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Unread 08-07-2006   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2006
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Posts: 168
The First Kiss (Incomplete)

Well, I wanted to contribute to the process in some way, and I can't draw, at all, so I decided to try my hand at writing. This is my first story, so all comments are welcomed. Please give suggestions and tell me what you liked/diddn't like.

This story contains AP, AR, TG, DTG, BE, and sex.

I'd like to thank Sutibaru for giving opinions and being an editor of sorts.

So here we go, and I hope you enjoy.

The First Kiss

“Leave me alone!” Livia cried, always wondering why everyone one at school always picked on her. “Look at Livia!” the bully shouted, “Why do you look like a boy all the time?” Livia wished she wasn’t so lanky, so people would stop calling her a boy. Even when she wears her mini dress, it never helps; they still think she’s a boy. She just didn’t understand it. She was just lanky and still had baby looks compared to the other girls in her class. They were just beginning to “bloom” or whatever that meant; it was something the adults always said. She couldn’t understand why she had to be a late bloomer, as her mother called it. She was ten, but she still had the height and the features of an eight year old. She constantly wished she could grow up, so people would stop making fun of her.

“Lanky Livia! Lanky Livia!” the bully and his group chanted. They always called her that. It just wasn’t fair. “Leave her alone!” someone shouted from behind her. “Well, if it isn’t little Jessica,” the bully called to the voice behind her. She spun around and saw it was Jesse, the boy who was picked on cause he looked like a girl. “My name is Jesse, and leave her alone Ray!” Livia never knew why Ray always had to pick on them. Jesse always took what anyone said to him, but when they bothered her, he always stood up to them. She always wondered why he would do that. “I’ll call you whatever I want, you little girl!” Ray shouted at Jesse. “Well that’s fine, but leave Livia alone!” Jesse said, “She never has done anything for you to bother her!” Jesse reached down and pulled her up off the ground, “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

They started running down the hallway, heading for the library, knowing that they could hide there, are hopefully find the librarian to tell her what was going on. “Get them!” Ray yelled at the others, starting the chase. Jesse pulled her along, being able to run faster then Ray because of his small size. Livia was running fast anyways, she wanted to get away from her tormentor. They shot around the corner, and practically dove through the library doors. Running to the right where the encyclopedias were kept on the tall rows, they hid behind the third row. Jesse watched the door, and saw Ray charge in. “Where are you, you little weaklings?!” Ray shouted. “Excuse me son, but what are you doing yelling?” Mrs. Jackson came walking up to Ray. “Why don’t I take you to the principal’s office and see why you think you can just run around the school, yelling all the time.” Ray was caught. Livia released a breath, knowing that would be the last Ray would bother her, at least for today. Ray’s group left quietly and quickly, not wanting to be in the same boat as Ray.

“Thanks Jesse, you saved me,” Livia thanked Jesse. “Hey, it was no problem; I just get tired of them bothering you all the time.” Jesse replied. “Why would you do that for me, Jesse?” Livia questioned. “Well, what they are saying is wrong. You are just as pretty as any of the other girls in our class.” Livia couldn’t believe what he was saying. No one had ever called her pretty. She knew she was blushing. Why would anyone treat her nicely, no one but her family had ever done so. As she was lost deep in thought, all of a sudden, Jesse leaned over and kissed her on her lips. She didn’t know what to do. She had never been kissed. She had heard other girls talking about kissing their boyfriends on the cheek and holding hands, but never heard anyone talk about kissing on the lips. It seemed wrong, but felt really good.

Jesse pulled back quickly, searching Livia’s face for a reaction. Livia was still in shock. “I’m sorry Livia, but I was thinking about my first kiss, and I wanted it to be with you.” Livia was on the verge of tears. She couldn’t believe he wanted anything to do with her, even be her friend. Livia looked back to Jesse, but he was looking sort of sick, and he was holding his stomach. “What’s wrong Jesse?” Livia was concerned, that maybe she gave him her cooties. She had heard the boys in class talking about how girls had cooties. “I don’t know, I just felt weird all of a sudden.” Jesse replied. Livia felt something wrong with her too. It seemed like she had a stomach ache. She felt warm, a little light headed.

