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Unread 01-26-2006   #13
Be Amused
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 1,712

The first draft of the 2nd chapter is complete. The final few pages turned out MUCh different than I conceived them... and that's just the way I like it. Spontaneity solves many problems. When I am writing, I have an idea of what is going to come next. Then, when I reach that point, I suddenly turn left instead of right, and boom, I find myself taking a detour through New Idea Avenue.

It's looking good.
Next comes the part where I trash almost everything that went into the 1st draft, and rescript the entire thing as a new document, severely altering a lot of the interactions and objects. This plastic-surgery-meets-writing nightmare is most commonly referred to as a "second draft".
Now accepting story commissions.

My TG/BE/TF/SW story, "The Reluctant Salesman":

My BE/MG/GTS story, "The Perfect Evolution":

My TG/BE Story, "Incubusted":
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Unread 01-28-2006   #14
Be Amused
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 1,712
The second draft of the second chapter is complete! Now I need to go back and revise both the first AND second chapter, to make sure they sync up. Also, still somewhat experimenting with the actual rate of growth. My first idea was 1/4 inch per hour. Hm-hm-hm...

As promised, you will learn more about Drazzmik in the second chapter. And have a set-up for the third.

It is coming soon... probably today. :-D
Now accepting story commissions.

My TG/BE/TF/SW story, "The Reluctant Salesman":

My BE/MG/GTS story, "The Perfect Evolution":

My TG/BE Story, "Incubusted":
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Unread 01-28-2006   #15
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Looking forward to it, with helluva lot of anticipation.
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Unread 01-28-2006   #16
Be Amused
GearRyu's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 1,712
Presenting the revised Chapter 1, and now Chapter 2! Chapter 1 has had a few lines added for clarification, and has been altered to sync up better with Chapter 2. I also fixed a few grammatical errors; other than that, it is the same as earlier.

I have decided to keep dividing sections into "Parts", because vBulletin does not support a Horizontal Divider HTML command in the manner I am accustomed (generates an invisible line instead of an observable line).

As before, I both welcome and encourage constructive criticism! (It is hard to improve without knowing what people like and dislike about my writing style)

Enjoy! :-D And more to come!


Prologue: The Night Before

It was about a half hour ‘till midnight. Alex had been RPing with Rick for the past few hours, and he was getting sleepy. He sighed as he moused down to the IM icon and exited. He got out of his chair and slipped into bed. The lights around the house already off, he dozed off to the unpleasant white noise of his computer.

Alex Trontero is what one may consider an average 18-year-old male. He goes to college, has a decent social life, and has had testosterone pumping through his body for years. He also has budding fetishes for BE and TG. He and his friend, Rick (the same age, but half way across the U.S.) have known each other for about a year now, and share the same interests in TG/BE and RPing. This has led to many RP sessions revolving around TG/BE. There are many variations, but Alex has been on the receiving end. It is just fun, something that could never happen in real life; good thing. If it could, it would have consequences far more dire than anything in a pleasant little RP.

However, as Alex is about to learn, life can imitate art. At some point, everyone wonders how life would be different if their fantasies, no matter how far-fetched or impossible, could occur. When Alex awakens the next morning, he will have his answer.

Chapter 1: An Hour of Confusion

Part 1: Bedfellows

Rick was fond of sleeping in late. He arranged all his classes for the afternoon and evening, just so he could sleep until one. And, on a Saturday like this, he could sleep in even later. As it was, he got to sleep just after Alex signed off; never a dull moment when they RPed, and so good to have someone who shared a similar interest. Rick had never met Alex, but they knew each other’s names, their habits, and their interests. There was an anime convention in California coming up in the summer, and Rick was thinking it might be cool to invite Alex down to attend (Rick was notably more educated in the “higher art of anime and manga”, so he called it).

Rick rolled a little to his right. His naked back panned against cushiony silk. Rick grunted. That was peculiar. Silk? He rolled over a little more; he did not have any silk on his bed… The cushions shifted with his movement. Rick looked over his shoulder and saw he was pressed against some humanoid lump beneath the covers.

Startled, he scooted back, bumping against the wall and disturbing a wall poster of Inu-Yasha. Someone was in bed with him, lying prone beneath the covers to his right. Confused, Rick’s heart was beating fast, and his brain was racing, trying to figure out how the hell someone had gotten into his room, much less his bed(!) without him knowing!

Afraid to move lest he awaken whoever was there, Rick just stared, taking deep breaths for a minute. He reached toward the covers. Maybe… maybe it was some sort of joke, a bunch of pillows someone put there to fool him… yeah, that would explain it… Feeling relieved, Rick pulled back the heavy coverlet.

His hands froze at the neckline. Lying in Rick’s bed was a young woman, probably no older than himself. Her skin looked smooth and unblemished, framed by strands of long wavy auburn hair. As Rick leaned in, his eyes beheld her aquiline features; she was gorgeous, like some Greek bust brought to life. Her cleavage was slightly exposed, and Rick recognized the exposed peaks as the “silk pillows” his back had been pressing against. The thought sent a warm feeling through his body; all Rick could do was stare, dumbfounded. In his wildest fantasies, he never dreamed that he would awaken with a mysterious girl next to him.

Rick’s new priority was deducing how this occurred. He tried to slip out of bed covertly, so as not to alert the girl. Unfortunately, his left foot betrayed him, knocking something, probably his remote control, off his bed, and onto a jewel case; the loud sound startled the girl awake.

Part 2: Wrong Room, Body

“Uhnnn…?” The girl shifted and opened her eyes to bleary reality. Something was wrong. She shook her head and grunted, looking around. Bed. Covers. Room. Man. Man? Her eyes trailed up a pair of pants, to a male torso, and up to the unfamiliar eyes of a boy about her age, his face baffled.

Instantly, her eyes widened with shock. She pulled back, bunching up against the pillows. Holding the covers in her left hand, she pointed and screamed, “WH-WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? HOW DID YOU GET IN MY ROOM?!” Before the man could say anything, the girl tried to slip out of bed, but her entire body seemed slow and unresponsive. Instead of gracefully slipping out, she jerked out of bed, dragging the coverlet with her. Caught by surprise, she banged her shoulder against a table lamp and bumped her rear hard on the ground.

It was in that brief flash of clarity that she was looking at herself. The introspection was unpleasant. Her eyes beheld the silky skin, the wispy frame, and the impressive cleavage. This – was impossible. She released the coverlet in her startled daze. It slipped down to the slope of her breasts, then creeped down slightly, and finally, fell off. Large breasts catapaulted upward, and all she could say was, “Un… believable…”

Part 3: “My name is ____; surprised to meet you”

Rick tried to warn her, he really did, but he did not expect the girl to just jerk out of bed like that.

“Ah, shit!” He hissed, seeing her strike her shoulder against the lamp. Concerned, Rick shuffled around to her side of the bed and came toward her, leaning over as if to help. He kicked an empty DVD case under the bed and stretched forward his right arm.

