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Unread 11-08-2017   #1
Nightstar76's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 83
My first big tg story (anthro tg, sequence)

This is an anthro tg sequence, kinda? I've changed some names and characters to make it more broadly accessible. Thought you may be interested in seeing my current draft.


“Thank you for seeing me on such short notice.”

“It wasn’t at all a problem. In our line of work, we expect to receive sudden calls. And I must say,” the elegantly dressed skunk said with a smile, “I welcome the challenge.”

“So… you got my message? And you think you can do it?”

“Well, did you bring what I asked for? I have the testing equipment right here.” When the other woman placed the pieces of hair and vial of blood on the desk, the skunk smiled. “Well, let’s run through his vitals.” The blood was first, being placed into a small chiming machine. “My, your husband is very old. And from this reading, I’d imagine he looks even older than he is. I’m seeing a lot of stress markers and degradation.” She withdrew the blood vial. “Don’t worry, we dispose of all this material safely and securely. So, what made you come to me?"

“He’s never had a chance to relax. Not in years and years. And I’m scared he’ll die without… without a chance to ever be happy. And it doesn’t seem fair. I think he’s a good man, he’s just been pushed too far down a road he never wanted. And… and if he can be released from everything, even for a little while…”

“Of course, of course. Don’t worry. We wouldn’t advertise this program like we do if we didn’t think it works. Now, let’s see if your husband’s blood responds to the converter, okay?” The skunk turned the first computer screen to face the other woman. It showed her husband’s readout and current biological data. “Now, remember, this is just a generic model we deploy to all our tests. If your husband is a candidate, you’ll have an extensive consultation with our staff to make sure the result is exactly what you want it to be.” She poured a drop of pink gel into the opened vial of blood. The blood momentarily bubbled, but then grew still. “Okay, let’s see what we’ve got.” She placed the vial back in the machine and clicked through. “Congratulations Mrs. Lee. It’s a girl!”

Alice smiled in relief when the second screen turned around, revealing that her husband’s genetic data had, after contact with the pink gel, transformed into the genetic data of a beautiful, smiling teenage girl. She read the data carefully. “Pregnancy?”

“Of course! We pride ourselves on the thoroughness of our work. Within two weeks of the transition, all candidates… or, may I be more specific, Mrs. Lee?” At a nod, the skunk smiled. “Within two weeks of your husband’s transformation, he will begin to ovulate. We’ve never seen a boy or man become pregnant that quickly, but a number of our previous candidates have gone on to become mothers. Almost all of them, in fact!”

“My husband, the mother.” Alice was old, but she managed a girlish giggle at that. “Will he want that? Would it be likely to happen?”
The skunk turned the first screen, showing Daniel, away, leaving just the girl. “Let’s fix some pronouns fixed. She’s going to be primarily heterosexual. We’ve had a few requests to make our candidates into one thing or the other, but we don’t really do that kind of thing. The process works on the candidate as it will, and in your husband’s case, it seems it will make her a little boy-crazy. That’s hardly unusual.”

“So my husband… the man I’ve been with for 70 years… who I’ve had six children with…”
Alice looked at the teenage girl on the screen again.

“We have a saying around here. A new girl who’s fucked out is just an old guy who’s lucked out.” The skunk gave Alice a racy smile, and set the older woman laughing again. “Of course, it is up to the individual. We don’t make nymphomaniacs. She’ll be interested in boys, and being fucked by them, but she’ll be in control of her sexuality.” The skunk paused. “Her active expression of her sexuality, at least.”

“So she’ll have her fantasies and so on?”

“At least as much as any other healthy young woman.” The skunk paused. “Her first week will probably be the worst, which is why we recommend the hoteling program. Her body will still have all those old male hormones running around inside her, being purged or converted, and that could make her more emotionally unstable.”

“Will… would he…” At a raised eyebrow, Alice tried again. “Would she try to hurt herself?”

“Girls who have just gone through the process are often disoriented or confused, and sometimes very angry, but we’ve only had two suicides in the time I’ve been here.” Marina smoothed out her skirt and shook her head. “Both times, there were mental health issues that we didn’t catch and the alteration in brain chemistry, coupled with a failure to communicate with professionals about medication, caused tragedy. But we check each profile very carefully now, and we’ve altered our formula.” The skunk smiled. “It’s not a magic pill, unfortunately. But our hosts do amazing work when needed and part of your fee is held in trust for needed medical assistance, including therapy.”

