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Unread 01-19-2009   #97
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Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices

Conceptually disturbing, much like the homunculi in FMA, but amazing artwork. I can see the elements that make each embody their role.
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Unread 02-01-2009   #98
Process Disciple
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 4,920
Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices

Okay guys, sorry this took so long. The (hopefully) long-awaited next chapter of "Sid and the Girls"!

Envy pawed through her closet, sighing. Nothing looked good. This one, too garish, that one, too symmetrical, that other one, just plain ugly. She sighed again as she tossed the outfit closest to her hand on her bed. If they were all unattractive, what difference did it make which one she put on?
"You're always such a slowpoke in there," Lust chided as she finished slipping on her high-heeled shoes.
"Like you're even wearing that much to begin with..." Envy muttered. She began taking on her mortal guise, her horns and tail sliding into her skin, her fingers seperating into five digits instead of the normal three. Envy marvelled at how she looked even worse as a mortal than she did as a demon- nothing remarkable or interesting from head to foot. She looked over at Lust, who was smoothing out the wrinkles in her deep-necked, hip-slit red dress, her breasts barely contained in the velvety fabric, and sighed.
"I might have to make a trip of this," Lust said as she admired herself in a mirror, bending over to more perfectly accentuate her curves. "It's a waste to look this sexy and only seduce one person."
Envy shook her head and got into her clothes- grey skirt, light blue sweater, green shawl, and a cap. The clothes were ugly, sure, but at least they covered up her skin, which was even worse.
"C'mon, you don't wanna keep Pride waiting..." Lust said as she opened the door to the foyer.
"Priscilla," Pride's voice came from outside, using the name she chose to use while in the Mortal realm. The name they gave to Envy was Erin, and though she didn't like it, she couldn't think of one that sounded better, either, so she just resigned herself to it. Slipping on her dark shoes, Envy followed lust into the foyer, where the other sins were waiting.
"I always hate these trips," Wrath said as she folded her arms onver her chest. "Mortals are so sissy. Look at this," She said, holding her hands in front of herself, "no claws, no horns, hell, they've only got two decent points on them at all!" She finished, poking her thumbs into her canines.
"I kinda like it," Gluttony said, running her hands down the sides of her tank top and past her sarong. "I like feeling soft all over, much as I like my horns."
"You would like it, 'Gina'," Wrath said, looking sour.
"I rather enjoy it, 'Wendy'," Greed said as she descended the stairs, her multitude of jewelry glinting like a fire in every diamond, sapphire, band of gold and platinum. "It's nice to go somewhere my valuables can be appreciated- and maybe added to," she finished, grinning hungrily.
"Wendy. What a sissy name," Wrath said, fuming. She shook her legs out, the flame-patterned track pants flapping against her leg. "And why do you get 'Gail'?" She asked Greed. "Only good name in the lot, sounds like 'gale-force winds' or something. 'Wendy' is a sissy name, why do I have to-"
"Because I SAID so,' Pride said, hands on the hips of her pin-striped black and silver business suit. "I trust that is sufficient reason?" She asked pointedly, arching an eyebrow at Wrath.
"Yeah, well..." Wrath muttered, staring at her feet and popping the knuckles of each finger in turn. "...Sloth! Get your fat ass out here, we gotta go!" She yelled, turning towards her and Gluttony's room.
"Coming!" Sloth yelled back from her room, causing Wrath to roll her eyes.
"Um, Pride? Er, Priscilla?" Gluttony ventured, twiddling a knuckle in her palm. "Don't the mortals usually wear another garment under a suit like that?"
"MORTALS wear undergarments to shape and support their features into something more pleasing to the eye. Obviously I need no such enhancement- My body is perfect as it is."
"Sorry, sorry," Sloth said, shuffling down the hall in what Envy was sure she imagined was a hurry as she finished pulling her arms through a red hooded sweater, her board shorts making a zipping sound as her still-generous thighs rubbed against each other.
"Good, we're all here and... mostly presentable," Pride said as she looked down her nose at Wrath and Sloth. "We will be entering the mortal realm through a portal near the Golden Gate Bridge."
"Sissies," Wrath interjected. "Couldn't face their own fights so they DQ'd themselves."
"Nevertheless," Pride continued, her eyes narrowing slightly, "It is a place of much infernal energy, so it will make for an easy transition. Now remember- discreetness is paramount- Father's greatest asset is his anonymity. If a mortal addresses you by your true name-"
"You will revert to your demonic form," Greed said, echoing Pride's words as she rolled her eyes.
"Why does Pride treat us like we're stupid?" Envy thought as she looked at the floor, her cheeks burning. "We've all been to the mortal realm before, we all know the rules, so why does she explain them to us every time like we're forgetful children?"
"And finally, if you must recall to the infernal plane, one of the mortal 'restrooms' are a fairly discrete place. The mortals, being naturally ashamed of their imperfect bodies, are wont to follow you into such spaces, especially mortals of the opposite gender."
Envy could see Wrath's teeth grinding and her fists clenching as she used every last bit of her meager restraint to keep from hurrying Pride along, while everyone else simply watched in boredom. Sloth looked to have fallen asleep entirely, leaning against the staircase with her hands in the front pouch of her hoodie.
"Well then, I think that covers everything," Pride finally finished. "Follow me."
The six sins followed Pride up the stairs, Gluttony giving Sloth a helpful push to wake her up. They went down the hall between Pride's room and the Viewing Room, entering the black and red Portal Room and taking their positions around the pentagram etched into the floor.

"Now focus, everyone- try to keep up," Pride said as the pentagram began glowing. She opened her eyes wide and they burned with purple fire, the infernal enegry seeping from her into the pentagram, a firey tempest beginning to swirl in the middle of the pentagram. "Focus... Focus..." She continued, as Wrath and Greed's eyes similarly set ablaze, increasing the speed and size of the tempest. "Focus... Focus... FOCUS, Sloth!" She snapped, causing Sloth to start from where she'd been daydreaming. Finally, the tempest began to part in the middle, the swirling column of flame becoming a disc, the center of it fading away to reveal blue-gray skies and orange metal beyond it. "Follow me," Pride commanded, the fire extinguished from her eyes as she stepped through.
The seven cardinal vices now stood on mortal soil, or mortal pavement as the case may have been. As the wind swept over the group of women, they could sense every bit of sin and vice in the city, especially those relating to their incarnate vices.
"Oooh, there's some good fun to be had here..." Lust said, her cheeks flushing in anticipation.
"And some good food!" Gluttony added, looking off towards Fisherman's Wharf.
"And some good fights!" Wrath continued.
"IF you all are finished babbling," Pride said, arms crossed over her chest, "We are here on official business, not for tourism." She checked her watch and turned towards the curb, waiting only momentarily before a limousine pulled up to the curb.
"What's that for?" Envy asked.
"Me, of course," Pride said as the driver got out and hurried to open the door for her. "Surely you don't expect me to *walk* to our destination from here?"
"Woo hoo!" Sloth cheered, getting in after Pride.
"But how'd you get him to arrive so quickly?" Greed asked as she climbed in, taking a seat near the mini-fridge and grabbing a few bottles of liquor, squeezing them as best she could into her purse.
"Because I have the foresight to arrange these things ahead of time, obviously," Pride said, crossing her legs and folding her hands over her knee. "Driver- to Chinatown."

