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Unread 08-24-2010   #1
Lord T Hawkeye
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The Heiress 2 (TG/TF) (Complete)

Well, you asked for it. You demanded it. You downright threatened me for it. And your lord has come to answer your cries. ^^

The sequel to the Heiress for your viewing pleasure. Do note, Mamano Lake is open for use in other stories if anyone feels like writing one. Please do inform me though, I'd love to read it myself.


I'm so happy you've chosen to stay. I knew you could be persuaded to see things my way. What's that now? Oh of course, ask away! What was it like when I first changed? What happened to Wolf? Oh and people say these woods are cursed? Ah, so full of questions. Well, all right. I'll tell you if you massage my back.

Well, I won't deny it was all hard to take in at first. I had a new body and I found myself seeing the world differently than I used to. I never used to be attracted to men but now I saw something in them I didn't see before. The idea of being served and admired by them just sent shivers down me. What? Oh no, we didn't kidnap the guards or anything. We entertained them for a while and let them go though of course, they always tried to find any excuse to come back.

Mother was also a talented sorceress so I had much to learn about that too. As a human, I couldn't even read arcane texts without falling asleep but it seems my new body was naturally attuned to magic so that made things much easier. Mother particularly favored spells against the minds of others, all the better to lure in visitors. Well, that was life for several years afterwards. I never heard from Wolf again until I think it was maybe 3 years after she passed away. I won't ever forget that day...

It was around the time of the spring festival. The nearby town would set up around a round lake in the woods, not too far from our home. We always loved to attend. There was games, food, drink and no shortage of men with deep pockets to have our fun with. The noblemen especially loved to spend money in an effort to impress us.

I dressed up in my finest and walked down to the festival grounds with Anthony in tow. He was a younger fellow who got lost and stumbled upon my home a few weeks ago. He had no home to go to so I so kindly agreed to take him in. He was bright lad and eager to please though a bit na?ve which made him a perfect fit for me.

?So tell me,? I asked him as we walked along, ?Have you been to this spring festival before??

?No Miss Shivalla, but I heard it's fun,? Anthony answered as he adjusted the shoulder sack containing my possessions on his back.

?Oh you'll love...hmm?? I trailed off as we came to the clearing to find workers were still only just starting to set up.

?Did we come too early?? Anthony wondered.

?Maybe....? I pondered, ?Or maybe there were just delays in getting started. Oh well, we can pass the time.?

?What do you have in mind my lady?? Anthony asked.

?Looks like there's no one down by the lake,? I commented, looking ahead, ?A cool swim sounds like just the thing.?

I snickered to myself as Anthony's face reddened a bit. His shyness around women amused me to no end. We walked down to the shore where I promptly removed my dress, making sure to let Anthony get a good look at me before he was able to turn away. It was probably cruel of me to tease him so but how could I resist? Just as I got to removing my undergarments, I felt a familiar heat building up inside.

?Oh...the full moon again, I'd forgotten all about it,? I said as silvery fur spread over my body, turning to it's fox form. I could control my shape normally but the full moon forced me into my lycanthropic form.

?Don't worry Miss Shivalla, I'll make sure no one disturbs you. You don't have to worry,? Anthony declared as he stood watch.

?You're so thoughtful Anthony,? I giggled as I waded out into the cool water. As I got into deeper water, I let myself relax as I basked in the moonlight. Yes, life was good indeed. I lived day to day without a worry in the world. Well, almost none.

My relaxation was brought to an end when I suddenly felt a sharp pain my shoulder and a terrifying weight dragging me under. In my struggle, I could barely make out what it was until I saw those familiar eyes.

?Wolf?!? I screamed as I saw him still a dog and apparently feeling the need to take out years of frustrations on me.

?My lady!?? Anthony called out as he noticed the disturbance. My former friend's fierce grip was suddenly loosened as I heard him whine in pain and swim off, an arrow piercing his flank. Anthony was quick to wade out and see that I was well.

?Are you hurt Miss Shivalla? I'm so sorry! I didn't see that dog!? he stammered as he helped me from the water.

?It's not too severe,? I answered as I felt my regenerative power already getting to work, ?Let's just rest a while until the festival starts then.?

Nodding in agreement, we set up camp and tried to forget the whole incident, neither one of us noticing the pool of blood in the water seeming to take on an odd glow under the pale light of the moon before dispersing amid the lake.

I awoke the next morning to the sound of activity in the distance. I rolled off Anthony's prone form to look up and see the fair finally begun.

