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Unread 01-29-2014   #1
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 13
Sobek's Disasterous & Sexually Active Honeymoon (NSFW)

It was late September when Hazerd and Sobek decided to go on their engagement honeymoon. Sure, they were an odd couple with Sobek being a sizeshifting anthropomorphic crocodile with forest green scales showing off his modestly muscular body figure and Hazerd being a shapely female Niguana with round plump C cup breasts, but then again this was an era that was to say the least… odd. President Obama signed into law in 2008 an order allowing its citizens to voluntarily undergo a transformation into any anthropomorphic creature they wanted to be, be it real or fantasy, and they also could have the power to sizeshift at will just by snapping their fingers. There were quite a few takers including a male from Southwestern Missouri, a female from the southern part of Texas, and a young male from Wisconsin to name a few of these hundreds of participants in the experiment.

Of course this law did have it’s opponents such as the ASPCA and a few human rights groups, but the success of this project was brought into the spotlight when a giant green reptile with horns on his head and a southern dirt colored goatee successfully stopped the eventual flooding in the northern part of the Mississippi river by growing to 300 miles tall and drinking the water produced by the low pressure system. When he shrank back down to his preferred height of 300 feet tall, he was greeted by a large group of tinies that bowed down to him and said “Thank you. You are our guardian angel!”
One tiny human male of about 18 years old bravely approached the giant beast and said with a harmonious mixture of fear and curiosity in his mid-pitch voice “Giant beast…. What is your name? We the great citizens of the states of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois and states that border the Mississippi River. We want to worship you to the best of our ability and we want to know your name so we can do just that.” The huge reptile then smiled happily with a slight blush that made his green scaled cheeks turn a bit of brown and said in a rumbling voice that was surprisingly a few octaves higher than once would expect for his big manly appearance “Well…. That’s not necessary, but if you really feel like it… I’ll give my name out since I am such a nice giant. I am Darius. My full name is Darius Koopa.”

The crowd oohed after the giant announced his name and then said in a chanting fashion “All hail Darius the drinking Koopa!” They bowed down to the giant whom at this moment was clad in only a snug purple speedo that not only was built for the rainy and stormy springs and falls that Wisconsin had, but showed off his grain silo like cock that tapered off to a tip and had 3 ridges at all sides of the cylindrical manhood and low hanging ballsack. After about half an hour of worshipping the giant male, the crowd then casually dispersed and went home. Darius meanwhile pulled out his big dick as the sun peeked out from the clearing Wisconsin sky and took a nice long piss on an abandoned farm’s cornfield, washing the useless crops away in a great flood style wash of musky Koopa piss that rained from his piss hole like Niagara Falls.

Meanwhile as word spread throughout the country and thus, the world about the extraordinary events in Wisconsin near the border with Minnesota, Sobek and Hazerd were driving out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in a reptile green Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren that Hazerd surprised Sobek with for her wedding present to him. She then smiled and said as she adjusted her signature blue tank-top ‘So my studly and sexually attractive deity, where are we going for our honeymoon?” Sobek smiled happily and said as he shifted the car into gear and swerved onto the freeway on ramp underneath an eighteen-wheeler like an actor in a “Fast and the Furious” franchise movie would “Well my sexy wife, how about we go on a honeymoon trip all across America. A few of my great friends I met while we were at Anthrocon this year gave me lots of money as tips for the stories that I write and publish on FurAffinity. In fact, Dragoneer contacted me on the final day of the convention and gave me a credit card with what he told me would be enough money for a cross country trip style honeymoon excursion. Heck hun, I still get butterflies that the main owner of FurAffinity did such a nice thing for me… and I am a relative newbie to this community. I’ve only been in it for about 4 years now, have written only 3 stories and yet this happens! It just proves to me that there are some nice people left on this planet.” The six and a foot tall Niguanaess smiled cheerfully and said “Wow, that was a nice thing for them to do. Since you mentioned it, let’s go on a country wide honeymoon trip. I’m sure it will be fun, and who knows? We might get to have some gigantic moments along the way!” She then grinned toothily and said “Oh… and nice move going under the semi truck back there. I’m impressed with how well you drive, my cute crocodile!” The deity blushed and said “Well thank you. I learned to drive from the Polyphony Digital franchise called Gran Turismo. I played that a lot back in my human life, which is how I won the Gran Turismo tournament at Anthrocon this year.” Hazerd smiled and said “Well that’s cool. I’m glad you were into such a neat hobby like that. Anyway, where are we going first?” The croc smiled and said “We are heading to an anthropomorphic convention called Furlaxation, which takes place in Columbus Ohio. It was scheduled to take place in the first week of September, but got moved to the last week in the month due to an EF-1 tornado that battered the north side of the city on September the third.”

Sobek turned on the car radio as he turned off Interstate 376 to get onto Interstate 79 and he looked on in pure awe as he heard on the national news break during his favorite sports talk radio show “The Jim Rome Show” that a massive green reptile with a brown goatee clad in a snug purple speedo has saved residents along the Mississippi from a potentially devastating flood. As they blasted past the town of Washington, Pennsylvania and got onto the on ramp for Interstate 70 at a breakneck pace of 75 miles per hour, Sobek looked at Hazard briefly and said “Ah… so it looks like Darius participated in the experiment too. Well, good for him!” Hazerd giggled and responded “It sure is….. say, isn’t he one of your good friends that you’ve known on Skype?” Sobek nodded and said “Yes, I know him very well, at least online anyway. He seems to be a nice guy.” Hazerd responded with a big happy grin and said “Well maybe after we get done with this convention we can head up near Bassett, Wisconsin and try to find him there.” Sobek nodded and said “Ok, sounds like a plan to me.”

As the duo of reptiles were making their way to their destination, the traffic on Interstate 79 got thicker, but that was to be expected for the late morning rush hour commute. The skies overhead were mostly sunny with a few cirrus clouds in the western sky. The temperature was a moderately warm 80 degrees with winds out of the southwest at a sustained speed of about 11 miles per hour with gusts ranging from 18 to 21 miles per hour. Sobek knew that even though it was late September, storms could fire up at any time, especially given a mid-low level atmospheric disturbance like there is on this day. No storms were forecasted to fire up today as there was not enough moisture in the lower levels of the atmosphere to be productive for storms or even rain.

About an hour and 45 minutes into the scheduled near four hour drive, the couple made it across the border to West Virginia, where the terrain got really hilly due to them being closer to the Appalachian Mountains. Sobek’s sports talk radio show got done with, so he looked at his wife and said “Hey sweetie, what would you like to listen to since there is no good rock station in the area and all of the sports talk radio stations are on their crappy local programming which we don’t give a fuck about.” The monitor lizard reclined in the seat, stretched her long lean legs out and sighed before saying “Hmmm…. Do you happen to have a Rise Against CD in here?” Sobek used his tail to drive and used both of his hands to get the CD’s out of the glove compartment in between the two scalies. He then cleared his throat and said “Yes, I have all of them. I have The Unraveling, Revolutions Per Minute, Siren Song of the Counterculture, The Sufferer and the Witness, Appeal to Reason and Endgame. Which one of those would you like to listen to first my sweet lizardess?” She thought for a while, which took her a couple of miles to think her decision over and then said “I would like to listen to The Suffer and The Witness first” Sobek nodded and said “Ok, my love. Good choice, it’s my favorite CD from that wonderful band, just because “Drones” was RA’s first song I really liked during my years as a human.” While the first song on the CD called Chamber the Cartridge played, the couple happily sang along to the song while handbanging like 80’s hair band type rock stars.

Soon the lovedrunk couple reached the big West Vriginian town of Wheeling and they decided to pull off the interstate and stop at an Exxon gas station in the city on the corner of Zane Street and Huron Street. Sobek pumped 21 gallons of gas into his supercar’s nearly empty tank while Hazerd went into the gas station to take a long piss and grab some supplies for the rest of the trip. She ended up buying two 36 ounce bottles of Mountain Dew, one for herself and the other for her divine husband, twenty packages of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, 2 Snickers candy bars and a few dragon dildos from Bad Dragon. As the attractive female got back into the German high performance automobile Sobek paid for the gas with his own credit card and got in the car. After he started up the SLR McLaren’s potent V8 Engine with 626 horsepower and 575 foot pounds of torque, he revved up the engine to about 4,000 rpm with the engine growling like a dragon whose horde of gold and jewels has been invaded and then burned rubber all the way off of the gas station’s lot and onto Zane Street.

Once the couple got back onto Interstate 70, he casually shifted the beastlike supercar into second gear and brought the car up to the speed limit of 70 miles per hour. Soon they got to the interchange with Interstate 77. Sobek growled in frustration as he was blocked in by three eighteen wheeler semis travelling at an absurdly slow speed, basically preventing any chance of turning off at his desired exit. However being a deity he could sense that some gigantic help was coming so he abruptly slowed down to 20 miles per hour swerved the powerful car to the right, causing it to fishtail and end up in the shoulder facing the oncoming westbound traffic. A brief moment after that, Sobek and Hazerd looked to their right in shock and partial terror as they saw a big red footclaw suddenly appear from beyond the hill crushing the trees near the eastbound lanes of the interstate. After that, a big tail sweeped across the interstate, causing the semi’s to tip over onto each other and explode almost like in a Michael Bay directed movie. To make things worse, the other foot stomped beside that one and the couple looked up to see that these young looking, 4 toed, draconic feet were connected to a dragon of monolithic stature. He looked to be 500 feet tall and he gently picked up the car off of the road in his left hand’s open palm. When the huge male dragon got the car and it’s passengers up to eye level, he smiled cheerfully and said “Ah Sobek, I have finally found you. You have no idea how long I have traveled on this quest to find your divine form. It is an honor for me to finally get to meet you in person and not just via the Internet.” Sobek got out of the car and stepped onto the dragon’s hand saying “Yeah, you look even better than I imagined Kaiser Redflame. What’s up? Usually a fellow deity doesn’t just casually meet another deity, especially when said deity is the first deity’s overlord unless there is something wrong in the future…. So what’s going to befall upon humanity this time?” The larger male sighed and said “Well I got a dream last night that a bunch of natural disasters happened on this planet and that all of the giant anthros banded together and used their powers and strength to save these runts from their ultimate demise and combined death. I fear that these disasters might start soon. I had a feeling that all of these macros as we anthros like to call them would be meeting up at the next possible anthropomorphic convention, which is as you might know by this point in history, is Furlaxation in Columbus Ohio at the Ramada Inn and Convention Center on the north side of the city. I guess my feeling is right so far assuming you’re going there with your wife Hazerd?” The crocodile nodded and said “Yes, we are making our way there? I humbly assume you’ve heard by now of a report that a macro has saved the residents of the United States that live along the Mississippi River from doom by drinking up all of the rainwater that was produced by the largest storm that area has had for this time of year in 3 decades, right my lord?” The giant reptilian beast nodded back in confirmation and said “Ah yes… the one called Darius whoms’ species is the infamous Koopa. His art on FA is very good, but I have yet to meet him in person. I’d like to meet him, but I wished that it was under calmer circumstances than the ones we’re facing as of this point.” Sobek grunted in agreement and then looked the huge divine dragon over to see what he was wearing. To his amusement, Kaiser Redflame was scantily clad in only a snug nighttime black speedo with what looked like more than a sword was inside the speedo. Sobek then looked back up at the dragon’s golden eyes and said “Well I think we should get going before we stare at each other in pure lust and miss the convention. Would you like to ride in our car? Hazerd can shrink herself down to a tiny size in order to have you fit in our two seater Mercedes-Benz, and maybe in my speedo... hurhur” Kaiser chuckled boomingly and said “Thanks kindly for the offer but I have my own ride.” The giant then put the car in the westbound exit deceleration lane for the off ramp onto Interstate 77. He then snapped his fingers and shrank rapidly to 6 feet tall while a demonic red colored Audi R8 V10 Plus S Tronic appeared next to the Mercedes-Benz. When Sobek and Hazerd saw Kaiser’s car they dropped their jaws and then said to each other simultaneously “Holy giant lizards. Now that is a supercar!” Sobek then walked over to Kaiser and said “What is that thing packing under the hood?” Kaiser gave a cheerful smirk and said “This fine machine of German automotive engineering is packing a V10 engine that can do the quarter mile in 3.5 seconds. It can also go a top speed of 197 miles her hour with its 542 horsepower and its 398 foot pounds of torque. Amazing, right my former god of the Nile and soon to be god of this planet alongside me?” Sobek nodded and said “Oh yes it sure is my draconian friend. We need to take these cars to a racetrack and do a race one on one… or even better, gather up all of the anthros with their cars at a track and have a multi lap race with lots of money involved!” After he said that, Sobek grinned confidently, knowing that his car would be a very formidable opponent if that race took shape. He then said “Ok, lets head off for the convention then, my lord.” Kaiser grunted and nodded before Sobek adjusted his big purple robe and snug, short green gymshorts, ran back into his car and quickly got back to freeway speeds about 40 feet or so ahead of the dragon’s Audi.

