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Unread 10-23-2007   #49
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Is Slither one of your inspirations? It certainly looks that way.
Not that that's a bad thing. Quite the opposite really.
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Unread 10-23-2007   #50
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Originally Posted by GenYun View Post
Is Slither one of your inspirations? It certainly looks that way.
Not that that's a bad thing. Quite the opposite really.
A little bit. My biggest influence was a series of images Test-0 did in one of his infamous request threads. After a few people got sent to the "Tentacle Dungeon", I started breaking the rules on purpose just to see what he'd do to me.

It culminated in a drawing of a "Tentacle Queen", which had these demi-god-like powers over everything her tentacles could do. The idea fascinated me, and the story started germinating from there.

Slither is somewhat an inspiration, but I think they wasted alot of potential there. Also, way, way too violent/gory for my tastes.
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Unread 10-24-2007   #51
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She couldn't pour it down the drain, that was for sure. Dumping it out in the forest probably wouldn't be much better. Maybe if she put it in the oven she could evaporate it? It probably wouldn't do much harm in such a small dosage, evaporated into the air...

Mary turned the burner on Katie's stove up as high as it would go and put the largest pot of milk on top of it. She waited for a few minutes, fidgeting back and forth on her heels as she waited for the milk to heat up.
"C'mon, c'mon..." she urged. "I've got a lot of this stuff to get rid of..."
Losing patience, Mary stuck a finger in the pot of milk and was dismayed to find out it was only lukewarm, despite the red-hot coil underneath it. It also tasted somewhat sweet, and-
Wait. Tasted?
Mary pulled her finger out, looking at the digit critically. She was amazed to watch the beaded drops of milk get sucked into her skin, the snesation of her finger "drinking" the milk causing her eyes to widen in astonishment. She slowly stuck her finger back in the pot, and made as if to suck on a straw, only concentrating the motion into her finger. Sure enough, she tasted the milk running into her arm, quickly being digested into The Flesh before it could get very far. Mary pulled her finger back out and looked at it. She didn't see anything approaching a visible mouth, but she knew that she could drink through the skin on her finger- the skin anywhere, probalby- if she just willed it.
"Hmm..." Mary said, turning her hand over and back. "I wonder what else I can do with this...?" Mary clamped her left hand over her mouth and nose, holding her right hand over the pot. With a little bit of effort, Mary could smell the milk, still only lukewarm but smelling faintly of sugar.
"Okay..." Mary said, removing her hand from over the pot and turning her palm towards herself. "Last one." Mary closed her eyes and focused once more, and suddenly she saw herself, looking up into her own face. Mary opened her eyes in surprise and her vision twisted, her head swimming before she closed her eyes again, only seeing a few trickles of light through her clenched fist. Mary opened her hand again, allowing her palm-eye to adjust to the light, and then slowlu opened her original pair, the two viewpoints fading over one another like a pair of tranparencies being shone through at the same time. It took but a few moments for her vision to equalize the two inputs, giving Mary a faded but complete view both in front of and behind her. She could even move the hand-eye around, though doing so too quickly made her dizzy.
"Okay, enough of that..." She said, willing the third eye back into her hand. She looked at the pot of milk, which had sat heating during Mary's experiments, and Mary once again stuck her finger in it to check the temperature.

Lukewarm? Still? Mary slid the pot to the side, making sure the burner wasn't malfunctioning. The coil was indeed heated, red-hot even. Mary ran her fingers under the sink, dripping a few drops of water on the coil to double-check. Satisfied at their instant evaporation, Mary once again slid the pot back over the burner. She put her whole hand into the pot this time, reaching down until she felt the bottom of the pot. The pot was hot, to be sure, but even lifting her finger the merest distance off the metal the temperature dropped to merely warm.
"The boiling point of this stuff must be crazy," Mary mused to herself as she withdrew her hand. "What am I supposed to do, go find a volcano?" She went to dry her hand off, but as she went for the dishrag she realized she'd already "drank" the milk through her skin once more. Indeed, she could still taste its lingering sweetness.

