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Unread 12-21-2021   #1
Tina Tiny
Little Doll Mom
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Join Date: Aug 2020
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Merry Shrinksmas: The Littlest Christmas Milf

It's that time of year!

If you like this naughty little story, check out the links in my signature for more.

Merry Shrinksmas!

-Tina <3
Amanda opened her eyes, and stared at the vague, gray color of the ceiling. She had almost fallen asleep that time...or had she actually slept? She turned her head and tapped her phone, checking the time.


She sighed and peered over at her husband lying next to her. His rhythmic breathing was proof that he was fast asleep.

"Well, that makes one of us," she grumbled as she gently moved the covers off of her. She swung her legs out, feeling the soft carpet beneath her feet. She leaned forward, getting down onto the ground on all fours and reached under the bed until she felt the wrapped gift. She pulled it out and silently made her way across the room. Not that she needed to be so quiet...her husband, Ron, could sleep through a hurricane. She threw on her robe and made her way out of the bedroom, padding her way to the other side of the house.

The soft, multicolored lights hanging on their tree made it easy to navigate in the dark. She approached and noticed that there was already a small box under the tree with a dark, red envelope attached.

'AMANDA' was written in cursive script on the face of the envelope. Apparently Ron had already been down here...probably before he had come up to bed. She placed her present next to his before turning toward the kitchen, which lay next to the living room. She made a cup of tea by the light of the tree before sitting down at the table, thinking about the box under the tree with her name on it.

"Probably another vase," she said as she sipped her drink. She loved her husband...she really did...but sometimes he could be so unoriginal. They had only been married a few years and yet she sometimes felt it had been for decades. He was a creature of habit and the impulsivity he used to show when they first started dating had seemed to go the way of the dinosaur. Not that she was unhappy...well, maybe a little...but she just missed some of those early days before things had started to become so incredibly routine.

"I just wish something exciting would happen," she said, swirling the last little bit of flavor-infused water in her cup. Almost as if on cue, she heard a faint 'thump' in the direction of the living room followed by a small yelp.

"Ooo, thas going ta' smart in th' marnin'!"

She felt her heart jump as she heard the high pitched, heavily accented voice. She put down the cup, her eyes darting back and forth around the kitchen before she slowly stood up and grabbed the rolling pin standing nearby. Taking a deep breath, she peered around the corner and her eyes went wide with what she saw.

"Aye now...where be th' item?"

The voice was coming from a tiny little man dressed from head to toe in festive red and green. He couldn't have been more than two feet tall as he rummaged through a large, silk sack that appeared to be filled with boxes. Amanda was both surprised and a bit irritated as she looked at the How could a person be so small?

"Hey!" She called out. The diminutive being froze and looked up at her with an expression of shock before bolting away toward the fireplace.

"Oh no you don't!" She yelled, bounding after the little creature. She saw him running for what appeared to be a rope made out of Christmas lights hanging down the chimney. She pulled back her arm and hurled the rolling pin sideways. The heavy object spun across the floor and smacked the little man right in the butt.

"Aye! Me arse!" He cried out as he fell, landing on his side and rubbing his butt with his tiny hands. "Ooo ooooo...right in th' tenders!"

"Ha!" Amanda yelled, pumping her fist in victory. She ran forward, bearing down on the child-sized person, reaching down and seizing him around his waist and lifting him up into the air.

"Help help!" the tiny man wailed in that same, high pitched voice. "Don't eat me! I taste like a bag o' rotten fruits!"

Amanda spun the curious little being around so she could get a better look. He stared up at her, a smile slowly crawling across his tiny face.

"Well Well… looks like my lucky night! Be ye from outer space? 'Cause your arse be out o' this w-AHH!"

He shrieked as she shook him aggressively.

"Stop stop! I'm not a rattle ye crazy woman!"

"What are you?!" She said, stopping the violent motions. The tiny creature put his hands on his face and steadied himself.

"An elf! What do ya' think, lass?"

She raised an eyebrow. "An must be joking."

"Tis' th' truth! I swear it!"

"Uh huh…" she said. She was pretty sure this was a dream or hallucination brought on by her exhaustion, but she figured she might as well play along.

"Okay, let's say you're an elf...what are you doing here?" She glanced over at the large bag. "And what are you doing with that?"

"Helpin' th' big man of course," the elf answered with a smile. She raised a eyebrow again.

"You don't mean…"

"Of course I do! Santa Claus. Aye, you see...he may be magical but even he can't visit every house in one night! So we elves help him as well as we can."

She blinked, staring at the bag, then back at the little, two-foot man in her hands.

