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Unread 06-21-2014   #1
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 6
TG/BE Story: A Friendly Game

I've had this and one other story idea in the back of my head for a little while now, but only just recently found some free time to type it up. Figured I'd post it here first and maybe get a little feedback before submitting it to fictionmania. Hope you all enjoy it. Let me know what you think.

A Friendly Game

There were lots of labels that could be accurately used to describe Julie Kline. Cute, playful, compassionate, independent, mischievous, talented, bisexual… Many would consider that last one the most unusual, the most scandalous of her attributes. But it was the preceding term that marked her as truly extraordinary. Julie was "talented" in ways most people would never guess. To put it simply, she was a witch. One of a select few with the innate ability to manipulate the mystical energies that permeate the universe but go completely unnoticed by an overwhelming majority of the populace.

She had not met many others with similar gifts in her 26 years. Those she had encountered had tried to entice her to join one of their little clubs. "Covens" and "Secret Societies" were the terms they seemed to prefer, though Julie generally found them to be rather silly. All super-serious and steeped in ritual. Obsessed with archaic rules and standards of conduct in which she just didn't see any real value. There wasn't even much she could learn from them anyway, as nearly all magical talents came naturally, and were self-taught by each individual practitioner.

And so it was with Julie and her knack for transfiguration magic. She was quite adept at sculpting matter (both inanimate and living) to whatever form suited her whim. While it wasn't her only trick, it was the one she found the most rewarding. The one that best exercised her creative side. And the thing she enjoyed most, though rarely indulged in, was finding someone to share in the rewards of her talent.

It was 5:30 Friday evening and Julie was just leaving the ad agency where she worked. It had been a stressful week, much of it spent trying to please one particularly fickle client. She'd spent the last few hours in meetings meant to finalize the design for the latest two-page magazine ad, growing increasingly frustrated at the inability to come to an agreement on anything but the most basic of details. She was now itching for some way to work off all the tension that had been building up since lunch. Tonight, she concluded, would be an excellent occasion for one of her special games.

She snagged a quick bite at a nearby burger joint, then hurried home to prepare. Back at her apartment, after a quick change of clothes, she gathered the necessary materials and settled in front of the bathroom mirror to put on the proper "costume" for the evening's festivities.

The woman who stepped out of Julie's apartment bore little resemblance to the one that had entered just 20 minutes earlier. Her usual vibrant countenance had been replaced by a rather drab, uninteresting form. While certainly not ugly, her face was now very plain, her body slightly taller, but far less shapely. And her long, honey-blonde hair had turned dark brown and appeared to have been cut much shorter, hanging flat against her head. All in all, her new look left lots of room for improvement, but then, that was the idea.

She hailed a cab, and after brief consideration directed the driver to a local strip club called "Wicked". Located in a middle-class part of town, this was Julie's favorite place to find playmates for her magical games. It was a lot cleaner than the clubs in the less affluent neighborhoods. At the same time, she found she was less likely to run into the arrogant, spoiled frat-boys that tended to frequent the more upscale joints. And of course, she found the whole "wicked witch" theme amusingly appropriate.

On arrival, she headed around back to the employee entrance and waited for the next girl to arrive for work. Julie was quite pleased when she saw who it was. She had met Janet on one of her previous visits and the two had chatted for a bit. She was a sweet girl who found herself a bit overworked trying to provide for her twin daughters. If anyone deserved a break it was her.

Julie whispered a quick "Suggestion" spell, then caught Janet just before she reached the back entrance, "Janet? What are you doing here? I thought you had off tonight."

"I... What?" came the confused reply.

"Don't you remember, you told me you worked those double shifts last week so you could have a relaxing weekend with your family."

"... Hey, you're right. How could I forget." A wave of relief seemed to wash over the poor girl. "You're a life saver, Candy. I can't believe I almost gave up my early weekend. I'll have to buy you a drink next time as thanks."

"Oh that won't be necessary," replied the girl Janet knew only as her co-worker Candy, "You just get your butt home and relax. And say 'Hi' to the girls for me."

"Will do. Bye."

Following that brief exchange, Julie headed into "work" herself. Making further use of the spell she used on Janet, she poked her head into the manager's office.

"Hey Earl, I'm filling in for Janet tonight. I owe her a favor."

Julie's announcement was met with a blank stare for several seconds, followed by a faint grunt of approval. She then went ahead and clocked in using Janet's time card before stripping down to a skimpy bikini bottom and a pair of violet pumps.

