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Unread 07-04-2014   #157
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Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 6/26 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

Apologies for the delay, friends. My fiancee had the computer tied up with a big project, and I simply wasn't able to get on to post anything. It's here now, though. Setting up for something good next week!

* * * * *

"So what's the deal here anyway, sarge?" Drake said, looking across the APC at Apone.

"Yeah, nobody has really told us anything," added Dietrich. She frowned. "We're going in blind here."

"I heard something about, what, biological containment or something?" Drake continued. "The hell does that mean?"

"Stow it, all of you," snapped Sgt. Apone. "Lt. Gorman and I don't have all of the information either. What we do know is, yes, containment of biological specimens has been mentioned, along with crowd control. Apparently, local PD responded to a call here, then reported it as being related to the incident we're here for."

"So we don't know what these 'specimens' are supposed to be?" asked Hicks.

Frost smirked at him. "Heh. Maybe we're gonna be fighting space aliens or something."

"I don't care what they are," Vasquez intoned gruffly. She checked the magazine in her pistol and snapped it back in. "We'll put 'em down hard and fast, right?"

"Vasquez!" Lt. Gorman barked. "Stow that sidearm. We've been provided with several less-than-lethal measures. That means you grunts have to try not to kill anyone. Think you can manage?"

"Aw, where's the fun in that?" Hudson remarked with a grin. "I don't see the point in being armed if I don't get to kill something."

"Hudson, you asshole," retorted Crowe, "you have to be able to hit something to kill it."

"Hey, I'm a great shot!" Hudson said defensively.

"Yeah, I heard you won the gold at the Marksmanship for the Blind contest last year," Ferro intoned snarkily.

"Enough chatter, squad," Gorman said from the front of the APC. "We're approaching the destination."

The group fell silent, the rumbling of the APC's engine and the crunch of its tires the only sounds for several moments. Shortly, it slowed and stopped, and Gorman opened the doors.

"Move out, squad!" he shouted.

"Alright, sweethearts, you heard the man and you know the drill! Assholes and elbows!" Apone added.

The soldiers hurriedly filed out of the APC and stepped into the street. They were in the middle of an intersection in town. The police had barricades up some distance away down each street, and a small crowd of curious onlookers stood beyond their perimeter. The cops and the crowd all seemed to be looking at an office building near where the APC had parked.

Looking at the building, Hicks let out a low whistle. "What the hell happened?"

"Looks like a bomb went off or something," Hudson remarked.

The building was missing several large chunks of masonry from its exterior walls. More than one of the holes looked as if something had burst out of the building from within, twisted bits of rebar and jagged, broken cinder blocks bending outward from the edges.

"Holy hell, look at that," Crowe breathed. He pointed at one of the largest holes, which ran from the ground all the way up to the roof of the three-story building. Beneath it was a flattened, mangled jumble of scrap that looked like it had started the day as an SUV. In addition to being crushed, it was driven into the cracked asphalt around it.

"Looks like something fell out of the building and landed on it," Vasquez remarked, staring wide-eyed at the wreckage. "Something big. But where the hell is it?"

"Jesus. What kind of biological containment are we talking about here?" Frost muttered.

"Maybe they have us hunting Godzilla," Hudson said sarcastically.

Just then, a loud crash sounded from within the building. It was followed by another, then a loud thumping sound that shook the damaged exterior wall.

Gorman turned to Apone. "Sergeant!" he said quietly but emphatically. "Take Vasquez, Drake, and Crowe. Check that hole, see if it's clear, and go in that way. I'll lead Dietrich, Frost, and Ferro in through the main doors. Hicks, Hudson, you secure the vehicle and the exterior. Nothing gets in or out." He paused for a moment. "And keep quiet and maintain a low profile if at all possible. No need to give away our presence when we don't know what's going on yet. Everyone clear?"

A low chorus of "Yes, sir!" came from the assembled group.

"Good. And remember, no lethal force."

"What do you want us to use? Harsh language?" Frost said sourly.

"The magazines we gave you earlier are loaded with rubber bullets, Frost," Apone replied.

Suddenly, a woman's scream, impossibly loud, echoed from within the building.

"Move!" Gorman said hoarsely.

