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Unread 10-04-2013   #1
The Demon Of Carnage
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: The Land Of Beavers and Syrup
Posts: 48
A Sword in the Grotto

Author's note: So this story marks first foray into TG/TF writing. I posted it on Deviantart a while back, along with some other stories that I'll post over the coming weeks. It's based heavily on this picture and the multimedia Wakfu/Dofus franchise. Feedback and Criticism are encouraged, as are any grammar corrections. Enjoy.

Ian was not having a good day. The seventeen year-old knew it was off to a bad start when his parents had the bright idea to go for a walk in the woods. He had asked to stay behind, but they didn’t want him spending the day cooped up inside playing video games. So they dragged him along, insisting that he could use a bit of sun and fresh air.

After about an hour of walking through the forest, Ian had enough of swatting away flies and almost stepping in deer crap. So he decided to slip away from his parents when they weren’t looking and for them at the car. Unfortunately, he made a wrong turn somewhere and now he was lost. He pulled out his smartphone to try and call his parents, or at least use the GPS to figure our where he was.

“Still no signal,” he muttered as he put his phone away, “Just my luck.”

He was about to turn around and try and backtrack his way towards the main trail from the grotto he’d stumbled into when something sticking out of the grassy ground caught his eye. It was a white shaft about the length of his forearm and covered with swirling red patterns.

“It kind of looks like some kind of handle,” Ian said to himself. Curious, he walked over to the shaft and touched it. The moment he put his hand on it, a shock shot up through his body. The hair on his arms and legs, as well as the meager peach fuzz on his face, stood up, then shot out his body like millions of tiny missiles.

“Ow!” he said as he reeled his arm back. As he rubbed the sore spot on his hand, he failed to notice what had happened to his body hair or the change that was coming over his skin. Ian’s pasty white flesh became a warm pink marred only by the small, hidden scars that were now crisscrossing their way across his body. His acne vanished, giving way to his new, smooth skin.

Ian wasn’t a very assertive person. Usually, he would give up on things pretty quickly when it was clear that they weren’t going to go his way. Usually, he would abandon strange things in the woods that hurt him when he touched them. But today wasn’t a usual day, and his mind was undergoing a subtle transformation of its own as cowardice was replaced by something a little more aggressive .

‘Why am I being such a wuss?’ He thought as he stopped rubbing his hand, 'It was only a little static shock.'

His gaze fell back upon the shaft, still sticking out of the ground. The sun was beginning to set, casting last long beams of light of the day poked through the tree tops that illuminated the small grove Ian was standing in. As he grabbed the shaft, another jolt passed through his arm, but instead of immediately letting go, he held firmly on. Had he not been wearing a baseball cap, he may have noticed his hair as it erupted from a greasy black mop to a thick, vibrant orange. His eyebrows changed as well, thinning into the pencil-thin lines that so many of the girls at his school strived for.

“Ha! Barely felt it that time!” Ian grinned, showing off his newly straightened and sharpened teeth, “Now let’s see if I can get this thing out of the ground!”

With newly found determination, he placed both hands on the shaft and, ignoring the prickles of energy as his thin hands widened with thickening bones and calluses, pulled.

Snap. Ian frowned as his already narrow shoulders shifted inwards, bringing his torso along with them. He frowned He stopped for a moment to crack his neck. Ian’s feet shrank a few sizes as he planted them firmly into the ground, then pulled again.

Crunch. Ian’s bones retracted as he shrunk from his already smaller-than-average height of 5’ 7”, to a mere 5’3. Only his legs remain unaffected by the sudden loss of four inches. The teen cringed at this. It would have been more painful if his brain wasn’t currently flooded with mind altering chemicals, the same ones that prevented him from noticing the changes happening to his body’s bone structure.

“It’s really stuck in there,” He muttered to himself, “Maybe if I put my back into it…”

As Ian leaned over the shaft, his thin waist caved in slightly. Gritting his teeth and calling upon every one of the atrophied muscles in his body, he pulled a third time. The shaft moved this time, coming ever so slightly out of the ground.