?Oh joy!? I chirped happily as I nudged Anthony awake, ?Come on Anthony, get dressed. We don't want to miss this!?

?Oh of course Miss Shivalla!? he nodded as he got his things.

We happily made our way just as the fair had gotten fully started up. There were many sights to see, vendors selling their wares, games to play and various oddities. We took a look through the side show first.

?Hmm....who's this now?? I said looking at an aging man sitting on a raised platform, ?Edward, the man who never forgets.?

?That's right miss, I never forget anything. Try me,? he boasted.

?Okay...what was the weather like on...the fifth day of the third month of the 15th year this century?? I asked to challenge him.

He didn't even pause as he replied, ?It started out cloudy but just past noon, the clouds had cleared out and it was sunny the rest of the day.?

?Wow, that's amazing!? Anthony commented as we continued on to the next exhibit. We saw the world's shortest man, the infamous two headed pig and then of course my favorite, the strong man.

?Oh my...? I muttered blushing as I looked dreamily at the living obelisk of manliness perform various feats of strength, ?I wonder how strong he is after hours.?

?Pah, he's not that strong,? came a familiar voice behind me.

?Is that...? I wondered turning around to see three friendly faces behind me, ?Captain Theodore! Samuel! Farlo!?

Indeed, it was the royal guards that mother and I had...gotten acquainted with before. I almost didn't recognize them out of uniform. I went up to hug them all fiercely as I hadn't seen them in so long.

?Who's your friend Shivalla?? Theodore asked me indicating Anthony.

?This is Anthony, a stray of sorts who came across my house. You can guess how it went from there.?

Anthony smiled awkwardly at the implication.

?Heh heh, you're a lucky lad,? Theodore commented, knowing full well what I meant, ?Anyway, we heard you liked to come here so we took some time off and decided to see if we could see you again.?

?Aw, you're all so sweet!? I said, relishing the attention, ?Sure, we can all see the sights together. The more the merrier I always say.?

?How about trying some of the games? I always win at darts,? Farlo offered.

?You definitely shouldn't miss the uncorking of the brewery's latest creation. I hear it's to die for,? Samuel suggested. He always did love his drinks.

?Don't worry everybody, we'll be sure to try everything before the day is out,? I replied as we headed out for a day of fun.

So it was decided, we'd first pay a visit to some of the games before breaking for lunch. Farlo, always the competitive one, was eager to try and win a prize to show off for me. I as always welcomed it. He was as good as his word at least. He did have a great throwing arm and was able to win a necklace at the darts game that he happily presented me with. Theodore gave me a nice display at the strength game. He was able to ring the bell and show off for me. I was rather surprised to find that Anthony was quite the archer, managing to score well in the target game. Samuel wasn't really into the games but still was having fun too. He did buy me a lovely scarf just to not feel left out.

What? Me using them? Oh don't be silly. I was fully intending to make it all worth their while later. Yes, there were some complications but now I'm getting ahead of myself.

Anyway, we stopped for a meal and some pleasant conversation shortly afterwards.

?So,? Theodore asked, ?What was When you changed into what you are??

?Yeah,? Farlo put in, ?Is it true you used to be a man? Do you still remember??

Oh yes, they knew. I knew they could be trusted. No man who dream of betraying me. They all love me far too much. Hee hee!

?So curious,? I responded amused but flattered, ?Well, there's not much to tell for the physical part. It just kinda tickles all over but it's not unpleasant. Mentally, it's kinda strange. It's not mind control or anything, it's more like suddenly noticing things you didn't before. I do remember what it was like in my past life a way it feels almost like it happened to someone else, not me. It wasn't much to write home about anyway so I don't miss it. I'm happy now.?

?Well, that's all that matters right?? Anthony concluded as Samuel came walking up to the table.

?A bit of bad news everyone...? he said disappointed.

?What's wrong?? Theodore inquired.

?Seems there was a bigger crowd turnout than the brewery thought so they had to call in for some more kegs. It's gonna be late.

?Oh, well that's okay. Better late than never right?? I said trying to make light of the situation.

?Shivalla, did you forget?? Samuel reminded me, ?It's the full moon again tonight. Sunset will start setting in by the time it starts and you don't want everyone to see you change.?

?Oh don't you worry your husky little head about it,? I teased, ?We can set up a picnic up on the hill and have our toast there. Just us, what do you think??

