat pouty lips. Hair, a lustrous brown, usually shoulder-length. Then we have the first thing most people notice: my eyes. They're this really striking shade of green, like mid-summer grass. If I wanted to count the number of guys who have told me they could get lost in them, I would need at least two hands. Next up, my tits. My weight loss had reduced them somewhat, but I still sported an impressive set ? high-end B cups, and at certain times of the month, full-blow C's. There's a butt in there, somewhere. A nice one. And my legs? Forget about it. Really, impressively, dangerously long, with the kind of sexy tone you'd expect from a solid year of working out.

Tiffany, though? The girl was in another league all together. Her body was a solid mass of velvet and iron, high peaks and ridges slowly transitioning into perfect feminine valleys. Her amazon's figure was covered in a thick skeen of muscle, yet paradoxically she managed to look as cute and dainty as any star cheerleader. Large doe eyes, curly blond hair that was usually braided in pig-tails...and ugh, perfect skin. She didn't even have a tan, but somehow she exuded this healthy glow that was so powerful and alluring that it made me want to retch. And her breasts ? my God, her breasts! They were both incredibly huge and frighteningly perky, like two over-inflated, fleshy volleyballs. I honestly believe that the girl must have applied for an exemption from the laws of physics for those damn things. They stood out firm and proud on her chest, drawing the attention of every male ? hell, female even ? within a hundred meter radius.

But worst of all, from my perspective at least, was her height. The girl completely dwarfed even my five ten, and she wasn't ashamed of it either. On the contrary, Tiffany seemed to delight in standing just a little too close to me, making sure I had to crane my neck far upward or be forced to speak to her tits.

Back when I had first started coming to her store, she had thought it necessary to boost her height with a pair of tall, stiletto heels. Shoes are sort of an interest of mine, and complimenting hers came natural ? they WERE pretty nice. But when I had, she'd just smirked in that self-superior way of hers. ?Thank you sweetie. But I won't be needing them much longer. Because you see, I'm still a growing girl.?

At first I thought it was a put-on. Tiffany looked to be in her early to mid-twenties, well past the age where she could be expecting a growth spurt. Yet as the weeks and months passed, I watched in fascination as her footwear changed. From stilettos, to pumps, to evening shoes. And now? Flats. Throughout the long process, Tiffany had never been afraid to tell me exactly how tall she had become, down to fractions of inches. In the year I had known her, the girl had gone from a daunting six-one, to an eye-watering six foot five. Plus, her freaking bosom seemed to be increasing even faster than her height! Not to mention her muscle tone. No matter how much time I spent at the gym, the girl managed to outpace me there, too.

Oh, and it gets worse. I was fairly certain that, at least on the sub-conscious level, Tiffany understood my obsession with height. Each update on her growth had filled me both with excitement and envy, and I bet this was written all over my face. And when she talked about being tall, she'd had this gentle, almost seductively teasing way about she knew exactly how to toy with that secret desire of mine.

But you know what? If she could read me, then I could read her, too. And however strong was my need to measure myself against the world, whatever thrill of sexual excitement I felt when towering over another person? Tiffany had it at least twice as bad.

The giant girl led me to the back of the store, where she stepped up behind the counter. The cash register was on a raised platform, maybe six inches higher than the rest of the store. When she was back there, it looked eerily as if she had grown even taller. Probably that's why she had it built in the first place. Only on that day, I remember it being a little different. It sounds stupid I know, but the rapid increase in her height honestly made me feel as if I was the one who had changed ? like I had shrunk. And to my dismay, this only intensified that irrational excitement.

?So,? she began, grinning down at me, dropping her elbows on the countertop and her face in her hands. ?Samantha. You're looking to lose a couple inches. Off your waistline.?

?That's right,? I said, nodding like an idiot. ?You have something that can help with that??

?Of course I do sweetie! Here, let me show you.? The amazon bent further, briefly flashing me what looked like an acre of cleavage. She rummaged around behind the counter, finally producing a small, green plastic jar. The only marking on it seemed to have been drawn by a black sharpie. A hyphen? Or maybe it was supposed to be a minus sign?

?Viol?! What do you think??

I thought, to be honest, that she had taken a bottle of Vaseline, pulled the label off, and was trying to trick me into paying top-dollar for some bullshit placebo.

?Interesting,? I said.

Tiffany smiled in a cold way, making me think she knew what was really on my mind. But she went on pleasantly enough. She unscrewed the jar's lid, held it so I could see inside. It was a thick, rubbery gel. Grey, almost the color of wet plaster. Not too impressive, though it smelled nice. Like lilacs.

?This, my dear, is the answer to your prayers. Just one little dab of this will find you slimming down faster than you would have imagined possible. I'm not talking about weeks, or even days, mind you. Try minutes.?

I raised my eyebrows, certain now she was trying to sell me snake oil. ?Minutes, you say? And how do I apply this stuff, exactly? Just rub it on my stomach, or...??

