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Unread 02-07-2018   #1
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thunderwing's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 71

The head office has just changed your terms of employment. I'm afraid Human Resources can't help you, because you aren't human anymore...


It was another Monday in the barren exurban office plaza. Once thriving, it now held one functioning business, and to call it “functioning” required one to be in a generous mood: BioGro Branch Office #278. It was one of the smaller branch offices, with only a five-person staff; Jane Hallerman, the boss; Wendy Kumar, office manager/receptionist; and Astrid Van Allan, Carmen Torres, and Conner Salenko, data entry. Despite its skeleton staff, it was a largish office, with two rows of neat little cubicles, most of which sat vacant.

BioGro was one of the world’s most innovative producers of nutraceuticals, but the employees of Branch Office #278 wouldn’t know that; they dealt in endless arrays of spreadsheets, covering everything from payroll to fertilizer orders to property taxes. It was arduous work, and they were chronically short-staffed, but Jane’s persistent requests for assistance had so far gone unanswered by the head office – until today.

To begin the work day, Jane had summoned her staff to the break room. Jane stood in front of the assembled employees, looking harried and nervous, as she usually did. She was barely forty, but the daily stresses of running a dying branch office and dealing with a brutal divorce gave her a look of bone-deep weariness; that said, she could still turn heads with her flame-red hair and statuesque body. On the counter beside her was a large object covered by a blanket.

“So as you all know, I’ve been communicating with corporate about getting us some help around here. We crunched the numbers, and they’re pretty sure it’s all about morale. So to help us out, they’ve sent us…a coffee machine.”

She dramatically whipped off the blanket, revealing a gleaming stainless-steel appliance.

“A coffee machine?” Carmen sounded dubious. The office’s newest employee, Carmen was also its most cynical. Four years of college had left her with a largely-useless degree, a fortune in student loan debt, and a black pit where her youthful enthusiasm had once been. She was pretty, in an unusual sort of way, with prominent eyebrows, big eyes, and a smile that was usually described as “goofy” – not that it had been seen much lately. She kept her brown hair in a short bob, and concealed her slim figure under a button-down blouse and khakis; if she was pretty, she’d rather nobody knew about it.

“It has pods!” Jane summoned as much enthusiasm as she could muster as she gestured to a ceramic bowl of coffee pods. “See, you just drop one in, press…uh, some buttons…”

Jane peered at the instruction manual, punched in a code, and was rewarded with a hot drizzle of coffee pouring into her ‘Pobody’s Nerfect’ mug. She took a sip, and smiled like she was in a TV commercial. “It’s good! Everyone, get a cup and then get to work!”

“Can I get you a coffee, Carmen?” asked the ever-chivalrous Conner. He was from farm country, somewhere, and this job was his foothold in the “big city”. Carmen certainly understood why the farm hadn’t kept him around – he was a scrawny little thing, dwarfed in the family photo on his desk by his strapping, corn-fed brothers. Still, she did think he was pretty cute – boyishly handsome, with never-quite-combed blond hair and deep green eyes. She’d never made her move, however, and she had no plans to – office relationships always ended in disaster, and she needed this job more than she needed a regular dose of farmboy dick.

“It’s fine, Conner. Out here in civilization, we womenfolk open doors, step over puddles, and press two buttons to make coffee.” True to her word, Carmen dropped a pod into the machine and made a beverage, all by herself.

Wendy sidled up to the machine, making sure Conner got a good look at her compact, busty physique. “You can make me a coffee, Conner. Blonde roast…extra cream.” She winked and tossed her long dark hair, to make sure he got it; from what Carmen could tell, he didn’t, but he did dutifully make Wendy a coffee.

Of everyone in the office, the vivacious Indian-American Wendy seemingly did the least work; she always seemed to be on her phone texting (or sexting) up a storm. Still, calls got answered, bills got paid, and everyone got their paycheck at the end of the month, so nobody really complained. Plus, everyone liked Wendy; she was funny and flirtatious and gossipy, the life of the breakroom. Men certainly loved her; she was gorgeous, with flawless sepia skin, and warm, dark eyes. She had an extremely active sex life, which she described in detail to her coworkers; Carmen had to admit she enjoyed living vicariously through her.

A cold, disdainful monotone derailed Carmen’s train of thought. “Please move.” They moved.

Well, maybe Astrid didn’t like Wendy, but then Astrid didn’t really like anyone. Astrid just saw her coworkers as obstacles to her inevitable climb up the corporate ladder, and treated them accordingly. If BioGro grew their executives in a lab, as Carmen half-suspected they did, they probably did look like Astrid, with her white-blonde hair, pale skin, and high cheekbones. Still, with Astrid’s distinct lack of people skills, she probably wasn’t getting promoted any higher than…well, Jane’s job. Carmen caught a quick glimpse of her own future, twenty years down the road – working for Astrid in this branch office, both of them praying for the sweet release of death.