For some reason, it seemed that her shoes were a bit tight. Also, her underwear seemed tight too. She stood up and leaned against the shelf. She looked over at Jesse, and noticed that he had his shoes off. It also seemed like his pants were too small. His pant legs looked to be too short. She felt that her shoes were tighter, so she decided to slip them off. She looked forward, and looked at the other row. She noticed that she was looking straight at the third shelf. She used to have to sort of look up to see the books. Something was wrong. Her chest had started to tingle. She looked down, and noticed two small dots sticking out in front of her chest, through the dress. She wondered what was going on. It also seemed like the scrunches holding her hair in pigtails were tight too. Almost like there was more hair flowing through them.

She looked over a Jesse again, and he was hunched over, on his knees. It seemed that his arms were darker. She looked closer, and noticed he had hair on his arms. It wasn’t much, but there was hair there. He also looked stronger, no one would think he was a girl now. Livia felt her thighs and hips expand, and her backside had blown up like a balloon. She could feel her pelvis bones shift and expand, widening out. She felt something changing in her private area, it felt like she had to go to the bathroom. She could feel that her underwear was moist, and she didn’t like it one bit. She could tell she was taller now for sure, and her pig tails were now touching her shoulders.

Her underwear was super tight now, cutting in her thighs and waist, and her mini dress was much shorter on her now, way above her knees. She looked down and noticed her legs had reshaped. She wasn’t lanky anymore. Her legs looked so pretty. They were rounded and had much more definition. Her dress was getting tight also, around the waist and around her chest. The sleeves were barely sleeves anymore, hardly covering her shoulders now. She heard a rip, and she looked down, feeling air blow in an area that it shouldn’t be. She felt what was left of her underwear fall down her legs, sliding to the floor.

She again felt a tingling sensation in her chest, noticing the dots were much bigger, looking like little fingers sticking out from her chest. Then, with a feeling that felt so amazing, the area around the “fingers” expanded, filling out. She now realized what was happening. She had boobies. Her older sister had them, and she always wished she had them, so people would stop making fun of her. Some of the girls in her class had little ones, but hers were already bigger than that, and only getting bigger. As her chest continued to expand, the dress was only getting tighter and shorter, stretching the seams but not tearing, having elasticity. She couldn’t believe how tight her dress had gotten. It was now really short, barely covering her private area. As her breasts were finishing, little did she know, she looked like an 18 year old now.

She looked over at Jesse again, and what she saw shocked her. He was….handsome. His clothes had been pretty much ripped to shreds. He looked so big. He looked so much stronger and bigger now. She noticed that he looked a lot like her 20 year old brother. He saw in between his legs, and notice that she could see his….privates. Her body was having strange reactions to seeing him exposed like this, and she didn’t know how to react. She felt a breeze around her area again, and it was so cold, she reached down to cover it up, and rubbed something that sent a shock all through her body. It felt so good. She wondered what it felt like if she stuck a finger in, so she decided she would test it. It brought her to her knees. She couldn’t believe how good it felt, she hardly knew what was happening, but she didn’t want to stop.

Jesse finally came to his senses, and saw what was Livia was doing. She looked so….beautiful. He knew what he was seeing was something he wasn’t supposed to see, but he didn’t know what else to do. He noticed that his penis was reacting in strange ways to what he was seeing. It was getting….bigger.

Livia saw that Jesse was watching her, so stopped what she was doing, and tried to cover her area. She pulled on her dress as hard as she could, but it was so short now, it just wouldn’t cover her private place. She noticed that his thing was huge now, and pointing straight up at her. She was shocked that it looked like that, it was so big before, but now, sticking up like that, it was gigantic.

“Jesse! Your thing! You need to hide it!” She stopped what she was saying almost right after getting it out. Her voice sounded so different. She sounded like some of her teachers, her voice wasn’t deep, but it was just different. She was certainly older now. “Where am I supposed to put it?” Jesse said, “It sticks out too far.” Livia couldn’t believe what his voice sounded like. It was so much deeper. He sounded like her dad or the principal. He was a man.