Rick’s hand suddenly felt a little numb; it was his eyes. His eyes had trailed up his arm, to his extended fingertips, and onward to the girl’s breasts. They were like nothing he had ever seen outside of fantasy art; each of the girl’s breasts were perfectly erect, large mammaries with recessed nipples; maybe not the biggest he had ever seen, but they were large.

The girl had a pained, but less excited facade now, as she rubbed the bruised shoulder. “Dammi-“ She looked up at Rick, and half-shut her eyes in a mean glance. Forgetting her temporary pain, the girl grabbed the table lamp with her left arm (and increased her pain substantially) and jerked it forward. A pile of CDs fell off, landing on the carpet with a loud clatter. She pointed the table lamp at Rick menacingly. “Y-you k- just keep your distance! I swear to God I’ll –“

”Woah, woah!” Rick backed up, making appeasing gestures with his hands. “Calm down… I’m not going to hurt you, I swear. I don’t even know yo-“

“That’s the fuckin’ problem!” the girl screamed. “Who the HELL are you?! And what are you doing in MY house?!” But… was this her house? She looked around, seeing countless wall posters, music CDs, anime DVDs, and teetering manga stacks. This wasn’t her room, but- it didn’t matter. All that mattered was there was a strange man in the same room with her.

Even with the table lamp in his face, Rick figured he could overpower the frightened (but quite aggressive, and damn, she was hot…) girl. But that was a last resort. “My name is Rick,” he said, hoping to appease her. “I live here. It’s my house. I don’t know how you got here, but I didn’t bring you here… let’s just calm down, and maybe we can sort things down…” the girl stared at him warily, “okay…?”

Rick’s unwilling guest nodded. “Yeah, calm down…” she thought. “Calm down in some stranger’s house, with my body like this…” Her eyes roamed the floor, and settled on a pen knife shaped like a sword out of one of the anime she had seen not long ago; “Bleach”, she thought.

“What’s your name?”

The girl cocked her head back up, feigning surprise. “Hn? Oh…” she paused and crossed her arms over her exposed breasts. The feeling was foreign, and the large breasts felt numb. There was an inexplicable emptiness as she squeezed her arms around her cleavage. “My name… is Alex…” The words felt unnatural parting her lips.

“Alex?” Rick mused to himself. “Cool. I have a friend named Alex. He’s a boy, tho-“

“I AM A BOY!” Alex growled, removing one hand from her bosom (and giving the other hand some slight difficulty with the remaining slack) and picking up the pen knife from the floor. She pointed it at Rick, but her hand sweated and trembled. And that was when she noticed the completely dumbfounded expression in Rick’s green eyes. Their eyes widened in horror as they simultaneously came to the same conclusion. The names, the room, everything.

Alex gulped. Her next words were nervous. “Rick… Golsid?”

“Alex… Trontero?” Rick could not blink. His face was a little pale as the blood receded.

The air was alive with a discomforting silence. Rick Golsid and Alex Trontero stared at each other, their mouths agape in picture perfect shock. Rick Golsid and Alex Trontero, meeting for the first time. The pen knife fell from Alex’s hand and landed with a deadening thud on a Ranma ½ manga.

Part 4: Gender Confusion

“Alex…” Rick took a step toward the now cringing girl. This had to be a joke… but if it were, he was having a little trouble convincing himself of it. “This can’t really be you… can it?”

She nodded.

“I’m sorry…” he apologized, “I didn’t know you were a gir-“

“I - AM NOT - A GIRL!” Alex snapped back, her eyes alight with anger, confusion, and fear. She slammed her free hand into the ground and readjusted her left hand; damn breasts. “Don’t you see?” She gripped her forehead with the free hand and hissed, incidentally tugging at her new wavy brown hair, “I went to sleep as a guy! I was in my own bed, yes…” Her bewildered eyes told the story as well as her mouth did, “And when I woke up…” Alex’s tone became acidulous, “I was a girl… sleeping in yours. Oh god… I- I can’t stand it…” She felt tears welling in her eyes. “I don’t- I don’t understand a-anythin-hn-hng… and my body hurts…”

“Phantom pain?” Rick interrupted, recollecting some far-flung fact.


“My dad is a doctor. He once told me that if something is cut off, you can still feel it for a while, even though it is not there. Maybe, I dunno, your mind remembers you having a male body, so you feel kinda like you still have a guy’s body.”

“Maybe…” Alex sounded dejected. She wiped a thin tear line from beneath her lower eyelids. “I might as well check…” She slowly slipped her right hand down the coverlet while Rick watched. It trembled slightly as she pressed the sweaty fingers together; they descended into the depths of the covers, and stopped just above her crotch. The pain told her that there should be something there, in that space. Closing her eyes, she plunged her hand down.

And further, and inward. The fingers clapped against a space both warm and soft, barren save for a single slit. Trembling even more, she tested the slit, knowing all the while what it was. She could feel the pressure as her fingers pressed in. Then, with a horrified gasp, she pulled her finger back up.

It was true, all true. She knew it even before she pressed her hand to her right breast, and felt it sink in just slightly. The breast felt more “real” than it had a few minutes earlier, all the more confirming her new reality. Though Alex did not know the size, she knew her breasts were much larger than her hand, and felt a little heavier than earlier.

With a pained look on her face, Alex reached down, grabbed the coverlet and squeezed it to her impressive breasts, pushing them out. Alex screamed to the ceiling, “I’M A GIRL!” She shook the coverlet furiously.

Rick tried to keep an even face as he watched his friend’s self-examination, and her climax into anger. He had many emotions running through his body; excitement, sorrow… and lust. This was certainly the strangest first impression he had ever had of someone! Fortunately, he was wearing his pants.

When Alex had collected herself, Rick plopped onto his bed. “Feeling better?”

”Yeah,” said Alex dismissively. “Loads…” Her breasts rose and fell.

“If you don’t mind my asking… could you prove you’re Alex in some way?”

Alex took a staggered breath. “I’m not really sure what to say… Last night, you and I were RPing. We do TG and BE RPs. I’m a half decent artist.”

Rick sighed. She had a point, that there was no real way to prove it immediately. And he was not going to just pull out a pen and paper and make her draw right now. Whether she was Alex or not, he did not want this girl going hysterical again, now from demands for proof.

“I guess that’s fine… How could this happen, though? It seems almost like something out of manga, webcomics and… well…” he was taking a little risk with the next two words, “our RPs.”

Wrong words. Alex snapped back; her wavy hair bounced and shifted. “This isn’t a fuckin’ RP, Rick! This – is real! Do you even understand what the hell is happening here?” She rose slowly to her legs; it was an awkward stand; her mind was still unaccustomed to her new body. A small wave of fear passed through as she noticed that she was somewhat smaller than Rick. Her breasts jiggled. Alex sneered. “Do you have a fuckin’ clue?!”

Rick looked hurt, and a little upset. “Hey, I’m just trying to help! You’re lucky I’m your friend, not some goddamn perv-“

“Elven Bride?”

“Pardon me?”