Now free to roam around the establishment with the rest of the topless employees, she set about selecting a "victim" (though if all went well, her chosen would hardly feel victimized). She scanned the crowd for a while, not yet satisfied with any of the available options. Eventually she spotted a likely subject wandering in from out front. He was moderately tall and skinny, with sandy-blond hair pulled back into a pony-tail that extended to just below his shoulders. She watched him for a while as he ordered a drink, then settled in to a corner seat by himself. He seemed too shy to approach any of the girls directly, preferring to sit back and just enjoy the view. Julie noticed that his gaze seemed to linger longest on the more well-endowed performers. Yes, he would do nicely.

"Hi there. What's your name?" Julie inquired cheerfully as she made her approach.

Slightly startled by the sudden attention, the young man turned his attention from a fairly busty dancer to see who had just addressed him. "Umm... It's Mitch, hi," he replied, trying to hide his disappointment in Julie's unimpressive appearance.

"I’m Julie. I don't think I've seen you around here before," Julie hazarded a guess, as she hadn't really spent enough time here to identify all the regulars.

"Yeah, first time here," he replied shortly.

"Well we have a special deal here for newcomers to encourage repeat business. How would you like a private show, no extra charge?"

"Uh, no thanks, I think I'm fine right here," he said, his attention drifting away and settling on a girl displaying extreme flexibility on one of the fireman poles.

Julie bent over, putting her head alongside his to share his view and whispered, "Suit yourself, but if you want to see something that makes THAT seem mundane, meet me in room seven." She then strolled off and disappeared down a hallway, under a sign that read, "Private Rooms".

While he still didn't find Julie all that attractive, there was just something about the air of confidence with which she made that offer that Mitch found difficult to put out of his mind. Something told him that he'd regret not taking her up on it. And so after a brief period of deliberation, he found himself at the door of room seven, venturing a tentative knock.

The door opened, and Julie ushered him into the room with a smile, "Curiosity get the better of you, did it?" She flipped over the sign identifying the room as in use and closed the door, whispering another simple spell she caused the outer door knob to fuse, just to make absolutely certain they would not be disturbed.

"Well if your little private show is really as impressive as you make it out to be, I figured I shouldn't pass it up," his tone belied a significant level of skepticism.

"A wise choice indeed."

"So where should I sit for the best view?" he asked, considering whether the couch or one of the two cushy chairs would be more comfortable.

"It's really best if you stand... at least for now." Julie circled around and struck her best attempt at a sexy pose right in front of him. "So, do you like what you see?"

" Uh..." in spite of his increasing exasperation with this woman, Mitch still found it difficult to voice his opinion on her appearance.

Julie quickly dropped her pretense of seduction, "Relax, I'm well aware you don't find me particularly attractive. That being the case, perhaps you'd be willing to play a little game. I promise it will be well worth your time."

"Ooooookay..." he replied, his patience rapidly wearing thin.

With Mitch's verbal consent established, Julie dropped a small silver coin into an ornate goblet on one of the end tables. Prepared well in advance, this triggered the spell that would both define and enforce the rules of Julie's game.

"So, why don't you tell me something you'd like to change about me? Something that you feel might make me more attractive. I promise I won't be offended."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. That's how this game works. Let's start with my hair, shall we? What would you change about my hair?"

"Well it could be a bit longer, I suppose. And with a bit more, what's the word they use in those shampoo commercials... 'volume'."

"Like this?" Julie asked as her hair seemed to spring to life in a cascade of wavy locks that now fell down below her shoulders.

Mitch was momentarily taken aback by the dramatic change, but quickly recovered his skepticism, "Nice trick. Let me guess, some sort of extendable wig?" He probably would not have regained his composure quite so quickly had he noticed his own hair growing as well. His pony-tail nearly doubled in thickness and gradually extended most of the way down his back.

Julie ignored the wig comment, and prompted Mitch for the next change, "How about the color? Do you like brunettes?"

"Okay, I'll bite, " he decided to play along and see what else she had planned. "Brown is okay, but I've always had a bit of a thing for redheads. Can you give it a reddish tint?"

"Certainly," she replied, and on cue her hair lightened slightly and took on a copper sheen.

Once again, Mitch was oblivious as his own voluminous tresses shifted from their usual amber hue to a deep crimson. The band holding them back serving to keep the alterations out of his line of sight.

"How's this?" she asked, gathering a few stands and twirling them around her index finger.

"Very nice," he confirmed appreciatively.

"Shall we work on my face next?"

"Sure, I guess..." Could she really make such drastic modifications to her own face? Mitch was eager to find out. "Can you make it... well, cuter?"