Snap went his back as his spine bent inwards. Underneath several inches of flesh and muscle, something was stirring. It loosened and stretched muscles like taffy, as if it was preparing them some great spectacle. With each passing second, the rumbling grew more and more pronounced, until finally it could not longer be contained.

Pop Pop. Ian’s narrow pelvis erupted with the force of an earthquake. In a blink of an eye, his hips rushed outwards, stretching his jeans well beyond their limits. It was only after they’d past his shoulders that they stopped growing. The sudden shift in his body’s proportions made teen lose his balance, and he let go as he stumbled backwards.

“Woah!” he said, catching himself before he could fall, “That was…”

Ian looked down, and his jaw nearly hit the grassy floor of the forest. Words died in his mouth as he witnessed his changed body for the first time since the metamorphosis had begun. He gazed in awe at his massive hips, gingerly touching them as if he was afraid that they’d burst out even wider. His terror was cut off by a sudden fit of coughs. Each cough grew higher and higher in pitch as his Adam’s apple retreated into his neck before vanishing entirely.

“Whaaa…” He began, before slapping a hand to his mouth. His paper-thin lips swelled as small jolt passed through them and into the rest of his face. Ian’s chin narrowed as his cheekbones shot outward, transforming his narrow, rectangular face into a wide hexagon. His brown, dull eyes squinted shut as the sockets grew while his long nose contorted itself down to much smaller, rounder size. When he opened them again, they were a clear green. Ian barely registered the tingling sensation settle into his ears before they grew larger and...pointed. He ran his hands over them to check if he was feeling it right. Yes, on top of being as long as his land, his ears were now pointed.

“What’s happening to me?” he murmured.

Ian took out his smartphone to try and call for help, but paused when he saw he transformed visage, as well as the tufts of bright orange hair sticking out from under his hat, reflected back at him on the screen.

“I look” he muttered in disbelief, “Awesome!”

Ian clamped his mouth shut as he realized what he just said.

“Awesome?” he squeaked, “Why the heck would I say that? I look like a girl! I sound like a girl! I…” he stopped mid sentence as he made a sudden realization. He dropped his phone and immediately set to work at undoing his jeans, whose waistband was hanging on by a thread.

“No, no, no, no, no,” he repeated to himself as he tried to open his too tight jeans. He was about to open the zipper when it suddenly vanished, taking along with it the seat and crotch of the pants. Ian ignored the fact that the now-white remains of his jeans were inexplicably hanging onto his thighs as he lifted the waistband of his boxers with one hand while the other shot inside. Sure enough, there it was, though the hair that surrounded it was now the same bright shade of orange as the hair on his head. He breathed a sigh of relief and was about to let go of his boxers when a cool breeze flooded into the grotto. Ian instinctively grabbed his crotch, but the moment he cupped one of his balls, the unthinkable happen.

Schlurp. The genital tingled for a moment before being drawn into his body with the force of a vacuum. Ian fell to his knees as he felt it nestle into his flabby core, becoming something else, something decidedly female. His face petrified in for a moment as he registered what had just happened to him. A burst of estrogen shot through his, hitting his brain in an instant, giving the chemical soup waiting inside of it the signal it had been waiting for.

Despite his social ineptitude and frightfulness, Ian was a smart kid. While he wasn’t a genius, he was consistently at the top of his class and had been on the honor roll since the first day of high school. This is all to say that he had a rather high IQ of around 110, so he felt the effects immediately when it dropped by 10 points. Ian could feel the haze clouding up his once mind, lowering his intelligence and his inhibitions. Just as he was about to scream, the chemicals did something to him that was even more unexpected.

They made him laugh.

“That tickled!” He giggled mindlessly as he reached for the other ball and caressed it. Just as before it tingled, but before the genital could get sucked into the cavity that its twin had left behind, Ian snapped out of his trance.

