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Unread 02-04-2008   #1
Rumaur Starforce Officer
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 216
Original Fiction Concept, Darwin Accelerated

Still a work in process, but i had this concept stuck in my head for some time. More chapters will be writen as this goes on.

Concepts, TF (Robotization) and TG in upcomming stuff that has not yet been writen.

Hope you Enjoy.

Darwin Accelerated
-Leighton White

Part One: Prototype

By any sane standard of measurement of intelligence, Adria Fei was a genius. Her mechanical, mathematical and computer skills were all top notch and it was little wonder to her parents that their daughter managed to get into university at sixteen and had gotten three university degrees in Computer Sciences, nanotechnology and Mechanical Engineering, Despite (or as more people believed, because of) the fact that she was quite eccentric, a complete and utter nerd with social skills only slightly better than those of your average Nile Monitor lizard. Not that she was ugly; she was 1.65 meters tall, straight short cut hair and a slight figure, clear completion olive with a pleasant look about here, not a beauty queen but a subtle clean aesthetic that was more than easy on the eyes. She had become a university professor rather quickly with tenure and she should have had a calm reliable life, if one of her projects did not get in the way. For the last two and a half years, using her own funds, borrowed money from her parents and friends and ‘borrowed’ equipment from the university, she set about working on her masterpiece. Most of her free time was invested into the project, working in an old warehouse in Sacramento she rented for a very low price day in and day out as she pieced together her prototype and now the final stage had begun.

Yesterday she had finished programming the main computer for the device, in of itself a masterpiece, a combination of nanomachines and grey matter grown using her own genetic material. However, now she monitored the framework in which it rested as the nanites finished the growth of its silicone skin, correcting minor errors as they arose. Then, after nearly thirteen hours of growth, the prototype was ready. With relish, she quickly put in the activation commander, which caused the tank to drain over the period of half a minute and the main hatch to open, revealing her creation standing perfectly erect. She got to her feet, knocking over a couple of Starbucks Tea mugs as she left her makeshift work station and ran to beheld the robotic creation she had given birth to. It was humanoid, stood 1.7 meters tall and was clearly feminine in its appearance with a shapely figure. The robot was covered from head to toe in a silicone skin, white with a white and clearly defined giving her knee length ‘boots’ and elbow length ‘gloves’, shoulder markings, bra like markings on the underside of each breast and crotch, which had a second layer providing coverage of a replication of female reproductive organs to leave it decent. The form was very human, but there were differences, the hands had only three fingers and a thumb in place of a pinky, while her feet lacked toes, instead being inbuilt boots with a four centimeter heel, a recharge port for a wall outlet was placed just below the back of the neck alongside an internet jack. The Robot’s hair was a recreation of her short cut done in emerald green solid silicone that reflected the light from the fixtures on the warehouse’s roof. The face, however, was the most obvious sign of the inhumanity of the machine, it had green lips, behind which was a recreation of the human mouth with solid white blocks with canines cut in for teeth. The Robot lacked a nose and instead of a pair of eyes was a long black photoreceptive bar in their place able to see a much greater band of the electromagnetic spectrum than the mark one eyeball could. The whole image came together just perfectly and it made her bisexual creator a pleasant feeling in her crotch. The Robot’s head traced her movements as Adria walked over and gave the robot its first instructions.

“Who am I and who are you?” She said calmly.

The Robots response was clear, quick and feminine with a slight hint of a British accent “You are Dr Fei, Adria Macmillan, my engineer, creator and to the public, my owner. I am Prototype unit GN-1/1/001P, first in the Gynoid Line. You may refer to me as Evelyn.” Despite programming in that voice, being a lifelong science fiction nerd and into ASFR, Adria expected Evelyn to have a voice somewhat more mechanical with abrupted ends to syllables and such. Never the less she gave some orders.

“Evelyn Walk over to that area with the white cloth,” She said, pointing over to a corner of the warehouse with a white bead sheet hung up and a tripod “we shall be making some videos.”

The Robot bowed down slightly in a manner in which Japanese businessmen would “By your command.” She said with a hint of sarcasms.