"I need specifics, honey. What exactly would you like me to change?"

Mitch had to think for a moment. Like most guys, he had no trouble recognizing a pretty face when he saw it, but he had rarely given much thought to what exactly made a woman's face attractive to him. He visualized the faces of beautiful women he was familiar with (actresses and super models and the like). He then tried to mentally superimpose then over Julie's face to see what was different. Finally, he began to list his desired changes.

"Let's see, how about a narrower, pointier nose with a more concave bridge."

Mitch stared in fascination as Julie's features shifted right before his eyes, reshaping themselves to match his requests.

"Smoother, clearer complexion; higher cheekbones, with a more rounded jaw and slightly pointed chin."

On some subconscious level, Mitch could feel his own face stretching and contorting as it molded itself to match the changes in Julie's face. He even reached up and scratched his cheek as his stubble faded away leaving flawlessly smooth skin behind. But he was too entranced watching Julie's transformation to realize what those feelings implied.

"Fuller, pouty lips painted bright red; thinner eyebrows over larger, green eyes with long eyelashes."

Mitch found himself quite pleased with the results as he watched the last of his specifications take shape. Just as his own irises assumed a brilliant emerald color, a sudden burst of inspiration hit, and he decided to test the boundaries of the game by adding one final facial request.

"And a pair of pointed, elf-like ears."

"Nice touch," Julie commented as she reached up and felt the top of her right ear lengthen and taper to a subtle point. She then looked up just in time to see the much more pronounced tips of Mitch's ears poke through the hair that had previously concealed them.

"Okay, I'm officially impressed. How the heck are you doing this?"

"I'd think by now it would be pretty obvious. What else could it be but magic?" When Mitch responded with nothing but stunned silence, she continued, glancing down at her bare chest, "Well if you're done with my face, I suspect I know what you'd like to work on next."

The blush of embarrassment that crossed Mitch's gorgeous face was unbearably cute. Julie struggled not to laugh.

"Yeah, as you seem to have guessed I'd like your breasts to be a bit bigger."

Much to his delight, her modest bosom swelled noticeably, stopping in the healthy C-cup range. Meanwhile, the front of Mitch's button down shirt rose ever so subtly as he acquired his own little set of boobies. Julie estimated them to be about as big as hers were a moment ago. Just small enough for him not to notice. Though she suspected that was about to change.

"What do you say? Is this good, or should we go bigger?" She already knew what the answer would be.

"Bigger, please," replied Mitch with a grin, like a kid in a candy store.

Julie's breasts seemed happy to oblige, gradually filling out to rather generous D-cup dimensions.

"Hey! What the hell?" Mitch yelled. The added weight and tightening of his shirt had finally called his attention down to his chest, as it eagerly grew to match Julie's in both size and shape. He grabbed the unfamiliar protrusions and gave them a rough squeeze, then let out a sharp yelp as the pain confirmed them to not only be real, but unquestionably part of him. "What did you do to me?"

"I suppose it's time I explain the rules of this little game. As you've seen thus far, each time you suggest an improvement to my appearance, my body automatically shapes itself to match your request. However, what you only just now noticed, is that the same changes are being made to your body, only with double the effect."

Mitch's radiant eyes widened as the full implications of those rules sunk in. His hands immediately began exploring the alterations that had already been made on his head. He pulled his long, silky hair over his shoulder and marveled at its color. Massaging his face, he noted his plump lips and dainty, up-turned nose. Finally, with both hands he traced the outlines of his delicate, elven ears. "Why did you do this? Please change me back," he pleaded desperately.

"To answer your first question, part of the fun of the game is to see what you end up doing to yourself while bringing your fantasies to life in me. But rest assured, I have every intention of returning you to normal when this is all over. However, I can't cast a new spell on you until the current one has run its course. And that won't happen until you finish changing me into your ideal woman. As they say, 'you must go forward to go back.'"

Mitch seemed to calm down a little at her reassurance but still seemed reluctant to continue. "You could have told me how the game worked before we started," he grumbled.

"I suppose I could have. But I wanted to see how far you'd get before you noticed."

Mitch just continued to sulk.

"You were having fun up until this point weren't you?" Julie chastised, "If you would just relax a bit and play along, I think you'd find the experience enjoyable. Now, shall we continue? Are you done with my tits?"

After a moment of contemplation, Mitch resigned himself to finish the game, however he was reluctant to add any more weight to his own chest, so he decided to shift his focus slightly, "Alright, your nipples could be a bit thicker and more prominent."

