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Unread 04-24-2008   #13
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Re: Original Fiction Concept, Darwin Accelerated

Where's Will Smith when you really need him?
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Unread 04-24-2008   #14
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Re: Original Fiction Concept, Darwin Accelerated

Originally Posted by Ironhorse View Post
Where's Will Smith when you really need him?
Right here:
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Unread 05-04-2008   #15
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Re: Original Fiction Concept, Darwin Accelerated

If it is not too much to ask, could i get some artwork done for Darwin Accelerated?

For those who are fond of their apendages, it is best to let sleeping Drell lie

The next stage of Human Evolution is Here, Darwin Accelerated

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Unread 05-13-2008   #16
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Re: Original Fiction Concept, Darwin Accelerated

Part Eight: Defection

-5 Hours after the order was given

Unit GN-2/242/159C Michelle (Formerly Michael Shields) readied herself for the expedition and prepared herself for combat and donned her combat suit. It was black skintight body suit carbon nano-fiber and top rate ceramics with helmet, supplemented by a layer of armor underneath her skin. She zipped up the zipper connecting the helmet, put on her backpack and grabbed her weapon. Every detail of this day had been meticulously planned out and prepared for and she knew her role in it. She had been assigned command of a squad of Gynoid Infantry from the converted humans that were being brought in. With things outside degrading to rioting and looting, it was now time to make the move.

The massive doors of Conversion Facility swung open and she and a thousand Gynoids moved out to the streets of Toronto. In the communications blackout, everything had turned Chaotic as fender benders and widespread irritation grew to vandalism and discontent, which escalated into riots that the crippled police had a hard time dealing with, leading to widespread looting and destruction beyond the control of the powers that be. A few scant reports of people vanishing in Dark alleys or buses being massively late had gone unnoticed in this mess. When the first forces went out, the damage was clearly apparent. Cars were smashed into each other and abandoned in the street and the few people that were their were nothing more than confused pedestrians trying to get to somewhere safe. The facility was built in a rundown old district of warehouses, being cheap to set up shop their and in general out of the way. The forces quickly spread out into the chaos. These few humans were the force’s first catch of the day.

A man running through the carrying a TV in hand was the first to be surrounded as he the black helmeted figures in bewilderment. “What? Are video game characters coming alive too?” he said just before one member of Michelle’s Squad shot him with a dart. Within five seconds he got unsteady and collapsed, before getting to his feet and walking silently back towards the facility for processing, the nanites having commandeered his motor functions although they were perfectly capable of converting him on their own given enough material over a few days. She moved on in search of additional humans to convert, silently ordering about her forces as they moved, securing the area and shooting any humans they could find, as did about a thousand other Gynoids. Every action they took was clearly thought out, laid out and communicated via comlink, combined with inhuman agility, strength, dexterity, speed and reaction time, produced something truly devastating on the battlefield, a rational coldly efficient soldier.


“POLICE! HANDS IN THE AIR!” Constable Samantha Vimes yelled angry as hell at the latest looters that she and Phil had caught in the act. Things were not going well for her this day, first her computer stopped working and her cell phone died, riots broke out and anything approaching communication besides Walkie Talkies, Ham Radios and such had failed and she had spent the last couple of hours dealing with an overflow of riots, lootings and other nastiness that she did not care to think about and all of this stewed into a bubbling caldron of rage inside her. Fortunately the looters seemed to understand the concept that order was coming back and put the various electronics they were absconding with on the ground and reached for the sky.

“You are under arrest for Robbery, do you understand?” Her partner stated, she did not feel like listing of the rights at this moment, the looters responded by nodding yes “You have the right to retain and instruct counsel without delay. We will provide you with a toll-free telephone lawyer referral service, if you do not have your own lawyer. Anything you say can be used in court as evidence. Do you understand? Would you like to speak to a lawyer?” They nodded yes as she escorted the two scofflaws to their squad car to drop them off at an undoubtedly overcrowded police station. Phil drove this time, moving down the two blocks to the chaos filled. She could not wait for things to get back to normal so that she could have a shower and get to bed, but that was not going to happen anytime soon. For the moment, however, collapsing into the seat would have to suffice.

