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Unread 08-27-2021   #85
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Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

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One week to the day before his twenty-first birthday, fourth-year Columbia University student Daniel Galloway receives an ominous warning from the estranged mother he has not heard from in three-and-a-half-years: on his twenty-first birthday, he is 'fated,' by means of a four-hundred-year-old family curse, to turn into a girl.

Scornfully dismissive of this warning at first (even in spite of his mother producing a seventeenth-century colonial settler's diary which records the earliest occurrences of the magical curse which, according to her, has transformed each of the last thirteen generations of the only-sons produced by their family line into girls upon the occasion of their twenty-first birthdays), Daniel refuses to hear her warnings, or to believe a thing she has to say to him, and carries on with his life as normal over the next several days, hanging out with his friends on campus (including both his best friend, twenty-three-year-old graduate student Cole Gillingham, and his recurring 'casual' hook-up partner, the stunning hot blonde and fellow fourth-year upperclasswoman Mallory Hendricks), going to class, doing his homework, and preparing to celebrate his birthday in style with an outing to the famously celebrated Lion's Head Tavern, just a few short blocks away from campus.

But when Daniel shows up at the bar on the night of his birthday and discovers, to his profound horror and sense of shock, that he has suddenly developed an intense attraction to several of his closest male friends from University, the reality of his mother's warnings soon comes crashing down on him, and as he staggers home from the Tavern later that night with the shapely and seductive Mallory on his arm, only to swiftly begin undergoing some startlingly sensual physical and bodily alterations upon their return to his dorm room, he is reluctantly forced to concede, at last, that he is indeed Fated to be Female.

At just over 40,000 words, Fated to be Female (Part One) is the first installment in a brand new, on-going serial story from Zoe Brown involving Steamy Romance and Featuring Gender Transformation via an Inherited Magical Curse. I hope you enjoy yourselves!
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Unread 09-13-2021   #86
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Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

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'No matter how uncomfortable the prospect of doing so made me, I would have to put on the XR-F-875 ‘female’ bodysuit and turn myself into a woman today if I wanted to remain a free. . . well, I was going to say a ‘free man,’ but—you get my drift. I was going to have to become. . . ‘Olivia.’'

In 2015, a team of scientific researchers working for a secret government research lab located below the DARPA building in Arlington, Virginia are just on the verge of completing the final checks on an experimental piece of ultra-high-tech, 'next-gen' cutting-edge infiltration and disguise technology designated 'XR-875' (the first-ever fully-versatile human 'bodysuits,' designed to turn anyone, anywhere in the world, into any other human being imaginable, at any time) when on the day before the official 'Field Test' of the prototype suits are scheduled to take place their Project Manager marches down into the XR-'bodysuit' design and testing lab and orders the members of the team to pack up the two not-quite-fully-certified-safe-for-human-testing-yet prototype bodysuits (one designed to appear 'male' and the other 'female'), and join a security convoy preparing to take the units off-site for a previously-unannounced, spur-of-the-moment 'field test' conducted under his own authority at a secret black-site 'testing facility' just outside of Arlington. The scientists object, insisting on completing their safety checks before authorizing live human trials of the experimental pieces of infiltration and disguise technology, but are overruled.

But when the secured-transport convoy carrying the suits is ambushed on its way to their secure destination by an elite team of Eastern European mercenaries who kill most of the members of the convoy and attempt to make off with the bodysuits, it becomes apparent to the only unscathed 'survivor' of the massacre, the twenty-nine-year-old Dr. DAMON CARTER, who escapes from the scene of the ambush only by the skin of his teeth, and with both of the prototype bodysuits 'safe' in his possession, that the team of scientific researchers responsible for designing and developing the bodysuits has been betrayed from within.

When the sinister villains responsible for planning the attack manage to pin responsibility for the murderous ambush on him, Damon is forced to flee lest the suits he is guarding be snatched up by the same bloody-handed bad guys who have killed or wounded all the rest of his closest friends and colleagues and he wind up facing a future of unjust imprisonment for crimes he didn't commit. Knowing that he lacks the skills necessary to successfully evade a nationwide manhunt, he is forced to turn to the same bodysuit technology which he played a part in developing in order to help him assume a new identity and 'disappear.'