* * *

As the girls piled out of the limousine, they took a moment to survey the area.
"He *lives* in this dump?" Greed asked, looking at the cramped apartments and run-down vendor stalls. Sensing as she could all the wealth in the area, the entire block combined barely registered as a blip on her radar.
"Well of course it is beneath *us*," Pride said, "though I must admit this is meager even for mortals."
"Oooh," Gluttony said, inhaling. "Fresh kim-chee!"
"Silence!" Pride hissed as the limousine pulled away. "Here he comes!"
All seven girls turned to look as their target emerged blinking into the early-morning light, scratching the back of his head as he snugged his jacket closer around his shoulders.
Immediately the seven vices began scrutinizing him; were one looking carefully they might have noticed a slight glow behind each woman's eyes as they saw beyond mortal sight.
"No gut at all..." Gulttony started, dismayed.
"Knuckle's're pretty clean, too," Wrath said. "No fights, the pansy."
"His dress is strictly utilitarian," Pride added. "Not even making the attempt at impressing."
"Or attracting," Lust pouted.
"With a wallet that thin, how could he?" Greed finished, balking.
"And he's walking wherever it is he's going," Sloth said as Sid turned and began walking down the sidewalk away from them, "So there goes me."
"Hmm..." Pride mused. "It appears Father was right to send me..." She paused, thinking for a moment before turning and facing Envy. "...Are we boring you?"
"Wh-what? N-no, I just, I-"
"Then why did you not report?"
"I just, I- I didn't see anything," Envy stammered, shrinking down into her shawl. "...He seems very content," she whispered.
"Hmm..." Pride pondered, feeling the familiar prickle of mortal eyes on her. Of course they were looking at her- why wouldn't they?- but their adulation was inappropriately timed. One such mortal was staring dumbly as he walked down the sidewalk towards the girls, obviously enraptured by her radiance.
"Hey, what're you lookin' at, old-timer?" Wrath growled, causing the elderly oriental gentleman to jump and hurry past, pulling his hat low over his eyes.
"It appears we need to find a more discrete vantage point, as my perfection is drawing attention to us that may compromise our observations," Pride said, looking around.
"How about up there?" Lust said, pointing to the line of rooftops across the street. "The puildings are squeezed so close together we should have no trouble following from up there, and we'd be well out of sight. Mortals- er, people never tend to look up unless they're motivated."
"W-we could, ah... 'jump' from in there, where no one would see us..." Envy offered, pointing to a narrow alley a little ways behind them.
Pride turned, examined the entrance, then gave a curt nod and strode into the dark opening, where the early reaches of dawn had not yet penetrated.
"Oooh, a penny!" Greed exclaimed, running a little past Pride and picking the grime-encrusted coin off the ground.
Pride's lip curled as she watched Greed slide the filthy coin into her purse. "Is it *impossible* for you to have standards?" She asked.
"What?" Greet retored, indignant. "Money's money, and now it's mine!"
Pride rolled her eyes as she turned to face out of the alley, looking at the rooftop on the opposite side. "Are we ready?" She asked.
"Yup, and I'd like to get out of here," Gluttony said. "Being near wasted food makes me sad."
"Of course it does," Pride sniffed. "Are we ready?" The rest of the girls nodded, and Pride bowed her head briefly, the others following suit. In a brief moment, a boquet of flames blossomed from their feet, nearly instantly engulfing them and burning out just as quickly, leaving nothing but a faint smell of sulfur and brimstone behind. A jogger paused as she passed by the alley, curiously sniffing the lingering stench before turning and continuing on her jog, the miraculous teleportation otherwise unnoticed.

With a similarly brief but intense conflagration, the seven girls all re-materialized across the street, on the roof of one of the many small apartment complexes that crowded the tiny street.
"Now then," Pride started, we n-"
"Wuoh-oh-hwoah!" Sloth cried out, windmilling her arms as she teetered on the edge of the roof.
"Look out!" Gluttony said, reaching out and grabbing the front of Sloth's hoodie and pulling her off from the edge.
Pride's eye narrowed in annoyance. "Sally, why did you teleport to the very edge of the building instead of over here with the rest of us?"
"Well, I dunno, I just kinda figured I didn't need to teleport *all* the way over there, so long as I got on the roof..."
Pride just put a hand to her face. "Let's move on, shall we? I don't want our target getting ahead of us. Wendy, are you coming?"
Wrath was leaning over the edge of the roof, arm over her bent knee as she scanned the street below. "...Yeah, I'm comin'. Just thought... ah, nevermind, let's just get going already."
The seven demons walked single file along the rooftops, Pride at the lead, Greed and Wrath behind her, Lust and Envy trailing them, and Gluttony and Sloth taking up the rear.

Envy listened in to his desires, being able to feel his wants and needs, but came up surprisingly blank. All she could "hear" from the man's soul was a contentness with the sun and the sky and the weather. Envy wished she could be so contented, but it was a hard sentiment to share when she was so deficient in so many ways.
"Theft!" Greed suddenly exclaimed, pointing. "He just pulled that bottle of juice out of that cart without paying for it!"
"It's a start," Pride said, narrowing her eyes as the seven girls rushed to keep pace with him, "But thin... wait..."
Pride leaned in, jumping across an alley to the next rooftop as effortlessly as a mortal would hop a curb. Her supernatural senses could pick out the words as he spoke, even from that great distance.
"Good morning, Mr. Li!" He said, pulling a dollar bill out of his pocket.
"Ah, good morning Mr. Sidney Arthur," the elderly oriental gentleman said, his coffee and newspaper held in his right hand. "Same as always?" He asked as he reached for the bill.
"You bet," He replied, smiling. The elderly man took the bill and the two continued on their seperate ways.
"Arrrgh," Greed fumed. "Not only did he pay for it, he let the old man keep the change! A tip! A tip on a stupid bottle of juice!"
"Calm yourself, Gail," Pride said. "Patience. If Father could keep at his work for forty days and forty nights, we can wait for more than a morning to get results..."

The women followed him to the street corner, where he stopped to wait for an opportune time to cross.
"Anything?" Pride asked impatiently.
"Not hungry."
"Not horny."
"Not angry."
"Not jealous."
"Not grabby."
"Not tired."
Pride blew a breath through her mouth. Patience. Some mortals just took a while to start sinning- they're too tired in the morning to be self-centered. Pride knew from her experience that if you wanted to see the true nature of a man, catch him when he is at the limits of exhaustion or when they were gravely ill; when they had neither the strength nor compunction to build the constructs around oneself that made it so easy to rationalize their sins as necessary or permissable.
"Ooh!" Wrath exclaimed, darting forward as a woman on a cell phone hastily shouldered past Sid, sloshing his juice out of its bottle and splashing on his shoes. As the woman stepped past him, Sid's free hand darted to the woman's collar and pulled her back up to the sidewalk.
"Ye-" Wrath started, before a taxi zoomed by where the woman had been momnets ago.
"Careful there," Sid said, shaking the spilled juice off his foot.
"Dammit," Wrath spat, crossing her arms as the woman apologized and Sid continued across the street.
"Hmm..." Pride thought, focusing on him. She could detect the barest hint of frustration at his shoes possibly being made to look less than presentable, but it wasn't even up to the level of deserved pride, much less the kind of arrogance mortals fell prey to so easily. Even down in his core, in the dark corners of their minds mortals thought no one ever saw, Pride found herself unable to discern a weakness, no glaring flaw for her to exploit. Perhaps Father *was* going to need to make use of her skills after all.
"This guy's like clergy-level clean," Gluttony said as Sid finally stopped moving along the sidewalk, ducking inside a small grocery store.
"Yeah, but he doesn't smell like one of *them*," Greed said. "No vow of poverty or anything like that. He's not holy, just..."
"Not sinful," Pride finished. "He is balanced. No stench of sin nor of holiness."
"Well, hell, just means it's less to go to tilt the scales to our side," Sloth said, already sitting down.
"Maybe," Greed started, "but-"
"It's always easier to get them to cross over if they've built up some momentum by falling first," Wrath interrupted, punching her fist into her palm. "Sometimes it's the ones that are so sure they've got it made that are the easiest- they build up this little tiny tower of good and it just takes a little shove to get them crashing all the way down."
"Besides, he just got to work," Gluttony said. "You know how mortals get at work, especially when they miss lunch and all that."
"Indeed," Pride said, putting one foot up on an air conditioning unit and leaning forward on to her knee as Sid became visible in the front windows of the store, an apron tied around his waist as he began working the cash register. "I suppose all we have to do is wait, and watch. Something will come sooner or later. No mortal is perfect."

