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Unread 10-19-2014   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2013
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New Story: The Residue of Love

My latest story is finished and ready to read. It is a slime girl story and covers several favorite topics here on the forum.

Synopses: Elizabeth is a maga (that’s female mage) on a mission to investigate a series of disappearances in a small rural area. When she discovers the reason first hand Elizabeth finds herself enslaved and turned into a creature know as a slime girl. Now Elizabeth must rely on fellow slime slave and former whore Nicole to escape the clutches of their sexual deviant of a master. How will Elizabeth escape when the prison is her body itself? Find out in my latest story The Residue of Love.
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Unread 10-19-2014   #2
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Re: New Story: The Residue of Love ch.1

The Residue of Love
Stupid? You Be The Judge

Ok maybe this was a stupid idea but that nickname they had for me back home was not fair. Nicole thought as she hiked through the under brush of the abandon northern forest. Back home Nicole had been called The Stupid Whore. It had nothing to with the fact that she worked in a brothel in that tiny little port town, all the other girls there called her that too. It had to do with the fact that she admittedly made bad choices, sometimes. Like being in the alley behind the brothel at night that one time. She’d just stepped out the door for some fresh air and before she knew it she’d been raped by four men before the guards saved her. The bruises had healed and she’d struggled through the withheld pay the manager kept from her because she’d been giving it away for free. This situation was defiantly different though.

Nicole had up to this point had a pretty shitty life. Father a pennyless farmer who died when she was two, mother turned to whoring, and the fact she had no hope of ever having much better. After all what could a pretty girl with tits like these do but spread her legs in this day and age. However two nights ago her life took a drastic change for the better.

It had been a normal night at the Queen’s Garter, two merchants and a sailor but then her next customer had been something special. The very average looking man in a hood had picked her seemingly at random and rented her for the rest of the night. Up in the room the strange man admitted to her he was a student mage on the run from his school. Nicole may have been called stupid but even she didn’t believe a mage would come into a hole like the Queen’s Garter. There were much classier places where rich folk like that went. “You want me to prove it? He boasted. I left the school to practice forbidden magic.” “What kind of magic Mr. Big powerful wizard.” She teased. The boy unlaced his britches and dropped them. “Sex Magic.”

Nicole looked down and was not impressed, in her line of work this boy was average at best, not magical, but then he began to chant. The mage’s cock twitched and remarkably began to swell, Nicole was mesmerized and by the time he was finished Nicole worried even she could not take all of the third arm the boy of no more than fifteen had grown. As Nicole felt the tip slide into her she knew for certain real magic was at work, the thing twitched and squirmed within her like an eel. “OH GGGGOOOOODDDSSSS.” She wailed as she, a professional prostitute, came almost instantly like a weak kneed farm girl.

“Do you want some too?” The mage asked. Nicole looked up at him confused. The boy placed his hands on her tits and began chanting once again. A roaring heat flashed through Nicole’s chest and as the boy lifted his hands Nicole’s breasts swelled to the size of giant summer watermelons right before her eye’s. They were so fantastic, soft yet magically firm and so damn sensitive. As he pulled out from her and began tit fucking her she orgasmed again just from the sensation of this flaming hot cock between her enormous breasts.

Several sweaty, sticky, amazing hours later Nicole lay next to him panting as he told the story of how he’d learned his amazing new powers from a strange old hermit in the woods that, for a price, could teach great knowledge. In the morning the mage boy was gone and her body was back to normal. A large sack of gold coins, GOLD, was pored out onto her night stand. Of course no one believed The Stupid Whore or her fantastic story but in the end Nicole wasn’t that stupid, she’d payed the mage’s tab in her own silver, and kept the whole bag of gold.

And so Nicole now walked along the overgrown path through the woods retracing the path the mage had described. The gold had to be enough to change the life of one poor working girl. She though. Especially if this guy lives out here in the middle of nowhere. Nicole had one very specific wish in mind. Nicole wanted to be a sexual goddess, a courtesan of such renowned that Kings would fight bare fisted for an hour of her time. She wanted to create a life for herself with her skills where she would never want for anything or answer to anyone. She wanted the power that mage boy had and the skill to reduce even a titan like him to a begging fool for her.

“A sexual goddess? My what an ambitious young lady.” A voice rang out from the wood making Nicole jump. “Who’s there?” She yelled only now realizing she was a young woman with a sack of gold alone in the woods, Gods I am a stupid whore. She thought. “I’m the one you seek girl, The Master of this wood and I can indeed give you what you seek, for a price.” “HHHHow do you know what I want?” She steamered. “I’m a Wizard dear. It’s what we do.” The man that stepped out of the trees was tall and muscular but it was the aura around him that was the truly breathtaking thing about him. He had a sort of ageless look to him, one minute Nicole would have guested his age at late twenties, another minute a very youthful forty. “It will not do though, to stand around the wood trying to strike a bargain like pig farmers. Making a sexual goddess takes ‘firm’ decision making, come to my home and we will discuses this.” He said.

Nicole fallowed through the trees behind the wizard. “You live out here alone?” She asked. “Well up until recently I had an assistant but she’s gone now and perhaps that’s something you can help me with that hum?” He parted another large bush and Nicole got her first look at the humble house of the wizard situated in front of a large but unfortunately stagnate pond. The house was small with a thatched roof and one large shuttered and glass pained window facing the pond. “Yes it is a pity.” He said noticing her stare as they walked by the pond. “I have no hand for nature or water magic and I’m afraid the view from my house is a bit spoiled without a yards man.” The surface of the water was brown and over grown with plants, no sign of clean water could be seen beneath. Nicole shrugged apologetically she knew nothing of yard work ether.

Once inside Nicole realized magic was at work yet again. The house was very open and surprisingly modern from within for a simple cottage in the woods. A average sized living room as they entered and what Nicole could see as a long hall way leading to far more space than the house took up outside. “A king could spend a holiday here.” She said as she sat down on one of the couches that were offered to her. “Well that was part of my assistant’s job to keep the place clean but it’s much easier to keep things straight when they don’t grow on there own.” He said laughing and gesturing to the pond out the window.

“So. He said dramatically. You want to learn mastery of all the magnificent little tricks that brash young man showed you my dear?” Nicole didn’t understand what he meant by tricks and the wizard picked up on it. “Well I gave him power and the first thing he does is run off to the closest, cheapest, brothel, no offence.” “None taken, I’ve herd worse.” She replied. “Well truth be told I only gave the boy a potion and taught him some tricks not, real magic.” The wizard pulled a small vial of a thick green liquid from his robes and placed it on the table. “The powers will wear off in a few sex hazed weeks and then I’m sure the fool will be caught and taken back to the magic school.”