The soldiers split into their designated groups and moved quickly toward the building. Apone and Drake stopped on one side of the hole, while Vasquez and Crowe quickly dashed to the opposite side. Peering into the hole, Vasquez saw rubble strewn about the ruins of what looked like a cafeteria or break room. Overturned and smashed tables littered the area. The walls and floors sported numerous cracks and craters. Something that might have been a refrigerator lay on its side, its midsection bent inward; it looked for all the world as if it had been crushed like a beer can.

"What the hell happened here?" Crowe whispered.

Apone silenced him with a look. "You and Vasquez head in first," he said softly. "We'll follow."

Crowe stepped gingerly through the hole, pointing his gun rapidly around the room as if expecting something to jump out at him. Vasquez was a step behind. Her attention was drawn to a broken vending machine embedded into the wall. "Crowe, look at--"

The woman screamed again, louder than any human throat should have been able to handle. They both whirled, pointing their weapons at a gaping hole in the far wall. Looking up, they could see the hole extended through a break in the ceiling and up to the second floor. Something that sounded like huge, booming footsteps was approaching the opening, and there were more incredibly loud screams.

“Ready, Crowe?” Vasquez asked, training her gun at the opening.

“Ready!” he replied, doing the same.

The footsteps got louder, along with more screaming and the occasional word. Finally, with a deafening cry of “Fuck you, you two-bit whore!” the source of the sounds stepped into view around the edge of the hole.
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Unread 07-09-2014   #158
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Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 7/4 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

Heh awesome stuff. Can't wait for this week's growth.

Incidentally, what about Vanessa?
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Unread 07-10-2014   #159
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Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 7/4 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten Vanessa. We'll see her again soon. She's about to become very important in the grand scheme of things...

No growth in this section, although it does have Giantess vs. Military, so there's that. ^_^

* * * * *

Vasquez almost dropped her rifle in surprise. Two naked women, each at least thirty feet tall, were struggling with each other. The one with dark hair had the blonde one in a headlock and was pulling her hair; the blonde was screaming in pain and flailing at her tormentor. Their motions were making their enormous breasts wobble, and a quick glance at Crowe suggested he was equal parts shocked and mesmerized.

“Crowe! Crowe!” she hissed. “Snap out of it!”

He started guiltily, jerking his eyes away from the display of huge, swaying tit flesh. “Huh? What? I'm fine! I'm on this!”

The two giantesses were still slugging it out; as Vasquez watched, the blonde managed to twist free of the headlock and deliver a vicious backhand to the brunette. There was no way she didn't see the soldiers as she turned back to her foe, but she seemed to be single-mindedly focused on her fight and paid them no heed. Vasquez could see that both women had multiple bruises and were bleeding from small scratches in several places, but neither seemed to be injured enough to stop fighting.

Clearing her throat, Vasquez stepped forward. “Ahem! Ladies! Excuse me!” When they kept hitting each other and ignored her, she raised her rifle and spoke much louder. “EXCUSE ME!” At that, they both stopped and turned to glare at her. The brunette's eyes narrowed at seeing the gun. “Thank you. Ladies, I'm going to have to ask you to stop what you're doing and cooperate with us.”

“Who the hell do you think you are?” snapped the brunette, her nostrils flaring.

“Private Vasquez, Army National Guard, ma'am,” she replied.

“Well, Vasquez, you're going to have to wait,” the giant woman replied. “I have unfinished business with this tramp.” She gestured at the blonde. “It's not over until I put her ass down.”

“In your dreams, you joyless prude,” retorted the blonde.

“Ladies!” Vasquez said loudly. “I'm not asking. I'm telling. If you don't cooperate, we will use force.” She leveled the rifle at them to make her point.

“You're gonna shoot an American citizen who's done nothing to you?” the brunette replied after a moment, her voice full of doubt and scorn.

“Jesus. If she gunned you down she'd be doing the sighted world a favor,” the blonde said with a smirk.

“Grr! You overgrown bitch!” The brunette lunged at the blonde, trying to get her hands around her throat.

“Ladies! Last warning!” When the two women paid Vasquez no heed, she fired a warning shot into the ceiling. It had about as much impact as she had suspected. “Now, Crowe!” So saying, she opened fire, pelting the brunette with a line of rubber bullets designed for riot suppression. Behind her, Crowe did the same to the blonde.