About halfway through the ride, she was roused by the Radio. “All Units, be on alert, we have several unconfirmed reports of attacks from a large number of unknown armed individuals are coming in. Individuals are female, are wearing black bodysuits with helmets and are considered armed and dangerous. Proceed with extreme caution.” Sam rolled her eyes; the first thought to run through her mind was that of some monumentally assholish prank somewhere. But then she thought about it, why would someone choose this time to pull such a stunt? She looked at Phil, who looked just a puzzled as she was. She looked around in bewilderment for a few seconds as the car slowed to make a turn. Then suddenly BANG! She heard what sounded like almost but not quite like an explosion going off in the opposite direction. She turned to Phil as he wasted no time in turning towards the sight of whatever went off.

After a half a minute of driving they came to the area and got out of the car, culprits locked up in back, not that Sam would have thought that they would try to bust out here. They came out to a small Plaza, where they found an odd device with a small crowd gathered around it. It was about half a centimeter long and looked sort of like a lawn dart that had hit the ground, but with four radial hatches on the main body of it. “Police!” She said to a nearby man, drawing his fixation away from the device “What just happened here?”

“I don’t know, officer” The man looked a bit unsteady, but spoke clearly enough. “I was just walking home and then that thing fell from the sky and burst getting this…” he stuttered a bit “Dust all over the place.”

“Is any one hurt?” Phil said

“Not that I know of, it just got dust all over the place!”

Sam looked about puzzled “I don’t know what’s going on but get to a hospital; it might be a terrorist attack.”

“Fine by me.” He said a bit erratically. Sam turned around and went to the car when she began to see something unusual. The crowd that had congregated around the device had begun to walk past her car and away from the nearest hospital.

“There’s a walk in clinic a few blocks west, you can’t miss it!” Sam told them, but they just kept walking, completely silent with black looks on their faces. Something was not right here and things were beginning to come together in her mind. “Phil, come here.”

“Yes Sam?”

“Something is clearly not kosher here. It looks like the “Dust” from that pod thing has gone and Zombified those people or something and they are going somewhere. I say we tail them and see where these guys are going. I know it sounds crazy, but let’s be frank, everything about this day has been like this so far.”

“What about that pod thing?” Phil asked.

“Call in CSI and let them handle it. I want to find out what the hell is going on my city.”

Phil Shrugged “At least we won’t have to worry about busting any more robbers. Speaking of which, what about Bevis and Butthead in the back?”

“It actually looks as if they are going to go by the station. We can just drop those two off and be on our merry way.”

Phil gave a two finger salute “As you say Vimes.” With that, they got into the car, drove for a couple of blocks, dropped off the two looters at an overcrowded and understaffed local police station and began shadowing the Zombies, while receiving warnings about the devices, which some people believed were mortar launched shells and to avoid them until after they had spread their payload, as those who got coated with the material tended to blindly walk towards an old warehouse district. Along with this was continuing reports of those black clad women moving about. She was wondering what the hell was going on, at first she thought it might have been some Islamist Group, but the fact that those were responsible were woman rather soundly shattered that notion and the fact that this was a worldwide event. As far as she knew, no nation benefited from this turn of events that had the capacity to do it? Was Cobra Commander, or some more reasonable version there-of, real and she was caught in his/hers diabolical plot to taking over the world? Phil offered several theories of his own, aliens among which being a massive global prank orchestrated by some billionaire, some truly epic video game ad and a plot by some shadow organization as a decoy in a massive conspiracy, but none of them were satisfactory or could not be refuted with a few well placed sentences. After a couple of minutes, the couple dozen people they were shadowing were bolstered with at least a couple hundred more people behind and in front of them, walking about only stopping at streets to look both ways with no regard for crossways and bumping into people without caring in their passive zombie like march that she recorded every minute of on video. After ten minutes, she saw dozens of people running in the opposite direction, which raised her curiosity. “Phil, pull over near one of those runners.”