Sobek eventually got tired of seeing blue skies so he snapped his fingers and caused the sky to rapidly become overcast. Soon after that the clouds darkened and lowered to look like a wall cloud or a gust front of some sort, which prompted his wife to look at her laptop that she uses for storm chasing when Sobek and herself go storm chasing together. She then smirked and said “Oh I see what you’re trying to do, my sexy lusty mate…. you’re trying to make this trip more interesting so you are using your divinely awe inspiring power to change the weather to make it so. Well… it sure seems like you’ve made things very interesting because now the National Weather Service office in Wilmington in co-operation with the Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma has issued a tornado watch for the entire southern half of Ohio stating that a sudden and abnormally strong low pressure system has caused conditions that are conductive for the production of tornadoes to happen.” Sobek grinned as he passed several groups of storm chasing vehicles as they drove past the town of Cambridge and said “Oh yes I am doing just that, my horny love.” He then sighed and said via telepathy to Kaiser “I hope you have dragon armor on that car of yours like mine does. I have a feeling we’re going to need it.” Kaiser replied with “Why yes, my underling. I have this car ready for the coming storm that you have decided to spawn upon us to make this trip less boring… and I’m glad you decided to change the weather for I was getting sick of seeing blue everywhere. Blegh…..” Soon after passing the small Ohio town, Hazerd grinned and said “Look off to your left. Do you see that?” Sobek turned his long snouted head left and saw a big, low, rotating wall cloud with a lime green colored sky near it.

Hazerd pulled out Sobek’s cell phone from her purse and handed it to him. The late teenage deity then called the Columbus Ohio NBC affiliate, WCMH, and told their meteorologist, Bob Nunnally, as they all looked at the supercell that it was rotating and that it was producing hen egg size hail on it’s southeast flank just south of where the strongest rotation was. Sobek then gasped in awe as a funnel about three quarter of a mile wide formed overhead and rapidly dropped to the ground, officaly making it a tornado, and a very dangerous one at that.
Sobek pulled the car off onto the shoulder just before the bridge that went over old highway 21, with Kaiser stopping about 3 feet behind him and his wife. They then watched in pure terror as the monstrous vortex of dirt and debris tore over the hill and bounded across the highway, picking up two eighteen wheeled semi trucks that were part of the FedEx company’s delivery system and caused them to explode as some steel beams picked up by the twister earlier pierced the semi truck’s gas tanks at over 160 miles per hour, causing them both to explode upon impact. Hazerd sighed and said “Dang…. That was tragic.” They then saw the tornado dissipate as it tore through Salt Fork Lake. Not too long after that, the entire supercell collapsed.
Sobek and Kaiser kept on driving on Interstate 77 in a state of shock. They then took a break at a Shell gas station on State Street near Ohio Drive. Sobek, Hazerd and Kaiser each bought a bottle of Mountain Dew and calmed down before heading back out on the road and getting onto US Highway 36 before turning off a few miles down the road in the town of Coshocton. Once there, they turned onto county highway 16. About 50 miles later the group of anthros entered the city of Columbus Ohio. The skies in this area were blue with big puffy cumulous clouds scattered across the sky. Seeing this, Sobek and Kaiser turned off the air conditioning on their cars and rolled down the windows. They then turned onto Interstate 270 and then dropped their jaws in shock because the traffic was gridlocked. It was about 3pm when they entered the metropolis so all three of the humanoid reptiles knew that they had entered the typical evening rush hour in this city. What would have taken them 10 minutes on a traffic free day to get them from the east side of the city to the hotel now took them about 45 minutes and about half a tank of fuel to get from the east side to the interchange with Interstates 470 and 71. Sobek then saw a big gap in the traffic so he told Kaiser to follow as close as possible before they darted through the gap and onto the fly over style off ramp headed for Interstate 71. Surprisingly the traffic on this stretch of the southbound lanes on Interstate 71 was mostly clear of traffic before they reached their exit onto Sinclair Road.

The duo of reptilians then parked their supercars at the Ramada Inn’s parking lot and checked in for the weekend at the hotel. While at the hotel they saw lots of people dressed up as anthropomorphic animals and even some real life anthropomorphics. The other real life anthros that showed up at the convention were 2 male wolves, a male Digimon-dragon hybrid with purple scales, and a fox. They were all seated in a meeting type of room with a big long oval table in it, so the red dragon, the crocodile and the Niguana walked into the room and sat down in the office chairs in the room. Kaiser then spoke up and said “Ok, I’m glad we all have made it here at this convention. I fear that if we all met up at the next possible convention, which is FurFright in Cromwell, Connecticut on October 25th through the 27th, we’d all be looking at death due to a huge tropical hurricane that our visions and dreams have been foreshadowing to us. Anyway, let’s all introduce ourselves since we’ve likely only seen each other on various things like FA, PlayStation Network, X-Box Live…. stuff like that.

The 6 and a half foot tall swimmer body figured wolf clad in a black short sleeve shirt and blue shorts went first. He said “Hello, my name is Derek. I am from Flagstaff, Arizona. I can sizeshift at will and I love to play ice hockey on the Theodore Roosevelt Lake with my friends of various sizes and species.” Next to speak was the purple reptilian hybrid as he said “Hello, my name is Dragoneer. I am a Digimon dragon hybrid and I too, like everyone here sizeshift at will. My favorite activity is going to the cities as a giant and just helping out the tiny citizens with their everyday problems ranging from thefts to rescues. My job is as a flood situation rescuer which means I save people who are trapped in flooded areas.” Then it was the fox’s turn to talk, which he said “Hello, my name is Ritsuka. I am a fennec fox.” He then pulls out a futuristic gun type device and says “I change my size using this sizeshifting ray. It only takes 2 seconds to charge between uses and it is powered by my own body heat so I can change my size a lot.” The red dragon said “Ok, other wolf, you’re next.” The wolf dressed in a casual blue wolf T-Shirt and blue shorts said “My name is Lone Wolf, I am from Gary, Indiana, just outside of Chicago. I like to race cars and I know Sobek from his days when we raced together and had fun in his lobbies on the video game Gran Turismo 5, just like Ritsuka does. I sizeshift like Sobek does, using my fingers and snapping them while thinking about what height I want to change to.” Kaiser then spoke and said “Well you know Sobek, his wife Hazerd and myself very well so there is no need for those formalities. Anyway onto our first matter of business. How are we going to stop the destruction of this planet and save the humans and other anthros on it?” Sobek cleared his throat and said “This won’t be an easy task as each disaster in this sequence will get worse. All we currently know at this point is that it starts with a superstorm on the northeastern United States and ends with the humungous eruption of the Yellowstone Supervolcano. We don’t know what the disasters in between will be like or how much time in between these two disastrous cataclysms that we have. What I know is that I have a friend in Hawaii on the island of O’ahu. He is a huge western dragon of about a mile tall whom is black colored, and loves to be around fire and lava because he is a fire dragon and the lava doesn’t hurt him at all. In fact he is the god of the volcanoes on this planet so if anyone can stop Yellowstone from erupting and causing an extinction level event, it’s him.” The others in the roundtable discussion conversed among themselves and nodded in approval. They all liked the idea and Kaiser thought that the idea was crazy enough that it just might work. The huge muscular red dragon then quieted the crowd and said “Ok….now that we have the serious business out of the way and settled. Let’s move onto a more fun idea, which is a race between anthropomorphics. Sobek grinned at this idea and said “Hang on… let me teleport a friend here.” The croc god snapped his fingers and a chubby anthropomorphic lion of about 5 feet tall appeared. He was wearing a short sleeve yellow shirt and short, semi snug blue jeans with yellow and brown colored Puma tennis shoes on his paws. The lion grinned and said “Oh hai dere everyone. I’m Albert Spolotore.” He then turned to Sobek and said “Ok, is the race part of the meeting starting up now? I’m assuming it is since you teleported me here. Good thing too considering that I got sick and tired of hearing the news on ESPN about how well Danica Patrick might do in NASCAR next year. Blegh…. I hate things that only go one direction in a race. It’s so boring, it should be like the WWE and not even be considered a sport.” Sobek smiled and nodded before saying “Yes, the race part of the meeting is starting.” The lion rumbled a deep growl of approval from his stick like throat and said “Great. I can’t wait to prove how good my car is against all of you people’s cars. I hope you guys have no Buggati Veyrons or any Hondas… otherwise I will wreck you into the wall with a PIT maneuver or something that will wreck you out of the race.”

Kaiser smiled and chuckled at the cocky lion before saying “Ok, lets tell about our cars. We shall start with you Ritsuka. The fox grinned and said “I have a fox red colored Ferrari 458 Italia. It can go from zero to sixty miles per hour in 3.3 seconds do a quarter mile in about 11.3 seconds at about 130 miles per hour. The only thing I have on it that is not stock is the brakes. They are Bembo brakes and they have P.V.T. technology to keep them cool and ready for sudden stops… for example in a race type scenario!” Kaiser nodded and said “Ok, on to you Terat.” The wolf then grinned and said “This car has a 3.5 liter V6 engine with twin turbos added to it. It has an output of 542 horsepower and 475 foot pounds of torque. This amazing automobile can go from 0 to 60 in an earth shattering three point six seconds and it does the street race type quarter mile in eleven point seven seconds.” Next to say something was Derek and he said “I have a Corvette ZR1 Mk2 with 638 horsepower and 604 foot pounds of torque. It can go from zero to sixty in 3.4 seconds and do a quarter mile in 11.6 seconds at 126 miles per hour.” The next anthro to speak was Albert and he said “Hello. I have a Hennessey Venom GT. This beast of a car has 1244 horsepower. It has 1155 foot pounds of torque. This car is based on the Lotus Elise and it can go from zero to sixty miles per hour in a tailfloof flaming two point seven seconds. This car can also do a quarter mile in nine point ninety-two seconds at a speed of one hundred and sixty-three miles per hour. The engine in this beastly car is a 7 liter V8 engine that redlines at about 7,200 revolutions per minute. The most amazing statistic about this car is that it’s top speed is two hundred and seventy-three miles per hour, which can be achieved in about two to two and a half miles.” After him was the Digimon and he said “Hello, my name is Dragoneer and I have a purple Pagani Zonda F. It can go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in 3.6 seconds and do a quarter mile in 11.9 seconds. It has 594 horsepower and 575 foot pounds of torque. It has a 7.2 liter V12 engine that is naturally aspirated.” Next to talk was Hazerd and she said “I’m Hazerd and I have a chameleon green colored Ferrari F430 Scuderia. It has 512 horsepower. It also has 347 foot pounds of torque. It’s capable of doing 198 miles per hour and a quarter mile time of 11.5 seconds.” The second to last person to speak was Kaiser and he talked about his , which attracted many oohs and ahhhs from the crowd. Finally, Sobek talked about his Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren which got even more oohs and impressed looks from the group. The group then smiled and looked at Kaiser. He then told them “We are going to Road Atlanta in Braselton, Georgia to do the 5 lap race.” Everybody cheered and then attended the rest of the convention while having fun at it.

The following Monday morning at 7am when the sun was just out of glaring range, the group of anthros got in their own cars and headed out onto Interstate 71. Traffic on this day was relatively smooth so everyone was able to save fuel as all eight of the anthropomorphic friends cruised down Interstate 71, across the Scioto River and out of Columbus, Ohio.
At about eight-thirty, the caravan of humanoid animals made it to Cincinnati, Ohio. It was raining lightly from a white overcast sky that Sobek had nothing to deal with since it was caused by a low pressure system that had a cold front with it when they got there. As a result, traffic was a bit heavier and moving at an average speed of 52 to 54 miles per hour so there was no gridlock. There was however, a lot of spray being forced out of the back tires of the vehicles so visibility was knocked down to about a tenth of a mile or so, or about 528 feet. Of course this didn’t harm Sobek, whom was positioned at the front of the pack in the left most lane of the 4 lane freeway, with his wife Hazerd beside him in the next lane. Behind him was Terat, who honked his horn in frustration to try to get the car in front of him, a blue Honda Odyssey to drive faster, which it responded by doing just that. Behind them was Albert in his ripe banana peel yellow Hennessy Venom, which sounded like a happy dragon as it drove down the interstate with the others past the Cincinnati suburb of Landen. Next was Terat whom had Derek beside him in the far right lane. After those pair of wolves came Dragoneer, whom was happily watching the group in front of him maneuver their way safely through the wet traffic and following their lead. After him was Ristuka who was listening to some intense J-Pop music while weaving through slower cars like Mazda Miatas and Dodge Grand Caravans. In the tail end of the pack about half a mile behind Sobek was Kaiser Redflame. He was very angry since he was being boxed in by three disturbingly slow pick-up trucks. He called Sobek via hands free cell phone and said “Hey my loyal slave, aren’t you going to do anything about these creeps blocking me in here?” Sobek growled curiously and looked at his hologramic mini-map he had on his futuristic wristwatch and he said as he noticed why his master was so far back behind the main pack “Oh…. Um yes I sure could.” The deity then used his telepathic powers to summon three anthro dragons whose feetclaws were the size of jet planes. These reptiles then picked up the semi-trucks before disappearing into a rift that Kaiser opened up using his own divine powers. The red dragon then sped up to about one hundred-forty miles per hour to catch up to the pack before the interchange with interstate with the northern side of the loop that Interstate 275 creates around the downtown area of Cincinnati, Ohio. As soon as the group reached the dead center of downtown, the rain subsided so the backspray that the car’s tires created started to die down as well due to the sun starting to peek out.