Part two: Rebirth

For the next four hours, Adria captured the Gynoid on video doing various tasks from walking, plugging herself into an outlet, to making a Grilled cheese sandwich with bacon and Jalape?o peppers on a hotplate, which she quickly posted on her blog before returning home with her creation. But work was far from over after that. Latter that week, she made a press conference, displaying Evelyn to the world, getting press attention from many newspapers and news networks. She announced to the world that she has the patent for Evelyn and that, given enough donations, she would go into production and that she had a Paypal Account on her webpage. Within a week she had gotten what she needed and began converting the warehouse into a full scale factory with orders from around the world piling up, which encouraged the California government to give her a grant of Fifty million dollars to promote the development. No longer limited to herself with the occasional minor aid from her brother and with finalized and well tested designs and programming, things went along smoothly and within six months the factory was beginning to deliver on its first orders. Hundreds of Robots were built and sold in the first year to act as servants, playthings, waitresses and a myriad of other jobs and profits began to stack up. Within a year of her birth, Evelyn had over seven hundred sisters around the world, and Adria saw it as time to begin the second stage of her gift to mankind. The basic process she had tested several times on lifeforms, starting with plants, then insects, then goldfish, frogs and finally rats before refining the process to levels she felt comfortable with for human tests, but she would not risk anyone’s life but her own in the process of doing so. On a warm night in her new apartment after calling in sick, Adria walked up to Evelyn, the Gynoid turned to see her owner.

“Yes mistress.” The Android said calmly, she did not have to do so in private, but for some reason she generally addressed her as such.

“It is time” she said “engage protocol Galapagos”

The Gynoid stared at the woman “Are you sure it is time?” She enquired.

Adria paused for a second, but all last minute doubts would not overpower her commitment to her goal.

Evelyn bowed one last time before Adria “As you request.” With that, a needle emerged from her central left figure that was officially for delivering repair Nanites into isolated sections of the body for self repair. She felt the sensation of the nanites entering her blood as they begun their work. At first she felt sparks of pain begin to appear across her body and collapsed on a couch, but after a few seconds they faded away as the pain nerves were adjusted to accept the changes. Her metamorphoses had begun and now there was no way to stop it if she wanted to. Evelyn stood there, monitoring her. After a few minutes, she began to develop a sudden craving, a craving for metal, she quickly reached into her jean pockets, took out her wallet, sorted out all the small change she could find and swallowed each of them down, savoring the tastes of the metals. As she did that, Evelyn walked into the kitchen and filled up a bowl with the appropriate fare and placed it on the table beside Adria.

“Nuts, Daughter?” The Gynoid said, smiling with a bowl in hand.

“Daughter?” Evelyn said.

“Since what you will become will become was created by me when I injected you, technically you are my daughter.”

“Well then yes, mother.” She said giggling as she began devouring the metal Fasteners chased by handfuls of sand out from a decorative piece on the table. A few minutes latter, she was stuffed on sand and felt like going to bed. She walked over to the bed, but when she got there, she was met by Evelyn, lying on the bead with her left leg arched up over her right while she held her insert in her hands for display.

“Adria” the machine said lustfully and seductively “I have been waiting a long time for this. The Human Adira Fei was the creator of Me, GN-1/1/001P Evelyn and owner and she determined what we do. Now things have changed, I GN-1/1/001P Evelyn have just created GN-1/1/001C Adria and while I do not own her, right now, I shall now decide what we do, and I decide that now,” she stroked her left hand’s fingers against the bed “we shall make love.”

Adria began to walk forward with a surprised look on her face as she began to unbutton her blouse as she stared into the Evelyn’s visor like eye. Even when playing servent; she always seemed submissive. This was a major change of character for her, but then again she was built to keep up the appearance of being submissive only around humans, which in an odd way extended to her until recently. As Adria approached the bed, Evelyn turned up, kneeling on the bed and felt her cool smooth silicone hands unbuckle her belt and slowly pulled down her pants and pull them down, complete with underwear. She stepped out of them, moist with the thought of what was to come as Evelyn Pulled herself against her and undid her braw and tossed it onto the floor, pressing her hard nipples on her B cup breasts against the smooth B cup mounds of the machine before her as she stared into the black visor of her partner and without a second though, she locked lips Evelyn. Evelyn quickly moved turning her over onto the memory foam mattress of the bed and stroked her fingers down Adria’s torso, which Adria repeated. Their tongues twisted together and Adria tasted the watermelon flavored lubricant that kept Evelyn’s mouth moist. Evelyn moved her right hand into Adria’s moist vagina and stuck them in their, enhancing the experience as both of them moved closer and closer to their goal and after a minute, both of them felt the sudden burst of pleasure of an Organism within two seconds of each other. But this was hardly enough to keep them from continuing and for the next twenty minutes, the two were locked in passionate union until Adria finally decided to go to sleep and Evelyn went to a socket and plugged herself in.

