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Unread 12-28-2008   #1
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 1,313
The Goddess Hunter Side Story - Attractive to Ghosts (Sorta-Posession, Body Change)

Hewwo! I'm Hooded_Miracle! I have a story called The Goddess Hunter in the Growth area of the site, but I decided to write a story for the awesome Test-0. I thought my Christmas gift for him sucked, and decided to do a body-changeish crossover with his character, The Perpetually Nude Ghost Girl, and my story! I never told him about this, so the character may be off. >_>;

Anyway, enjoy!

It was quiet in the city as Crystal sat in her chair at the table, sipping on a cup of tea as she awaited the arrival of Norino. Where was she at? She was gone for over an hour! ?Geez, I love her, but I don?t exactly like sitting around waiting?? Crystal sighed, leaving twenty bling at the table. ?Payment made, tip calculated. Now to go find my pussy.? She said this out loud, and some of the other patrons heard her. She stood still for a moment, thinking, and then smacked herself in the forehead. ?Dammit, I should start thinking before I speak. I really, REALLY should.? She sighed, quickly making her exit.

Now to go into character description! If you know what she looks like, thanks for reading my story (skip to the next paragraph!)! If not, continue reading! She was an odd girl who always stood out. Crystal had to duck under the 6?6 doorway, her seven foot frame far above what most of the buildings she went into usually supported. Her dark colored skin contrasted with her camo clothing. Forest camo cargo jeans, a desert camo long-sleeve shirt and an arctic camo un-zippered vest that went down the length of her shirt, leaving the entire front open, the vest itself rather thin. She wore an eyepatch over her right eye, with a diamond-shaped crystal embedded into it, while her left eye was a milky white. She was also bald.

Alright, done! Seriously. I take too much time with this stuff. I don?t do too good of a job with it, either.

She made her way down the sidewalk, taking out her white cell-phone and dialing in a few numbers, lifting it up to her ear. ?Norino, are you there? I decided to come looking for you. I was getting fairly bored, and drank enough tea for the rest of my life.?

?Uh, ye-yeah, I?m here?? Norino stated, her voice quivering slightly. Crystal looked up at the sky, with a bright sun and no clouds.

?Norino, the weather is fine, you decided to look for this ?invisible Goddess? on one side of town and I looked for her in another part. We?d see something by now if she did something. You haven?t done anything wrong.? Crystal said so reassuringly, wondering what was wrong with Norino.

?That?s just it?? Norino stated, her voice picking up slightly. ?We WOULD have spotted something. You would have picked up on it where you?re at, and I would have spotted her because I?m a Goddess too. She might not be a Goddess.?

Crystal stood still for a moment, thinking it over for a moment. ?Don?t worry about it. I have an idea of who this might be, then. I?ve heard rumors of something other-worldly around these parts, too. Those rumors must?ve been combined after awhile. Meet me at the ?Kitten Kaboodle? restaurant in the Chinatown area.? Crystal said, walking forward again. She heard a small groan at the other end, and then chuckled slightly. ?A bad translation for a Japanese restaurant in the Chinese area of the city. Not very funny, if you think about it.?

?I can?t believe you can talk about these places with a straight face.? Norino said.

?I?ve had to deal with worse to meet some Goddesses. Trust me, this isn?t nearly as bad as some. That?s a story for another time, though. Seeya there.? Crystal hung up the phone and slipped it into her pocket, resting her other hand in the opposite pocket. ?Now to go to said badly named restauant.?

She kept her pace slow, enjoying the day in her strides. The sun was out, the clouds were nonexistent, and nothing catastrophic occurred yet.

Too bad those moments never last.

She suddenly stopped for a moment. ?Odd?? She thought to herself, looking at her arm. ?I really doubt my skin color changed on its own.? She examined her arm by lifting the sleeve up slightly. Her arm went from tan black to simply light tan in a matter of seconds. She was losing her ebony coloring!

?Yes, it?s THAT dramatic that we have to use exclamation points. Great story-telling, there.? She sighed, examining her other arm. Same thing. Of course, now she had to lift up the sleeve more than the other arm. ?Wait a minute?? She thought to herself, letting her sleeve fall down her arm, the sleeve itself going past the arm?s length. ?Am I getting smaller??

She felt a slight slip from her eyepatch and immediately lifted her right arm up to it, keeping it up. However, she felt an odd fabric there. ?It ain?t fabric, twit. It?s hair. Specifically, seems to be blonde.? She waved her hand and removed it from her view. However, it wasn?t just hair that accidently grazed her; it was her own. It was shoulder-length, too, at that. ?I?m turning into a normal human being. Something?s wrong here.?

