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Unread 08-14-2016   #1
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 17
That accidental growth competition chapters 1 - 6 (story, M/F/F, growth)

Hey everyone,

I posted a story on here a couple months back. I got some feed back which was nice and thought I would come back with another story. This one isn't complete, but I have written 6 or so chapters that I hope you guys will enjoy.

At first the progress is going to be slow (in terms of growth) but I plan to write this into a growth competition story.

In terms of content it will include: Female growth, Male growth, female ass expansion, female breast expansion, male dick growth, female muscle growth (not to any extreme beyond bikini model fit), male muscle growth, couple growth, growth competition.

So yah here is chapters 1 - 6

Chapter 1 - Katie's First Day

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* Went the alarm clock seconds before a hand came smashing down upon it switching it off. Katie rolled over now facing the window where a small beam of light shot through the drawn blinds.

‘I can’t believe it’s already morning’ she thought to herself, propping herself up on one arm and grabbing her cell phone with the other. ‘Man if it wasn’t my first day on the job I would likely kill to just stay in bed a little bit longer.’ She continued. But she was right, she needed to get up, have breakfast, get showered and dressed, and then head over to her new job which she certainly couldn’t be late for because the president of the company was planning to greet her at the door when she arrived.

Begrudgingly Katie rolled out of bed after checking in on all her social media pages and ensuring no cute boys had messaged her overnight on the two different dating apps she had found herself subscribed to and headed towards the kitchen. Having just recently moved to this bachelor apartment after hearing news of her new job, Katie was really getting use to not having to worry about being walked in on when half naked and in the one week she had been there it had become her happy ritual to eat her breakfast the same way she left bed; naked. She found it relieving sitting at the table eating a grape fruit and checking the morning new on her tablet while everything hung out for no one’s approval but her own. That’s not to say Katie had a bad figure; while Katie did dream of having larger breasts while she handled her morning grapefruit, she was fairly well proportioned. She was 5’1”, was neither too skinny nor overweight, she had a perfect B-cup breast that fell in a perfect tear drop shape, she had a cute round perky butt, and if she would just style her flowing long brown hair for once you’d also see a cute face tucked underneath. So for Katie it was never a matter of insecurity, but instead a proud sense of ownership of her space. Following eating Katie quickly showered and slipped into a tight pair of jeans and a plaid button up shirt, and then out the door to her bike to get to work.

Chaining up her bike outside, Katie bound up the short set of steps leading to the front door and opened the door in nervous anticipation. Standing inside was a large man, ‘Likely the president of the company’ she thought remembering someone had told her he was very tall, and a shorter woman closer to Katie’s height and build, maybe an inch taller but it would be a close call, she had blond hair but otherwise Katie couldn’t notice any major difference between her and her soon to be co-worker. The only defining feature to this woman was across one side of her face was a large scar and was certainly unmissable, one of those scars you can’t stop staring at but for fear of being rude can’t ask about. The woman noticed Katie looking at it and looked away making Katie feel embarrassed.

“Katie! Hello, I’m Dr. Randle Brown head of research at this fine company. It’s a pleasure to meet you, your PhD supervisor spoke highly of you when I was checking your references. Sorry that this was only a part-time position but I imagine in the near future we may be able to make that full-time as long as you are prepared to work hard for us.” Katie stared in shock as words flew out of Dr. Brown’s mouth, she barely caught all of it.

“Thank you… Dr. Brown, nice to meet you as well. I plan to work hard you can count on it.” Extending her hand for a shake that was denied as before she had her arm half extended Dr. Brown pivoted and began to walk away.

“Sorry Katie my dear, I cannot stay other matters require my attention. Kourtney here will be glad to show you around and introduce you to your co-worker. We will speak again soon, have a great day!” And with that he signalled to Kourtney and walked off down the hallway.

“Excuse him Katie, he doesn’t mean to be rude. He really enjoys meeting all his new employees but he doesn’t always have the time to do it appropriately. Anywaysssssss, I’m Kourtney, it’s nice to meet you; please follow me.” And with a pleasant smile Kourtney turned and signalled for Katie to go ahead of her down the hall.

