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Unread 12-15-2008   #37
Hugo Prosperio
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

Here is the latest chapter, one I am very proud of. Loosing your power for three days allows you to think things through. I think it paid off. Enjoy (and catch the Artemis Fowl references, if you have read those entertaining books)

Chapter Nine: Daggers and Black Vipers

Siri Oubotoni sat in her flat inside the colony, grooming herself in a mirror. She smiled as she admired her beauty. ?No one is more beautiful than you? she said, pretending the mirror was speaking to her. As she brushed her short pink hair a knock came on the door. ?D?Arvit!? she swore. ?Who is it?? No response came, and Siri concluded that she had been hearing things?until the knock came again.

She stood up and walked over to the door, draping a robe around her body. She opened the door and gasped when before her stood Jadaris Pevnock, and the two human girls who she had left behind when she had invaded the Pevnock summer home.

?Jadaris? she said?still searching for words.

?Yes, Siri. May we come in?? said Jadaris in a uncharacteristically dark voice.

Siri shook her head and ushered the three girls into the room. Her eyes grew wide when she saw the wings on the back of the two girls she had assumed were humans.

?You two? she said, ?You were fairies all the long??

A quick glance from Jadaris told both Caitlin and Jenna not to deny the statement. They nodded, which caused a visible shiver to run down Siri?s body.

?But Siri?the girl you took?? Jadaris said ?wasn?t a fairy, she was a human?a human with a soul.?

For the first time since their arrival Siri laughed. ?A soul. You can?t be serious. They are meaningless creatures meandering about their lives never knowing the wonders around them. Souls??

?They do, believe it or not, and that girl had a family, friends, a life?and you stripped it all away, for what? So you could look good in the eyes of the Magistrate?no I don?t think so. You did it to discredit me, didn?t you?? Jadaris asked, a chill still in her voice, a chill that made even Caitlin and Jenna shudder.

?Of course I did! In school, who was always the better student? Jadaris Pevnock. I worked hard to get my powers, my abilities, and you?you just waltzed right in and mastered the art of Pixie Dust, something most fairies will never do in their lives. No effort, just?talent. You faulted it for the entire time we were in school together, and I when you left, I couldn?t wait to take your place as the proud daughter of the Colony.?

?Only? Jadaris said smirking ?That chance never came, did it. Not until the Magistrate came to you with her plan to discredit me...Well, I am here now, ready to be discredited?You can have the glory, Siri, just give me back my friend.?

?Sorry, no can do. You see, the Magistrate isn?t all that interested in discrediting you for my sake?no?she wants to do it for the entire colony to see. She is going to kill your little human, and you, my dear girl, will get the blame?throw in prison for trying to start a war with the humans.?

Caitlin and Jenna felt the blood rush from their face hearing this. Beth was going to be killed, and Caitlin felt like dying herself. It was all her fault. She whimpered a bit, before Jadaris gave her another glance that told her to be quiet.

?Fond of the human were you?? Siri asked of the fairy-Caitlin. ?Well, I am sorry to say that she won?t survive the night, as with all humans who find their way into the hands of the Magistrate. She toys with them, uses them to continue her studies on human nature, and then disposes of them.?

Jadaris had heard quite enough of this, and reached into her bag?and from it she pulled a bottle of golden powder, that glowed, even in the well-lit room. She waved it front of Siri, whose eyes widened.

?You know what this is, don?t you, Siri Oubotoni?? she said waving the bottle in front of the frightened pixie. ?You know what it will do, don?t you??

?What do you want?? the pink haired fairy stuttered as she kept her eyes on the bottle of dust.

?You will help us retrieve our friend from the High Magistrate, or I will be forced to use this?highly experimental?dust on you.

Jenna leaned into Caitlin and whispered, ?What do you think it does?? To which Caitlin replied, ?Haven?t a clue??

Siri gulped. ?Yes. I will help you. Just?put that stuff away, please.?


The cage loomed in the distance, held firmly by High Magistrate Mabia?s hand. Da?av watched with horror as she placed it on the table.

?What else have you to teach me, Tiny Human?? the fairy said, a smile wider than it should ever be. ?Any words of wisdom left to share.?

Beth couldn?t even fathom what was in the dark cage ahead of her?but she knew she didn?t like it. She looked up at the giant pixie and just sighed.

?No. Do what you will with me?? she said, giving in to her fate?however strange and unusual it may be.

?No, human, you don?t get out of this that easy.? Mabia said pushing Beth over with her finger and pinned her to the table with her index finger. ?I want to see how you deal with my friend in the cage?then, just maybe, we?ll let you expire.

Mabia removed her finger from Beth?s torso and walked over to the cage, and unlocked it. It creaked open with a hinge, and for a moment all Beth could see were eyes, two red, glowing slits in the darkness. The creature made a sickening noise and then moved slowly out of the cage?What she saw was beyond anything she had experienced so far, beyond being shrunk, beyond being tortured?before her sat a creature she never knew existed, but it stood before her. It stood on eight legs, and a thick bulky body like that of a spider, but it?s neck and head were that of a venomous snake, hissing and squealing in delight at it?s new plaything.