She took out her phone, ready to dial a few numbers, but quickly felt something cross her mind. An emotion. One she did not have. ?So, the rumors were true?? She thought to herself, smirking, her right hand still on her eyepatch, her other in her pocket, keeping her pants up. ?There really IS a ghost around here.?

She felt a tinge of humor. Apparently, this ghost had emotions.

?So, you possessed me?? Crystal asked, moving over to a wall and leaning against it. ?More specifically, you entered my body through otherworldly means?? She observed the wall?s height, and measured herself against it. She lost a whole 12 inches in length.

Agreement flowed through Crystal.

?So, I take it you?re invisible??

Disagreement, this time.

?So I just didn?t see you??

Once again, agreement.

?Great?? Crystal sighed, shaking her head. ?I?m one of the top-ranked Goddess Hunters in the universe, and I don?t even notice a ghost when they possesses me from the back. Embarrassing is putting it lightly.?

An apologetic tone took over.

?I didn?t mean it in a bad way. It just means that I have more to work on.? Crystal removed herself from the wall, standing up straight. ?Were you thinking of scaring me??

At first Crystal felt agreement, but then quickly felt fear.

?You thought that if you tried to scare me, I?d hurt you or something along those lines?? Crystal asked, now looking over the road she was walking down before.

Agreement. Boy, I don?t know what else to write. That?s a problem.

Crystal let out a small giggle, walking down the path again. ?Am I really so odd and scary looking that I make a ghost think I might hurt them??

A fearful reply.

?Ah, forget about it. I?m out of place, even by this planet?s standards. One question, though?? Crystal began, some people staring at her from a distance. I mean, come on, a lightly tanned-skinned girl who?s six feet with clothes she has to hold up while wearing an eyepatch and also having a milky white eye? I?d stare, too (although for entirely different reasons).

A confused thought entered her mind.

?Why?d my body change when you possessed me?? Crystal asked.

An entire explanation, done through emotions, flittered through her brain. Sort of like interpretive dance. Except not.

?Oh. Makes perfect sense.? She stated in an almost totally serious matter. ?I?ve never heard a better explanation of anything in my entire life.?

Relief came and went.

?I?m about to meet my girlfriend whom I love, and then we?re going to eat some Japanese food. Care to join?? Crystal asked, trying to get the ghost to warm up to her.

Fortunately, the ghost was anxious to go with Crystal.

?It?s settled, then. I?ll introduce you when we get there.? Crystal replied. The rest of the walk was just her observing the environment and keeping her clothing on.

As she finally arrived, Crystal approached the small caravan where some Neko were cooking food. Norino sat on a bench placed right in front of it, and she spotted Crystal as she got closer.

More boring explanation! You know the drill. Skip if you know the character, otherwise, don?t. Norino is a white-furred Neko (cat anthro thing) with a pink nose and slightly dull ears. She had green eyes and was wearing a bright pink shirt with ?9 lives? written on the front and ?10 deaths? written on the back, both in bold black letters. Her jeans were dark purple, and she had her hands in her pockets. (I used to say paw?s, now I say hands. Will explain later. Might not. I have to think to make good excuses for my stupidity.) She was wearing dark blue boots. That?s about it. Yup.

As Crystal got nearer, still holding on hand over her eyepatch and one holding her jeans up. Norino raised one eye. She stood up and walked towards the owner of the cart, a fuzzy brown-and-white-and-black spotted cat with said colors randomly placed in patchs on his fur. He wore an apron and a zip-up dark green jacket covered in grease, with a baseball cap on with the Japanese characters for ?Chef,? or, more specifically, シェフ. I used google translate, shut up.

She handed him a few bling, and spoke in a foreign tounge. The male neko nodded his head, and began fiercely preparing a meal. Norino turned back towards Crystal, walking towards her, while Crystal herself kept her pace, walking towards the small shop. Crystal stopped just as Norino was a few feet away.

?I am officially worried about your health.? Norino sighed, one hand on her face, covering her eyes as if in disbelief.

?Nice to know you actually care about me.? Crystal smirked, feeling a bit of humor from the ghost.

?Worrying and caring have different definitions.? Norino replied, shaking her head. She stared upward at Crystal?s face, although she didn?t have to turn her head up nearly as much as usual. ?Explain to me how you get shorter, hair, and a different skin color in the time span of a few hours when I?m not there. I DARE you to be coherent with this explanation.? Norino was practically demanding this, her hands back in her pockets.