Walking down the hall Katie noticed two offices, one labelled President, where obviously Dr. Brown had gone, and another saying Sales Manager which Katie thought was strange as she had originally believed that this was an independent lab contracted by a larger pharmaceutical company to produce a specific drug. So why would they need a sales manager? But before she was able to give it much thought she was entering the lab area where she was greeted by the smell of sterility. ‘ahhhhhhh’ she sighed pleasantly having already begun to miss the lab at her old university where this exact smell greeted her every morning.

“Katie, I’d like you to meet Chris your new lab co-worker.” Kourtney said, interrupting Katie’s trip down memory lane, “Chris is the head of research here and the pair of you will be working closely together.” Kourtney signalled to a man sitting behind a microscope to their left.

“Hello Chris, it’s nice to meet you. I’ll be your new researcher I hope we work well together.” Katie nervously said.

Hearing a new voice Chris looked up from his microscope to see Katie. Katie couldn’t believe it, she thought he was handsome from his side profile but now that she was seeing his whole face she was shocked he was more than handsome, he was gorgeous There must be a catch ‘I bet he’s gay’ she thought. He had dark brown hair, hazel eyes, slender nose, nice lips, and a solid jaw line.

“Hi there Katie, I’ve been excited for 2 weeks having learned that someone new would be joining me in the lab, it can get lonely back here sometimes.” He joked standing from his chair and extending his arm to greet her. Katie was surprised, from behind the desk it was tough to tell but now that he was actually standing he stood only 5’4”, he really couldn’t have been much more than that anyways as he was only slightly taller than Katie. Chris could tell by the look on her face that she was surprised at his height it was a look he was getting used to as it happened all the time.

“Well guys I’ll leave you to get acquainted, and don’t forget Katie we are only paying you part time right now so feel free to leave when you have completed whatever your work for the day is, which will be assigned to you by Chris. Anyways have a great day guys, I’ll see you on your way out.” And with that Kourtney went back out the lab door towards the front of the building.

“She’s great wouldn’t you agree? I mean I know you’ve only just met her, but she’s always got the nicest smile on and she always makes my morning.” Chris said in the awkward silence that proceeded Kourtney leaving.

“Uhhh yah, she seems great. So what exactly are we working on right now anyways?” Katie asked quickly changing the subjected noting what could be a possible crush that Chris had on Kourtney.

“Right… Right… Well come this way I’ll show you.” Chris walked to the back of the lab where he unrolled what looked like blue prints for a building but instead they detailed a plant and a human with strange mathematical equations thrown about in what seemed to be a random manor. “See this?” Chris pointed at what was drawn to be a magnified portion of the trees trunk. “See how plant cells divide and provide structure and support for more cells but they can stay flexible in areas like the stalk yet ridged in the trunk just by changing a few things?”

“Yah, I think I see what you guys have tried to illustrate here.” Replied Katie.

“Well now don’t forget you signed a confidentiality agreement last week so what I say from this moment on is 100% confidential, sooooooo confidential that not even our source of funding knows we are working on this, so you really have to make sure to not talk to anyone about this.” Chris said with a very shifty attitude. “So we want you to attempt to improve on the human genome by granting it abilities native to the plant kingdom such as the ability to self-repair or build stronger more sturdy bones.”

“Wow that sounds incredibly complicated!” Katie wheeled in her head about what she was being told “Isn’t this something you’d want to leave in the hands of someone who’s been in the industry longer than myself?” Katie spewed still not able to understand what she had just heard. “You want me to create a super-soldier serum!?” She questioned.

“Hahaha.” Chris laughed at the question. “The boss man said you might wonder why we chose you and that was three fold, one we needed someone cheap but smart, and who better than a fresh PhD graduate from Yale? Two we needed someone with drive and ambition who hasn’t published and is looking to stand out in her field, and we believe you have that passion. And three we needed someone who understood evolution and plants which you just so happen to fit perfectly. I hope that is reason enough for you?” Chris said smiling at her.