“However for a young and unfortunately not magically talented young lady such as yourself I will have to take a more drastic approach if I’m to teach you how to do it yourself.” “Like what?” Nicole asked. He stood. “You my dear must become my new assistant and learn from the doing rather than through magic. It will take longer but I assure you you’ll learn more about sex from me than a thousand years experience at a brothel will teach you.” For some reason it sounded almost sinister the way he said this, like the light was sucked from the room. Then again men always boasted, with wizards it must just have the creepy ring of truth when they start bragging about magic between the sheets. “Care to take your first lesion and begin your new life?” He said turning sideways and revealing the bed chamber through a small doorway behind him. If the mage boy was that good Nicole was practically twitching for the master. She flew off the couch and began striping as she fallowed him to the huge feather bed.

Nicole sat on her knees and watched the wizard disrobe. “From this point on I am your new Master.” He said dropping the robe and revealing the most enormous cock Nicole had ever seen. It was like when a snake looks at a bird, she was mesmerize, she just sat there as he approached. “Lay down.” He commanded, and it was a command Nicole herd it in his voice and she wanted to obey so badly, she lay back and spread her legs eagerly. He began to chant in a foreign language as he mounted her. There’s no way I can take all tha..... Her thoughts cut off as the Master entered her. From the very start something was wrong. Oh sure it still felt like the biggest dick she’d ever had but there was no way something so big could not cause pain going in. “Master?” She said trying to sit up on her elbows but she was already exhausted from excursion and the chanting continued. Oh gods it’s so good, not frantic like the mage boy, it was even more powerful a sensation than the hurried physical pleasure she’d had then.

Nicole wanted to place her hands on his hips and guide him through to her absolute completion but she was to weak to lift her arms, that was when worry tickled the back of her brain. “Master?” She said weakly. All Nicole could feel now was the fantastic burning thrusts into her pussy. The master looked down on her with thrill in his face. “Now I will open you to my magic and you will be mine!!!!!!” He roared. Nicole came, though she didn’t even have the strength to moan or cry out. She came as violently as she had ever in her life. Gods I’ve never had an orgasm like that. She thought as the ability to think returned, she could not look but it felt as though she’d been covered from the waist down in slimy cum and she struggled to breath.

Floating. I’m floating. She thought as visions of the house flew past her. The scents of the woods invaded her senses. There’s that pond again. She thought. “Now be my sacrifice and my slave.” The Master’s voice boomed again and she was flying once more. Splash. Nicole’s body had landed a few feet into the pond but she did not sink at once, the water only seemed to be a few inches deep not even covering her face as she lay limp. Then the sinking feeling came again and suddenly something pushed it’s way into her still loose and throbbing pussy. “Aug.” She managed to cry out, so forceful was the invasion but she was rapidly sinking into..... no this doesn’t feel like mud. She thought and struggled with the last of her strength to turn her head determined to see beneath the surface of the water even if it drowned her. Nicole’s eye’s passed through the murky, muddy surface, the last thing she saw before all went dark was a fantastic green grow that turned deep blue. She lay there and watched beneath the surface of the dirty water that had settled on top of what was not a pond.
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Unread 10-19-2014   #3
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Re: New Story: The Residue of Love ch.2

The Residue of Love
10 Years Later


Nicole sat in the chair waiting on The Master’s return. All her choirs were done, she’d cleaned the house, all the things for The Master’s meal were ready, but what Nicole really wanted was to perform her most important task, pleasing The Master. The sun shone through the window warming Nicole’s body, it had been easier to stay warm when she had worn clothes, she never did now. Then again it had been easier to stay warm when she had skin too but she didn’t really feel the hot or cold anymore. Nicole didn’t really feel anything anymore but the sublime pleasure that the warm sun, or any stimulus at all for that matter, now caused. This was The Master’s greatest gift to her and she would willingly spend the rest of eternity repaying him for it.

Nicole’s body was now composed entirely of a material The Master called Slime. She was completely transparent, with a blue tinge that changed depth with her mood. Nicole’s breasts had grown even bigger and more round after her transformation, her ass a little more plump than she’d like but that was for The Master to decide. She had the beautiful young body she had when she’d first come here only now it was perfected in her Master’s vision. Her skin was always slick with the slime her body was made of and somehow always produced a thin coating of the stuff to stay slick and slippery. Her once long brown hair hung down her back in a slimy blue sheet. Each strand could be singled out but if left alone it was more a solid mass like the rest of her body.

Her body however was not really that solid. With enough pressure you could force any object through the surface of her skin anywhere. Doing this of course triggered extreme pleasure and the slime girl equivalent of orgasm. Nicole could not wait for The Master to come home and use her. It was the only thing she had to looked forward to really, but it was enough. With The Master’s powers her body could do things she’d never even imagined before she had come here all that time ago, and always, always the feeling, the sensation. Nicole’s feelings and sensation were heightened to such an extent simple things like kisses or touched felt better than any sex she’d ever had when human and sex was like a mind shattering in devour she got to experience every night since she’d come here.

In short these were wonderful years that she’d lived here. She’d learned a million ways to cerate that amazing pleasure and how to share it with her beloved Master. She was what she’d always wanted to be, a sexual goddess.

The Master shuffled in through the door. Every day he would wander the forest collecting herbs, fungus and all manner of magical paraphernalia that Nicole had no interest in aside from sorting them for The Master’s use later. The Master tossed down his bag and began walking into the sitting area Nicole always waited for him in. “Missed you.” Nicole said spreading her legs in her chair in her usual provocative greeting. The effect was not necessarily lost on The Master, he stared down at her pussy, practically dripping with slick blue slime. He stared with the same hunger he had always had but something was missing recently in his glares. With out a word spoken Nicole stood up and walked across the room enticing her Master as if it was the first time not one of the many thousand times he’d come home. Nicole pressed herself against The Master, her slimy body moistening his robes but all traces of her would run out of the fabric after a short time, a slave should never leave stains in her wake, The Master would say. Nicole slowly slid down The Master’s front. The motion was smooth and flowing. Literally, no human girl could get down on her knees and never loose contact like she could. With no need for bones her body could bend and twist as she needed to seduce. Parting The Master’s robe Nicole caressed The Master’s thigh and his already huge member stood erect. This too was part of her body’s power, skin to skin contact with the slime would make any man rock hard and ready for her in seconds.

May I Master? She said looking up at him beaming a smile. “Ugh.” The Master groaned in disgust, he grabbed both sides of her head and roughly slammed her face into his groin. This was the problem Nicole had been sensing in her Master for some time now. A shortness like she was not pleasing him but he used her all the same. Nicole went about her task. Calling what Nicole did a simple blow job would be doing it an injustice. Nicole’s mouth formed around and surrounded The Master’s cock. Her slime body moving and caressing him as if a thousand mouths, a thousand tongues fought for the right to pleasure him. Luckily Nicole managed to catch The Master in her mouth as he forced her on himself. Of course it would not have mattered if she’d missed, any part of her body could change and form to create this sensation, however it was a strange feeling blowing her Master with her eye or her forehead, this just seamed more natural.