Carmen sighed. She’d made herself sad again.

She sipped her drink. At least the coffee was good.

Two hours and three cups later, the coffee was still good. Carmen had spent a year choking down the bitter sludge the old coffee machine excreted out – not because she liked it, but because she needed the caffeine to get her through this mind-numbing, will-sapping, soul-crushing job. A decent beverage seemed like an almost unbelievably hedonistic pleasure.

Unfortunately, it seemed that her body had adapted to the old machine’s secretions, and was rejecting actual coffee, letting her know via a series of worrying gurgles from her abdomen. Carmen popped an antacid and tried to concentrate on her spreadsheet.

As the morning progressed, it was quickly becoming apparent that this was not mere gastrointestinal distress, and all the antacids in the world wouldn’t help her. Somehow, in some impossible way, she was growing. She initially thought it was just bloating, but the weight, the heft of her changing body was undeniable. New flesh, a combination of muscle and fat, was piling on to her slim frame, making her unisex business ensemble skintight. Buttons pulled on their holes, seams creaked, and elastics were stretched to their limits, making even the slightest movement nerve-wracking; at any minute, her outfit could suffer a catastrophic failure. Over the span of an increasingly-sweaty half hour, she went from slim to curvy to thicc. With two c’s.

On the bright side, her office chair was becoming comfortable for once, thanks to her increasingly cushy butt.

She was paralyzed by panic; what could she even do? Call a doctor? Her medical benefits were terrible. Soon, her attention was dominated by her burgeoning breasts, which were quickly becoming too much for her poor overworked bra to handle. The clasp was digging into her back like a tick, and she could feel it begin to give way. As it snapped, she coughed loudly, hoping to cover up the sound.

The sharp sound snapped her out of her fugue state and spurred her to action. As much as Carmen hated to do it, she had to talk to someone about this.

Normally, Conner was her closest confidant in the office; however, this felt a little too personal, and anyway, he was nowhere to be seen. Wendy was her second choice; it’s not like she could count on the motor-mouthed secretary to be discreet, but it’s also not like the office wasn’t going to notice she’d suddenly acquired the physique of a music video vixen between coffee breaks. She gingerly walked up to the reception desk, trying not to split her pants, and tapped Wendy on the shoulder.

“Meeting. Ladies’ room. Right now.”

Without even waiting for an answer, Carmen awkwardly walked to the washroom, her pants beginning to tear. She ducked in just in time, as her ragged pant legs split at the seams, exposing her newly-thick thighs and smooth, curvy calves. She undid her button fly and let the ragged pants fall off with a sigh of relief, not even bothering to look up as Wendy slipped into the bathroom with her. Her modesty was preserved solely by her panties; once conservative, they had become a thong, wedged deeply into her new thickness.

“Wendy, I have no idea how to say this, but I think I’m dying. I’m bloating up, and I feel hot, and…” said Carmen, as she pulled down her tight blouse, trying to make her panties less visible.

“Oh thank god, I thought it was just me.”

Carmen looked up. She had been so absorbed in her problems that she didn’t realize Wendy, too, was in the throes of change. The short, curvy secretary was practically bursting out of her already-cleavage-y top, and her skirt’s elastic had given up the ghost, forcing Wendy to awkwardly hold it up with one hand. As the door clicked shut, she let the skirt drop and tore her top down the front, leaving her in nothing but her bra and panties, which Carmen was sure had already been immodest when Wendy had put them on, and were now barely there. Carmen tried not to stare, but there was an undeniable…ripeness about Wendy now, an almost palpable fecundity.

Wendy shrugged. “I was trying to look up my symptoms online, but all I found was weird porn.”

“It’s the coffee. The company put something in the coffee, and it’s making us go all…” At a loss for words, Carmen gestured to her altered body. “…this.”

“Huh. Weird.” Wendy sounded unconcerned.

“Do you not have a problem with this?”

“I mean, this is you know, whatever, but I’m feeling pretty good. Some people would have killed for these curves...” She idly ran her hands up and down her sides, her delicate hands sliding over the smooth brown flesh.

“Are you high?”

“You look great too, Carmen! You’re going to love having an actual ass. When a guy has you bent over and he’s just – mmm – giving it to you…” Wendy thrust her widened hips for emphasis.