"You mean to tell me that bag is filled with presents? Even for me?"

"Ahh...well...not really ah...wait a moment."

He struggled to reach into one of his pockets and produced a small notebook. Grunting, he opened it up and flipped a few pages. He squinted before groaning and pulling out a small pair of reading glasses.

"Happens after a few hundred years," he grunted as he placed them on his face. His eyes scanned the page.

"Amanda Knotts, yes?"

Her eyes went wide. "Uhh...yes?"

"Ah, late addition...had to write you down manually. You wished for something exciting to happen, yes?"

She was incredulous. "Um...i guess? I mean I only said that minutes ago."

"Good good," the tiny man said, producing a pencil and checking something off in his book. He took off his glasses and stowed the three items away before looking back up into Amanda's bright, blue eyes. He inhaled deeply, making a guttural, slurping noise before pausing and fixing her with his gaze.

"What?" she said, highly confused at what was going on. He just smiled and put his head back.

"Pthooie!" He shouted as he threw his head forward, lobbing a mouthful of spit, hitting Amanda straight in the face.

"Ewwww!!!" she screamed, dropping the little man as she reached up and started to wipe off his saliva. He cackled as he fell, crying out briefly as he hit his ass again on the ground. She reached over to a nearby box of tissues and used a few to wipe away the rest of the spit, glaring down at the tiny little thing.

"What the hell was that for?!" she bellowed. The elf only grinned.

"You'll see."

She was about to respond when suddenly she began to feel a strange, warm tingling. It started in her face, right where the disgusting creature's saliva had hit her, but soon the sensation began to spread down her neck.

"What the…" Amanda said as the tingling spread throughout her chest, sending very pleasant sensations across her breasts.

"Ooh," she said, breathing deeply as her nipples began to feel super sensitive, the warmth and tingling distracting her as the sensations continued to spread. She bit her lip, leaning back slightly, allowing her nightwear to brush ever so gently against her chest.

"Mmm," she mumbled as she closed her eyes. Her entire body was warm and every part of her was now tingling, sending pleasant, sensual feelings cascading across her skin. Unbeknownst to her, the elf spit was already working its magic, slowly but surely causing the five foot six inch woman to begin to dwindle in size. She didn't notice at all, instead moaning gently as she felt her clothes shifting on her body, stimulating her sensitive skin even more. Her feet shifted against the floor, retracting inward as her robe grew larger around her, slowly engulfing her dwindling frame more and more by the moment.

"Mmm," she moaned one last time as her pajama bottoms sagged, surrendering their way down her legs and pooling at her feet. She became acutely aware of the cooler air blowing past her smaller legs as the tingling slowly began to fade until it had disappeared completely. She opened her eyes and was immediately pulled out of her reverie as she stared around her living room. Everything was exactly where it should have been, only now they were-

"Did...did everything get bigger?!" She said, gasping as she heard her voice which was just a bit higher pitched. She heard the laughter of the elf and looked down, gasping in surprise as she found that he was now half her height.

"You got bigger too!"

He laughed again. "No lass...look around and think…."

She looked down at her oversized pajama pants which lay at her feet, feeling the increased weight of her robe on her body and her mouth dropped open.


"Bingo!" chimed the little creature as he stared straight ahead, her wet crotch at exactly eye level.

"And if I may say… not a bad view eith-OW!"

He stepped back, recoiling as she slapped him hard across his face.

"Perv! Now change me back!"

The little man crossed his arms. "I'm afraid I can't."

She narrowed her eyes. "Do you mean you can't or you won't."

"' latter, ta get technical. You asked for some excitement, and I'm here ta deliver."

Amanda responded by stepping out of her pants and grasping the rolling pin. It was larger and heavier than before, but she still figured she could do some good damage with it. The elf must have realized the same because he immediately threw up his arms.

"Okay okay! need ta resort ta aggression! I can change you back…"

She smiled and lowered her weapon.

"...but ye aren't going ta like how."

Her smile changed to a frown. "What do you mean by that?"

The elf shuffled his feet and smiled sheepishly.

"Elf spit makes you small...semen reverses all."

Her eyes went wide.

"Oh no," she said, brandishing the rolling pin again. "No no no, I'm not falling for that one. You need to reverse this right now or I'll…"

She suddenly felt the tingling return, quicker than before, bathing her body in warmth within mere seconds this time. Her skin became super sensitive once again as her robe shifted against her dwindling body. Her protests changed to moans, elevated this time by a heightened sensation of pleasure that was greater than before. She reached down and gently caressed her thighs moments before the feeling vanished, leaving her confused and slightly embarrassed.