Mabia smiled, something she had been doing a lot of in the past few moments. ?Do you like it, my dear? I created him myself, a cross-breed between a black widow spider, and a viper. Illegal of course, but what the senate council doesn?t know won?t hurt them.? She said with a throaty laugh.

Beth stepped back, trying to slowly move away from the creature, which was flitting it?s snake-like tongue, awaiting it?s latest meal. As she moved backwards, she tripped over something, and she looked and saw the stick with the blade that Mabia had been using against her only moments ago. She picked it up, and for the first time since arriving in the colony, felt a surge of confidence. She waved the stick madly, causing the snakehead?s slits-for-eyes to follow.

?Come and get me, big boy? she said.


Lorna Pevnock rapped on the door of one of her fellow senators. The door seemed taller than she remembered it, but, then again, Da?av?s magic hadn?t been strong enough to return her to her full height. The door opened to reveal a older woman, with sliver hair. ?Lorna?? she asked, not quite believing the sight before her eyes.

?Yes, Oolna. We have trouble?? Lorna said, catching her breath.

?What kind of trouble??

?the Mabia kind.? Lorna replied.

?Figures? The head of the Senate Council responded. ?Come in?and tell me everything.?


Siri lead the girls down the hall, silently kicking herself. She should have known this would happen. The price she had to pay for a little bit of glory.

?Keep moving, sister? Caitlin said as they walked.

?What Colony are you two from, anyway? Siri asked, turning around.

?None of your business? Jadaris interjected as the hall branched off into several directions. ?Which way??

Siri looked?she had only been to the throne room once, and she knew it?s location changed once a week.

?I?m not sure? Siri said truthfully. ?You know the location changes??

?That?s true? Jadaris stated. ?But I am sure you can find it, if you know what?s good for you.?

Siri?s thoughts flitted to the small orb shaped bottle, and she deicided that it was best to do what Jadaris said.

?This way? she said, guessing as they walked down a branch. As they walked, the could see the center of the colony, the entire tree hollowed out, and fairies all around, doing various tasks. Caitlin and Jenna watched in amazement as hundreds of creatures flitted about their daily lives. It was truly a wonder to watch.

?D?Arvit? swore the pink haired Pixie. ?Wrong way.? She said, pointing at the door at the end of the hall which read ?Senate Council Chambers?

They left, not knowing that at that very moment, something very important was happening behind those very doors.


?This session is in order? said Lady Oolna as she watched the ten other senators take their seats. ?This session was called by my dear friend, our fellow senator, Lorna Pevnock?

Lorna stood up from her seat, and the other senators all gasped at her height.

?I am here to report a major crime. A crime that has been in motion for ages, and yet we have never seen it.?

?The culprit? spoke the only male on the council.

?Yes, Senator Ioan, I was getting to that. The culprit is none other than our elected leader, Jesarai Mabia.?

This elicited a groan from most of the senators as they drank from their goblets of fine fairy wine.

?We?ve heard it before, Lorna?your Husband tried in vain to tell us, and all it got him was jail time and?? A younger female said.

Oolma interrupted??Look, Lorna has some serious accusations and I think we?d better hear them. We all knew that Mabia would be an unorthodox leader, but what I have been hearing, whispers and screams, as of late is that she is now guilty of treason to the fairy world.

?Oh, you mean like Lorna?s heathen daughter?? spat one of the senators. Lorna shot her a long gaze, but was stopped when Oolma started in again.

?Jadaris Pevnock is not the reason for this hearing. Now, let us focus. Lorna, please tell the council what Magistrate Mabia said to you.?

?That she was planning a war on the humans?that she wanted to destroy them!?

?Nonesense? said Ioan. ?Mabia is still a fairy and as such, she wouldn?t harm a fly, let a lone a human?:?


The Creature hissed and scuttled about the table, trying to snatch up the naked little human. It could taste the blood from the wound Mabia had given Beth earlier by flicking it?s snake tongue in the air, and Beth could swear the creature smiled as it lunged for her. She blocked it?s lunge with the stick, but was knocked down.

?Ooof? she said as she hit the ground. Da?av gasped, and Mabia shot him a death stare that made him stay in his place. Beth hopped back up and swatted the creature in the face several times, making it back off.

?Oh, Beth you are only making it angry. My little Black Viper??

Beth interrupted ?Is that what you call it? Aren?t you just a pantheon of creativity??

?If you survive him, you shall pay for that.? Mabia snapped.

?I?m sure,? Beth said, keeping her focus on the eight legged animal scurrying towards her.

As she dodged several lunges from the snake head, the bark doors to the chamber flew open. A male guard bowed to Mabia and then spoke.

?Your Majesty?

?Not now!? the Magistrate hissed like her venomous creation. ?I?m busy.?

?But?? The guard stammered, not seeing Beth fighting the Black Viper.

Beth was full of tricks the creature had not seen before. She hopped around like a rabbit on drugs, avoiding all of it?s attacks, not only confusing it, but making it very angry.

?Your Majesty, It can?t wait!?

?It?s about to? she snarled, looking back to see Beth using the stick as a pole to fling herself in the air. She then caught the pole again mid-air and landed smoothly on the hairy back of the bulky creature.

?Gross? she mumbled as she rode around, the creature trying frantically to get her off.