But when the 'male' prototype unit of the XR-875 series bodysuits is revealed to have been damaged during the ambush earlier in the day, Damon unexpectedly finds himself forced to face an unwelcome and initially unsettling choice: does he simply wait around in his apartment to be arrested for crimes he didn't commit, or does he 'man up' sufficiently in order to brave the disconcerting experience of being the first man in the world to field test a fully-functional female bodysuit?

At just over 32,000 words, Field Test (Part One) is the first instalment in a new, on-going serial series about the development of ultra-high-tech, 'next-gen' super-realistic female bodysuits, and of one researcher's desperate, dangerous, girlish, and thrillingly romantic adventures while on the run, posing as a member of the opposite sex. Hope you enjoy!
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Unread 09-18-2021   #87
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Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
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“Hey, babe!” I squealed loudly in mock-excitement, grinning broadly up into the shocked and stunned-looking expression of the seemingly-good-natured young man with the ripplingly cut and muscular physique. “Happy birthday, you big, handsome hunk of a guy, you!” Then, in the very next second, seeking to forestall any awkward questions and to keep the big, broad-chested man from pulling away in confusion, I whispered, very quickly, and in a breathlessly soft tone of voice, so that only he could hear, the following brief explanation—:

‘PLEASE help me out. There’s a thousand dollars in hard cash for you if you follow my lead on this—’

—before suddenly, and without any warning whatsoever, pressing the pair of my soft and plumply-inviting new womanly lips assertively and aggressively against his own, thinner and intriguingly salty ones, and laid the hungriest and most passionate kiss on him that I had ever seen a woman lay on a man in a public place.

Framed by his boss, the deviously murderous Dr. Henry Monroe, as the man behind the plot to ambush a secure DARPA transport convoy which had resulted in nine deaths and the supposed 'theft' of two top-secret pieces of high-tech, 'next-gen' infiltration and disguise technology, the first ever fully-realistic human 'bodysuits,' which can turn any person, anywhere in the world, into any other person you can think of, Dr. Damon Carter reluctantly finds himself with no other choice but to go on the run and to make use of the XR-F-875 'female' bodysuit (which was the only one of the two prototype units he was able to save from the violence and wreckage of the ambush that morning) to turn himself into the gorgeous and shapely twenty-two-year old 'Olivia Capuano,' a previously fictional young woman with long, inky black hair and 'Mediterranean' features which the bodysuit is capable of rendering him.

But as Damon rushes about gathering up some ready cash for his sudden flight, and searches for a secure and private place where he can safely pull on the bodysuit and let it swiftly (over the course of about ten minutes or so) and sensuously transform him from an average, ordinary 29-year-old young man into the stunningly sexy 22-year-old young woman he is now reluctantly committed to becoming, our surprisingly quick-witted hero finds himself (and then, later, herself) evading public surveillance systems, dodging the forces of local law enforcement who are canvasing the area for him, and unexpectedly running into a handsome and well-built twenty-nine-year-old ex-Army-Ranger who turns out in the end to offer the new 'Olivia' with exactly the excuse she thinks she can use to evade the local dragnet which is fast closing in around her so that she can get away without the pair of the 'top secret' and deadly-dangerous bodysuits she is carrying falling into the bloodstained hands of some very dangerous people.

At just over 40,000 words, Field Test (Part Two) is the second installment in a new, on-going serial series about the development of ultra-high-tech, 'next-gen' super-realistic female bodysuits, and one researcher's desperate, dangerous, girlish, and thrillingly romantic adventures while on the run, fully and very sensuously transformed into a gorgeously curvaceous member of the opposite sex. Hope you enjoy!
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Unread 12-04-2021   #88
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Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon


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Unread 02-06-2022   #89
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Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

(After a lengthy (and unplanned!) absence, I'm back with a VERY lengthy new story for you all to read!)