The group then got their tires drier when they went into the tunnel under Lytle Park on the southeast side of town. After that, they all slowed down even though the traffic was very lithe on Interstate 71. They then followed each other in a line about 5 feet apart as the group of eight got into the deceleration lane for the ramp onto Interstate 75 that lead to the Brent Spence Bridge that spanned the Ohio River. When they got onto the double decker four lane bridge heading southbound, they got into two rows of four and Sobek said “Wow…. look at that view everyone…. Isn’t it beautiful?” The entire group smiled and said back to Sobek “Dang right it is our crocodile deity.”

With about 170 miles to go until their scheduled pit stop in Knoxville, Tennessee, every one of the eight cars in the group were about a third of the tank left of fuel as they reached the city of Lexington, Kentucky. It was about one o’ clock in the afternoon and skies were mostly cloudy with mid-level altocumulus clouds. Terat and Derek both asked Sobek simultaneously “Hey! We’re starting to run a tad short on gas here Sobek. Where in the heck are we going to stop at?” Sobek looked at his GPS and said “We should be able to make it to Knoxville on our fuel load. We saved enough fuel back on the leg from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati to get us safely there.
Once they got to the city of Lexington, the group of reptilian friends each fueled up their cars at the Pilot gas station near downtown Knoxville at the intersection of Western Avenue, Middlebrook Pike and University Avenue. It was located near the Lexington College so there wasn’t a lot of traffic here, but there were a lot of college students hanging around.
While Hazerd was filling up her green Ferrari, she was approached by a human male who looked to be in his lower twenties in age. He was Caucasian and about 6 feet tall with a swimmers body type so he was about 170 pounds. The male approached the Niguana and said “Hey sweetie, mind if we go on a date? I don’t see a wedding ring on your fingers and you look to be my type.” Sobek saw that his wife was being harassed by a human so he growled darkly and he stomped over to the male. The deity then said as his voice rumbled darkly like a heavy thunderstorm and his usually golden eyes turned a flaming red while he grabbed the male by the shirt collar and pulled his ghost pale white face very close to his snout “Hey punk. That’s my wife you’re trying to get a date with. You’re messing with her, so guess what?” The male quivered in fear and trembled as he said “Wh… wh what?” Sobek merely chuckled and said “Well… there is a price to pay for trying to take my wife and lucky you, runt. Oh boy.. aren’t you lucky! You’re the first to get to witness the first time this god’s had to deliver his most severe punishment in the modern era. That punishment is the death sentence.” The crocodile then snapped his fingers causing the human to shrink to about an inch tall in a matter of seconds. Sobek then gently set the human down on the cold concrete before letting him try to escape. For the human, it meant a chance at freedom from the cruel beast. However for Sobek, it was just a mild amusement before he casually took two steps forward, leading to him looming over the human. The shrunken man then tripped and fell on his rump looking up at the amused reptile. Sobek finished his laughter and then said “Well this has been fun, but now I’m quite horny. Time to put the training that Corvidius gave me to good use!” Sobek casually loomed his big sweaty left footclaw over the small bug sized human with a devious grin on his snout. Sobek then casually stripped off his snug green gymshorts and purple silk speedo to show off his divine 11 inch long and 5 inch thick crochood with balls that looked to be able to fit a baseball inside them. The human widened his eyes in terror and tried to plead for his life, even suggesting to be his loyal slave at one point. Sobek never listened to those futile pleas as his massive foot slowly descended upon the tiny man. The giant growled happily as he slowly began to crush the man while slowly stroking his bratwurst type dick. First to break was his rib cage. This made the pathetic runt yowl in utter agony, which caused the deity to get even hornier as he stroked his fully erect cock with passion thus causing it to spew musky precum onto his sweaty claws. Next to be obliterated was the puny human’s lower legs. This made the already trapped man fully immobile in his current position, which made Sobek very horny. The divine giant then moved his foot and used the human’s head as a toe stress reliever, which caused the horny god to buck his hips and spew fountains of precum and drip in sweat as he grunted from the pleasure he was feeling. The tiny human paid the priced by having his jaw and nose broken at that moment. Sobek then roared as he climaxed with a massive twenty minute long, fire hose type cumshot. This orgasm was so intense that he put the full pressure of his body down on the ground, causing the human to become a mere blood and gory blob on his sweaty, cum coated footsole by the time his massive orgasm ended with the sastified god gasping for breath as he recovered from his orgasm.

Sobek smirked to himself and then grinned at Kaiser. Kaiser Redflame then said to Sobek “Good job on eliminating that nuisance. You used your foot as well as your intimidation very well. Oh and amazing orgasm too!” The crocodile grinned at his draconian master and bowed respectfully while saying “Thank you, master.” The group of eight then got in their cars after that awkward moment and got back on Interstate 75 and were soon out of the city of Knoxville with cloudy skies and a warm temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

About an hour later at 4pm with the sun still high in the sky covered by the low gray overcast skies, the caravan group of friends reached the city of Chattanooga, Tennessee. As they did so, Sobek asked his fellow friends if they were hungry. To his modest amusement, he heard all of his friend’s reptilian and canine stomachs growl hungrily in response. He then grinned and said “Where do you all want to eat?” The group grinned and said simultaneously “We want to eat at Hardee’s!”

As the group pulled up to the Hardee’s on the corner of Ringgold Road and North Smith Street, each individual ordered their own meal. Sobek ordered a monster thickburger with curly fries and a large Coke Zero. Hazerd got a charbroiled atlantic cod fish sandwich with curly fries and a small sprite. Terat ordered a Frisco Thickburger with curly fries and a medium Coke Zero. Derek got himself a Fish Supreme with curly fries and a large Coca-Cola. Ritsuka ordered a honey mustard hand breaded chicken tender sandwich with curly fries and medium Coke Zero. Albert ordered a Jim Beam six dollar thickburger with onion rings and a medium Sprite. Dragoneer ordered two third of a pound bacon cheese thickburgers with a large Coke Zero. Kaiser didn’t see anything he liked so he drove to Wendy’s while the rest of the group followed him eagerly to the restaurant which was 20 minutes away or a nine mile drive west on the intersection of Broad Street and West 31st Street. It was there that the divine demonic red colored dragon ordered 3 10 piece Spicy Chicken Nugget orders with one large Root Beer. After Kaiser got his meal, Sobek led the group to a shady spot over by a tree in the Harris-Johnson Park over on the corner of West 28th Street and South Market Street. The eight friends each got out of their own cars and had a picnic on the cool shady grass while happily munching away on their food.

After their meal was done and they threw their trash away in the nearby recycling bin, they all got back on the road and were soon once more on Interstate 75, this time going into Georgia. All of the people in the group were playing “Kickstart My Heart” by Motley Crue so loud that when they passed other traffic, they could hear the song clearly even while their windows were shut. All of their reactions from doing this were good, especially from a person in a Lotus Elise that the group passed while going by the town of Dalton, Georgia who headbanged along with them and grinned happily before flashing the peace sign to them as they passed him.
It was around half past 5pm when the group reached the north side of Atlanta, Georgia. Sobek looked into the sunset colored sky as the skies drastically cleared up in front of him and he said “Well.. well.. well! It looks like we will be doing a night race eh guys and my wide who could probably even make the least horny of people orgasm like a firehose?” They all nodded and Hazerd said “This just makes it more interesting, my divinely horny crocodile!” to which Sobek replied with a grunt and said “Indeed”

When they saw the sign that hung over the six lane highway that said “East Bypass. Greensville, Augusta. Exit Only” along with a logo of Interstate 285 the group of anthropomorphics mashed on the gas, weaved through the busy four lanes that were between themselves and their ultimate destination and then safely deaccelerated down to 50 miles per hour to prepare for the approaching curve that was the flyover in the Interstate 285 and 75 interchange. Then they safely merged from the off ramp onto Interstate 285 or as the locals call it, The Perimeter, and cruised peacefully down the twilight lit interstate around the north side of town.

About 20 minutes later, the group of anthros got onto Interstate 85 on the northeast side of Atlanta. Dragoneer grinned and said as he looked at his GPS “Guys… good news. We are now 40 miles and 40 minutes from our destination of Road Atlanta!”

Everyone cheered loudly and said “Dang… we can’t wait to race and see who the fastest furry is.” After a period of dark driving with their low beamed headlights on. The Top Gear like group of friends drive onto the track and line up at the starting grid while turning their high beams on. First on the grid was Dragoneer, next is Hazerd, after her is Sobek. Fourth on the grid lineup is Kaiser with Terat and Derek being fifth and sixth on the grid respectively. Seventh on the lineup was Ritsuka and in last place was Albert. Terat grinned and said as he sat in his old school Jaguar supercar “Hey, Sobek. How are we starting this race, my slave?” Sobek smirked devilishly and said “I have a friend that can help us out with that. All of a sudden, a group of clouds makes the sky go overcast and the moon go away behind the clouds. A rift appears, but unlike Kaiser’s rift from earlier it is much bigger, yet somehow it is not as scary. It calms the group and makes them happy. All of a sudden a huge green foot is seen stomping down onto the sand area near turn one. Sobek pulled out a pair of mini spotlights and turns them on. He then moved them up and the bright light revealed a massive scaly body that made it’s way all the way through the lime green glowing, windy portal. The giant humanoid reptile’s head had short brown hair on it with two draconian horns. His head has a short in length, yet tall looking snout. The giant reptile’s body figure was sort of like a sumo wrestler’s but he was a bit less chubby and with more muscular arms and lower legs. His scales were a variety of green colors, ranging from typical reptile green near his feet to leaf green scales at his head. He, like Sobek, had an outie belly button and he was skimpily dressed in a snug sweat soaked yellow speedo that enhanced his huge dick and ballsack. He crouched down and leaned forward so that the huge reptilian balanced on his tip-toes while looking down at Sobek with his big cum filled Argonian testicles looming directly over the tiny crocodile. He then cleared his throat and said with a hiss and an accent that would be described by a typical human as rumbling and dragon-like yet with a hint of California style laid back vibe in the vocals too. “Ah…. I see the fellow god has required my typical Argonian style assistance yet again… hmmm?” Sobek grinned up at the huge Argonian and said “Well… sort of. You see Deeja… we shall discuss those terms after you do us a favor and use your supernatural glowing dragon dildo there to start the race.” The enourmous sexual pleasure device that the crocodile spoke of was a huge dragon dildo that looked like it could really be snug as fuck inside Sobek’s tight anus. During the day it looked like a typical dildo with big balls that could be filled with cum as well as a shaft that looked to be about 100 feet tall and 35 feet wide with 5 equally spaced out ridges on it, but at night the dick glowed and had two modes from which the glowing could react to. Race mode and person’s mood mode .In race mode, the 8 lights would glow red in numerical order up the cane. This takes about 4 seconds to go then 1 second after all of the lights shone red, they would simultaneously turn green to signal the race has started. A yellow glow was like a full course caution and if only one light shone yellow that means that there is only a section of the track that the pace speed applies to in case of a wreck. Red means that the race was stop and alternating white and black lights means that the race is done.

In mood mode the red lights mean that the god is angry, blue lights mean he is sad or depressed, green lights mean he is happy, pink lights mean he is in love and yellow lights mean he is cautious.

Deeja grinned and said “Sure. I’ll help you all start this race, especially since Hazerd is involved in it with you Sobek.” The huge reptile then placed his artificial dragon penis into the dirt in between the track and the outer pit wall to the left of the starting grid. He said “Ok, Sobek. Let me know when you and your friends are ready and I’ll start my well used sex toy in race mode. The cane’s lap counter is set to five laps like you asked for it to be.” Sobek settled down in his SLR McLaren, supernaturally made his spotlights disappear and watched as the giant reptile sat down cross legged in the sand with his heavy body sinking into the sand a long way due to the wetness getting into the sand from the Argonian’s sweaty body. He kept his feet pointed perpendicular to the corner so that his foot’s moisture from the sweat he made wouldn’t create a mess on the pavement. He knew this would happen because before being summoned to Braselton Georgia, the huge Argonian was lounging in the Everglades near Florida and he saw that his humoungous cumshot from a lusty and sweaty orgasm caused a huge 40 far pileup on Interstate 75. This multi-car pile up blocked traffic in both directions and caused a section of the Interstate from Naples, Florida to Weston Florida to be closed for 24 hours while clean up crews mopped up the sweat and thick musky cum left behind by the massive reptile and then put Speedy-Dry down onto the pavement to dry it faster.

(Picture of Road Atlanta included for non racing fans and or those unfamiliar with the track:

However, that was then and this is now. Deeja grinned and heard everyone eagerly revving up their supercars to get the race underway. The male Argonian then snapped his fingers and everyone watched in eager anticipation as the lights lit up red on his big dildo. The lights turned green and everyone zoomed off the starting line with squealing tires and burning rubber.