Carmen was exasperated. “This maybe isn’t the best time to be thinking about my sex life.”

Wendy, however, was clearly lost in her own fantasies, groping her swollen tits. “Gotta make some calls…can’t wait to catch a hot load of cum across these things…”

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”

Wendy smirked. “Nothing that isn’t wrong with you.”

She pointed at Carmen’s hand, which had slid under her panties and was two fingers deep into her womanhood. Carmen was shocked to see it there…but didn’t remove it.

“Thinking about Conner, huh? I bet you’d love him to bend you over that copy machine and just go to town on you.”

Carmen opened her mouth to object, but her body was suddenly flooded with warm, soothing pleasure. It was as if someone had spilled warm milk all over her brain – all she could do was sigh as it soaked into every fold and wrinkle of her gray matter. She leaned against the wall and slowly slid down until she was sitting on the floor as the heat flowed through her body. Soon, she was uncomfortably warm – she wanted to take off her clothes, but still had enough presence of mind not to surrender that last shred of dignity.

She was starting to hurt, the pleasure being drowned out by grinding, pulsating pain. Not all over, but at the base of her spine, the tips of her toes, and worst of all, a massive, throbbing headache. It felt like her bones were trying to grow out of her skin. The pain intensified in her lower back as her spine extended out of her body, bone by agonizing bone, and wreathed itself in muscle, tendons, and skin. She grasped the fleshy appendage, finding it was about a foot long, with a tuft of soft hair on the end – the same brown as the hair on her scalp.

Her comfortable business loafers were becoming hideously constricting. She tried to kick them off, but they were stuck on her feet, snagging on what she realized were her grotesquely swollen toes. Soon, her bulging toes had damaged the shoes enough that she was able to pull them off, revealing that her third and fourth toes had become encased in hard, black nails, while her other toes had shrunk to vestigial nubs. As she looked in horror, her feet lengthened, while the other bones in her legs crunched down, contorting her legs into a bestial shape – an animal’s legs, capped off with cloven hooves.

Her headache reached a crescendo, and her vision went red. She clutched her head with her hands, and felt a pair of bony, gently-curved horns pushing out of her skull. As she gently touched the strange protrusions, she felt a tickling on either wrist. Further exploration with her hands revealed the source; her ears, which were now large, furry, and stuck out of the side of her head like rearview mirrors.

Hooves. Horns. A tail. It was becoming undeniable – her body was taking on distinctly bovine traits. She suddenly remembered coming across certain words in her spreadsheets. Bovine genome. Retrovirus. Proprietary GMO milk. Was this entire company a giant pyramid scheme that lured in desperate, unemployable people to be turned into dairy cattle?

What else was she going to lose? Her hands? Her face? Her mind?

Mercifully, the uncomfortable warmth soon dispersed from her body, and her changes subsided. Looking up from her own body, she saw that Wendy had undergone the same transformation, her trademark gaudy earrings now dangling from bovine ears.

Carmen stood up, shakily. It felt like standing on her toes – and it was – but with her new bone structure, it was the only way her legs would work now.

Carmen broke the silence. “Cows. We’re cows.”

“Yeah. Cows. Uh, if it makes you feel better, my people are very pro-cow. Maybe we did something really good, karma-wise.”

“That doesn’t help.”

“Well, then, your ass looks even better than it did before. These hooves are better than stiletto heels.”

“You’re still thinking about my ass?”

“How could I not? I want to go get my change purse so I can bounce a quarter off that thing.”

Carmen decided to treat herself to a quick grope as she craned her neck to look at it – and despite the tail incongruously twitching above it, it was a hall of fame ass. It was firm, but with just the right amount of give. She imagined someone else’s hands grabbing it – squeezing it…

Like violent slap, the pleasure hit her again – but it was different this time, a primal, urgent need between her legs. Sensing something wrong, Carmen stretched the ragged waistband of her panties to take a look, and immediately winced.

Before, her vagina had been pretty unremarkable, a neat cleft between her legs. Now it was wet, meaty, and luridly pink – it belonged on an animal, not a human. She quickly looked away, not wanting to see any more.


Wendy gingerly snapped her own panties back into place. “Yeah. Mine too.”

There was a sharp rap on the door.

“Wendy? Carmen? Are you…changing?” came the familiar tones of Jane.

“I think we’re done.”

Wendy and Carmen left the confines of the bathroom, stepping out into the office where Jane and Astrid were waiting for them. Sure enough, the change had overcome every woman in the office. Jane was trying to look as dignified as possible; her blouse and skirt were gone, leaving only her long jacket to barely containing her newly-expanded bust and butt. Astrid, meanwhile, was completely naked, save for her glasses.

