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Storm Within: A Journey of Unexpected Change (X-men's Storm TG Fanfic) - The Process Forum
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Unread 04-26-2023   #1
Process Fan
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 40
Storm Within: A Journey of Unexpected Change (X-men's Storm TG Fanfic)

David Smith had always thought of himself as a regular guy. He was 40 years old. He had a loving wife named Vanessa with whom he lived in a modest home in the suburbs. He had a few close friends and two cats, but nothing exciting ever happened in his life.

Physically David was a short, bald, unfit white guy. He was used to feeling out of place in most social situations, never quite fitting in with the guys or impressing the girls. He worked an office job that he didn't particularly enjoy as a business analyst, but it paid the bills and provided him and Vanessa with a modest living. He spent his days working in a cubicle, answering emails, and attending meetings. David had always felt like he was meant for something more, but he didn't know what that was or how to achieve it. That was until one fateful day when everything changed.

It was Thursday evening, and David was in the big city, about 100 km from his home and his wife. He had been on a business trip for his job and so he was staying by himself in a hotel for a couple days. Walking back to his accommodations after a long day of meetings, he decided to take a shortcut through a public park. The park was completely abandoned as it was quite late at night.

As he walked in silence, he noticed a strange storm cloud gathering overhead. He looked up, curious, and suddenly a sudden gust of wind swept him off his feet and carried him into the air. As he struggled to free himself from this invisible force, he saw bright chain lightning gathering directly overhead. He barely had time to comprehend what was happening before a bolt of lightning struck him directly. Everything went black.

He awoke, probably hours later in the early hours of Friday morning just before sunrise. At first, David thought he was dead. The grass around him was decimated, burnt to a crisp and smoldering but he realized that something incredible had happened. He was completely unharmed. His body and even his clothes were unscathed. He was aware of a strange tingling throughout his body, and as he looked down at his hands, he could have sworn he saw them briefly crackling with electricity.

Not sure what else to do and still very exhausted but otherwise fine, he somehow made his way back to his hotel room and stripped down to his boxers just before he passed out onto the bed.


David thought that his ordeal was over, but he was wrong. As the sun rose that morning and the first rays of light peeked through the hotel window and touched his sleeping form, he suddenly felt an intense jolt of electricity coursed through his body.

As he lay in bed, suddenly wide awake and still reeling from the shock, he began to feel a strange sensation in his body.

At first, it was just a dull ache, like the soreness after a hard workout. But then the pain started to intensify. It was like every bone in his body was being shattered and then reformed. He clutched at the sheets, writhing in agony, as he felt his spine start to elongate, his limbs stretch, and his muscles bulge.

His skin felt like it was on fire, and sweat poured down his face as he struggled to endure the excruciating pain. His heart pounded in his chest, and his breathing became ragged and shallow. He tried to move, but his body was no longer his own. Then David's body began to change in a way that he never thought possible.

It started with his hands, which elongated and became more slender. His nails sharpened, and it seemed as if his fingers tingled with power. David couldn't believe what he was seeing as he held them in front of his face.

Next, his arms began to stretch and lengthen, and his biceps and triceps bulged with newfound strength. He could feel some sort of power surging through his veins as his muscles grew larger and more defined. David was in awe of what was happening to his body, but he couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning.

As the transformation continued, his body hair began to fall out. His legs grew longer and more muscular, and his skin began to grow more smooth and take on a dark ebony hue. He could feel the weight of his body shifting as his center of gravity seemed to be moving.

The skin on his face began to shift and reform, and he felt his jawline and cheekbones becoming more pronounced. He couldn't know it, but his eyes glowed with a fierce blue light, and long white wavy locks of thick, silky hair sprouted from his head.

David's thoughts raced. He couldn't believe what was happening to him. It was like something out of a sci-fi movie, but it was real, and it was happening to him. David could feel what he was sure was electricity coursing through his veins.

As the transformation moved to his torso, David felt a strange sensation around his chest area, as if he was wearing a very tight shirt that was getting tighter by the second. He looked down and saw that his chest was starting to expand and take on a more feminine shape. His nipples, which had always been small and barely noticeable, grew larger and more sensitive. He couldn't help but gasp as he felt the sensations coursing through his body, and he wondered how much more drastic the changes would be.

As his chest continued to grow and round out, David could feel his abs and obliques tightening, reshaping his torso into a more curvy and feminine form. He raised his arms and flexed his new muscles in amazement, marveling at the strength and power that now resided in his body.

David's private parts began to change too, and he felt a surge of heat radiating through his body. He felt a strange, pulsating sensation deep within his groin. The heat that had started earlier intensified, and his skin felt like it was on fire. He clutched at his crotch, feeling the bulge of his penis shrinking away.