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
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26-year-old Ben Winthrop had always thought 'Ren Fest' a silly waste of time. But when the beautiful, silver-haired big-city graduate-school-‘Medievalist’-chick Astrid Michaelson had turned up one day at the coffeeshop where Ben worked, all keyed-up to spend a weekend at the travelling ‘Ren Fest' making a stop in North Fort Collins that weekend, he’d summoned up the gumption to ask if he could join her—like, on a date!

Unfortunately, both the ‘date’ and the evening as a whole had gone very poorly for Ben. He’d turned Astrid off by being a buzz-kill about the whole ‘Ren Fest’-thing, until she’d finally stormed off, and had then managed to annoy an older woman (named Nimue) working at the Festival as the resident ‘village Sorceress’ (who just so happened to turn out to be a real, actual Sorceress!), so badly with his pleading requests that she use her magic to turn him into a super-macho ‘babe-magnet’ (one which women like Astrid would find irresistible) that she wound up secretly hexing him, instead, so that if Ben ever came back to the Renaissance Festival again, he would turn not into a big, manly stud-muffin, as he had wanted, but into a chick!

Which, of course, was exactly what had happened the following evening. Returning to the ‘Ren Fest’ environment once again expecting to see and to feel himself becoming a bigger, stronger, more ‘studly’ and masculine version of himself, by the time he’d finally realized that he was turning into a girl, it had been too late for Ben to do anything about it. When Nimue’s spell was through with him, Ben had become 'Elizabeth,’ a fairly plain-faced and unfeminine 26-year-old blonde chick in a Valkyrie’s costume.

Outraged at having been deceived, the new 'Elizabeth’ had just been about to storm back across the village once more to confront Nimue when he—she—had accidentally run smack into Astrid, instead. Recognizing the mortifyingly embarrassed 'new girl,’ Astrid had taken pity on 'her,’ and had dragged Ben/Elizabeth out of the ‘Ren-Fest’ ‘village,’ taking him/her out for ice cream to a local diner not far from the hotel where she was staying.

To their mutual surprise, the two girls actually wound up having a rather pleasant time together. In fact, Astrid wound up having so much fun with 'Elizabeth,’ (once the two of them had gotten over their mutual shock at the new girl’s transformed, newly-female state) that on the following morning, after 'Elizabeth' had turned back into Ben once again, she’d even invited Ben to come back out to the Renaissance Festival with her once more. To her disappointment, however, Ben had declined. Based on some of the things he now remembered Nimue telling him, he was reasonably certain that if he ever returned to the ‘Ren-Fest’ village environment, he would only be turned back into a chick again, and no matter how much fun he (as she) and Astrid had enjoyed the night before, he was too embarrassed about having been so easily and effectively emasculated--robbed of his manhood—by the Sorceress’ powers to subject himself to that experience again.

And yet, the thought of all the fun that he was missing out on had continued to gnaw at Ben as the day had worn on. Finally, only shortly after he returned home from work that afternoon, he texted a surprised-but-delighted Astrid to tell her he’d changed his mind, and then hopped into his car to speed across town towards the fairgrounds.

What sorts of fun, thrilling, and (quite probably!) feminine adventures would await him—err, her—back at ‘Ren Fest’ that evening? Read on and find out!

At nearly 150,000 words, ‘Ren-Fest’ Girl (Part Two) is the longest single 'Zoe Brown' title to-date, and second installment in this continuing series featuring 'Processy’ Magical Gender Transformation, Feminization, Sultry Romance, and Self-Discovery during 'Ren Fest!’
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Unread 07-08-2022   #90
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Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Hey everyone,

Sorry I haven't posted in a bit, I've been so focused on churning out new content lately that I keep forgetting to come here to advertise it!