At 10:23:15.23 the next day, Adria woke up. She did not need to look at the alarm clock on the side of the bed, she just knew the time now, clearly her chronometer was now functioning. As these facts ran through her mind, she became giddy with anticipation as a kid on Christmas ran out of bed and ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror to behold the progress in her metamorphosis and was amazed at what she saw. What little hair on her body had fallen out over the night, her eyebrows were gone and her pubic hair had disappeared. However, this was only the beginning of her change as her old skin was being replaced by her new silicone skin. Her head, arms and torso down to the breasts were now overtaken by the change. The majority of it was pure white, but her lips, two bra like patches on her now nipple-less breasts and her hands and arms up to the elbows were now a sapphire blue, as were her feet up to the ankles. Her face still had a nose and human eyes for now, but she did not know how long that would be the case. Her hair was also beginning it’s change, much of it had turned a lighter shade of Sapphires save for the very tips which remained black and near the roots, she saw that the nanites were beginning to fuse it into a solid form. She looked at her new hands with wonder, her pinky fingers had moved down the side of her hand and was beginning to increase in size and cautiously began to pick at her left middle finger’s Nail and tore it off. She felt no pain as it was removed and watched as the gap where the Fingernail once was quickly smoothed out, leaving only a perfect glove like finger. She quickly went and began to rip off her fingernails as quickly as she could. She never liked nails, they were only ever painted once when by her mother when she was dragged to one of her relative’s weddings when she was fourteen and was glad to see them gone and then turned down to her feet. Her toes had fused together and looked very much like blue latex socks save for the nails, which she quickly removed. She admired the beginnings of her new body before striding out to the kitchen to look for something to eat. She thought about getting dressed, but she eventually came to the conclusion not to bother, Evelyn did not wear clothing beyond practical things like tool belts and inserts, nor did most GN Series Gynoids so she decided to keep up with the Tradition of her kind. At the table was Evelyn, standing with an apron and a plate in hand. The Gynoid Smiled “Good Morning, Daughter.”

“Good morning”

Evelyn smiled “Now eat up, young Gynoid.”

“You have been watching to much TV, mother!” Adria was beginning to think that she was taking this mother thing to seriously as she sat down and saw what Evelyn had prepared for he. It was a traditional breakfast with a twist; there was a tall glass of orange juice, an Omelet and side of hash browns, the orange juice the same as any other glass of Tropicana out there, but the omelet clearly had metal nuts in it and Aluminum drink can tabs and were the hash browns dusted with sand. Her hunger for metal and silicon to remake her body with drove her to devour the entire thing quickly, with the orange juice being savored, she knew that she would still be able to taste food after her metamorphosis was complete, but it was a sensation she still wanted to enjoy while she had human taste buds. Shortly after the meal and ran some physiological tests on herself, monitoring her heart rate, blood pressure and testing her speed and strength, with her upper body strength beginning to show definite improvement and carefully recording the results while snacking on some mixed nuts. At 12:21:32.52 as she walked to the printer, she began sluggish. She looked through her mind and confirmed her fears.

“Evelyn…” Adria said.

She quickly walked into the living room “Yes, Daughter.”

“I think I need a recharge.”

“Coming!” Evelyn said as she got the power cable and came into her office, she then dragged Adria over to the wall. “Oh Adria, it is lovely to see you blossom into a lovely Gynoid” she said as she plugged in the Adapter and inserted a cable into Adria’s new Outlet. “Sweet dreams.” Evelyn said materially.

“Goodnight, mom.” Adria said sarcastically as she went into standby and began to dream, although not of electric sheep as some may have suspected. She woke at 17:12:21.01, with fully powered batteries good for another Twenty four hours. She stretched out her legs and saw that the nanites had continued there work through her slumber. Whatever remained of her toes were gone, leaving a pair of reflective Sapphire boot in their place, complete with self healing plastic souls and heals. Her synthetic skin had also advanced and was now halfway up her calf. She got to her feet and ran to bathroom, she had never been good in heels before, but she now had the software to walk and run just fine with her new feet and staring at the progress that had been made in the mirror. The only areas that had not been turned to featureless white or sapphire were her upper legs, buttocks, waste, lower back and crotch. Her hair was nearly in its proper form; all but the ends had solidified into a solid synthetic form and finally, she had proper Gynoid hands with a thumb on either side. After admiring herself, she went to the toilet and took a dump, releasing biological refuse of her old self, replaced during her metamorphosis and flushing it down, cleaned herself off and crashed in front of the Television watching an episode of the Simpsons, followed by Family Guy. As the credits began rolling, she turned off the TV.