Unfortunately for Vasquez, the rounds were considerably less useful against a target larger than a semi truck. “Fuck! That stings!” the dark-haired one bellowed. “Alright! You won't let us finish this in peace, then we'll just have to clear you out of here!” she yelled. Turning to the blonde, she held up a hand, palm out, in the classic “stop” gesture. “Dana- I don't think they're going to let us conclude our business. Temporary truce while we handle these trespassers?”

Dana looked like she was barely repressing the urge to vomit, but she sighed heavily. “Fine, Ellen. Temporary truce. Only because I don't want anyone around to get you medical attention when I'm done breaking you.”

The two women turned simultaneously to face the soldiers, smoldering rage in their eyes.

Behind Vasquez, footsteps crunched on the debris in the room. Shortly, they stopped, and Apone's voice bellowed, “What the fuck?!”

Crowe gulped audibly. “Uhh...I think we have a problem here, sarge...”

“You can say that again, assholes,” snarled Ellen. She picked up a table, hefting it in her hand as if testing the weight, her eyes fixated on the soldiers. Beside her, Dana was reaching for a bent chair.

“Open fire! Knock 'em out!” barked Apone.

The soldiers opened up on the giantesses, their rubber bullets striking skin repeatedly but seeming to do little more than annoy the women. Ellen swung her arm forward and threw the table with incredible force; Crowe narrowly dodged to the side as it impacted the wall behind him.

“Gonna have to do better than that, you great big bi--” He was cut off as the chair Dana threw clipped him in the leg, sending him roughly to the floor with a scream.

“Sarge! I don't think the rubber bullets are working!” Drake shouted.

“You got any other suggestions?” Apone yelled back, ducking a piece of masonry that flew at his head.

“Yeah!” Drake replied with unnatural cheer. He yanked a flashbang grenade from his belt and pulled the pin, then counted for a few seconds before throwing it at Dana's face. “Down!”

The soldiers hit the floor and covered their ears as the projectile arced through the air and burst in front of the giant blonde's head with a blinding flash and an unbelievably loud noise.

“Aaaah! I can't see!” screamed Dana, flailing wildly and stomping toward the soldiers. The group ran from her swinging arms, narrowly avoiding being backhanded. “I'll get you for this, you little bugs!”

Vasquez rolled into a corner behind an overturned table. “Fuck non-lethal,” she muttered, drawing the pistol she'd secretly brought along. She looked over the rubble and took aim at Dana's head.

She never got a chance to fire. Ellen's massive hand grabbed her around the waist and hauled her up off the floor. She let out a surprised gasp and flailed wildly, drumming uselessly against giant fingers that felt as strong as steel bars.

“Aw, you weren't gonna shoot little old us, were you?” Ellen said with a sneer, her huge face looming over Vasquez.

Thinking quickly, she raised her arm to point at Ellen's face, but she dropped her aim when the pressure on her torso suddenly increased sharply, hampering her ability to breathe and causing her ribs to throb with pain. She screamed involuntarily as the crushing grip squeezed her. Gritting her teeth, she glared at the enormous woman, meeting her gaze.

“” she wheezed.

The huge brunette put on an exaggerated expression of shock. “Such filthy words!” she said mockingly. Turning her head to look at something on the wall of the room, she grinned. “I think we should wash out your dirty little mouth!”

Vasquez followed her gaze and saw she was staring at a row of counters that were somehow still intact. A large steel double sink seemed to be the focus of her stare.

“Wait, what are you—whoa!” Her words deteriorated into a panicked scream as Ellen drew back her arm and flung the little soldier as hard as she could at the counter. Vasquez flew through the air and crashed into the sink hard enough to snap off the faucet and the taps, then slammed against the wall behind the counter with a sickening thud. Her body rolled limply off the countertop and fell to the tile, coming to rest with her back to the rest of the room.
Tace atque abi. Plenus stercoris est.

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Unread 07-10-2014   #160
Mr Wayne
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Despite being non-process, what enthused me about this segment was how riveted I felt when you started describing the action sequence. I kept going back and forth from wanting to see who would win; whether either combatant would get the upper hand. Would the National Guardsmen win? Then by the next sentence or two, would the giantesses win? Back and forth.

