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Unread 03-28-2016   #13
Janus Steel
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Re: The Big Splash Two (AP / AR / GTS /SM)

Originally Posted by Dreamtales View Post
This was intentional, that in addition to getting bigger sexier, stronger, Kristen also gets better eyesight - and her big sister Megan (who teases her about it) gets worse eyesight as she regress.

It's just one more small humiliation and handicap for Megan. Did no one else enjoy this? I liked it (obviously because I put it in there).
Like Godley said, to me, it was out of left field, if they had said "Oh, what happened to my contacts", or "we have to take them out before we go swimming" or "we lost them swimming", they're eyesight would have been more believable. Heck I would have even accepted that the pool stole the traits of the other women IF it'd been hinted at appropriately. It threw me off but not nearly as much as stuff like the obviously creeping on the little girls in Yard Work 11 by the older brother, or the little sister willfully breastfeeding her brother in Yard Work 13, that's just really weird between siblings, or the shrink/youth ray in Beach Blanket Beauties II shrinking Mandy instead of making her younger.

I'm all for subtle shifts in the story, if it needs it. But if you're working on a particular narrative it seems weird to throw in a fetish just to throw it in. I understand you enjoy fetishes and you want to make the stories interesting for yourself, and I tend to purchase most of your work, I really don't like GTS so I try not to buy those, because I want to support you, but when the change in the narrative seems to happen for no reasons just to fit your own "niche" it's jarring to some of us.

When I write a story and I've found something has shifted out of focus, like how the roles of Monica and Tiffany ended up in A Goddess's Gifts, I go back through and reevaluate everything that led to that and make sure it's a logical progression. Sometimes it can't be helped without a fresh set of eyes, no one can catch everything.

My general rule of thumb, granted I've only provided a few pieces here on the process, but I like to think my narratives are pretty tight, is if you write the rules to something saying it does XYZ and then it suddenly does ABC without a valid explanation it just bad story telling.

If you're looking for test readers for scripts I'm sure there are dozens of us here who would help. With a little judicious rereading, trust me after publishing True Blue Alien: Digital Memories rereading and editing never hurt a story, everyone will start to think less and less about Squirt and more about your latest story. Personally I'm a fan of Booby Battle... but that's just me.

Not meaning to be harsh, I'm a big supporter and I just want to help make all the stories memorable.
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Unread 03-28-2016   #14
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Re: The Big Splash Two (AP / AR / GTS /SM)

If you ever do a poll again on the Dream Tales website, I think it would indeed be interesting to have in it a question along the line of "Do you dislike it when AR/AP and Shrinking/GTS are mixed in a comic or do you not mind ? Some may be fine if some comics have it, while other prefer the themes to be separated in their own different comics.
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Unread 03-29-2016   #15
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Re: The Big Splash Two (AP / AR / GTS /SM)

Originally Posted by Janus Steel View Post
Like Godley said, to me, it was out of left field, if they had said "Oh, what happened to my contacts", or "we have to take them out before we go swimming" or "we lost them swimming", they're eyesight would have been more believable. Heck I would have even accepted that the pool stole the traits of the other women IF it'd been hinted at appropriately. It threw me off but not nearly as much as stuff like the obviously creeping on the little girls in Yard Work 11 by the older brother, or the little sister willfully breastfeeding her brother in Yard Work 13, that's just really weird between siblings, or the shrink/youth ray in Beach Blanket Beauties II shrinking Mandy instead of making her younger.

I'm all for subtle shifts in the story, if it needs it. But if you're working on a particular narrative it seems weird to throw in a fetish just to throw it in. I understand you enjoy fetishes and you want to make the stories interesting for yourself, and I tend to purchase most of your work, I really don't like GTS so I try not to buy those, because I want to support you, but when the change in the narrative seems to happen for no reasons just to fit your own "niche" it's jarring to some of us.

When I write a story and I've found something has shifted out of focus, like how the roles of Monica and Tiffany ended up in A Goddess's Gifts, I go back through and reevaluate everything that led to that and make sure it's a logical progression. Sometimes it can't be helped without a fresh set of eyes, no one can catch everything.