She could not believe what had happen to them. Jesse was starting down, examining himself. Livia was watching curiously as he went to touch his manhood. He started to touch it, and Livia could hear that he was breathing heavily. “Jesse! What are you doing?” Livia asked. “I don’t know, but it feels good.” Livia’s shyness was being overridden by curiosity. “Can I touch it?” Livia asked. “I guess so.” Jesse replied. She slid over next to him, looking around the library, suddenly remembering where she was. But it was empty. No classes were in there and Mrs. Jackson was in the principal’s office. She looked back to him, afraid to touch it now. She slowly reached out, and touched the tip. As soon as she did, Jesse let out a moan. “That feels better than when I touch it.” Jesse said. As Livia was touching it, she felt something brush her private area. She looked down, and saw Jesse’s arm going under her dress. “What are you doing J-“ Livia was interrupted when Jesse plunged two fingers into her. She let out a moan and was shocked at how good it felt. Livia’s legs involuntarily spread open for him. She didn’t know what she was doing, but it felt so right. Her hips began sliding back and forth against his fingers, she had no control over what her body was doing. He pulled his fingers out, and asked, “I wonder what this feels like in there.” Livia looked down to his thing, and couldn’t help but wonder herself. She remembered walking into the TV room when her parents weren’t home and her brother was watching some video with adults on there, the man sticking his thing in the girl. It seemed that the girl on the movie was enjoying it. “Ok, Jesse. You can put it in.” Jesse crawled over to her, she laid down on her back, very nervous, but so curious to what it was going to feel like. He was on his knees and hands above her. He looked nervous as well. She reached down to find his thing, and directed it to her private area. He slid forward ever so slightly, and she could feel his thing against her area. He moved forward more, splitting her folds open, sliding in. Livia cried out in pain when he hit something, but it seemed as if he tore through. Then a wave of sensation hit her like nothing she had ever experienced.

It was so amazing. She could not remember anything feeling this good. He was all the way in, and he pulled back every so slightly. His thing rubbed something that sent bolts of pleasure through her. She thought that it was the same thing that she had rubbed earlier. He moved back in, going deeper, and the feeling was even more shocking to Livia. She let out another moan, not being able to control her body. Jesse began moving faster, seeming like he was having a hard time controlling his new body also. She could not believe how incredible everything felt. She was so happy that she grew up so quickly.
He began to grunt, and Livia felt something warm shoot through her. That is when she exploded. She could no longer hold ant control over her body. She began to buck wildly, nearly screaming and moaning at the top of her lungs, not being able to control herself. In one last explosion of sensation, her body shook with delight as she let out one last defying moan.

Jesse pulled out, and set back against the shelf behind him. He could not believe what just happened. It had felt amazing. He began to feel tingling in his penis. He looked down to see it shrinking and going limp again. “Hmm, that fast?” Jesse questioned his own body. But something wasn’t right. He watched it continue shrinking, as he felt his stuff under his penis being pulled out of the bag of skin and being sucked up into his body. He could feel new pathways being opened and other areas changing. He had no idea what was happening. He felt the loose skin under his penis being split open, and sliding up inside of him. The skin was creating folds and layers, creating a pathway. He then realized that this was a lot like what Livia was like. He was becoming a girl. His penis was shrinking even more, the head losing definition and just becoming a stump, not so different from his finger. He watched that last of it disappear up into his new hole, finding its new position.

Livia was watching in awe at what was happening, Jesse finally blurted out, “What’s happening to me?” Livia noticed his voice was a lot higher, not so different from what it used to be when he was younger. She began to feel tingling in her private area. Livia thought that maybe Jesse had broken something, but she began to feel the place she rubbed earlier that felt so good grow. She felt something slide down through her, two small round things sliding towards her hole. She felt the folds of skin beginning to meld together, creating a bag like thing under her growing pleasure point. The thing was getting bigger and growing out, and she could see the tip of it stick through her hole, what hole she had left anyways. It began to expand, growing larger and hardening. She felt the round things that were moving through her drop out into the newly formed bag of skin, and she realized what was happening. She was growing a penis. It finally grew to its extent, and it was about the same size as what Jesse’s was, but it seemed much bigger on her.