Alex was holding up a DVD labeled “Elven Bride” in her left hand and reading the back of it aloud. She paused, grinned and said “Hentai!”

Rick blushed. “Hey! Don’t look at those!” He reached for the DVD, but Alex smirked and tossed it onto the bed.

“Not a pervert, hm~? Explain that!” Alex was getting great pleasure out of seeing Rick squirm a little bit, after his playing the stoic in this conversation.

Tap... Tap…

“What do you think I’m going to do, reach over there and squeeze your tits?” Rick sneered at Alex, clearly pissed.

Tap. Tap.

“Try being the one WITH the tits!” Alex shot back, turning away; giving Rick a side view of the gentle slope of her breasts; he thought they looked bigger than a moment ago.


“You’re the one who always WANTS it in the RPs, ALEXA!”




Alex twisted her body, hearing the sound. “Where the hell is that sound coming from?!”

“MY fantasy?! Are you crazy? I-“ Rick heard it now.

Their eyes scoured the room for the source of the tapping. If they had not been shouting, they would have heard it from the beginning. Suddenly, they realized it was coming from the window looking over the backyard. The blinds were shut so no one could see in, but a crack of light beamed down on the ground.

Alex stared at the window, while Rick edged toward it. Raising a hand of caution, he whispered, “Stay right there…”

The tapping grew louder as Rick seized the drawstrings for the curtain, wound it around his left fist, and yanked down as hard as he could. Light flooded the room, and with it…

A tapping black fingernail, attached to a slightly tanned hand, above which was a long mane of black hair, attached to a (literally) devilishly handsome face set with two light amber eyes and a knowing smirk, attached to a neck, above which the window ended.

“Hiya,” said the floating man, “your friendly neighborhood incubus, at your service!”

Alex dropped the coverlet. In the warm air of the room, her sensitive breasts jiggled a little more than they were capable of earlier…

Part 5: Incubus Inquiry

Rick pressed his right index finger to the glass, still holding and twining the blinds up in his left hand to prevent slack. “Who the hell are you?!” He sneered.

Without the slightest hint of difficulty, the magician’s body phased through the window and the above wall. It startled Rick so much that he stumbled backward. The man’s legs were parallel with the rest of his body. Meanwhile, Alex was strangely enraptured by the man’s appearance.

Their intruder flipped over and landed on his feet, spreading his arms like an eagle. “Tada!” He wore faded black pants, bleach white at the knees, a black tee-shirt that read, “If your life sucks…” on the front. His pants were unbuttoned at the top, apparently on purpose if one were to judge by his overall appearance. The implacable smile fastened itself with secrets.

Moving forward with quiet grace, he seemed to float as he took Rick’s right hand and clasped it between his own hands. Claw-like fingernails dug into the flesh as he shook Rick’s hands. “’ey there, buddy, pal, amigo, tovarich, mon freud, and whatever the hell else you call it. How’s it goin-?” Before Rick could respond, “Gah-reat, good to hear.”

The man slipped by Rick’s left side, slapping him friendly on the back. He drove his hands into his pockets as he approached Alex.

Rick turned around, free of his temporary paralysis. His eyes were attracted to the man’s shirt, which read the completion of the front’s sentence, “I’m doing my job right!” Rick’s eyes would have been drawn back up a little, and to the right, toward his friend’s bust, but it was drawn down toward the man’s remarkable lower backside. A long black tail snaked out from the man’s pants, and ended in a strangely phallic way.

Alex remained paralyzed, even more so as the man came closer. He had an aura about him that she found irresistibly attractive. It was this attraction that prevented her from resisting as this man deftly lifted her chin with his left hand; the fingers’ touch felt like a sensual massage, numbing her to fear. She had an overwhelming desire for more of this sensation, but it was momentarily denied. Instead, she found herself staring straight into those light amber eyes.

The man reached for Alex’s left breast. His left hand snapped back from her chin and seized Rick’s right wrist. Rick had been preparing to grab the man by the shoulder. Caught unawares, the pressure on his wrist was agonizing. Meanwhile, the man fondled Alex’s breast affectionately, tracing his fingers along the curve and squeezing gently. With a final pleasing squeeze, he released her breast. Alex moaned.

“My name is Drazzmik,” said the man in a pleasing tone, seeming to pick up on her thoughts. Rick tried to speak, but Drazzmik applied greater pressure, causing him to groan in agony instead. “You are attracted to me because I am an incubus.”

Rick recognized the term. An incubus; a male demon that slept with women and stole their souls, said by some to be irresistible to all women. And apparently quite strong, too.

“Nice tits by the way. They are growing at approximately 1/3 of one inch per hour..” Hefting Alex’s left breast with his right hand, Drazzmik kissed, then licked the mammary; Alex groaned as her nipple stiffened. Drazzmik released the breast and chuckled. “Right now, it’s about 5PM, and I’d say you have DD-cups. The best part for you is that they’re enchanted so they’ll never feel TOO heavy. Comforting thought for when they’re double their current size, huh?”

Hearing Rick’s discomfort, Drazzmik sighed. “I guess I’ve held you long enough… Rick.” The demon released his captive, who instantly pulled back and rubbed his wrist, trying to restore circulation to his hand.

“What do you want with us?”

“It isn’t obvious? Geez, you humans are stupider than I imagined.” He turned around to face Rick, lifted his legs into a seated position, and floating, rested his head against Alex’s cleavage. She raised her hands to push him off, but she might as well be chained to a wall. Her hands came close to his head and, at an unspoken command, she found herself forced to massage his scalp against her growing bosom, in silence.

Drazzmik sighed. “That’s better… Okay, here’s how it works. You two had a wish, and I, in my supernatural generosity, decided to grant it to you. Nice, huh? See, you two wanted this situation. Now,” he gave Rick a halting gesture, “before you say anything, you should know that I’ve read your IM conversations, and I know about all your sexual predilections.” He saw Rick sweating the ‘blackmail sweat’. “You like your TG/BE RPs, with big-tits here, that’s you, Alex, becoming a girl with growing breasts. I know you’ve got some variation on it, but it’s almost always the same, isn’t it?”

“But…” Rick blurted, “THIS is not an RP! You can’t do this to us!”

Alex was struggling with the silence her captivator had given her. Her new indiscipline was horrifying.

“Nonsense, I can do anything I want. And I just want to make you both happy.” Oddly, his words had a ring of truth. “I’ll even tell you how I did it.”

He pulled away from Alex’s breasts and stood up, turning and giving her a wink that made her blush despite herself. She folded her hands over her breasts demurely and looked askance.

“Last night, after you both logged off, I turned Alex here into a girl at midnight, and even included a breast-growth enchantment. Then I transported her to your bed, Rick.”

“But why do this…?!” Rick protested.

“That’s easy…” The incubus chuckled. He paused, savoring the next words and the accompanying discomfort from his hosts. “… I want you to have sex with each other.” For fun, he released Alex’s lips.