?The Senate Council has called an emergency meeting. You are the subject matter? The guard blurted out, causing Mabia to turn.

?They what? How is this possible. I am to be informed of ever Senate hearing?Jadaris!? she snapped. ?The little witch is trying to take control out from under me before I can set my plan into motion.?

?Actually, it was Lorna Pevnock that called the meeting.? He gasped.

For a moment all that could be heard were the Black Viper?s high pitched squeals of annoyance as Mabia?s eyes turned to Da?av.

?Well?what have you to say for yourself, dolt?? she asked of the guard, who for once, smiled.

?the time has come for you to suffer for your actions. I?ve watched you torture and kill humans long enough. They?they are living beings; they have souls just like us. It?s over, Mabia. The Senate will vote to expel you from power, and there is nothing you can?? he was interrupted by a dagger, silver and gold, entering his torso at the hands of the purple haired pixie.

?That is enough from you? she said, pulling the blade from him, red blood spilling over his body. He dropped to the floor, quivering.

?NO!? Beth screamed. She had grown fond of the guard in her short time in custody, and she watched him quake on the floor, blood pooling around him.
Beth mustered all her strength and plunged the blade end of the torture stick into the skull of the creature. It didn?t penetrate.

?Son of a bitch, just die!? She screamed as she jumped off it?s back and ran in front of it. She closed her eyes, and simply waited. The hot breath of the Black Viper closed in, and she was surrounded by its mouth. It had taken her, whole.

Outside, Mabia couldn?t help but smile as she watched her latest human play thing be devoured by the creature she designed using black magic.

She went over and rubbed her hand on the back of the hairy creature. ?Good Boy? she said, but the creature started to look sick. Something was wrong.

A moment later a loud ?SCHLICK? Noise occurred and she watched in horror as the silver blade she had fashioned to torture the human plunged between her creatures eyes?

The mouth of the viper dropped open, and Beth rolled out, covered in sticky saliva, but otherwise unharmed.

?Take that, you prehistoric bitch!? she called up to the pixie glaring down at her, as the creature slumped down, dead on the table. She then added a raised right hand, middle finger extended.

Mabia had no time to react to the little one?s taunting, because at that very moment, the voice of Jadaris Pevnock rang through the chamber.

?I?ve come for the Human!?
- Hugo Prosperio
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Unread 12-16-2008   #38
Tieing a Knot Or two
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

This is by far the best chapter. You switch back and forth between segments perfectly. And it contains every thing that makes fiction stories great: Suspense, Humor, and of course Shrunken Women.

Claire's Project
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Unread 12-19-2008   #39
Hugo Prosperio
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

The Final Chapter! (there will be an epilogue, a fun little capper I came up with) Please enjoy!

Chapter Ten: The Golden Dust

In actual fact, Jadaris Pevnock was nowhere near the throne room, but had used a spell to throw her voice throughout the colony. The sound of her voice echoed through the great tree with power and anger.

?That outta shake things up a bit? she said as she pushed Siri forward

?I don?t know where the Throne Room is anymore, it?s changed since the last time I was there? the pink haired pixie whined.

?Well, find it, Siri, or you are going to become very comfortable with the contents of that bottle I showed you.? Jadaris spat

?You wouldn?t dare? Siri said, eyes widening. ?You know full well that the stuff is gain?s the rules?and the great Jadaris never breaks the rules? she added mockingly

?For you, dear friend, I?d be willing to make an exception? Jadaris said with a smile. ?Now move!?

?You aren?t the only one who can use Pixie Dust, you know? Siri said, contempt in her voice. She then reached into her robes and produced a small bottle of black powder, and threw it on the ground, and in a flash the room was filled with a thick mist, and the pink haired Siri was gone.

?D?Arvit? swore Jadaris.

?I keep hearing that word? Caitlin interrupted. ?What does it mean??

?It?s an old fairy curse word, from Ireland, I believe? Jadaris said. ?Now let?s move. She can?t have gotten very fair. It was only a mist-making powder?


Fury was the one word that summed up the look on the face of Jesarai Mabia. Shaking with anger she turned to the guard behind her.

?Gather your men. Find the little bitch, and put an end to this nonsense, do you understand?? she hissed. The guard nodded, and left. ?As for you? she continued, turning her attention to the tiny girl who had just killed her prized pet. ?I shall deal with you later.?

She turned and burst though the door and the only sound Beth could hear was the raspy breathing of Da?av on the floor. She took a moment to figure out how to get of the table, and decided that sliding down the leg was the best. Sure, she got a few splinters, but she?d get over it. Once she had gotten to the floor, she ran fast over to the body of the fallen guard.

?Da?av!? she shouted, which caused him to slowly turn his head. ?Beth?? he asked, blood trickling from his mouth. His fingers unfurled, and offered her a place to stand, and she quickly moved to his hand. ?Are you alright??

?No? he said honestly, with a smile. ?I?m dying, but it?s not all bad. I?ve been a slave to that woman all my life?and if this? he says nursing the dagger wound with his other hand ?is the price I have to pay?well, then I?m glad to do it.? He lifted Beth up to see her closer, and he smiled. ?I was taught by her to fear and hate humans?you showed me how wrong that was. Thank you.?