As the race got underway, everyone was surprisingly calm through turn one all the way up to turn six, which was the second of three crucial areas on this historic 2.54 mile road course. Then at turn six Sobek decided he’d play a dangerous game of chicken. He broke at the bottom of the hill about 150 meters before the turn, whereas Hazerd used her brakes at the top of the aforementioned hill which was the 200 meter mark. The fast crocodile winded up with the second position with the Niguana taking third. About 1,000 feet behind those two reptiles is where things got really dicey and interesting. Going up the hill at turn five, Terat and Derek were side by side, each of them moved the far left of the track. Since Kaiser in his all-wheel drive Audi got an excellent run off of the corner due to the extra traction his car had, his car pulled up alongside the two wolves’ supercars. All three of the anthros braked at the exact same spot which is at the first dotted line just after the base on the downhill side of the mound. As they tried to out wit each other, Terat seized the opportunity to use the Jaguar’s extra torque to power slide around the outside of Derek’s Corvette. This made things really interesting as now this intense battle caused Albert’s Hennessy Venom and Ritsuka’s Ferrari F40 to catch up, making the three way battle transform into a pack of five cars that someone could throw a blanket over and not know who might lead out of it. That was how intensely close the pack was together. Meanwhile at the front of the pack, Sobek was coming off of turn seven with a slightly late apex to give him a better advantage speed wise. He saw that Dragoneer was about 2 seconds in front of him, which Sobek figured was just inside the maximum amount of space for the aerodynamic technique of drafting to work. The smart crocodile was right, as by the time he reached the top of the hill at the Mazda bridge, the faster SLR McLaren was behind the Pagani by about 1.7 seconds. The drafting effect worked very well for Sobek and by the time Sobek and Ritsuka got to turn 10a, they were side by side with Sobek taking the inside line.

As the front two cars were near the end of the first lap, Albert used his car’s speed to his own advantage, blasting by the classic F40 and the new Corvette. However, the short lion was not able to get into a proper passing setup with the wolf’s Jaguar, so they went through turns 10a, 10b and 12 single file to finish up the first lap of the intense five lap race.

On the next 3 laps, nothing exciting happened except that the entire pack tightened up the gaps between each other and a pass by Hazerd in turn 10a on lap 3 to move her Ferrari up to second place behind her husband. Ritsuka and Albert steadily made their way up to third and fourth places respectively while Dragoneer slipped back to fifth place. Terat and Derek were stuck in sixth and seventh with Kaiser Redflame in dead last, but by no means out of the race.

The last lap by far had the most action. Sobek made a great defensive maneuver to block a passing attempt by his wife in turn one. Meanwhile about 3 seconds behind them, Albert tried a divebomb pass on Ritsuka in the same turn, but the lion had failed in keeping the third spot as Ritsuka the fennec fox successfully completed the impromptu crossover move and held onto third place. Dragoneer saw the opportunity to take fourth place from Albert, so he did just that by using his Pagani’s superior handing under acceleration to get past the Hennessey in the first part of the Esses, or turns two through four. As this was all going on, Kaiser pulled off a brave move by making an inside three wide pass on Terat and Derek in turn one to move up to sixth place. The only crash of the race was on the last lap when Albert tried to go flat out up the hill at turn five in an attempt at making a great run on the dragon species Digimon in front of him, got very loose as a result of this and spun out into the sand pit separating the club section of the track from the main road course. The cocky lion would never recover from the single car incident and ended up finishing in eighth place. Derek and Terat followed each other and used their own handling capabilities to catch up to the pack of three cars in front of them heading into the two right hand turns; 6 and 7 to wind up making a tight pack of 5 cars all battling for third through seventh place.
However about 6 seconds in front of the pack of five cars, Sobek and Hazerd were battling side by side down the long back straight heading towards turn 10a. Even though Sobek had a brief lead coming out of treacherous turn 7, his lovely wife had caught up to him about 700 feet from turn 10a without using his car’s drafting coefficient. Meanwhile, Kaiser charged up through the secondary pack with Terat and Ritsuka following closely behind them to pass Derek on the inside line. Back at the front of the pack, Sobek and Hazerd were side by side going through turns 10a and 10b. The Niguana’s Ferrari got a big frisky and fishtailed out of turn 10b, but since Sobek went way wide going under the bridge between turn 10b and turn 12, Hazerd was able to catch up to him and come very close to winning the race, but she lost to her husband by 0.053 seconds. However the race wasn’t over for everyone just yet. About 10 seconds after the first two finishers crossed the line, Dragoneer and Kaiser Redflame were passed by Terat, Ritsuka and Derek coming towards the left-right chicane that made up turns 10a and 10b. The fennec fox then decided to try and be bold by attempting a pass on Terat and Derek in the left hand bend. It was a tight three wide pass, but somehow, Ritsuka got a good enough moment of acceleration to power past the two wolves. As that was going on, Dragoneer and Kaiser settled down into a single file line in sixth and seventh places and that’s where they would finish. Meanwhile Ritsuka finished in third place, about two seconds ahead of the group of Terat and Derek which was another close finishing duo, this one being separated by only three one thousandths of a second. After everyone got done with their cooldown laps and pulled into the pits. The group of great friends shook hands and congratulated each other on an exciting race while Sobek gave everyone a fair share of the half a million dollar prize that the winner would have won since everyone was such a fair sport and Sobek didn’t feel right with keeping the prize money with his wife. After that everyone wondered what they were going to do next. Sobek answered their curiosity by saying “We are now heading up to Wisconsin to meet up with a good friend of mine, Darius Koopa. However I think we should take our time. It’s a long journey and I sense some rough weather happening soon in between our current position and our destination. The bad news is I think this storm is the one that will combine with a tropical system to make the storm that future generations will remember as Superstorm Sandy.”

When Sobek and his friends finally made it up to Wisconsin, the day was October 22nd. It took them a month to get from Braselton, Georgia northward toward Bennett Wisconsin because the frontal system that would merge with the tropical menace was right over the north central United States draping from Wisconsin through southern Iowa, southeast Nebraska, central Kansas into the panhandle of Texas. The low pressure system itself was positioned about 13 miles northeast of Madison, Wisconsin. Darius the gigantic Koopa was curled up in his huge two story to him, more like 100 story tall to the average human, house. The house that the huge monstrous male lived in had 10 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, a pair of living rooms, a sauna, a game room that multitasked as a sexual and/or torture dungeon in case any enemies of the United States such as international and/or domestic terrorists were to enter his property, a tornado shelter for the tinies, a storage room filled with every type of sex toy imaginable, 5 kitchen areas, 2 large dining rooms and a pair of outdoor decks that were re-enforced with concrete. Its outer walls were radioactive splooge green in color with it’s roof creamsicle orange in color. The inner walls varied in stunning colors like chameleon green, sunset yellow, even going to plain and bland gray in the dungeon. Outside a huge lake with a stunningly beautiful waterfall were located in the home’s backyard in case the giant or one of his similarly sized friends wanted to bathe outside among the amazing and surprisingly hill filled southern Wisconsin scenery filled with various deciduous tree species as well as the equally exquisite fauna like white tailed deer and woodpeckers.

Sobek and all of his friends, including Albert with his own growth vials, used their various methods of sizeshifting to grow to 300 feet tall. The crocodile then knocked on the door and said “Darius…. it’s Sobek. We need to talk. The fate of the Earth is at risk.” The koopa then got off his big couch located in his downstairs living room, put on his snug purple silk speedo that was coated in his musky sweat as well as his favorite bath robe dedicated to Bowser and answered the door. Darius smiled happily as he casually rubbed his moderate length dirt brown colored goatee and then said “Hey Sobek! I trust that you’ve heard the news that I saved… ermm… basically the entire Mississippi River from becoming one big croc swamp by drinking down the rain and then releasing it on some terrible farmer’s property by pissing on it.” The god nodded and said “Yes, we all have heard that. We all have a feeling that the rain event you basically drank down is only the start of a bunch of horrible events that will likely climax in an extinction level event, which is the Yellowstone supervolcano blowing up after 643,000 years of being dormant.” Darius growled thoughtfully and rubbed his attractive looking goatee some more before moving down to scratch his impressive looking belly with its set of well-defined six pack abs. While continuing to scratch that area of his muscular body, the koopa smiled and said “Well then…. It looks like you’re going to need my help in some manner.” The crocodile nodded and said “We definitely will be requiring your services. Well I shouldn’t say requiring, but let’s just say that if you refuse to help, which you likely won’t since you are such a wonderful friend to have, then the Earth’s chances of surviving this mess are down by about 20% or something like that.” The male koopa smiled pleasantly and said “Don’t worry Sobek. I will join your group and help you save humanity any way I can! I’ll also get involved in any sexual desires that you and your friends may have. I’m not a slut, but damn do I love a good yiffy time with some buddies.” They then shook hands while everyone except for Albert cheered. He just stood there and mumbled to himself “ppfft… reptiles are weird. Felines are the master race of anthros.” Darius went over to the lion, taking notice of the lion’s bitter attitude and body language. The scaly then playfully slapped the feline on the back of the head (If you don’t get that refrence then you’re living under a fucking rock) while saying “Sheesh… cheer up. I’m sure we will all be best friends, even though we barely know each other aside from me knowing Sobek for a while.” Albert shrugged and said with a hint of a smile on his muzzle ‘You’re right I guess. I just need to get used to this whole concept of being around you.”

A day had passed as the group had some fun in their new friends’ home. Dragoneer turned on the huge 375 foot television that Darius had in the downstairs living room (it looked like a 90 inch tv to the group of giants) and tuned the channel onto The Weather Channel. The draconian Digimon then said loud enough for everyone to hear “Hey everyone! Come take a look at this! It’s about that tropical cyclone that we think will combine in the northeast!” All of the other eight people in the group then ran into the living room and got comfortable as live on the air, Brian Norcross was telling about Tropical storm Sandy and how it was heading northbound. The hurricane expert then explained that there was a growing likely hood that this tropical system would combine with the winter storm in the northern Midwest, but there was too many variables to be for sure about this event yet.

When the Local on the 8’s segment came on, Hazerd and Kaiser looked at each other and said to Sobek simultaneously “What are we going to do?” Sobek gave his friends a concerned look and said “Well… let’s just wait it out and see. Hopefully it will go back out to see, but it all depends on what the high pressure system near the south coast of Greenland will do.” Hazerd, Kaiser, Dragoneer, Ritsuka, Terat, Derek, and Albert all nodded at Sobek and said “Ok” before going back to their happy day of fun.

As the days passed, Tropical Storm Sandy intensified in strength and became a hurricane. The storm then slammed into Jamaica and Cuba, killing one person in Jamaica and eleven people in Cuba. The property damage was estimated to be about 100 million dollars in Jamaica and 2 billion US dollars in Cuba. On October 28th, about a week after the group of friends to watch coverage of the hurricane as it blasted it’s way up the east coast. Along the way, Sandy caused 2 homes to fall into the ground in eastern Florida, downed trees in North Carolina and blizzard warnings to be issued for the Appalachian Mountains. Meanwhile in New York City and along the New England region of the United States, evacuation orders were being issued, causing mass panic and gridlock on all major roads heading out of the region as people try to escape the gigantic storm’s devastation. The Weather Channel told everyone that Hurricane Sandy’s fusion with the winter storm coming from the west near southern Pennsylvania was inevitable and to prepare for mass power outages in the northeast.

However, Sobek and his friends all sighed. Sobek then frowned in a depressed manner and said “Ohhh….. fuck! I failed. I thought that the storm would go out to sea, but that was wishful thinking.” Hazerd and Kaiser then snuggled and tried to comfort the sad and depressed deity. Kaiser proceeded to say “Hey servant. Look at it this way. At least we can go there after the storm passes and help the survivors try to find their loved ones and property.” Sobek nodded with a slight sniffle as his master dried up his tears and said “Ok master. We shall do that. We should not let humanity down in these dark times that they are currently facing.” Darius and Kaiser then walked over to Sobek, giving him a big friendly hug in which Hazerd joined in doing too. This made the deity feel happier so he gave Hazerd a deep kiss on the lips and Darius gave Sobek a kinky grope on his big crotch that made the deity moan in lustful delight before saying “Damn…. Hazerd, you don’t mind if Darius and I get a bit frisky together and have some destructive sex, do you hon?” The Niguana giggled and nodded while saying “Ok my lusty crocgod, but you better get me to cum hard when I want to undergo the same treatment!”

The next day, the group of friends continued to watch The Weather Channel as the whole day on that channel was dedicated to distributing live coverage on the air of Hurricane Sandy. The hurricane made it’s final turn towards the northwest and was heading right for New York City. During this time, the low pressure system that was over Wisconsin the previous day was now in Pennsylvania in the process of fusing together with the hurricane to make a superstorm. Winds in the combined storm were historically strong as 80 mile per hour wind gusts were reported at JFK Airport in New York City and 78 miles per hour at Newark Airport in the same city, about 20 miles east of JFK Airport. Meanwhile on the back side of the superstorm, heavy snow was falling in the Appalachians. As a result, Interstate 68 from Morganstown West Virginia to the state line with Maryland was shut down completely due to blizzard conditions and the massive amount of stalled vehicles.

On the day after that, the storm moved inland and unlike other tropical storms, this one kept on packing a deadly punch as it moved further inland. Underground subway tracks in Manhattan quickly flooded with storm surge waters. Power was shut down to most of lower Manhattan during the storm. It wasn’t just New York City that felt the impacts of the post landfall tropical storm either. Places as far away as Indiana, Toronto in Ontario Canada, Detroit Michigan, and Atlanta, Florida were all at least slightly impacted by the monstrous superstorm. Even Cleveland, Ohio got in on the damage spree with twelve boats in the city’s harbor drifting away and thirty more boats sank. The winter side kept up too. Charleston, West Virginia set a new all time hourly snowfall with 2 inches of new snowpack falling in one hour. As a whole, the storm dropped 10 inches on the town. Up in the mountain ranges however, two to three feet of snow fell in the Applachians.