Alex’s face went pale. “I- I’m not having sex with anyone!” This made Drazzmik nearly bust a gut with laughter. “S-stop it! Stop it! I’m serious!” She tried to grab Drazzmik by the shoulder and shake him, but to her surprise, he seemed to have vanished.

Chuckling from behind. Before Alex could turn, a single super-strong hand pushed her forward. She fell into Rick’s arms, growing breasts pressing flush against his naked chest; hard nipples pressing against muscle. A rush of pleasure rippled through her flesh.

And below, Rick felt himself grow harder. He stared into Alex’s bewildered eyes, her inviting ruddiness, and her deep cleavage. His hands had reflexively wrapped around her back.

The demon chuckled, absorbing the sexual energy like food. “As you were saying…?” He smirked, but his smile turned almost to frown as he saw the couple not immediately acting upon their fantasies. His next few words were dark and unforgettable. “Let me put it another way… you two either fuck, or Alex here will never be a boy again.”

The blush drained from Alex’s cheeks. “What…?” She croaked, “never?”

Drazzmik nodded, quite serious, but nevertheless finding this comical. “Upon the third midnight from last, I will induce sleep on your form. Then I will enter your dreams, have sex with you, and devour your soul. Rick will live,” he looked up at Rick, catching his eyes, “but I imagine that when an anonymous caller informs the police Rick has a dead girl in his bed, his next opportunity for a sexual relationship will be at a permanent cell in the local prison.” The color drained from Rick’s face. Drazzmik tilted his head back and chuckled.

“Yes,” Drazzmik tilted his head and resumed his depraved grin, “I thought that would catch your attention. So, which is it, you two?” He tilted his chin down and folded his hands together. “Fuck now… or fucked later?”

Alex and Rick returned their mutual gaze to each other; they could feel their hearts beating between their chests. Alex’s breath was a little fast, and Rick thought her breasts were pressing a little harder against him.

“I’m waiting…”

“C-could you leave?” It was Alex who said it, surprising Drazzmik. To his surprise, he had subconsciously released a bit of his hold on her. He quirked an eyebrow. He could leave, or he could induce an almost painful orgasm in her body.

“For…just a moment, please. Le-let Rick and I… talk about it.”

Drazzmik relaxed. He sighed and yawned. Well, wasn’t she brave? “All right, if you say so,” he figured there was nothing they could do to change the matter, so what did he care? Stretching his arms, legs and phallic tail, the demon’s frame sank into the carpet. “Just call me when you’re done talking. And… don’t wait too long now…” He winked at Alex, inducing a strange tingling sensation in her most sensual areas. The demon vanished.

Part 6: Sexual Indecision

Rick placed his hands against Alex’s shoulders. “Alex… do you want to?” He looked… concerned, genuinely concerned. His hands gently massaged his best friend’s shoulders.

Alex trembled beneath his touch. Her bosom swelled. She bit her lip and had her head turned to the left. “Rick, I- I-“ her stomach sank, and she could feel the tears welling. This was all just getting to be too much. “I don’t know… Rick, I’m still a virgin. And… as a girl, if I…” she took a stuttered breath.

Rick gave Alex a reassuring smile as he rubbed her back. He stroked her right cheek. “It’ll be all right, Alex… It’s just once, and… we can wait, if you want.” Part of him wanted to be done with it; to embrace her in the throes of a passion neither could keep; he would be a hero, letting her return to manhood. On the other hand, he wanted her to remain female longer, to let those jiggling mammaries grow… and why not? Surely, part of him replied, he did not want to force her into a decision now; why not wait? See how it played out. After all, they still had two and a half days…

“Can we…” Alex paused. Her words could decide everything; they could do it right now, and be done with it. But- everything, everything was just so- so bewildering. Maybe there was another way. And if they did it, she might return to her own place, far away. Was it worth it to end it right now with so much up in the air? No, surely she could wait. “Can we wait, Rick?” Alex smiled brightly. After all they still had two and a half days….

Her friend nodded. He gently squeezed her shoulders. “Alex, I’ll be ready when you are. Just, one thing…”

“What’s that?”

Rick winked. “Let’s not wait too long. Our friendship won’t be much good if you’re dead and I’m in prison…” He smirked.

Alex stifled a giggle. Dark humour. She giggled louder. Rick chuckled lightly. Rick’s body tingled with pleasure as Alex’s greatly enlarged breasts pressed to his ribs. Alex enjoyed it, too. And there was something about the sensation itself… her breasts slowly, imperceptibly growing. She closed her eyes, and they held each other for long minutes.

Part 7: Demon Musings

The false embrace of unknown lovers; an artificial touch of make-believe passion; yet all too real in this moment, all too undeniable. And in the background of this passion tapestry, a lone black-winged figure sat, floating in the ether of a dimension beyond this, peering into ours. His perturbing light amber eyes were alive with merry dark amusement. He would watch how things played out between the two demon-crossed lovers. There was plenty of time. After all…

…they still had two and a half days.

Chapter 2: The Mistakes of Men

Part 1: Be Thankful for Cosplay

After their initial fears had washed away, Alex and Rick called for Drazzmik. When he appeared, he did not seem surprised by their declared intentions. He did seem a little upset, not that Alex or Rick cared, but shrugged matter-of-factly, reminded them of their “obligation”, and promptly left through the ceiling (as freaky as it was marvelous).

The most pressing problem had become the matter of Alex’s clothing, or lack thereof. She had pulled the coverlet up over her growing breasts again, but, as she told Rick, she had no intention of “… prancing around naked, covered in a bed sheet” for his delight. Rick started thinking and came up with a solution almost immediately. He walked to his second closet (calling Rick’s room “large” would be an understatement). He rolled back the pronounced door, revealing a full row of cosplay clothes. Most of them were of male characters, but Rick pointed to one down the way which he claimed Alex would fit into easily for some time to come.

Alex, although a little ill-at-ease, entered the closet anyway, located the outfit, and began dressing. She became quiet.

“… Alex, everything okay in there?” Rick was sitting on his bed.

“Rick, I’m not wearing this.”

Rick sighed. This might not be easy. “Alex, it’s the only thing I have that is going to fit you.”

“My bust does NOT fill this top out!”

“You’ll grow into it.”

“I’ll gro-?” Alex scoffed. She stuck her head out of the closet. “Are you sure you don’t have something less… revealing in here? You’ve got like three rows of clothing.”

“Sorry, Alex,” Rick twitted, “but I don’t go shopping for girl’s clothes. You’re lucky I happened to win that at a convention.”

She stuck her head back in. “I’m not wearing the wig…”

“You don’t have to.”

Another pause. “Okay, I’m coming out. And you better not laugh, or I’ll strangle you.”

“I promise.” Rick could hardly wait.