"You know..." Mary said, eyeing the collected pots of milk, "the safest way would probabgly be if I drank the stuff. Not like it could make me any wierder..." Mary opened up Katie's cupboards and pulled down the largest glass she could find, dunking it in the pot and filling it before pulling it out and bringing the glass to her lips. It was sweet, reminding her of cotton candy and eggnog and a half-dozen other things she liked at once. She drank quickly, loug, heavy gulps escaping her as she swallowed almost faster than she could take. She filled the glass again, feeling her throat change and widen even as she brought the glass to her lips. The milk went down more easily this time, and when she finished, she dropped the glass gently in the sink before grabbig the entire pot with her hands and lifting it to her mouth. She drank and drank and drank, any rivulets escaping her gaping maw absorbed right through her skin. She finished one pot, the second, and still continued, drinking as fast as she could. At around the fourth pot, Mary began to feel the tingle of an oncoming transformation, and her only thought was to hurry up and finish drinking before she changed into something that might make her consumption more difficult. When she finished the sixth and final pot of milk, the tingling had intensified, not centered on her chest like last time, but diffused throughout her whole body. As fary put the pot down, she felt the first effects of the transformation- her neck punched up under her chin when she placed the last pot on the table. Mary felt her neck, or rather her jowls, a squishy pouch of fat between her chin and her collarbone. She looked down at herself, seeing her front balloon with fat, her breasts surging out and downwards to rest on her rapidly-expansing belly, pinching into rolls of fat the sides of her slender frame. She felt another kind of change too, though; even as her front bloated further and further out, her back seemed to harden, thick ropes of muscle pushing out against her skin. Mary felt her arm with one hand; underneath the soft roll of flab atop it, Mary was surprised to feel a stone-hard bicep underneath.

Mary had to laugh as the transformation wound down. She didn't have a word for what had happened to her- becoming strong and fat, all in one stroke? What would you call that? Strat? Faong?
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Unread 10-26-2007   #52
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Originally Posted by pbvideo View Post
i think this story would make a really good sci-fi video
i think species is a little bit like this. where the alien girl has sex alot and tries to have a baby?
its free if you dont get caught

join my yahoo group tgtfbeapar
its the best
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Unread 10-26-2007   #53
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(hey my first post on the forum ! hope it's not the last !)

I love your story, it's really good, and you update it quite often, so continue please !

What is the next goal of The Body ? Could it be becoming more resistant to enemies => it's not really fat... Who knows ?
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Unread 10-28-2007   #54
Plop plop fizz fizz...
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Can I just shut up for a minute?

Eh, I guess I'll take a crack at developing characters for this. Prepare to be unimpressed!!

Names will be left up to ole' Soylent. Therefore, I will distinguish them by the name "Random Lackey (RL) #_" I say this because, eh... judging by the effects rendered unto Katie, I'd say they're better than minions, but not as great as goons.

Also, you'll notice my apathy in certain parts not concerning the actual TF. This is because Soylent says he can think of scenarios easily, thus I just use some half-assed frameworks to set the moods and describe how the ideas popped into my head, because in the end SOYLENT ORANGE IS THE FINAL JUDGE!!

