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Unread 09-20-2022   #1
Process Master
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 741
AIDungeon Story: Guardian of Everdale

You are Sam Rookwood, a ranger living in the kingdom of Larion in the city of Everdale. You have been searching for a mystical beast for 3 days tracking it through the forest. As you crouch behind a clump of trees you see it. It's a brown bear about 15 feet away, it seems calm so you approach it with caution. You ready an arrow and approach the bear You shoot the bear with an tranquiliser arrow and it drops to the ground unconscious. You move closer and shoot it in the head with an arrow of your own. You place the bear's body over your horse and leave the forest. A strange old woman stops you "You have killed the forest guardian and you must suffer the consequences!" she casts a spell onto you. You feel your strength leaving your body and you fall to the ground unconscious. You awake in your bed and see a hooded figure standing over you. You get up and see that it's only your mum. "What happened to me?" you ask, your voice appears to be higher pitched.

"Uh, son......uh.." you father stammers

"You were hit with the curse of feminity." your mother says.

"I don't want to be a girl!" you yell. "It's too late." Your father tells you that you will have to live the rest of your life as a woman. Their may be a cure, "You need to quest to the city of Delphine and find the oracle. It's a dangerous journey, so take a sword and a bow. You may take a horse." Your father says, "But remember, boy or girl, you're still our child and we love you." They then embrace you and leave your room.

You have to go to the temple of delphine and find the oracle. The way is long and hard, you have to fight many things. You set out the next morning. A trouble making man appears, "You'd make a good slut Rookwood." He laughs. His sister slaps him hard and you laugh and head on your way. You stop for the night at the city of Coldwater. You make your way to the inn. You are given a room at the top of the building. As you head up the stairs you see a man that reminds you of the mage that cursed you but mage who cursed you was a woman. You speak to the man.

"You are cursed, I can tell." he chuckles, "What did you do to anger my sister in the forest?"

"I don't know what you mean." you lie

"Don't lie child, I can read your aura." he says, "You angered my sister, this spell has her signature on it."

You tell the truth, "The king tasked me to kill a great bear he feared."

The old man sucks on his pipe and nods, "You were tricked into killing the guardian beast? That would anger Agatha. But you appear to be unhurt, how did she curse you?"

"I used to be a man." you reply, blushing.

"Hmm, it could be worse. She usually transforms people into beasts." the old man says, "Alas, I cannot uncurse you, you do need the oracle. You should go into the inn and get some rest."

You thank the mage, and head into the inn. A room has been reserved for you. You head up the stairs and into the room. You sit down on the bed and think about what to do. A knock at the door interrupts you. You answer it. A woman is at the door, "Are you related to Sam Rookwood?" she asks. You nod, "I am." "I need to speak to hi,." she says. You step out of the room and let the woman in. She sits down, "But it's complicated, I'm not related. I am Sam Rookwood."

"But you're a woman." the woman says

"Clearly." you reply dryly

"I'm sorry. I was told Sam Rookwood has reserved a room and I needed help." she says again

"Look, I can help you. Just forget I was cursed into a woman and tell me what happened."
You tell the woman everything that happened. The journey to the temple of delphine, the trip there, meeting the oracle, and the quest to find the beast. She listens carefully and nods. "Then I woke up with boobs and no penis." you say sarcasticly. The woman laughs,

"You must have angered the magi somehow. The beasts must be protected, but the evil needs smiting, that's why I came to you." she gets up and walks out of the room. She returns with a sword and bow.

You pick up the sword and the hilt burns you hand. You scream and drop the blade. The woman laughs "Women's weapons burn." she says. I guess the curse doesn't change your aura."

You suck on your blistered finger and scowl. "Wait, let me try something." The woman said, and reads your aura. It glows black and then fades to white and then to red. "The aura says you're a woman. Try touching the sword again. That'll prove it. You gingerly pick up the sword by it's hilt. The hilt feels warm and inviting. You pick the sword up and take several practise swipes, the blade feels made for you. You put the sword down. You still feel like a woman. You run your fingers over your new chest and feel the absence of a man's privates. You look down and see that you are wearing a suit of light armour.

"You okay Sam?" The woman asks you. You nod.

You take a deep breath. You feel better already. You look at the woman, tall and slender with a decent figure and red hair.

"What's your name?" You ask

"Guardian Artemis of Bana-Mighal. You can call me Artemis." she replies

"You're an Amazon?" You ask impressed. The Amazons were a tribe of women warriors with only a small amount of men in the ranks. The men worked as traders. The Amazon women were ruthless fighters.

"I am an Amazon." she nods

You and Artemis continue your journey the next morning. You travel past the Amazon lands, several women warriors glance at you, they sense something off about how you walk. You smile at them, they nod back. You enter the city and Artemis escorts you to the queen.