Alex stepped out slowly, uncertain of her own grace and appearance; she felt naked. She wore black boots, bound just below the ankles with leather. High on her right leg was a single band of black with golden borders. Around her hips, waist, and groin, she wore what might be described best as a wide thong with double straps, one against the upper round of the hips, and the other against the middle of the round. She wore what one might consider a demi bra, attached at the base by a garnet clasp. The bra was tied back around her upper back (she was a few sizes lacking in her ability to fill it out). Over her hands she had donned a pair of black leather gloves, and over her back she had tossed a fur mantle, ensconced on either side with spiked leather pauldrons, connected to a long dark lavender cape, dyed wine red on the inner flap.

“So,” Alex blushed, and leaned back against the doorsill, cheeks red, and hands against the sill, “how do I look?”

Rick was quiet, unable to speak. Everything fit Alex so good, it was as though she had truly brought Naga to life. The three main differences were her face, which he imagined to be even lovelier than her cosplayed counterpart’s, her long wavy brunette hair and the (unfortunate) fact her breasts failed to completely fill the bra. Naturally, the outfit had otherwise been designed for human proportions (even fewer could claim to look exactly like Naga).

“Earth to Rick!” Alex crossed her hands beneath her breasts and pouted.

“Oh, uh, Alex, it looks really lovely on you.” Lovely enough to take to tomorrow’s anime expo.

Part 2: Condemnation

Drazzmik was spending his time relaxing at his temporary home, keeping a view portal open at all times to watch his subjects. He got a chuckle out of the outfit; perhaps he should temporarily alter her hair to match. However, there was a more pressing problem; the couple had yet to have sex.

Drazzmik’s black claws sparked against the memory stone chair that he sat in. It conformed to his movements, but still felt hard. Well, so long as no one checked up on him, he would be fi- Drazzmik groaned lightly.

He turned his head and looked back to his left. There was a mouth sucking gingerly on the tip of his tail; the mouth was attached to the youthful beauty of a succubus, who was dressed in a black tube top and short-shorts. Her bosom was pleasingly large; J-cups.

With a giggle, she pulled back and smiled up at Drazzmik. “Hi~ Drazzy.” Sellakib, an experienced succubus whom could claim superiority to Drazzmik in every way. After obtaining his assignment, Drazzmik found her lounging in his assigned room, waiting for him; she seemed fond of Drazzmik for whatever reason, but he detested her for reasons he did not understand.

“Sellakib…” Drazzmik slithered his enlarged tail back and wrapped it around his body; his words had a grave tone, “what do you want?”

“Why I’m just here to check up on your progress, silly.” She stood up and saw the view portal.” Oooh…” she wiggled her rear, “Is that them?” She leapt onto Drazzmik’s lap and stared intently into the portal, wiggling more against his groin. The succubus frowned and, pouting, looked back at Drazzmik. “Drazzmik, how come they’re both still virgins?” She leaned in. “Are you failing…?”

Part 3: Road Trip!

“Thanks,” Alex giggled, blushing. She leaned forward, causing her breasts to bounce. “Oh crud... Rick, this bra gives like zero support, even though I tied it back.”

“That’s, uh, kind of the point, Alex. You’ve seen the episodes, I mean, movies, with Naga in them, right?”

“I guess,” Alex said as she walked (Rick might call it a slink) toward him. She was growing accustomed to her new body’s natural grace, which accentuated her beauty. “Let’s just get to the mall and get me some better clothes.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“What?” Alex leaned in and growled. “Rick, I’m not going to prance around in this skimpy little outfit for you for the rest of the time I’m a girl! What kind of arrog-“

“I didn’t mean it like that! I mean we should probably go to a thrift store, first, right? It’s less conspicuous; they’d probably throw us both out of the mall if you were dressed like that.”

“Oh…” Alex blushed. “Right… well, let’s go, then…”

Part 4: Drazzmik’s Secret

Drazzmik spat bile on the ground, assessed Sellakib with a formidable glare, and snarled. “I am not failing!” He slammed his right fist on the chair and stood up, thus dumping the succubus off his lap. “There are just delays, that’s all. It’s perfectly fine!”

Sellakib giggled as she hit the ground. Then she stood up and turned around. She leaned over slightly, wiggling her hips self-consciously. “Like, maybe you’re not completely up to task yourself, Drazzy-dear.” She turned back around, slinked up to him and took his unwilling body in devil’s embrace, pushing her bosom against him. She leaned toward his left ear, and breathed words of disgust into it.

“It’s because you’re not a full demon, isn’t it…?” She leaned in closer, snapping her fangs together. She hissed out the next words as she pressed her claws against Drazzmik’s back. “The ¼ angel in you cries out for freedom, justice, and righteousness… it taints you and your hellish frame with promises of redemption you can never possess. That’s why you’re here…” Her tail wrapped about his hips.

“You want all the promises of full demonhood, and only we can give it to you…” Her words became a harsh whisper. “I will help you overcome your indecisive blood, Drazzmik.” Her embrace felt cold and hot.

She slid down the incubus’ supple frame and jerked backward, placing both hands back against the ground; her matted black hair flailed nigh against the ground, and her bosom swelled by inches. She smiled alluringly at Drazzmik. “Our master will give you what you desire, Drazzmik… let me help you get it.”

Drazzmik considered.

Part 5: Tour de Rick

Alex and Rick left the bedroom and walked toward the garage, where Rick’s car was parked. It was Alex’s first time seeing any part of Rick’s house beyond his bedroom (which was brobdingnagian in itself), and she was fascinated by the overall cleanliness. The living room was capacious, with a large couch, fireplace, and widescreen backpanel 61” television, with a PS2 hooked up to it.

In one sense, Rick’s home seemed like a house, but then again, an apartment. It was somewhere between the two, a limbo of households, far larger than the needs of one college student required, but not large enough or laid-out in such a way as to indicate the suggestion of more than one occupant.

They passed the kitchen and front door, which were parallel to each other, connected by a path of marble, three tiles wide, which interrupted the green carpeting’s advance from either side. Looking inside the kitchen as they passed, Alex could see it appeared unused; Rick probably ate out frequently.

When they came to the door that led out to the garage, Alex glanced down a curving path to her immediate left. It trailed off into darkness, probably to some storage closet or guest bedroom. When she asked later as Rick drove, she would learn it led to both a storage closet and the washing room.

“Your house is… pretty large,” she commented as Rick opened the door.

“Thanks. Home away from home, you know. Wait ‘till you see my car.” He grinned and flipped the light switch.

Part 6: Hell Improvement

Drazzmik turned from the seductress. He laughed (nervously), setting his shoulders to jostling. “What possible assistance could you offer me? Do you think I’m so stupid as to let you assume control of my test? As soon as word got out, I would not only be a laughing stock, but fail my test!”

Sellakib slithered upward and stared into the view portal. “Mmm… yes, well, it looks like your test is going out to take a drive.” She wiggled her hips. “But you need not worry, dear Drazzy.” She licked the middle finger of her left hand. “I’m not here to take this experiment out of your hands. I’m just going to offer some suggestions. For example, about that breast enhancement spell I see you placed on her… so crude. Now, I have an idea of how to improve it… in fact, it might help your test go in the preferred direction…”

This caught Drazzmik’s attention. “Go on. I will… consider your words.”