Random Lackey #1
Personality: Quite introverted while insanely intelligent, has bouts of stress-induced insomnia, and harboring from her few friends the secret she is borderline paranoid schizophrenic. She dreads her meds because she claims they make her feel wrong. Think someone with the mindset of Gaara. One more bad day, a few more pounds of stress, another week of insomnia, and before you know it, you've got the next Hannibal Lecter or Ted Bundy or Tom Fou (sans the super-cool powers). She is also a major tyrpanaphobe(sp?), AKA needles scare her right the f&%* out.
Appearance: A beautiful girl that doesn't advertise this fact. She's 5' 3", 125 lbs., has green eyes, long brown hair reaching down to her bottom of her ribs and always hanging loose, corpse-like pale skin, and large dark rings under the eyes brought on my her chronic lack of sleep. Her wardrobe is pretty conservative, as to not draw attention to herself.
Association: Linked to the main character in a "six degrees of Kevin Bacon" sort of way, probably just before Kevin Bacon, and probably just after Katie. I don't know. I'm not Soylent here. That's Soylent's decision. I probably see her as being at the college doing some post-grad studies. Whatever. Scenario is irrelevant. We are the Borg.
Moment of TF: When the idea hit me, I saw the moment as when, after Random Lackey #1 has what could be possibly a very horrible day piled on top of her already strenuous studies, Mary found/figured out she was about to flip out and kill herself and/or kill others and goes to stop her. Once there alone with RL #1, the "Flesh" wanted to eat her, and goes to react, but Mary claims something like her "condition" would detract from the Flesh's glory, and as such "give the Flesh indigestion," but she would better serve the glory by becoming a lackey, and then makes it so in order to stop her. However, I'm not the author... The author can bend to thy will.
Nature of TF: The resultant effect of change is that her skin becomes translucent (Light can pass through it, for anyone NOT smarter than a 5th grader) and takes on various hues of green along with sections of variously sized darker spots (like an leopard print with irregularly sized spots) on the outer flanks of her form, as well as miniscule breast growth (About one size higher tops). With the transparency, one can make out her brain, heart, and spine through the skin, but all other internal matter is indistinguisable from the green flotsam of her visage. Another factoid is that all such internal tissue has surfaces that have the wrinkled properties of brain tissue (in essence becoming extra "brains"). Her hands and feet also become endlessly "pruned." These transgressions are minor relative to the primary effects. The real event comes when a tail about as thick as her neck grows from her spine, reaching a length of eight feet. Then, on the other end of the tail is a mass, a mass that in minutes of "the change" becomes an exact double of Random Lackey #1. It possesses all her knowledge and memories of RL #1, in essence a perfect clone. However, it has free will and begins to develop a sense of "self," becoming an individual being that will acquire experiences and wisdom unique to it, or should be said, her. A special ability they possess is that they can seperate, disconnecting at the exact center of the tail, and seperated, they can retract the tail down to eight inches in length, and the tips can interface with technology, like an organic universal USB-FireWire-SD Flash-Coaxial-HDMI-Audio/Video-etc. jack. With the development of the clone, RL #1 is "cured" of her paranoid schizophrenia and insomnia, but if left disengaged from her "twin" for more than 36 hours, their mental states will slowly begin to deteriorate, descending into delusions, hallucinations, and fits of paranoia and/or irrational anger, and only recoupling will restore their minds to normal. Additional abilities resulting from the changes are that she/they can flex their muscles in particular ways to make the light passing through them focus any way they want, allowing something as simple as a flashbang to as complex as the creation of holograms. She/They can also alter her pigmentation like a chamelion as well her opacity, allowing for a multitude of extra hues, including regular human skin colors and virtually "Predator" style invisibility. This is RL #1's method of carrying on regular life, along with dressing to stash away the 8" tail, adamantly refusing the "injections." If an injection is somehow administered, only the one injected will be affected (the "twin" needing a seperate one), and it will cause the tail to fully retract and for RL #1 to fully take on her old human visage (and locking her out from her abilities), but the cosmetic effects only last for three hours. However, the injection cocktail also extends RL #1's lucidity, allowing them to remain seperate without psychological degradation for up to five days. RL #1 also seems to be able to resist the suggestability abilities of Mary. A final note on RL #1 is that she/they can exude aerosol secretions from their skin at will that acts like LSD and tree frogs.