“No!” Ian screamed, clutching onto the testicle for dear life, but it was no use. With a loud Schlurp, it was drawn into his pelvis, mutating into an ovary as a second burst of estrogen shot through his body. He giggled again as his IQ fell by another 10 points and his mind changed even more. A new, dumber, more reckless and optimistic personality was beginning to emerge from his psyche. He didn’t notice this, however, as he was too distracted trying to prevent the loss of his remaining masculinity.

In a fit of desperation, Ian grabbed his penis and began stroking. It predictably stiffened at the sensation, rising to attention. Ian smiled, thinking that if he kept on masturbating it would make his balls come back. This seemed to make sense to his dulled mind.

Just as his penis became fully erect, the waistband of Ian’s boxers slipped out of his hands as they transformed into a simple white pair of panties. He winced in pain as it slapped against his engorged cock, which started shriveling in his grasp.

“I don’t wanna be a girl dammit!” He seethed, holding onto the last bastion of his masculinity for dear life as it tried to slip away inside of him. Unfortunately for Ian, this had the exact opposite effect he was hoping for. His cock writhed against his grip for a few moments, shrinking smaller and smaller until it broke free of his grasp. With a quick swoosh his remaining genital was sucked into his body, leaving behind a fully functional and undoubtedly female slit. Tears formed in his eyes as he became a she.

The ultimate transition from male to female sent a third pulse of estrogen pulse through her body and her IQ dropped by 20 points this time. Hours spent learning formulas and analyzing literature were suddenly wasted as her once great intelligence was reduced to an elementary level, which was ironic as her age had shot up by two years at the start of her the transformation. Her quiet, focused and complex mindset was fighting a hopeless a struggle against a simpler, louder and increasingly reckless one.

“I’m… I’mma chick,” the newly-transformed woman said quietly. Her disbelief turned to curiosity as her attention plunged in a similar fashion to her intelligence. She looked downwards towards her chest as she grabbed handfuls of her black AC/DC t-shirt, which turned white at the touch. “But where are my boobies?” She asked as she turned to look at her bony bottom. “Or my ass! What kind of chick of girl has hips like these but no ass to with them?”

Ian’s gaze shifted towards the shaft, idly sticking out of the grass-covered ground. An idea sprung into her mostly empty head. “Maybe if I pull on that thing again, It’ll give them to me!”

She lifted herself off the ground and hopped over towards the sword, unintentionally strutting her hips from side to side. Her sneakers, socked and jeans fused together on the first step. The soles of her shoes, and especially the heels, thickened and turned red, extending a strap as they metamorphosed into a pair of red sandal-like footwear. Green seams appeared on the sides of her former pants, tightening against his body becoming thigh-high white cloth stockings. Ignoring these changes, Ian stopped at the shaft, grabbed it in both hands and pulled.

A ripple shot up through her body, stimulating long-forgotten muscles. The sleeves of her shirt retracted in on themselves, transforming it into a tank top as her matchstick thin arms thickened with sinuous muscles and her hands grew rough with calluses. Ian’s stomach lost its flab as two pairs of abs thrust out from her narrow waist, which was balanced out by the muscles that emerged on her back. As they spreading up through her spine and into her shoulders, the upper back of her shirt faded into oblivion. The neckline shot up, encircling her thickened neck like a collar, leaving her now muscular shoulders and underarms exposed as what remained of the back of her tank top flared outward into a cape-like tail that stretched all the way down to her calves. The lower front half did something similar as it descended down, ending in a triangle that exposed her wide hips while providing her panties with minimal cover from prying eyes. The material of the apron-dress hybrid thickened into something more durable than, but not unlike cotton.

Her pecs flared outward slightly, but went unnoticed as a thin bra-like device appeared underneath her strange new outfit, which also concealed the fact that Ian’s once tiny aureolas and nipples had more than double in size, hardening in preparation for a spectacle to come. Long muscles coiled her skinny legs, pressing up against her stockings. Her gluts gained some definition as well, if only to support her newly-empowered appendages.