?Long story short, those rumors of other-worldly beings, uh, being here? I?m carrying those rumors inside me.? Crystal stated, a small giggle entering her thoughts.

Norino gave her an odd stare for a few moments, and then flicked her ears. Her green eyes lowered for a moment, as if she were in thought, then raised themselves again. ?I would reply, but my mind?s been blown. I honestly have no more questions. Except, you know, about your sanity.? She sighed, and turned around. ?I?m going to sit down and eat my sushi. I ordered you some herbal tea and fried rice. Maybe the food and drink?ll clear your head enough to offer a clear, concise explanation. That means an explanation that WORKS.? Norino began walking towards the cart, and Crystal soon followed, the ghost within her being slightly more cheery than what she was before they arrived.

As they both sat down, the chef cat had the order in his paws. Yes, paws. I keep going back and forth, but it?s explainable. Later. Not now.

?Meow! Dekiagari, mow meow!? The chef neko held in his hands one plate of sushi and one plate of steamed rice, with fish and vegetables mixed in. His tail was wrapped around a cup with tea within it, holding it up next to the plate of rice. He approached the two, holding it out to them. ?Sesshoku dekiagari, neko megami!? The neko placed the food next to his customers, and left the cup of herbal tea in Crystal?s hands. Norino replied with ?Shai!,? and the chef bowed and went back to his post.

Crystal moved some hair from her face, taking a sip of the tea as she looked over at Norino. ?Alright, now I?ll be serious.? She ate some rice and began, Norino lifting an eyebrow as she ate a piece of sushi. ?That ghost I said there was a rumor about??

?What about it?? Norino asked, swallowing the sushi.

?Seem?s like the ghost possessed me.? Crystal took a small sip of her tea, while Norino ate another piece of sushi. The ghost let out a confused emotion. ?You don?t seem surprised. Most people would be jumping up and down by now.? Crystal stated, looking over at Norino.

?Travelling with you isn?t exactly a sane thing to do, you know.? Norino stated while licking her lips. ?This isn?t NEARLY as unexpected as when you came in and wrecked my friggin? bar.? Norino sighed as the memory resurfaced. She shook it off, and looked over at Crystal. The ghost was giggling. ?Judging by your attitude, she?s only residing in you and not actually controlling you.?

?Nice observational skills.? Crystal replied, gobbling up some more rice. ?I also get some of the ghost?s physical traits. Apparent from the baggy clothing, shorter height and dirty hair, isn?t it?? Norino examined Crystal with a keen eye, particularly at her hair.

?The hair doesn?t suit you.? Norino plainly stated, putting another piece of sushi in her mouth. ?It looks nice, but it doesn?t suit you.?

?Hey, be careful what you say! The ghost has feelings, too.? Crystal said before sipping some tea. She felt a tinge of humor, but it quickly faded.

?You can feel its emotions, too?? Norino asked, lifting an eyebrow slightly.

?I wouldn?t say ?it,? but yes, I can. The ghost is telling me?? Crystal halted mid-sentence, giving an odd look, which made Norino slightly confused. ?No, no, NO. I won?t let you. Not until we get out of town, anyway.?

?Won?t...?? Norino asked, staring at Crystal. ?I assume you?re talking to the ghost??

?Bingo.? Crystal said, putting her empty tea cup and cleaned plate next to her. ?The ghost wants to kiss you next.?

?? Whut?? Crystal asked stupidly, dumbfounded by the bluntness of what Crystal said. Crystal?s cheeks reddened with her noticing. ?Aw, dammit, you?re serious. Your cheeks are blushing.? Norino let out a small giggle, while Crystal pulled out a pocket mirror and looked at her face.

?Geez, maybe I should have thought more thoroughly about saying that.? Crystal murmured to herself, the red in her cheeks getting brighter and brighter. ?Whatever. The ghost is harmless. Once we get out of town, I?ll let her kiss you.? She put the mirror away and finished her meal.

?You won?t even ask me what I want to do?? Norino asked, also finishing her meal.

?I don?t think it?ll make much difference. You try and stop a ghost.? Crystal said, standing up and holding her jeans so they would not fall. ?I specialize in Goddesses. I only know one person who specializes in ghosts, but she wouldn?t really be interested. She?s too far away, anyway. Calling her wouldn?t do anything except make her mad at us for not calling her earlier.? Crystal sighed, walking past Norino. ?Besides, the ghost got a lot happier when she saw you, compared to before.?

Norino, ever so slightly creeped out, left bling where she was sitting and quickly caught up to Crystal. ?That?s worrisome. A stalker is one thing, but when there?s one you can?t stop, that?s another thing entirely.? Norino shivered slightly, the thought rushing through her. Crystal stood in front of Norino, halting her progress.