October 31st was a cooldown day for most as the superstorm finally weakened beyond tropical depression levels, but not for Sobek and the group of anthros. Derek growled happily and said “Ok Sobek, what should we do now?’ The god smiled happily and said “My arousingly hot and sexy wolf god, we’re going to stomp towards New York City as giants, but we’ll be coming in through land unlike the storm.” The pack of nine friends then casually went out of Darius’ house and made their way casually towards New York City.
As the main group stomped through the quiet and flat farmland of central Illinois and Indiana, Sobek, Darius and Derek split off from the rest and went to Chicago, but not before growing to 1,500 feet tall. Terat shrugged and said as he watched the others go in an easterly direction “Oh well… I guess they want to be more like Godzilla. I don’t mind since everyone needs a break from this serious situation.” Meanwhile, as the giants headed towards Chicago and it’s panic stricken citizens, Darius got very aroused and sported a massive tent in his sweat coated purple speedo. Sobek’s cock got hard from this amazing sight of manhood and he moaned as his crocodilian dick throbbed and spewed precum all over his speedo. Darius turned around and saw Sobek stop moving with a deep red blush on his snout’s cheeks as he tried to hide his erection. The koopa grinned and said “Well we need to take care of that when we get in Chicago. Maybe we can fuck each other on the beach near Lake Michigan or something.” Derek growled hornily as his own red speedo got wet from his erection’s precum and said “I wouldn’t mind joining in this lustful and powerful macro sexfest!” The two reptiles grunted and nodded at the wolf who responded with a slap of his bulging speedo on the reptiles’ speedobulges, which made the three of them even more horny. The trio then ran into Chicago and then they seductively took off their skimpy swimming attire. Sobek tossed his speedo onto Wrigley Field while Derek tossed his speedo onto Soldier Field near the navy pier with a deep angry grunt. The wolf then said as he squatted like a sumo wrestler over Interstate 90 to show off his flexing and precumming dick with it’s enormous knot and big hefty ballsack that dripped in his awful sweat “Heheh. I hated football players anyway. They think they’re the toughest thing around, but they’re nothing compared to the hockey players like myself, for we need to be tough. This is true especially during the fights that can break out during games at random. Oh well…. at least the penalty box time I receive gives me time to relieve some of my arousal on the opposing team’s fans who are all dumbasses. That and they make really tasty snacks for my stomach and my balls!” Sobek nodded at the wolf with a lustful look on his sweaty snout as he watched the wolf show off with his typical cocky attitude while Darius casually took off his speedo and friskily tossed it onto the same spot where Sobek’s speedo was. They all then went to the beach on the east side of the city near iconic Lakeshore Drive and Darius said with a kinky smirk to Sobek while Derek shoved all of the trains from the historic L train tracks up his big anus with a deep arousing howl “So… Sobek. How do you want this three way orgy to be done?” The crocodile smiled and said “Well… I want to be given a blowjob by you while I get fucked in the ass by Derek.” Darius nodded and said “Ok, sounds kinky enough to me.” The horny koopa then motioned with his index finger for Derek to join them, which he did so with his sweaty tail wagging. This powerful tail caused the train to pop out of his anus and come crashing down onto Lakeshore Drive with a modest explosion. The trip then built a massive sand dune type throne for Sobek to sit on, which he did so pleasantly as his cock throbbed and spurted thick precum onto Darius’ and Derek’s chests. Darius then began to suck Sobek off while the crocodile spread his legs wide outward and his asshole opened up wide to release a nice gassy fart. Derek took a deep sniff before licking up all of Sobek’s precum. He then said “mmm… that tasted good, my sexy bitch of a croc, but I will now show you how a true god fucks!” With that, the wolf got on his knees and slowly worked his big dick into the tight hole as Sobek grunted and growled in delight from the tag team’s stimulation to both sides of his body. While Sobek was being pleasured, Darius growled in delight as he bobbed his head slowly on the massive bratwurst of a dick as it squirted out gallons of warm precum that went straight into the koopa’s stomach. The koopa then moved faster as his own dick squirted precum onto Sobek’s thighs with each lustful moan in kinky arousal. Meanwhile Derek thrusted all of his girthy dick with a gasp of delight from all of the participants as the wolf popped the knot into the crocodile’s stretched anus with what sounded like a grenade explosion to the sacred and drenched tinies. The military just sat back and watched the pornographically sex fueled rampage. They knew that if they attacked the three giants in the city, those giants may call for back up in response or worse decide not to help out the citizens of Earth should any more natural disasters arise.

After two hours of edging and kinky foreplay the three giants then sat down near downtown on some apartments and used their tails to have a circle jerk. Sobek used his tail to jerk off Derek while the wolf jerked off the horny koopa and the koopa gave a tailjob to Sobek’s wet crochood. During the circle jerk they all moaned and grunted as each thrust of their hips caused the city to quake. As a result most structures of about one to two stories tall turned into rubble that would soon be covered in a lot of sexy spunk whereas the skyscrapers stood strong, albeit with minor window damage. After yet another lazily passing hour of arousal, the trip had one big simutaneous climax that lasted about half an hour. Their combined explosions of cum from their rocket like dicks caused the city to be flooded under about 20 feet of musky white cum that made travel in the city impossible.

After they regained their breath, the trio took a quick bath in Lake Michigan to get cleaned up before moving out of the city and heading towards New York. While they did that, the rest of the group waited in New Jersey near the southern suburbs of New York City. When they finally regrouped, the big group of nine then strolled into New York, they looked in awe at how flooded the city was and the overall devastation that the city had gone through. It looked similar to how the city looked after the World Trade Center attacks in 2001: chaotic, yet the tragedy brought the city together. Darius helped out by drinking the water that inundated the city, especially the 22 feet of water that covered the southern half of Manhattan. Ritsuka, Terat, and Derek helped out by using their really strong noses to find survivors under the rubble of the buildings that had collapsed due to either the winds or the storm surge and rescuing said survivors. Deeja and helped out by pointing out shelters across the city to the little children, while Albert used his excellent baking and Kaiser used his wonderful grilling skills to feed everyone cookies and steaks. Sobek and Hazerd pitched in the efforts by calming the people down and giving them fresh water and other refreshments. Finally Dragoneer helped out by locating the anthros who were members on FurAffinity and letting their watchers know that the people that they were watching were ok and healthy during the aftermath of the superstorm.

Sure the overall cleanup effort lasted about 4 hours, but the group of macros stayed behind for an extra month and helped out the city with it’s public transit issues and brought in gasoline from Texas to help curb rationing at the gas pumps. During Thanksgiving at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, Sobek, Hazerd and their friends were honorary grand marshals for the parade and they all rode around in one huge flatbed pulled by a M1 Abrams tank. After the parade, the mayor of the New York City metropolitan area gave the nine anthros their own humonguous keys to the city and medals for their bravery and courage to help out in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy. After the parade, the giants and giantess then neatly and gently walked out of New York and made their way back to Sobek’s home in the forests of Oregon. The home was built just like Darius’ since it was made by the same construction company: Macro Home Construction Incorporated. This company made homes for all kinds of macros so all of the 9 giants had their own homes except Hazerd since she lived with her husband, Sobek.

After about a week of quietness with no major disasters, Sobek smiled and said “Well now that’s done with. I think everyone should go back to their homes and relax. We’re going to need it because I have an Anubian feeling that the next disaster will happen close to this spot and this time we need to prevent it!” All of Sobek’s friends then nodded and said “Ok, see you later” and all of them but Kaiser teleported back to their houses. Kaiser casually approached Sobek and said “Hey slave, since you’re doing so great with your kingdom and all, I’m considering giving you your freedom and thus being my friend from here on out. I want to be a nicer guy and I don’t think I had the same passion I had a while back when I was a true demonic dragon who got really angry like a devil. Do you accept my offer?” The croc eagerly nodded and said “Yes I do, Kaiser. Thank you” The reptiles then shook hands and then Kaiser teleported back to his castle home up in the Rocky Mountains of Canada.

A couple of years of typical weather went by as October of 2012 quickly became March of 2014. Sobek and Hazerd got really bored, so they went on a fun filled walk to the beaches in northern California It was there that the couple stripped down to their skimpy and sexy bathing suits with Sobek in his snug purple speedo and Hazerd being in her appealingly skimpy 2 piece lavender colored bikini. After laying down on the beach, Sobek began lustily looking at his wife as his speedo began tenting like the Space Needle in Seattle was inside it. Hazerd then smirked and stood in front of her mate as she rapidly grew to a mile tall. She then arousingly took off her bikini top and picked up Sobek while biting her lower lip and growling with a horny look in her eyes as she held her passionate lover at breast level. Sobek moaned as he felt his hard-on throbbing as he stared lovingly at his wife’s erect nipples. She then stuffed the greatly aroused male in between them while squeezing the massive hills of fleshy sexual desire onto the deity. The female then smirked as she felt her pussy become wet as her nipples released some tit-milk which ran down the mounds onto Sobek’s sweaty body. Sobek then wiggled out of the trap and scampered down into Hazerd’s bikini bottom. Hazerd moaned in pleasure as she felt her tiny husband wiggling and nibbling on her sweaty pussy lips. The giant lizardess then took off her bikini bottom and sprawled out on a huge sand dune while spreading her long lean legs wide apart and taking the large drippy dragon dldo she bought months ago from the gas station and showing it off to her husband with a deep growl in arousal. The huge woman then inserted it into her tight wet cave like pussy with a deafeningly loud moan. She then pushed the sex toy all the way in as she grunted and talked about how she would be dominated by Sobek’s big dick. Meanwhile Sobek got tossed around the giantess’ pussy as she forcefully clenched it around the massively thick dragon dildo, making her outsides get very sweaty while the inside of her pussy clenched violently and prouduced rivers of cum while she began thrusting her hips with loud sexual grunts. Hazerd then gasped as she took the pussy all the way out and then unleashed another loud primal roar of ecstasy as she pushed the dick in all the way so that it would reach her G Spot. When it did, the huge reptile quaked in pleasure as she said “Ohhh…. I’m VERY close to my orgasm, you big boy. Now show me how a true god makes her wife cum!” Hazerd then smirked as she rapidly thrusted the wet toy through her clenching pussy and took her time with rubbing it all around her very sensitive G Spot, which made her shake a lot from the sheer amount of pleasure she felt. She then whimpered as her left arm pulled the toy out and said “Oh… why are you doing that, Sobek?” She then looked down with a devilish grin as she saw Sobek being tossed around in her still clenching, eager pussyhole. She then tantalizingly held the dildo in front of her, which made the sweaty giantess flood the miles of beach in front of her from her musky, cum producing pussy. After a few slow minutes passed by, she threw the dildo in herself with as much force as she could. This made her roar so loud that it could be heard as far away as Portland Oregon. The earthquake generated by her quaking orgasming body was felt as far as central California. Her orgasm was so intense that Sobek was underwater.. err undercum instantaneously when the huge lusty female came and that tsunami of femine sexual juices sent him rolling down the musky river of cum for about 20 miles by the time he stopped rolling along the white river rapids that made up his wife’s cum. After they both caught their breaths, Hazerd shrank to 500 feet tall and giggled playfully as she saw the result of her climax. She then reached Sobek and blushed while saying “Damn honeypie…. I didn’t realize I could have such a massive orgasm just from thinking about you. It makes me that much more eager to watch the sex-fest that you and Darius will have. Y’know, I personally agree with you, my sexy man. That stud of a hot koopa is hot as lava!” Sobek smirked and said “Well then my love, I’ll be damn sure to give you a front row seat to the sexual show that we will put on for anyone who is brave enough to watch.” The crocodile and Niguana then got a message on their futuristic hologram capable watches from Kaiser Redflame that they should return home right away and assemble the rest of their nine friends due to an urgent emergency. Hazerd and her husband quickly teleported back home and then the rest of their friends showed up at their home before plopping down in Sobek’s living room on the downstairs level of the couple’s home. Sobek then brought up a hologramic map of the globe that spun around with a big red dot just off the coast of northern California. Kaiser then cleared his throat and said “It appears that the United States Geographic Survey has detected the extreme likelihood of a megathrust earthquake happening in the Cascadia Subduction Zone, specifically off the coast of northern California. If this were to happen… Mt. Shasta might erupt and we really don’t need that, especially if Yellowstone goes off too!” Sobek looks at the group with concern and says “I think we need the help of the volcano god now, so let’s head over to Hawaii right now.” All of the other anthros nodded in agreement before walking out of the reptile couple’s home and changing their clothes so that they were all in only some speedos. Then the friendly group romped through the WIlliamette National Forest, jumped across Interstate 5, and then walked through the rest of Oregon. They then leaped across the historically important US Highway 101 and dove into the water with a big splash that made about 20 vehicles wreck in a mess of metal and injured humans. Then the giant anthros grew to half a mile tall and waded across the very quiet Pacific Ocean, causing a cruise ship style wake behind their tails.

While the group made their way towards Hawaii, Raj the mile tall charcoal black colored western dragon was lounging on an empty stretch of beach at Ehukai Beach Park near Waimea Bay on the north side of the Hawaiian island of Oahu in only a snug yellow speedo that showed off his black body scales and his deep red belly and chest scales as he happily sunbathed with some local Hawaiians as well as some tourists from the US mainland. He was happily nodding his head along to the song “Out of Line” by the heavy/industrial metal band Device featuring System of a Down front man Serj Tankian and Black Sabbath member Geezer Butler. He then ate a delicious fish taco that he got from a friend who bought it from a nearby taco truck. Raj then grinned hungrily and licked his long forked draconian tongue around his lips as the taco grew to a size where he’d enjoy eating it before casually chomping down on the big delicious soft shelled taco.