I could see everyone smiling in approval of this plan. So it was settled, before sunset began, we moved everything up to the hill overlooking the fair. I liked it better this way. Crowds are fun but it's nice to be just with friends too. In no time, Samuel came grunting up the hill with a keg of the finest.

?So strong there Samuel,? I said amused at his determination.

?Heh, no sweat,? he said weakly before setting it down.

?Well, let's get started then,? I said as we opened the spigot and poured a mug each.

?To good times to come?? Theodore proposed.

?Agreed!? we all said as we tapped mugs and drank to that.

?'s good!? I said savoring the flavor.

?It is...but...? Samuel pondered looking into his mug.

?Something wrong?? Farlo asked.

?I...I'm not sure but I think they watered it down a tad,? Samuel concluded.

?From the lake?? Anthony wondered as he looked over at the lake reflecting the last glimmer of sunlight.

?Ah well, no big deal,? Samuel shrugged it off.

I began to feel that familiar heat and tingling as the last of the day light seeped away, leaving the forest bathed in pale moon light. Silvery fur spread over me as my body reshaped to my familiar fox form. But then, something felt different this time. The tugging of my tail as it struggled to emerge felt stronger than usual.

?Ugh...what's...going...? I muttered as everyone helped support me as I watched in shock as not one but two thick, furry tails sprouted from the base of my spine.

?Two? That's a new one,? Farlo said confused.

?Yeah...I hope it's not a bad...? Theodore began before suddenly dropping his mug on the ground.

?Theodore? What's wrong?? I asked only to watch the others clutch themselves in discomfort.

?Ugh...something about the brew...? Farlo stammered.

?Feel so hot...? Anthony muttered.

What followed then was a sight I'd never forget. It was like live snakes were crawling underneath their skins, molding them like clay. At first the changes were subtle as their features began to soften, their body hair fading away and their skins themselves growing smoother.

?Shivalla...what's happening?? Samuel pleaded.

?I...I don't know!? I said unable to do anything but watch.

Samuel, unlike the others didn't lose muscle mass. Indeed, he actually seemed to be gaining it. He knelt down as he felt his hips taking in the majority of it, growing wide and round yet still firm and muscular. The seems of his clothes were strained as he grew larger. At first looking like the blood was rushing to his head, that's when it became apparent, he was turning red all over. His attention then suddenly turned to his chest as his pectorals began to swell into a shape not befitting his previously masculine form. As the shifting subsided, he now bore a voluptuous, amazonian figure that stood easily 8 feet tall with strong, powerful legs, a round figure that put my own to shame and large round breasts that easily held themselves up through their own might. To top it all off, a small pair of yellow horns jutted from his...or should I say her head. Her long mane of wild white hair trailed down to her hips.

The others meanwhile were faring no better.

Farlo looked to have quite the opposite progress. His clothes began to loosen as his body rapidly shed mass to form into a small, modest figure with just rounded bumps for breasts.

?Ah....I'm...getting smaller...? he cried out as his voice rapidly went up the scales, growing more high pitched.

His face lost it's mature complexion, favoring a much more childlike appearance. He was about to panic and try running for help but rapidly found himself tangled up in the sea of cloth that he once wore as clothes. He tripped as his pants fell down around his angles and stumbled to the ground, quickly fading out of sight into a small lump under his shirt.

?!!? Anthony called out panicking as his own changes took hold.

Anthony had taken on a much softer, plusher shape but was also growing, stopping only just shy of Farlo's size. The strain on his trousers was finally too much to bear as a long, tuffed tail forced it's way out, quickly whipping around as though excited to finally be free. His shoes slipped off as his feet retreated inwards and hardened, forming a pair of shiny black hooves, thin white fur making it's way up his legs and stopping at his waist as the remainder of his trousers fell off. Curved white horns crept out from atop his head but he was far too preoccupied with his chest to notice. His breasts sagged and sloshed like waterskins as they swelled to a size rivaling even Samuel's though with noticeably less firmness. His shirt bore white stains as the lactation within had reached it's limit. She retained her should, brown hair at least.

?Ugh...what is this?? Theodore said as I turned and noticed him now clutching a black steel choker that now was affixed to his neck and would not relinquish it despite his efforts. He too took on a more feminine shape though retaining his battle hardened physique as well. He didn't grow larger like Farlo however, forming the body of a stunning but powerful woman. The change wasn't over yet however as his clothes themselves began to darken and reform. They left some areas exposed as they gathered in others, growing thick and hard until they formed a black metal suit of armor that fit his new figure perfectly. A flowing black cape trailed behind her as her blond, shoulder length hair ran atop it.