"Whoa, what a…" she started to say when she noticed that everything around her was even bigger than before...including the elf, who now stood almost to the height of her breasts.

"Mmm mmm," he said, eyeing her lovely, pink globes.

"Shut up," she said as she tried to raise the rolling pin, grunting with frustration as she now found it highly unwieldy. The little elf laughed with triumph. Amanda sighed, looking down at the annoying little thing.

"So, let me get this straight...if I want to stop all this, all I need to do is get you know…."

He nodded. "Aye lass...blow me socks off and I'll get me rocks off. Then ye can get big again."

She wrinkled her nose. "Can't you know...rub one off right now?"

He put his hands on his hips.

"No dice...if I'm ta do this job, I'mma have a spot of fun."

She bit her lip, sighing deeply.

"Okay...fine. Let's get this over with."

The little man grinned, forking his fingers into his elastic bands and pulling down his tights. She gasped as she looked down at his now naked crotch.

"Impressive, huh?" He said, standing proudly at attention.

"Okay I confess it's...bigger than I expected. How did you hide that in those tights?!"

"Magic pants!" he announced with a grin.

She rolled her eyes. "Of course...elves, shrinking...why not magical tights?"

She took a step forward, gently reaching down. She took his member between her was smaller than she was used to, but impressive for the tiny being's size.

"Mmm that's the stuff," he said as her fingers made contact.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," she said as she slowly began to stroke him off. The little creature wheezed with pleasure, obviously enjoying her efforts.

"Mmm...this never gets old," he said as the larger woman stroked him.

"Oh? Have you done this before?"

He nodded. "With various women of various sizes." He opened his mouth and licked her nipple, causing her to gasp.

"Hey!" She said, minorly irritated.

"Hey what?" He replied, grinning up at her. She was about to answer when the tingles began to set in again, this time starting at her breast that he had just licked.

"N-no," she stuttered as the tingles spread throughout her body. They were stronger than ever now and she could feel the blood pounding in her head as the cool air blew over her nipples.

" easy," the little man said as he took her breast in his mouth. She moaned deeply, feeling waves of pleasure running down her back as she continued to jack off the little man. Only...he wasn't so little any more. To her, he was growing every moment as the shrinking once again took ahold of her already little body. She felt his cock growing in her hand, filling the space between her dwindling digits as his mouth took in more and more of her perky breast with every lick and suckle. It wasn't long before she was looking the elf man straight in the eyes.

"Feels good, eh lass?" he said. She blushed profusely as she realized how small she was. The embarrassment was made even greater as she realized she was still holding his large, swollen member, almost like it was a natural instinct.

"…" she started to say when the elf put his finger to her lips.

"Shh," he said. Taking her hand, he led them a few feet away to one of the taller gift boxes that lay under the tree. He turned her around, pushing her forward, easing her down onto the top of the garishly colored wrapping. She crawled up without question, almost as if under a spell, not questioning what she inevitably knew was coming next. She rotated her hips, lifting her bum into the air, exposing herself to him as he rubbed her cheeks with his hands.

"Th' best perk o' th' job," he said softly. She felt his hands exploring her, sending even fiercer tingles down her body as he made his way from her bottom to her thighs. He gently brushed against her privates, eliciting a soft coo.

"Are ye ready?"

Before she could answer she felt his hard cock against her sensitive lips. His huge head spread her apart as he penetrated her, his girth filling her up as he entered her fully. She cried out loudly, half moaning, half whining as he grabbed her hips and began to thrust, his thick cock rubbing up against her insides with every motion.

“Oh god,” she moaned as she gripped the ribbon of the present he had laid her out on. It was her husband’s gift, but in a way, that only served to make this pint-sized, midnight fuck even hotter. She elicited a loud squeak with each thrust, her libido shifting into overdrive as she felt her pressure building up inside her. She felt tingly all over, enhancing the sensation as he seemed to swell inside her, filling her a bit more fully with every passing moment.

“Oh god…you’re huge,” she said as his dick pressed against her in all directions, stretching her ever so slightly. She looked back and her eyes went wide as she saw that her lover now appeared to be bigger than her.

“Am I…smaller…again….” she managed to say in between the powerful thrusts, barely able to put together her thoughts as his growing cock and the tingles drove her mad. Her shrinking ass bounced back and forth as he plunged into her again and again, driving her to the very heights of pleasure.

“Fuuuu-!” she squeaked loudly as she finally plunged over the edge, screaming as her body was wracked with orgasm. He moaned loudly as well as he felt her vaginal walls tightening around him as she came again and again.