* * *

Pride paced back and forth, her high-heeled shoes crunching the asphalt on the roof. She looked over the edge, the tenth time in twice as many seconds, seeing Sid walk around to the side of the grocery store and dump a can of garbage into a dumpster.
"...Anything?" She finally asked of the other vices.
"Hasn't so much as had a nasty *thought* about a customer, even that one whore with the stroller who deserved it," Wrath said, who was kicking some of the larger asphalt pebbles over the edge.
"All he's had to eat for lunch is a fruit-smoothie concoction," Gluttony said, sitting on the edge of the building, face in her hands and elbows on her knees as her legs dangled over the side.
"Which he paid for, including tax, even," Greed continued, sitting next to Gluttony in the same position.
"He's looked at one woman's ass all morning, and that was because her slip was showing and he told her," Lust said, lazily twirling around an antenna pole.
"The only thing he's wanted was a package of snow peas to add to dinner tonight..." Envy said, sitting against a brick chimney.
Pride continued pacing, before breaking her normal path and stading in front of Sloth, who was laying on the ground with her hands folded behind her head and one foot up on her bent knee. When Pride's shadow passed over Sloth's face, she opened one eye.
"Well?" Pride asked, hands on her hips.
"Is he still moving?" Sloth asked.
"Got nothin'," She said, and closed her eye again.
Pride held her temples between her thumb and fingers. "All right, this is getting us nowhere," She said, turning to address the other sins. "We'll go to his home. Perhaps we can find something useful there.
"Maybe he just hasn't been on his feet long enough," Sloth said. "He could be ready to snap at any-"
"UP," Pride commanded.
"All right, all right..." She said as she rolled over to her knees and got up.

"So, this guy's the real deal, isn't he?" Gluttony asked as they made their way back across the rooftops.
"Certainly seems so," Greed said. "But that's not really what's bothering me about him."
"What is, then?" Pride asked, brow arched as she looked over her shoulder.
"Who cares?"
"You, obviously, if you-"
"No, I mean, who cares?" Greed said, throwing her arms up. "What does this kid matter?"
Pride halted on the edge of the building they were crossing, turning to look at Greed. "Father sent us a missive," She said. "Ours is not the place to question him."
"But, all seven of us? For one kid? Surely you don't need our help, if he's just a regular schmoe..."
Pride was silent.
"He doesn't have a mark on him, does he?" Gluttony asked.
"What, are you nuts?" Wrath interjected. "Even fatass over there could have sniffed it out from this distance if he had a mark on him."
"But that's just it!" Greed said. "He's not going to be a pope, or a saint, or even a dirt-pastor. He's just a regular mortal. So what's the big deal? Why send all seven of us in for a garden-variety goody-two-shoes?"
"Father's missive-"
"-Which only you read," Greed said, hands on her hips.
"-said exactly what he needed to say," Pride said, her voice deepening only slightly.
"Then there's something you're not telling us," Greed said, crossing her arms over her chest.
Pride's head bowed almost imperceptibly, her brows furrowing.
"...Or there's something *He's* not telling *you*..." Greed continued, arching her brow.
"You doubt me?" Pride said, her gaze snapping up to meet Greed's.
Everyone took a step away from Greed, even Sloth. Greed set her foot back, but Wrath recognized it instantly not as a step in retreat, but in bracing for an attack. Part of her couldn't help but smile in anticipation.
"What Father tells me is all that he feels is required for me to complete the mission he sets before us," Pride said as she advanced on Greed, her footfalls sounding somehow heavier on the roof of the building. "Father says only what he feels is essential because he has complete confidence in my abilities, as well he should."
Greed backed up a step, finding Pride gaining distance on her far quicker than she was comfortable with. When Pride raised her hand up by her shoulder, Greed flinched away and tensed up.
"I am *Fastosus*," she said, jabbing a finger at Greed, knocking her to the ground. "Chosen of the Morning Star himself. If you- If *any* of you-" she said, sweeping her arm at the rest of the sins- "Doubt my abilities or prowess to carry out this mission, I invite you to prove yourselves against me!" She scanned the faces of the other women, Wrath alone even being able to meet her eyes.
"...I thought as much," She said, turning from Greed and walking back to the edge of the building before jumping down into the alley. The other demons followed suit, dropping down into the alley, save for Wrath who favored Greed with a snarling glare in Pride's direction before continuing on. Greed scowled, rubbing the spot on her collarbone where PRide had poked her as she followed the rest of the sins down into the alley.

"Stairs. Why did it have to be stairs?" Sloth asked as they ascended the narrow staircase to Sid's apartment.
"Oh, quit yer bitchin', fatass," Wrath said as they made it to the landing. "This is it, right?" She asked, grabbing the doorknob and rattling it.
"Yes," Pride said as she stood back, watching the doorway. "And NO," she continued as Wrath leaned back on her foot, "You may not break the door down. Gail?"
Greed squeezed her way to the door as Wrath stepped away, reaching up and snapping off her armlet. Opening the end of it, Greed pulled a lockpick from inside the circlet and set to work on Sid's door, quickly jimmying the lock open and standing back so Pride could enter first.
"All right," Pride said as she entered the apartment. "Quick, thorough, and... discrete..." She trailed off, looking around at the sparse apartment. A bedroom, a bathroom, a small living room and an even smaller kitchen
"...Did I miss something, or did anchorites make a comeback recently?" Sloth asked, standing in the foyer and looking around, one eyebrow raised.
"Anchorites don't leave their homes, dumbass," Wrath said as she went into the bathroom.
"Hermit, whatever," Sloth said. "This guy hardly has anything."
"And what he does have isn't even his," Greed added, emerging from his bedroom. "The TV, the pictures, his bedsprings- all second-hand gifts. He bought... his computer, from a friend, and the bathtowels from a thrift store. About the only things he paid full price for are his matress, his toiletries, and his food."
"And it's all healthy crap, too," Gluttony said from inside his refridgerator. "Not that it's *bad*- stir fry, fruits and veggies, lots of rice in the-"
"NO snacking, Gina," Pride interrupted as she looked at a picture hanging on the wall by the door.
"But I wasn't gonna-"
"And NO taking money from the change bowl, Gail."
"FOCUS, people," Pride said, turning from the photographs and looking at the apartment. "We're looking for any weaknesses he might have."
"Well, you'll get nothin' outta me," Lust said as she flopped over the back of the couch, letting one leg dangle to the floor as she laid there. "Not a single dirty magazine or porn DVD or anything. Place is clean as a convent. One of the good ones, even."
"Nothin' for me, either," Wrath said, leaning against the doorjamb to the bathroom. "No punching bags, no weapons- about the only thing he's got are his kitchen knives."
"Not a drop of chocolate in the place!" Gluttony wailed from the kitchen. "How can he *stand* it?"
Pride rubbed her temples again. "There has to be SOMEthing," she said. "Mortals just aren't this pure without a mark."
The apartment was irritatingly silent.
"...Does he have any relatives?" Envy ventured. "You know, that are better off...?"
"No," Pride said, shaking her head. "Only pictures of his parents, and a few friends whom he's taking no pains to appear better than."
"What about a girlfriend?" Lust asked, sitting up a bit. "Those are always an easy way to get to a mark."
"No," Pride started, "he-"
"Not yet, anyways," Sloth interjected from the bedroom.
Every head in the small apartment turned towards the bedroom door.
"...What do you mean, 'not yet'?" Pride asked.
"Come look," Sloth said, and after a quick shared glance the six demons crowded into the bedroom.

Sloth was sitting at Sid's desk, lazily clicking through the internet.
"Well?" Pride said as she stood behind Sloth, hands on her hips.
"Take a look," Sloth said, clicking on one windown and bringing it to the foreground.
"" Pride asked.
"Oooh!" Lust squealed. "That's one of those internet thingies for hookups! Don't tell me he's actually trying to get a *relationship* out of that place?"
"Says he just signed up last night," Sloth offered.
"...On a gift certificate his co-worker gave him," Greed added. "Doesn't this guy pay for *anything*?"
"Like you do?" Wrath shot from where she leaned against the doorjamb.
"There's a difference," Greed sniffed. "I'm frugal. This guy's just cheap."
Pride rolled her eyes. "So, who does he have lined up?" She asked.
"No one, yet," Sloth said.
"Oooh, I wish I could be put in there!" Lust said. "Who knows how many-"
"Lucy," Pride interrupted, "could it be that that spark of brilliance was intentional?"
"What?" Lust asked, confused.
"Sally," Pride said, "pick up that computer."
"The whole thing?" Sloth asked, turning in her seat.
"No, just the viewing screen," Pride said, sliding her left hand over her right index finger. When she removed her hand, the finger was silvered and clawed, reverted to its demonic shape. Sloth turned the bottom of the screen toward Pride, and she carved a pentagram into the base with her claw. As she finished the carving, the pentagram glowed red momentarily before vanishing.
"All right," Pride said as Sloth put the computer back down. "Everybody out. Nothing moved, changed, or especially *Stolen*," she said, glaring at Greed. "Everything back the wy it was."