“I can’t stand that mindless loving stare.” He said forcing her head harder against himself. “Your so boring, all the other girls fought me to the bitter end but you just love this don’t you, you stupid whore.” Nicole’s face was pushed so hard against The Master’s pelvis she felt her facial features mash and deform. It didn’t cause her pain though, like everything else it felt sublime and Nicole didn’t need to see or to breath to do this so she worked all the harder. The Master eased off on the back of her head and looking her in her newly reformed eyes, his cock still in her mouth as she glanced up. “I’m going to have to find someone to replace you I think.” A stab of pain went through Nicole’s heart and it must have registered on her face because The Master got a triumphant look to his eye and with a shudder mashed her head back into his crotch once again and shot cum down her throat so hard she would have choked on it if her body had still had that reflex, but it did not.


Elizabeth sat alone at her table at the Dancing Cart man inn. She had intended to sit alone but the circle of empty tables immediately around hers was no doubt the fact that she sat in her full maga’s dress gown. People respected mages and maga, and when they needed something they were all to eager to ask but in truth the common folk feared the magic arts like a virulent plage. Elizabeth didn’t really care anyway, for a week now she had searched through this hay stack of a district for some manor of dark mage rouge the council had sent her hunting. Elizabeth squeezed her long pony tail that hung over her shoulder. She did not deserve this crappy task. One little angry outburst at Hall of Wisdom with her over seer and she was riding on the back of a hay wane with the task of hunting down some hedge mage who had probably just discovered blood magic or something. I do not need to learn to control my temper. She thought furiously. “I didn’t set Tomas on fire, that’s control.” She grumbled jerking her hair again. This town didn’t look like a place where women would just disappear but dozens of farm girls, lady merchants and ‘Business girls’ (the council’s white bread word for whore) had disappeared from this area in the last few years under suspicious circumstances.

Well at least I won’t have to go chasing people around in the dark tonight. Elizabeth thought. There’s about a dozen people in this hole in the road they call a town and they’re all in here by the looks of it. She went to take another drink of her cheep wine, the house best the owner claimed, and nearly choked as she sensed one of the most powerful illegal spells she knew, Compulsion. Brain washing magic here? Most mages weren’t even skilled enough to use it. Elizabeth herself was not skilled enough, though that didn’t stop her remembering the day they demonstrated it to her class at the magic school. Men training to be warlocks tongue kissing each other, the most prudish girls in the class stripping and walking between the desks nude, and herself a noble born woman, singing baudy tavern songs about how she could pleasure a whole ships crew at the top of her lungs. Compulsion was an evil thing and someone in the room had just used it, but who?

The few that even had a chance at being the one she was looking for were all engaged in conversations with towns girls. A gruffly handsome man dressed as a mercenary of some sort hitting on a server, an older man speaking with a young lady about her own age, and a short skinny man desperately trying to gain the full attention of what looked to be the towns only shop keeper. Elizabeth had to do this right, she couldn’t simply walk over to each table and ask the women if they felt particularly susceptible to suggestion. If the dark mage in here even suspected she was on to him he would already have been throwing fireballs. Damn this robe. She thought. I’ve completely given myself away. Then a plan came to her, gathering her things Elizabeth stood and made an overly obvious act of walking up stares. As soon as she was out of sight of the common room she dropped her books in the hall and made for the servants stares at the end of the hall.

The inns cook had only looked up at her as she passed, saw her robes and went back to studying his soup much more intently as she stepped out the back door. At least this was good for something tonight she thought as she stepped out into the dark and rainy stable yard. There was no way the dark mage would assume she’d miss the magical equivalent of a signal fire in the same room with her, this was a trap. She would have to take a different approach if she was to take him un aware.

Elizabeth went over crouched in a dry dark corner under the stables and began muttering a chant to change her clothing. Elizabeth’s robes faded away like mist to reveal an outfit much more suited to sneaking. The absolutely skin tight body suit she now wore was all the rage with thieves in the city. She had just bought it before she left and she had tailored her particular suit with magic. Mottled black and gray the suit blended with dark better than flat black ever could. All of one piece Elizabeth had taken it a step further and removed all seems and even the thin pockets. It could no longer be taken off or put on without magic but there was not a thread of fabric to rustle and she had treated it with a magic weave to prevent the fabric itself from making nosie if it rubbed together. Elizabeth’s hair was tucked into a tight fitting hood that framed her face.

This had been in fact the first time she’d worn the thing outside of her private rooms and she was already having second thoughts. Rather than hide with magic that could be sensed this suit was meant to let her blend into the darkness but it felt like it screamed LOOK AT ME! Elizabeth had always been fit, she couldn’t stand the fat old spinsters that had taught her at the magic school but this suit clung to every inch of her curvy body with the tenacity of magic meant to do just that. Elizabeth looked down and noticed that even the goose bumps on her skin showed through the suit, to say nothing of her very erect nipples in the chill night air. Gods it’s like I’m standing here in nothing but my skin. She thought plucking at the fabric molded all the way up the crack of her ass and the magnificent camel toe she presented out front. No way to fix it now, he may sense anything stronger than the spell to change clothes. She thought.

Elizabeth pulled up the face scarf that left only her eyes showing and began running to the front of the inn, she would wait in the shadows of the street and stalk whichever pair left the inn. He would most certainly take his victim away soon. Why stay once he had her snared, she was just the bait anyway. They would be the first pair out she was sure. After three jogging steps Elizabeth stopped. “Gods these things are so inconvenient.” She growled cupping her breasts. Elizabeth had always been well endowed, she was a source of more jealousy amongst her mousey class mates than even she enjoyed. The skin tight suit however let her fail around like a brothel slut. One tiny trickle. She thought weaving a binding of air that squashed her tits down against her chest, it needed much less magic than changing the outfit. He wouldn’t have felt it unless he was already looking for it. She told herself and made her way to huddle in a doorway that was both dark and had a view of the inn door.

From the shadows Elizabeth saw as a couple exited the inn and head down the dark street in this tiny town. “No Bryan I’m not buying your mushrooms to sell and that’s final now leave me alone it’s raining.” The woman’s voice rang out. “Please Meira I’m telling you they’re growing everywhere out there.” It was the skinny little man and the shop keeper, not what she’d expected. “Just come with me and I’ll show you.” He said and Elizabeth felt another blast of compulsion. She must have a titanic will to need another dose of that so soon, or is this another attempt at the trap? She wondered. He’s throwing that spell around with such abandon a maga in the next town would sense him and there’s no way he didn’t see me go up stairs even if he missed me at my table. So he’s trying to trap a maga eh? You should have stuck to farm girls I’ll see every snare you set and catch you unaware by sneaking rather than magic. “All right Bryan, I guess I could at least come see.” The girl said in that placid, zombie like way someone who’s will has been obliterated by compulsion talks.