As if they could heard him call their names, Julie's nips popped up and plumped out nicely. He then looked down to see that his own high-beams had been switched on. Each of the lovely mounds pressing firmly against his shirt was now capped with its own unmistakable nub, standing proudly at attention.

"That's the spirit," Julie said, savoring the sensations as she gently twisted and tweaked her newly swollen nipples. "Mmmm... You should try this. Anyway, what's next?"

Mitch eventually managed to tear his attention away from her chest to examine the rest of her body, considering what to change next. Noticing for the first time the fine hair on her arms and the hint of stubble on her legs. "You could do with a bit less body hair overall," he commented.

On Julie the change was subtle, but glancing at his own bare arms he could much more easily see the difference as the sparse tangle most noticeable on his forearms seemed to retract into his skin before disappearing completely. He didn't need to look to know that his legs had received a similar treatment, as did just about every other part of his body besides his head.

Now cleared of hair, Julie's arms were still a bit flabby for his tastes, "I wish you had more slender, graceful arms and hands."

Julie did her best impression of a hula dancer, the excess fat melting away as her arms glided through the air, palms twisting this way and that. By contrast, Mitch simply held his hands up, palms out in front of him to observe his muscle tone slipping away, replaced by fine, feminine contours. His slightly bulky fingers seemed to stretch out ever so slightly as they slimmed down to match.

"Oh phooey, I seem to have chipped a nail," Julie pouted, stepping forward and showing her hand to Mitch in mock dismay, "Can you help me out with this, sugar?"

Mitch chuckled a bit despite himself and said, "Sure. After all, you should have longer, perfectly manicured nails, painted to match your hair."

Julie pressed her palms against his and they both watched their nails extend past the tips of their fingers. While hers stopped at about half an inch, his continued growing out to a full inch, the tips rounding off and narrowing a bit. Finally, a shiny coat of scarlet nail polish appeared covering their entire length.

"Thanks honey, you're the best," she said, turning as if to walk away.

"You know, that spunky attitude would be more suited to a shorter girl, perhaps you should lose a couple inches in height."

Already starting to descend from her 5'9" stature, Julie turned back, placing a hand on her out-thrust hip, saying, "Oh, so you like petite girls, do you?"

"Oh yeah, I love it when I really tower over a woman." Momentarily caught up in the banter, Mitch didn't properly think through his next comment. "In fact, I think you should probably drop a few more inches."

As soon as the words escaped his luscious lips, he realized his mistake. Julie had just been settling in at 5'7" and Mitch at 5'8" when the shrinking of both redoubled its pace. Mitch had to grab his shorts to keep them from sliding off as his entire frame condensed itself. The one saving grace in this request was that while his breasts maintained their impressive girth, the torso that supported them contracted significantly, relieving much of the pressure within his shirt.

By the time it was over, Mitch had lost a full foot from his previous height of 6'. Julie rested her hands on his significantly lowered shoulders and looked down on him from her 5'3" status, feigning sympathy, "Aw... I'm afraid you won't be towering over me any time soon, sweetie."

"Definitely didn't think that one through," he grumbled with only mild annoyance.

"Well at least you seem to be having fun again. So, where would you like to go from here?"

"Hmm... How about you gain a higher, narrower waistline to accentuate a flatter tummy."

As Julie quickly achieved the central portion of the classical hourglass figure, Mitch could feel the bottom of his ribcage being compressed inward and the slight beer gut he'd long been meaning to work off dissipating. He bunched up the bottom of his shirt in one hand and pulled it tight around his midsection, noting how his extra thin waist further emphasized his ample bosom.

"I guess the butt is up next," he remarked.

"It would seem the obvious choice."

"Well I've never been a big fan of overly large butts, so I think a gentle touch is called for here. Your rear end should be only slightly larger. But more importantly, it should be softer and well-rounded."

"I guess not everyone's a Sir Mix-a-Lot fan," she quipped, turning around to display her softening rump for his approval.

Mitch found the results on Julie quite satisfactory, though he was gaining a bit more than he'd wanted on his own plumping fanny. At least his shorts were once again staying up on their own. And he had to admit as he gently massaged his newest curves, it did feel nice.

Turning his attention back to his ongoing mission, he issued his next request, "That new butt of yours needs wider hips to match, tapering down to more smooth, shapely legs."

"Yes it does doesn't it? So glad you're here to point that out," she said as she watched her lower half take on a much more pleasing form.

Beyond simply holding them up, Mitch's widening hips soon made his cargo shorts uncomfortably tight. Mercifully they stopped expanding before it became too painful. Still, his sexy new legs could have done with a more flattering covering.