My general rule of thumb, granted I've only provided a few pieces here on the process, but I like to think my narratives are pretty tight, is if you write the rules to something saying it does XYZ and then it suddenly does ABC without a valid explanation it just bad story telling.

If you're looking for test readers for scripts I'm sure there are dozens of us here who would help. With a little judicious rereading, trust me after publishing True Blue Alien: Digital Memories rereading and editing never hurt a story, everyone will start to think less and less about Squirt and more about your latest story. Personally I'm a fan of Booby Battle... but that's just me.

Not meaning to be harsh, I'm a big supporter and I just want to help make all the stories memorable.
Couldn't have said it better myself there Janus and I also happened to enjoy booby battle quite a bit myself XD. I actually often read over stories for MaxAP and Ninja on the forums for them from time to time and gave them some advice on different scenes or descriptions. There was one story of Max's where I rewrote an entire transformation for him to try and show him what I was talking about. Sometimes fresh eyes on a story really helps in terms of if something makes sense or out of context. Max also has read both of mine before I posted them on the forums here to help out a bit in trying to figure out the context I was going for. We've also brain stormed on a sequel to Attributes with more action involved in it. A lot of the content story creators on this site communicate off of it, and try to give each other a hand from time to time to edit and proof read stories before posting. I think we all value each others opinions and help in trying to make the best fetish material possible with our given skills

Like Janus though, I noticed a TON of the glaring holes in the yard work series. I think that's when the community as a whole started seeing the drop off in quality somewhat. certain story aspects just threw us completely off and left a lot of us scratching our heads. I know I've listed some of my complaints on those forum threads, in panels not being colored right. To mom's glasses disappearing from one panel to only appear in another (please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here, it's been a while since I've looked at those lol). Then there was inconsistencies on what the formula's actually did in context to the beginning of the story line. The beginning of that series was setup in SUCH a great way and then it sort of, failed to meet expectations on what we thought the story would actually go.

Last edited by godleydemon; 03-29-2016 at 12:58 AM.
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Unread 03-29-2016   #16
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Re: The Big Splash Two (AP / AR / GTS /SM)

Thanks, really appreciate all the comments. I know you want the comics to be as good as they can be. I do too.

I'm definitely open to having proofreaders, and I do have some already. It really helps to have another pair of eyes, as otherwise I'm the only one to review it before it goes out. However I'd like to think the standard is already pretty high for these comics.

Part of the issue is that people want different things from the stories. I like mixing SW and AR, others hate it. Also working with any artist is going to result in a slightly different story than what I envisioned. They each have their own way of interpreting things, and sometimes that makes the story better. I think you can also get overly focused on the small details, although I try to be as accurate as possible.

A lot of readers preferred this version of Big Splash. Personally I liked the art of the first one, which was done with pen and ink. Part Two was all digital, which I like less, and I've asked the Pepper Pair to go back to inks for future comics. [Any other thoughts on this?]

Crafting a good story is really difficult. I go through multiple drafts and often throw out ideas if they don't pan out. It's a lot of work, and often a simple-seeming story is the most difficult to write. So they might seem simple, but that's because there is a lot of editing done already.
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Unread 03-29-2016   #17
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Re: The Big Splash Two (AP / AR / GTS /SM)

Originally Posted by Dreamtales View Post
Part of the issue is that people want different things from the stories. I like mixing SW and AR, others hate it. Also working with any artist is going to result in a slightly different story than what I envisioned. They each have their own way of interpreting things, and sometimes that makes the story better. I think you can also get overly focused on the small details, although I try to be as accurate as possible.
Personally I don't mind the mixing stuff but I feel like then you also need to please everyone, for me I absolutely love AR but I felt like the AP and GTS got the better process of this, the AP was lengthy and it being combined with GTS made it even more awesome and that's good for the fans. Maybe it was the "no nipples" censorship that threw me off but I also felt it wasn't very "lengthy" as the AP and GTS process. I also read on your site you're planning something called "Flu Shots" right? will that have gradual slow AR process? Though I will probably buy it regardless because I love your comics.
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Unread 03-30-2016   #18
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Re: The Big Splash Two (AP / AR / GTS /SM)