* * *

"So what's the plan?" Sloth asked as she got in the limousine after Pride.
"If he does not or will not succumb to outside temptations," Pride said, "We will subject him to internal ones."
"By messing with his toys?" Wrath asked, brow arched as she folded her arms over herself.
"I know! I know!" Lust said, bouncing in her seat. "We're gonna enchant his little screen-thing so we can set ourselves up on dates with him!"
"Indeed," Pride said. "And once we've gotten-"
"Dibs! Dibs!" Lust said, waving her hand up as high as the limousine's ceiling allowed.
"Yes, Lucy, I will allow you the honor of the first attempt," Pride said, rolling her eyes before continuing. "Once we've gotten to know Mr. Graham, to learn his innermost thoughts and desires, then we will find a weakness."
Pride smiled as the limousine pulled away from the curb.
"And then his soul is ours."
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Unread 03-01-2009   #99
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Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices

I'm starting up a new post here because I've started something new. Soy and I have been working on personifying the virtues in both their heavenly and human forms just like we did the sins. So I'm going to start posting them up!

Courage/Carol: Here is Courage. Though smaller in build and weaker in physical strength, she never backs down from a fight, as shown by the numerous scars littering her body. She has a long and grueling history with the vice of Wrath. However, the tailspike of Wrath's that Courage wears around her neck is evidence of the fact that Wrath has never defeated her in a fight. Courage's strength of determination keeps her coming back for more regardless of her body's well being.

We chose to use a mongoose for her major animal characteristics. A mongoose being as small as it is and yet being strong enough to take on venomous snakes displays a proper amount of courage. Her halo 'wings' are modeled after tree trunks for their solid, unbending commitment to where they stand, and the wings I took from a rooster for its bold and at times reckless behavior and for its symbolism to courage.

Devotion/Donna: Devotion is one of the largest and strongest of the virtues, though she hates fighting. In point of fact, she's not even very good at it- Devotion can't defend herself very well. It's only in the defense of others that she finds the strength to face any challenge, and once she's between a friend and an enemy, few forces on earth can weaken her resolve to protect those she cares about.

The most obvious trait besides her size are her bear-like characteristics. This was decided upon because of how devotedly and aggressively protective a mother bear is of her cubs.

Her second animal, or insect, is a bee. That won a spot due to their sacrificial nature in protecting what's important to them.

The blue shade creeping across her skin was derived from the phrase "A true, blue friend".

The flowers are Heliotropes. Among the many symbolisms of flowers, Heliotropes stand for devotion.

Lastly, her halo is derivative from shields. A simple nod to their purpose of protection and defense.

Humility/Helen: This girl took two birds to her design. A swan and a bluebird.

Bluebirds are generally symbolized with happiness but contributing to that with fulfillment and modesty.

Swans are beautiful birds and we wanted to Humility to be beautiful, both in her curves and in her inhuman portions, so it would be a more painfully difficult task for her to remain humble. We used a swan because of their beauty and because of their habit of hiding their faces when they sleep. The swan is also where she gets her black 'eyeshadow' from.

Violets are a flower representing humility due to how low to the ground they grow and how they naturally droop, so we have violets adorning her tabard.

Lastly, as her halo wings we chose closed eyes as kind of 'looking away from oneself' statement.
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Unread 03-02-2009   #100
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Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices

Oh hey.

I had no idea Soy had that story up... Apparently nobody else did either.

I dig.
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Unread 03-02-2009   #101
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Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices


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Unread 03-03-2009   #102
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Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices

Originally Posted by Gobosan1 View Post
Impressive works Stair, the forearms always seem to throw me off though
something about the elbows it think
Hm, yeah? If you see anything totally off on my anatomy or anything, feel free to point it out.

Go back to my last post and you'll see I've added up Devotion and her human counterpart, Donna.
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Unread 03-14-2009   #103
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Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices

After a little bit of time, I've just uploaded Humility and her human counterpart right here:
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Unread 03-17-2009   #104
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Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices

I'm going to set this right here so as to not interrupt the virtues.

This is the title picture to the second chapter that Soy has written. Have you read it yet?

EDIT: The pic to Chapter 3 is up! The chapter is in the post right below mine!

EDIT: Famine, one of the four horsewomen of the Apocalypse is up!
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Last edited by hmmm!; 04-30-2009 at 07:08 PM.
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Unread 04-14-2009   #105
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Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices

Here's the third part of the story- sorry it took so long! ^^;


Sid and the Girls

Part 3: Lucy

"Okay Sid, you're good to go," the manager said as he finished counting out the register and writing down the tally on his notepad.
"Thanks Mr. Kim," Sid said, waving his package of snow peas in a goodbye as he headed for the back of the store, already undoing the knot in the back of the apron with his free hand.
"Bye, Sid," Linda waved as Sid popped into the small break room to hang his apron next to the others on the wall.
"See you tomorrow, Linda," Sid waved back. "Tell your dad not to work too hard- the inventory sheets will still be there tomorrow."
"If the whole world was as relaxed as you, Sid..." Linda called after him.
Sid smiled as he left the store, retracing the familiar path back to his apartment. He thought back to this morning when he'd seen a limousine pass by as he was just reaching the bottom of the stairs, which was unusual for this neighborhood. Maybe some rich tourist? Sid shrugged; if they had the money for it, more power to them, he guessed. As he crossed the street, he started going over the ingredients and preperation for the stir-fry he was planning on cooking that night, his mouth watering slightly at the thought of the lean beef, sliced carrots, and the snow peas he was even now carrying. His upstairs neighbor had showed him how to cook it after he'd helped her move some heavy furniture up the stairs.
As he tromped up the rickety wooden stairs, retrofit with OSHA-approved tack strips across the edges, he could hear his phone ringing from inside his apartment. He quickly fumbled the key into the lock, dashing for the phone in his bedroom. He dove for his bed, picking up the receiver and rolling onto his back in one fluid motion.
"Hello?" He asked.
"G-mannnn!" The voice on the other end drawled out. "Whassup?"
"Hey Kevin," Sid said, putting the pack of snow peas on his chest as he lay on his bed. "Just got off work. Made me run up the stairs to get to you in time."
"Maybe if you got a cell phone like the rest of the modern world this wouldn't be a problem," Kevin chided.
Sid ahrugged, the package of beas rocking back and forth on his chest as he spoke. "I dunno. I mean, most people in the world don't even have electricity, much less telephones, much less cellular phones."
"Dude, I don't see you taking your 'Think of the children' nonsense when you've got a refirdgerator and a microwave," KEvin retorted.
"Well hey, I've gotta *eat*," Sid said.
"No, what you've gotta do is go *out* to eat, like with a woman." He said.
"Kev, not this again-"
"Did you set up your profile yet?" He asked.
"Yeah, I set it up. But-"
"Did you check it yet?" Kevin pressed.
"Come on, man, I just set it up last night!" Said asked as he rolled off the bed, catching his peas before they hit the floor and setting them on top of his dresser as he made his way to the computer. "Noe one's gonna... uh..." Sid trailed off as he pulled his chair out and sat at his desk, the computer screen dark but the tower humming steadily.
"Gonna what?" Kevin prodded.
"Uh, gonna have picked me out of all the people on the dumb service in one day," he finished, his brow furrowing as he turned the monitor on. He could have sworn he hadn't turned the computer on this morning, and he always turned it off at the end of the night...
"Well hey, you never know!" Kevin said from the other end of the line. "It's the internet, man, anything can happen!"
"Yeah..." Sid said, leaning back in his chair and cradling his phone in his shoulder as he reached for the mouse.
"Well, whatever," Kevin said. "Lemme know if you get any bites?"
Sid laughed. "Sure thing, Kevin. Catch you later?"
"Right on," Kevin finished. "See ya!"
"See you," Sid said, hanging up the phone and tossing it on his bed as he fired up his internet browser and went to check on his messages. If nothing else it would placate KEvin for a few days.

