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Unread 06-14-2008   #25
Fairy Transformation fan
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Re: Real Person to Fictional Person TF

Strange Lock: Tryout(5 days left)



You?d never believe it even if you were there to see it. a pile of clothes

in the middle of the apartment and in the middle of that was me: Naked,

female, 3 inches tall with wings on my back and horns on my head. it got

even worse when i woke up. The world either got about a hundered times

bigger while i was asleep or i hit a reverse growth seemed the

latter was the case at the time. i just stood there in complete shock and

awe at how small i actually became and at the possibility that i jumped

gender , size(and possibly species) barriers in a day. the shock and awe

routine now officially over, i set to rectify my problem even though i had no

idea how. another problem i had was a weird rash on my back which

turned out to be wings. I had nothing to lose at the moment and decided to

try the and see if they worked. i managed to float a liitle off the ground

while looking like a complete spaz. after a while of spazmodic flying and

crashing into things i finally managed to reach the mirror in my bedroom.

For the first time i got hit with the implication that this was a lot worse than

i thought: Here i was in all my naked glory, a fairy who was no bigger

than 12 oz, a small petit body with B cup breasts,absolutley no body hair

anywhere, hair that was more orange than Kel?s intestines and little ram

horns coming from the sides of my head. another implication hit me: No

one saw me go through my change so i was safe for now, but eventually

people would start asking questions. and those questions would eventually

lead to me getting captured by some shadow organization or being a

discovery channel documantary. But i managed to eventually settle for a

sane course of action: call Amanda and hope she dosen?t freak out too

much(Emphasis on hope) and go from there. Once again i used my

spazmodic flying ability to reach the cellphone on my vanity table to call


?Hey Amanda, Listen, Can you do me a favor??

?Johnny? you didn?t show up for work again today! are you okay? do you want me to come over or bring someting??

?Yeah, i need you to come over as soon as you get off work. i have something i need to talk to you about and i feel your the only one i trust?

?Johnny, what?s wrong?

?a lot of things,actually but i can?t tell you over the over the phone. I need you to come to my the place as soon as you can and make sure no-one follows you.?

?um... okay, i guess i?ll see you there then.?

After hanging up i felt just miserable. i hated keeping secrets from

Amanda, but considering my voice was becoming more feminine i had to

keep her on a need-to-know basis until then. with that settled i decided to

try my hand at this flying thing again since it would take a while for

Amanda to get here. Carefully i levitated off the table slowly and

managed to stay upright. So far so good. Now to go forward. I wobbled a

little but managed to make it. Then it hit me: not a realization but a

craving, a candy craving. Zooming to the kitchen were i set down my

candy from earlier and binged on it. it was tough seen to describe: i knew

i was eating candy yet it felt like i was orgasming at the same time:

Somehow my sex drive merged with my sweet tooth cravings creating a

new subject for the almighty Rule 34: The Sex N? Sweets Fetish. I was

getting my rocks off with Gum Drops & Lollipops! But such thoughts were

at the back of my mind as i made sweet(no pun intended),weird love to my

candy stash, Which probably looked even weirder to onlookers like

Amanda who as luck would have was staring at a naked fairy in

ecstatic, sugar-fueled-sexual stupor in the kitchen of her best friends

apartment.Needless to say, this right here would be the most awkward ?I-

caught-someone-masturbating? moment ever, and it got progressively

weirder from there...

To Be Continued In Strange lock: Lock,Shock & Error(4 days left)
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Unread 06-14-2008   #26
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Re: Real Person to Fictional Person TF

New Chapter Out. As always Please Comment, no matter what kind of Comment it's always welcome.
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Unread 06-28-2008   #27
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Re: Real Person to Fictional Person TF

Strangelock:Lock,Shock & Error(4 days left)

by agc161

This was not turning out to be a good day,i?ll tell you that much right

now. First off, Amanda got a good look at me and my ?Condition?(if you

could call it that). And i just stood there on the counter naked,Horny and

covered in caramel, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. Amanda

kept her distance in what could be considered a combination of

shock,disturbance and curiosity. who could blame her?, i mean, if you saw

a tiny fairy on the kitchen counter of your best friend?s apartment how

would you react?. Somehow i had take control of the situation.

?Amanda, i know this seems kinda weird but you gotta believe me, i really am johnny?

?Holy crap, you can talk??

?Yeah,Having a mouth kinda makes it easy for me, look can you just trust me on this?"

?How do i know it?s really you??

She was Right about that. I had to bring out the Heavy ammo for this one.

?How about this, Remenber that time we went to detroit for that concert and you got really drunk and this chick came up to you and...?

?Okay, Fine It?s really you?

Works every time.

?Johnny what happened to you? why are you like this?.?

?I wish i knew. i started changing about a day ago at least.?

"Amanda was silent for a moment. then she caught a look at my hair.and then it hit her."

?Wait, then that woman i saw in your place at the Bank was...?

?yeah, that was me changing?

? Oh my god,Johnny i?m sorry i snapped at you the way i did. If i knew I-

?Don?t worry about it. i was in denial even in the middle of it?

?Really?, But anyway i gotta ask, you really have no idea how this happened, Like if you

ate something weird or were you hit by gamma rays or something??

?I honestly have no idea how something like this happened?

?How is that even possible? you got to have at least some idea of how it happened?


?actually, i had this weird dream a couple of days ago...

I told her everything i remebered about that dream i had for the next few

minutes. afterwards she came up with the strangest theory ever: The

dream itself was what changedme.

?But that?s Impossible!. how can a dream physically change a person from t

he inside out? don?t tell you seriously believe that crap about dying in

dreams as real?

?thats the best theory i got?

? Yeah,but it?s still Stretching it a bit don?t you think?