Noticing that her somewhat large, clumsy looking feet were the only thing still looking out of place on Julie, Mitch set out to correct that. "Your feet should be a bit smaller to be better proportioned with your calves."

Both players soon found it necessary to step out their oversized shoes. Julie took a moment to survey the sum of the changes in her body. "Not bad," she said approvingly. "It looks like we're closing in on the conclusion of our little game. But before we wrap things up, are you sure you're satisfied with these?" she asked, hefting her jugs in both hands. "Be honest."

Mitch sighed. If he ever wanted to get his body back, he couldn't cut any corners in this game. At least that's how he understood it. "I guess you want me to admit that I'd like your boobs to be even bigger."

"I'd say you just did," she responded as the fleshy mounds in her hands began to exceed her grasp, spilling out in all directions.

Across from her, Mitch was having his own containment problems as his shirt once again grew taught, straining to hold back the ever increasing compilation of fatty tissue.

Julie, who had extensive experience in such matters, figured herself to be right on the border between E and F-cup as the growth subsided. Mitch, on the other hand, had surpassed her by a fair margin. Probably well into G-cup territory at least, though it was hard for her to tell with the way they were currently being squashed flat against his abdomen.

"Well there you go," she said, suddenly dropping her fun bags, causing them to swing pendulously from side to side.

Finding this display a little distasteful, Mitch commented, "It would be nice if your breasts were a bit firmer, so they wouldn't sag so mu-aaaAA!"

Mitch was unprepared for the effect this last wish would have on him. While Julie's melons merely rose up a bit and plumped out nicely, he felt the pressure on his chest suddenly grow by leaps and bounds as the substantial mass he had acquired began to climb up his torso and concentrate itself in a much higher position. No longer content to be pushed around by this unreasonable garment, his tits insisted they be permitted their rightful, more spherical shape. A pained grimace crossed his face as the constriction continued to build. Finally, sweet relief came with a couple of light pops as the second button on his shirt, quickly followed by the third flew across the room. A roughly diamond-shaped window had been opened in the front of his top through which could be seen an impressively deep valley of cleavage and just the edge of a rosey areola on the left side, hinting at the chubby nipple still trying to poke its way through the fabric.

Julie approached with a sympathetic wince, saying “Ow… That does NOT look comfortable. Here, let’s allow those puppies to breathe a bit shall we.” With that she began undoing the remaining buttons before removing his shirt entirely. “In fact, I think it’s high time you got a good look at the whole package,” she continued. He was too haggard to protest as she proceeded to remove his shorts as well. She then made a quick magical gesture causing a full length mirror to materialize on one of the walls.

Stepping in front of the mirror, Mitch was amazed by what he saw. He had been keeping a mental catalog of the changes he was making, but it paled in comparison to seeing it all put together and staring right back at him. His face was stunning, particularly his sparkling green eyes. Coupled with his ears, they gave him an exotically seductive look. Turning sideways, he noted that with the loss of his previous height, his impossibly red hair now hung all the way down to cover his cute bubble butt, which rested between a tight, flat belly and long, perfectly smooth legs. But by far his most outstanding features (both figuratively and literally) were the enormous globes protruding from his chest. Even without the support of a bra, they seemed to pay mere lip-service to the quaint notion of “gravity” as they gently rose and fell with each breath. Taking it all in, he realized that he closely resembled a shorter and only slightly less cartoonishly proportioned Jessica Rabbit.

However, the longer he inspected himself in the mirror, the more he felt that something was still just a bit off, and not just the considerable bulge in his still male crotch. Without even looking her way, Mitch said, “I wish you had slightly narrower shoulders, leading up to a slender, more feminine neck.” The comment was addressed to Julie, but it was clear that he was now more concerned with tweaking his own appearance. With the flattening of his adam’s apple, his next comment came out in a much higher register. “Also… Ahem… Wow, that’s weird. Anyway, I was saying, I think a slightly paler complexion might better complement your hair. And maybe just the barest hint of a few freckles across the bridge of your nose.”

Finally satisfied with his final adjustments, Mitch stepped back and once again turned his attention to Julie.

“If you’re finished admiring your reflection, I think its time for one final change,” she said as she slowly removed her bikini bottom to reveal… nothing. Her crotch was as smooth and featureless as a Barbie doll.

At Mitch’s shocked expression she explained, “Well I had to give you some incentive to complete the process didn’t I? Go on, tell me what needs to be fixed.”

He glanced down at his own crotch, conflicted between the prospect of losing his last vestige of manhood and the desire to resolve the one thing that still marred the otherwise flawless vision of femininity in the mirror. Finally, he conceded, “you should have a nice, cleanly shaved pussy with an extra sensitive clit.”