“Alright.” Alice said, after a moment. “So… how long does it last?”

“It’s permanent.” Marina took a piece of paper out of her desk and pushed it to Alice. “Well, not quite. After six months, the body will have settled enough into its new form that a reversal procedure can be attempted… barring pregnancy, of course. Even if the pregnancy is terminated early, the hormonal changes will make any attempt to return to masculinity a failure.”

“So, assuming she’s not pregnant, in six months she can turn back into a man?” Alice glanced down at the paper.

“If she so chooses.” Marina leaned forward and looked into Alice’s eyes. “Legally, we can permit a spouse or parent to request and allow on someone else’s behalf. But neither the law nor our company’s ethics policy will permit us to transform a client unwillingly back into their original form, or to keep them in their new body against their will.” Marina tapped her finger on the document. “There is a very real chance that she may decide to stay a woman forever and you will never see him again, and you will have no recourse. And there’s also a chance she’ll turn back and have you punished. Now, I know you’ve been in touch with our staff and our lawyers and so on, and so it’s probably silly to ask you again when we’ve come so far, but I am required by law to ask you to sign this memorandum understanding the risks to you and your relationships, and legal liability, and all other qualifications discussed. And then, if you accept it, to sign this form authorizing us to begin development of your husband’s new body, for propagation tonight.”

Alice did as directed, without even a thought. This was the right thing to do, she was sure of it, and if it wasn’t, then she’d bear the consequences.

“Great!” Marina took the forms and slipped them back into her desk, then grabbed the bag full of hairs. “Let’s get started, shall we? We’re going to make your husband into a girl so beautiful, nature will be jealous!”

“This is Mrs. Lee. That’s what I want you to call her, even if you recognize her. Especially if you recognize her. Her client is only to be referred to as Delta. Mrs. Lee, I want you to meet our bio-engineer, Rick. Rick’s going to run you through our exhaustive catalog of features. I’ve got to go and convert these hairs into carriers. I’ll see you later, Mrs. Lee.”

“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Lee.” Rick was a dog girl, of some sort. Alice didn’t know much about dogs. Her tail was wagging eagerly “Just so you know, I used to be a boy. In fact, I was still a boy last month!” She laughed at Alice’s expression and looked down at herself. “I figured I’d be more effective at meeting with our feminization clients if I tried the procedure myself. I may have gone a bit overboard, but my girlfriend doesn’t complain.”

Rick had the largest breasts Alice had ever seen, and she had had to throw out the pornography of three adolescent sons.

“Speaking of girlfriends… I see from your information that Delta’s probably going to be one! So, if you don’t mind, I’ll try to give a guy’s perspective on the kind of girl we’re making. It’s not that far a reach. I’m still into girls. And into guys, but… but that’s not important.” Pulling himself from her blissful daydream, the dog did some more typing. “I’m going to generate a basic new body from the profiles you’ve given of you, your daughters, and Delta’s sister and mother. Okay? From there, we’ll make alterations to suit you. Think of your husband’s body as the canvas on which we’re going to paint a beautiful painting, and this as the rough sketch.”

“Will this take long? I did what your employer said and put the initializer in his evening drink, and he ate the entire meal you had sent up for him.” Alice looked up, through the ceiling, towards the fake hotel room where her husband was sleeping. “But that was…”

The engineer checked his screen. “Delta’s going to sleep as long as we need her to sleep. The medicine we asked you to feed can keep her unconscious all week, and the new genetic markers in her body are already responding to the gas we’re releasing into your hotel room. Which means,” Rick leaned across and patted the older woman’s hand. “that you need to stop thinking of her as a man, even if you can’t stop thinking of her as your husband yet. If she ingested everything, like you said, then it’s probably more appropriate to think of Delta as a prepubescent girl. Her body’s just waiting for the magical kick that will push her into puberty.”

“He’s already…” Alice gasped in shock.

“The moment you signed the paperwork, Marina opened the floodgates. There’s enough of the gas flowing in there to make any man more feminine, let alone one who’s got our medicine in him.” Rick did some more work on his screen. “She’s absorbing the gas quickly. When we insert your chosen traits, she’ll probably respond quickly to those too.”