To Sid's surprise, there was indeed a new message for him, beyond the regular confirmation, here's your password gobbledygook- from a woman named "Lucy Ferraro."
"Hey there, hot stuff! Heard you were looking for a good time- when are you available? I attached a picture to tide you over 'till then."
Sid clicked on the attachment, and he did a double-take when the picture loaded onto the screen. She was beautiful, maybe the most beautiful woman Sid had ever seen, honey-blonde-hair spilling down past perfectly toned arms and a pair of perfect breasts that no plastic surgeon on earth could hope to emulate, all the way down to sculpted abs and a waist that would have to gain several inches to be considered wasp-waisted.
The red dress, slit to the hip and v-necked past her navel, left virtually nothing to the imagination, and Sid was having a hard time not imagining them. He pushed back from the computer, rubbing his eyes.
"It's gotta be a trick," Sid said to himself. "Kevin's idea of a joke. No one that beautiful is ona second-rate dating site." As Sid reached for the mouse to close the message, the indicator light under the (supposed) woman's name flickered, indicating she was online. Even as Sid contemplated seeing about calling out "Lucy" on this sham, a message window flicked, with Lucy's name at the top.
"So, you get my message yet? See my picture? See anything you like?"
Sid barked out a laugh. "You're quite direct, aren't you?"
"Only way to be," She responded. "So, you seeing anyone right now? Or at least, anyone that would mind a third?"
Sid shook his head. There was no way this wasn't a put-on. "No, I'm not seeing anyone right now. Why, you wanna talk?"
"Talk?" She asked. "Who cares about talk! Let's go out!"
"When?" Sid replied, shaking his head.
"Right now!" She said. "I live in San Francisco, too!"
Sid arched his brow; too good to be true. But, if it was a setup, at least he'd know soon.
"Okay, sure," he typed. "Where do you live?"
All he got in response was a window popping up on his screen, asking if it was okay to give Sid's address to the person he was talking to. Sid clicked "Yes", though he couldn't remember seeing that when he'd been filling his information out the night before.
"Great!" Lucy replied. "I'll be there soon!"
Before Sid could make any kind of follow-up, she'd already signed off, and it took him a few minutes to realize he needed to get ready for a date.

* * *

The knock came when Sid was just buttoning his shirt, hair still slighly damp from his shower.
"Coming!" he called as he fidgeted the last button on the shirt into its appropriate hole. He made one last futrive look around his apartment, making sure nothing was at least obviously messy. But in the back of his head, he still expected to see a clown or one of his friends from work or some other physical punchline-
Sid's train of thought screeched to a halt as he opened the door and saw Lucy standing there. In an instant he knew that this was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen in the flesh, probably ever would see. She practically shimmered, every square inch of her body unblemished and perfectly sculpted, every strand of hair cascading down as though a waterfall of liquid gold frozen in time. Sid's mouth had barely dropped open in shock when Lucy had swooped in to kiss him passionately, wrapping both arms around him and pressing close, her soft, pliant flesh pressing into him. Sid inhaled sharply, and Lucy's scent intoxicated him, the heady aroma making him weak in the knees and quite rigid elsewhere. Sid's eyes threatened to roll back in his head, but with a herculean expenditure of will he was able to wrestle his arms free of Lucy's grip and detatch himself from her.
"Need to come up for air?" Lucy said, licking her lips.
"I, uh, wow..." Sid replied, coughing once. He could still taste her tongue inside his mouth, an almost sweet sensation that lingered, begging for another dose. "So, uh, you're Lucy?"
"What, the picture didn't tip you off?" She said, striking the same pose she had in her photo, cheast heaving forward, rear thrust back to part the slit in her dress scandalously. Sid couldn't help but notice the lack of any sort of undergarments beneath the slit of her dress. It seemed that besides the black lacy hose she had on, the red dress was the only thing covering her, and only barely at that.
"I just... wow," Sid said, still somewhat awetruck.
"So, what do you wanna do tonight...?" Lucy said, grinning lecherously as she took a step towards Sid, her hips swaying side to side tantalizingly.
"Uh, I was thinking dinner...?" Sid replied, taking a step back.
"Dinner?" Lucy asked, pouting.
"Well, uh, I was gonna cook some-"
"Cook?" She repeated, tilting her head looking at Sid with a contorted expression like he'd grown another head.
"Well, I mean, I've already got-"
"Nah, no cooking. Come on, I know just the place," She said, grabbing Sid's hand and pulling him towards the door.
"Well, I don't really-"
"My treat," She said, spinning and planting another kiss on Sid's mouth. "Unless... you'd like to skip dinner?" She asked as she pulled away.
"Dinner's good!" Sid said, grabbing his orange and blue jacket from the the peg near the door with his free hand as he headed for the door, now Dragging Lucy along.
"Aw..." She said as she closed the door behind her. "I shouldn't've given you the choice..."

"So, where are we going?" Sid asked as they headed out of chinatown.
"Oh, just this place I know around here," Lucy said as she squeezed up next to him, her arm curled around his. "Somewhere I like to come in whenever I'm in town."
"I... thought you were local?" Sid asked, trying not to think about the way she was pressing his arm into the side of her bosom or the smell that seemed to seek him out from the flower in her hair.
"Oh, I'm local to lots of places," She said. "I like to travel a lot."
"And, uh, what do you do...?"
"Oh, this and that..." She said, her hip swinging to give Sid a playful bump.
Sid coughed, his face flushing. "Um, kinda chilly for that tonight, isn't it?" He asked, scratching his head and looking across the street.
"Oh, I'm fine," Lucy said, waving off his concerns, "Though you're right, it is a bit... nippy tonight," She said, giving a tug on his arm and grinning when Sid looked and noticed with a renewed flush that the cold bay air had caused Lucy's nipples to press prominently against the red fabric of her dress. Sid coughed and looked away, and Lucy snickered.

Inwardly, though, Lust fumed. She was trying every trick she knew how to try, and yet Sid wasn't even close to breaking. He was interested, at least- she'd felt it on that first kiss- but the kid had the self-restraint of a monk. Maybe a little local encouragement would get him in the mood.
"Wait a sec," Lucy said, stopping and letting go of Sid's arm.
"What's the matter?" Sid asked, turning to Lucy.
"I- I- Ahhh..." She said, putting a finger to her nose. She inhaled several more times, her breasts straining against the fabric of her dess before she finally bent forward in a terrific sneeze.
"Oh, I'm sorry," She said, rubbing her nose. "Don't know what came over me..."
"No, it's okay," Sid said. "You need a kleenex or something?"
Lucy was fine- in point of fact, the sneeze was completely facetious- but Lust had used the stalling time to digorge an enormous amount of her "perfume" from the flower in her hair. With any luck, they'd be seeing it before too long.
"So you're sure?" Sid asked one last time.
"Yeah, I'm just fine," Lucy said. "Let's keep going, we're almost there."