?Thank you? Beth replied ?For taking such good care of me. It?s so strange, being tiny like this, but?you made this world a less scary place to be.?

Da?av smiled. ?You know, Beth, I am sure many human men have told you this, but you are very beautiful.?

She smiled wide. ?Lots?but none of them are like you.? She patted one of his fingers, and he smiled once more before gasping in pain. He then looked at her.

?Good bye, Bethany.? With that, his eyes closed, and the life slipped away from him, the glowing aura that most fairies carried vanished, and his hand dropped to the ground. Beth sat in, drawing her knees up to her chest. ?Good bye, Da?av? she whispered. The tears filled her eyes as she cried the hardest cry she had ever cried.


?She must be stopped. She will kill the poor human girl if we do not intervene? Lorna said, standing at half her normal height, looking almost like a child talking to a room full of adults and as she spoke a burst of murmurs from the senators.

?She brings up a valid point. It is against protocol for us to endanger a human, or any other creature for that matter. I say we investigate.? Said one of the senators.

?Investigate, whom?? said a cold voice from the back of the room.

?Your Majesty?? gasped Oolna ?We are honored by your presence?

The sudden turn in Oolna?s mood, from understanding to sycophantic sickened Lorna as she watched her enemy walk through the door. ?I was informed that I was the subject of this meeting?? Mabia said calmly. ?Why??

The council members hushed, and watched as her eyes prowled around the room. ?Finally beginning to tell wild stories like your husband, Lorna. Shrinking yourself and then blaming it on me, just to get ahead in life? Really these are unbecoming of a fairy such as yourself.?

The other senators nodded in agreement, even Oolna. Lorna stood fuming. ?What punishment do we give to those who try and undo the government? No one? Eternal Imprisonment?that is what awaits you for this betrayal.? She said with a gleam in her eye, which told Lorna that she had put the entire council under a spell. They were all entranced by her words and would agree to anything she said.

?Senators! You will punish this woman!? she said

?Punish!? the senators cried.

?Punish!? Mabia said aloud ?That?s right, Pun?? but she was interrupted. Siri Oubotoni burst threw the doors.

?Your Majesty, I?ve been looking all over for you!? she said, gasping for air.

?What is it, child?? she said frustrated. She would have to cast the spell again.

?Jadaris is back!? she hissed. ?She is trying to find the Throne Room. I tried to delay her, and then I made my escape to tell you. She is trying to rescue her human friend!?

The senate council room fell quiet, as the senators looked at her.

?She?s joking?? she said, unable to cast the spell??Simply Joking? she then turned to Siri ?Leave now, before you ruin everything? she added under her breath.

?Lorna, would you come with me?? Mabia said ??I believe we have a meeting with your daughter? She grabbed the half size senator by the arm dragged her out of the room.

Oolna, shaking her head from the spell, glanced at the other senators. Something was wrong in their proud colony?something very wrong.


Jadaris, Caitlin and Jenna were looking for Siri when a loud rumble caught their attention. Jadaris? eyes flew open and she knew what they were in for. She mustered some good old fashion dust-less magic, and three spears appeared in mid air.

?Take one, girls, we are gonna need it.? She said as she grabbed one, and the two fairy-humans did as well.

?Something bad coming?? Caitlin asked?

?Oh, yes. Guards. Four of em?. I can smell them from here.? She said with a look of pained humor.

?Guards?like the security at the mall? Jenna asked

?No Jenna? Caitlin said, spotting something on the top of the hill. ?Guards like that?

Four massive men were running down the branch, spears in hand, with the tips glowing with blue magical energy. It sparked and fizzed, and the girls new they were in for a rough time.

?This is gonna suck? Caitlin added before prepping her stance.

The guards approached slowly, but with no mercy in their eyes. The head one, one that had alerted Mabia to the Senate Council meeting, spoke up. ?We are here to bring you to the High Magistrate, for questioning. Come quietly, and no one will be hurt?

?Not a chance, fathead? Jenna called out, surprising both Caitlin and Jadaris.

The redheaded fairy burst from the pack and surpsingly attacked the lead guard, taking him by such surprise, that with little effort she took away his weapon (using it to replace her own) and pushed him off the branch, sending him flailing down the tree.

The other three guards braced themselves, and now Jadaris and Caitlin had stepped forward, and bravely fought them. Spears clashed, and magic flew, but sure enough, one by one, the male guards were thrown down, and sent to the bottom of the colony.

?That was brilliant Jenna!? Caitlin said

?Didn?t take all those Martial Arts classes for nothing? The redhead laughed.

?Very Impressive?? said the voice of Siri from behind them

?but I am afraid you will be coming with me.?

?Yeah, and how do you intend to make us? Caitlin stood up.

?As I said before, Jadaris Pevnock is not the only one in the colony who can use Pixie Dust.? She said before coating the girls in a red mist of powder. They instantly froze in place, living breathing statues.

?Apprenditia Throne Room? She said, a spell that Mabia had given her permission for?a spell that caused all four figures, the living statues and Siri to be whisked away like leaves in the wind.