The sensation was overwhelming, and David's mind struggled to comprehend the drastic change happening to his body. He could feel his genitals shifting and reforming, and his male anatomy was slowly disappearing. It was a surreal experience, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness as his former self faded away.

David was suddenly aware of a softness spreading between his legs, and his hips began to widen to accommodate his new anatomy. As David's genital transformation continued, he felt a deep, intense heat spreading through his groin and buttocks. He could feel his penis and testicles shrinking and retracting, while his scrotum pulled closer to his body. Simultaneously, his hips widened and his buttocks swelled, becoming more round and pronounced. He felt a strange tightness in his lower abdomen and a tingling sensation spreading down his thighs. It was as if his body was reconfiguring itself, changing from the inside out.

David had never felt anything like this before, and he was overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through his body. He was amazed and terrified at the same time, as he watched his male form gradually being replaced by a female one. The heat and tightness in his groin area intensified, and he felt a sudden rush of moisture between his legs. It was a strange and foreign sensation, yet somehow thrilling and exhilarating at the same time.

As the transformation moved down to his buttocks, David felt his backside expanding and rounding out, reshaping itself into a more feminine curve. He could feel his buttocks muscles shifting and tightening, pulling his hips back and widening his pelvis. The feeling was both strange and exhilarating, and he couldn't help but flex and clench his new muscles in amazement. He was becoming someone else entirely, someone new and different, and he had no idea what lay ahead.

As the pain subsided, David was final able to let out a gasp of breath. The voice that escaped his lips was not the one he expected to hear. It was the unmistakable husky moan of a woman.

He looked down at his hands once more and truly saw that they were no longer his own. They were slim, delicate, and adorned with long, white nails. He rolled over on the bed and looked at his reflection in the mirror across the room and saw that his face had transformed too. His features were no longer masculine, but instead, he had high cheekbones, full lips, and piercing blue eyes.

It was unbelievable, but David instantly recognized that he had somehow transformed into Ororo Munroe, also known as Storm, one of the X-Men. He had always admired her as a powerful and beautiful superhero, but he never imagined he would become her.

The pain of the transformation left David feeling weak and disoriented. He stumbled out of bed and tried to take a step, but he found that his balance was off. He realized that his center of gravity had shifted.

As he looked down at his body, he was struck by the realization that he was no longer a man. He had become Storm, a powerful female mutant with incredible weather control abilities. The unfamiliar curves of his new body and the sensation of his long hair against his back were both exhilarating and disorienting.

David couldn't help but run his hands over his new body, marveling at the difference in texture and shape compared to his old male body. His chocolate coloured skin felt softer and more supple, and his breasts, which were a completely new sensation, were both heavy and yet somehow freeing.

David couldn't help but wonder how his newfound femininity would affect his life going forward. He thought about the challenges that women faced in the world, and how his transformation had suddenly placed him in a vulnerable position. He wondered what his new form would mean for his relationships. His job, his friends and especially his wife Vanessa.

At the same time, he was fascinated by the differences in the way he perceived the world around him. His senses seemed more acute, and he could feel the electricity in the air around him in a way that he never had before.

He looked around the room, trying to make sense of his surroundings. Everything looked the same, but he felt different, like he was seeing the world through new eyes. He flexed his muscles, feeling the power coursing through his veins, and he couldn't help but smile. He was never a fit person. This was the first time he had felt vibrant, healthy and alive in a long time. He felt that he was full of boundless energy. Whether that had to do with his new Amazonian body, or the fact that he could now control electricity, he wasn't sure.

David, now transformed into the powerful mutant known as Storm, was in shock. He had just experienced an unimaginable transformation, and he wasn't quite sure what to do next.

But as the initial shock wore off, David began to realize the gravity of his situation. He was no longer a regular guy living a boring life; he was a mutant with incredible powers. As he contemplated his next move, David couldn't help but feel both excitement and fear. He had been given a new lease on life, but he knew that with great power came great responsibility. And he was alone, with no one to guide him in his newfound abilities.

He looked down at his hands, which still crackled faintly with electricity, and he wondered what he was capable of. Could he summon a thunderstorm at will, or was his power limited to the occasional lightning bolt?

David, now fully transformed into Storm, knew that he needed to figure out how to acquire clothes that suited his new body. He was still a stranger in an unfamiliar city and he was due to check out of his hotel in a few hours. He looked down at the men's boxers that strained against his new lower half and realized that they no longer fit him.

He felt a flush of embarrassment as he contemplated the prospect of walking into a women's clothing store and browsing the aisles for new clothes and underwear. He knew that he needed to find something that was comfortable and practical, but he also felt a longing to feel confident and stylish.

After taking a deep breath, he decided to put on a pair of loose-fitting sweatpants and a hoodie from his suitcase. He knew that he would still draw some attention, but he hoped that he could avoid drawing too much. With a sense of determination, he set out to find a women's clothing store.