“Couldn’t have said it better myself,” she said, her crotch split open and assumed its proper shape.

However, Mitch was too concerned with his own predicament to even notice. First, he felt his testicles retract up into his abdomen. The empty scrotum then inverted itself, opening a gradually deepening cavity, the edges moistening and thickening slightly to form the vaginal lips. Meanwhile, he pulled open his briefs to watch as his rock-hard member slowly dwindled. The head seemed to smooth over and flatten slightly as it finally settled in to its new home as a slightly swollen button topping off a completed vagina.
There was a moment of awkward silence as Mitch came to grips with the magnitude of the changes he had just gone through. Finally, he spoke in a soft, halting voice, “So, uh… I guess we’re done? Will you be changing me back now?”

“What’s the hurry?” Julie asked, placing a hand on Mitch’s right breast and giving it a soft squeeze. “Why not take a little time to see what this body has to offer?” With that the taller woman firmly guided him backwards until he plopped down in one of the brown velour arm-chairs.

“Let’s start with a lesson in what pleases a woman like yourself,” she said while kneeling in front of him and peeling off the tight men’s briefs that now seemed so out-of-place on his soft, curvy body. Without another word, she nuzzled her face between his legs and gave his new equipment a teasing lick.

Already enormously turned on by everything he’d just been through, Mitch was in no shape to resist. Up until now, he’d been too self-conscious to actually feel himself up regardless of how tempting it had been. As Julie began her expert oral ministrations, the floodgates of his inhibitions were finally released and he hungrily grasped his own massive tits. Reveling in both the softness of the flesh in his hands and the sensual feelings emanating from his own chest, he squeezed, lifted, and kneaded his giant knockers. He pinched and flicked his nipples, enjoying the way the sharp, jolts of pleasure punctuated the gradual building warmth from his nether region. It didn’t take long before she had him squealing in ecstasy and bucking in his seat, overcome with the experience of his first female orgasm.

It seemed to Mitch like every time he was beginning to come down from a euphoric peak, Julie would switch up her rhythm, or hit a different spot and the pleasure came surging back stronger than ever. By the time she finally retreated from his crotch, he had lost track of how many times he had come.

“Take a minute to relax and recover your stamina,” said Julie as she stood up and made her way around behind the couch. “You’re going to need it for round two.” Mitch was only dimly aware of these comments as the haze of afterglow slowly faded. He saw her bend over, her breasts dangling large and free as she rummaged around looking for something. He closed his eyes for a moment and probably would have drifted off to sleep if not for the sudden sound of cheap furniture springs squeaking in protest as Julie eagerly hopped onto the couch from over the back.

He looked over to see her on her back with her legs spread open, slowly inserting something long and thick into her own moist slit. With a start he realized what it was. His cheeks red with embarrassment, but too curious not to investigate, he climbed over the arm of his chair to join her on the couch.

She gave him a look that seemed to say, “Well what are you waiting for?” and he took a kneeling position directly over her before slowly lowering himself down onto the other end of the double-headed dildo. His eyes widened with the unique sensation of having his new sex so thoroughly filled. Once he was settled, Julie flipped a small switch near the center of the device and his arousal returned with a vengeance as the toy hummed to life.

Placing both hands on Julie’s tits Mitch began to massage them in much the same way he’d done to his own a few moments ago. They both fell into a slow rhythm of pelvic thrusts, driving the vibrating phallus deeper with each iteration. Looking down on Julie’s beautiful face in the throes of passion as he massaged her chest, he found himself saying, “I wish your tits were even bigger than mine.”

He saw her eyes pop open in surprise, then watched as her breasts began swell within his tiny hands before his view was eclipsed by his own expanding assets. Just then the thrill of the new changes sent him over the edge and he threw his head back and moaned, twisting and grinding his pelvis against hers with each pleasurable pulse.

When the moment passed, he looked back down to find that all he could see of Julie was the top of her mane of fiery hair spread out on the couch. He realized, that at this point, he would have to manually pry these ridiculous things apart if he wanted to see anything beneath them. Reaching under each with both hands, he did just that, only to be greeted by Julie’s bemused smirk.

“Was that worth it,” she asked.

“Mmmmm… Definitely,” came the response.