The pair turned down the alley between houses towards the woods. Elizabeth fallowed down an alley one street down, sure enough a magical trip wire was set at the end of the alley that the couple had taken. It would have tied her up in weaves of air just like what she’d used on her chest only much stronger. No time to disarm it now, it won’t hurt any poor fool who triggers it. Elizabeth pressed on dodging two more different traps before reaching the edge of the wood.

Woods were dangerous for chasing mages, a snare could be set in a million ways from branches and between every tree but Elizabeth had been trained for just this and knew the most likely places to avoid and proceeded slowly and safely fallowing the gibbering voice of the shop keeper that was so obviously meant as bait. Elizabeth must have seen a dozen traps in the wood and knew there were plenty more she had simply avoided but the wheezily little man was no slouch about this. Most hunters would have fallowed the path and disarmed traps as they went, it gave yourself away but it was faster and he already knew he was being chased, Elizabeth had needed to dodge only a few traps set amongst the under brush and between random trees skirting the path by going through the trees.

As they got deeper and deeper into the wood the brush got thicker and twigs and small branches began snagging her as she tried to proceed however they could get no purchase on her magically form fitting garment and she never snapped anything on her way through. Finally she could see a clearing through the trees and her quarry dead ahead. Elizabeth circled around the clearing in the shadows making her way around to come up behind the little man and wrap him in air before he even seen her coming. Elizabeth readied the spell needed to block the mans powers, it needed to be forcibly slammed between him and the magic before he could defend. Making her way through these trees was becoming more and more difficult, the ring around the clearing was surprisingly thick. Branches swayed into her way with the weak wind, catching on her legs as she picked her way along. Gods it’s like the forest doesn’t want.... oh shit. Elizabeth stopped dead and the branches still moved to touch her. Shit, shit. Sticks and twigs began to twine there way around her arms and legs, around her waist. Only got one shot at this. She thought readying to throw her shield at the still visible dark mage. A shield slammed into her with such force Elizabeth was literally lifted off her feet and blown back but she never touched the ground again, the branches held her suspended in the air. Oh fuck, he’s so powerful. Elizabeth thought groggily as if she’d been physically struck. Only an arch mage could have that kind of raw power, what kind of monster have they sent me to find.

The little man turned and the twenty feet or so of forest between them literally moved aside to clear his view. Oh gods I couldn’t see the trap because the whole damn forest is one. Elizabeth writhed against her bonds but it was pointless both her arms and legs were completely warped in twisting vines. Elizabeth clawed for magic like a woman who has fallen down a well tries to claw her way out. She was about as far as the bottom of a well from touching her magic though. Now, now dear be at ease. The mage said taking a few steps towards her, as he came closer the magic forming his disguise faded away and a tail handsome man in flowing robes stood before her. Stark terror at her helplessness ceased her, she was alone in a haunted wood with an evil arch mage, she was shielded, bound and as helpless as the girl who still stood blankly in the clearing.

The mage stood there ogling her out fit like a common sailor as she hung suspended. “My you are a perfect one, and so modest.” A whip lash crack of power burst the weaving of air around her chest along with the hair thin fabric incasing her. Elizabeth’s breasts burst from there bonds bouncing and jiggling as she hung there exposed. Fear flashed to boiling anger, not a good choice under the circumstances but the pig actually had an erection under those robes. “You son of a bitch release me, release me you sick bastard!” Elizabeth flailed and struggled against her bonds which only helped make her breasts shake all the more. “Oh but you really are perfect in every Way,” he cupped one of her breasts. “Shape,” he grabbed her ass the bastard. “But..... not yet form.” She writhed under his touch still trying to get free. Even if I die it’d be worth it to slap this bastard just once. “What ever you do to me leave the girl alone.” She growled between clenched teeth. “Oh that little thing will wake up tomorrow out her with a head ache and wander back to town.” He said without braking eye contact. “All I wanted tonight was you.” He kissed her and Elizabeth screamed into his mouth.
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Unread 10-19-2014   #4
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Posts: 61
Re: New Story: The Residue of Love ch.3

The Residue of Love
Warm Welcoming


Nicole sat in the empty back room that was the closest thing to her’s in the house. It was where The Master sent her when he didn’t want her around and naturally she’d been spending lots of her time here. The room was practical empty, a few pillows and one sturdy chair sat in one back corner. A large metal bucket in one front corner. Not at all like the feather bed and fine furnishings it had once had before. Nicole sat leaning against the wall since there was no furniture. She could go sit in the living room but she wanted to be in this room. This was where The Master most often used her and there were so many memories, good and bad that reminded her of The Master.

A ruckus came from outside the house and Nicole sprang to her feet and into the living room. As she made it to the living room The Master barged in through the front door and Nicole froze involuntary. It was one of the powers The Master had, to take complete control of her body. Nicole turned and mechanically walked back into her room but from the living room she could hear the protests and struggle of what could only be a woman coming into the other room. Standing in the empty back corner facing outward The Master’s influence left her but she knew she was wanted in this exact spot. The Master had on occasion done this before, taking a girl from one of the towns outside the woods and bring her home to have his way with her. Or to have Nicole have his way with her, or some variation.

From the other room Nicole could hear The Master say as the other voice cut off. “Now I will take my pleasure of you and then make you my devoted slave.” “Go to hell!” The woman screamed. “You can rape me, and you can kill me but your never going to brake me.” “Oh? You think you can resist me?” He asked. “I can give you such pleasures a thousand years of training to resist torture could not prepare you for. However I think the best way to brake a fiery one like you is to first show you what I mean to do to you then crush your hope by doing it.”

The woman shuffled to the open doorway, she was bound by magic Nicole guessed by the way she took such slow short steep and looked like she was being prodded. Nicole had learned over the years that she knew absolutely nothing of magic and so long as she always had her sense of feelings she would never want for it. At first the woman appeared to ware nothing, her curvy yet bubbly body perfect and bare to the world but Nicole realized by looking at the pale skin of her face and chest she did not have dark skin but wore an absolutely skin tight dark suit with the chest ripped out to expose her nice plump breasts, no wonder The Master chose her. Nicole mused to herself. The Master had always had excellent taste in women and this one was no exception. Long slim legs rising to narrow hips and a tight ass, slim waist. Nice camel toe. Nicole thought to herself. She wondered how the front of that marvelously reveling yet canceling outfit had ripped to expose those nice tits. All topped off by a long head of hair done up in a disarrayed pony tail. In short a perfect specimen as The Master would say, although that look of contempt she gave The Master simply wouldn’t do.

As the woman set her eyes on Nicole they widened as big as saucers. It was a common reaction but this was somewhat more. The woman recoiled, or at least tried to, backing up against her bonds she rose to tip toes and bucked as if climbing up was an alternative to going back. “A PLASM THRALL!” She shrieked and began thrashing ten times as hard. “Oh so you know what it is?” The Master asked coming up behind the woman and grabbing a breast and ass cheek in each hand. “A magically bound slave, a soul ripped from it’s body and given a substitute form.” The woman droned in a haunted voice not even noticing The Masters fondling. So ungrateful. Nicole thought. “I prefer the name Slime Girl, and you my dear will be my new one.” “NNNNOOOOO. Gods No!” The girl shrieked and flailed but could barely move an inch.