In the words of Kieran Culkin, "Kick her in the balls!"

The night is darkest just before the dawn...

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Unread 07-11-2014   #161
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Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 7/10 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

Awesome stuff, Qzar!

Can't wait for Friday to start. If this is any indication Friday should be some serious shit.
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Unread 07-17-2014   #162
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Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 7/10 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

*Eagerly awaits this week's episode*
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Unread 07-18-2014   #163
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Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 7/10 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

I'm late, I know, I'm sorry... My girlfriend's computer is broken, and rather than getting it fixed, she's gotten in the bad habit of using mine excessively lately. Seems to happen a lot in the evenings and on through midnight... Anyway. Here ya go! Next Thursday should see the resolution of this particular scene (I think).

* * * * *

“Vasquez!” Crowe screamed. He fired on Ellen, aiming his rubber bullets at her face. The only effect this seemed to have was annoying her, as she immediately rounded on him and advanced. Cold dread settled into the pit of his stomach as he rapidly backed away from the advancing giantess.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the blonde one—Dana—swiping at a retreating Apone and Drake. “Fall back!” the sergeant called. “Get outside! We have other countermeasures in the APC!”

“You're not getting away that easy, assholes!” Ellen bellowed. She picked up a shattered table and threw it. The edge of the flying furniture caught Drake in the shoulder; he cried out and fell to the floor before scrambling to his feet and sprinting for the hole that led outside, one arm hanging limply beside him.

Crowe heard the crackle of a radio, and a second later Gorman's voice came over the system. “Apone! What's going on in there? We're hearing gunfire! Report!”

Apone spoke quickly into the radio, keeping an eye on the advancing women as he continued backing toward the hole. “We have two Tangos, sir! We've engaged, but we're getting out of the building to take up a defensive position by the vehicle! Suggest you meet us there!” He let out another burst of gunfire as he reached the opening. “Crowe! I'll cover you! Get over here!”

Crowe ducked a chunk of wall that one of the women threw at him, then bolted for the exit. He glanced at the counter, where the fallen Vasquez still hadn't moved. “What about Vasquez, sarge? She needs a medic!”

“We can't get to her right now, Crowe! We'll have to come back when the hostiles have been dealt with! Now go!”

With one last sorrowful look at Vasquez, Crowe dashed through the gap.

Teetering on the brink of consciousness, Vasquez was dimly aware of shouting and gunfire. She thought she heard someone scream her name, and she thought she heard Apone order the men to fall back. Automatically, she tried to acknowledge the order, but she seemed to be having trouble speaking. Sorry, sarge, she thought to herself. She lay dazedly on the floor, staring at the counter in front of her. She could feel a chill all along her left side where it touched the tile, and she noticed that the water from the broken sink was puddling on the floor and soaking through her uniform. least I'm not paralyzed, she thought. But why does my uniform feel so tight all of a sudden?

Crowe ran for the APC once he was outside, seeing that Drake was already almost there. Hudson and Hicks watched their approach with confusion.

“What's going on?” Hudson asked as the two men reached the vehicle.

“Fucking giant women!” Crowe snapped.

“What? What the hell are you talking about?” Hicks replied.

“I said giant women, sir!” Crowe repeated. “Thirty fuckin' feet tall! Throwing furniture around like toys!”

Hicks looked skeptically at him. “Uh-huh. Drake, why don't you tell me what's really going on?”

Drake stared levelly at the corporal. “Exactly what Crowe said, sir. Giant naked women. They hurt Vasquez pretty bad. Sarge said to fall back to the vehicle.”

Hicks sighed heavily. “...Right. Okay. Where is the sergeant?”

Crowe turned to look over his shoulder in puzzlement. “He was right behind--”

Suddenly, a section of the exterior wall exploded outward. The limp form of Apone went sailing through the air, punted by what was unmistakably a giant bare foot sticking out of the hole. The sergeant hit the ground and tumbled across the parking lot, bumping along the asphalt before rolling to a stop several feet away from the APC.

“Sarge!” Hicks yelled, running over to check on the downed man.

Apone groaned as the corporal approached him. “Hicks...gonna need...bigger weapons,” he said weakly. “Check inside...the vehicle. Lieutenant is on...his way,” he finished, before his eyes closed and he passed out.