First things first: for those who don't already know, I've begun writing an on-going serial story exclusively for my five-dollar-a-month or higher supporters on Patreon called 'The Doppelganger Charm.' It's about a young man living in New York City who 'house-sits' for various well-to-do Manhattanites and who comes into possession of a magical charm from Ancient Egypt which gives the user the power to copy for themselves the body of any individual whose clothing they can gain access to. Making use of the five-thousand-year-old artifact, the main character transforms himself into the body-double-duplicate of the sexiest young woman he knows, an international glamour model and e-girl named Vanessa Tarasenko, and then begins experimenting with his/her new female body and the original Vanessa Tarasenko's extensive wardrobe. The series is up to five installments already, with a sixth coming out later this month and one or two installments per month going forward.

Secondly, last month I published Parts One, Two, and Three of a brand new publicly-released serial story on Amazon called 'Irresistible Urges.' The first installments of a new story set in an equally new universe, Irresistible Urges follows the life and adventures of a young male-to-female gender shifter, someone whose body is capable of transforming into that of a member of the opposite sex from which they were originally born when subjected to certain internal or external stimuli (such as the pheromonal influence of a particularly horny individual.) Initially caught off-guard by the unexpected revelation of these previously latent sex-changing abilities, the main character at first resists giving into the feminizing urges now flooding into his body and tries to hold onto his male shape and identity instead, only to soon find himself increasingly indulging in the opportunities afforded by a part-time female existence.

In addition, I've recently begun revising and re-editing (even slightly expanding) the first and second installments in my on-going Maiden Fair series (ahead of the release of Maiden Fair Part Three, as soon as I can get it finished), and I've recently published the Second Edition of Maiden Fair Part One, in case you'd like to check it out.

Last edited by ZoeBrownWerewoman; 07-08-2022 at 04:07 PM.
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Unread 09-03-2022   #91
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Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

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An Indulgent Story of Involuntary Magical Gender Transformation, Feminization, and Deliciously Sensual Encounters!

Tall, thin, and 'dweeby' twenty-eight-year-old systems interface programmer Conrad Cole is asleep and dreaming late one night when he unexpectedly experiences a vision of himself transformed into a stunningly beautiful dark-haired young woman with a busty and jaw-droppingly voluptuous figure, and winds up being forced to ride along as a helpless passenger inside the gorgeous girl's head (feeling and seeing whatever she does) while she engages in some very deliciously erogenous activities. Horrified and alarmed at this emasculating experience, the lifelong straight male is repulsed at being forced to see himself, as an incredibly hot and sexy young woman, getting up to some very sensuous and pleasurable activities with her babely new female form, but it's not until a message written in dark red lipstick appears upon the surface of a mirror within the imagined 'reality' of the dream to warn him that he only has seven days left, in the real world, until he turns into an exact copy of the same gorgeous, dark-haired 'hottie' that he is startled awake out of the dream, shooting straight up in bed and crying out loud in fear and alarm.

Getting ready for work the next morning, Conrad attempts to dismiss the strange, frightful, and disconcertingly arousing imagery which he'd experienced the night before and so that he can just go about his life like normal, but although he quickly becomes aware that something feels 'off' to him (his head feels slightly warm and feverish, while the rest of his body feels strangely clammy, as if he might be coming down with something, though he otherwise feels fine), it's only slowly, over the course of the rest of his day and through the several strange, embarrassing, and increasingly emasculating experiences he encounters as he heads off to work, that he gradually begins to realize that something truly unnatural is happening to him.

Though he does not yet realize it, Conrad Cole has become a victim of. . . 'The Venus Virus.'

At over 24,000 words, The Venus Virus (Part One) is the first installment in a brand new-serial story from Zoe Brown featuring involuntary magical gender transformation and feminization! I hope you enjoy it!
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Unread 09-30-2022   #92
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Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
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Can you help me out of little financial crunch with a small donation, please??

An Indulgent Story of Involuntary Magical Gender Transformation, Feminization, and Deliciously Sensual Encounters!

'In four days, you’re gonna turn into a chick.'