“He… she… is already…”

“This service is about helping girls become women.” Rick smiled. “With any man, it’s just a matter of helping them become girls first. Would you like to see, before we move on to choosing traits?”

“I… I hadn’t realized that when I said goodnight, I was saying goodbye, too.” Alice’s fingers clutched at her dress. “I thought…”

“I’m sorry, but this is standard procedure. I didn’t realize…” Rick flushed and looked down. “I’m sorry. It’s too late to stop it. If we do, we may kill her. Er. Him. Whoever.”

“I don’t… I don’t want you to stop it.” Alice said at that, and quite quickly. “I just didn’t understand… what is my husband becoming now?”

“The generic default female form. Left to its own devices, it will express itself as such...” She turned his screen around, showing a bald girl on the cusp of puberty. After a moment, the calendar began to run quickly and the girl grew into a slender young lady. Nothing heartbreakingly hideous, but not particularly special. No interesting features really to speak of.

“While Delta’s own basic profile is developing, would you like to see what’s happening to her body? You’re in the special suite, right?”

“Yes.” Alice whispered, fascinated by the technology at work here. A screen lowered from the ceiling. After a moment, a video feed appeared. Her husband lay on the bed, stripped naked as she had left him. The knife she had used to cut open his clothes lay on the table. That was almost the only way she had been able to tell he was her husband.

Even in the twenty minutes since she had approved the transition, she could see the changes that had been at work on his person. “Want to see a neat trick?” Rick asked, and she typed a command. A slight breeze blew across Daniel’s body and blew with it all of his hair, from his head down to his feet. He opened his mouth, closed it a few times, and seemed to shiver. With the hair gone, Alice could fully see see the changes that were progressing. He had filled out; his frail body was slowly padding itself with new flesh. A woman’s flesh. “He’d already shrunk quite a bit, just from age. She’s probably going to grow taller, but it’s up to you how much. I’d recommend an inch or two, but no more.”

“I think I’ll want to see all her features before I make that decision.” Alice couldn’t look away from the screen. “How… old is he becoming now? How old will she be when you inject her?”

“Oh, that’s hard to say. She may not even be finished transitioning to girlhood by the time we come to make a woman out of her. Most men aren’t.” Rick smiled dreamily, probably remembering her own transition. “They’re still just as functional as if they had. Oh, look, she’s budding.”

Daniel’s callow chest had lost its muscle tone and strength years ago. But with his thin chest hair gone, it was easy to see the slow but unmistakable development of his nipples, from those of an old man to those of a girl. They continued to swell as the flesh below them grew out ever so slightly. Another breeze blew gently across them, stirring the bed sheets and causing the swollen nipples to harden for the first time.

Alice couldn’t help herself. She laughed, just a little, remembering how when they had first married he had enjoyed exposing her to the cold just to see her own nipples harden like that. “Amazing…”

“Yeah,” Rick said, half with her eyes on the screen and half watching the profile building. “Always incredible…” She squirmed. If Alice didn’t know better, she’d have thought Rick was enjoying watching this a bit too much. “Mmm. I wish we could look inside her dreams right now.” One of her hands momentarily vanished below the desk, just for a second. “What do you think? She’s changing so quickly, I almost bet she’ll be more hen than cock by the time we go up there to inject her.”

Alice opened her mouth to rebuke Rick, but stopped as she watched the screen. Her husband’s cock was as hard as she had ever seen it, but in front of their eyes it was slowly beginning to shrink. She had realized something. She wasn’t angry. She wasn’t upset. She wasn’t even sad or unhappy. She was enjoying this, too. Perhaps as much as Rick, though at her age it was probably all the same. Not only giving her husband the chance to have a happy life, but also simply the process of watching him transform, watching him go from being her husband to being a girl. She wanted him to become a girl. She wanted to see those developing tits grow ripe and full. She wanted to watch as the cock that had given her their children became a ripe, fertile pussy, attached to a ripe, fertile young woman. And she wanted, needed to know that that ripe, fertile young woman was going to go out into the world and get fucked as hard as Daniel had ever fucked her, if not more. And as the fuzzy beginnings of a woman’s pubic hair began to form above his shrinking manhood, and his lips fell open in what she instinctively knew was a moan, she sighed in empathy with the strange feminizing pleasures he was experiencing.