Random Lackey #2
Personality: An individual that has become jaded over the years, she used to be into martial arts and gymnastics before a car crash at 15 paralyzed her and killed her best friend and her mother, who was DUI and feeling suicidal after hearing news of having breast cancer. Now just diagnosed with cancer herself, Random Lackey #2 pushes her cynicism on those around her. It only seems to get worse with each clump of hair she loses, as her hair was one of her few joys.
Appearance: Chemo has rendered her a sickly waif that is now mostly bald, but once she had such long blond hair (reaching her shins if she were standing). She is 5' 7", 123 lbs., green eyes, and flat-chested (since the mascetomy), transported by moterized wheelchair. Before losing her hair, she loved to wear sundry hair berettes(sp?).
Association: After thinking of Random Lackey #1, I figured this living testiment of Murphy's Law could be the link that the main characters have to RL #1, but I don't know. I do know I also envisioned the character as a fellow student.
Moment of TF: I figured this would occur that after a chat with her, Mary would figure that changing her could very well cure her.
Nature of TF: When changed, the first event to occur is a thick red slime enveloping RL #2, an enzyme blob that works on both human and wheelchair. The wheelchair itself would transform into organic materials as it seems to decompile. As she thrashed, her legs would merge into one serpentine limb, reaching a length of over nine feet before all is said and done. She grows a second set of arms beneath the first. Her hair rapidly regrows, easily reaching seven feet in length, is stronger than titanium, sharper than gurotte wire, can absorb & safely destroy radiation, and is prehensile. Along the bottom side of the serpentine limb form wide serrated wheels, four in all, each set progressively narrower the further down one goes. Spines (one can assume derived from various wheelchair parts) extend out her spine and the radii of the four arms (the outside sides of the arms, or on the same sides as the pinkies). Her flat chest distends to that of a borderline H-cup. Two more spine-like protrusions exude out from her hips upward in a diagonal slant. These extremities are actually two alien-looking swords that RL #2 can draw from her hips. Atop her forehead a third eye opens, and all three eyes grow multiple eyelids that impart various extra spectrums of vision (X-ray, infrared, UV, etc.). Finally her skin turns a sheer crimson red except along her front/abdomen/serpentine bottom side, which all retains her original skin color. In addition to all of this, her cancer is indeed cured. While in this form, she can also secrete a sticky regenerative balm and grow fine setae on the serpentine tail, wheels, and her hands for additional adhesiveness. Finally, at will via a specialized electrical charge RL #2 can inflict temporary localized numbness to most anything she touches with her hands by shorting out nerve receptors in the area of contact. Unlike some of the others, she loves to be in her "Flesh" form and laments having to revert to a human form, even though Mary restores her hair to her in human form.

Random Lackey #3
Personality: A very upbeat individual in spite of others, Random Lackey #3 is nearly impossible to embarass, scare, or anger.
Appearance: Possessing a dark tan color of someone of Hindu ancestry, Random Lackey #3 has very short jet black hair, 5' 1", 102 lbs., D-cups, and brown eyes. Tends to like spaghetti-strap tank tops, tube tops, and cargo pants.
Association: This was a more random idea, thus I didn't really have an idea of association. More than likely she could be a party-goer Mary runs into when Mary decides she has to do something to get her mind off the nagging "alien" problems, for at least a couple of hours. Wow, I fail...
Moment of TF: Probably, if using that half-assed idea, in the bathroom of a party, when, I don't know, the "Flesh" gets a little persnickety and tries to get a snack agaisnt Mary's will. I'M NOT SOYLENT!!
Nature of TF: All her hair retracts aways, rendering her bald. In lieu of eyebrows, she sprouts a line of small bone spikes. During the whole transformation, her skin slowly shifts to a rich navy blue. She acquires an extra set of arms underneath the originals. The index and middle fingers fuse together while the ring and pinky fingers do the same with one another. Exoskeleton plates form on her shoulders, thighs, elbows, shins, shoulder blades, biceps, and the backs of her hands. RL #3's big toes pull inward as the other four toes widen and lengthen as the feet get longer. The toes reach 12" long with 8" talons, and the feet itself having grown 8". The big toes re-emerge on the heels and extend to 21", with claws on the ends adding an extra 6". Segmented exoskeleton plates form atop the changed feet and and toes. A thick 6' long prehensile tail snakes its way out the base of her spine. Her breasts just out to F-cup size. Below this, a new set of breasts grow out to the same size. Below that, she grows out an udder to boot.