“T-too big!” she screamed and he finally pulled out, his penis leaving her with a wet POP as she slumped forward, panting hard, struggling to recover from the exertion. He panted as well, looking down at her dwindling body, feeling the blood still pulsing in his dick. She stood up, her head swimming, grabbing his long, fleshy arm to steady herself. Except something didn’t feel right about it…

“That’s…not your arm.” She turned around and her eyes went wide as she stared…up…at the same, small elf man, his massive member now poking her in between her breasts. Her jaw dropped as he grinned down.

“Now there’s a first…a wee little elf girl for me!”

She blushed a little as she stared at his swollen dick when a sudden realization came to her.

“Wait…I just let you fuck me…and you didn’t even cum?!”

The larger man shrugged. “It takes a while at times.”

She was about to respond when she felt the tingling again. She moaned as she dwindled again, watching his cock come to about head level. As the tingling went away, she looked up at him horrified.

“I’m still shrinking!”

“Aye, that ye are, lass,” he responded.

“You need to cum! I can’t get any smaller!” she squeaked up at him. He laughed down at the tiny little beauty.

“Then ye’d best get to it.”

She wrinkled her nose as she looked at his massive cock. She reached out and touched it with her hand, watching it jump at her touch.

“Aye…that’s good.”

She placed both her hands on the massive shaft, rubbing him up and down with her tiny fingers, listening to the small, pleasurable sounds he would emit from time to time.

“Mmm…use that mouth o’ yours,” he said. She stared up at him and raised an eyebrow.

“What? It’d be a shame not to,” he added with a grin. She turned around, sizing up his cock once more before taking a step forward and kissing his soft underskin. He murmured happily as she rubbed her lips up and down his shaft moments before opening her mouth and slipping him in. He moaned as his head slipped past her lips, practically filling her mouth as she sucked him off. He was almost big enough to fill her entire mouth, and she found she couldn’t take him in much farther than the head. Still, she licked and sucked on him, bobbing on his dick as he moaned with pleasure.

“Aye, that’s it lass…almost there,” he said after a minute. She continued her work, happy to hear the end was in sight when she suddenly felt the tingles begin to settle in again.

“N-no!” she said as the tingles rapidly spread throughout her body. She intensified her head bobbing, trying to drive him over the edge, but his cock was beginning to grow once again, getting bigger and bigger in her slowly shrinking mouth. She felt herself start to choke and with difficulty she finally spat him out, massaging her jaw.

“Ah crud…and I’m so close!” he said as he stared down at the dwindling woman. She was shrinking rapidly, sailing down in height.

“Help!” she squeaked as she shrank down past his knees. “Make it stop!”

He looked down at her, a slight look of concern passing over his face as he watched her shrink smaller and smaller until she was only a few inches high. She looked up at the towering elf and screamed.

“Help me! I’m too small now!” she shouted in her tiny voice. He reached down and closed his hand around her, eliciting tiny, pathetic squeaks from her.

“No…ye be just right.”

Before she could ask, he laid her down on his shaft. She gasped as she clung to his massive cock, straddling it between her legs as she held on for dear life.

“Last chance lassie…think ye can do it?”

She swallowed the lump in her throat, steeling her resolve. She grasped his dick tightly, wrapping her arms around the shaft as she pressed her tiny body against it. She crawled forward, rubbing her tiny breasts on him as she made her way to the tip.

“Oh aye…it both feel good and look good,” he said as he watched her dragging her tiny little ass across his cock as she finally made it to his head. She touched her breasts to his sensitive skin as she rocked her still wet pussy against him.

“Just cum already!” she shouted as she licked his sensitive head. He moaned loudly as he felt her tiny tongue dragging against his skin, sending ripples of pleasure through him as she licked his cockhole. She felt his temperature increase, his blood rushing through his cock as his massive hand descended again, his fingers wrapping around her hips and pulling her off. He grasped his cock with his other hand, pumping his dick as he held her out in front of him.

“AYE!” he shouted as he exploded, his wet seed splashing all over her chest. She barely had time to react before the second shot came, covering her face and filling her mouth with his salty essence. He came on her again and again, thoroughly coating the tiny blonde from head to toe in his sticky seed. Finally finished, his knees began to shake and he sat down, panting heavily as he stared down at the tiny woman in his hand.

“Not going ta’ lie…that be the best I’ve had, bar none.”

Amanda spat and coughed, swallowing another lump of semen as she took in a deep breath. She wiped her eyes, shaking the globs of sticky white substance from her hands.

“Well I…I’m glad,” she said, cracking a small smile. The elf laughed as he produced a pocket handkerchief.

“Let me help.”