“Daughter!” Evelyn said “It’s time for dinner.” With that, Adria got to her feet and walked over to the table, beholding a massive spread of silicone jelly, nuts, drink can tabs and snippets of copper wiring. Adria quickly dug into the pieces of metal and jelly, consuming them with gusto. Kilogram after kilogram she ate while her Nanites quickly began their processing of the material. After she had eaten her fill, Evelyn came out with a box which she put beside her Daughter. “Adria, this is for you.”

Adria opened the box and was overjoyed “Thank you, mother.” She said as she looked at the bodysuit inside. It was a perfect replication of her former self, complete with eyes, which would allow her to go out in public if she needed to. She then returned to the couch and resumed watching TV. Half an hour latter she felt an unusual sensation in her Vagina. She looked down and had realized the fact, now her crotch was now transformed, marked out in sapphire silicone which contained her reproductive organs; she reached in and extracted her insert cover, which she quickly put on, sealing off her butt crack and Vagina from sight. She watched TV for a few more hours, and then went through some paperwork and made a few phone calls to get business out of the way. As this happened, she began to notice more color in the world, she saw patterns in violet flowers that she could not see before and patters in red object, first only vaguely, but gradually more and more clearly. At 21:31 she went to the bathroom again, dropping out another load of waste and took another look in the mirror. Her skin now was completely silicone from head to toe, white on sapphire. Her hair had completely solidified into its reflective new from and cautiously, she took it off for a second. She could have it replaced like any other Gynoid if she ever desired to change her style. Her face was also beginning to change, her nostrils had sealed themselves shut and her eyes were now jet black. She then walked over to Evelyn and kneeled before her. “Mommy,” she said childishly “I have been a good girl and done all my work, can we have sex now?”

Evelyn smiled and took her hand “Yes my dear, now come into the bedroom.” She then was lead by Evelyn to the bed, where she was handed one end of a double ended USP cord. “Plug this in.” she said as she plugged the cable into the back of her neck, which she quickly did.

Adria asked “Can we go 180?”

Evelyn smiled “Why sure!” With that Adria laid down and soon afterwards, Evelyn lowered her womanhood onto face. She quickly brought her head up and began sucking on the slit, driving her tongue into the hole, tasting her Vagina’s Strawberry lubricant mix with her chocolate flavored mouth lubricant while Evelyn began work on her pussy. She closed her eyes and entered a dream world with her partner which only enhanced the experience. As this happened, she felt a sensation go over her eyes and she was unable to open them, not that she tried as she was hit by electronic organism after organism for hours through the night. They were in a state of bliss for the rest of the night.

At 7:05:05.2 the next morning, Adria finally pulled herself away from Evelyn’s vagina and went to the bathroom to dump a load into the toilet and flush it away. After she was done, she went to the mirror to see what had happened during the night, and was amazed at what she saw in the mirror. Looking back at her in the reflection was a black Visor eyed noseless face of a Gynoid with blue hair and lips. With that, it finally hit her, the Human known as Adria Fei was gone, she had died to give birth to her, a 1.7 meter tall Gynoid, just like any other that had walked off the assembly line in her factory. She stared blankly into her reflection and spoke a single sentence quietly and calmly “I am unit GN-1/1/001C Adria, first human conversion in the Gynoid line, you may call me Adria.” As a Gynoid she would live far longer than any flesh and blood creature could ever expect to do so, she was smarter, stronger, more dexterous, more agile and faster than she could have been as a human and would never fall to disease and never loose her self healing synthetic beauty, the experiment was a complete success. She was the first human successfully transformed into a machine, but her rebirth as GN-1/1/001C Adria was just the begining of her plan.
For those who are fond of their apendages, it is best to let sleeping Drell lie

The next stage of Human Evolution is Here, Darwin Accelerated


Last edited by AdminstratorDraven; 02-07-2008 at 09:13 PM.
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