?Shivalla! What is...ack!? Theodore began until her fidgeting with the choker caused what none could have expected. She caused her very head to fall off behind her and roll a few feet away.

?Theodore?! What did you...? I stammered as her body frantically began feeling around for it's lost appendage.

?Did...did I just...? Theodore tried to make sense of everything as her body found her and quickly replaced her head to it's rightful spot.

?What's going on here?? came a high pitched voice as Farlo finally managed to wriggle her way out of the piles of clothes but upon seeing her girlish appearance and the silvery mothlike wings that adorned her back, she looked ready to retreat under them again.

?I don't know...was it something in the drinks?? I wondered as I looked back at the keg, ?But that would mean...?

I put the pieces together as I looked over the hill down to the fair below. It was in utter chaos as female monsters of all shapes and sizes looked around confused, some destroying stalls and tables in frustration, a few who hadn't been changed fleeing in terror.

?How did this happen?? I wondered just before my ears pricked up to an approaching sound.

?I believe I can answer that,? came a sultry, woman's voice. We all turned to see a dark figure emerge from the trees. From the waist down, she bore strong, bestial legs covered in black fur and a short, bushy tail trailed behind her. Above the waist, she looked more like a human woman though the fur began again at her forearms ending in clawed fingers and wolf like ears crowned the black hair that adorned her head. When I saw the all to familiar scar over one of her eyes, I immediately recognized her.

?Wolf?! Is that you?? I asked stepping in front of my confused friends.

?In the flesh,? she replied with a grin, ?Now I suppose you all want to know what's going on here and when you're going to wake up.?

?Yeah!? Samuel interrupted stepping foreward, her intimidating size towering over me.

?Don't get mad at me,? Wolf replied pointing at me, ?this is her inheritance.?

?Inheritance?? I asked.

?You weren't just heir to your mother's little cottage and her self indulgences. Ever read the stories about the mamano races??

?Mamano?? Theodore replied, ?The female monsters? But those are just myths, stories told to frighten unruly children.?

Wolf laughed, ?Well you better start believing cause you're all in the bodies of them.?

?Wait...did this have anything to do with when you attacked Shivalla yesterday?? Anthony asked, still clutching her overfilled breasts.

?Yes, sorry about that old friend but it was your mother's orders,? Wolf explained as I stared in shock as though she were saying madness, ?Here, let me explain.?

Well, Wolf told this with a lot of embellishment as he always was prone to do so I'll try and get to the point. The mamano races were various female monsters who once terrorized the land in their pursuit of human men to propagate their species. Some were forceful, some were violent, some where peaceful and devoted to their mates but it mattered not to the crusaders who hunted them all down like animals. There weren't even any trials. Before all was lost, a powerful werefox sealed the genomes of all the various remaining mamano races inside herself to ensure they would be passed on from generation to generation until the time was right to release them again. Mother decided that the time was right. All that was needed was my blood, giving unwillingly into a pool of water bathed in the moonlight. Mother's health sadly had failed before she was able to prepare me properly so she was able to call Wolf back and told him he could walk on two legs again if he completed the ritual. He was eager to be free of his cursed form so he accepted without hesitation.

?And so here we stand,? Wolf finished, ?Your mother didn't mention me ending up as a female werewolf but it sure beats the old form.?

?You!? Theodore pointed accusingly as she suddenly pulled a sword from thin air without even realizing it, ?You're responsible for this!?

?You should be thanking me,? Wolf replied, ?Think about it. You're now strong and powerful, far more than you were before. So what if you look like you do, can't you feel it? Your newfound lust for men!?

They all stared wide eyed as the same realization came to them.

?Ugh...the thought of...? Samuel said disgusted by his own thoughts.

?I don't want to be like this!? Farlo screamed angrily.

?Yeah, these are starting to hurt!? Anthony groaned under his chests' weight.

?Tsk, you'll get over it,? Wolf replied with dismissive wave, ?I'm gonna go enjoy my new life. You all do the same.?

With that, she leaped off into the woods, vanishing into the darkness.

?Wolf!? I called out only to be met with silence. I turned to see my friends looking quite down at everything.

?Come on everyone, let's get back to my place. We'll figure something out.?