Carmen found it unnerving. “Astrid. Uh. Do you want me to grab you a coat, or...”

Her eyes were slightly glassy behind her glasses, with a faraway look in them. “Animals don’t wear clothes, Carmen.”

Jane, mustering as much authority as she could, addressed her charges. “Something, probably the coffee machine, has turned us into…cow-people. I’ve placed a call to the head office – “

Carmen exploded. “The head office? What about the hospital? There is something seriously fucking wrong with us!”

“The vet. We should call a vet,” suggested Astrid.

Wendy raised her hand. “Um, excuse me? Speaking for myself – ” She sniffed the air. “ – and speaking for the rest of you, if I don’t get fucked, like, immediately, I am going to die.”

“By who? Look at us, Wendy. No human man is going to go anywhere near us,” Jane replied.

Astrid had experimentally inserted her entire hand into her womanhood. “Oh, human men are not going to work at all.”

Carmen blanched. “So are you suggesting we go out for a drive in the country, find some bulls who want to party? I am not having sex with an animal.”

A sly grin crept across Wendy’s face. “Have you guys seen Conner? I’ve got a feeling he might split the difference.”

Carmen remained dubious. “What if this turned him into a woman?”

“Then he’d better still have a tongue.” Joan walked over to the men’s room door and knocked on it, loudly. “Emergency meeting.”

“I can’t come out!” came the muffled, frantic reply.

Jane tried the door handle. It was unlocked. She opened the door, and all four women were hit with a wave of what could only be described as musk. Slightly dazed, they all piled into the spotlessly clean men’s room.

Inside the bathroom was a single stall, its door closed and locked, but Carmen caught a quick glimpse of cloven hooves standing on the torn remains of a business casual outfit.

“Connerrrrrr, we need you out here!” called out Jane, in a sing-song voice.

“Carnally!” added Wendy.

“I’m sick. I’m not human. I’m…I’m naked,” he stammered, in a voice much deeper than the one he’d possessed that morning. Carmen and Wendy shared a conspiratorial grin; he was definitely still male.

“It got all of us, Conner. And we’re all pretty naked out here, but we could get more naked if it would make you comfortable,” explained Jane, patiently.

“No! Just stay away, and I’ll stay in here, and maybe this is all just gonna wear off.”

Astrid looked around, a hungry gleam in her eyes, and gestured to the stall. “You think one of us could slide under there?”

“Maybe before, but with these?” Wendy gestured at her huge breasts. “I’d get stuck. Although if he’s not coming out of there, I might settle for a glimpse of ballsack.”

Carmen sighed. “Oh, fuck this.” She tucked her hand beneath the bottom of her blouse, and with a swift tug tore the last strands of elastic holding her panties together. She pulled out the torn, moist undergarment, and tossed them up in the air; they arced over the stall and dropped out of sight. Judging by the bellow that ensued, they had hit the bullseye. Maybe the actual bull’s eye, even.

The stall shook as Conner slammed himself against the walls, possessed by sexual frustration.

“First sample’s free, Conner!” yelled Carmen.

The shaking stopped. The stall’s latch clicked, and all four women held their breath in desperate anticipation.

He opened the stall door; if what had greeted them when they entered the bathroom was a wave, this was a tsunami, a crashing wall of masculine potency. Carmen went weak in the knees; her hooves almost gave way under her, but she grabbed on to the sink just in time and caught herself. Then she looked up at Conner and almost fell again.

Her slim, slight coworker was now built like a linebacker, his six-foot frame packed with perfectly defined muscles from his thick neck to his giant hooves. Huge horns had erupted from his head, which her new body interpreted as a sign of his masculinity. Of course, if she wanted an even clearer sign of his masculinity, she had to look no further than his huge, pointed, and erect bovine member.

“Madre de dios,” Carmen whispered to no one in particular.

With the exception of a squarer jaw, his face had remained largely the same, and his green eyes were full of confusion as he looked at his newly-animalistic officemates.

“What happened to us?”

Jane tried to stay professional, even as her eyes kept wandering to his genitals. “Probably the coffee. We really have more pressing concerns right now, as you can probably tell.”

“You…you want me to…?”

Jane was becoming impatient. “I know we discourage interoffice relationships here, but this is an emergency.”

“I can’t. I want to…I want to so bad, it hurts, but I…I have a girlfriend.”

Astrid eyed him up and down. “You had a human girlfriend. You can’t have sex with her anymore, because you’d break her. You should have sex with us instead.”