“Ah-ah…” Sellakib turned to face Drazzmik. Her smiling eyes hid a dispassionate fervor. “You have to promise one thing to me.”

“And what is that?” Drazzmik inquired, already suspecting.

“If I am going to be here helping you, instead of inside the wet dreams of some human, you’ll have to substitute your body.”

“Heh… and what makes you think I need your help so bad I will have sex with you?”

Part 7: Shiny and New

Rick’s car was quite impressive. A shiny new mercury metallic Lexus SC 430 2006, with black leather trim. The sight made Alex’s heart jump a little. Rick pulled out his keys and remote-unlocked it. Then, cutting the gentlemanly figure, he led Alex to the passenger side, opened the door, and chauffeured her in. Alex slipped into the car. Rick closed the door and smiled to himself. Alex was the first girl to ride in his car. True, she was technically not female, but she was a genetic girl for now, and Rick did not care much beyond that.

He got in, turned on the car, and smiled at Alex. She smiled back and squeezed her knees. She deftly adjusted the bra to give it just a little more slack. Rick placed his hand on the drive stick, pushed in, pulled the car into drive, opened the garage door, and off they went.

Part 8: Thrift Search

The drive to the thrift store (“Thrift Rift” was its awkward title) consumed 15 minutes of the afternoon. Despite its size, it was camouflaged sandwiched between two other unremarkable edifices. Along the way, they listened to one of Rick’s anime soundtracks and talked a little. The topic of choice was the clothing Alex should consider at both stops, and a consideration of what to do afterward.

When they arrived at the “Thrift Rift”, Rick slid into a parking spot close to the store itself. As soon as Rick parked, Alex was up and off, breasts bouncing and hips swaying, into the store.

Part 9: An Offer He Couldn’t Refuse

“See how far that angelic taint reaches you…? But you cannot tell me that you would seriously turn down my offer, dear Drazzy. You know what Master Tollibol-kismeckt has promised you if you pass… and if you fail.”

“… I do, so what of it?”

“Why not repeat it now, and consider my offer?”

Drazzmik sighed. The sooner he got Sellakib out of sight, the better. He acquiesced. “If I pass, my incubic powers will be increased manifold, and my angelic quarter eliminated. If I fail, I am denied permission to remain in hell. All I have to do is get the assigned couple to fuck.”

“And you expect to accomplish this on your own? Your powers already turn traitor, Drazzmik…”

“…” She did have a point, dammit. “Fine. You may help me. However, we only have sex if your advice is… useful.”

“Fair enough.” Sellakib giggled. She squeezed her massive breasts. “First, this snails’-pace slow growth you have on the girl’s tits is far too slow. Make it occur in spurts as well, or speed it up. If it goes in spurts affected by her attraction toward Rick, you’ll snare him easier.”

“… Is that it?” It actually might work, but why drop the ball now when he was so close?

“Mmm… one more delicious little thing…” she giggled.

Part 10: Best of the Worst

Fortunately for Alex, the “Thrift Rift” was not bustling this Saturday afternoon.

Unfortunately, there were still enough people remaining to get a healthy view. And, of course, the male check-out clerk (who was at the moment living out his job quite literally) just did not have the heart to tell the poor girl she was inappropriately dressed.

Alex, for her part, averted her face from the stares. It alleviated the leering sensation moderately. Simultaneously, Rick found himself feeling jealous of others for sharing in a view he had secretly come to design as his alone. He defensively backed closer to Alex, signifying her status as his and his alone (not that it helped).

As soon as Alex hit the women’s aisles, her modest expression lighted with fondness. She began sorting through the racks, delicately searching for something that would fit and look nice. Rick waited patiently, until Alex produced a blue tee-shirt that read, “Los Diablos Bar – Ladies’ Night” in faded pink. Alex held it to her bust and danced it back and forth. “You like?”

Rick nodded silent approval. Personally, he thought it was ugly, but then again, his entire wardrobe consisted of anime and video game t-shirts.

“Uh, you think they have any bras here?” Alex looked about.

“Er… no, and we’ll get you something better later anyway. Just get some pants for now.”

“Yeah, sure,” Alex giggled, tossing the shirt over her shoulder. She scanned the next aisle for a few minutes, finally settling on a pair of faded blue jeans with a small hole down near the back of the left ankle. She then spotted a dressing room and slunk over to it, slid inside and locked the door as she put on her clothes.

Rick sat on a three-legged stool next to the dressing room. After waiting a moment longer than most men require to dress, he became impatient. “Hey, Alex, the clothes fit okay?”

“I’m not really sure… well, I guess this shirt fits, unless I suddenly gain a few sizes.” She giggled. With that, Alex stepped out of the dressing room. Her Naga outfit covered, the mantle slung over her left shoulder, Alex resembled an ordinary (if pleasantly well-endowed) girl of 18. The neckline of her shirt was purposely cut low to expose the depths of her cleavage (there was evidence she had made a half-hearted attempt to pull it up). The outfit was a little bit loose, but that worked. Her chest bounced noticeably beneath the blue shirt as she leaned back against the doorsill in manner similar to how she had at Rick’s closet, modeling her Naga outfit. “So… how do I look?” There was trace modesty in her tone.

She did look cute… “Lovely as always, Alex. That’s not changing anytime soon. Let’s go pay for the clothes.”

Alex giggled. “’kay.” She leaned in and hugged Rick, making him blush. Then they walked to the checkout counter to pay.

Part 11: Milk, the Fetish of Champions!

Sellakib squeezed her breasts; thin trickles of white poured forth. “Lactation, my dear Drazzy.”

This caught Drazzmik’s attention. He actually smiled. He knew a good idea when he saw one. “Make her lactate… I hadn’t thought about it…”

“That’s because you’re not a full demon, silly.” Sellakib began floating in the air. She lifted her right breast and licked the dripping lactate from it. “Mmm… yum. Anyway, just set it so lactation is a natural side-effect of any time she eats or drinks. When she tells Rick, imagine how much he will want her. And that’s it.”

“That’s it?”

“Well, except the sex.”

Part 12: Mall Mauled

Alex and Rick left “Thrift Rift” and repaired to the mall. Alex was pleased with her new clothes, although she secretly felt like she was still dressed in nothing but her Naga outfit. Rick was just glad there was one more stop; impatience was one of his biggest vices.

Fate had other plans in store for them. When they arrived at the mall, it was packed to capacity due to a variety of Valentine’s day sales. Locating a park space took 15 minutes, then another 10 when some asshole maniac zipped into the first parking space, beeping his horn and laughing foolishly. Then the ordeal with actually entering the mall. The entrance they wanted had somehow been auto-locked, and nobody could get in or out that way. Flustered, they spent another 12 minutes finding another entrance, locating the store they wanted (“Billington’s” was Rick’s recommendation), and entering. The ordeal had taken 37 minutes.

Part 13: Misfortune

“We made it, Rick! Woo-hoo!” Alex shouted, jumping up and down.