Random Lackey #4
Personality: Always the investigative, inquisitive extrovert, Random Lackey #4 can be snippy and acts spoiled and immature when she feels "out of the loop," and by the way she acts, she always feels out of the loop, sometimes resorting to extortion to learn what she knows. As such, her life has become a series of natural mistrust of others and quickie relationships. However, answering questions is something Random Lackey #4 dreads, and is a chronic lier and irrationally defensive when interrogated, believing the rest of the world is just like her. Megalomania much?
Appearance: As a woman in her early 40's, she looks very young for her age, with shoulder-length red hair usually in a ponytail, green eyes, light skin, 6', and 136 lbs. She is quite vain, and looks for anything to keep her youthful look as long as she can.
Association: I figure she could be one of the detectives looking into the "disappearances." She manages to catch Mary and co. in the act, however her shadiness and vanity convince her to get them to "change" her too.
Moment of TF: Whatever
Nature of TF: Starting from her hips down, everything first coalesces into one limb. Then it starts to swell larger and larger. Ten tentacles spew out from the mass, reaching 10' in length and up to a foot thick. At the base of the mass just above the tentacles open three giant insect eyes evenly spaced out. From the hips up the woman that is Random Lackey #4 finds herself reverting in age, becoming a 10-year old incarnation of herself from the waist up, while from the same point down, she looks like a 7' tall giant squid. Then her skin mutates into a highly reflective, highly shiny chrome skin. Finally, from her chrome shoulder blades grow four foot long metal tree branches replete with metal leaves and silver flowers.

I hope that even one of these will help you out in some way... Wow, those first two are depressing!!

Last edited by Plop plop fizz fizz...; 11-04-2007 at 02:57 PM.
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Unread 10-30-2007   #55
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Sorry I haven't added in a little while- been laid low by a flu bug.
I promise more to come- it's going to get worse before it gets better, but it'll be fun to watch either way!
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Unread 11-04-2007   #56
Plop plop fizz fizz...
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Yeah... We all know the joys of the flu. Tripping balls off of cough syrup, that's fun. The vomiting... eh, not so much. And don't get me started on the expenses of the flu!! Six bucks for cough syrup?! Bring on the vomiting!!
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Unread 11-08-2007   #57
Cup cake + Boobs = :)
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Still sick?
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Unread 11-09-2007   #58
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Mostly better, though at this point it's all about catching up on everything I let fall behind while sick, leaving me little time for other projects.

3-day weekend coming up, though, so I should have some time then!
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Unread 11-16-2007   #59
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I do miss the updates with this. Was good, creative writing! Hope you're having luck in getting caught up, in health and whatever else.
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Unread 11-16-2007   #60
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Okay, here we go. Sorry for all the exposition- this is the calm before the storm, believe me.

Mary placed her hands on either side of her stomach and pushed in, the fat flowing into her body and settling in other places as her stomach shrunk. By the time she had reached her muscles, she struck a bizarrely hourglassed figure, fat from her breasts up and her hips down with a six-pack of muscled abs between them.
"Aside from the whole 'eating people' thing, this is kinda fun." She repeated to herself again. She felt a tingle in her arms and legs, and watched as the rolls of fat began to turn green and section off into tentacles, dropping from her and slithering off towards the corner her lair was in. Eventually she was left with nothing but the muscles, a statuesque figure that wouldn't be out of place in a top-tier bodybuilding competition.
"Wow," Mary said, admiring the way her clothes clung to her muscles. "Nice, but a little too much," She willed a little babyfat onto herself, smoothing out the hard edges of her features. She was content to be musclebound, but she didn't really want to look it so much.
"What to do, what to do..." Mary said as she looked around her apartment. Her eyes settled on the hole in Katie's floor, and she thought of her and Katie's plans to swap apartments. For all the trouble she's put her through, Mary thought, wouldn't it be nice if she could get it done for Katie before she got home? Resolving herself to her task, mary put her hair up behind her in a ponytail (Without having to actually touch her hair) and set to work.

Mary found with her new strength that any piece of Katie's furniture was as easy to pick up as a cardboard box. She giggled as she hefted Katie's television, sofa, and bookshelves with ease, her arms able to wrap around them entirely, sometimes twice if necessary, her grip as sure as cast iron as she moved each piece down to her apartment. As she descended the stairs each time, she commanded the lair cluster to slide underneath the next piece of furniture she had in mind and drag it to the doorway so it'd be ready for her to pick up as soon as she got back up the stairs. She kept an eye out for anyone in the parking lot in her short jaunts from her apartment to Katie's- even from a distance, a woman of Mary's stature carrying a kitchen table all by herself would seem dangerously out of place.