* * *

"wow, there's another one!" Sid whispered to Lucy, looking at a couple leaned against the side of a shop kissing passionately.
"Oooh..." Lucy cooed, pressing even tighter against him. "Isn't it romantic?"
"'Romantic' isn't quite the word I'd use..." Sid said. "He looks like he's trying to eat her tonsils."
"Come on!" She said, playfully slapping his shoulder with her free hand, "I think it's hot that two people can be so attracted to each other they just can't help it."
Lust smiled. Her perfume was working exactly as intended- people everywhere were being more affectionate, the scent of her perfume driving them wild with sexual energy.
"Bwurrgh..." Sid said, suddenly, twisting his head away from the street and controting his face into a mask of disgust. Lucy looked over his shoulder and saw two men in drag almost feverishly groping one another and kissing.
"Well, maybe not *exactly* as intended..." Lust thought, rolling her eyes in frustration.
"Oh, hey, we're here!" Lucy said, stopping and pointing at the restaurant.
"What... seriously?" Sid asked, turning to Lucy to see if she was poking fun at him.
"What?" Lucy said as she dragged Sid towards the door. They've got great wings here."
"Like that's what anyone goes here for..." He muttered, his face flushing as Lucy dragged him to the host's podium. The waitress did a bit of a double take at the sight of Lucy, even her respectable bust paling in comparison to Lucy's Prodigious curves.
"Uh... two?" She asked, finally able to meet Lucy's eyes.
"That'd be great," Lucy said, smiling as she began emmitting a more potent perfume from her flower. "And this time, no screw-ups," Lust thought as she followed the waitress to their table, little more than a pair of high-backed bar stools with a tall table between them.
"Can I start you off with any drinks?" She asked as Sid pulled a menu from the holder in the middle of the table.
"Screwdriver," Lucy said. "Double."
"Can I see your ID?" She asked as she wrote on her pad.
"Honey, do *these* belong to a kid?" She asked, cupping her hands under her breasts and heaving them up towards the waitress.
"Uh... well... I... uh..." She replied, mesmerized by the expanse of creamy flesh hefted into her line of sight.
"C'mon..." Lucy teased, jiggling them up and down with each hand.
"S-So... for you, sir?" She stammered, turning to Sid, her face crimson.
"...Water, please," Sid said, feeling a little flushed himself. The waitress nodded and wandered off, looking a little dazed.
Lust smiled as she readjusted her dress, snugging both sides of her plunging neckline tightly to her bosom. Her perfume was already working- every waitress who walked by, and soon every woman in the restaurant, would notice their clothes becoming increasingly ill-fitting in all the right ways. Not to be outdone herself, Lust gave her own endowments a little nudge, her breasts snugging a little tighter against her dress, her hips and butt spilling a little more generously out of the slit in her dress.

"So, ah are you always like this?" Sid asked.
"Like what?" Lucy asked, putting her elbows on the table. She steepled her fingers before letting her hands fall, her chin resting on the hammock of her crisscrossed fingers.
"Well, you know..." He started, fiddling with the ittle paper triangle describing the new specials. "The- the kissing, and the groping, and all that..."
"Well why not?" She asked, giggling. Lucy looked behind Sid and saw a waitress surrepetitiously tugging at her tanktop and knew she was being affected by her perfume, causing her grin to widen.
"Well, I mean, you didn't even know me, really, and-"
"And what better way to *get* to know you?" Lucy asked. "From that one kiss, I was able to learn that you've kissed like that before- but not often- and that you're one of those shy, talk-before-touch types I find so incredibly cute."
"Well, is it so bad to want to talk to someone first?" Sid asked, nodding his thanks as the waitress delivered his water.
"Not *Bad*," Lucy said as she took her drink and wrapped her lips around the straw, sucking down half the tall glass's contents in a single go. "It's just... a waste of time. All this 'talking' and 'getting to know you' nonsense is like trying to know what a place looks like by having them describe it to you. If you wanna *know* someone, I mean really *know* them, you do it through your skin and your tongue and your nose, not through yapping at each other all day."
The waitress came and took their orders, and Sid thought about what Lucy had said. It all sounded nice, but he couldn't shake the feeling there was something more to it than that.
"Hey," Lucy said, stopping the waitress as she turned away.
"Yes?" She asked, smiling nervously.
"Why are your hose so dark?" Lucy asked.
"E-excuse me?" The waitress said, looking down and back up.
"You've got thighs that could crush a linebacker to death," Lucy said, hands on her hips, "and he'd love every second of it. Why cover them up? Be proud of those big, juicy ham hocks!" She exclaimed, raching down to give a slap against the side of the Waitress' leg, the flesh rippling clear across to the other leg.
"Uhm... th-thank you...?" The waitress said, turning crimson again and walking briskly to the kitchen. As Sid watched her go, he noticed her discretely tug at the hem of her jean shorts. He knew this place had a skimpy dress code, but their waitress seemed to be particularly... qualified in that department, the bottom curve of her rear seeping out from under the tight confines of her shorts. Sid wondered why he hadn't noticed such a prodigious posterior earlier, but mentally chided himself for noticing it in the first place while on a date. Although, the other side of his internal conversation suggested, Lucy certainly didn't seem like the jealous type.
"So what're you thinking about?" Lucy asked, causing Sid to flush.
"Oh... nothing," He said, looking at the flower Lucy had in her hair.
"Liar. I saw you checking out her ass," She said, grinning. "Not that I blame you. It's a nice ass."
Sid laughed, flushing a bit as he shook his head. "So- so what is it with you? I've never met anyone who was so... so..."
"Sexually liberated?" Lucy asked, arching a brow as she twirled her straw between her fingers.
"Well, I don't know if that's how I'd put it..."
"Why not? It's the best way," she said, smiling. She scooted forward in her seat, breasts bouncing on the table as she leaned into the lip of the table. Sid tried not to stare as Lucy's bosom seemed to billow against the confines of her dress, making him greatful for the table obscuring his lower half.
"Look," Lucy said, focusing Sid's attention back to her face, "You only get one shot through life, so why not enjoy it? I mean, some people try and find happiness through buying a bunch of dumb stuff- fancy cars, fancy homes, all that nonsense, and it's a load of crap. All you need for a happy life is your own body, and someone who knows how to share it with you. Or, failing that, at least the proper accessories to do it yourself," She said, wagging her eyebrows at Sid. While Sid cringed behind his hands, Lucy snuck a peek at the waitresses, seeing a pair of them comparing bustlines and looking more than slightly perturbed as their tank tops slowly became less and less baggy. Lucy grinned; with so much forbidden fruit on display it was only a matter of time before Sid cracked.
"What about your dress?" He asked, pulling Lucy back into the present.
"What about it?" She asked, looking down. Aside from being pleased by the size of her bosom (Still bigger than even the swelling racks of the waitresses) she didn't notice anything wrong with it.
"Well, you were just saying how money wasn't important, but that didn't come from a trift store..." He said.
"Well hey, a good work of art deserves a nice frame," she said, sitting straight up, he breasts dragging off the table and wobbling as they came to rest against her ribcage. "What would be the point in having these babies covered under a raggedy sweater?"
"Well, there's the whole 'forbidden fruit' thing..."
Lucy burst out laughing, the shaking causing her breasts to shake violently in their flimsy confines. Sid's eyes bugged as he watched the ripples of her torso radiate back and forth across her breasts, the individual shakes and jiggles cascading over one another like ripples in a bathtub. They weren't that big before, were they? Was his mind playing tricks on him? Sid tore his eyes away, focusing on the menu with all his willpower.
"Oh, man, I never get tired of that one," Lucy said, wiping her eyes. "Do they sell cars with tarps over them? DO they display jewelry behind frosted glass? So why put these-" She grabbed her breasts tightly, the soft flesh pushing through the gaps in her fingers- "behind a bunch of clothes? If you got it, flaunt it, and I got it!"
Just then the waitress returned, and Sid turned to her, greatful to have anything else to look at besides Lucy's arguably perfect bosom.
"I think we're ready to... ah... order...?" Sid asked, staring at their waitress. She was positively enormous now, her breasts straining against the straps of her tank top, cleavage billowing out of the neckline.
"Eh, what can I get you tonight?" She said, smiling nervously. Sid noticed that the straps of the girl's bra had been undone, the elastic insufficient for the task of covering her gigantic bosom.
"Yeah, Sid," Lucy said, leaning forward and bridging her fingers together like she had previously, her breasts nearly entirely filling the space between her elbows. "See anything you like?"
"C-ceasear salad, please," Sid said, backing away from the table. "Excuse me, where's the restroom?"
"Down that way," The waitress said, pointing with her pen. Sid briskly but stiffly walked through the restaurant, leaving Lucy to finish her order.