Rick facepalmed and sighed. Several customers were staring, and this section of Billington’s had gone particularly quiet. “Alex… people are staring…”

“Huh?” Alex could now feel the cold stares. She gulped and managed a meek, “Oh…”, then quietly walked toward the women’s department with Rick beside her.

When they reached the ladies’ department, they were surrounded by rows of expensive clothing. There were several sales representatives on staff, but all were busy. Rick spotted one finishing up, tapped Alex on the shoulder and gesticulated toward the woman. He approached her as she waved the customer good-bye and engaged in conversation. He and the sales representative spoke for a couple minutes, but Alex could not catch the conversation. At one point during the conversation, Rick gesticulated back toward Alex, whom the sales representative gave a perplexing stare at; but the stare faded into acceptance at some words. She then approached Alex.

“Hello, Miss Trontero. I am so sorry to hear about your misfortune.”

“My… what?” Alex glowered, furious. Did Rick tell her…

“Your friend said you are visiting from out-of-state and that your regular clothing accidentally got shipped elsewhere. Don’t worry, I am sure we can find something here to tide you over in the meantime.”

“Uh… ee-yeah…” Alex looked back at Rick, who was winking, nodding, and giving the thumbs-up. Alex sighed. Rick began to circumambulate the women’s dressing section.

Part 14: Bothersome Bullies

“HEY! RICK!” A rude shout, one that Rick quickly recognized. He turned around and his blood ran a little cold. He saw a couple of well-dressed young men, about his age, but with considerably more prestige in their walk, like those who prop themselves on golden stools. The one who addressed him had his chestnut brown hair slicked back and sported a set of diamond rings, one on each of the four fingers of his left hand. He was a bit stout, and had a face that could not pass looking good as it did without extensive time at a fashion salon (an almost kind way of saying that he was generally hideous). His friend was rather tall and lanky, with a pronounced Adam’s apple, and black hair parted in the middle. He looked a little handsomer than his smaller, rude-mouthed counterpart. Max and James respectively, two of the biggest assholes Rick ever had the displeasure of knowing for the past ten years of his life (they had, coincidentally, moved to California during the same time as Rick, and attended the same university).

Rick sighed. “Max… to what do I owe the displeasure?”

Max chuckled, giving his appearance a slightly malicious ogre-like appearance. “Rick,” Max’s tongue clicked off the top of his mouth, “James here said he saw you down in the women’s department. I said to him no man would be down here by himself, but that’s what he saw. So, well, we just came down here to make sure you were all right…” he grinned, “and help you shop for some new panties.” Both Max and James began chuckling.

Rick twitched.

“James, I’m thinking he should be going for… red, maybe? What do you think?”


James responded in a faux British accent. “I was thinking, perhaps, our effeminate friend would be better served by undergarments of a blue persuasion. They both had a laugh over this one.

Twitch. Face turning red.

“Seriously, Rick,” Max snickered, “when’re you going to get a girl? A little piece of action? I don’t think you’ll find it here, sniffing at bras and pant-“

“Rick, yoo-hoo! Which of these bras do you think looks best?” Alex’s hand was waving over one of the aisles. All three of the men were staring in her direction. Rick’s color returned, and he grinned as he looked back at Max and James.

“Well, gentlemen, gotta go. Can’t keep my girl waiting.” He stepped back and saluted them off, turned, then paused. He smiled back at them, “Come to think of it… when was the last time I saw either of you alone with a girl, and not each other? Hm…” He turned back and jogged over to Alex.

Max and James stood, mouths agape.

Part 15: Testing the Limits of Man’s Patience

The bra selection process was peculiar. The saleswoman could not understand why Alex seemed to know nothing about bras, and in the second place, why she insisted on bras at least four sizes larger than her current assets. When the saleswoman probed, Alex just said, “Just in case…” and refused further inquiry.

Rick was not much help either. He simply “approved” of anything Alex chose (especially the skimpier models). It only got worse when Alex began looking at tops and jeans. She had struck up a lively rapport with the saleswoman, who was only too glad to dialogue with Alex. This kept them in the store for well over an hour, which was long after Rick had run out of patience. By the time they arrived at check out, the mall was getting close to closing, and all Rick could think about was getting home.

Part 16: Deal Concluded

“That will wait until after midnight. I must keep my watch and then act upon your suggestions.” Drazzmik turned back to the view portal. Sellakib frowned.

“Very well. I suppose being a part-breed does have its limitations.” She giggled and teleported out.

Drazzmik secretly had no intention of having anything further to do with Sellakib.

Part 17: Girl Talk

The ride home was decidedly less pleasurable for Rick. All along the way, Alex could not stop talking about how nice the saleswoman was, what her name was, and, oh, how she got this job, and where her family was from, and what her favorite color was, and what she planned to do in the future, and what Alex’s name was, and where her family was from, and what-

Rick exploded.

Part 18: Well-prepared for Marriage

“God – damn, Alex! Could you give it a rest already? You sound like a girl!”

Alex’s eyes alighted with womanly fury. “You insensitive asshole!’

“Estrogen-driven bitch!”

“Jerk!” “Freak!” “Pervert!”

Part 19: Lady Keeps the House

The rest of the ride home was in awkward silence. As soon as Rick pulled the car into the driveway, Alex got out without waiting on Rick. Rick pressed a button, unlocking the door leading into the house. Alex huffed, grabbed the handle, opened the door and slammed it behind her. She stomped down to Rick’s room, opened that and slammed it, too, then locked it.

Rick sighed, grabbed the bag with Alex’s other clothes, slid out and slammed the door shut. He looked up at the ceiling. “… ‘wait if you want to’ I said… fan-fucking-tastic.”

He pressed the button to close the garage door, locked his car, and entered the house, closing the door (quietly) behind him. He thought about going directly to Alex, but half-way there decided to simmer off on the couch a bit. Talking now would probably only make things worse; and the little light outside his door indicated Alex had locked it. Great. Locked out of his own room. How the hell did that happen? As Rick mulled over this matter, he plopped down onto the couch.

Part 20: Apology

About an hour later, Rick got up, leaving the bag on the couch. He pushed his fingers into his pockets and walked up to the door barred against his entry. He paused, took a breath, then knocked on the door a couple times and leaned against it. “Hey, Alex… Look, I know you’re probably still mad at me, but… I wanted to say I’m sorry. I know, I know, I’m a jerk and I shouldn’t have blown my stack… I’m just not used to having a girl… friend. I won’t let it happen again. I promise. Will you forgive me?”



Still silence. A little concerned, Rick leaned an ear against the door. All he could hear was the sound of snoring.

“Heh…” He sighed, leaning against the door. “Damn,” he said aloud, “Guess I’ll have to apologize again in the morning.” He walked away from the door, getting ready to set up a temporary bunk on the couch. He reminded himself to get up early… if he could. Good thing he already had arranged for tickets to the expo (he had received an extra by accident).