Ian grinned as she felt herself becoming stronger. She couldn’t believe that just a short few minutes earlier, she had been trying to stop the changes. Even if she could go back, she wouldn’t. The new Ian was, like, a gazillion times more awesome than that weak nerd she used to be. She couldn’t wait to see the look on her parents faces as they saw the ass kicking chick that had replaced their whiny bitch of a son, at least she would if she could remember what their faces looked like.

Her efforts were rewarded as more of the shaft emerged from the ground, revealing a flat, horizontal bar of some sort connected to its base. “What’s that?” she said, dropping to her hands and knees to brush off her discovery. Despite her lower than average intelligence, she instantly recognized what the bar really was, and realized what she was pulling out

“A sword? Sweet!” Ian exclaimed, jumping up with excitement. As she landed, she notice a faint jiggling in her chest.

“Finally!” She squealed in delight, grabbing at her chest. A mixture of hormones rushed into it, spurring the growth of the almost invisible layer of fat on top of her pecs. Cells in Ian’s chest mutated, giving birth to a set of mammary glands in an instant. Slowly but surely, a pair of cones began to poke through her, rising to the momentous challenge of filling the cups of the strange bra.

“Can’t this go any faster?” She complained. Ian didn’t want tits in an hour, she wanted them now!


Maybe the hiccup was the cue her body was waiting for, or perhaps it was a side effect of whatever process was causing the former male to form breasts. This didn’t matter much though since the effect was the same. Fatty tissue bloated outward and mammary glands grew in size as her once insignificant breasts erupted from her chest like two ripe oranges.

“Now that’s what I’m - *hic*” She was interrupted as her boobs underwent another growth spurt. Ian grinned blissfully as she massaged her forming bosom in her hands. She couldn’t help but compare her tits to those of the girls at her school. While they weren’t as big as some of the sluttier girls, who she was sure had gotten implants, Ian’s breasts were impossibly perky, a fitting match for her new personality.

*Hic* *Hic* *Hic*

The young woman’s breasts ballooned in her hands as they tripled in size. Ian gaped in awe at her swelling boobs, noting that she was now easily bigger than any of girls at her school. Heck, she could give college students a run for their money! She struggled to maintain her balance as her center of gravity began migrating upward, but she couldn’t help but marvel at her ever expanding chest pillows as they stretched against the cups of the bra and the front of her dress-like garment.


Ian gasped as she was thrown off balance by the sudden and final growth spurt. Her newly improved reflexes thankfully choose that moment to kick in. Before she realized what she was doing, Her hands shot straight out, grabbing the shaft again and using it as a support to stop herself from falling.

“That was close,” She said before being distracted by the jiggling sensation in her chest. Ian may have only been a few years from adulthood, but nobody had bothered telling her body that. Her bra seemed to have no problem containing the plump tits that pushed up against the front of her strange shirt, stretching the flexible fabric to its limit.

“Now them’s boobies!” she exclaimed, lifting one of her impossibly perky breasts for a closer inspection. Had her shoulders and back not bulked up earlier, she would have had quite a bit of trouble righting herself. Much to the pleasure of the fragmented remains of her masculinity, Ian loving caressed her buxom, massaging it her palm as she wondered what it would be like to have someone else play with her luscious tits. On a whim, she let go of the massive mammary to watch it as it bounced up and down. She didn’t notice the AC/DC lettering on her bizarre outfit condense as it turned into a simple red cross that started at her perky chest and ended above her groin. A similar pattern appeared on the back of the outfit as well.

Ian’s impromptu inspection was interrupted by a sensation in her lower body. She looked down, but found it hard to see past her newly acquired buxom. Pushing them against her chest, she managed peered past them just in time to witness her calves and thighs thickening with fat. The seams of stockings struggled to contain her legs as they gained mouthwatering plumpness. As a seventeen year old male, Ian had always been a breast man, but if he had seen legs like the ones he walked on now, he may have changed his mind.