I helped up Anthony as the others made for my house, stumbling awkwardly under their new bodies. Anthony especially wasn't used to walking on hooves. Once there, I put on some tea as I helped Anthony relieve the pressure of her lactation. Once everyone had sat down and calmed themselves under the soothing mist of the tea, we were able to think more clearly about our situations.

?So...I'm guessing there's no way to reverse this?? Samuel asked as she struggled to hold onto the mug that was now tiny in her hands.

?I've looked through mother's old spell book, this is complete reincarnation essentially. These are your real bodies now, in mind and spirit too. You might already have noticed some changes in your mindset. Feel anything?? I asked hoping to ease them through the transformation.

?Yeah...? Samuel said as he closed his eyes for a moment, ?Suddenly, I just feel like throwing a big old party with lots of drinks for everyone...?

?I...? Anthony muttered, ?I wanna meet someone who'll take care of me!?

?A romantic picnic in the forest...that just feels right somehow...? Farlo said taking sips from her tiny cup.

?I did always dream of striking fear in evil...and with this body, I can!? Theodore said looking at his reflexion in his sword.

?See? It's not so bad,? I consoled everyone, ?Maybe this is was meant to be. A new life, a new chance! Just like mother gave me!?

?Yeah...the more I think about it, the more I like it!? Samuel said accidentally crushing her cup under her immense strength.

?This could be fun!? Farlo said as she flitted around everyone's heads. She just couldn't get enough of flying.

?The lactating will take some getting used to...but I do feel at peace somehow,? Anthony agreed.

?We might need some new names though...? Theodore wondered.

?Hey...? I said getting a mischevious look in my eyes, ?I saw a lot of pretty good looking guys that didn't get affected by the change back at the fair. Wanna see if we can catch some before the others get them??

?I'm strangely comfortable with the idea,? Theodore said as she led the charge out my door.


So it was a learning experience for everyone and they all stayed with me for a while until they felt comfortable striking out on their own. I taught them all I knew about how to get men to see things your way. Oh boy, their first times were awkward but they got the hang of it quickly. It's all just a matter of listening to yourself. Well, as for what happened to them after that...


Farlia lives in this very forest still, stopping by in nearby villages to...ahem, invite a man who catches her eye on a date.

?Hmm...? said young man wandering into a bright, sun bathed meadow, ?The letter said to meet here. I wonder who she is. Is it someone I know??

That's when something at the ground caught his eye.

? this...? he said as he knelt down to get a better look. It was a tiny little picnic table and umbrella all set up but it looked so small, like it was made for a doll.

He was about to walk off, wondering if this was all some childish prank when a strange giggling noise in the trees caught his attention.

?Is someone there?? he called out before looking down at his hands. They seemed to be retreating into his sleeves. That was when he noticed his clothes all loosening. Paniking, he tried to run but the shrinking all happened too fast and in seconds, he was struggling to clamber up into the air through the sea of fabric. He emerged to be greeted by the sweet smile of a bright blue hair girl fluttering above him with her shining wings. She wore a simple green wrap obviously made from improvised materials.

?Why hello there cutie!? she said cheerfully.

?What did you...? he stammered trying to hide his naked form with his enormous shirt.

?I just invited you to a date, that's all,? she said as she handed him a green toga, ?I promise, I'll make you big again once we're done. You wouldn't think of breaking it off with me now would you??

She gave him a sweet but mischievous look as he realized trying to run away would be a foolish action. He nervously accepted her offer and the two sat down to a nice picnic under the sun.


Last I heard about Annette, she found herself a husband.

It was an odd sight indeed. The son of a farmer walked down the aisle with a bride who stood almost a foot over him, her white silk dress concealing her tail and hooves though her horns still marked her for the monstrous bride she was. Nonetheless, neither of them could possibly have been happier.

?Well, this is it,? the young man said looking up at his wife to be, ?Sure you wanna do this??

?I'll never meet another man with your gentle touch,? she said with a smile.

?Oh...better get this done quick, you're filling up again,? he said indicating her generous bust that was struggling to free itself from the confines of her dress.

?Oh dear...yes, let's do it!? she said as she calmed herself and they began to speak their vows.


Ol' Sammie? She couldn't be happier either.

In a cave atop the mountains, music and laughter could be heard from within as a raving party was in full swing.

?Heh heh....hic!? Sammie said with a massive mug in her hand, ?Datsh' a good one! I'll have another drink to tha...heh heh...?

?Ugh...look at her go...? said one of the men struggling to keep on his feet.

?I ain't seen dwarves drink like that...? said another clutching his head.