As the huge mythological reptile finished his meal by drinking some Pepsi from a nearby semi, he saw a group of 8 beings moving towards him. (Deeja decided to stay away from going on this trip because he was scared that the god would eat him.) He smiled happily sensing earlier that day that he’d have an important group of visitors approach him on a bright warm sunny day. The group then grew to his height and then stomped onto the beach. Sobek smiled a bit and spoke with deep concern in his voice as he explained the situation to his god-friend “Hello Raj. We are here because we are going to need your help on this task. We’re trying to stop the world from undergoing an extinction level event and it will end with Yellowstone going off. We figured that we’d need your help if we want to stop that disaster from happening. I am the most curious as to what you’re going to say, out of my seven friends. So, what are you going to do, my friend and divine being?” Raj smiled a bit and said “I’m going to help you on this dangerous journey. Trust me, I’m glad you asked for my help, especially since you’re going to need it to stop both disasters.” The whole group then loudly cheered so that the whole island could hear it. After that they all went back into the ocean and travelled to where the quake is supposed to happen. Raj then laid down on the ground and used his lava breath to cover the seduction zone and then he blew icy breath on it to rapidly cool down the lava and close the seduction zone to prevent any chance of an earthquake with a resulting tsunami. Everyone in the group applauded and congratulated the mega dragon on a job well done. After their successful attempt at preventing a megathrust earthquake, the group of primarily reptilian giants then waded farther out into the ocean and had some rough and rowdy fun with some Carnival cruise ships which then broke down like most Ford vehicles after a little tap by Raj’s muscular rump.

After that bit of fun, the group decided to go back to Sobek’s home since it was closer to both Hawaii and Yellowstone National Park. When they reached Sobek’s house, all of the friends shrank down to 300 feet tall and went inside the deity’s house. After they all took a shower to wash the seawater off of their skin and fur, the friends then regrouped once more in Sobek’s downstairs living room before watching more coverage from The Weather Channel. This time the meteorologists were discussing the possibility of a major winter storm hitting southwest Missouri. The rare late spring or early summer storm was forecasted to hit the Ozarks on Monday, May 5 which was 3 days away. The forecast models were taking the storm from it’s current position in New Mexico, keeping it on its southeast course before a stalled out high pressure in the south east combined with another cut off high pressure in the northeast forces the low to move north up from western Louisiana through western Arkansas, through the western Ozarks on Monday morning. Then the storm makes its way through eastern Kansas, making a direct hit on Kansas City before unfortunately stalling out and becoming a cut off low pressure over Kansas City on Tuesday. This setup was happening due to an unsually southern tracking jet stream that dives all the way into Mexico and cutting across to Florida. The storm hangs around there for 3 days dumping copious, yet also historic amounts of snow and ice before being rapidly shoved off to the northeast into southeastern Canada somewhere near Toronto.

Sobek sighed and said “Well then… this is a historic system. I remember back in May 3rd of 2013 that 2 inches of snow fell in Springfield, Missouri. That was the most snow that they saw in May since a 6 inch snow event back on May 6th of 1929. At this rate, this storm would even break the 26 inches some parts of the Missouri Ozarks saw back in the blizzard of February 2011. Heck this storm might dump two and a half to three feet of snow on Springfield and Branson! The even crazier thing is by next week, temperatures are supposed to be back in the low 80’s! What a wild spring!” Raj smiled and said “Well…. how do expect us to stop this storm?” Sobek grinned and said “I don’t expect you all to stop this storm. We can’t stop blizzards, but we can help the tinies navigate the roads better with Raj’s warm cum and sweat. Sure it might stink and be sticky for those mortals, but it’s the only way we can help them melt the snow off of the roads and such. Raj smirked and said “Perfect! Now I’ll get to practice my sexual skills!” Everyone in the group giggled happily at the dragon’s remark before Sobek said to everyone else “I expect each and every one of you to pitch in to help these tiny runts out in their dark hours. Sure, we like to rampage through their cities, but now’s not the time to give them bad things to say about us so that the US government shuts this project down. Instead we need to show that we can help them so that they see that their project is an astounding success. This, lady and gentlemen, is our time to shine. Let’s make it happen!” Everyone nodded and said “Hoo-Rah” after Sobek’s pep talk and they cock slapped each other on their ball sacks to celebrate afterwards.
A few days later on late Sunday night, the group woke up from their slumber and lounged in the cold Midwestern air, waiting near the southeast side of Springfield, Missouri on the southeast shore of Lake Springfield for the massive snowstorm to start cranking and unleashing it’s full fury. Even though it was really cold, the most attire that the group wore was their snug sweaty speedo with Hazerd dressed in her snug camouflage colored two piece bikini. All of the local news media quickly drove to that side of the city to marvel in awe at the huge, powerful beings that lay in wait for the storm near the eastbound lanes of Highway 60 that went towards the small town of Rogersville. NBC affiliate KYTV news anchor Ethan Forhetz said during the 10pm newscast while the spotlights from the news truck shinned brightly on the humanoid animals and the camera panned out and looked up to get a look at all nine of them simultaneously (Deeja was convinced by Sobek and his friends to tag along) “This is the most amazing sight I’ve ever seen. It’s truly an awe-inspiring sight to see these unbelievably huge sentient creatures in person. I wouldn’t suggest interrupting their work while here, but maybe after their job here is done, they’ll be nice enough to talk to you.” During the field report, Sobek, Hazerd, Deeja, Darius and Raj all lined up together and wrapped one another’s arms around their shoulders. Ritsuka, Terat, and Derek then crouched like sumo wrestlers and crowded themselves to make sure they get in the camera’s range too, but since their speedo bulges got in the way of the original shot, the camera had to zoom out more so that they could get a glimpse of the big reptiles in the back row. After the field report was done and all of the media went back to their headquarters in downtown Springfield , yet another portal appears. This portal is basically a maroon colored vortex with no winds near it. Out of it appears a giant humanoid anubian jackal-like creature wearing some purple gymshorts with a golden glowing ankh symbol on the left leg near where the shorts ended on the thigh as well as a long sleeve silk shirt with a gold colored glow in the dark ankh on the torso of the shirt. He normally dresses in a gold and white loincloth but since he knew he was going someplace cold, he thought it would be a good idea to bundle up despite his thick grey fur. The Giganubian smiled and approached the big muscular Koopa before saying “Hey Darius, where is my uncle Sobek at?” Darius smiled and said “Oh, he’s over there about 40 feet to our southeast near that offramp over there…. Wait! Sobek’s your uncle?” The mysterious anthro nodded and said “He sure is!” The huge koopa chuckled and said “Dang.. that must’ve been one weird marriage for whomever his parents were.”

The offramp that Darius was talking about was the off ramp from south US Highway 65 to east Evans Road. Sobek casually sat there with his legs crossed watching the traffic go by him in both directions. As time went by, he saw more and more Missouri Department of Transportation snowplows on the federally maintained highway as they knew that the storm was approaching soon. His face grew more and more nervous as he worried that his plan would once again fail. He knew that if this attempt to help the humans out failed, then his chances of reaching his true goal, which was to rule the world with his wife Hazerd at his side would be hindered significantly due to the amount of trust the tinies have in the giants would go down. The jackal sat down beside Sobek and smiled cheerfully before hugging him and saying “What’s wrong, my divine brother?” The crocodile sighed and said to the Giganubian with a concerned rumbling voice with a bit of sadness in it “Anubis.. I don’t know if… if I can handle another failure like what happened with trying to stop Superstorm Sandy. You know how bad I want to rule this puny planet. Another failure to help these ant sized creatures will likely make them think that we are the cause of these events happening and that we want to destroy humanity and all of the tinies in general. I don’t want that because currently everyone trusts us. Heck, the world’s military trusts us! I don’t want that chain of trust to become rusty like our was replicas and our ankh replicas that they have in Egyptian exhibits all over the Earth. I just want to save humanity so that way I can move further towards my eventual goal.” Anubis smiled and said as he comforted his reptile brother by snuggling him and saying “Sobek, my water loving brother, you’re being way too hard on yourself. You like most people were thinking that the storm would just go back out to sea. There is nothing you or your amazing group of buddies over there could have done to safely stop the storm from devastating the northeastern United States. The main thing you have to focus on as a deity is that you used your powers for good and worked with your friends to help out the tinies. You might not see it this way, but as of now you have a lot, and I really mean a lot, of followers worshipping you not only in this mere section of Missouri, but all across the globe. Trust me. People all over the Earth trust you and your ragtag group of friends and they worship as well as love you all. You may be wondering how I know this. Truth is… I’m not the real Anubis. The real Anubis is my father. He just gave me that name because we look so much alike” Sobek nods and says “Ah… I know your father very well, for he is my brother… so I guess you’re my nephew and I’m your uncle, if I understand the whole concept of the modern human family tree. Anyway… we worked very well together back in the ancient times. Say… how is business treating him since well... you know most of the Egyptians stopped believing in the likes of us and got turned to the muslim religion?” Anubis smiled and said “It’s slowed a bit, but even he’s surprised by the amount of mortals that make the trek through the Afterlife to have their spirits weighed by him during the modern era. He’s heard of your quest and he told me during my most recent visit to his workplace that he hopes you succeed in becoming the Earth’s new leader… err the Lifetime world as he puts it. He also asked you to do a special favor for him. He told me to ask you to give you this.’ The Giganubian then grinned and hugged the crocodile before kissing him on his left cheek while giving Sobek a stone with a button on it enclosed in a diamond lid. Anubis said “That is the button you use after you do take over the world. He says that you and him will have some awesome fun after he is summoned back up here.” Sobek replied “Tell your father I said thank you for the gift.” The duo of Egyptian beings snuggled for a while before the muscular koopa sat down beside them and joined in on the cheerful and friendly snuggling session going on between the two Egyptian brothers. Darius chuckled and said “Well this is very cute. Are you two enjoying yourselves over here in your private family time?” The two Egyptians nodded and said “Oh yes we are!” The koopa grinned happily and said “Good. I’m happy to see you’re getting along so well together considering that you are both related in a distant way of thinking about it.” They both nodded and continued to cuddle together cutely before Anubis smiled and said “Listen Sobek, I wish you good luck on your journey, but I have to go now back to my home in Egypt, my mother is calling me home for dinner” and with that, the Giganubian was gone about as quick as he came.

A few hours later, the meancing storm unleashed it’s fury. It was still dark from it being 3 in the morning, but the group of giants couldn’t sleep. Then again they really don’t need sleep that often. Raj helps out by warming up his body and flying in a clockwise direction to try and hinder the rapidly accumulating snowfall that started to pile up at about one and a half inches per hour. This helped a bit, but it also heated up the falling droplets of moisture both from the clouds and from the sweaty western dragon. This created a musky thick fog. Anubis and Sobek relieve the city of this unbearably thick fog cloud with Sobek growing himself to 2 miles tall on the west side of the city near the airport, which was closed due to the impending blizzard. The crocodile then took out a spare loincloth he had in his pocket and used it like he was trying to unwrinkled a blanket. This flapping motion made the city experience sustained winds of about 100 miles per hour with gusts of 125 to 150 mile per hour, but it quickly got rid of the fog so that the giants could see each other and the city at their feet. Raj eventually got tired from 3 hours of relentless flying and settled down in the fairgrounds curled up in a ball to rest as the snow and sleet once again heavily fell upon the city of hundreds of thousands of people. Meanwhile Derek strapped some cars to his wet wolfy footpaws and starts skating around the city. He was so big that even the television stations’ tower cams in downtown could see the humoungous wolf skating on the icy, sleet coated freeways that made up the perimeter of the city, casually jumping over the overpasses to avoid making damage. His landings shook the city and his excited howls of delight made the city’s citizens clench their teeth from fear and look at the giants in a mix of terror and awe. The city was so battered by the icy conditions that even the Missouri Department of Transportation truckers hired to take care of the roads refused to go out because it was too dangerous for them to be out on the icy roads, especially with a seemingly insane and horny wolf romping through it. Meanwhile Ritsuka couldn’t figure out how to help his friends so he just shrank to 6 feet tall and lounged on Raj’s head. Darius helped out by using the horns on his head like ice scrapers and clearing the ice from the maze of the city’s streets. Of course this ruined Derek’s hockey type fun, but the wolf didn’t mind. He hornily took off his snug speedo and started grunting as he stroked his huge cock with its unbelievably massive knot. After about an hour of mild houls and spurts of warm precum which leaked into the city, helping the melting of the snowfall, the huge wolf had his orgasm which came with a godly in volume roar that could be heard anywhere in a 10 mile radius of the climaxing wolf. The stream of seed was so powerful, it shot like a broken fire hydrant high into the sky for an hour straight. This hot spewing fountain of arctic canine cum further aided in the slowing down of snow accumulations due to a heating of the athmosphere up to 10,000 feet caused by the constant updrafts in the storm that the liquid cum went through. Hazerd helped out Sobek by magically giving him his throne to sit at, which was positioned just across Southwest power station Unit 2 located near the southwest suburb of Republic. After she did that, Sobek sprawled out on his towering golden Egyptian style throne. Hazerd then grew herself to 750 feet tall and leaned over the back of the throne to massage Sobek’s shoulders, to which she got a pleasant reply from her husband in the form of a deep cheerful rumble and a sigh.