?Hello, Jadaris Pevnock? rang the voice of the High Magistrate. The three girls had been unfrozen and stood in the center of a large throne room. Jadaris glanced around, and saw two cages near the throne, one held Beth sitting stoically, looking sadder than Caitlin or Jenna had ever seen her, and in the other was Lorna, Jadaris? mother who was banging wildly on the cage.

?You let me go, Jesarai, or so help me? she shrieked.

?Be quite, or I shall rip your tongue from your body, you little toad? The High Magistrate spat.

?So, who are your friends?More Humans for my collection?? she said turning back to Jadaris.

?We are fairies? Jenna shouted.

?Don?t toy with me. I know a pixie dusted fairy when I see one, even if my idiot of a spy can?t? she said, glancing at Siri.

?Once we get those pitiful excuses for wings removed, you will be next in line for my experiments?Caitlin and Jenna?but for now, I figure it prudent to demonstrate. Sorry for not cleaning up my trash? she says referring to the lifeless body of Da?av on the floor. Jadaris looked down and saw the guard lying there.

?Da?av?! What did you do?!? She shrieked. Da?av had been a friend of hers since she was a youngling, and tears built in her eyes. ?You killed him! Why?? she shouted, anger filling her voice.

?Because he had ideas, and they had to be silenced, silenced like your father was silenced?? she said.

Jadaris gasped, as did Lorna??You killed him!?

?Of course I did. He was stirring up a revolution against me, something I couldn?t have. My plans are greater than this colony will ever be, and so what if the colony is collateral damage. I will have what I want?in abundance.?

She walked up to the cages. ?and now for the main event. The death of your friend and mother?two shows for the price of one, my dear? The purple haired fairy hissed with joy.

?Get out!? shrieked Beth??Run!?

Poor Beth spent quite a lot of time sitting in the palm of the dead guard, and she had come to realize that hope was lost, and that she was doomed to die at the hands of a fairy.

?They?ve nowhere to go, Little Bethany? Mabia laughed. ?They are trapped just like you. And you two? she said pointing at Caitlin and Jenna. ?Followed her right to your own doom. How pitiful.?

The table was laid out with a viewing glass and what appeared to be strange tools. ?And now, like a human would dissect a frog, I shall dissect you, and for killing my precious pet?you get to be alive when I start? she said throwing the small body down on the table.

Now, Jenna had always been the shortest in her age group, you see, and she had always been teased, and thus she took martial arts to train herself to protect herself?it had never really paid off, but, on this day, the lessons were worth every penny. She saw a fire poker for the fire place, near where she was standing, and very quickly she moved over to it, and grabbed it. Mabia paid little attention to this as she strapped Beth spread eagle to the table.

?I am gonna split you down the middle you little?what was it you called me? Oh yes, Bitch?You Little Bitch? Mabia chuckled as she prepped a small blade.

Behind her Caitlin and Jadaris could only watch in horror as their short red headed friend flew up the stairs to the throne, and with a powerful swing, took the poker straight to Mabia?s head, causing her to fly off, and slam to the floor with a powerful thud.

Beth?s eyes widened as she saw the giant kind face of her roommate standing infront of her. ?Good Christ, Shorty?? she said, tounge firmly in cheek. ?Remind me never to piss you off again."

?I will, don?t worry? Jenna said removing the bonds from Beth?s arms and legs, and gently holding her. ?I could get used to this? she said

?Don?t even think about it? Beth said.

Halfway down the steps, Jenna felt a powerful numbness in her torso as she was lifted from the ground.

?You will pay for that!? Mabia shrieked holding her up with a powerful levitating spell. She then threw her across the room, and Jenna despite her best efforts dropped poor Beth.

Lucky for Beth, Jadaris was able to catch her, and stash her in the bag of tricks. ?Stay there? The fairy said ?Don?t move until I say.?

Caitlin saw the small orb shaped flask, the forbidden dust, as it were, and an idea occurred to her, so she gabbed it, brushing up against Beth.

?Hey!? the tiny girl said to which Caitlin said ?Sorry??

?GIVE ME BACK MY TOY!? Mabia raged as she lunged at Jadaris, but was stopped Senators Ioan and Oolna burst into the room.

?That?s far enough? Oolna stated, ?We?ve heard everything. Thanks to Da?av, we?ve been spying on you for quite some time. Poor Boy, I hate to think It?s my fault that he?s there on the floor, but the I think back to you?and all the hatred you spew?and I realize that it wasn?t me who killed the boy, it was you.?

?He Deserved It!? she spat. ?You all deserve to die, and you will, you?ll see, You will take the fall for my war?and when I win, and the Humans belong to me?you won?t be around to see it.?

?I doubt that!? said Ioan. ?An order just came in from the Fairy King himself. You are to be contained until such at time that a proper trial may be held.?

?I cannot be contained!? She laughed, ?I am this colony, you fool. It is nothing without me, and I will watch it burn when I have my way?

?Stop it, Mabia, you are only making it worse for you? Oolna said.

?Am I, you old witch?? she said her hands raising off the ground, quaking with power. A burst of energy flew from her fingers into the chest of the senator.

?Now, Jadaris, watch your supporters die, one by one!? Mabia shouted as Oolna screamed in pain as the magic seemed to be draining her of life itself.