Originally Posted by 10th_man_down View Post
I also read on your site you're planning something called "Flu Shots" right? will that have gradual slow AR process?
Yes, it's very slow and detailed AR and AP. Hope you'll enjoy it!
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Unread 03-30-2016   #19
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Re: The Big Splash Two (AP / AR / GTS /SM)

could there be one where the 'rivals' don't hate each other, specifically how the 'big'one finds the 'little' one annoying? A friendly/excited AR-AP where they are having fun with it would be nice to see. The typical (I hate how my sister is now more developed than me even though we is younger) is getting old. Pun intended. For that, the rivalry for a plot device is becoming stale in my opinion. It's a great thing, but most of these stories are centered around that and more often than not, around a boy the two leads are after. what about slipping a girl between the mix instead of a boy or something other than rivalry. Just a thought for upcoming ideas, would LOVE to see some of us Lesbians get a piece in. ^.^

Last edited by Doll-Elf; 03-30-2016 at 10:56 AM. Reason: ideas
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Unread 03-30-2016   #20
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Re: The Big Splash Two (AP / AR / GTS /SM)

Originally Posted by Doll-Elf View Post
could there be one where the 'rivals' don't hate each other, specifically how the 'big'one finds the 'little' one annoying? A friendly/excited AR-AP where they are having fun with it would be nice to see. The typical (I hate how my sister is now more developed than me even though we is younger) is getting old. Pun intended. For that, the rivalry for a plot device is becoming stale in my opinion. It's a great thing, but most of these stories are centered around that and more often than not, around a boy the two leads are after. what about slipping a girl between the mix instead of a boy or something other than rivalry. Just a thought for upcoming ideas, would LOVE to see some of us Lesbians get a piece in. ^.^
I'm open to that, but not sure what you mean? Usually a good story needs conflict of some sort. I'm interested in a lesbian story line, though.
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Unread 03-30-2016   #21
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Re: The Big Splash Two (AP / AR / GTS /SM)

instead of conflict with rivals where they are competeing for affection, why not experimentation gone wrong, two scientists making new formulas, a wave of genetic mutation where they are 'caring' for each other but both struggling in their new roles.
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Unread 04-04-2016   #22
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Re: The Big Splash Two (AP / AR / GTS /SM)

I'm really happy to see my favorite comic from you guys get a sequel. But quite frank... it wasn't nearly as good as the first one and plus the girl didn't get that big, while the Male Shrinkage was a big turn off. I know everyone has there own taste, but could have dealt with out it. But it does seem insulting they shrink really small, but the only Giantess only grows to mini-giantess size? And just like a few others mentioned, the lack of nipples was really off putting. Maybe it was the age issue, but come on. It just looks weird ^^;

Now with all that said, it was a good comic. But doesn't live up to the original at all I'm sorry to say. Which is such a huge disappointment. I hope their will be a third with just girls only and more process in all of it. Even though I don't care for AR at all, it fits well with this story's plot line of causing shrinking and AR in one lake, and causing AP and GTS in the other. So that is perfectly fine. I just wished the GTS wasn't as fast and she grew a LOT more than what she did in this one. Yes I know the first one was fast too, but it didn't feel as fast as this one did.

Overall, it's a nice comic and honestly a take or leave in purchasing it. Now that is just my opinion everyone! So I don't want to hear it! Thank you Dreamtales for your hard work and we hope you can improve in the 2nd sequel if one is to be made of this series. Keep up the hard work.
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Unread 04-16-2016   #23
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Re: The Big Splash Two (AP / AR / GTS /SM)

Bought it! It was great! But somehow I seem to prefer the first ones original ending better! Nice job anyways! Love the coloring!
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Unread 04-17-2016   #24
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Re: The Big Splash Two (AP / AR / GTS /SM)

Originally Posted by JandJ View Post
Bought it! It was great! But somehow I seem to prefer the first ones original ending better! Nice job anyways! Love the coloring!
Thanks, really glad you enjoyed it!
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