At about 6 am the next day, the blizzard capable system moved on. The group of giants was exhausted from the 26 straight hours of continuous activity they did to save the city and when they looked at it, they thought they did a good job of preventing major issues. The citizens came out and saw that there was only 7 inches of snow on the ground over about a tenth of an inch of ice that coated the city so they thought that their protectors did an awesome job of preventing what would have been a dangerously crippling blizzard. By 6:30 in the morning as the sun rose over a beautiful May sky in between some dark winter looking clouds, Raj woke up with an earth shaking yawn and a massive stretch with his arms while sitting up. The upper half of the dragon’s body alone loomed over the city with his crossed muscular dark red colored legs stretching out and obliterating the nearby Central Bible College on the north side of the city. The giant reptile smirked and said to himself with a low rumble which echoed throughout the city that came from his toes wiggling “Dang that was an awesome dream I had last night.” He then looked over at Sobek and said “Did we do a good job, my crocodilian friend?” The green reptile nodded and said “Oh yes we did. We stopped this storm by about 55 to 60 percent. Good job everyone.” As KYTV was doing their usual weekday morning show called Ozarks Today, the news anchors spent most of their usual time slots’ coverage just recapping what the giants did and how they did it using their recorded tower cam footage. They also looked at the live tower cam to see the giants finally leaving the city on the northeast side heading towards Lake of the Ozarks with a big line of traffic following them.

As they left the city, Terat and Derek stopped walking. The rest of the group followed suit and then Derek said “I think my fellow wolf buddy and I are going to head off to Fort Leonard Wood to watch a military air show provided by the US Air Force scheduled to take place there today. We shall see you guys and girl around. Have fun with whatever you’re going to do next everyone!” With that, the two friends walked with arms wrapped around each other’s shoulder parallel to Interstate 44 off into the horizon. After the remaining members of the happy ragtag group waved good-bye, they continued north, stopping for lunch and some playful fun at the Lake of the Ozarks area. Before they got there, Sobek stopped everyone about 50 miles from their destination and sneezed. He wiped his nose on a Wal Mart near his feet, stood up and announced with a dull whisper to not attract attention in case any threatening macros were nearby “I sense something big and meanacing is nearby. I can tell it’s a reptilian female. We should grow to 1500 feet if we want to avoid trouble with her” After he said that, everyone grew to 1750 feet just to be safe. Then they arrived at the lake to see that Sobek’s sixth sense was right. What they saw was truly amazing. In front of them in the lake was a beautiful slender figured female monitor lizard dressed in a skimpy and tight yellow two piece bikini who looked at them with a seducing grin. She pleasantly adjusted her snug bikini top that she gotten to enjoy wearing since she stole it off of a tiny human that she sat on while she was near Long Beach California. Before she found out that bikinis could be sexy, she typically wore a pair of loincloths, one to cover up her pussy and the other to conceal her huge mounds of breasts that looked like they could be D cups in size. Her jewelry included a nose ring on her left nostril, a toe ring in the middle toe of her three toed left foot, spiked bracelets and anklets as well as a spiked collar. You could say that she looked like the mascot for the badass macro club, if such a thing existed. She then hissed casually and said “Ah… look what we have here. A group of giants that is bigger than I am. You’ve got me interested already!” Sobek gulped nervously and said “So.. Sekvra, what are you doing here in this area so far inland?” The giantess grinned and said “Inteligent being, I’m just doing my typical days’ worth of exploring. Anyway, what’s your name cute reptile?” Sobek gulped nervously and said with confidence that he summoned from deep within “My name is Sobek. I was the former god of the Nile and I plan on ruling this planet while being its sole deity someday in the far off future. Anyway, enough about me, what’s your name?” The giant lizardess giggled happily and said “My name is Sekvra. I roam this planet under peaceful terms and should you get your goal of ruling this planet full of mostly inferior beings that are oh so ridiculously small, I’d gladly take the position of second or third in command. Heck being a continental governor would be perfectly fine with me! Oh and by the way… is that Niguana back there your wife? I see you have matching wedding rings. I ask because I’d like to get freaky with her sometime... I mean she isn’t exactly my species, but she’s close enough to it. I don’t mind being kinky with other female reptiles. I guess I could be like the mascot of the macro Lesbian support group or something! Teehee!” The powerful female blushes, turning her spring green colored cheeks a rose colored pink in color before finishing her statement with “um… if you don’t mind, my lord.” Sobek got hard from the thought of seeing two females that looked so arousingly attractive together have kinky sex and he nodded “Sure! I have a man I could have sex with while we watch you get your passionate, earthquaking lovemaking on!” Sekvra then playfully giggled and said as Hazerd bit her lower lip “Oh damn… your wife is getting turned on it seems.” As it turns out, Sekvra was right. As Ritsuka sat down on a nearby hill to get comfy, he watched as Hazerd and Sekvra seduced each other by slowly taking off their skimpy swimwear with deep growls of arousal. Meanwhile, Sobek eagerly took off his speedo and flexed his meat stick for Darius, who smirked and casually took off his snug purple speedo. The two males got their sex started by Darius giving Sobek’s anus a long and lustful licking with his long and flexible koopa tongue. This caused the deity to gasp in pleasure and clench his anus while flexing his thighs and absdomen. As this was taking place Sobek and Hazerd were grinding their bodies on each other. While doing this, the lusty females’ pussies rubbed on each other which made them more turned on. They then looked down at their sweat dripping fun bags of womanly flesh and smirked as they saw that each others’ nipples had gone hard from the slight pleasure they felt. Sekvra then got pushed down onto the lake with a big earth rattling splash right before Hazerd pounced on her and grinded her reptilian ass all over Sekvra’s pussy lips. This caused the monitor lizard to get even more horny so she roared in delight and rolled the Niguana onto her wet back before having a passionate make out session with the huge Niguana while both of their pussies started to produce thick cum, which oozed tantalizingly out of their pussies.

As the two sex charged females did their thing, Sobek had moved on to giving Darius a nice seductive blowjob. The koopa’s girthy cock was already girthy enough, but when the koopa roared softly and inserted his beefy knot into the god’s maw, Sobek gasped in delight as his cock spurted a glob of thick precum all over his left thigh and the left side of his chiseled abdomen. Soon after that, Darius erupted with a spurt of his own tasty precum that rapidly traveled down Sobek’s throat and into his belly. The crocodile then pulled his mouth off of the bratwurst sized dick and sat down with his legs spread out. He then growled hornily as his dick oozed continuously with precum and said “Come and experience how good a divine riding can feel. Darius then snickered as he roughly sat on Sobek’s long cock, barely taking in all of it on his first try with a window shattering roar in pleasure. When the manly koopa got his confidence in check, he slowly began moving his plump yet strong asscheeks along the god’s length of his shaft while occasionally clenching his anus around the cock. This clenching made both of the males grunt. Sobek growled and said “Ohhh…. babe! I’m cl.. close to my orgasm!”

Meanwhile Sekvra and Hazerd were in the 69 position feasting on the yummy buffet that was their own pussies. Their ovaries were producing so much cum while the inner walls of their labias clenched around their tongues that it looked like big waterfalls of womanly spooge were dripping off of their hungry and horny lips. The duo of females then nibbled on each other’s nipples for a brief moment before getting to the big quaking moment that was the due of females scissoring each other with deep grunts and squeals of pleasure as their moist pussies spurted cum all over their bellies and lower breasts. Soon Sekvra gasped and said “Grind on me harder you frisky loving girl. I can tell we are very close to our massive tsunami type orgasm.” The duo then scissored each other as rapidly as they can before their legs spasmed out, lifted high into the air as they both squirted cum in amounts that could fill 3 swimming pools at a time 7 consecutive times. The spurts of woman seed landed on various parts of Sekvra and Hazerd’s bodies. Most of it landed on their breasts, but some landed on their thighs, belly and even mouth. They licked the cum off of one another’s mouth to do an improvised clean up and then they finished the cleaning up by letting their still leaking pussies drain out the rest of the cum in small spasming spurts all over the Highway 54 bridge. They then sat on a tree filled hill and watched as the two males finished up their sex show.

The pairing of strong sweaty males moved onto a nearby hill and then Darius got on all fours to let Sobek finish off in typical sumo style fashion. The deity got into sumo postion and furiously thrusted his huge cock in and out of his friend’s ass, making sure to rub the cockhead on Darius’ prostate ot give max pleasure. The two moaned lewdly before Sobek gave one last hard thrust all the way into the reptile’s ass with a deafening cry as they both climaxed hard. When, they were done with their two hour hose like stream of seed, Darius had washed away the hill in a musky flooded mess and then obliterated it completely under his huge muscular body frame with lots of short deep breaths and grunts as Sobek collapsed on top of him with cum leaking out of Darius’ sexy tailhole and pooling up on his crocodilian balls. The pair of females applauded the duo of men with a kinky laugh. After that, Hazerd said “Lets rest here. We are all very tired from our orgy…. Well everyone except for the cute femboi fox who just sat there watching.” Everyone sighed and giggled before Ritsuka smirked and said “Not tru! I masturbated that whole time. It’s why the hill opposite of Darius was washed way. I got so into my own masturbation, my sweaty ass was flexing oh so tightly that I nearly fell off due to the rapidly collapsing hill. Luckily the hill didn’t fully cave in until I stood up.” After a big laugh, the group took a nap near the lakeside town of Osage Beach.

A few hours later everyone woke up and they decided to watch the two giantesses rampage through the city of Osage Beach. Darius, Sobek, Deeja, and Ritsuka plopped down on their speedo clad asses next to the Osage Beach Airport. Darius smiled while the fennec fox behind the three reptiles nodded and said “Yeah, this whole concept of acting like Godzilla is new to me so I hope to learn some things from these pretty ladies.”
Hazerd and Sekvra patiently waited in the river while the men got themselves settled in complete with popcorn that Sobek made appear magically. After the male giants grabbed their first handful of popcorn from the group’s bowl they gave a thumbs up with their greasy butter smothered thumbs and the crowd that had suddenly surrounded the women’s feet left after they gawked up at the pair of giantesses, the duo finally stomped into the southern half of Osage Beach. This sudden appearance of destructive giants made the entire town with a populous of about 4,500 people run like ants whose anthill has been stepped on by a little child. Hazerd stopped and growled in a mocking way down at the scared humans, but she then smirked and watched as Sekvra casually stomped on them like the bugs they were to her obviously superior body. The Niguana then smirked as she sat on the tiny humans, which got blood splatters all over her nice looking swimsuit. She didn’t mind this however and to be honest, neither did Sekvra who then sat down and sprawled out on her back, taking up about a third of the southern half of the city with her supermodel type body figure. She then stood up and cheerfully ran from the southern end of the town, across the river and onto the north side of town, basically obliterating about half of the town with her big sweaty feet and flooding a small section as she transitioned from the lake back onto the land. She was still in visual range of Hazerd, so they happily watched each other mess around with the remaining parts of the town. Hazerd and Sekvra both began to eat the tinies. They loved the feeling that the tinies gave when struggling as they were swallowed whole. The monitor lizard roared happily and patted her belly while lounging on the undisturbed section of the north part of Osage Beach, decimating it under her back and plump bikini clad rump.

Meanwhile the Niguana on the other side took her time with her food, tossing the pathetically small humans in her mouth with her long forked tongue. She swallowed all of the tinies that were in her half of the city whole in one big gulp. She then laid down on her half of the town, causing the back half of her body to be coated in blood splatters from all of the tinies that remained indoors to try and escape the voracious giantesses.

After two hours of digestion and sunbathing, the two mega sized females went over to the lake and thought about washing their clothes, but then Sekvra got an evil, yet brilliant idea. She jogged a few feet north of the town that is now wiped off the map thanks to the giantesses. They made it to the Bagnell Dam and slowly sat on it with her sexy chubby rump. When the dam got obliterated, she stood up and watched as a torrent of rushing water entered the lake. Sekvra and Hazerd then jogged over to the spot where the dam stood and washed their bikinis while smirking at each other as both females got a great view of their pussies and wet breasts. As they washed their skimpy attire, the lake water turned a demonic red color from the blood. After their clothes dried off in the sun a couple of hours later, the female duo shrank down to 1,000 feet, put on their swimwear and waded through the blood tainted water back towards the men near the airport.