?Stand back? Caitlin whispered to Jadaris and Jenna.

?That?s right, Cower! Quake, Jadaris Pevnock, your fate is sealed!? Mabia laughed, when suddenly Caitlin lobed the glass orb of golden dust in the air. In slow motion, it seemed, they watched it tumble, and then shatter at the feet of the High Magistrate. The golden dust billowed into a cloud of smoke enveloping the woman.

?Ha!? she laughed as she lost focus on her spell, releasing Oolna who dropped to the floor, barely alive. ?You think a little Pixie Dust is going to keep me down! I am forever!? she shouted as a burst of tingles spread through her body. She taunted Caitlin even more. ?it feels good! Is that what you were trying to do? Pleasure me to death??

?No, Mabia?? Jadaris said with a smile. ?She is giving you what want?in abundance? she said throwing the magistrate?s word in her face as the tingles started prickling with pain.

?What?? gasped Mabia as the pain grew as each passing second went by. She looked down at her feet and saw the gold dust scattered on the ground and a scream let out that could shatter a dog?s eardrums.

?The Forbidden Dust! No!? she cried as her wings, beautiful and elegant burst into blue flames. ?Stop it, Take it Back!? She shrieked.

?You know just as well as I do?? Jadaris said with a snort ?that Golden Dust is the only pixie magic that cannot be undone!?

?This is impossible!? She screamed ?My War! My beautiful war! Ruined.? She lunged at Caitlin, with her bare fists, but she was yet again knocked sideways by a fire poker.

?Thank you, Jenna? Caitlin said with a gasp as they watched Mabia writhe in pain on the floor.

Beth looked up and shouted ?What?s happening to her??

?She is becoming the thing she hated most in this world?? Senator Ioan said as he bent down to check on his fellow senator.

??a Human? Jadaris added as she watched the pointed ears on Mabia melt flat, her glow disappeared. She was no longer a fairy.

?I hope you enjoy your time with the Humans. You deserve it!? Jadaris said patting the newly minted human on the head. Mabia merely sobbed.

?Now, Beth?Let?s get you big again? she said, lifing the tiny girl out of her purse of dust. She then grabbed a small container of dust and blew it in Beth?s face, causing her to sneeze. And sneeze, and sneeze again, and with each sneeze, she grew larger, until she was the same height as Jadaris.

Caitlin came over and hugged her, and looked her in the eyes ?I am so sorry, Beth.?

?Apology accepted?except you ain?t getting jack shit for Christmas this year? Beth said with a smile, before noticing something in the corner of her eye.

Siri was trying to quietly leave the room, but Beth was too quick. She ran up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around with an innocent smile on her face, and for her troubles, Beth threw a punch right at her nose, taking her down in a flash.

?That? Beth said leaning over the pixie ?was for making me drop my beer?

Jadaris walked over with a pouch of dust and dumped it on Siri?s face?

?and that?? Beth continued ? is for kidnapping me and giving me to CrazyTits McGee over there? she said motioning to the still groaning Mabia.

In a flash, the pink haired fairy started to shrink, getting smaller and smaller, her robes slipping off and leaving her trying to cover her naked parts, and plug her bloody nose. Soon she stopped, just a touch shorter than Beth had been. ?Cage her? Jadaris said, handing her one of the cages. ?Gladly? said beth with a smile.

Jadaris walked over to the other cage, the one that held her mother. She opened it and took her mother out, and smiled.

?Thanks for standing up for me Mom?You could have gone along with them, but you didn?t.?

?because you are my daughter, and I trust you. Now, Family bonding time can wait, please make me big again!? Lorna sighed.

A few moments later, Lorna was back to her old height, and hugged her daughter?

?Lorna? said the voice of Senator Ioan. ?I have just transported Senator Oolna to the infirmary?but I have been in contact with the other Senators, and we are in agreement. It seems we are in need of a new High Magistrate, and as runner up in the vote, you are next in line.?

?Mom, that?s wonderful!? Jadaris said, as they hugged again?

Jadaris smiled and looked towards her friends. Caitlin and Jenna smiled, but Beth was standing over the body of her fallen friend.

?He looks so peaceful? Beth whispered. Jadaris came over and looked.

?Is there anything we can do?.?

?There is!? Jadaris said. ?Kiss him.?

?What?? Beth said.

?a kiss from someone who truly cares from them will revive a fairy?revive him long enough for me to heal his wounds. It might not work, but it?s worth a shot? Jadaris smiled fainitly.

Beth sighed and went in, and she kissed him on the lips, feeling a powerful tingle flow between the two. She watched as his eyes opened, and he gasped.


?Da?av!? she shouted, hugging him, which caused him to wince.

?Beth, best let me heal him before you do that again.? Jadaris stated as she placed her hand on the wound and muttered some words. Blue sparks started to arc at her fingers, and a powerful flash blinded the whole room, but, when they could see again, Da?ave was good as new. He sat up, and sighed deeply, taking in a breath of air.

?Being dead is really exausting? he said with a laugh, finally able to hug Beth back.

?Thanks for bringing me back.? He said.

?Thanks for protecting me? she smiled as she kissed him again, not to save him, but, just because. Da?av didn?t mind.