Part 21: Relaxation

Alexa Trontero opened one eye and giggled. She had no idea Rick could be so… well, charming. Well, she would talk to him in the morning. Now was not the time. And beside, she felt strangely tired. With a quiet yawn, Alex unbuttoned her shirt, letting her breasts hang out in the bra. She noticed they were getting close to filling capacity. By tomorrow morning, she would probably be having some problems. No matter. She sighed and lay back down against the bed… and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Part 22: Nagging Bonus Dream!

Alex was standing, fully-clothed, on a black cloud, surrounded by nothing but ether.

“Hey tits…” a familiar voice. Alexa turned, and realized that suddenly she was stripped down to her Naga outfit. Quite a pleasing sight for her admirer, the incubus Drazzmik. He had that implacable smile on his face, and his tail was swishing most ebulliently. The sight of him made Alexa’s blood run cold. She ignored her outfit change for the moment.

“Drazik,” she gulped. “But you’re not supposed to come for me until the third night. You said so! We still have two days!”

“First off,” the incubus frowned, “my name is pronounced Drazz-mik! Two Zs, and an m, you blind bimbo. Second, I’m not here for your soul; well, not yet anyway.” He sauntered over to her.

“Well… then what?” She blushed. Damn, he was exerting that control again.

“I prefer you think of it as an… added bonus.” With that, Drazzmik wrapped his arms around Alex’s back, hugged her passionately, and kissed her upon the lips. Her eyes widened in shock, but she could not resist. His embrace held her fast; the warmth of his body mingled with her flesh. There was a sensation as of something entering her body from her mouth, and when the incubus pulled back, Alex leaned over and coughed

“Wh-what was that…?”

Drazzmik chuckled. “Look at your breasts…”

The statement might as well have been a formality. As Alex looked down, her breasts were irremovably in her line of sight. They had grown so large that she filled the bra to capacity and pushed gingerly against the fabric. She did not even notice that her hair had also become straight and dark lavender, like the namesake her costume imitated. “What the hell did you do to me?!”

“Oh, not much, tits. Just a little trick I know… see, the quicker the two of you have sex, the sooner we’re all along on our merry way. I figure a little boost will help.” He purposely left out the part that her bust growth was now in reaction to enhanced hormonal drive. And the part about the lactation. “Oh, by the way, the hair,” which she just noticed,” will remain like that for 12 hours after you awaken.”

Alex crossed her arms over her chest, blushing. “Why is this so important to you, that we have sex?! Why can’t you just bother someone else?”

“Tch!” The demon spat. “My reasons are my own. I do not think humans could possibly understand the affairs of a demon. Beside, remember our deal. Either you two have sex, or I get your soul. It’s that simple. When you wake up, you will have less than two days, Alex. Better start getting your priorities fuckin’ straight”

The incubus turned and faded away. An invisible tide swept Alex up, despite her protests, and sent her to a land of more pleasant sleeping realities. Her last “waking” thought was how perfectly strange everything had become since last midnight.

Part 23: Morpheus Perfume

Drazzmik returned to his makeshift home. He found Sellakib there, to his surprise. She was lying naked on his bed, legs spread and large nipples erect. She beckoned for Drazzmik, whose clothes disintegrated suddenly. At first, he resisted, but he smelled a most wondrous perfume on her body, and suddenly all non-sexual thoughts were purged from his mind. The perfume sank into his flesh and tissue. Before Drazzmik now lay a succubus most magnificent; more beautiful than he could stand. He could not resist her invitation.

And the night passed back into the hands of hell.
Now accepting story commissions.

My TG/BE/TF/SW story, "The Reluctant Salesman":

My BE/MG/GTS story, "The Perfect Evolution":

My TG/BE Story, "Incubusted":

Last edited by GearRyu; 01-28-2006 at 11:59 PM.
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Unread 01-28-2006   #17
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Onlyh problem is how part 22 just disappears into nothing...

But amazing none the less.
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Unread 01-29-2006   #18
Be Amused
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Problem fixed. Not sure why I did not have that finished. Might alter it a bit later.

Glad you liked it :-D
Chapter 3 is the one I am looking most forward to writing.

In related news... over 2,000 views! O_O Amazing! I find myself liking the Process forum more every day. :-D
Now accepting story commissions.

My TG/BE/TF/SW story, "The Reluctant Salesman":

My BE/MG/GTS story, "The Perfect Evolution":

My TG/BE Story, "Incubusted":
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Unread 01-29-2006   #19
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Why do I get the feeling that Drazzmik is going to introduce a loophole somewhere along the line that causes Alex to remain a girl?

But enough of that, nice update on the whole. Looking forward to chapter 3.
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Unread 01-29-2006   #20
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Originally Posted by Faeros
Why do I get the feeling that Drazzmik is going to introduce a loophole somewhere along the line that causes Alex to remain a girl?

But enough of that, nice update on the whole. Looking forward to chapter 3.
Nothing wrong with speculation...

However, the feeling I'm getting from this is that she might choose to remain one (!).
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Unread 02-01-2006   #21
Be Amused
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Working on Chapter 3. In its current version, it has an unusual beginning (but I think you will like it). It then springs into a favorite scene of mine (and one I imagine many of you have been waiting on :-D)

By the way, I created a related topic in the BE forum, concerning lactation questions.

After all, lactation is important to the story - The scene I just finished drafting involves lactation and will have a significant effect on the relation between Alex and Rick :-D
Now accepting story commissions.

My TG/BE/TF/SW story, "The Reluctant Salesman":

My BE/MG/GTS story, "The Perfect Evolution":

My TG/BE Story, "Incubusted":
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Unread 02-04-2006   #22
Night Scream
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Wonderfull story i can't wait the next chapter
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Unread 02-06-2006   #23
Captain Ash
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I have read your second chapter.
For some reasons I knew that there would be also a Succubus in this story.
Drazzmik motives why the both should have sex were interesting and unexpected.
Also the scenes in the shopping centre where Rick met his former university mates make me smiling.
At the end the arguing between Rick and Alex were overreacted, but considered that they had a busy day it was just to steam up the stress.

The second chapter is even better than the first one.
I'm sure that this Succubus will cause some problems. Somehow I've got the feeling, that she wants to make Drazzmik to her slave.
I wonder if she tries to make Rick mad of her sexual attraction.
Keep up the good work, I am looking forward to the third chapter.

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Unread 02-19-2006   #24
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Join Date: Jan 2006
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Drazzmik motives why the both should have sex were interesting and unexpected.

If you people are unable guess what comes next, but like it anyway, I am telling my story right!

Furthermore, you still do not have the full story.

the arguing between Rick and Alex were overreacted

You mean the scene in the car? Second person to say that... I will look the scene over.

I'm sure that this Succubus will cause some problems. Somehow I've got the feeling, that she wants to make Drazzmik to her slave.

Third Chapter. :-D

Truth be told, the most revelations will appear in Chapter 4. :-D
Now accepting story commissions.

My TG/BE/TF/SW story, "The Reluctant Salesman":

My BE/MG/GTS story, "The Perfect Evolution":

My TG/BE Story, "Incubusted":
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