He moaned in dismay. “You’re probably right, but…but…”

“We aren’t coworkers anymore, Conner. We’re your herd. You have one job, and that is to breed us.” Astrid was becoming visibly more excited, her pupils dilated, her breath quickening; through Conner’s musk, Carmen could also make out the pungent tang of her coworker’s arousal.

Conner relaxed, a great weight off his shoulders. “Yes.”

Jane clapped. “That’s great! Now, if you ladies will kindly leave, Conner and I have to take care of something.”

The three other women groaned, audibly. “Why do you get to go first?” asked Wendy.

“I’m still the boss, girls. Please close the door behind you.”

As soon as the door clicked shut, the three employees outside were treated to a series of sharply-worded commands, passionate moans, and the occasional meaty slap, all of which only served to fuel their own libidos. A few minutes later, a full-throated, screaming orgasm from their tightly-wound supervisor told them she was done.

Jane, her hair mussed and sweaty, staggered out of the bathroom; her jacket was hanging wide open, revealing her well-groped tits. “In the interest of fairness, turns with Conner will be in order of seniority. I’ll be at my desk.” She turned and walked away, revealing a large reddened handprint on her creamy white ass.

“Seniority? But I…” Carmen paused for a second. “…I was the last one hired.”

“You can learn from a pro, then.” Wendy, the next one in line, was already naked on her back on the tiled office floor, her legs spread invitingly. “Conner, get out here!”

“I have to wash up!” came the harried response from the bathroom.

“Don’t bother. I like smelling other girls on a man.”

He stomped out of the men’s room. Seeing Wendy presenting herself to him, his cock quickly sprang back to attention.

Astrid had taken a chair and was watching intently. Carmen was less enthusiastic. “Do you…want us to watch?”

“Uh, obviously? I’m not lying here naked in the middle of the office airing out my ladyparts because I value my privacy, Carmen. I like being watched. You’re free to leave, but I notice you aren’t.”

Carmen fell silent. She did want to watch.

Conner had made his slow walk over to Wendy’s prone form, and carefully lowered himself on top of her. As he entered her, Wendy’s eyes rolled back in her head, but even as he began to thrust into her, she kept talking.

“Oh my god – unf – I’ve taken – unf – some dicks – unf – in my time but – unf – this is – unf – “

Carmen was completely enthralled – an hour ago, she’d never have considered watching two of her coworkers have sex on the office floor, but here she was. Her eyes drank in every detail; how Conner’s jaw clenched, tensing the muscles in his neck; how his broad chest pressed down on Wendy’s cushioning breasts; and how his now-huge scrotum was straining to contain his swollen testicles.

“Conner – unf – I can’t – unf – gonna break – unf – so hot – holyshitholyshitholyshiiiiiiiiiiiiiii – “

Wendy’s voice became a sharp trill as Conner finished inside of her. Carmen had only been able to imagine what had happened to Jane behind closed doors, but she had a front row seat to this. Conner came with such force and volume that his seed surged out of Wendy’s raw genitals – accompanied by Wendy’s own fluids, as she had previously bragged at having mastered the art of female ejaculation.

Her tongue lolling out with sexual exhaustion, Wendy remained spread-eagled on the floor, even as Conner pulled out of her and set his sights on his next partner.

Astrid was already awkwardly on all fours, her genitals presented for all to see. Her body wasn’t built for being a quadruped, but Astrid was making it work as well as she could, balancing on the tips of her fingers. Carmen was faintly surprised to see a tattoo on her lower back, right above her tail – an arrangement of Japanese characters that Carmen privately hoped meant “gullible white girl”.


Carmen gasped a little. Were they going to lose their ability to speak?

“Did…did you just say ‘moo’?”

“Moo!” She angrily stamped a hoof on the floor.

Carmen smirked a little. Astrid wasn’t mentally degrading into livestock, but she was kinky as hell. She also did a pretty crummy impression of a cow.

Conner seemed puzzled. “I don’t…”

“She’s a cow, Conner. Cows say moo. Moo back,” said Carmen, helpfully. She needed to speed this along or she’d die of blue ovaries.

Conner shrugged. “Moo?”

“Mooooo.” Astrid raised her ass higher in the air, her tail waving enticingly above her needy vulva.

Conner positioned himself behind her, and prepared to carefully penetrate her – until Astrid thrust her ass into his crotch, abruptly impaling herself on him with an impatient moo.

The mooing continued, as Carmen rolled her eyes. Despite her outward disdain, however, she envied Astrid. She was comfortable in her new body – too comfortable, probably – whereas Carmen had never really been comfortable anywhere, and especially not now that she was half-Nicki Minaj, half-farm animal.