That sounded reasonable enough to Katie, but she worried that she wouldn’t be successful she was sure much smarter people than her had tried and likely failed; but like Chris had said she had drive and she wasn’t going to back down from the challenge; especially one that sounded this cool. Over the course of her day there Katie learned from Chris where everything was, where her designated work space would be, and where to get the best lunch in the area, because according to Chris that was of grave importance as the other places in the area in his words were “Just plane doodoo.” Kourtney enjoyed the tour though, met some of the other workers in the other labs who had their own projects as well and then before she knew it, it was 2 p.m. and she figured it would be a good time to head home.

Leaving work Katie stopped in with Kourtney to say goodbye and exchange pleasantries and then she went outside jumped on her bike and road home all the while thinking about how excited she was to begin some actual work in the next few days on her new project.

Arriving home Katie called a few friends and family to tell them how excited she was about her new job but found it really hard to not just tell them what she was working on. She many times almost spilled the beans to her mom but thought about what it could mean if somehow anyone else found out about her work accidentally. So Katie remained quiet and channelled her need to tell people into her excitement of the new job. Finally settling down for the evening Katie sat on the couch turned on Netflix and started checking her dating profiles.

‘Dick pic……… loser with guns…… ooooooo this guy is cute, nope he has cats nevermind….. another dick pic, Jesus I just wish one nice handsome guy would message me, that’s it just one… Maybe I should just delete my account it’s not like I’m getting anywhere anyways’ Katie thought to herself while an episode of Breaking Bad played in the background. BING went her phone again ‘Ugh probably another dick pic’ she thought opening the message. But she was surprised, instead of a dick pic or a guy bragging about something, she found instead an actual genuine message.

“Hello CuteGal86,
I’ve really enjoyed reading your profile, it’s nice to read the profile of someone with what I’d imagine and have read is a well-educated brain. I really enjoyed your opinion on politics and am truly interested to hear more about your research in plant evolution.

Hopeful to hear from you,

It was short, sweet, and it showed that he actually read her profile, Katie was excited for once it seemed like someone was online that wasn’t just interested in showing her their dick or asking her to fuck her. Clicking on his profile she was excited to see that he was cute and tall (6’2”) just the way she liked them so she decided to reply back.

“Hello ThatScienceGuy,

It’s so nice to have someone send me a message that showed he wasn’t just a vane male more interested in their cock size than getting to know someone. Sorry for the honesty, but it simply is just refreshing.

I too enjoyed reading your profile, the story you shared of you and your buddy after your PhD defense had me laughing out loud so thanks for that. From what I read it sounds like you as well are an intelligent person, a quality I definitely find attractive.

Listen I’m likely going to delete my profile soon but I’m happy you messaged me before I did, my number is 905-555-1232, feel free to text me when you get this and maybe we can make plans to actually meet one another.

P.S. my name is Katie”

Hitting send Katie looked up to see the episode was coming to an end and decided to head to bed early so that she would be ready to go the next day.

*End chapter 1*
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Unread 08-14-2016   #2
Join Date: Oct 2014
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Re: That accidental growth competition chapters 1 - 6 (story, M/F/F, growth)

Chapter 2 - The accident

The next morning Katie arrived early at work, locking her bike up she noticed that there was already a bike there. Heading in she was greeted by Kourtney who had already made a pot of coffee and was sitting at her desk ready for the day.

“Wow, and I thought I was going to be the early bird today.” Katie joked as she greeted Kourtney.

“Yah. Haha. I live so close that sometimes if I’m awake and can’t sleep anymore I just come in and get things ready for the day. It’s actually kind of nice, it’s quite and it lets me think.” Kourtney said nodding her hello and then smiled in what Katie was realizing was “the smile” Chris had mentioned the day before.