With that, Julie propped herself up on one elbow, and with the other arm reached up and pulled one of Mitch’s gargantuan breasts down to her level. She was soon face to face with an almost perfectly cylindrical nipple, about as big around as a quarter and almost as tall as it was wide. It was framed by a salmon colored areola that extended a couple inches in all directions before meeting and contrasting nicely with the milky flesh beyond. She gently traced a circle around it with her tongue before thrusting the entire thing into her mouth and sucking hard, eliciting a soft coo of satisfaction from Mitch’s ruby lips.

“You know,” said Julie, releasing her mammoth captive, “It’s a good thing you didn’t go any further with these, or you might not have been able to reach your own nipples to play with them. What a tragedy that would have been.”

Mitch released his grip and his impossible bosoms seemed to bound back together, bouncing and jiggling merrily about for several seconds before settling into their neutral state. He reached around to the front relieved to find that Julie had exaggerated a bit (but not much). He could still comfortably feel both spouts on his jugs, though if he were to make that same wish again, all bets were off.

After riding out the wave of another orgasm and watching Mitch’s wrecking balls swing and bounce precariously back and forth, Julie slowly pulled herself up and began to extract herself from the vibrator. “I think that will just about do it for tonight,” she said with a yawn.

But Mitch, having caught his second wind, wasn’t quite done yet. He leaned over her, pushing her back down with two giant weights and said, “Not so fast. I haven’t yet had a chance to practice what I learned from your initial lesson.” He crawled backwards on the couch and attempted to bury his head between her legs, only to find that he couldn’t reach, his breasts propping his head up far too high for this to work in their current position.

Undeterred, he stood up, grabbed Julie by the legs and pulled her to the end of the couch, resting her butt on its arm, her juicy snatch thrust high in the air. He then took a kneeling position on the floor at the end of the sofa and began his performance.

He was a bit clumsy at first, but reaching down with his left hand, he felt around his own equipment to rediscover the spots that had generated so much pleasure for him. Soon he had Julie moaning with desire. He complemented his literal tongue lashings with two fingers of his right hand, massaging the underside of her clitoris from within while teasing it with his mouth from above. Continuing to finger himself with his left hand, and invigorated by the occasional shocks from his nipples lightly brushing the cold hard floor, he soon had them both spasming in a rapturous frenzy.

Finally, thoroughly exhausted he turned and slumped against the end of the couch with a sigh. Gazing lazily down at his huge tracks of land, he idly wondered if he would even be able to stand back up.

Eventually Julie managed to rouse herself from her position on the couch. “You are a really quick study,” she said appreciatively. “As much as I’d like to just fall asleep here, the longer we hang around the more likely someone is to get suspicious and come and check on us, so we should probably be on our way.”

Mitch gradually managed to struggle to his feet, though his back ached in protest at supporting the excessive weight he was now carrying. He hobbled around behind the chair and rested his boobs on its high back, momentarily grateful for his reduced height. “Okay, time to say goodbye to this sex goddess, I guess,” he said, glancing back towards the mirror.

“Are you sure you want to change back, you seemed to really enjoy your new body?” Julie asked.

Mitch gave her an incredulous look, “Do you really think I could function in my daily life with these things getting in the way?”

“Probably not. However, I could bring them back down to a more manageable size for you.”

“There’s a small part of me that’s tempted by that offer, but despite how much fun I had tonight, and even though I’d love to do it again sometime, underneath it all I’m still a man, and I have no real desire to live my life as anything else.”

“I understand,” replied Julie. “You may want to sit back down. Experiencing the changes one at a time is one thing, but its going to be a bit disorienting when I revert everything back at once.”

Mitch nodded and took a seat. He watched as Julie fished the silver coin back out of the goblet on the end-table. She whispered some sort of arcane mantra and scooped up the cup and tossed the rest of its misty contents directly at Mitch. The smoke seemed to engulf him and soon his senses were overloaded by stretching, quivering, crawling, and contracting sensations all over his body. He shut his eyes to block out any excess stimuli as he waited for the transformation to subside.

When he reopened his eyes he was almost disappointed to see those wonderful boobies had vanished, but otherwise relieved to be back in his own skin. “That was the most amazing experience of my life,” he said as he gathered up his discarded clothes and began to get dressed. "Is there anything I can do to thank you?"

"No need. I wouldn't be doing this sort of thing if it weren't just as much fun for me."

"You know, I meant it when I said I'd love to do it again. So... Can I um... Call you sometime?" Mitch asked awkwardly.

"I don't usually do repeat performances," Julie replied, gathering up her own belongings and preparing to leave . "But then again, you have been one of my most... entertaining playmates. Tell you what, give me your number, and I'll give you a call if I think of another game we could play."