As the sun began to set and Mary finished up the apartment swap, she realized that in the hours she'd been carrying furniture back and forth, she hadn't even broken a sweat. Come to think of it, she hadn't felt the need to go to the bathroom since her change, either. Mary shrugged and chalked it up to The Flesh's unequalled efficiency. As mary sat back on the recliner-like blob in the corner of Katie's (Now her) apartment, she wondered if The Flesh had other medical benefits. Would she never get sick? Could she even get sick anymore? What about other diseases? Mary wondered if The Flesh could cure cancer, or it it was indeed a kind of cancer itself, needing to grow and multiply as it did. Mary had never been much for medicine- verdicts could be appealed in a way the life-and-death nature of medicine wasn't as forgiving- but her situation made her wish she knew how to study it. She'd be tempted to go ask someone- a biologist? A chemist? A Zoologist?- if she wasn't afraid of being confined to an airtight box for the rest of her life in the process.
"Well look at you," Katie said as she walked in, "Someone looks pleased with- wait, whoa..." she trailed off as she saw the result of Mary's labors. "How'd you do all this in one day?" She asked, hands on her hips and an impressed eyebrow raised at Mary.
"Easy-peasy when you've got guns like... these!" Mary said, dramatically flexing one of her arms and pumping up her bicep for added effect. Mary paused long enough to catch Katie's eyes pop wide, then returned to her normal shape. "How about you? You're looking good."
Katie smiled and opened up her jacket, showing off her normal-sized breasts. "Not one smidgen bigger," she said, doing a quick turn-around. "I think I can kiss tons-of-fun goodbye."
"Well good, good," Mary said, rising to her feet. "And how was class?"
"Fine, fine," Katie said as she set her bag down and headed into the kitchen. "You leave any food in here? I'm famished."
"Yeah, there's still stuff in there," Mary said as she followed Katie into the kitchen.
"I see you got rid of the milk," Katie siad, nodding her head towards the stack of pots in the sink as she opened the refridgerator door. "What'd you finally do with it?"
"Oh, that. Yeah, I just drank it."
Katie nearly dropped her yogurt cup as she looked over at Mary with a start. "Drank it!?"
"Well, yeah?" Mary said, shrugging. "Not like it's gonna do anything wierd to *me*..."
Katie shook her head as she opened the lid and stuck a spoon down into the yogurt. "I dunno, honey, piling wierd on top of strange seems like a recipie for nothin' good." She ate a spoonful of yogurt, then wagged the empty spoon at Mary. "And besides which, you drinking something that came out of my boobs is just out-and-out creepy, I don't care what you say!"
Mary laughed. "Well, it looks like the injection took, so we won't have to worry about it anymore, right?"
"God I hope so," Katie said, finishing off her yogurt and looking at her wristwatch. "Ah geeze, I've gotta get to work- I'm already behind a day since I didn't get to do any work last night."
"Well, I moved your desk and all your papers and books downstairs, so everything should be ready for you. Pretty easy since we have the same floor plan and all."
Katie nodded as she went to the door and hefted up her bag. "Oh, I've got your paper back, if you want it. Dr. Allen asked about you, I just told him you were sick."
Mary thought for a moment, then shrugged. "Just toss it. I don't think I'll be going back there anytime soon..."
"Aw, I'm sorry, honey..." Katie said as she opened the door.
"Don't worry about it, It'll get fixed eventually," Mary smiled.
"All right, see you tomorrow," Katie said as she backed out the door and shut it.

Mary managed the night without any more dreams, though she found her sheets and blankets unusall itchy. As wary re-adjusted her bedding for what seemed the hudredth time, she vowed to wash her sheets first thing in the morning and see if that helped.