Jesse watched in silence as Livia had grown the penis, discomforted about losing his. His hips flared out, his pelvis bones widened, creating more space for his new anatomy. His rear expanded, becoming more tight and rounded. His rear grew even more, sticking way out into the air. His thighs lost muscle, but expanded, becoming more round and shapely. Jesse’s kneecaps lost size, while his calves lost mass, but curved. His feet shrank in size, as his bones shrank as well. It was an awkward feeling, not painful, but it felt as if his feet were asleep. Then he felt stuff happen in his waist. It constricted, shrinking in, as his hips widened out even more. He lost the muscles that were in his waist and chest. He was in tears, because he had just got them. His rear flared out a bit more, as his waist shrank even more, becoming smaller than even Livia’s.

His chest felt very strange, as his nipples became very sensitive. He watched as they increased in size, looking like thumbs sitting on his chest. He breathed in deeply, distraught at what was going on, but when he breathed in, the area around his nipples inflated. He now had small mounds on his chest. He tried holding his breath, but his body forced another inhale, and his bust expanded even more. They kept growing. He was thinking they would never stop. He felt the weight of them on his back, which was now losing its mass and shaping into a nice hourglass form. His shoulders lost size, as his bones pulled in to his arm, resizing them as well. His hands slimmed, as his nails slowly grew. As he was watching all this, His breasts had expanded even more, rounding out. They were now larger than Livia’s. They had been pulled down a bit by gravity, but something in his chest tingled again, and they perked right back up, despite the size.

He was shocked at how much his body had changed. Then he felt his face tingle. He felt his cheeks slim, his jawbone pull in, his nostrils shrank as his nose shrank and thinned. He was shocked at all this, but yet it was still going. His cheeks had slimmed down, but now he felt them round out a bit, making his lips be stuck in a permanent pout. He was distraught at this, but then felt his lips inflate, to make it look even poutier. Then the strangest feeling thing yet happened. He felt his forehead lose mass and size, as his skull shrank, but at the same time, his eye sockets expanded a bit as his eyes enlarged. He felt his eyelashes and eyebrows grow and flare. His ears shrank, as they took on more of a dainty look, the outer lobe bending in to create a slight indention in his outer ear. His cheeks dimpled, and rounded out even more. This was the point at when his hair began to grow out. He could feel it pulling on his scalp, as it fell down around his head. He could see it now around his shoulders, and noticed it had changed colors. His hair was jet black, but now it was a light brown, maybe even a dirty blond. His hair had a shine to it that made it look so much more feminine. It grew even longer, until he could feel hair resting on his protruding rear end. It had grown around his shoulders too, trying to cover his massive bust, but just managed to cover the nipples. The transformation was complete. He was now a girl.

Livia was shocked. Jesse was a girl. She couldn’t believe it. She then realized that the first thing that had changed on him was his penis, and she had just grown one. Was she going to become a boy? In answer to this, her chest began to tingle. She expected to lose her new breasts, but they started to expand. She couldn’t believe it. They were growing enormous. Jesse’s were bigger than hers, but not anymore. And they were still growing! They stopped when they were nearly double her original size. Livia’s breasts were now the size of beach balls. There was hardly enough space on her chest for them. She felt her butt expand as well, as her legs and arms gained more muscle. Her skin was getting very tight and formed, because of all the new muscle rippling through her. She could feel her strength double, then triple. Her hair then started to grow again. There was too much for her scrunches to hold, and they snapped, letting her hair fall around her. It was down past her rear. As her body had increased in size, her mini dress was basically just a long, very tight shirt. She breathed in, and that was the limit. Her dress ripped in between her massive breasts and the back, and split and fell to the floor. This was the first time she had seen her new body entirely nude. She was beautiful. Her hair had stopped growing, but it was now changing color. It was brunette, but now it had become a fire red. She felt so confidant in this new form, knowing that no one could make fun of her now. She looked down, between her breasts and saw that her penis had begun to grow as well. It was now longer than her forearm.