“First your going to beg me to fuck you and you will be convincing. Then I shall make you mine and you shall take this flawed servants place.” Nicole’s heart skipped a beat and blue slimy sweat beaded on her breasts but she knew better than to show even a twinge of emotion even though The Master had released his influence. “Or. The Master continued. You will refuse me and I will give you to her, and I imagine she will do her best to break you. Then I will make you mine and you can serve me together. Choose.” The Master said. The woman looked Nicole up and down but to her credit stiffened. “Go to hell you bastard I wont let you make me into your whore as well as your slave.” A small smile spread across The Masters face. “Gods how I’m going to enjoy playing with you.” He said and looked to Nicole. Nicole needed no prompting, a slow smile spread over her face and continued to spread until Nicole’s mouth dominated her face in an inhuman parody of a smile. The woman went white and suddenly her bonds must have vanished because for a split second she slumped, looked confused at The Master and then bolted for the door.


Her bonds dropped, all but the shield blocking her magic of course, but Elizabeth was so terrified using magic was the farthest thing from her mind. She ran for the door not even thinking this mage could simply wrap her in air again but she had to get away from here. That thing was a Thrall. Elizabeth had learned of Thralls in her studies. Dark mages could tear the soul out of a person and then create a magical construct to keep it in and that person would then be the ultimata slave. Not able to escape because there body was the prison or they could even be brain washed to not want to escape at all. This bastard was obviously a sex mage, a black mage that drew his power from carnal energy. She’d be damned if she’d let herself become some living sex toy, lost forever to the world out here in these woods. And so she ran to the door.

Elizabeth only made it half way to the door before the bastard said. “Take her.” and the Thrall leapt forward clearing the few feet in an impossible bound and slammed into Elizabeth’s back. When it hit her Elizabeth felt the force of a person jumping into her but the woman liquefied as she struck Elizabeth’s back like she had been made of water. Elizabeth pitched forward hitting the floor with a wet slap landing in a large blue puddle but as her senses came back to her the puddle began to move and take shape around her. Elizabeth thrashed and strained trying desperately to get to the door but as she crawled thick blue tentacles wrapped around her hands and feet. “No!” She screamed as the blue mass surrounded her and turned her onto her back, pinning her arms and legs to the ground. The woman reformed from the slime above her, flowing into shape from the arms and legs up. Blue slime dripped down onto Elizabeth from the blue figure, Elizabeth watched as a droplet formed on it’s chest and ran down the side of one of it’s huge breasts hanging down above her, she cringed as the stuff landed on her cheek.


Gods it felt good to have this lively creature swirling up her insides. Nicole thought as she flowed over the thrashing woman, taking her time to reform, savoring ever kick and squirm. Finally leaning over her, holding the woman’s hands and feet within her own arms to insure escape was impossible. Nicole waited for The Master’s order. The Master came to stand next to them. “Now Nicole you will take this woman in my place and create your very own competition.” Nicole’s anticipation of playing with the woman shriveled up and died. Nicole felt strange, The Master was changing her somehow. “Ohh.” She gasped and looked down between her legs, the trapped woman staring in horror also. Nicole’s pussy twitched and all at once a very large cock sprouted out, the sensation was so much like being fucked Nicole nearly melted into an orgasm but The Master’s will kept her sold. A shower of blue slime cum sprayed onto the woman’s legs, Nicole had orgasmed hard as the dick came out. “Now Fuck Her To Death!” The Master screamed and Nicole’s body moved on it’s own as The Master took control. The bound woman shrieked in horror.


“OH GODS NO, OH GODS NOT THIS.” Elizabeth thrashed like a mad woman but her hands might as well have been manacled to the floor. This creature just grew a huge penis and was going to rape her. Terror finally winning over all other emotion. As the slime girl leaned down pressing herself on top of Elizabeth and with a slimy swish Elizabeth felt the cock gently stroke her private places. Elizabeth was not in fact a virgin, she’d had sex..... once. It had been in a broom closet at the magic school with one of her male classmates. She had been young, horny, and had convinced herself she’d loved him but the thrill of nearly being caught at any minute had played into it a bit too. Elizabeth remembered it had hurt a fair bit too, though she had known it would her first time. As the huge blue dick rubbed against her crotch however memories of that pain leapt to the forefront as she compared the sheer size difference of this to a human man.

Fear finally took over and no longer able to think Elizabeth screamed as loud as she could as the monster entered her. Not even caring to tear away the bottoms of her clothes it simply pressed through them, ripping them as it violated her. The sensation however was not what she remembered from her one and only time and her screams lessened, though not stopped, as she tried to process this feeling. The slime dick flowed into her, that was the best way to describe it, no pain but an uncomfortable slick, sliding feeling. Once inside her the dick swelled and grew in gentle pulses, filling her more fully than any human man ever could, every nook and cranny. In spite of herself Elizabeth gasped in pleasure and moaned with the throbbing pulses, her thrashing becoming more and more in time with the creatures thrusting. Looking up the slime girl seamed to be enjoying the sensations just as much and began to moan and panted in time with her.

Elizabeth felt the magic before she ever felt it’s effect but in her shielded and helpless position all she could do was lay there and get raped as the life energy was stolen from her body and carried off. “Nnnnnooooo.” She moaned much weaker now as the slime beast continued to pump away at her. She could barely move now much less resist and as the light faded from her shame skittered across her mind that she might have actually enjoyed dying if it felt this good.


The Master had only guided her through the first few strokes but taken by the sensation Nicole had no longer needed The Masters control and had been fucking this poor girl herself for some time now unguided. Only after the woman had stopped moving or making any sound had Nicole been physically able to stop. As she pulled out of the unconscious woman The Masters beautiful gift slithered back up into her with a slurp and she shuddered in ecstasy. Leaning down and pressing her head between the girls lovely large breasts. Nicole listened for a heart beat. “She still lives Master.” Nicole said looking up at him with joy. “Move.” Was his only response and Nicole slid off her as if her own life depended on it. The Master picked the crumpled woman up in his arms and walked toward the door.