In the morning, Mary heard Katie leave for school once again, but strangely- it took her a moment in her groggy state that she was hearing Katie through the tentacles closest to the hole in the floor. Mary re-focused her senses, bring her back to her immediate perceptions as she dragged herself from bed. She assumed, as she stripped her sheets and pillowcases from her bed, that if Katie had reverted or otherwish showed signs of her titanically-titted alter-ego she would have heard about it, likely through the floor at the top of Katie's lungs. She took the bundle of sheets into her bathroom, in the tiny little washer/dryer nook that sat kitty-corner from the shower, and dumped the load into the wash. As Mary unscrewed the cap from her detergent, she recalled her thoughts from last night. Could she get sick? MAry remembered the time she'd accidentally spashed a dollop of detergent into her mouth- just the taste of it on her tongue nearly made her vomit. As she poured the detergent, Mary stuck a finger under the flow for just an instant, tilting the jug back up and screwing the cap back on with her clean hand. As the washing machine filled with water, Mary brought the soapy finger up to her nose, giving it a sniff. She could smell the soapy detergent, the artificial "Mountain meadow" scent tickling her nose. Her lips parted, her tongue poking out just past her lips. Mary reflected on how dumb this whole idea was for a brief moment before dabbing her tongue with her finger, getting ready to spit at the first sign of distaste. To Mary's surprise, she tasted... nnothing. Well, not nothing. Almost nothing. It was a dull, bland sensation, but not at all unpleasant. She swallowed, and still felt nothing wrong. Feeling a bit of bravado, Mary sucked her whole finger clean of the detergent, but felt no ill effects of it. In a way Mary was unsurprised- she had, after all, eaten a good chunk of Katie's countertop only a little while ago. But people had eaten wood and glass and the like before, she'd seen them on TV. But laundry detergent wasn't just odd- in a human digestive system it was harmful. But apparently anything goes for The Flesh. Mary eyed the bottly of bleach on the shelf over the washer, suddenly tempted. Soap was bad, yes, but bleach- people have died drinking that stuff. But still the question nagged her.
"Just a sip," she said to herself as she reached for the bottle. "If the soap didn't do anything, this won't hurt."
Mary popped the cap of the bottle of bleach and raised it to her lips. The smell was unlike the detergent- this was acrid, caustic, a big flashing olfactory "NO" sign. Mary tipped the bottle further.

Nothing. Again. The same dull, bland taste, like The Flesh was instantly neutralizing anything it construed as harmful. Mary took a bigger gulp, determined to taste something, anything, trying to force her body to acknowledge the clearly insane nature of what she was doing. She got halfway through the bottle before she gave up, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and feeling her skin absorb the droplets she had wiped from her lips.
"You really are indestructible, aren't you?" She asked, looking down at herself.

Mary ate what she could from her fridge, taking her growth in stride. It was her breasts again this time, though Mary was able to mitigate the effects by willing the tentacles out of her breasts when they were only around the size of beachballs as she ate. As good as it had felt to have the tentacles squirming out of her freakishly lage bosom, Mary wanted to try and keep herself from such heights again; she got the distinct impression that The Body could very easily take advantage of her in such situations. As the last of the tentacles squirmed out of her, returning her breasts to approximately their original size, Mary felt another kind of hunger pang; The Body needed to go into the woods again. She sighed and headed for the door, noticing that her Lair was beginning to encroach on her furniture again- she gave it a half-hearted mental shove back into the corner as she headed out the door.

Mary inhaled deeply. She'd been in the woods behind her apartment before, but only briefly, and never very far. There'd always been something or other that called more urgently for her time. Now, however, faced with the reality of needing to drop out of law school and sequestering herself away from other people (potential victims of The Body's aggressiveness, rather) she found the solitude without interruption. It was nice to just relax, Mary thought, pushing the circumstances of her freedom from her mind as best she could. As the early morning light dripped through the gaps in the heavy clouds, she took another deep breath, walking farther and farther away from the apartment complex. In a short time, she couldn't hear the cars on the road, not even the big trucks getting off the highway. Mary wondered why she'd never taken a hike back here before. She stood, head titled back, eyes closed, allowing herself to just let nature wash over her.

The reprieve was interrupted when Mary tasted something crunchy in her right foot. She looked down to see a line of ants being happily devoured as their trail went over her skin.
"You just have to ruin everything, don't you?" Mary asked as she looked down.
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