Jesse, shocked at what had just happened to him, and now Livia. He couldn’t believe how weak he felt now, in this new body. He seemed so frail and innocent. He seemed to be a lot like his 15 year old sister now. He reached up and felt his breasts. They were so sensitive. He let out a bit of a moan when he pinched his nipple. Again, the sound of his voice shocked him. It was so soft and high pitched. He reached down in between his legs, and stuck a finger into his new gender. A wave of pleasure shook him. He had one hand on his right breast and one in between his legs. He now realized what Livia had just gone through. He couldn’t figure out what felt better, being a boy, or being a girl, as a boy, it was focused, and in one place. Now, it was all over, and it hit like waves. He realized that Livia was still there. He looked up from what he was doing, and she was stroking her new equipment, watching him play with his. He couldn’t believe it. She had an odd look in her eyes. It was focused on him. She suddenly leapt forward, tackled him, spun him around, and entered him. It was amazing how fast she could move. He felt a stab of pain, as Livia had broken through something, but then waves of uncontrollable pleasure hit him. He couldn’t understand what had sparked such a change in the shy girl he once knew.

As Livia was thrusting in and out, she couldn’t believe how much she had changed since being a shy girl. Even though that was only minutes ago, everything seemed so different. She had this strong, powerful body, and she felt like she could do anything. As Jesse was writhing in pleasure under her, she felt something happening in her new penis. Pressure was building, then, with a burst of ecstasy, she shot something deep into Jesse. It felt remarkable.

After they had finished, they snuck to the librarian’s office, to see if she kept any spare clothing. Lucky enough, Mrs. Jackson worked out often, so had a change of exercise clothes and a change of clothes for the second part of the day. Livia had to take the jogging outfit, because she couldn’t fit into the normal clothes. So Livia had some stretchy pants, that were so tight on her, it barely hid anything. So she found a under shirt and put that on which confined her breasts enough, but still had the problem of hiding the penis. So she got a baggy sweatshirt to wear over it, and it was long enough to conceal what was going on down there.

Jesse had to take the other things, which were a plaid mini skirt, leggings, a white button up blouse, and a navy blue sweater. The librarian had a full length mirror in her office, so both of them were able to see themselves for the first time. Jesse looked to be 5’0, skinny, except for the hips, rear, and bust. He had long dirty blond hair, and bright blue eyes. His eyes used to be brown. His face was so small, so petite. He reached up and felt his breasts through the material of the sweater while he was still posing in the mirror. He was much prettier than his 15 year old sister, which he had heard that the guys in her class thought she was very pretty.

Livia got a chance to see her body for the first time. She was stunned. She looked to be like some of those women body builders she had seen before, but with a much more feminine look. She was muscular, but not at the sacrifice of looking like a girl. She thought she looked maybe 20-25. Her hair was a fire red, it almost seemed to glow. Strangest thing was that her eyes were the same color. She lifted her sweatshirt a bit so she could she the bulge in her pants. That was the most shocking thing about anything that had happen today. She then realized all that had happened, and how would her parents know who she was, and what was she going to do? Then she thought about Ray. She could get revenge on him. Being as strong as she is, she could teach him a lesson. She looked over at Jesse. He looked so fragile in his new body. Jesse had protected her once, now it was her turn to protect him.

…………….To be Continued.

Thanks for taking your time reading this.
The To Be continued is up to you guys, if you would like to see more, just tell me, I got plenty more ideas.

The file attached is the story in word document, if you would like to download it. If planning on posting it somewhere, just tell who the author was and where you got it, if Lorekeep even allows it, not sure about the reposting rules there.
Attached Files
File Type: doc The First Kiss.doc (48.5 KB, 69 views)
Roadside_Fury, your everyday road rage specialist.
"We again apologize for the subtitles. Those responsible for sacking those responsible have now been sacked."

Last edited by roadside_fury; 08-07-2006 at 10:34 PM.
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