As he walked to the store, he couldn't help but feel self-conscious about his new female body. He noticed the way his hips swayed with each step, and how the clothes felt different against his skin.

When he arrived at the store, he felt a sense of relief that there were no other customers around. He quickly made his way to the women's underwear section and tried to find something that was comfortable and practical.

After choosing some basic cotton black panties and a few bras, he moved on to the clothing section. He grabbed several dresses, skirts, and blouses and quickly realized that he had no idea what size or style of clothes he needed. He wandered aimlessly around the store, picking up items and trying to imagine what they would look like on him. He was going to have to try them on.

After selecting a few outfits, David headed to the shoe section. He had never given much thought to women's shoes before, but now he realized how important they were to completing a look.

He tried on several pairs of heels and flats, feeling the new sensations of each on his feet. He couldn't believe how different it felt to wear shoes that were designed for women's feet.

David headed to a dressing room and closed the door behind him. His heart was racing. As he stood there staring at his reflection in the mirror, he suddenly had an urge to summon his Storm costume just like he had seen the character do on the old 1990's X-men cartoon. He didn't know why or how, but he felt like he could do it. He closed his eyes and focused on the image of himself as Storm, imagining himself in her classic black outfit.

He stepped back and closed his eyes, focusing his thoughts. As he did, a sudden flash of electricity coursed over him, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself fully suited up in his Storm costume. The tight-fitting black outfit felt snug against his skin, hugging every curve of his new female body. The costume was designed with a high neck, long sleeves, and boots that reached up to his thighs. The cape draped down to his ankles, and a small tiara adorned his forehead.

David looked at himself in the mirror, turning his head from side to side. As he looked at himself, he couldn't help but admire the sleek and stylish design of the costume. It was a far cry from the baggy t-shirts and shorts he used to wear as a man. He ran his hands over the smooth, stretchy fabric, feeling the electricity still crackling around him. It was almost as if the costume was a part of him, connected to his powers. The costume fit him perfectly, hugging his curves in all the right places. He felt a strange mix of excitement and unease, realizing that he now had the power to transform into a costumed superhero whenever he wanted.

He continued to observe himself in the full-length mirror and examined his new body from head to toe. He looked like a completely different person, and he felt it too. He had to admit that he enjoyed the feeling of being a woman, even if it was a little overwhelming at times.

David knew he couldn't stay in the store forever. He had to get out there and face the world as Storm. He steeled himself. It was time to checkout. He cleared his throat, trying to get used to his new voice. It sounded higher and more feminine than he was used to. He spoke a few words to himself, testing out his vocal cords. It was strange and unfamiliar to him, but he knew he would get used to it with time.

As he took a deep breath and prepared to leave the changing room, he knew that he was ready for whatever lay ahead. But he couldn't just walk out of the store in his superhero costume. He needed to wear something more practical for now. So he flashed away the costume and put on the clothes he had picked out - a simple blue dress, matching flats, and a black bra and panties.

He took a deep breath and walked out of the dressing room, heading to the cashier to pay for his purchases. The sensation of walking in heels was new to him, and he wobbled slightly with each step. He could feel the dress swishing against his legs as he walked.

When he reached the counter, he pulled out his wallet and handed the cashier some cash. Once the transaction was complete, David took the bags of clothes and headed out of the store. As he walked down the street, he couldn't help but feel self-conscious about his new body. He was constantly aware of the way his hips swayed when he walked and the weight of his breasts against his chest as they heaved up and down, contained only by his new bra.

Despite his nerves, David was determined to make the most of this new experience. He walked into a nearby coffee shop and ordered a latte, taking a seat at a table near the window. As he slowly drank his coffee and sat alone contemplating, he couldn't help but notice how differently people were treating him now that he was a woman. Men on the street had been looking at him in a way that they never had before, and women seemed to be more friendly and approachable.

He sat with his thoughts for a while before deciding he had to head back to the hotel before checkout time.


David arrived at his hotel room with the bags of clothes in hand. He kicked off his shoes and headed straight for the bathroom. After locking the door, he pulled out his new clothes and started to try them on again, one by one.

He slipped on a pair of panties, feeling the soft fabric against his new genitals. It was a strange sensation, one he couldn't quite describe. Next, he tried on a bra, marveling at the way it lifted and supported his breasts. He had never imagined himself as a woman before, but now that he was living it, he couldn't help but be fascinated by all of the new sensations he was experiencing.

As he tried on the rest of the clothes, David couldn't help but think about how his new body felt so different from his old male body. The curves of his hips, the way his thighs brushed against each other, the weight of his was all so new and unfamiliar.

But despite the strangeness of it all, David found that he was starting to enjoy his new body. He liked the way his clothes fit against his curves, the way he could feel the breeze on his new dark skin in a way he never had before.


To be continuted? Maybe. I dunno.
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