?Da?av. When ever you are ready, would you take this human? Lorna said pointing at Mabia ?and place her outside the Fairy Ring. She will grow to human size, and wander to the nearest town with no memory of who she is. Suitable punishment, I think.? She added

?I will find my way back? Mabia muttered as Da?av picked her up ?I swear it, Lorna Pevnock, on your husbands grave!? she said.

Lorna ignored the words, and just said ?I?ll be waiting for you.?


?It sure is good to be back to human size!? Beth said putting her clothes on for the first time since the sleepover had begun.

?You gotta admit? Jenna said ?It was kinda cool??

?Oh, yes, I loved being kidnapped by a fairy. That was awesome.? Beth said dryly.

?It certainly was an adventure.? Caitlin said slipping back into her shoes.

?But we made new friends?and hey?we buy her some good window locks, and we can have another party someday.? Caitlin added.

?They had better be the best window locks ever invented? Beth said.

?They will be? replied Jadaris, who looked striking at Human Size.

?So that gold dust, why didn?t you use it on us to change it back?? Jenna asked.

?Because you were not a fairy being. You looked like one, but you couldn?t cast magic, or anything like that. No, the Golden Dust takes away a fairies powers. It?s reserved for the worst of the worst, and using it without permission is a major crime?

?But the fairies forgive me, right?? Caitlin asked. ?

?Yes, Caitlin.? Jadaris laughed.

?Why did you have it?? Beth asked, tying her hair into a pony tail.

?I wanted to give up being a fairy?I thought I was useless as a Pixie, but three humans proved me wrong!?

The girls smiled, and once they were all dressed, they went out for a night on the town.

It was the start of a beautiful friendship, and only the first in many adventures?
- Hugo Prosperio
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Unread 12-19-2008   #40
Ninja In The Night
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

I've compiled the story up to now, complete in chapter format, but without linking. All credit is given to DarthSpielBurg for writing this, and I've made additional space for an Epilogue for when he adds it, I will update the download link. The file is an RTF format, I can upload different formats if you like, but usually that removes the BOLD text & Underlines, which I am quite proud of how it looks. Darth, you've written an amazing story up to now, and I'm proud to say you've got a permanent spot in my file archives, which contains very few SW, as I don't usually find that to be my cup of tea. This story borders on great work, and I can only hope you write more in a sequel.
Attached Files
File Type: rar Pixie Dust [SW, BE] [DarthSpielBurg].rar (43.5 KB, 27 views)
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Unread 12-19-2008   #41
Tieing a Knot Or two
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

Yes this is one of my favorite sw stories. The character developement is great, and you make a real conention with the reader.

Claire's Project
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Unread 12-19-2008   #42
Hugo Prosperio
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

Originally Posted by Ninja In The Night View Post
I've compiled the story up to now, complete in chapter format, but without linking. All credit is given to DarthSpielBurg for writing this, and I've made additional space for an Epilogue for when he adds it, I will update the download link. The file is an RTF format, I can upload different formats if you like, but usually that removes the BOLD text & Underlines, which I am quite proud of how it looks. Darth, you've written an amazing story up to now, and I'm proud to say you've got a permanent spot in my file archives, which contains very few SW, as I don't usually find that to be my cup of tea. This story borders on great work, and I can only hope you write more in a sequel.
I am glad you liked the story, and that I could write something in a genre you aren't all that fond of, and have you still enjoy it. Thanks for doing the RTF file, it looks great. just a note that you missspelled darthspielberg, but it's not a huge deal. Great work!

Originally Posted by liveordie83 View Post
Yes this is one of my favorite sw stories. The character developement is great, and you make a real conention with the reader.
Your feedback and comments helped me out, as did your brilliant storytelling in your short stories. I am very glad you liked it.
- Hugo Prosperio
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Unread 12-19-2008   #43
Tieing a Knot Or two
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

Originally Posted by darthspielberg View Post
Your feedback and comments helped me out, as did your brilliant storytelling in your short stories. I am very glad you liked it.
I'm glad that I could be of service.

Claire's Project
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Unread 12-20-2008   #44
Hugo Prosperio
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

a little fun note to end the story on (and to set up a future plot point for eventual sequel(s)) Please Enjoy

Epilogue: Three Months Later

Snow drifted softly down over the city of Boston as Jenna Halloway and Bethany Gainsborough walked down a busy sidewalk. The street was brimming with activity, most people taking advantage of all the holiday sales, but Jenna and Beth weren?t shopping, no they were headed for a new salon in town, a quaint little place called Pixie Dust.

As the door chimed, Caitlin Miller smiled. She had been waiting for the two faces that just walked in.

?So, what do you think?? she said showing off the salon. ?Jadaris has quite the knack for decorating!?

?Yes, indeed? Jenna said. Beth looked around and smiled

?So where is the Pixie devil?? she asked. Jadaris poked her head out from a curtain leading to the back room, her hair now a seductive mix of her usual fire-truck red and a silky smooth black.

?I heard that, Beth!? she said, with a sly grin on her face.