Walking down the hall and into the lab Katie looked around, saw that she was alone, and decided to take a private tour of the lab while Chris wasn’t there. It wasn’t as neat as she thought it would be, she didn’t find any creepy crawlies or crazy bacterial samples but she did find herself fascinated by two vials that were in the fridge labelled “Secret plant growth formula” and the other saying “Cross species transfer RNA”. It wasn’t that they were inherently interesting on their own, it was the fact that they were both labeled with the same ID number on them “5500439” implying that they belonged to the same experiment. Further, Katie realized that that meant someone else had likely come before her and attempted a similar experiment. One that Chris failed to mention as we toured around and he explained what Katie would be doing. She grabbed both the vials, some microscope cleaning solution, a couple tubes to put samples in, a few slides, and then went to the computer to type in the ID code to see if she could find out anything about it.

Sure enough, upon hitting enter, the computer brought up a file a PDF labelled “Human Growth Experiment”.

‘HUMAN GROWTH EXPERIMENT!’ Katie screamed silently in her head. Grabbing both vials she quickly made up some dyes and applied them to samples of each vial which she then placed onto slides. Peering into the microscope, having placed the “Secret plant growth formula” slide on the microscope, Katie was able to see plant cells, but not your typical plant cells; no, these plant cells were larger almost double the size of an average plant cell and their cell walls were easily double the thickness if not more.

Katie was stunned, she’d never seen such large plant cells before, and in fact she thought such a thing would be impossible at that size but instead there they were in front of her. Pushing herself away from the microscope there suddenly came a huge “SURPRISE!!!!” from behind her, which startled Katie enough for her to throw her arms out to catch herself from falling out of the chair, but in doing so she knocked everything from the counter onto the ground.

Turning around she saw Kourtney and Chris in the doorway holding a small little gift bag and a cupcake with a candle in it. “Oh god you guys startled me, I was looking at these vials I found in the fridge but now I suppose they’re on the ground….” Looking down Katie could see the liquids combining and if she wasn’t mistaken they were beginning to bubble.

“Oh don’t worry about it” Chris said, walking towards her with the cupcake. “There isn’t anything in this lab that is toxic, we’ll clean it up in a second. Come here first we wanted to surprise you and welcome you to the job.”

“Yah, I mean it’s nothing big, just a small token to greet you with.” Kourtney said while passing the little gift over.

Katie quickly opened the package, she’d always liked surprises and certainly didn’t expect one from her new work place. Opening it Katie found inside a charm for a necklace that was in the shape of a chemical she was all too familiar with, it was the molecular structure for a plant steroid. She laughed and thanked the pair of them saying it was a perfect little gift.

“You’re so welcome!” Said Chris “So how about we light this candle and have you blow it out before the cupcake gets stale.” Chris said while pulling out a lighter. What they’d failed to notice however was the fog that was slowly working its way around their ankles and just as Chris got the lighter lit there was a huge “BOOM!!!” and then everything was quite, dark, and painful.

“IS EVERYONE ALRIGHT!?!” Yelled out Katie. “I FEEL OKAY, IF ANYONE ELSE CAN HEAR ME LET ME KNOW WHERE YOU ARE SO I CAN COME HELP.” Katie continued trying to find her friends, hoping to not find them injured or dead under an overturned book shelf or lab bench.

Kourtney was first to answer a moment later “HELLO! I’M OVER HERE, I SEEM TO BE STUCK UNDER SOMETHING.” The voice coming from the other side of the room.

Katie gathered herself together and shouted “Okay Kourtney I’m going to come find you and help you out okay, just stay calm!” Standing up Katie felt light headed and reached out to steady herself on what appeared to be the only lab table not to have been blown over. ‘Were these lab benches always this short?’ Katie thought for a brief second ‘No of course they have been, it must be the shock of the explosion I’m just disoriented’ She figured not realizing how tight her shoes and remainder of her clothes felt.

Rushing over to where she believed she had heard Kourtney’s voice Katie started to push over a few things that had fallen in her way. After moving two lab benches and a few ceiling tiles she made it to a large bookshelf. “Kourtney, are you under this book shelf? I don’t think I can move it, this thing is huge. Perhaps if we both try at the same time we can move it.” And she waited for an answer.

“Yah Katie it’s me, I have enough room to position my legs on it so that I could push up with my legs if maybe you could try lifting while I do that.” Said Kourtney from below the bookshelf.