Then it happened, out of the corner of my eye a caught a dim light coming

from my old clothes on the floor. I flew over and checked it out: that light

was actually coming from a lock that was there.

?Hey, what?s that??

?I found it in my clothes,It kinda looks the lock from that mural i told you about?

?Cool, can i see it??

Turns out that was a bad move. the minute she touched it, there was this huge flash of light.

Amanda suddenly went complety rigid. Her body standing straight and her

face Starting to become emotionless, Before she went completly still all she

could utter was:

?J-J-Johnny...What?sssss...Happening...t0000...COMMENCI NG MAIN



Somehow, My day just kept gettng better and Better....

To be continued in Strangelock:Make Auto-woman?(3 days left)
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Unread 06-28-2008   #28
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Re: Real Person to Fictional Person TF

New chapter out! Sorry it took so long. Your thoughts?
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Unread 06-30-2008   #29
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Re: Real Person to Fictional Person TF

Ooo - getting (even more) interesting...

Please keep going - this is fun.
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Unread 07-02-2008   #30
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Re: Real Person to Fictional Person TF

thanks tamiki,do you have any criticisms for the story? like did i get the pacing right?are the transformations interesting?is the process itself well written?where do i need to improve?
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Unread 07-07-2008   #31
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Re: Real Person to Fictional Person TF

StrangeLock:Make Auto-woman?(3 days left)



Oh Crap.

Few people have the distinct honor of starting thier day with such a

colorful phrase like i do. Why do i say this,you ask?. Well picture your

best friend standing in the middle of your living room completly oblivious to

you and going through the same freaky transformation process you went

through and living with the knowledge that it was probably your fault,so

you can understand were i?m coming from. My friend however was in

another place entirely as far as i could tell: I flew up to her face and tried

to make some sort of contact with her, some sign that she was still

there.But i got nothing out of her. she just kept staring with a completly

blank expression while her skin went from a brown to a reflective metal.

And that?s when things got worse. In all the confusion i forgot what the

word ?Automaton? was usually associated with:Android. My friend was

turning into an android right in from of me and here i was watching and

feeling helpless. Screw that. I wasn?t about to let my best friend turn into a

Cylon Knock-off. If that lock started this than maybe it could stop it too. I

held the lock in my hand,flew up to my friends forehead and slammed it

right in the middle. My hand somehow managed to get stuck on her

suddenly malleable skin. I tried to pull free but instead i got sucked right

into her. what followed afetr i got sucked in was a trip down a circuitry-

laden rabbit hole and nearly colliding with a cold,metal floor. thankfully

refelexes kicked in and i managed to slow my fall. once i landed i took a

look around. iwas in some sort of Tron-like room but without the backlight

effect. i went through the only door available and stepped out inot the

hallway:Again i saw the same-tron like patterns, but i saw something even

better at the end of the hallway:Amanda,and she was dressed in some kind

of silver Skin-tight suit. i barged down the hall at Amanda as fast as i

could and hugged her .Amanda was relieved and a little confused at my

being there with her.

?oh my god, when did you get here, i?ve tried to reach anyone a few months back but nobody responded?

?Months? what are you talking about? you?re not gone, you?re still at my apartment!?


I managed to calmly explain to her that she was actually ?dreaming? and

going through the same process i did as near as i coild tell. What was her

dream about?, from what she told me, after touching the lock she wound

up here(?Here? being an adavnced sentient Space station/Researh lab) that

supplied wayward space travelers with food and board while monitoring

them to see who would be a good candidate for automaton conversion

so that he or she would start a whole race of mechanical beings on some

other world by converting consenting organics(imagine that,an AI with a

bleeding heart). And guess who it picked. Amanda was a little freaked out

at first but considered the benefits and found it to be a Win-win situation,

Plus she would still be the same underneath the hardware only... better i

guess. i couldn?t believe it... She actually wanted to go through with it. not

that it mattered. outside her head she was being converted anyway. But

she took in stride, probably better than i did. suddenly a voice over the

intercom commanded her to report to the laboratories for the conversion.

Amanda gladly proceeded to the conversion chamber room and all i

could do was stand and watch her go through with it willingly. Amanda

stepped into a tall cylindrical chamber and was commanded to strip of her

suit . Now standing completly naked with a posture similar to what i saw

outside the process began. the Machines in the room

hummed to life and started doing all sorts of prodding: Weird lights

bathing her, floating orbs ?recording? data about her and finally the

process itself: first it started with her legs. human bone and tissue

changing form from flesh color to a reflective metal sheen. it went

up to her crocth next, oddly leaving the slit in place while ridding it of it?s

pubic hair. Next up her stomach & chest got transformed completly by

turning into metal muscle-toned perfection. and finally reaching her head.

Culminating in what must?ve been like(From her point of view) having met

god and attained an orgasm all at the same time as her transformation

ended. now with the process complete,the chamber opened and Amanda

stepped out, proud and confident and strode to the middle of the room,her

every step calculated with mechanical efficency and perfection and stood

there: A newly created Automaton with seamless perfect body down to the

last detail The Voice Spoke up:

?State your identity?



?Experiment Succesful?

Suddenly the world went white. I found myself hurling acroos nothingness

and the found myself back at my apartment. floating in midair i turned

around to find Amanda completly transformed. I feard the worst, but i

went for it.


?Hey Johnny. and in case you?re wondering,yeah i?m still me ?

That tone in her voice proved it: She was still herself

I was still trembling from everyting that went down today, and i figured i?d

at least try to get some sleep and sort this whole thing out tomorrow. As

for Amanda... Well, before i went

to sleep i saw her on the couch. Perhaps in deep thought? or maybe getting

her jollies off by surfing the internet with her head...

To be continued in Strangelock: Fun & Games(2 days left)
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