?So I head you have solid bookings for the next week!? Jenna threw out as Jadaris stepped out, wearing a cute dress that suited her (it matched her hair)

?Yeah?and we only opened a few days ago, isn?t that wild. Would our two main investors like to try a new look?? she said batting her eyelashes. Jenna and Beth, along with Caitlin had used a large amount of their college dorm funds to help set up the boutique, and in less than a week, it was obvious they would make back their investment, and then some.

?No thanks, Jade? Beth said calling her by the nickname they had given the fairy after a frivolous night on the town three months earlier. ?But I will need to borrow some dust?? she said a bit sheepishly

?Another date with Da?av?? asked Jenna, to which Beth merely nodded.

?How cute?anyways, I?ll pass too, Jade? Jenna said ?But I?ll have to take you up on it sometime soon!? she said with a smile.

?Make a reservation quick? Caitlin added. She was looking at the books, and a smile crept across her face. ?We are the hit of the town?

Word had indeed spread across the city of a small salon where you could come out almost a different person. People would be lining up for sometime to come, thanks to the unseen magic preformed by a pixie disguised as a human.

?Oh, Jadaris!? Caitlin said. ?Ears?? she pointed to the pointed appendages in question, and Jadaris quickly flicked some hair over it.

?I really need to get better at my human look? she muttered as she prepped a station for an upcoming appointment. As if on cue, the door chimed and a 20 something girl, that Beth, Jenna, and Caitlin knew from college entered, dragging a rather cute six year old girl behind her.

?Come on, Kaylie, get in here? the older one shouted as the smalle girl pouted.

?You promised to take me to the toy store! I want to look at the dollies? Kaylie said looking quite sad.

?I changed my mind, now come on, I don?t want to loose my oppointment.?

?Welcome? Caitlin said ?you are just in time?
?Sit!? the girl yelled at her younger sister, who plopped herself into one of the comfy waiting room chairs, and sulked. Caitlin walked over and handed her a picture book, which brought a slight smile back to her face.

?Now what are we looking for today?? Jadaris asked as she sat the girl down.

?Lauren here? Caitlin said looking at her books ?ordered the standard hair special.?

?Ah, what color then, Lauren?? Jadaris said

?Uh?my usual is fine? she said pointing at her black locks. ?I just want something new, you know?

?You have no idea? Beth muttered as she sat in a chair next to little Kaylie, and proceeded to look at the picture book with the girl. Kaylie got real excited when she say a picture that looked like her sister. The woman in the drawing was screaming, which Beth thought was fitting. The little girl jumped from her seat and ran over to the chair where Jadaris had seated Lauren. ?Laurie, Look!? She shouted, ?it?s you.?

?Go away, can?t you see I?m busy. Little girls wouldn?t understand?? she said in a harsh tone that made Jadaris wince. She glared down at her customer and then a sly smile twisted across her face. She leaned down next to Kaylie.

?Now, Kaylie?do you have an pets at home, small dog, cats, snake?? she whispered.

?No, Big Sis? she said pointing up to her ?She?s allergic?except snakes, but we don?t own one a-those, cause they gross!? she said.

?ah, good. Just checking. Watch this? Jadaris chuckled as she pulled from her pocked a vial of light pink dust. She then sprinkled it onto Lauren?s head.

?What kind of product do you use?? Lauren said feeling a tingle in her scalp. ?it works really fast?

?You got that right? Jadaris smirked. Suddenly Lauren felt the room spinning, and she sat up. ?I don?t feel all that great all of a sudden?can I get a rain check?

Caitlin would have told her no, if she could open her mouth, but she just stared in shock as the rather annoying customer started to get shorter, rather quick.

?What are you looking at, Miller?? Lauren said, before noticing that the room looked bigger.

?Hey, what?s going on here? she said, standing up, which caused her pants to slide down to her ankles. ?What in the??

?Now you get to show her how to be a good big sister, Kaylie!? Jadaris said. ?She?s not finished yet, but when she is, I want you to take real good care of her, okay!?

Lauren was speechless, which seemed like a first, as she shot towards the ground, her clothing billowing out around her, and soon she finished, six inches tall, and trembling in her pile of clothes. Jadaris scooped the little thing out, and handed her to her sister.

?Laurie! You so little? Kaylie smiled. Lauren merely gulped and knew that she was in for a strange trip.

The child placed the small human in the front pocket of her overalls, and looked up Jadaris.

?Thank you, Ms. Fairy!? she said. Caitlin frowned as the girl left, the futile screams of a now miniture Lauren being heard until the door closed.

?How did she?? Caitlin asked.

?The little one?s can always tell.? She smiled.

?But what will happen to Lauren?she isn?t gonna stay small forever, is she?? Jenna asked.

?Not that anyone would mind? Beth threw in.

?No, the dust will wear off in a day??

?But what if she tells? Caitlin gasped.

?Who?d believer her?? Jenna stated, to which Jadaris smiled.


?I would hate to be a problem customer at this place? Beth said

Jadaris merely repeated herself with a chuckle ?Exactly??

Jadaris and Friends will return in
Onyx Ring: a Pixie Dust tale
- Hugo Prosperio
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Unread 12-20-2008   #45
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

my hat goes off to you sir, you have made a great story and is now in the top 3 of my all time faviortes. you have a nack for writing.
*flys off*
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