Horror at what was about to happen seized Nicole and she bounded to her feet. “No Master please, I’ll do better to please you, Please don’t replace me, please.” She begged but The Master calmly walked out the front door as if she did not exist. Nicole stopped dead at the doorway knowing full well it was the boundary she was never to cross, but for a moment she considered crossing it if only to stop this from happening. “Master!” She wailed as he stepped to the waters edge. The Master did look back then and the joy on his face when he saw her despair lifted Nicole’s heart for the spilt second before he threw the girl in.
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Unread 10-19-2014   #5
Process Fan
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 61
Re: New Story: The Residue of Love ch.4

The Residue of Love
The Color of Rage


Elizabeth’s head felt like it would split in two. After a night of nightmares like that it was to be expected. She stared up at the ceiling of her room in the inn, morning streaming in through the window. Gods my head. She thought closing her eyes and putting her hands to her head. Squish. My hair’s wet? The thought ran through her mind as her eyes opened. Elizabeth was covered in some sort of red liquid. Why are my hands covered in blood, wait my hands are what’s red, wait I can still see the ceiling... THROUGH MY HAND. The thoughts raced through her mind picking up speed as she woke up. Elizabeth tried to sit bolt upright but barely rose off her back before she lost her balance and flopped back down to the floor with a wet slap. Elizabeth looked down in horror at herself, what of herself she could see from her back however was limited to an enormous mountain range of clear red slime in the form of an enormously huge pare of breast. Screaming Elizabeth scrambled to her feet. Oh gods it wasn’t a dream. Shrieked through her mind, she had not made it to actual words in her real screaming yet. Staring down at herself now standing Elizabeth could only shriek as her brain processed what had happened to her.

Elizabeth’s body was now completely made up of solid clear red slime and totally naked. Liquid slime ran down her skin in lazy drips. Ran through her hair making it a loose wet tangle. Slime slicked between her fingers, legs, and considerable cleavage. Slime even leaked from her eyes as they started to tear. Her body shape itself was much the same with one huge exception. Elizabeth’s breasts, which she had always thought of as too big to begin with were now enormous. Each as large as her head the massive orbs of slime hung out perkily, never sagging despite there size. Every step, every movement, EVERY breath made the freakish things jiggle and sway on her chest. “Gods what happened to my tits?” Elizabeth said and froze. Tits? Elizabeth was an educated maga and noble woman, not a tavern wench, why had she said tits instead of breasts. Elizabeth tried experimentally to say breasts. “Tits.” She clapped both her hands to her mouth with a loud squish and slowly backed up against the wall, mind locked. “Hahaha. Getting used to the new you?” A voice from the doorway said.


Nicole leaned against the door frame studying the new girl. She couldn’t believe The Master gave this bitch bigger tits than she had. Nicole thought but she stopped her jealousy. She had promised herself to try and get along with her new partner since they would most likely be working together for some time now. The girl just stood there against the wall like an idiot, hands clapped over her mouth. “The Master likes to sometimes take words away.” She said. “You’ll get used to it, and besides you have a really great set of tits.” The girls hands shot down from her mouth and around her chest in a flash and had she not already been red Nicole figured she’d be blushing. “Wwwhhhaaattt’sss happening ttttooo me?” The girl stammered. She was squeezing pretty hard on that rack. Nicole’s mouth watered at the thought of what that must feel like and at the thought of all the things she could do with those beautiful tits.

“It’s ok, just calm down.” Nicole said trying to calm her or at lest get her to focus. “My name’s Nicole, what’s yours?” She asked. “Eeelizabeth.” She forced out. She was defiantly having trouble focusing, squeezing like that. The poor girl probably didn’t even realize that incredible feeling was her own doing. “Elizabeth, stop squeezing them honey your turning yourself on.” Nicole said trying not to stare at the slime dripping down the girls leg from her crotch. Elizabeth looked down and released her chest like it was a hot stove, the resulting bounce made her hands reach up to caress them further but she stopped herself. Good self restraint. Nicole thought, watching those melon size tit sway to a stop was damn near hypnotic and she wasn’t the one attached to them.

“Where are we?” Elizabeth asked almost in a wail. “Is that sick bastard still here?” “The Master.” Nicole emphasized the title. “Is out right now and I’m supposed to get you ready for his return tonight.” “What the hell are you talking about? If he’s not here I’m getting out of here. You can come if you want to, maybe they can change us back somehow if we make it to the Hall of the Wisdom.” The girl started for the door. “Nether of us are going anywhere and I’ll keep you here if I have to.” Nicole said, it was not a threat just a fact. “You’ll keep me here?” The girl asked with a sneer. She began staring at Nicole very intently. Confusion passed over her face and Nicole raised an eyebrow, the girl stared again. “Oh gods.” She said her hands going to her head. “Oh gods, I can’t use magic!” She shrieked. “What are you talking about?” Nicole asked. “Get Out of my way! I’m getting out of here!” She screamed continuing towards the door. Nicole reached out and stuck a finger into the girls shoulder.


Pleasure. Mind shattering, soul crushing physical pleasure. Elizabeth orgasmed so hard she rose up on tip toes. Her back arched and at the peak of the feeling that blue slime bitch pulled her finger back out of her shoulder. Elizabeth dropped to her knees in a puddle of sticky red slime, her mind was spinning. “Uah.” She breathed out. “Yeah your first time is pretty fantastic hun? and look at all that cum. Light weight.” The slime girl said giggling. Stepping between Elizabeth and the door she looked down at her. “Now your not leaving and I can keep you from stringing two thoughts together for the next few hours till The Master to come back. Or, we can sit and talk.” Elizabeth scrambled back from the door on her hands and feet not noticing that the puddle she had been sitting in had seeped back into her skin, the slime was part of her and wanted to return to her. Elizabeth really did believed this thing could keep her here and she didn’t know if it was fear of that or fear of the anticipation of it that was the reason she backed down. “Oh.... suit yourself.” The slime girl said sitting down in the doorway. She actually looked disappointed.

There was a long silence as the two women just examined one another. “Well?” The slime girl finally said. “If we’re not gonna screw could you at least tell me about yourself? Why did The Master choose you? Where are ya from?” “I’m a maga.” Elizabeth winced. “I was a maga.” She couldn’t even feel magic around her when she tried to push this thing out of the way. This thing? She was as much a thing now herself, not a maga. Elizabeth pulled her knees up trying to become small, but she realized she could no longer sit like that with these massive tits taking up her front so she just sat there uneasily. “A Maga? Really? Wow can you like make fire in the palm of your hand and things like that?” The slime girl asked excitedly. “Did you hear what I said you stupid... thing!” Elizabeth exploded not even slowing down as she stumbled over what to call it. “I’m not a maga any more. What ever that bastard did to me I can’t use magic!” She shrieked the last and red slimy tears began streaming down her cheeks.

The slime girl had an annoying look of concern on her face at the outburst. Concern! That creature had done this to her. “My name’s Nicole not thing. She said. I can’t imagine what that must be like, to lose the ability to use magic, but you have a new life here, a better one.” “What’s going to happen to me?” Elizabeth asked. “Well The Master will come home soon and we will pleasure him. It’s our only job, aside from cleaning while he’s away. It’ll be great, even better than what I just did with your shoulder.” She licked her slimy finger in what had to be an attempt at seduction. “What was that you just did? I ....” Elizabeth trailed off. “Came?” Nicole filled in the last word. “I entered you. You’re a slime girl now. Anything that pushes into you will make you feel good, it feels like fucking.” She said cheerily like she was discussing a game.