Of course, she also felt jealous for where Astrid was now, with Conner buried to the hilt in her. Her face was contorted in an expression of mindless animal pleasure as her swollen tits swayed with every thrust and her blond-tipped tail tickled Conner’s chest. Their animal cries became more frantic and desperate as the force of Conner’s impacts knocked Astrid’s glasses off her face.

With a hearty simultaneous moo, the two lovers climaxed. Astrid didn’t even acknowledge Conner as she stood up, grabbed her glasses, and walked back to her desk. Carmen was stunned – her casual body language said “returning from the supply closet”, not “walking back naked from getting fucked like an animal with man-bull jizz still dripping from me”. She wasn’t sure exactly what that second one would look like, but it definitely wasn’t Astrid’s casual saunter. What a freak.

Carmen’s attempts to psychoanalyze her officemate ended abruptly as she realized that she was next. Conner was going to be with her. In the Biblical – or Greek mythological, really – sense.

Sure, she had imagined it happening in her wildest dreams, but knew deep down it would never be a reality. And she had been right – the only dreams that would be coming true here were ones she’d had while on dental painkillers that one time. Her inhibitions, already loosened by the cow hormones coursing through her bloodstream, were just about gone. Feverish with anticipation, she was unable to think about what her sudden transformation meant for her future; she could only think about the immediate future, when minotaur that had been her coworker an hour ago was about to ravish her.

Remembering what Wendy had said to her, she bent herself over the copier. Her panties having been used to entire Conner out of hiding, she felt cool air on her glistening genitals – and Conner’s warm breath on the back of her neck.

“The copy machine?”

“Yeah. I figure it owes me at least a few minutes of happiness.” She felt his erect manhood rubbing against the sensitive interior of her meaty thighs. “You’re good to go, huh?”

“I am. I might not be if it was anyone but you.”

She blushed. “You’re sweet.”

“It’s true. I always wanted this to happen…but not like this. Not…not as this.”

“Conner, I know you wanted this to be special. I wanted something special with you, too. And it can still happen. But right now, I need you to get the fuck inside me.”

He complied, and she gasped. As big as it looked, it felt even bigger. It just kept going, too – it seemed like it was sliding into her forever until she finally, mercifully felt Conner’s abs press into her butt. Her new body took every inch of it, even as it stretched her muscular walls to their limit.

He made his first thrust, and it felt like her eyes were going to roll out of their sockets – the sheer ecstasy pulsed through her from hoof to horn. She thrust back with surprising force – there was new muscle under her smooth curves. They soon settled into a rhythm, with each thrust met by another; a couple of worrying cracks and crunches began to ensure from the interior of the copier.

“I think we’re breaking it.”

“Fuck the copier, Conner, and keep fucking me!”

Her breasts had begun to grow again, swelling larger with every thrust. It was different this time, however. Instead of soft, jiggly flesh, they were filling with fluid – milk, she realized, as her mammary glands churned. She swore she could hear them sloshing as Conner pounded into her. With one final surge of growth, they burst the last buttons of her shirt, and her hot flesh spilled out onto the cool grey plastic of the copier.

She could feel her orgasm building like a landslide. The thrusts were coming hard and fast, and her clit was rubbing against the RESET button juuuust right…

“I’m gonna come!” Before, she would have felt ridiculous yelling that, like some vapid porno bimbo. But now…it felt right. She was gonna come, and she wanted everyone to know it.

“I’m close…so fucking…so fucking cluuuuhhhhhhhhhhhnnn…”

As Conner trailed off into incoherence, she felt him pulse inside her and release his payload. She needed it like she’d ever needed anything – hot and thick and flooding every last inch of her as her muscular vagina milked him of every last drop. It tipped her over the edge, too, and she cried out un-self-consciously in climax.

He pulled out of her, but she stayed bent over the copier, luxuriating in the feeling of hot semen slowly oozing out of her and flowing down her thighs.

“God damn, Conner. I think I love Mondays now.”

“Thanks.” Conner found an office chair, and carefully sat down, wincing as he cradled his cock, which had finally gone flaccid. “Oof ow oof. Yeah, that’s it. No more until, like, after lunch.” The chair creaked under his weight. “I think maybe I need another coffee.”

Carmen gently squeezed her breasts, which were quickly becoming uncomfortably swollen. “If you take it with milk, I have good news…”

The company reps arrived minutes later, bearing automatic milking machines, saving Carmen and her colleagues from any embarrassing leaks.