“Okay I got it, position yourself and on the count of three we will both try.” Katie moved into position to try and lift while her trapped co-worker pushed from underneath. “Okay I’m ready out here, so in 1… 2… 3!” and with that they both put all their might into moving the book shelf but shockingly to both of them the bookshelf felt much lighter than they both thought it would be.

“Ummmm wow that was a lot easier than I thought it would be!” The now freed Kourtney said, dusting herself off and standing up.

‘That’s odd’ Katie thought. ‘I really could have sworn Kourtney and I were the same height, but now I look easily an inch maybe even two taller.’ Looking down at Kourtney’s feet to see if perhaps she’d lost her shoes or was standing in a divot in the floor after the explosion. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary she just blamed it on the disorientation from the explosion and then realized “CHRIS!”

Kourtney and Katie both looked at each other unsure where he could have gone and he hadn’t as of yet called out or answered any of their calls. The two quickly started searching the room.

“Find anything?” Kourtney asked.

“No not a trace of him anywhere.” Katie replied.

“I’m right here… *Cough*” Came Chris’ voice from the doorway area. “I must have been blown out of the lab completely and straight down the hallway. Aren’t we all lucky that we survived, and it looks like none of us are even hurt.”

Katie and Kourtney now turning to see Chris coming through the door like them with torn up clothing and looking a bit worse for wear. Katie looking at his shirt noticed that she could see what looked like a six pack and a really fit chest through the large holes that were now in it from flying debris. ‘Wow, I never realized he was that fit, it really is a shame he’s so short because everything else about him would be perfect otherwise. Ugh now is not the time Katie, we all were just in a big explosion stop ogling your co-worker.’ But she wasn’t the only one, it seemed that Kourtney as well noticed how fit he was under his shirt.

“Hey Chris!” Kourtney said in excitement to see he was okay. “If it wasn’t for the explosion and all the dirt all over you, I’d be saying you look great. I never realized how fit you were.”

Looking down and through his own shirt Chris saw staring back at him a perfect set of abs and a perfect set of pecs. ‘WTF!’ He thought to himself ‘I don’t even work out…… jesus this is odd, must have to do with the explosion but am I the only one affected? I mean it doesn’t look like anything is different with the girls at all’ he continued. ‘Well I can’t let on just yet if there are no effects on them, wouldn’t want to worry them.’

“Uhhh yah, I’ve been hitting the gym really hard lately. Thought I could use another tool in my box beside my face… you know on account that I’m short.” Chris said embarrassingly.

“Well I’m just happy we’re all okay.” Katie said, clearing the awkward air. “What should we do now?”

With that question Chris jumped immediately to action, he called the fire department to come and ensure nothing further would happen and called up the boss who luckily was out of the office this morning. With concern for our well-being the boss asked us all to get checked out and then head home and rest for a couple days emphasising to Chris that it wasn’t like we could work anyways seeing as the lab was in shambles. Chris relaying that when he said that he sounded especially disappointed.

*End Chapter 2*
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Unread 08-14-2016   #3
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Re: That accidental growth competition chapters 1 - 6 (story, M/F/F, growth)

Chapter 3 - Katie's home coming

Following examination at the hospital, in which all three were told they were in perfect physical condition, they all went to their respective homes to change and get much needed rest after the mornings activities.

Arriving home Katie instantly whipped off all her tattered clothing and rushed into the shower to wash away all the gunk. Washing herself she couldn’t believe how good she looked for someone who was just thrown across a room in an explosion. He skin seemed nice and tight, not a bruise on her, and her muscles felt amazing like they’d just had an amazing work out. Rubbing her body down with soap she got to her breasts and caught herself thinking ‘These sure don’t look like my small tits.’ Holding what were now definitely C’s. ‘I can’t still be hallucinating from the explosion, could I? I mean these do look much bigger.’ She thought to herself, now wondering if perhaps she was swelling from impact like a bump on the head or something, but she thought it was weird if it was only happening to her chest.