"Damn, she's good," Greed said, thumbing through the pearls in one of her necklaces as she lounged on a futon in the viewing room. The other Sins were all gathered around Pride's viewing mirror, watching Lust work on Sid. At the moment they were looking through the mirror of the men's bathroom, as Sid splashed his face with cold water.
"Maybe too good," Gluttony said, her tail cheerfully munching its way through a bowl of candy. "If he drives the kid crazy before he commits he'll just get locked up in a loony bin."
"Amd those are way too hard to get into to get any wok done," Sloth added.
"I don't know why she didn't just jump his bones when he opened the door. A few minutes with her legs wrapped around his ass and we'd be done already," Wrath said, pacing behind the row of seats.
"Lust did as much as she was able," PRide said, staring intently at her viewing mirror. "Any further would have crossed the line. She can't force a sin on him- only tempt."
"Bunch of sissy tip-toeing crap..." Wrath muttered, cracking her knuckles.
"You'd rather go against Father's commands?"
Wrath hauled to a stop, the room momentarily silent save for the munching of Gluttony's tail.
"No," Wrath said, folding her arms and turning away. "Obviously. Just pisses me off."
"Still, you gotta give the kid credit," Greed said. "He's managed to tough it out so far. Most guys with Lust giving them the ninth degree would have either dragged her to the utility closet by now."
"Maybe he's gay?" Gluttony asked.
"Are you kidding? Look at his face," Greed laughed. "Poor kid's so turned on he can barely *Stand* it."

Sid stared wide-eyed into the mirror, looking to see if there was something in his eyes or if he was twitching or any other symptom of neurological breakdown. She wasn't that big when she kissed him, was she? The waitresses- they weren't that big when they walked in, right? Was he cracking up? He splashed more cold water on his face, willing calm the furious beating of his heart. He felt tired, dazed almost, as though the very act of becoming so thoroughly aroused had exhausted him. He grabbed a handful of paper towels and dried his face off, conviced he was imagining things- that, or his date had LSD in her lipstic and he was legitimately hallucinating. Sid exited the bathroom, and halted in his tracks as a waitress brushed past him, literally brushed, as her breasts now exceeded the width of her torso. Sid took a shuddering breath and shook his head, walking as quickly as he could to his table, staring at the floor most of the way there.
"Our food arrived!" Lucy cheerfully announced as Sid sat down opposite her. "Look at all this meat!"
Sid looked, but it wasn't the sampler plate of ribs and buffalo wings he thought Lucy was referring to. He knew, he *knew*, somewhere in the rational part of his brain, that there was no possible way on earth that the two huge, gravid spheres hanging off Lucy's chest were the same two that had pressed against him earlier in the night, but it was drowned out by the riotous shouting from his hindbrain that they were the most beautiful, perfect breasts he'd ever seen in his life and that questioning them was an affront to everything it meant to be a man. Sid clamped his eyes shut, groping blindly for his fork, opening his eyes once he found it and noisily stabbing his salad with it, the tines clanking against the bottom of his plate. Sid's whole head felt like it was flushed nearly the the point of spontaneous combustion, anything he could do to avoid thinking about or looking at any of the females in the restaurant-
Sid's thoughts were interrupted by a spare rib intruding into his field of view, Lucy waving it around under his face.
"Yooo-hooo," she cooed. "I'm over here."
Sid coughed. "S-sorry, I-"
"You make all your dates feel this welcome?" Lucy asked, leaning on one elbow while she twirled the rib in the air with the other.
"N-no, I mean-"
"Here, watch this," Lucy said as she sat us straight, her breasts shaking as they slid jerkily across the table. "Little trick I learned." Lucy opened her mouth wide, sticking the entire rib into her mouth until she closed her lips around her fingertips. She slowly pulled the rib out, the lips and tongue working as inch after inch of stark white bone came out, until finally she pulled the glistening bone completely from her mouth, not a scrap of meat left on it. A few chews, and Lucy swallowed the mouthful of pork, letting out a showy "Ahhhh!" before giggling and winking at Sid. "Neat, huh?"
Sid just stared slack-jawed, his hand resting in his salad. Before he could think of a way to respond, Lucy looked down with a start.
"Oh!" she exclaimed. "I spilled a little!"
Sid swallowed hard as he followed Lucy's gaze to a dollop of red barbecue sauce slowly sliding down the front of her left breast. "Just a sec," Lucy said as she grabbed the underside of her breast with both hands (she needed both hands?!) and hefted the quivering sphere up to her face, where she bent down an dslowly, langoriously licked the errant drop of sauce up, leaving a glistening streak of breastflesh fron her collarbone nearly to her nipple. Lucy looked up at Sid and giggled as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
"Check please!" Sid blurted out at the fist obscenely hourglassed witress that passed, his voice cracking.

"By the Acheron, I think she's getting *me* hot," Greed cooed, petting the side of her breast with her lower right hand.
"She's coming on too strongly," Pride said, arms crossed over her chest. "She's attracting too much attention." PRide turned her head to Greed as the gold-hued demoness arched her eyebrow. "The wrong *kind* of attention."
"He looks very unhappy..." Envy said, higging her legs to her chest as she sat on her bench.
"Poor kid thinks he's losing it," Greed said. "Lust pumped everyone so full of mojo it's like something from the Id's greatest hits in there. Too perfect to be real."
"Well, it looks like- gulp- like they're leaving, anyway" Gluttony said, between taking swigs from a bottle of chocolate syrup.

Sid nearly stumbled out of the restaurant, taking a deep breath of the cool night air. He was so warm he expected steam to rise off his skin, nearly panting as he stood bent over, hands on his knees. He heard Lucy's heels clicking on the stairs behind him, and shut his eyes.
"Is everything okay, Sidney?" Lucy asked.
"Yeah, I-" Sid said, standing up and flinching as his head ran into the underside of Lucy's breasts. "S-sorry..." he stammered, rubbing the spot o his head where he'd ran into her bosom as if rubbing the indecency away. Sid stole a glance back inside the restaurant, and saw a nrvous-looking waitress walk awwardly past the front window, trying to get her tank top to cover a pair of breasts that hung down to her navel.
"I just... let's go," Sid said, putting a hand to his head and shaking it as he walked down the sidewalk.
"What's the matter?"Lucy asked, threading her arm around Sid's and presing close to him once more. Sid didn't even need to look; whereas before he was merely pressing into her soft breasts, now they completely overflowed his arm, their firm yet pliable weight juddering against his bicep with every step.
"I just... I mean..." Sid started, unwilling to fully vocalize the insanity of the restaurant.
"What?" Lucy asked as they kept walking.
"Did you... notice anything, like... wierd in there?" He finally asked.
"Wierd?" Lucy said, tilting her head and looking at Sid. "Like what?"
"Like... I dunno," Sid said, scratching his head with his free hand. "Like, something not being... the right size, I guess?"
"I think I read somewhere that thinking about something all the time makes it more recognizable to your brain, makes it more prominent," Lucy said. "Why? What was it?"
Sid's ears burned. He couldn't say it- but it really happened, didn't it? He wasn't just seeing things, not when he brushed past that witress by the bathrooms, he felt the outer curve of her bosom squish past his abdomen... But what would any woman think about hearing such a lurid tale, especially on a date?
"Y'know, nevermind," Sid said, laughing nervously. "Let's just enjoy the moon and the cool weather."