As the women were relieved of their warm, creamy burden, and Conner slowly sipped a protein shake, the reps explained everything. To avoid being closed down due to their low office productivity, their branch office needed to generate an alternative revenue stream – in this case, production of BioGro’s patented GMO milk. The coffee pods had contained a retrovirus serum that had infused them all with cow DNA and made the female employees capable of producing copious amounts of the precious fluid. They would continue at their old jobs, but they’d also be milked throughout the day, thanks to the milking machines that were being installed at their desks.

Conner had been a little confused as to his role, but the reps assured him he was a vital component of their operation – while the bovine hybrids weren’t capable of reproduction, a steady flow of sex hormones and frequent insemination assured consistent milk production. Therefore, in addition to his regular office duties, he was tasked with ensuring that his co-workers had as much sex as they wanted. That turned out to be a lot.

Weeks later, the office was running like a finely-honed machine. In addition to the revenue from the milk, the steady stream of pleasure hormones their brains were getting had made work seem like a breeze. According to corporate, they were now one of the most productive offices in the company, and they had been rewarded accordingly; the office was now equipped with a protein shake mixer, a vending machine full of vegetarian snacks, and as much sex furniture as the break room could hold. They also had a new copier, which was unfortunately prone to paper jams – one of which Conner had left his desk to fix. As the only employee not tethered to a desk by a milking machine, he was now tasked with any job that involved moving around the office, be it fetching office supplies, making a lunch run, or accepting package deliveries. He didn’t mind, as his successful completion of a task was typically rewarded by someone else accepting the delivery of his package.

The jam unjammed, Conner set the machine to run some test pages. He looked up and surveyed his domain. It was a quiet Friday. Jane was on the phone with the head office, Wendy was typing up a production report, and Carmen and Astrid were tending to their spreadsheets. All of the employees, including himself, had stopped wearing clothes entirely, as their total nudity was conducive to both milking and mating. Although he was intimately familiar with every inch of his coworkers, seeing them at their work stations, their cheeks flushed with pleasure from the constant push and pull of their milking machines, never failed to excite him. Indeed, his member began to creep into the upright position. He wasn’t ashamed – the girls were always happy to see their bull was as virile as ever.

He’d come to love his new body – its phenomenal strength, its enhanced senses, and especially its extremely short refractory period. He’d even begun to enjoy his more inhuman features. He liked it when the girls caressed his tail, stroked his ears, or used his horns as handlebars. They were easy enough to hide with special clothing – not that he went out much, barring his daily commute. As much as he enjoyed a work day filled with sexual gratification, his coworkers were demanding, and by the end of the day, he was exhausted. He didn’t even miss eating meat that much – his new organs couldn’t digest it, but he found the idea somewhat distasteful now anyway.

His only regret, really, was that he had to break things off with Judy. It had been over the phone, which he felt badly about, but he didn’t want her to know what had happened to him – she’d just have too many questions. Better for her to remember him as he was. Of course, even if he did think Judy would have accepted his new body, he would needed to break up with her, anyway. He didn’t think one woman could satisfy him now.

It had been difficult to reconcile his traditional views on relationships with being the alpha stud to a harem of lusty cow-women. Eventually, he’d convinced himself that they were just all people with unusual needs, and if they could help each other satisfy those needs, then so be it. However, he couldn’t deny that he did care for all of his coworkers.

They all had something different to offer him. Jane, for example, offered certainty. Jane knew what she wanted, and she made sure Conner knew what she wanted, too. It wasn’t the same thing every day – sometimes she wanted him rough and dominant, other times gentle and submissive – but she told him exactly what she wanted him to do to her, and he did it with pleasure. Turning into an oversexed farm animal hadn’t diminished her authority in the slightest; she was the boss, and her word was law, although there was less desperation and more friendliness in her directives these days. Her transformation and ensuing professional success had rejuvenated her, although she was still appealingly mature – Conner was loath to use the word “MILF”, and Jane didn’t have kids anyway, but the word somehow still seemed appropriate.

As he finished with the copier, Jane caught his eye, and silently pointed to the clock, carrying on her phone conversation all the while. Forty-five minutes until their next session. As the boss, Jane had the privilege of taking the best time-slots for their sessions – everyone else had to work around it.

He started to make his way back to his desk, passing by Wendy en route. As he passed, she whistled. “I could watch you walk away all day, Beefsteak.”

Wendy was as chatty and flirty as ever, even with twelve inches of man-bull in her – their mid-coitus chats kept him up to date on the latest vagaries of celebrity gossip. He figured she saved him from having to watch at least seven different reality shows, the details of which he was now fully conversant in. She was also adventurous – as a voracious reader of various raunchy women’s magazines, she was always eager to try each and every one of that month’s 69 Ways to Make Your Man Moan. He was pretty sure the list was basically the same every month, but he wasn’t complaining. As the curviest woman in an office full of inhumanly curvy woman, she had a body built for fun. She even liked to accentuate her bovine features by indulging in her fondness for jewelry; she had multiple piercings in each of her almond-shaped ears, and repurposed bangles and bracelets around her horns and tail. Conner knew he was doing a good job when she started to jangle.