“Damn, I have fine legs!” She cooed, “But they’re missing something…”

As if to answer her question, her butt rumbled.

“Of course!” She said, letting go of her breasts as she twisted her head around. Just as she had hoped, fat was beginning to accumulate in her butt. Ian thrust her very fertile hips out as she tried to get a better view. With each passing second, her butt swelled even larger, pushing against the back of her outfit. She cringed slightly as her panties slipped in between the crack that separated the two increasingly mountainous cheeks of her butt - no! Her wonderfully round ass! She gaped in awe as her increasingly succulent ass bubbled outward to match her wide, fertile hips. It had barely stopped growing when she grabbed it in both hands and to sample the new flesh.

“It’s like Jello!” She giggled to herself. While there was no denying that she had incredibly supple and perky tits, her lower half was a wonder to behold. Her massive hips and ass gave Ian the kind of pear shaped body that would make the girls in rap videos turn green with envy.

“Ian, You are one sexy chick!” She exclaimed, standing up straight and putting her hands on her wide hips. A frown passed over her face. “Ew. What kind of badass girl has a wuss name like Ian?”

“A stupid one,” A deep baritone voice chuckled.

“Who said that!?” Ian roared, her eyes scanning the trees for any sign of life.

“I did,” the voice replied.

“Ah Ha!” Ian shouted, spinning around to way to direction that the voice had come from, only to see the shaft of the sword that she had been trying to pull out of the ground, “Huh?”

“Look over here, bimbo” the sword ‘spoke’.

“A talking sword!” Ian exclaimed, jumping back, “This must be some kind of trap! Come out of the woods and fight me coward!”

“This isn’t a trick!” The sword replied, “Now pull me out you Bimbo!”

“That’s exactly the sort of thing you’d want me to do!” Ian retorted, “And I’m not a bimbo, I’m a sexy, badass chick!”

“Rushu’s beard, she's annoying” the sword muttered to itself, before saying, “I know how to get out of this Forest.”

“Really?” Ian asked, “Well why didn’t you say so!” She strutted over to the sword and pulled on it a third time. As she pulled, her hair exploded out from her head. The top of her baseball cap was torn apart by the orange waterfall as it rushed past her elfish ears. As her hair to cascaded down her back, the remains of her cap underwent a change of their own. The cap’s peak retracted in on itself, fusing with the adjustor to form an elastic red head band. Pieces of fabric clumped together and burst from the swirling mass of radiant orange stands, pulling hair behind them to form two long locks held together by a pair of red and white beads that stretched all the way down to her big, beautiful breasts. Just as her voluminous hair reached her bountiful ass, a red bow emerged, tying the hair together to keep it from flying everywhere.

After a few moments of pulling, the sword finally broke free of the ground. It was more than half her height and its the chipped and yet sharp blade was almost as wide as she was. Despite it’s impressive size, was lighted in Ian’s rough hands than she had expected, though that had more to do with the muscles in her sinuous arms than the actual weight of the blade. The guard of the sword looked like a some sort of red monster, whose single black eye was staring at her in irritation.

“What kind of sword are you?” Ian asked, holding the sword at arms length. The sword gave her a strange look.

“Are you really that stupid, you Iop Bimbo?” It replied in irritation.

Those words triggered the final stage of Ian’s transformation. Memories of growing up in suburban America as a skinny, socially inept boy were flushed out and replaced by new ones about life as a spunky, reckless Iopette in world with eleven other unique races. The last remnants of Ian’s original personality were quietly swept away as knowledge, if you could call it that, about fighting, dungeons, and demon-possessed swords filled her tiny brain.

“Just kidding,” Ian grinned, dragging the sword along the ground.

“Hey watch it! You’re going to mess up my edge!” It moaned.

“Yeah Right,” Ian said dismissively, “Shushus are always sharp. That’s why Iops use them!”