He wiped her down with the square piece of fabric, wiping away large clumps of his seed as she squeaked and giggled at his touch. Moments later, she felt tingly again…but this time it was different, deeper tingling. All at once, she noticed that the world around her was beginning to contract…grow just a bit smaller…as she started to grow in his hand.

“It worked! I’m getting big again!” she squeaked happily. The elf smiled and put her down, watching her get bigger and bigger by the second. She laughed happily as she grew inch after inch…only to stop when she was not much taller than seven or eight inches. She looked confused for a moment, then she looked up at the elf with a frown.

“That can’t be all,” she said, half as a statement and half as a question.

“Well…” the large elf said, scratching his head.

“That CAN’T be ALL,” she said again, emphasizing the words, irritation growing in her voice. He smiled at her sheepishly and all at once she realized what was going on.

“No…no no no. You’ve gotta’ be fucking kidding me! I…no! You promised! Make me big again!”

The elf opened his mouth to answer when both he and Amanda suddenly became aware of the sound of jingling bells coming from the direction of the fireplace.

“Shit!” yelled the elf, grabbing his tights and frantically trying to pull them back up. Amanda looked up at him in confusion and was about to ask what was happening when there was a loud thump from the fireplace. The noise came from a large pair of black boots which scraped the floor as a large, rotund man emerged. He wore all red, except for a furry, white trim, with a similar matching cap on his head. His eyes twinkled as he scanned the room, eventually settling his gaze on the sight of the two tiny beings.

“Ho Ho Ho! So there you are!” he said, stepping forward. The elf awkwardly stuffed himself back into his pants and stood up straight, saluting the huge man. The newcomer looked down at his assistant moments before his eyes fell onto the tiny, doll-sized woman.

“Ho Ho Ho!” he chuckled deeply. “Now I see what’s taking you so long! You naughty little rascal, Glippy!”

Amanda looked up at the creature she had just had a romp with and burst out laughing.

“Glippy?!” she giggled, her tiny voice lilting through the air. The elf’s cheeks went pink.

“‘Ey now…Glippy be a fine name in th’ elf community!” he said defensively.

“Ho ho ho!” the man said, reaching down and patting Glippy’s head. “Time to get back to work…we’ve many more houses to go!”

“Yes Santa,” he said, running past the man and grabbing the large bag. He pulled one final box out and stuffed it beneath the tree before dragging the bag back toward the chimney. The large man knelt down, eyeing the tiny little woman. She stared up at him in half awe and half disbelief.

“You’re…you’re really him, aren’t you?”

He nodded and grinned. “In the flesh,” he said. She felt her cheeks burning…it was like a childhood dream come true…except she was adult, naked and could still feel some of Glippy’s sticky essence on her skin.

“So…uhh…can you make me big again?”

“Ho ho ho!” he said, reaching down. She squeaked as his white-gloved hand closed around her, lifting her up into the air. His hand was warm and the glove was very soft, putting her strangely at ease as she stared into his gigantic face.

“You’ll be big again. Just not tonight.”

“What? No…please make me big again! It’s not fair! That elf…Glippy…he spit on me and shrank me and…he made me do sexual things to him!”

“Made you?” Santa said, eyeing her carefully. She blushed a little, remembering that it was considered a very bad idea to lie to the big man in red.

“Well…maybe not…b-but he said that if I made him cum, then I’d get big again! But it didn’t work!”

Santa chuckled. “That’s because it’s not elf semen that will restore your size.”

She blinked. “No?”

He shook his head. “Nope…it’s human semen. Something that I’m sure your husband, Ron, will be happy to provide in the morning.”

Before she could protest, he lifted her up and angled his hand. The tiny woman squeaked as she slid down into the mouth of her husband’s stocking, falling down into the bottom of the gigantic sock.

“Help help! N-no! Make me big again! Don’t leave me like this!”

Santa turned around and reached into his coat, pulling out a massively long list. He curled the scroll, scanning the various entries until he located her husband’s name. He placed a check mark next to the name before smiling and replacing the scroll back into his coat.

“And to all a good night!” he announced. He stepped back and placed a finger to his nose. Moments later he was gone, a magical current carrying him back up the chimney, leaving Ron’s present squeaking and kicking inside his sock.

Last edited by Tina Tiny; 12-21-2021 at 08:53 PM.
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Unread 12-22-2021   #2
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Re: Merry Shrinksmas: The Littlest Christmas Milf

And Happy New Size!

Thanks for sharing.
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Unread 12-26-2021   #3
Join Date: May 2018
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Re: Merry Shrinksmas: The Littlest Christmas Milf

This would be a great comic…
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