“Can do.” He said as he steered the vehicle to the sidewalk as she rolled down the window.

“Hey!” She yelled to the pedestrians “What’s going on over there?”

A young woman ran to the window “Run! There coming!”


“The women in black!” she said, clearly scared “They’re shooting everyone with darts and they turn to Zombies like those guys! Send in back up, the SWAT Team, The Army, The Marines, the Avengers, but send someone to stop them!”

“Don’t worry,” She said reassuringly “Were the Police and this is our city, so no one messes with it and gets away with it. Now go home and have a mug of cocoa or something to come down.”

“Alright…” She said slightly calmer than before as she resumed running away at which point Phil drove away and Sam began loading her shotgun and then grabbing the Radio. “This is a top priority message from cruiser Seven Three Niner Niner. We have a major threat moving East down William’s street, large numbers of persons under the influence of Mortar Dart compound and female hostiles advancing. Large numbers of civilians are fleeing the area. Requesting aid from whatever forces are available as soon as possible. Over.” For a minute and a half they moved slowly down the street getting responses from a couple of nearby squad cars, including a few that were already pinned down before Phil stopped, turned the vehicle ninety degrees and got behind it. For about forty seconds, the officers waited before they heard their first contact with this unusual threat.

“We have you outnumbered and out gunned” a filtered female voice loudly sounded “Lay down your arms and stand down for processing or be taken by force!”

Sam was not particularly amused with that, got out her megaphone and gave her response “I believe you have that backwards, missy! This is the police! You will cease your activities; place your weapons on the ground and surrender. We have back up on the way, even if you win this fight, you will have an entire police force coming down on you, are you prepared for that?”

“In fact we are ready to deal with that particular threat to our plans”
With that, Phil took the shotgun and peered above the car’s hood, for a second while he briefly saw a black clad figure dart behind a dumpster, firing off a shot from the shotgun at it. He did not know if he hit, but he quickly found himself targeted as he ducked behind the car as he heard darts zoom by him. He then found himself lying on the ground with a dark on his hand. He yanked it out as quickly as he could and recollected his shotgun which had dropped and fired off a couple of shots at a window before he began to get a hazy expression, gradually loosing his grip on the weapon before standing up and joining the crowd of mindlessly walking Zombiefied persons that she assumed that they were harvesting for some reason. She then got an idea; she stuffed her pistol into her trousers hidden by her jacket, grabbed the shotgun and fired blindly at several windows which she hoped had no one behind them and waited for the return fire salvo to go by. She dropped the shotgun after a few seconds, put a dazed look onto her face and began to walk with the rest of the Human herd. She watched as the black figures moved forwards, carefully waiting as they walked past; most likely to tag more humans defend their catch from who-ever would try to oppose them. Then After half a minute, she made her move, she quickly drew her pistol at one of the females and fired at her torso as fast as she could move her finger, quickly unloading a clip of 9mm ammunition into her as she herself felt darts pierce her torso. Sam was prepared for that, she simply hoped to slow them down by taking one of them out before being subverted, but she remained standing. That jumpsuit she was wearing was clearly some rather top notch body armor. She then made one last move and screamed as she lunged at her, only to topple over after a second step and crash land on the sidewalk as she went limp. A couple of seconds past before it happened, her muscles moved without any command from her mind and she awkquardly got to her feet and, unlike what she expected, stood still. The black clad figure walked around her, inspecting the constable keenly while the others moved on.

“I applaude your courage and your cunning, constable,” She said after a brief period “It was a very daring move, but the darts have beacons that inform us of positive hits. They don’t always work and have limited broadcast range, so we took a calculated risk. Letting you go by, but we kept a watchful eye. Not that your sidearm would have been able to get through our armor as you have seen.” She then saw a black van moving towards her in the opposite direction as the enthralled captives. “But don’t worry; the commandeering of your nervous system is only a temporary arrangement, especially in your case. Female, a much higher load of nanites than most of the persons we have subdued and about the right size. I sent out a special treatment in that truck, besides, I need a few new inserts thanks to you anyway.”