“Sure it is, Ian” It huffed in irritation.

The Iopette frowned at this. Ian. That wasn’t her name, was it? Ian was such a wuss name, like something a Xelor would have. No, she knew her name was way longer and more kick-ass than that, but what was it if not Ian? Sensing her distress, her mind fabricated a new name for her, one that matched her new identity.

“The name’s not Ian,” She huffed, “It’s Yanaline! Yanaline of Bonta!”

“Whatever you say,” sighed the demonic sword, "Now can we get going already? Your idiocy's contagious."

Yanaline glared down at her new, unwilling companion as she walked out of the grotto, leaving the world she had been born in for the one she had been reborn into.

"So what’s the most dangerous way out of here," She asked, "‘cause that’s the one we’re taking!”
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Unread 10-04-2013   #2
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Re: A Sword in the Grotto

Lovely story - liked it a lot Thank you for sharing
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Unread 10-05-2013   #3
The Demon Of Carnage
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Re: A Sword in the Grotto

No problem! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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Unread 10-05-2013   #4
Still a Lurker
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Re: A Sword in the Grotto

You are now my all-time Iopbro.

Seriously though, a bimbo transformation by way of turning into an iop is just killer. Two great tastes that taste great together. And it's pretty well written to boot. Hope you keep up the good work!

The only nitpick I noticed on my first read was the misuse of 'buxom'. The area is the 'bosom', and 'buxom' is what it is when it's Yanaline's size.
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Unread 10-06-2013   #5
The Demon Of Carnage
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Re: A Sword in the Grotto

Why thank you very much kind sir! A Iop/bimbo transformation is something that just seems so obvious, so I was really suprised that one didn't already exist. I'll be posting a new story each week until the end of October, (one of which will feature a certain general if you know what I mean) so be on the lookout for those.

Also, thanks for pointing out my misuse of bosom/buxom. I'll be sure to apply that to my future stories.
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Unread 10-06-2013   #6
Lurker/budding TG author
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Re: A Sword in the Grotto

For something which is technically "character death", which is a peeve of mine in tg fiction, I kinda like the way it was written with the physical and mental changes. One of the best processes I've read.

Hope to see more of your work. ^^

EDIT: I just noticed you mentioned about having a DeviantArt account. I find it strange that you would post one story at a time rather than the link. Is your page down, or do you want separate opinions on each work?
-Male characters I like to see TG'd: Koizumi (Haruhi), Shinji (EVA), Keitaro (Love Hina), Satoshi (DNAngel)
-Female characters I'd like to be (Update): Rei (EVA), Ami and Haruka (Sailor Moon), Nene (BGC2040), Teletha (FMP), Haruhi and Mikuru(Haruhi Suzumiya), Yourichi and Rangiku (Bleach), Riza(FMA), Lenalee (D Gray Man), Ennis (Baccano).

Last edited by Apsm; 10-06-2013 at 10:17 PM.
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Unread 10-06-2013   #7
The Demon Of Carnage
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Re: A Sword in the Grotto

Character death is a bit of a dreary thing. Too many authors use it without considering the implications of losing one's very identity IMHO. So instead of just killing my character's minds, I try to make the process as organic as possible so that it's less of death and more of a rebirth, if that makes any sense. I also like to add smidgen of horror into the mix; not enough so that's terrifying mind you, but just enough so that whoever is reading my work understands that these kinds of transformations aren't all sunshine and rainbows.

As for you're question, it's the latter. I suppose it would make more sense to post the links instead of copy-pasting my stories one at a time, but I feel that this way has more gravitas so to speak. Plus, it gives me an additional backup in case of trouble.

If you are interested in seeing the rest of my stories before I post them here, feel free to look me up on Deviantart. I've got a different name there, but don't think that I'm too difficult to find...

And thanks for the complement! The quality process transformations are what I strive for, so it's always nice to hear that my efforts are appreciated.
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