Elizabeth looked down at herself. Oh gods she thought and experimentally held out one finger and then poked it into her thigh. “Ooohhhgggg” she moaned. Her finger met resistance and then slid into the surface of her thigh. It was like the caress of a thousand lovers, like that feeling when the slime girls dick had slithered into her and gently expanded. Like the most fantastic physical sensation she’d ever felt. In spite of herself she began sliding her finger back and forth. “Oh gods.” She moaned and banged her head against the wall. Every stroke fleet like playing with herself only every stroke felt like her peek. Her eyes opened lazily as she gasped. The slime girl, no, Nicole was staring at her. She pulled her finger out shame burning her. “Oh don’t look so ashamed.” Nicole said. “Fuck, what we’ll see of each other in the years to come is nothing compared to a little ‘me time’.” Elizabeth was mortified. She’d practically just masturbated in front of a complete stranger. “What do you mean in the years to come?” Elizabeth asked. Slam. The sound of the front door closing came from the other room. They both turned to stare at the doorway. “The Master’s home.” Nicole said so excited she was practically bouncing.

Elizabeth readied herself. What would she do? No magic, a woman against a man and a very powerful mage that had cursed her. Elizabeth just stood ready. The bastard strolled into the room taking his time and looked Elizabeth up and down. Elizabeth stared daggers at him. “Gods I knew you’d be perfect child but look at you.” He exclaimed. Elizabeth could take it no longer and charged him. She only got two steps before her body froze, not by air but literally controlled by magic. Just her own body stopping against her will. Elizabeth stared down at herself in shock and then back at the bastard wizard her hate redoubled. “Ah such passion. He said. It’s no surprise you became red with a temperament like that.” “Go to hell you fucking bastard.” Elizabeth spat and stopped in shock at the filthy language she had used, this wasn’t like her even under stress. Apparently her mouth and head were not frozen because she could talk just not move. “Even under this curse you’ll never brake m....” Her words cut off in a gurgle as Elizabeth felt something forcing it’s way up her throat from within and began to fill her mouth. As her mouth filled she realized it was not filling up but filling in from the sides and in a moment she stood there straining to make any sound at all and failing as her throat and mouth had filled in and became solid slime.

“Oh I don’t need to break you dear. In fact I’d very much like to see that stare of contempt every once and a while but you will learn respect eventually and unfortunately I think you will break in the end, if not as much as that weak willed blue whore.” He shot a glance at Nicole who kept her eyes down. “Now your going to service me in the most creative way you can think of and if I like it maybe I’ll give you some more freedoms.” Elizabeth could feel the slime of her throat shift again and she soon had a mouth and was able to move again as well. The mage parted his robes and exposed his massive erection. “You think I’m going to do this willingly?” Elizabeth said hatred burning within her. “You’ll have to rape me every night if you want any pleasure from me.” “That, was the wrong answer.” The Master said.

Once again Elizabeth’s body was not her own, only her head was still movable. “Now your going to fuck me the way I want.” The Master said. Elizabeth took a slow step forward. “NO! She screamed. No I won’t do it.” Her head thrashed slimy wet hair flying around her but her body slowly walked toward The Master. “No, stop wait!” She shrieked as she got down on all fours facing away from The Master and presenting him her ass and pussy in the air. For the brief moment Elizabeth dreamed she would not be able to feel it since she could not move on her own. The Master placed his hands on her hips and Elizabeth wailed at the sensation of his touch. “NNNnnnoooo ooohhhh aaauuuhhh.” She wailed as he thrust into her pussy with a wet squish so roughly it should have hurt. Her moans of pleasure said otherwise.

“No please gods stop!” She got in between thrusts and moans. Gods it feels so good. Ten times as good as before when she was human. I’m being raped and it feels so good. Raced through her mind. One of Elizabeth’s hands came up and began caressing one of her huge tits. “Oh gods I’m not doing this!” She wailed as her fingers tweaked her nipple on there own. “I have complete domination over your body.” The Master said. “I can make you do anything.” Elizabeth’s hand left her breast and went to her ass. “No, Augh.” She shrieked as her finger forced it’s way up her ass hole. “I can make you say anything.” Elizabeth’s mouth went still and then to her horror she began saying. “Oh yes, harder, fuck me harder Master, Yes!” “But.” He said as her voice cut out to silence. “It’s is only a matter of time before I control what you think too.” Control came back to her mouth and Elizabeth let out a wordless scream of horror.

She felt him cum in her like getting hit with a hammer and she looked down to see the pale liquid inside her disappear in her torso. Elizabeth’s bodily control returned to her and not ready she went limp, falling forward off The Master’s cock with a disgusting sucking sound. Elizabeth scrambled to the corner stiffly. Gods it all felt so good, it’s like I can no longer feel pain just pleasure. She thought. With a smirk the bastard stepped forward and to her shame Elizabeth cringed. However he turned and grabbed Nicole by the hair and forced her to her knees. Elizabeth could not tell for sure but it seemed Nicole still did have control of herself and busily began sucking his dick with fervor. Elizabeth watched in stunned horror as the dick in Nicole’s mouth, still visible through Nicole’s blue cheek, began getting longer. Half way down her throat a huge gob of cum burst out and slowly disappeared into the slime. The Master pushed her off by the forehead with a loud rough slurping sound. “Now that I’ve done for her I can get back to the task at hand.” Elizabeth screamed cowering in the corner but it was no use, her body was already moving on it’s own to get up.
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Unread 10-19-2014   #6
Process Fan
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 61
Re: New Story: The Residue of Love ch.5

The Residue of Love
Bucket List


Elizabeth ley huddled in the corner wide eyed. She had not slept a second since the bastard that did this to her had finally stopped rapping her and left her in the corner. Elizabeth tried and tried not to go over the events of last night. It was like a nightmare, she watched from her own prospective as her body did things she could not even have imagined. At least it would have been like a nightmare if it weren’t for the memories of how it all felt too. She’d made Lo...... she couldn’t even think what she wanted properly. She’d been fucked in the pussy, the ass, between these disgustingly huge tits, blew him several times and had even watched in horror as he fucked her directly into her stomach. Every touch, ever thrust, every swallow was pure bliss of sensation and she was just as tortured by the fact it all felt so good in equal proportion to the shame and disgust of the acts she had preformed last night.

Nicole came into Elizabeth’s view. “Good morning.” She said leaning over, her huge tits dangling down nearly blocking her view. For the first time since it all stopped she finally squeezed her eye’s shut. “Oh come on now.” Nicole said. “You’ve been laying there all night and I’m not cleaning this whole house myself every day.” Elizabeth squeezed tighter. “Go away you monster.” She moaned, red tears streaking down her face. “I could get you up and moving you know?” Nicole said and Elizabeth’s eyes shot open. “NO!” She shrieked, shrinking back into the corner so hard pleasure began to tingle along her back in a nice way. Shocked by this outburst Nicole drew back. “Ok, it’s ok I was only kidding. Come on, get up. You know The Master will punish you if you don’t help me clean today and you’ll be able to at least look outside as you work right?” The thought of outside burned in her ears. “Is he gone?” Elizabeth asked ashamed of how she was sure she could not steep out of this room if he was there to meet her. “The Master is out now but he’ll be back latter. Come on I’ll show you everything you need to know.” Nicole held out a hand. Elizabeth slowly reached up and hesitated as a drip of blue slime ran off Nicole’s hand onto her own but then reached out and was helped to her feet.