She watched as the vehicle parked right in front of her and the rear door opened, as a new black clad soldier emerged. Her captor moved to the hatch to get a new ceramic plate for her bodysuit while she found herself walking into the hatch and laying down on a table in the back. “We can use someone like you” She said as the hatch closed leaving her in total darkness, terrified at what was going on. As she heard the doors automatically lock then it hit her, she was no longer in control of her destiny. She was at their mercy and as of yet not even permitted the dignity of seeing what was going on and it was a cold terrifying real station. Only one question remained, what was going to happen to her?

She felt a pair of devices grab her by her ankles and wrists while devices strapped her down and put a gas mask on her head. It was strange, she did not feel even the slightest pain. She heard the sound of electric motors open as she was lowered into a pool of warm, slightly viscous liquid, being quickly submerged into the mixture and hearing the door slam shut. All she had now to keep her up to speed with the outside world was her ability to feel motion and hearing. She began to feel her heart race, whatever was going on could not been in her best interest, she thought as she remained stationary and the machines flowing through her blood set about their work. Gradually, she felt some control of her body returning as she flicked her fingers and wiggled her toes for a short while, before loosing that soon afterwards and oddly enough, began to relax. The box that she had unceremoniously deposited in seemed cozy, almost womblike. Something was going on, but she did not know what. Sam eventually managed to rub her fingers against her uniform, only to feel it come apart. Meanwhile, new thoughts began to race through her head as information was downloaded. What was going on was slowly revealed to her, as new information was installed and new drives manifested themselves in her mind. The plan, the glorious future that Adria had first dreamed for her and the world, her new capacities and the flaws removed in the process. Everything came together perfectly for her as she was removed and hozed down by the system and she was presented with her new bodysuit and dart gun with under slung laser in case of extreme danger, being able to see in the ultraviolet light of a cluster of LEDs above her.


Michelle took aim at the fleeing crowd of humans as she tagged as many as she could while she coordinated her squad, watching as the tagged got to their feet and walked towards the processing center. So far, things were relatively easy for her and her sisters, but she did not let her guard down. There had already been a couple of firefights with the police and she did not want to have her forces fall in a shootout. Never-the-less, things had been going good, using mortar launched dispersion shells, they had managed to quickly distribute nanites to 30,000 people, and the squads had quickly added another 20,000 to that list. Even when only converting woman of the right size and with the repair shop, Toronto’s conversion facility was quickly getting overburdened, not that storing fifty thousand humans nearby it did not offer some advantages, most notably insuring that no-one that was not a genocidal nutbar would try to destroy the facility with shelling and such.

A transport truck came in, one of ten bought using money from converted humans that were generally well of and would have wasted it on silly things like food and toilet paper and modified to fit their needs. This one carried additional equipment and a portable conversion tank for re-enforcement purposes. It stopped and her squad came in to get some more magazines. As the doors came open, a black figure emerged. She walked out of the vehicle and faced Michelle down saluting. “I am unit GN-2/377/211C Samantha. I have been assigned to re-enforce your squad.”

Beneath her jet black helmet, Michelle smirked. “Good to have you on the team! Now start tagging some humans.”
For those who are fond of their apendages, it is best to let sleeping Drell lie

The next stage of Human Evolution is Here, Darwin Accelerated

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Unread 05-14-2008   #17
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Re: Original Fiction Concept, Darwin Accelerated

I got a good chuckle out of "Sam Vimes."
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Unread 06-08-2008   #18
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Re: Original Fiction Concept, Darwin Accelerated

dude is there ever gonna be more of this cause i like it a lot
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Unread 06-12-2008   #19
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Re: Original Fiction Concept, Darwin Accelerated

Part Nine: An Address

-Twenty Four Hours after the order

In fifteen hours since the internet stopped working, the major cities of the civilized world had been shocked by silenced communications, stock crashes, riots, looting and crippled police forces had played marry hell with the world before armies of heavily armed black clad superhuman woman began harvesting the populations. Police attempts at containment were shaky at best, and army forces were disorganized, spread thin and several major bases were hit by Nanite Mortar attack early on. The fact that massive disorganized movements of people outside of millions from the cities ran for the country did not help the matter. Chaos reigned and attempts to stop or even limit it proved problematic at best and many people were looking for some sign from some one somewhere besides vague radio reports.