“Sarge!” Hicks shouted, checking the fallen man's vital signs. “He's still breathing, but I think he's hurt pretty bad.”

“What the fuck was that, man?” Hudson cried, staring at the hole in the wall of the building. “Looked a giant fuckin' foot!”

Hicks thought that was what he had seen, too, but that couldn't be. “I don't know, Hudson.”

Crowe looked annoyed. “What? I told you what it was. Giant fucking women! That was a foot!”

Hicks ignored him. “Whatever it was, Sarge said we need the heavy weapons to take it down. Let's get into the APC and--”

He was interrupted by the sound of part of the building behind him crumbling. He turned to look at the hole and was stunned to see an enormous, busty, naked brunette ducking to fit through the huge opening in the wall. A similarly-sized blonde followed right behind her. Hicks' jaw worked a couple of times as he struggled to speak.

“That's...that's impossible,” he managed at last.

Crowe gave him a flat look. “I told you.”

“Ooh, look, Dana, some more silly little army men with their silly little guns,” the brunette said with a smirk, her voice carrying clearly across the empty intersection.

“Do you think that will stop us from stomping on their tiny asses, Ellen?” the blonde replied, grinning maniacally.

Hudson was staring at the huge women, his eyes wide in shock. “Jeeeesus. Look at the size of those tits!” he said, barely blinking.

“Hudson!” Hicks snapped. “Focus on the mission!”

Hudson jumped as if stung. “Uh...right. Sorry.” So saying, he ducked into the APC and came back out with several weapons. “Alright, we got gas grenades, tasers, tranq rounds...there's probably some other stuff in here too,” he said, setting the armaments down and picking up a handful of XREP electrified shotgun rounds.

“Alright, Hudson, let's try those first,” Hicks said. “If they don't have sufficient effect, I'll use this.” He selected a tear gas gun and nodded at Hudson. “Drake, Crowe, grab some XREP or tranq rounds and be ready. Hudson, fire on my command!”

The men took positions around the APC, watching the giantesses approaching across the ground, the long strides of their terrifyingly huge feet bringing them swiftly toward the soldiers. Hudson swallowed nervously, aiming his shock rounds at the brunette's torso and trying to keep his eyes from wandering down to breasts bigger than he was.

“Fire!” Hicks barked.
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Unread 07-18-2014   #164
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Cool Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 7/10 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

Originally Posted by qzar9999 View Post
I'm late, I know, I'm sorry... My girlfriend's computer is broken, and rather than getting it fixed, she's gotten in the bad habit of using mine excessively lately. Seems to happen a lot in the evenings and on through midnight... Anyway.

* * * * *

No can do, compadre. No can do. She either with us or against us.

Dunnn dunn dunnnnnnn....


Betterr not happen again, ese. Or we make her drink some of the Wolf Lake water. Comprende?
The night is darkest just before the dawn...


Last edited by Mr Wayne; 07-18-2014 at 11:46 AM. Reason: Oops...
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Unread 07-18-2014   #165
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Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 7/10 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

Wait, so you'll make her giant, voluptuous, and horny?

I'm sorry, where's the threat?
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Unread 07-18-2014   #166
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Cool Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 7/10 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

Originally Posted by qzar9999 View Post
Wait, so you'll make her giant, voluptuous, and horny?

I'm sorry, where's the threat?

I'll lock & barricade the doors or all exits so you'll be trapped when the day-bree starts a fallin'.

Asse'. ^_^
The night is darkest just before the dawn...

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Unread 07-18-2014   #167
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Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 7/10 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

Originally Posted by qzar9999 View Post
Wait, so you'll make her giant, voluptuous, and horny?

I'm sorry, where's the threat?
Erm, well, we could just toss her INTO wolf lake and see how much a huge dose like that would grow her.

Still not sure if that's a threat though.
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Unread 07-18-2014   #168
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Originally Posted by make_her_grow View Post
Erm, well, we could just toss her INTO wolf lake and see how much a huge dose like that would grow her.

Still not sure if that's a threat though.
Heh! I'm up for that. You and Qzar9999 can do the tossin' and I'll do the beerin'; camped out at just the right spot to watch the big 'ole show while tossing down cold one after cold one.
The night is darkest just before the dawn...

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