Tiffany nodded. ?Your stomach. Or any part of your body in fact. Except for bad absorption through your palms and fingers, it really makes no difference. You can even eat it if you want. But, just between us girls....? Here she paused, looking over my shoulder to make sure Anthony was still occupied with his task, and too far away to hear us. ?I'VE had the best results when I've used it, shall we say...internally?? Tiffany's gaze dropped suggestively to a spot some six inches beneath my navel. She giggled, covering her mouth in a gesture that was startlingly girlish for someone so huge.

Obvious flirting aside, something else she said had caught my attention. ?Wait a second. YOU'VE used this stuff? Like, on YOURSELF?? After watching her amazing transformation over the past year, this bit of news immediately gave her sales pitch some credibility.

Tiffany let out a short, tittering laugh, patted my hand. ?Not THIS formula, silly! But only, you understand, because you're interested in LOSING inches from your figure. And I've been more concerned with GAINING.? She stood to her full, impressive, worrying height, and smirked down at me as she rested her hands on her over-stuffed bosom. ?And I'm not just referring to getting tall, either. There are...other benefits.?

I made a face. ?Wait, does that imply the other stuff is going to make my tits smaller? Because that...might be a deal breaker.?

Tiffany laughed again, a sound that was making me feel a tingly sort of unease. ?On the contrary! Even the reducing formula should give you a bit of a boost in THAT department. I've always wondered what you would look like as a D-cup, Samantha. Well, we might just find out.? As she said this, the girl was staring directly at my chest. For just a second, I think she was about to give her lips a sensuous little lick. If she was, she thought better of it.

It wasn't the first time Tiffany had come dangerously close to hitting on me. And also not the first time that I had been forced to fight down a strange excitement at the idea. I'm straight, okay? To the best of my knowledge I was straight. My body's reaction DID raise some interesting questions, I'll admit. But for now at least, I was much more concerned with the delicious carrot the giant girl was dangling in my face. I could worry about the rabbit hole later.

?Okay, I'll give it a shot. Ring me up.? I began to fish around in my purse. ?How much is this stuff anyway??

Tiffany smirked. There was something different about that expression, something I couldn't quite identify. ?For you, Samantha, this one is on the house.?

My jaw dropped. ?What? Really? Why? What's wrong with it??

Tiffany's perfect face darkened in a frown. ?You question my products? I'm wounded. It is free, simply because I want you to have it. Is that wrong? I like you, Samantha. You're such a cutie, and you always brighten my day when you come to visit. If I can do something to make you happy, well....? She smiled, spreading her hands in a shrug. And again, there was something that I didn't quite trust. ?The only thing I ask is that, when you see the results, you come back to show them off for me. And Anthony too, I suppose.? She rolled her eyes.

I thought for a moment, but really, I was beyond any kind of rational consideration at this point. The starving man thinks with his stomach. The pudgy girl, with her waistline. ?You've got a deal.? I reached up to shake her oversized hand.

A few minutes later I was leaving the store, the jar of cream tucked safely away in my purse. ?It was good seeing you,? Anthony said, grinning at me sheepishly as I floated by. ?Come back soon, Samantha.?

?Yes, Ms. Millers, please do!? Tiffany called from her perch at the back of the store. ?I can't wait to see how it turns out...little one.?

At the time, I was almost certain that I'd misheard those last two words. Even someone as big and ballsy as Tiffany Ardeen wouldn't dare call ME 'little.'

Looking back on it now, I guess I should have seen it coming. The cream worked, exactly as advertised.


Thank you all for sticking with me through this rather long 'setup' phase. The action starts next...and the audio will be posted tomorrow evening.

Stories by Pseudoclever

My Lovely Sylvia (SW)
An Expanded Hypothesis (SW/GTS)
Big Surprises (GTS)
Four Types of Reactions (GTS)

...and many others.
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Unread 12-06-2011   #10
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Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

yess can't wait for more!
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Unread 12-06-2011   #11
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Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

Chapter 2 Audio -

Audio Lessons Learned #1

- Yogurcita (who refuses to let me call her 'Yogi' btw) gives the best quality readings if sometimes I tell her how to read a line, and sometimes she tells ME how it's read.

- Despite the fact that funny things are happening almost CONSTANTLY during recording, stoppages have to be minimized to keep a good reading flow. (Seriously, you guy should hear some of this. I'm?making a blooper reel.)

- Her voice always gets MUCH louder when she's voicing or describing Tiffany. I don't know why this is.

Stories by Pseudoclever

My Lovely Sylvia (SW)
An Expanded Hypothesis (SW/GTS)
Big Surprises (GTS)
Four Types of Reactions (GTS)

...and many others.
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Unread 12-06-2011   #12
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Smile Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

Quite brilliant. I think your story is fabolously written. You can really see/read/hear that you spend a long time editing and it paid off! Nice choice of wording, good pacing, no cheap adverbs and just a cool flow. I love it. I also like that you take your time setting things up.

About Yogurcita's reading: I really don't like that name, Yogurcita. But that's taste I guess I love how she reads though: Witty and engaging, easy to follow and a lovely sounding voice that's good on the ears. I was very very positively surprised: Thought about listening in for a minute but I was just captured and now I want more.

You can write and she can read. A nice combination

P.S. And I really get more and more converted to audiobooks. A really great way to tell a story.
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