?Aw!? Sammie said putting down her mug and crawling up to them until her massive body loomed over the lot, ?Can't handle any more? ...hic! Well I hope you all shaved yer shtrength...ya'll are gonna need it!?

She looked at them with lustful eyes as they were all too intoxicated to protest.


Theresa? Ah she still loves to play the hero.

A group of thieves were laughing as they walked down the path with sacs filled with their ill gotten gains.

?Oh man what a haul! We'll be eatin' like kings!? the leader said.

?And no doubt, with some female company, am I right?? came a voice in front of them that caused the group to stop abruptly.

?Who's there?? the leader said pointing his sword forward as a dark figure approached on horseback. She was some kind of knight clad in black armor with a long flowing cape. Most alarming of all was that she was carrying her head under her arm. She got off her horse as she sized them all up.

?Hmm...rough around the edges, but definetly some potential,? she said to herself.

?Hey sweetheart, don't be trying anything! As you can see, there's lots of us and only one of you,? the leader demanded.

?Confident too? Okay, here's how it works then,? she said as she drew her sword, ?You all against me. Lose and I take whatever I want, and that includes any of you who strike my fancy. Win? one ever wins.?

She placed her head atop her shoulders as she charged at the surprised brigands.


Wolfie? Well she's still good at making people do what she wants. That's for sure.

Two men were bound as their dark assailants carried them through the dark forest.

?Who are you? Where are you taking us?? one of them demanded but the figures didn't respond until they came to a clearing where a campfire had been set up. Under the fire's light, that's when they got a better look at them. All of them were wolflike women who stared at them eagerly.

That was when the largest one stepped forward to look at them personally.

?Mmmhmm...? she nodded in approval, ?They definitely look like strong ones. Well done Sasha, Falara. Just for that, you first dibs on them...after me of course.?

The two only watched in horror as she pointed a single claw at them and ran it down the front of their shirts, causing them to fall off.


Yes, it's not always pretty but it's just what they all do. As for me, I've grown more tails since then. It seems to happen the more I increase my magical powers. The ears and tails don't go away even in my...well ?human? form. Ah well, it's the same life as always for me. Live here basking in my beauty and entertaining guests. I guess now you could call me the guardian of Mamano Lake as we all call it. I watch over it to make sure it's safe and I help ease people through their transformations once they've had contact with it as they inevitably do. It just seems to be irresistible.

What's that? Yes, the very same one you took a sip of. I can't blame you, it was awfully hot out. Yes, that's right, you'll be one of us soon enough. I just wanted to have my fun with you before the full moon came out to seal the deal. Yes, it's tonight, in just a few minutes actually. Oh don't panic now, it doesn't hurt. It feels quite nice if you just relax and let it take hold. It's quite exciting to see what you'll become. It really helps if you massage your chest, makes it easier for them to come out.

So that's the story of Lake Mamano. Want a new life? Come on down. There's always room for another of us!
My stories
Cat girl sorceresses, tentacled doctors, maid robots and a doll super hero. What more could you ask for?

Hey Dollyteers! Dolly's got herself a comic now! Go check it out!
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Unread 08-24-2010   #2
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Re: The Heiress 2 (TG/TF)


jk. My main complaint is that I tend to dislike first person singular view points very much in writing. Over all it is not my cup of tea but not poorly written. Then again not many people like my cup of tea. I think I am rambling.
You can also call me by my title, "Her Omniscient Bitchyness" or H.O.B. For short
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Unread 08-25-2010   #3
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Re: The Heiress 2 (TG/TF)

That's a good story. Lots of moral ambiguity, but it seems intentional.
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Unread 08-25-2010   #4
"My way of thanking you"
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Re: The Heiress 2 (TG/TF)

Interesting universe you've created. Wouldve liked a bit more focus on the main character but this was enjoyable. Thanks for sharing.
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Unread 08-27-2010   #5
Lord T Hawkeye
It's play time!
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Re: The Heiress 2 (TG/TF)

Now here's the next question. If I were to do an RP of this, would anyone be interested in playing it?
My stories
Cat girl sorceresses, tentacled doctors, maid robots and a doll super hero. What more could you ask for?

Hey Dollyteers! Dolly's got herself a comic now! Go check it out!
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Unread 08-27-2010   #6
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Re: The Heiress 2 (TG/TF)

Too busy with school, work, and getting my head shrunk
You can also call me by my title, "Her Omniscient Bitchyness" or H.O.B. For short
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