When they got back to the males’ location, all of the males grinned and applauded the two females on an excellent rampage while finishing up the last handfuls of popcorn. It was now around 1pm and the group decided to head up to Kansas City to inspect the aftermath of the blizzard that moved through there. By the time the group got to Clinton, the snow was so deep it covered their toeclaws. Sobek looked around in awe and said “Everyone, if this is what this area got, I can’t even start to fathom how much snow Kansas City got.” Deeja whistled impressively and said “Dang… this is the most snow I’ve ever seen.” Sekvra laughed and said “This is purely unbelievable.” Hazerd chimed in after her and said “Hey Sobek, ya think it’s possible that this could top the amount of snow Mt. Shasta saw that one year in the late 1970’s I think???” Sobek shrugged as he stomped through the toeclaw high snow with drifts reaching their feet and said “I don’t know for sure, but I can see that scenario happening. The pack of giants then jogged over to Interstate 49 and followed that up to the outskirts of the Kansas City area. What they saw there just put them in a pure state of shock and awe. The snow in the suburbs of the Kansas City metropolis area was so deep it came up to their ankles and they all felt crunching of metal and wood from the tinies’ cars and buildings. Sekvra was the worst offender because she walked the farthest off of the interstate as she left big, gore splattered, deep and bloody foot prints in the snowpack as she accidently walked through downtown Pecuiliar on the southside of Kansas City. Before the group reached the Interstate 435 loop that went around downtown Kansas City, they all looked around as they saw tinies trying to shovel their way out of the mess, but in their vainly attempts to clear the snow, they stooped and looked at the giants as if they expected them to do something about this. Sobek huddled the group together while a news helicopter buzzed around their heads. Of course, once one was out, a group of 3 more helicopters soon were buzzing around the giants. As usual, Sekvra took this as a sign of challenging her friends, so she backed away from the huddle suddenly. The monitor lizard then hissed violently at the news copters as they hovered within arms’ length of the meaning and protective giantess. Since Sobek and his friends were distracted they all failed to notice as the huge female took one of the helicopters and shoved it up her tight ass with a deep sultry growl. The humans in the other helicopters looked in terror as the seemingly evil female then took the second one in the four pack and shoved it deep in between her plump breasts. The vibrations in the helicopters powerful motor quickly got the female to lactate her milk everywhere while she played with her massive breasts, but she was by no means done yet. She grabbed the final two helicopters and held them with a hungry look in her cherry red eyes and a hungry lick of her lips that got coated with her sticky, thick saliva by her long pointed tongue. She then tosses the helicopters high into the air like popcorn chicken, hoping to catch them in her big, deep maw. She catches the first one in her mouth and chews it up, leaving blood splatters on her sharp, predatory teeth along with bits of metal stuck in between them. This made the humans in the last copter feel certain where their demise was located, but the giantess had one more surprise up her sleeve. Sekvra leaned so far back that her belly looked like a place to land. Only one problem with that plan though! When the dangerous monitor lizard gripped the helicopters, she clumsily took out the engine so it was stuck in freefall. Fortunately for the humans inside the flying craft, it landed safely in the giantess’ cavernous innie belly button. She then stood up and slowly flexed her swimmers type abdomen with a soft happy growl in delight as she heard the pathetic human’s screams and pleas to save them while thinking to herself “Damn…. this feels so god-like. I love it!” The huge female then giggled softly with a devious smirk as she relaxed her belly before rapidly giving her belly region a full out flex. This caused the cave to collapse in on itself and the helicopter to explode in a fireball due to the sheer force of the flexing that the huge monitor lizard was capable of. She then smirked and returned to the group like nothing had happened.

Raj sighed and said “I don’t think there is anything I can do. You figure Sobek that if there is even only the typical 10 to 1 ratio of water to snowpack, then if I were to melt the snow all at once then from the looks of things, this city would be saturated and flooded under 200 to 250 feet of water considering this city has at least 20 feet of snow on the ground, if not more. Darius then thought about the predicament that they were stuck in and then he said “Ah…ha!’ as he got a brilliant idea that just might work. The beefcake of a koopa then smiled as she boldly announced “Sobek, let me pass this idea past you, I hope it appeases you. Anyway, what if you were able to keep the sun away by placing the city under overcast skies. Then you get a way to keep temperatures hovering around 35 to 40 degrees fahrenheight. This way the snow would melt off at a slow enough pace for everyone to get it cleared without us getting in the way. I know that if we stomped too much in that city, we’d hurt it economically.” Sobek nodded as he listened to his friend’s idea and said with a deep rumble of approval “It should work!”

The crocodile deity then snapped his fingers to start the transformation off. Pretty soon the sky became a low type of overcast. This was caused by an abnormal appearance of a weak low pressure system right over the Kansas City area. This was aided by the fact that the jet stream was now forced to stay at the very least as far south as a line from Seattle, Washington through Des Moines, Iowa, into Chicago and further east past Norfolk, Virginia for at least a week. During that week the group of giants ate a lot of Kansas City Barbecue from all of the local eateries, went to the Legends Shopping Mall on the west side of the city to be gazed at by the tourists just like the animatronic dinosaurs inside the huge T-Rex Café, and slept in the suburb of Independence while protecting the town’s citizens from the rough gang violence. Dragoneer spent the night time casually stomping through downtown at a smaller size of 7 feet tall to enjoy the all night jazz music that went on in that section of the big city. After that fun week, all of the snow had finally melted so the clouds magically went away due to a snap of Sobek’s fingers and the group calmly walked around the southern part of the city and made their way westward towards Yellowstone National Park.

As the group stomped westward, a group of daredevils known all across the world known as kaiju chasers curiously followed Sobek, Sekvra, Hazerd and their friends while driving on Interstate 70 south of Lawrence. The monitor lizard saw this group of tinies and licked her lips in a sloppy manner. Of course the humans inside noticed this action that the huge female did and they got excitingly fearful because this was the closest they had ever been to a huge monster like her since this was only the third chase of their careers. Most of these humans went to school at MIT so they could easily calculate stuff on the fly, but clearly one thing they forgot to put into their equation was Sekvra herself. She is quite the agile beast, and even though she felt full, she couldn’t help but consider eating some more tinies for dessert. The huge monitor lizardess adjusted her Disturbed shirt as well as her yellow gymshorts that she got while watching a Disturbed concert last night that was part of their 12 stop, 3 month reunion tour. Sobek and Hazerd were in attendance too so everyone, even the humans had a good time, unlike these humans that were looking up in terror at Sekvra.

Meanwhile, Sekvra smirked and said “Hey Sobek, could you please divinely make a marshmellow or two appear for me? I’m craving some tasty, yet simple dessert at this moment.” At the moment, the daredevilish humans stopped their car foolishly thinking that they had a good enough head start on the giant hungry female if they were about a mile ahead. Of course they didn’t realize that when the monitor lizardess gets determined, she tends to grow to some pretty outrageous sizes, especially when combined with a desirable mood, like the one she was in at the moment. A bluish aura surrounded the already huge gal as she grew at an unbelievable pace that even Sobek couldn’t match up to an astounding height of 5 miles tall. She then stomped to the spot that the humans seemed like a female version of Godzilla as she stomped with heavy rumbling footfalls. The humans in their SUV’s were absolutely scared out of their minds as all they could see from their point of view was Sekvra’s second toe on her huge footclaw which had a toe ring on it. To them, the toe stretched high into the sky, but more scary was the fact that when they tried to look up so they could make eye contact with the predatory female, all they could see was up to her massive chest that on its own looked like two big grass colored hills. The sheer size of the giantess made one of the humans in the lead car faint from being so scared, but that wouldn’t matter as she growled while she suddenly held two big, plump and pillowy square marshmellows in her right hand. With her left hand that seemed like a landscape of it’s own to the flea sized humans, she picked up the cars and put them on top of one of the marshmellows. She then giggled deviously and said to the really small humans “Wow.. you look so cute I could just eat you up.” She then paused for what seemed like an eternity with an evil grin, a slight chuckle an then she said “Oh wait! I am going to eat you!” The monitor lizard then put the other marshmellow on top of the group of daredevils. The weight of the top marshmellow was enough to crush the cars’ roofs but not enough to turn the humans inside them to messy piles of gore and blood. Sekvra then stuck her long pointed tongue out, wrapping it around the sweet snack two or three times before slowly retracting the treat into her wet mouth with a happy grin. The huge female then began chewing up the marshmellow with the live treat inside it. As she did this, all of the humans were impaled on either the first or second rotations of her sharp pointed teeth. She smirked and growled happily as she felt the blood rapidly gushing out from the convulsing bodies as they gave their last attempts in pure cold vain to escape their fatal fate. She then removed the dead dry carcases of humans off of her teeth and swallowed them while patting her belly proudly. Everyone looked at Sekvra for a bit before Dragoneer cleared his throat and said “Nice job with those pests, Sekvra. I hate it when I’m followed by pathetic tinies just so they can profit from my actions. I prefer tinies that actually want to be friends with me because of my morals and values, not just because I can increase the amount of money they have in their pathetic bank accounts.’ Everyone nodded in agreement before resuming their trek towards the Yellowstone Caldera.

Soon the group reached the Wyoming border near the Rocky Mountains. Raj held up his right hand and said “Stop here. Deeja, Sobek and I will be the only ones to continue to our final destination. The rest of you go back to Miami, Florida and lounge on the beach. If we don’t show up in a month or two and you see ash particles falling from the sky, then you know that we failed to protect humanity.”

While the non-essential members of the group retreated to the meeting point, Sobek, Deeja, and Raj bravely made their way closer to the volcano. As the trio of giants made their way into the park, they saw that the geysers were being abnormally active and some were going off in places where the geysers have been dormant for hundreds of years. This concerned the group of friends, as this was one of the warning signs that a volcano might go off sometime in the next day or two. Deeja sighed and said “Urgh…. How are we going to stop this huge volcano from erupting?” Sobek shrugged since he was befuddled too. Raj looked at the big mountainous volcano for a bit. He then said “Well…. even though I am a god, I can’t stop erruptions. It’s like the rule of the Time Lords from the BBC show Doctor Who. Some events just are fixed in time. Though, I suppose we can diffuse the severity of the erruption kinda like we were doing a brain trauma surgery. We remove the top of the mountain and then we use Deeja’s divine abilities to at the very least cool some of the lava to counteract the intense pressure that has built up over the past 640,000 years.” Sobek perked up his tiny sea dragon type ears and said “I can go underground and distribute the pressure across the planet so that way the eruption that Yellowstone performs isn’t as bad as it could be.” Deeja and Raj smiled at that idea and then the huge western dragon said ‘Good idea Sobek.” As they watched Old Faithful erupt with a big fountain of boiling hot water, the group nodded at each other, grew to two miles tall and then Sobek used his sharp handclaw’s reptilian talons to gently cut open the the top of the volcano. Once that was done, Deeja said some words in his native tongue and soon, water came rushing from his mouth like a fire hose. When the cold water came in contact with the boiling hot lava, it created a massive pluming cloud of steam that made Deeja’s face sweat a lot. However he continued to pour water over the lava, which hardened up the culdera.

While Raj and Deeja worked above the surface, Sobek went about a mile or two underground near the mountain and roared loudly. This loud roar caused the pressure from the years of dormancy to slowly be unleashed, but not really felt worldwide as the 2.4 quake that was registered on nearly every Richter Scale in the world. The small global quake lasted for about 2 days before stopping. It was the longest quake in Earth’s history.

After Sobek surfaced, Raj sighed and said “Well…. we’ve done all we can do. Now let’s put the summit of the volcano back on and wait it out someplace out of the ash cloud’s range. The group then ran to Denver where they sat and lounged near Billings, Montana. Half an hour later, Deeja, Sobek, and Raj watched in awe as the Yellowstone Supervolcano erupted.

It wasn’t the big booming eruption that all of the world’s scientists predicted. It was more like a slow eruption at Mauna Lea Volcano on the island of Hawai’i in Hawaii. There was little devastation and there was no injury to any animals or people in the park or anywhere in the world for that matter.

As the trio saved the park and the world from apocalyptic devastation, the other group consisting of Hazerd, Sekvra, Ritsuka, Darius, Kaiser Redflame, Terat and Derek lounged on Miami Beach. During the three days that they waited on news about the Yellowstone Caldera. Soon they tuned to 610 AM and heard that station’s DJ say that there was breaking news concerning the Yellowstone Supervolcano. He then said that the supervolcano had erupted but that no loss of life or property had happened. Everyone all around the world cheered as they steadily received the info about the supervolcano’s fate via news media, social media websites and television. However the group that was the most excited was the group of giant anthropopmorphics on the beach. They high fived and said “Wooo hoo! They did it! They stopped the freaking supervolcano from causing the extinction of all life on this planet!”

A few hours later as the sun set, the secondary group met up with the dragon, the crocodile and the Argonian. Once reunited on the beach, everyone hugged and kissed each other with tears in their eyes that soon flooded the beach and made the crowd of people that retreated to various hotel roofs across the beach say “D’awww….” at the tearjerking reunion going on in front of them.

When they all calmed down… Sekvra smiled and said to Sobek and Hazerd “Well…. since I don’t have a home… is it ok if I lived with you two? I promise I won’t be a hinderance to either of you.” She then bowed respectfully and waited for the married couple to respond. A few minutes later Hazerd smiled cheerily and said “Yes, you may of course live with us. We’ll show you a good time!’ The trio of housemates then teleported back to their house and lounged there watching President Obama giving his speech about the recent occurrence at Yellowstone. In it, he said to the nation “Citizens of the United States, recently we have been faced with several tragedies during my terms in office as your President. We were first faced with Superstorm Sandy, then came the Great Plains Blizzard, and finally the Yellowstone supereruption. Along the rough and exhausting road, we were helped on the road to recovery by a group of giants that I as your honest leader helped make with a bi-partisan assistance in Congress. This group consisted of a female niguana, a female monitor lizard, a western dragon, a crocodile, a pair of wolves, a fennec fox, a Digimon, along with partial assistance by a fat lion. I as well as the rest of the members of the federal government of the USA humbly thank you for your services to this country and the world. We hope that we can continue this professional relationship. We are also in your debt for all eternity, especially to Sobek, Hazerd and Sekvra.” After the speech was over, everyone of the giant anthros slept peacefully in their beds, awaiting the next disaster to hit this planet, weather it be domestic or even celestial….
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