Elizabeth fallowed Nicole into the living room. “We have lots of jobs.” She said. “Sweeping, scrubbing, and dusting.” This girl was so strange she might just be more flaky than Nicole herself. All she did was stare out the front window as Nicole talked. She’s just new to this. Nicole thought. Still Nicole had been fighting waves of jealousy all night over this girl, she wished The Master fucked her with even half as much vigor as he had her last night and now she stood there now like a zombie.

Something small to get her used to things is what we need. “Why don’t we start with polishing the silverware? That’s an easy job and...” “Listen.” Elizabeth said cutting off her talk of polishing. “You seem to like it here but I get the feeling you were human once too right?” Nicole was confused, what did that have to do with anything? She was a slime girl now. She replied as much. “Don’t you want to be free again?” Elizabeth asked putting space between them and toward the front door. “Elizabeth, I know right now it’s all a little much to take in but you really don’t want that.” Nicole said looking toward the door. “AUGH!” Elizabeth screamed. “I’m not going to just lie down and get raped every night. I’m a maga and a high born lady you stupid whore.” “Oh! When did The Master tell you my nick name?” Nicole asked. The question seemed to throw Elizabeth off for a second but in a flash she whorled, nearly falling over as her tits swung, and stocked toward the door. “No don’t do it. You can’t.” Nicole shouted as Elizabeth opened the door.


Elizabeth stepped out the door. As her foot touched the flag stone step she knew it was a mistake. Elizabeth felt her foot sink into something and looking down realized her foot had melted, or more like deformed into liquid slime beneath her leg. With no support Elizabeth leaned farther forward and some of her leg puddled too. With one disparate grab she tried to pull back but missed the door frame and her whole body liquified as she fell to the ground. A moment later Elizabeth was aware she could still see, though not move at all. The blue sky above seemed to mock her as she lay helpless. Then her view began to shift and she knew she was moving, though not of her own will.

The sensation of flowing along the ground was so strange. She could feel every crack in the floor, every tiny speck of dust and as always it felt so good she wanted to moan but had no mouth to do so. Along the living room floor she slunk and Nicole came into view once again just like this morning. “You’ve really done it now. When The Master gets back you’ll sure be sorry.” Elizabeth continued on her way unable to do anything to speed or slow her progress. She slipped through the door that was there room and toward the corner with the bucket. Now Elizabeth wanted to cry out nnnnooooo. She wanted to scream for Nicole to help her but she could do nothing to express herself. Pooling around the bottom of the bucket Elizabeth mentally grimaced as she felt her body, if that’s what it could be called, rise up on itself and slowly, slowly climb the wall of the bucket. Elizabeth’s view shifted as the climbing movement got to the point that must be her eye’s and felt queasy as her view flipped over the edge.

As sight returned to her Elizabeth could only see the rim of the bucket and the ceiling immediately above her. I can move, I can scream, oh gods what do I do? For a space of time Elizabeth could not measure she sat trapped in her current state. Every now and then she’d hear a noise from the other room of Nicole cleaning or mindlessly humming to herself. The idiot was a sex slave and enjoyed cleaning up this perverts house. No that was not fair, gods only know how long she’s been here. Elizabeth thought. She has been completely broken to the point she enjoys her situation. Gods the feelings of pleasure she’d experienced last night were enough that she could understand wanting it. NO, no I can’t think like that for a minute or I’ll cess to be. Gods what am I going to do I can’t feel anything, even pleasure like this. With all her free time Elizabeth made a list in her mind of all the things she would do to this bastard if she was ever free of this spell. She also went over all the things she would have to forget when this was all over, that was a much longer list.

After some time Elizabeth heard booted foot steps in the room and knew he was home. A rising feeling came over her and after a moment her sight rose up and out of the bucket. Elizabeth’s body was slowly reforming and The Master stood scowling at her in the doorway. Let the bastard hate me, even death would be better than this. Where had that thought come from popped into her head as her body finished forming and distracted as she was, missed her chance to take control so rather than stepping out of the bucket Elizabeth feel to the floor at The Master’s feet. “You’ve not been doing a very good job cleaning.” He said. “There is a very nice clean track from here to the front door however.” “Fuck you.” Elizabeth spat not caring about her language. “I’ll keep trying to escape again and agi.....” her mouth disappeared. “I could hope for nothing better my dear.” The Master replied. Elizabeth got to her feet absent of her will.

“Now I’ll punish you, but, if you want it to stop, if you’d rather sit in that bucket for a while.” Elizabeth turned to face the bucket. “All you have to do is say.” He whispered into her ear. Elizabeth didn’t want the bucket, it was even more horrible than his touch. She stepped forward and leaned against the wall over the bucket. Elizabeth’s mouth reformed in perfect time for her to gasp as The Master rammed his dick into her ass. I can’t take this anymore Elizabeth thought as she wailed with pleasure. Gods it was so much tighter that her pussy. She grimmest at using the low born word for vagina especially because it was in her mind. Elizabeth could not move her legs or body, her arms braced her against the wall. Her head was free however and she whipped from side to side, her slick slimy hair lashing and her figures dug at the wall. “Do you want it to end?” The Master blew in her ear between beginning to suck on it. “All you have to do is ask.” Elizabeth’s pride won out. She knew from last night she could be here for hours in this corner and she wanted none of it. “Yyyyyyyeeeesssss, yes, yes stop.” She half screamed half moaned leaning her head back.

Solidity left her body and Elizabeth got out one last half scream as her head sunk into her back and her body melted off the end of The Masters dick and hit the bucket with a splash, half landing in, half out. As sight returned to her Elizabeth could feel her body running up the sides of the bucket and collecting in it. It was the last thing she felt. The Master leaned over the edge, cock still rock hard. “You’ll spend a week in there when I don’t take you out to fuck you.” He said. “By then I think you’ll have lost the nerve to even look out that door again. NICOLE!” He screamed. “Yes Master?” Nicole’s voice echoed from the door. There were no words but a moment later Nicole had pressed herself into the corner above Elizabeth’s bucket in the same position Elizabeth had been in, spreading her legs for The Master. Elizabeth could not move to look away and had no eyelids to close. As they proceeded little drips of cum and blue slime fell into Elizabeth’s eyes but she could do nothing. Part way through Nicole looked down into the bucket under her. She smiled widely and shrieked with pleasure as The Master pumped away.
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body inflation, bondage, magic, slime girl, transformation

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