?I?d comfort you if I didn?t have falling pants or an eyepatch that needed to be held up. I can tell you that I?d make sure anyone or anything that even THINKS of hurting you or touching you when you don?t want them to is either dead, dying, gone, or injured, possibly beyond repair.? Crystal turned around, walking once again. ?You don?t have to worry. I will protect you.?

Norino paused for a moment, blushing slightly, and then ran forward next to Crystal. ?You?re so heroic.? She teased, tapping her fist on Crystal?s arm.

?Corny, too.? Crystal sighed, looking over at Norino. ?We?ll do it in the forest in the outlying area of the town. I?ll be there when it happens, so don?t worry.?

?Me, worry? Only about your sanity.? Norino once again teased, letting out a giggle. The ghost inside Crystal let off a giggle, too.

?I feel like a target right now.? Crystal sighed again, looking towards the Forest. After a ways of walking, Crystal holding up her clothing the entire time, they reached the Forest. The outskirts, actually. The boring parts. Then after a few more minutes of walking, they were deeper in the forest. The not so boring parts.

Crystal looked around for a few moments, examining the surrounding area. ?Alright, no one else is around besides me, Norino and you, ghost. Let?s get this over with.? Crystal said, standing straight up. Norino took a few steps back as Crystal looked at her.

A paranormal noun (person, place or thing) of some sort started making its way out, through the back. The more the ghost left, the more Crystal changed back to her previous self. Her clothing began fitting on her, her hair began receding, and she no longer had to hold up her eyepatch.

After all of this, Crystal gave a slight smug. ?It?s nice to not have to worry about hair again.? She looked around, first at Norino, then at the forest. ?Where did that ghost go?? Crystal turned around, and still didn?t see the ghost.

?Found her!? Norino hollered, and Crystal immediately turned around. The ghost was already laying its lips on Norino. Well, HER lips. The ghost was a beautiful girl, with long hair down to her waist and large, round breasts. Norino was practically aving her arms around in sheer terror, while Crystal slowly made her way over, tilting her head in confusion.

?Did I forget to mention she was female?? Crystal asked, a few paces away.

A few moments after it began, the kissing ended. Norino was practically gasping for air, while the Ghost was smiling. ?Yes, you forgot to mention she was female. What a coincidence.? Norino said between gasps of air. The ghost looked over at Crystal, and smiled.

?I know what you?re thinking. Kissing a cat is pretty nice. Well, a neko, actually. Then again, neko does mean ?cat? in Japanese?? Crystal murmured to herself, while Norino made her way over.

?I?d prefer being told whether someone I can?t see is male or female next time, please.? Norino stated, slightly agitated, her eyes in a scowl.

?I bet she was happy, though.? Crystal said, pointing to the ghost, who was still smiling.

?That isn?t the point.? Norino replied.

?Considering this isn?t even a chapter in the main storyline, there really isn?t much point.? Crystal pointed out.

The ghost girl tilted her head in confusion.

?Don?t get her involved with your fourth-wall breaking!? Norino demanded, slapping her forehead.

?Let?s just see her off, then. That way, you can stop raising your blood pressure.? Crystal chuckled, looking over at the ghost. ?So, did you enjoy yourself, girly?? Crystal asked. The ghost nodded excitedly. ?Good to know. I haven?t met a ghost before, so I learned a few things.?

Norino was blushing slightly as the ghost girl looked over, lowering her head so the ghost wouldn?t see her face. ?Uh? so? did you, uh? like the kiss?? Norino asked, looking to the side and avoiding the ghost?s eyes. She nodded happily.

?I just realized.? Crystal stated, the ghost looking over to her. ?You have really large breasts.? Norino practically jumped her.

?Don?t get any idea?s, you!? Norino stated, wrestling Crystal to the ground. ?You?re mine and no one else?s!?

?Quick, before crazy kitty gets me! I just wanted to say it was nice meeting you, missus ghost!? Crystal hollered to the ghost, before Norino grabbed her arms and legs, making her unable to use them. The ghost waved goodbye, slightly confused at the situation, and disappeared into the forest.

?You scared her away.? Crystal sighed, Norino letting go of her.

?No, we?re getting close to the end of the story. She had to leave sooner or later.? Norino stood up, opening her hand for Crystal to use to get up. As soon as she stood up, Norino hugged her. ?You are mine, and no one else?s.?

?I know. You already said that.? Crystal sighed again, petting Norino on the head.


I sure hope I put this story in the right place. o_o;
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