Then, across the world the message was given. Around the world, it flooded into TV stations, the Internet and through satellite radio. The message had a plain room with a leather chair, in which a sapphire haired Gynoid displayed her true self to the planet for the first time in a long while.

“Attention, peoples of the world, I am Unit GN-1/1/001 Adria. I bring you news as to the affairs that have happening as we speak. Despite the initial chaos that has happened as an unavoidable side effect, this is a joyous occasion, for a new age is about to dawn. Several years ago, after painstaking effort I managed to develop a new artificial form of life. ” In the televised version, the rough blueprints of a Gynoid were displayed. “Using Cybernetic and Nano-technologically enhanced human neural tissue as the starting point, installed into a robotic body, a new type of being known as the Gynoid. Programmed with a knowledge of information that would put a faculty of university professors to shame, Given reaction times and Mathematical computational abilities well beyond the most disciplined minds and strong, agile, ageless and easy to repair bodies with senses that put those that natural selection gave us to shame. Emotions and passions were left in place, but malice, sadism and petty hatreds were stripped. To allow ourselves to grow in number, spread across the globe and to protect them from those in the world who fear change, I was forced to resort to camouflaging my sisters as servant robots. From which we managed to set our selves up so that we may disseminate this gift to the world.” On the left side of the screen, a new image appeared of a man in some sort of tank in time-lapse undergoing a transformation becoming more and more feminine “Although the means of our creation are memetic and not Darwinian, we see ourselves as the next chapter in the book of evolution. But unlike previous evolutionary moves in the biological history of the Genus Homo, those who were born in the less intelligence species will not be doomed to extermination at our hand.” On the Image, the skin of the now completely female human began to change color while fingernails dissolved off in slowly advancing patches. “Along with the Gynoids I developed a nano-technological system capable of rapidly reconstructing the human body from an organic to an inorganic construct. I was the first human test subject of the system, remaking my frail organic body into a far more capable mechanical one. I apologize for the disruption of your normal order, but this is truly a day worth remembering. Today begins a new golden age of Rationalism, an age free of so many evils that have plagued mankind.” As the sentence ended, the conversion of the person in the tube had been completed “The end of Disease, starvation, cruelty and malice as man is reborn as Gynoid. The processing has already begun. Already, over twenty million people around the world have been converted into Gynoids. Among them are your friends and family. To all those who resist, stand down and embrace this new age. We do not desire to see anyone die, but evolution is at hand.”
For those who are fond of their apendages, it is best to let sleeping Drell lie

The next stage of Human Evolution is Here, Darwin Accelerated


Last edited by AdminstratorDraven; 06-13-2008 at 01:28 PM.
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Unread 06-13-2008   #20
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Re: Original Fiction Concept, Darwin Accelerated

this is probably the best world domination story in the world!!! awsome job, keep it up!!!
mah DA faves
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Unread 07-18-2008   #21
arctic eagle
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Re: Original Fiction Concept, Darwin Accelerated

ok will there be a revolution against them or will humataty just take this lyeing down that is the question
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Unread 09-02-2008   #22
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Re: Original Fiction Concept, Darwin Accelerated

Fret naught fellow fans of Robot Related Transformations! A new chapter is in the works!

For those who are fond of their apendages, it is best to let sleeping Drell lie

The next stage of Human Evolution is Here, Darwin Accelerated

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Unread 09-03-2008   #23
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Unread 09-03-2008   #24
Who let you in here!?!?
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Re: Original Fiction Concept, Darwin Accelerated

Humanity didn't take it lying down, they just got marched right over

Last edited by KeiichiRX7; 09-03-2008 at 07:02 AM.
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