Jumping out of the shower Katie went to her bra drawer pulled out a new bra and attempted to put it on. ‘Wtf! My tits are bigger, they are squishing out of this bra as if it’s a size too small?’ She thought to herself super surprised. ‘How could this be, I’ve always been a perfect size B, I even have to get special push up bras to even make it look like I have cleavage. I better call work to see if they’re doing okay.’ Katie thought in a panic.

Grabbing her phone she called the office. “Good morning and thank you for calling Industrial Labs, we are currently closed today but if you know the extension of the person you wish to reach please press 1 now or if you would like to speak directly to our administrator please press 7 now.” With that Katie jammed 7 and waited “Please note that our administrator is not in the office today, you can leave her a message at the sound of the tone, thank you.” Said the machine.

“Hello Kourtney! It’s Katie! If you get this can you please give me a call at 905-555-1232, I think something has happened to me since the explosion. I don’t really want to talk about it on the phone but please give me a call as soon as you can.” And she hung up. The bummer of a new job Katie realized was that she didn’t yet have others’ personal information to get a hold of them, so for now she was on her own and with no way of knowing if anyone else was experiencing weird after affects Katie decided to lay down and get some sleep as she was beginning to feel completely overrun with exhaustion.
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Unread 08-14-2016   #4
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Re: That accidental growth competition chapters 1 - 6 (story, M/F/F, growth)

Chapter 4 - Chris' home coming

Chris, much like Katie came home and went straight to the shower. He couldn’t believe just how amazing the water felt on his skin right now. It was like he was feeling for the first time again, everything was just so sensitive. Chris thought to himself that it must be an after effect of the explosion or maybe even some sort of neurological thing like a near death experience reawakening his formerly dulled senses. Grabbing the bar of soap he began to wash himself enamored by his new muscly self. It wasn’t just his chest and abs that had become bigger, no his arms and legs too were much bigger than usual and Chris was loving it. Thinking about his new size turned him on, thinking about how much stronger he had become and how many women would just love his body got him really hard and naturally he couldn’t resist. Reaching down he grab his cock and started stroking it, once, twice, three times and then stopped.

‘What the hell? Is my cock bigger now too?’ and like any guy finding this info out he rushed from the shower and grabbed a measure tape. ‘Yep I gained a whole two inches! I mean it’s not much going from 3 to 5 inches he thought. But at his height it definitely made him feel much more confident. Realizing now that his cock was also bigger made him even hornier and over the next ten minutes Chris made sure to handle his new dick just right.

Following his masterbatory adventure Chris laid back in bed and slowly drifted off to sleep his body direly needing the rest.
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Unread 08-14-2016   #5
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Re: That accidental growth competition chapters 1 - 6 (story, M/F/F, growth)

Chapter 5 - Kourtney's home coming

Kourtney, unlike the other two, arrived home and went straight for the fridge. She didn’t care that her clothes were torn or that she was dirty, Kourtney had a wicked stomach growl going on and it needed to be fixed. Fixing almost as much food as an entire 4 person family could eat Kourtney sat down at her table, threw on the TV and started to mow down.

“Big explosion down at Industrial Labs today. Spokes persons for the company claim there will be no toxic after affects from the explosion, and fire fighters confirm that the explosion was localized to the lab only and their shouldn’t be fear from the local population.” A reporter said on the local news station that happened to be on when Kourtney flipped the TV on.

‘News, ugh… I just lived that not like I need to see more of it.” Kourtney reached for the remote again changing the TV over to Netflix to watch some anime, which Kourtney was secretly a huge fan of. ‘Much better.’ She thought turning on Hunter x Hunter and stuffing a second slice of pizza into her mouth.

Following her eating frenzy Kourtney quite surprised at how much food she’d just eaten looked down to see that her belly was sticking out, not just you’ve eaten too much sticking out, no this was more like she was 7 months pregnant sticking out. ‘Omg! I ate way too much!’ Kourtney thought remembering all the food she had eaten and where it would have to go; and she was right she had eaten 2 medium pizzas, 3 apples, a banana, 2 servings of pasta, and two ice cream sandwiches and that had to go somewhere. Panicking Kourtney ran for her phone which was still in the kitchen but then “WHAM!” Kourtney’s head hit off the table ledge and she was out cold on the ground having tripped on the Ethernet cable she had running across the floor to get to her bedroom.
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Unread 08-14-2016   #6
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Re: That accidental growth competition chapters 1 - 6 (story, M/F/F, growth)

Chapter 6 - Kourtney wakes up

It was about 2 to 3 hours later that Kourtney woke up after having hit her head on the side of the table.