“I know, right?” Rick said, a bit breathless. “Don’t be embarrassed. 90% of our guests experience the same thing. When it’s a father watching their daughter be born, that’s embarrassing.” Though only once had that ended up going too far…

Alice smiled. “After this is done and Delta’s safely squared away,” Ideally, under a man or two, “I may want to come back and try something like this myself. But first things first.”

“Yeah. So, here’s our default.” Rick turned the screen around.

The default profile for Delta was a beautiful young woman, with breasts easily as large as any of their daughters had, seemingly drawn from Samantha, and Melissa’s slender waist. The legs seemed to draw from Lina, as did the high, round bubble butt. Her face and Daniel’s face combined to make Delta’s face, which was framed by black hair so long it fell to her hips. Alice looked up at the transitioning man on screen, and then back at that page. “No.”

“No?” Rick grinned. “Well, what do you want?”

“Can I make any changes I want?” Alice said, smiling mischievously.
“You can, though we do reserve final say.” Rick said with a smile. “Just tell me what you want, and I’ll change it on the screen here.”

“Make her blonde. No, platinum blonde.” Alice considered this. “Make it a bit bluer.” A shader appeared on screen, and Rick ran her finger over it. “Stop. Right there.” Now, the girl had silvery blue hair. “And her eyes. I want them… I want them like yours. Sort of round and bright and open. And match the face to that.” Rick did as directed, changing the curves of the face, carefully erasing much of her and her husband from the new girl. “Give her a tan. Just a little, though. As much as you think will work here. Enough to let her know if she wants a nicer one, she can get one.”

The dog giggled and did as directed. “I noticed your daughters are all… well, only one of them is particularly athletic. Is that something you’re thinking of here?”

“Try it out.” Alice’s eyes twinkled. “Not too strong, though. Nothing showy.”

“I am a professional, Mrs. Lee.” Rick giggled again, changing some sliders, filling out the legs and arms and giving Delta more of an athlete’s frame. “With the right bra, she’ll probably be pretty good at football.”

That made Alice smile. Daniel had always told her about his days playing football, before she had become pregnant and he’d had to move on. And now, that he had retired, it had been too late. Well… it wouldn’t be for Delta. “Oh, she’s definitely going to need a bra.” The breasts were perfect… on their original body. On what she was making Delta, though, they needed to be changed. “Can I choose from a style of breasts? Is there a menu?”

“Of course.” Rick pressed a button and a catalog of naked women appeared on the monitor.
“I want… her nipples,” Alice pointed at one girl, “on her breasts, but sort of put together like her chest.” That was a simple matter of drag and drop. Delta now possessed the kind of breasts that inspired armies, by Alice’s estimation. They hung, heavy, from the young woman’s chest, close enough to touch when lifted but far enough to be individual when not. “Make her lift an arm and hold them together. Can you do that?” The little figure on the screen did as directed without Rick doing anything, giving herself magnificent cleavage. “Make her hands and feet match the rest of her.”

“Well, she’ll definitely grab eyes when she walks down the street.” Rick said, her voice once again a bit breathless. “And this is what you want Delta to become?”

Alice looked up at the view of her transforming husband. In the time they had begun modifying their blueprint, he had slipped further not merely into femininity, but into girlhood. His shoulders, which had retained some breadth even into his old age, had rounded and narrowed completely, giving his pubescent breasts even more prominence. In his pink sleep, the former man had reached a shrunken hand to one hard nipple.
“Not yet. What’s her voice sound like, now?”

“My voice sounds like this.” The animation said, in an accented, somewhat high voice, that reminded Alice uncomfortably of Melissa or Lina. “But algorithms suggest that with the changes made, my voice should sound like,” it changed dramatically, becoming the kind of voice you would hear on the street on New York, with no british accent but a lot of hidden strength. The kind of voice that knows how awesome its owner is, and isn’t ashamed to let it show.
“What do you think, Rick?” Alice turned to the dog, who was really squirming on the desk now. Poor girl; evidently all those hormones running loose were still messing with her. “Is that voice going to make men notice her?”

“It’s making me notice her.” Rick’s own voice came from a bit away. “I’m looking at what Delta used to be, and what she’s becoming now, and what you want her to look like, and it’s well within our capabilities. And I promise you, if what you want is for men to want her, then we’ve done it.”