* * *

"So, what do you want out of life, Lucy?" Sid asked as they crossed the street.
"Oh, what everyone wants, I think," Lucy said. "The exploration of the senses, to feel everything there is to feel. You only get one trip through life, so why not make the most of it?"
"And, uh, a lot of that is physical, I guess...?" Sid asked.
"Of course. IT's the most honest, I think. Food is cooked, drugs are prepared, everything is made synthetic or altered or something, but the human body is just how it is and should be." Lucy made a face. "Except for implants and plastic surgery. I just don't get that, you can be flat as a board or three hundred pounds and still be a great lover. It's all about the effort you put into it."
"So, I'm guessing you've put a lot of effort into it?" Sid ventured.
"You know it!" She said, grinning. "ooh! Let's stop in here for a second!" She said, disentangling herself from Sid and walking through the tinted doors. Sid looked up at the sign and balked at the pink neon proudly decorating "The Fuzzy Handcuffs- Erotic Boutique."
Taking a deep breath, Sid followed Lucy into the store. Lucy was busily thumbing through the racks of clothes, though Sid used the term only in its loosest sense.
"Uh, what're you looking for?" Sid ventured, dreading the answer.
"Oh, just something a little more comfortable," She said, turning to Sid and giving him a sly wink. "And perhaps a teensy bit more revealing..."
Sid wondered how it could get any more revealing, but after what heppened in the restaurant he willed his mind's eye to not explore that avenue lest he embarrass himself.
"So, uh, when you said 'it's all about the effort', what exactly were you...?"
"Experience," She said, tossing a garment over her arm and moving to another rack. "Learning and bettering oneself through trial and error."
"So, I guess you're not one of those 'save yourself for marriage' types?" Sid ventured, his cheeks flushing.
Lucy threw her head back in riotous laughter, the shaking of her chest causing her breasts to bounce up and down almost hypnotically.
"Ohhhh, me," She said, still giggling as she wiped tears from her eyes. "Heh. Uh-huh. Heh. Man." She inhaled sharply, tossing her hair back and regaining her composure. "No matter how many times I hear that one it's still funny."
Sid flushed even further. "Well, some people-"
"Listen, lover-boy," Lucy said, sidling up the Sid and putting an arm over his shoulders. "If you've never had ice cream, and someone tells you how great vanilla is, are you really gonna decide to have vanilla and only vanilla off of that the rest of your life?"
"I don't-"
"And what's more, you're only ever gonna serve vanilla with an ice cream scoop? Never try serving it with a spatula or chopsticks or anything other than the plain, boring way?"
Sid tried to take a step back, but Lucy moved with him like a dancer following her lead.
"I'll tell you I've had a more robust and rewarding experience than any married couple that 'Saved themselves' will ever have in their entire lives, I can guarantee you that. I've tried all 31 flavors, served every way you can think of and some you can't." Her head suddenly darted forward and she kissed Sid again, gently biting his lower lip between her teeth as she pulled away. "...Wouldn't you like to taste some of them?" She whispered.

Sid put a hand to his forehead as he took a breath, shivereing in his shoes. He was so turned on it hurt. For not the first time, Sid wondered if this woman was for real. No one could be that beautiful, that oozingly sexy and still be single, right? But then again, it sounded as though she went through men like other people did post-it notes. But she made it sound like she wanted him so badly- not just a man, but *him*.
"I just.. I wanted more of a relationship," Sid started as Lucy took another article from the rack.
"And we're having one, as soon as we get back to your place," Lucy said, holding up a leather bodice to her chest and turning to Sid. "How's this look?"
It was little more than a collection of straps and buckles, the cups comically small against Lucy's enormous chest. "Er... too small," Sid said. "Way, way too small."
"Yeah..." Lucy smiled, putting it over her arm with the rest.
"And, I mean, I wanted a relationship built on love, you know?" Sid said, trying to keep his thoughts straight despite an avalanche of hormones telling him to just shut up and enjoy the ride.
"Is there any purer love than two people sharing the most intimate act in the world?" Lucy retorted. "No chocolates, no flowers, none of that manufactured crap, just pure physical love?"
"But... that's not *love*," Sid srgued. "It's just sex, just carnal, physical... It's not love, it's *lust*."
Lucy squeaked and spun around, looking at Sid. Sid noticed that Lucy's expression seemed genuinely concerned, as her eyes darted to and fro as if being caught unaware at a pop quiz. Sid blinked in the dark store as Lucy appeared to be blushing, the color darkening not just her cheeks but her entire face.
"Is... what's wrong with-?"
"Oh! Hahaha!" she laughed, the exclamation sounding strained to Sid. "They must have just turned on the blacklights. Look at your face!"
Sid looked down at his hands, not noticing anything unusual on his skin, but by then Lucy had already turned around and was heading for the back of the store.
"I'm just gonna try some of these on real quick! Be right back!"
Sid looked up to Lucy, noticing that her dress seemed to be tenting strangely, like there was something underneath it that shouldn't be. She wasn't going to try and shoplift anything, was she? Well, he wouldn't let her leave without paying for anything she wanted; he could still think that clearly.

"Hells hells *hells*!" Lucy cursed as she dove into the dressing room. Her skin was indeed turning purple, and she could feel her tail and wings sprouting behind her even as her bosom billowed out of her dress, mashing into the walls of the tiny closet.
Lust cast about with her demonic senses, trying to feel the echoes of the sins in this place. They were there- stronger than most places- but still not enough to serve as a conduit to send someone like her as far as the 8th circle. She might make it to the Styx, but she certainly wasn't walking all the way home from Dis.
Lust tried to focus, but her wings and tail were really starting to pinch in the narrow confines of the dressing room, made even worse by the constant building pressure from the front as her enormous purple breasts resumed their original size. She knew she had no choice but to take the emergency exit.
"I didn't even get to have *one* of them..." She sighed as she was envelloped in flames and disappeared off the mortal realm.

Lust re-materialized on the back of a galloping horse, finding herself somewhere above the second or third circle of hell. In front of her was the torso of Famine, rising out of the front of the horse's body she was riding on.
"What the-?" The centauress exclaimed, twisting her torso around as her hooves beat a steady rhythm through the air.
"Ow! Watch where you're swinging that thing!" Lust exclaimed as the bone protruding out the back of Famine's emaciated elbow jammed into Lust's enourmous bosom.
"What- what are you doing back there?" Famine demanded, looking over her shoulder. Her hands hovered over her sash, where the last of her wheat, barley, oil and wine hung in jars and bottles.
"I got... well, I got cornered after having my name said and I had to disappear. There wasn't anywhere nearby with a portal, so..."
"So you took the emergency exit," Famine said, turning forward again. "Sheesh."
"Well hey, I was already turning!" Lust Pouted, crossing her arms under her enormous breasts. "What'd you expect me to do?"
"I don't know, not bother me?" Famine asked, sighing as she turned inward and began descending through the circles of hell in a wide arc. "I've got something of an important job here, you know."
"Oh, yeah, and I'm just on a joyride up in the mortal realm," Lust shot back.
Famine lifted up the scales she held in her right hand, seeing it drop completely to one side. "So it seems," She said, arching a brow. "What's so important up there that you've gotta go in person?"
"Some kid," Lust said, shaking her head, before letting out an exasperated sigh and throwing her hands in the air. "Some kid who I couldn't get to even think dirty about me when I was nearly back to my normal size!"
"Really?" Famine asked. "That's unusual."
"You're telling me! Lust exclaimed. "Like a rock, that kid. Hopefully the other girls will have more luck."
"Other girls?" Famine echoed. "There's more of you on this kid?"
"More? All of us!"
"Does he have a Mark?" Famine asked as they descended into the eigth circle, her bandages fluttering in the wind as she ran over the pits of the Malbolge.
"No, and that's what's so crazy," Lust said, folding her arms under her bosom again. "No mark or anything. ONly PRide knows what's up with this kid but of course she won't tell *us*..."
Famine shook her head. "What a boss to have..."
"Ah, I don't mind," Lust said as they arrived at the Vices' home, "So long as she lets me have my fun she can preen and posture however much she wants."
Famine's hooves finally touched ground, clopping along the rough stone walkway leading to the Vices' home until she stopped near the door.
"Thanks for the lift, darling," Lust said as she dismounted, rubbing her ponderous posterior where Famine's backbone had poked into it. "Good luck with that whole apocalypse thing," she said as her tail-mouth swished up and delivered a quick peck on Famine's lips.
"Yeah, well, I ain't holding my breath these days," Famine said, wiping her lips with the back of one bandaged hand, being careful not to disturb the stitches tying the corners of her mouth together. "Still, someone's gotta be ready to go."
"Well, if you're ever lonely, you know where I am..." Lust said, winking.
"Yeesh..." Famine said, rolling her eyes and shaking her head as she trotted off, eventually gaining speed and lifting into the air once more.
"Byeee!" Lust said, waving. Then she turned to the house, her mood souring as she anticipated reporting her failure to Pride.
"Gonna need my whole box of toys to feel better..." She grumbled as she pushed the door open and went inside.
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Unread 04-14-2009   #106
Hellstromm, Son of Satan
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Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices

I want to see a story where hmm's seven sinful girls meet the seven Hommonculli from "Full Metal Alchemist"...
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Unread 04-14-2009   #107
Process Disciple
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Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices

Why on earth would we ever sully our story with that crossover crap? -_-
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Unread 04-14-2009   #108
Hellstromm, Son of Satan
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Re: Curvaceous Cardinal Vices

Look at the seven Hommonculli's names...
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