As he passed by Astrid, she whispered “moo”, making his ears – and another part of him – twitch. Her transformation had clearly awoken something in her. During working hours, she was her usual conniving, ladder-climbing self, but as soon as that break room door closed, she was all animal. She mooed, she lowed, and she insisted on being taken from behind, with Conner thrusting into her like a breeding bull in rut. As time passed, the noises she made during sex were becoming increasingly bovine, which he had to assume were from hours of practise. He envisioned her, at home at night, watching animal husbandry videos and training herself to mimic the sounds of mating livestock. The thought made him smile. That said, if he was being honest with himself, he had certain new instincts now, too, and at times they threatened to overwhelm his mind with thoughts of animalistic domination. However, his sessions with Astrid gave him the opportunity to indulge in them, and keep them under control. He responded to her impassioned lowing with bestial bellows of his own, which she seemed to greatly enjoy.

He finally made his meandering way to Carmen’s cubicle. He’d become highly attuned to his workmates’ schedules, and he knew that she would be just about –

Carmen had removed her milking apparatus, and was dipping into a tub of udder cream, rubbing it sensually on her overstimulated nipples. “I’m running a little dry, Conner. Break room?”

“You got it.”

Their hooves clicking on the tiles floor, they walked to the break room. He stayed a few paces behind her, admiring the view of her supple tan flesh. As much as he didn’t want to play favorites, Carmen was his favorite. He’d nursed a real crush on her for a long time, but stayed away thanks to her sarcastic edge – he’d been too dumb to figure out it was a sign of affection. While his other coworkers mostly saw him as a work-friend with benefits – and that was fine with him – she cared about what he wanted, in addition to fulfilling her own needs. Their sessions in the breakroom were wild; the result of two people who’d become very comfortable in their own bodies with a great understanding of their partner. Gone were the days when Carmen’s misery was written all over her face; these days she was bright-eyed, motivated, and sometimes even smiled. He’d seen the figures; Carmen had become the office’s top producer, in terms of both work productivity goals and liquid volume, and he figured it had a lot to do with how happy and fulfilled she’d become. Lately, he’d pondered taking their relationship to the next level – which in this case meant an actual relationship. He’d been steeling himself for this for weeks now, and had set today as his target. He’d already chickened out once, staying largely silent throughout their 9:30 session, but he was determined to get it done before lunch.

He started out with small talk. “Thank god it’s Friday, huh? You know, I have no idea what you even do all weekend.”

“Nothing too special. I read, I knit, I watch bull-riding competitions and furiously masturbate.” There was that smile again. Conner went weak in the knees – or possibly ankles, as he still couldn’t remember which was which now.

Conner gulped. “So if you don’t have any big plans this weekend, I was wondering if we could, uh…”

Carmen grinned, slyly. “Conner Salenko, are you asking me out on a date?”

He hung his head. “I’m sorry, I know it’s dumb…”

“It’s not that it’s dumb…it’s just adorable how shy you are about it, considering that you’re naked and about to have sex with me for the second time today.”

“…is that a yes?”

“It’s a yes. I’ve wanted to ask for a while, but I could tell you needed to figure some things out first.”

“My place…for seven?”

“It’s a date.” She kissed him, softly. “Before you go all hearts and flowers on me, though, I’ve got a quota to fulfil, and you know what that means.”

She strolled into the break room and walked right past the couches and beds, instead going straight to the old copy machine, which had been left abandoned in a back corner. Her tail swayed suggestively over her ass. “But because this is a special occasion, why don’t we indulge ourselves in a little nostalgia? This time it doesn’t matter if you break it. In fact…wanna try?”

He smiled. “I love this job.”
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Unread 02-08-2018   #3
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Re: Coworkers

I don’t comment often (or ever really) but I had to give this story some love. Amazing work! Please keep writing, you’ve got a real knack for character writing!

Last edited by redmundman; 02-08-2018 at 10:45 AM. Reason: Spelling
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Unread 02-08-2018   #4
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Re: Coworkers

This is my favorite TF story ever!
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Unread 02-08-2018   #5
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Re: Coworkers

Thank you to everyone for the kind comments, I'm glad people are enjoying it. And don't worry, I will keep writing...slowly.
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