“I suppose wanting her is a start.” Alice considered her own treatment, again; with no husband, she’d probably need some sort of help to get her own desires taken care of. “But we’re not quite done yet.” Alice tapped her hand on the table. “The only woman he ever slept with besides me was a fox-girl. And I know for a fact that even if he didn’t touch any others, he sure looked a lot. Can we give him what he always wanted?”

“Sure! I mean, two months ago I was just a human.” Rick made the magic happen. Delta’s ears grew and moved up her head, becoming tufted and furry, the exact same color as her beautiful hair. Next, Delta turned around and began to shake her beautiful ass. With each shake, a fluffy tail grew out and longer, stopping when the newborn fox-girl possessed a perfect tail to go with the rest of her. “What do you think?”

“I think we could use some more work on those legs. I leave it to your judgement.” Alice grinned, and looked up once more at the girlish boy (or was she a boyish girl?) who had once been her husband. “Now, what about mental changes?” When she looked back, the girl had gained an extra inch in height, but those same legs had lost some valuable muscle.

“We’ve got a few options here. I recommend the language overwrite, which will allow her to speak our dialect language fluently and without an accent, since you’ve made her look so much like a New Yorker.” Rick showed Alice a couple of toggles. “It may make it harder for her to vocalize in her secondt languages but it can be reversed with the rest of the changes.”

“Do it.” Alice said, with finality. The thought of separating Daniel from his own identity sent another erotic thrill up and down her spine.

“We also have a basic female knowledge package that can overwrite some of her previous experiences. For instance, how to wear a bra, how to style her hair. We’d overwrite some of the unnecessary information from her past; for instance, her current dress preferences, mental links to her post-pubescent male life. Most girls who don’t have this package end up asking for it when offered.”

“You’re the expert, Rick.” Alice

“And finally, Delta seems to have a very competitive profile. If you like, we can redirect some of that energy.” Rick showed her the mental impulses he was talking about. “With this, she’ll start viewing the women in this life as rivals more than as lovers or children. She’ll want to equal or outdo them. We often find that in some former men, making them want to ‘win’ being a girl helps acceptance.”

“Do that, too.” Alice pondered. “I understand that sometimes you create prostitutes?”

“On occasion, for a sufficient sum, we make escorts.” Rick said, with affronted dignity.

“It’s all the same at my age, sweetie.” Alice toyed with a silvered lock of hair. “Can you make her a little desperate for affection? My husband was always rather cold. I want her to meet her man and want everything he can offer. Physically, emotionally, sexually…” Rick performed some further changes. “I don’t want her to be a little slut, of course, but…”

“You want her to be more open. I can do that. Anything else?”

“No, that’s it., I want it sent up there. And I want to watch the rest of his change happen. Is there audio?”

“Would you like to be alone while you watch?” Rick was finishing his calculations and transmitting.

“Can I?”

“Of course. There’s a viewing lounge just through that door. And we put some of the literature you asked for in there.” Rick smiled. “Five minutes, and the show starts. It might take a while, and you might fall asleep, but we record every minute of it. Though after three months we destroy all records, unless the family or client requests a copy.”
Daniel’s masculinity had already been thoroughly ravaged by the gas. Even as it had made him younger and healthier, it had also started forcing his body to live up to its new directives. To become Delta’s body.

He knew none of this, in his sleep; his dreams were a kaleidoscope of colors and feelings, all of them intensely pleasurable. He didn’t notice as the cool breezes that hardened Delta’s jutting nipples also blew that gas across his skin, blowing away strength and coarseness and leaving only softness. Nor did he notice the pulls on his hips and legs as her muscles forced his bones to shift, and her bones forced his muscles to change.

He didn’t even notice when a small hatch opened in the ceiling, and a dart flew out, landing in his abdomen, above his groin, where his manhood was even now besieged by a feminine forest of hair, and his scrotum hung half-empty from Delta’s developing mound.

Then the dreams changed. He was a boy, standing in front of a mirror, shaving like his father had ordered. Except this time, when he shaved, the skin left behind was soft and new, and he somehow knew he’d never need to shave again.

She was a girl, massaging her flat chest in front of the mirror, wishing her breasts would grow. And before her eyes they did, like magic, swelling and growing in her hands, overflowing her hands.