"You've got it," he said, digging a pen out of his pocket and eagerly scribbling his cell phone number across the inside of a matchbook he found nearby.

As he handed it to her, she grabbed his collar and pulled him down to her still diminutive level and with a soft peck on the cheek whispered, "Farewell my little elven princess." She blew gently on his ear, causing it to stretch out and reclaim it's pointed shape from earlier. She then pushed him unceremoniously out the door, waved cheerily, and closed it behind him.

Last edited by Zenshuuin; 06-22-2014 at 07:51 PM.
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Unread 06-21-2014   #2
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Re: TG/BE Story: A Friendly Game

Very nicely described transformation, and I enjoy the "double the effect on him" scenario. In fact, because of that, I would have liked to have seen a clothing transformation -- either early on, or after the sex, where Julie asks Mitch what he'd like to have her wearing, and he winds up in a skimpier/sexier version of the outfit.

Also, does he end up with only one pointed ear at the end? I think Julie should at least leave him with a matching set.
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Unread 06-23-2014   #3
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Re: TG/BE Story: A Friendly Game

Originally Posted by catfish27 View Post
Very nicely described transformation, and I enjoy the "double the effect on him" scenario. In fact, because of that, I would have liked to have seen a clothing transformation -- either early on, or after the sex, where Julie asks Mitch what he'd like to have her wearing, and he winds up in a skimpier/sexier version of the outfit.
Thanks. Glad you liked it. I don't really see clothing transformation fitting into this story, though. But the other story I have in mind will definitely involve clothing transformation.

Also, does he end up with only one pointed ear at the end? I think Julie should at least leave him with a matching set.
I actually debated how to word that last bit to imply both ears, but I just wasn't happy with how it sounded, so I decided to just leave it open to interpretation whether it affected one ear or both.

Originally Posted by CNash
Awesome story! I'd definitely like to see more "games" in this setting - maybe Julie could find someone who'd turn the tables on her a little? It seems like Julie enjoys being the one "in control" - even though she gives the illusion of control to Mitch, she's still the one driving the scenario.
Well she was caught a little off guard by his last wish, but otherwise yeah, she was more or less in control the whole time. I'll have to consider changing it up a bit if I ever write a sequel.

And thanks for catching the typo. Fixed it.
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Unread 06-24-2014   #4
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Re: TG/BE Story: A Friendly Game


Just really, really, perfect.

And although I'd like to see more, I think this was the perfect length. Instead of adding more to this one I'd rather you do sequels and continue on with different adventures of Julie.

And although I think TG fits this character best you've given yourself the ability to do shrinking, animals, or inanimate transformations in the future. Would be fun to see some of those appear occasionally.

Hope to see more, you've got a great eye for detail and describe everything just perfectly!
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Unread 06-22-2014   #5
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Re: TG/BE Story: A Friendly Game

Awesome story! I'd definitely like to see more "games" in this setting - maybe Julie could find someone who'd turn the tables on her a little? It seems like Julie enjoys being the one "in control" - even though she gives the illusion of control to Mitch, she's still the one driving the scenario.

Also, a small typo / missing word: "his next comment came out in a much register."
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Unread 06-24-2014   #6
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Re: TG/BE Story: A Friendly Game

That was fun. Well written and enjoyable. Thanks.
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Unread 06-30-2014   #7
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Re: TG/BE Story: A Friendly Game

Really awesome transformation! Neat mechanic too, reminded me a bit of a Filthy Mind story I read about turning into a bimbo but a little more light hearted. I for one though would love to see how Julie would handle one of those obnoxious frat boys at the upscale clubs!
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Unread 07-05-2014   #8
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Re: TG/BE Story: A Friendly Game

Great story. I really liked how the witch prepared herself ahead of time to make the game more interesting. Would definetly like to see more stories with the same main character. Good job.
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Unread 07-06-2014   #9
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Re: TG/BE Story: A Friendly Game

Not a bad little short story at all. Very enjoyable. I especially appreciated the more playful approach to things that seems to have fallen out of style lately. And I didn't notice a single error big enough to distract me from the reading, either. Very nicely done!
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Unread 07-07-2014   #10
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Re: TG/BE Story: A Friendly Game

I don't always read TG stories.

But when I do, I'm delighted when they're this good.

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Unread 07-07-2014   #11
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Re: TG/BE Story: A Friendly Game

That was a pretty good read. I'm definitely impressed by the detail work on this one.
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Unread 07-08-2014   #12
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Re: TG/BE Story: A Friendly Game

Thanks for all the positive feedback. Glad you all enjoyed the story. Guess I may need to write more.
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