Afflicted by some mysterious, unidentifiable malady that he doesn't yet understand, for the past three and a half days geeky, beanpole-thin 28-year-old software systems programmer Conrad Cole has been forced to suffer through a series of terrifying dreams about being turned (against his will) into a gorgeous, stunningly voluptuous dark-haired young woman, the awkward embarrassment of suddenly discovering that he is now attracted to good-looking guys, and the emasculating mortification of being forced to acquire an ever greater amount of enticing female clothing items, all seemingly in preparation for some worrying and dreadful fate which he can't even bring himself to contemplate. And this while simultaneously coming down with some nasty bug that seems to be making him feel feverish and weak. But when Seline Blanchet, the pretty French-American barista who has recently taken over the running of Conrad's favorite spot to grab a cup of caffè mocha on his way into work in the mornings (and an absolutely gorgeous 22-year-old blonde babe whom he'd had the pleasure of hooking up with a couple of weeks back) suddenly reveals to the nebbish young software programmer that she had once been Michael Blanchet, the 44-year old former proprietor of the cafe-bookshop, Conrad suddenly finds all his worst suspicions about what's been happening to him over the course of the past few days confirmed. And worse yet, he learns that he only has four days left to find a way to stop himself from suffering the same sex-changing metamorphic fate which befell Seline, because he, too, is now suffering from. . . the Venus Virus.

At over 32,000 words, The Venus Virus (Part One) is the second installment in an indulgently sexy serial story from Zoe Brown featuring involuntary magical gender transformation and feminization! I hope you enjoy it!
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Unread 10-16-2022   #93
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Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
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Can you help me out of a little financial crunch with a small donation, please??

"I'm sorry," Simeon managed at last, in a low and subdued voice thick with regret. "The magic has too strong a hold on you already. The way it healed your hand. . . and shielding itself from my interference. . . There's nothing I can do to break its grip." Meeting my eyes directly, he grimaced, gravely, and gave his head a little shake. "I can't help you."

After desperately searching for a cure to the sex-changing magical pathogen which has been ravaging his body for the past week, twenty-eight-year-old Conrad Cole is initially thrilled when he finally encounters a real 'magic-user' who knows something about sexually-transmitted magical diseases--and in particular about the girl-making magical pathogen which seems hell-bent on turning the hapless, nebbish software programmer into a beautiful young woman in just two days' time--but he is absolutely crushed when that same sorcerer is ultimately forced to reveal to him that the hold the feminizing magic has upon his ailing body is too strong to be broken.

Refusing at first to give in and accept his feminizing fate, Conrad spends his last full day as a man continuing his frantic quest for any way to avoid being transformed into the gorgeous and voluptuous dark-haired beauty whom he keeps seeing in his dreams at night, but when at last he runs out of options he is reluctantly forced to come to grips with the possibility that he might indeed be doomed to becoming the latest gender-transformed victim of. . . The 'Venus Virus.'

At over 37,000 words, The Venus Virus (Part Three) is the third installment in an indulgently sexy Transgender Erotica serial story from Zoe Brown featuring involuntary magical gender transformation and feminization! I hope you enjoy it!
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Unread 10-31-2022   #94
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Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
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Can you help me out of a little financial crunch with a small donation, please??

It's Halloween season, and for the past seven years, 34-year-old Darren Blake has been trying and failing to score himself one of five-thousand tickets to the wildly extravagant, VIP-studded, internationally-acclaimed 'Trick-or-Treat' Halloween blowout-bash held annually at the fabulously indulgent Obsidian Crown Casino-Resort Hotel in Atlantic City, where star-powered slates of entertainers, ribald masquerade partying, and crowds jam-packed with scores of attractive young women make the event the not-to-miss hotspot of the late-October East Coast party scene. When an unexpected recruiting e-mail suddenly shows up in the luckless gig-worker's inbox one day a couple of months before the event offering him the chance to come and stay at the hotel for the weekend of the Halloween rave extravaganza in exchange for him performing some. . . unspecified 'temp-work' duties on the night of the party itself, he is only too quick to jump at the opportunity.