He was playing football, the star striker on his team now that he’d begun growing up, and blushing with pride and embarrassment at the way the boys on his team were looking at him and his breasts, though it hadn’t been his fault he’d forgotten his training bra…

She was playing football, conscious of her developing body; her bosom had come in so quickly, the rest of her hadn’t caught up. The girl she was chasing had longer legs and wider hips. That wasn’t fair. And as she sped up, she became vaguely aware that her hips were widening and her legs were growing and becoming stronger, and she caught up and took the ball and ran it back down the field and scored the winning goal, and she cheered with her friends, and for the first time noticed the boys and men in the crowd.

He was lying in bed with a woman. She reached up and touched his pouting lips, then brushed her finger down his elegant, flat neck, then through his shallow cleavage (that shuddered and seemed to grow a bit at her touch), right down to the bulge in his pants. She began to stroke it, and he moaned. But the bulge seemed to vanish, and what was left was the well-defined outline of a pussy. And the woman gently pressed her fingers into him, and he moaned sharply, his moan rising in pitch and tone.

Her fingers were cautious as they explored this new feeling. They traced the outer lips, shivering with the rest of her as her sex seemed to blossom beneath her fingers. She needed more, and she continued to push and rub and press with boldness, almost feeling as though she was digging out her own cunt from her own body with them.

He was at dinner with his wife, though he was also paying attention to those around him. One woman in particular, a beautiful fox, whose tail and ears added to her incredible sexiness. He wanted her. He wanted to fuck her, to grab her and push her against a wall, press his heavy breasts against hers, feel her fingers on his pussy while his fingers explored hers. He wanted to kiss and suck and tease those ears, and feel the wind when it blew over them. He wanted to watch that tail writhe as they made love, and to feel it wag and shake and bounce with every step he took, knowing that it was drawing eyes to his curvy rump, and wanting eyes on him, especially his boyfriend’s eyes. And his boyfriend was telling him that he was much sexier than that other fox-girl, and his ears and tail were better than any other one, and he knew that even if that wasn’t true, he’d still be rewarding his boyfriend like any good girlfriend should.

He’d kiss her at that look in her eyes, and they’d pay that bill quickly, and he’d get her upstairs.

It would be a struggle to keep his clothes on in the elevator, and he’d fail. His boyfriend would have him shirtless, his breasts pushing hard against his bra, and ultimately he’d strip it off himself.

And they’d leave her shirt and bra where they had fallen, and he’d be making good progress on getting her jeans off by the time they got inside. And then he’d literally tear her panties off.

And he’d stand there, panting, looking up at his boyfriend. He was wanted, and he wanted his boyfriend in return. He wanted to be fucked, and fucked hard; he’d not even mind if he became pregnant.

So it was a shock when her boyfriend stood there and demanded she tell him she was a woman.

Why did his boyfriend have to do this now? He wanted him so much. And he reached out with his hand to try to touch him, but his boyfriend continued to insist.

And the need kept growing stronger, until it wasn’t just a need to be fucked, it was a need to assert herself, too. She stood in front of him, her breasts hot and heavy, and her body ready, so ready… what else could she say say? “I… am…”

“A woman.”

Last edited by Nightstar76; 11-08-2017 at 06:08 PM.
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Unread 11-22-2017   #2
Lurker/budding TG author
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Re: My first big tg story (anthro tg, sequence)

I figured you wanted a little feedback so here's my quick thoughts.

I didn't mind it even if I thought the main transformation was broken off by the banter. I did like the concept of an organisation that can change people's genders, and it seems you gave some thought on the rules and pitfalls of such an operation.

That said, the idea of a person being changed physically and mentally by re-living their life in a dream was maybe my favourite part. Really shows his growing acceptance with the changes.
-Male characters I like to see TG'd: Koizumi (Haruhi), Shinji (EVA), Keitaro (Love Hina), Satoshi (DNAngel)
-Female characters I'd like to be (Update): Rei (EVA), Ami and Haruka (Sailor Moon), Nene (BGC2040), Teletha (FMP), Haruhi and Mikuru(Haruhi Suzumiya), Yourichi and Rangiku (Bleach), Riza(FMA), Lenalee (D Gray Man), Ennis (Baccano).
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Unread 12-08-2017   #3
Nightstar76's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Re: My first big tg story (anthro tg, sequence)

I suppose I did let story necessity overwrite the transformation. I could fill in the gaps, if people want.
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