‘OW!’ Kourtney thought rubbing her head where it had hit the table, expecting to find a large lump but only finding a lump about the size of a mosquito bite. Sitting up she let her head de-fog and she gathered a sense of her surroundings. ‘Oh right I’m at home.’ She thought ‘I was rushing to the kitchen for some reason to make an emergency phone call…… why would I ever have needed to do that.” Then she remembered, her stomach had swelled to a huge size after she’d eaten more food than she ever had eaten before. Looking down she was greeted by a pleasantly fit stomach, in fact it was fitter than it had ever been. ‘Oh man I must have been tripping out, suffering some post-traumatic stress or something’ not really realizing how much fitter her stomach really was. Gathering herself up she stood up and felt a snap. Her underwear, which were still in her now wickedly tight jeans, had snapped. Grabbing her ass Kourtney couldn’t believe it, where once she had a small little butt was now a fit firm muscular bubble butt that was barely being contained by her jeans that were stretched to their max. ‘Holy shit that’s why I felt so bloated I have an ASS!” Kourtney exclaimed, peeling off her pants to let it out and running to her full length mirror to check it out. Standing in front of the mirror she couldn’t help but think about how perfect it looked. No matter what angle she looked at her ass from it was perfect, it was large, fit, and absolutely begging for someone to spank it and boy was she excited for someone to do that.

When she finally was done admiring her ass she realized how dirty she still was looking herself from toe to… ‘Wait a minute how come I can’t see my head in the mirror.’ Kourtney realized as she started looking up the full length of her body. Pushing the mirror up a bit she was able to finally see her head but in doing so it cut off what she could see of her feet. ‘This is really weird, I’ve always been able to see my entire self in the mirror, maybe I’m just standing extra close today or something.’ Kourtney thought, not realizing that her growth didn’t just happen in her ass.

Jumping in the shower Kourtney made lather up and clean every inch of her body thinking that there must still be chemicals on her skin because everywhere she touched tingled, not in a bad way, no in fact it felt really good she thought. But couldn’t be normal, she’d never felt this good so she figured it must have been the explosion and she would have to remember to tell Chris later on that evening to see how he was doing.

After washing up she called Chris “Hello Chris? Hey how are you doing?”

“Oh hey Kourtney, thanks for calling! I feel amazing actually. Better than I’ve ever felt, its kind of weird. How about you?” Chris asked.

“Same funny enough, I feel like I could run a marathon, or climb mount everest. I really feel amazing. My skin feels amazing, I don’t know if that sounds weird to you, and I thought it was just because I still had chemicals on it from the explosion, but even after my shower touching my skin feels amazing.” Kourtney said, almost nervous what Chris would say because she was kind of scared that something was wrong with her.

“I think it may be a side effect of the explosion Kourtney, I feel the same way. I think it could even be psychological because we had a near death experience we are just experiencing everything now with a different attitude which amplifies how it feels.” Chris tried to explain his only ration thought.

“I guess that makes sense.” Kourtney said. “But there is something else, I can’t really explain it and I think you’d have to come over to see what I mean. But Chris I’m actually a bit scared.” Kourtney said in a quivering voice.

“Are you okay Kourtney? If you need me I’ll be right there.” Chris said.

“Yah could you, I think I would feel much better if you would. Also are you hungry at all? Could you maybe bring some food with you?” Kourtney asked.

“Yah sure Kourtney, I’ll be right over. Don’t worry though I don’t think anything is wrong. I think you’re just scared because of what just happened. I’m going to go now, see you soon.” And with that Chris hung up the phone.

Kourtney setting her phone down on the table laid back on her couch keeping one hand on her new found ass, that she was currently hiding under a towel, and turned on the TV to wait for Chris.
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