However, upon waking up in his hotel room upon the day of the party itself, Darren is at first alarmed and horrified (and then, later on, excited and aroused) to discover precisely what 'duties' the ancient Near-Eastern patron goddess to which the Obsidian Crown hotel is dedicated has in mind for him. . . or rather her. . . to perform once he/she finally makes it to the event later on that evening.

This is going to be the best Halloween 'costume' ever!

At over 33,000 words, Trick-or-Treat (Part One) is the first, thrillingly titillating, transformation-focused installment in a two-part Transgender Erotica serial story from Zoe Brown about a Halloween Party to Remember, featuring Magical Gender Transformation & Feminization! I hope you enjoy it!
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Unread 12-05-2022   #95
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Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
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Can you help me out of a little financial crunch with a small donation, please??

Now fully transformed into a girl by the magic of the Obsidian Crown Casino-Resort Hotel (and its secret, ancient divine patroness), the former thirty-four-year-old Darren Blake (now the astonishingly gorgeous early-twenties-something 'Darcy') finds him/herself compelled to take on the role of a 'VIP Guest Hostess' girl on behalf of the hotel on the day of its wildly extravagant annual Halloween bash: the 'Trick-or-Treat' party. After first getting dolled up in some luxuriously glamorous 'business-sexy' attire, the new girl begins to be introduced to some of the world-famous celebrity performers who have been slated to appear at the event later on that evening, and is astonished to discover that in addition to having had both her sex and gender changed by the magic of the goddess Astarte, she has now also experienced a similar change in sexual orientation, becoming attracted to some of the same world-class--male--VIP guests with whom she now finds herself socializing.

As the day progresses, the new 'Darcy' increasingly not only begins to find aspects of her luxuriously glamorous new, temporary female existence enjoyable, but even to begin activity contemplating taking her once-in-a-lifetime experience of being a beautiful young woman all the way, by potentially allowing her long-term musical idol, the strikingly good-looking Trent Reynolds, frontman of the world-renowned alt-rock group October Hearts, to take her gorgeous new female alter-ego to bed once the night's party is over. . .

At over 42,000 words, Trick-or-Treat (Part Two & Conclusion) is the second and final thrillingly titillating, post-transformation-focused installment in this two-part Transgender Erotica duology from Zoe Brown about a Halloween Party to Remember, featuring Magical Gender Transformation & Feminization! I hope you enjoy it!
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Unread 01-27-2023   #96
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Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

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When the short, scrawny, 'nebbish' 28-year-old Kevin Johnson, a lifelong fan of classic, 'Old Hollywood' cinema, stumbles home one wintery evening after being (reluctantly) sent home early from work, stressed out about the state of his finances and unhappy with the way his life, in general, has turned out, only to be run over by a pair of big and muscular young toughs attempting to pull a 'drink-and-dash' on the local neighborhood Irish pub, he has no way of knowing that anyone out there would be listening in on the offhand, spur-of-the-moment wish he expresses as he gets back up onto his feet that he could be one of those old-timey movie stars from the 'Golden Age of Hollywood' that he has so long envied.

But when an impossibly-ancient, mostly-incorporeal being in the form of a mid-twentieth-century Movie theater usher offers to fulfill his wish by sending him back in time to the late-1940s world of 'Old Hollywood,' with the skills and abilities necessary to make himself a star, with the only condition being that he must do what he can to save the lives of two of his own favorite movie stars from the period, Kevin understandably jumps at the chance. When he discovers that he is being offered a choice between going back in time as either a 'leading man' or a 'leading lady' (depending on his preference), he is unable to resist the sudden compulsion which he then experiences to just get a sneak peak into what life would be like for him if he were to choose to go back in time as a hot and sexy 'Old Hollywood' bombshell, and 'accidentally' winds up selecting a brand-new female destiny for himself which he originally told himself he was only. . . curious about.

At over 53,000 words, That Old Hollywood Magic (Part One) is the first installment in a hot and sultry new transgender romance serial story about Stumbling backwards through Time to the Golden Age of Cinema, while encountering Magical Gender Transformation, Feminization, & Silver Screen Romance along the way.
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