"Who is this? This is most unorthodox Guardian Artemis." the queen said, "I asked you to find Sam Rookwood."

"This is him." Artemis said, "Well was him."

"I was hit with the curse of femininity." you explain.

The queen looks at you. "You have amazon blood." she says, "I must say, you're a lot stronger than most. We should get along swimmingly."

You nod, "What is it you needed me for?" you ask.

"Are you familiar with the mythos? The Nemeon Lion, the Hydra, the hind, the boar, the minotaur and the harpies?" the queen asked

You nod. You know all of those beasts. You're not exactly an expert on all of them, but you know enough to be dangerous. "I know how to kill the hydra." you say.

"How?" Artemis asked.

"Two ways, cut the heads and burn the neck to stop them regenerating or just hit the bastard with a fireball and blow the hydra to chunks." you reply.

"How did you defeat the minotaur?"

"I would a bow to kill the beast. Harpies attack the beast and distract it, I shot the arrow and killed it." you answer. "Most things I could take out with a poisoned arrow." you say,

"Poison is good against most things, but I know how to beat the harpies."

"If you fail the first time around, you become one of them." Artemis explains. You head to the harpies nest and drop poisoned meat. Hours later, the harpies are dead.

"Amazing." the queen said, "They slayed 10 of my bravest warriors."

"Sometimes attacking head on can be a mistake. Stealth and misdirection can work wonders." You reply.

"Good answer." Artemis says, "So you'll be fine. You can get rid of your cursed form if you defeat the minotaur." You nod, "Let's go." At the end of the week, you've slain every monster on the island, but the curse still holds.

"Why didn't it end?" You ask. "The minotaur was your most challenging fight, but you've slain every other beast. There's no reason why you should still be cursed." You shrug. You sit down in a chair.

Artemis appears, "Sam, I have bad news."

You frown, "What is it?"

"You can't break the curse." Artemis said sadly, "I did every ritual, every incantation I could think of. I failed."

You stand up, "What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry Sam." she said.

"Why, how can I not break the curse but others have done so? you ask, you're not even angry, just disappointed.

"It's because of your blood, either your mother or one of your grandmothers was an Amazon." she said, "Your Amazon blood has made the curse permanent."

You frown, "What does that mean?"

"It means you will always be a woman, and you will always be cursed." she said,

"Oh well, it could be worse. At least I'm beautiful." you joke

You spend several years learning the ways of the Amazons. You learn how to use a bow, sword, staff, and several other weapons more efficiently. You also learn how to use your body to defend yourself, specialising in martial arts. At the end of your training, the queen appoints you as Guardian Rookwood, Knight of Everdale.

After three years, you journey back home. As you arrive in your hometown, people stare in amazement. A tall women wearing a full suit of platemail armour means she is an Amazon.

You dismount your horse and walk up to your childhood home. Near your house, you see children play fighting with toy swords. One little girl is upset the boys won't let her join in as she hasn't got a toy sword. You take your own sword and break a branch off a tree, and give the small stick to the girl.

"For the Amazons!" you tell her. The child laughs and starts to practice sword fighting with the other children. You smile to yourself.

You knock on the door of your parents house. Your father answers.

"Hello Guardian, can I help you?" He asks. You remove your bronze helmet and he gasps in shock.

"Sam?" he says delighted, and pulls you in for a hug. You hug back, but in a very uncomfortable way.

"What are you doing here?" he asks, stepping back and looking at you.

"I finished my duty and I came to visit you." you reply.

"I see you're still a bit shocked by what happened to me?" you say, gesturing to yourself.

"Yes, it's a lot to take in." your father says. "But I'm just so happy to see you! You're my child." He walks away to call your mother. You sit down at the table, without your restrictive armour your breasts sag under your tunic and your long hair tumbles free. Your mother looks at you.

"Are you wearing lipstick? You unintentionally blush, "Yeah, I've been a woman for 5 years. I picked up a few little habits." you answer.

"You look beautiful Sam." your mother says, "I'm so glad you decided to come home."

"We have so much to catch up on, I haven't even told you about the city. The last 5 years have been a living hell."

"I spent two years helping the amazons with my friend Artemis, I fought several beasts to break the curse, but it was all for nothing." you say, "My grandmothers....was one of them an Amazon?" you ask

"No, I was born to the Amazons, but I left to forge my own destiny." Your father said, "Oh by the gods, is this my fault? Did my own Amazon blood transform you?" He pulls you into another hug. You feel terrible for your father, he blamed himself because he was of Amazon blood.

You sigh, "No, it wasn't your fault. It was mine." you say, "I killed the guardian beast and I cursed myself."

"BANDITS!" a voice screams, a tribe of cutthroats descends on the city. You put your armour back on and grab your weapons.

"Stay inside, all of you!" You tell your family. Your father herds them inside, "Barricade the doors!" Your brother races to the tree house and comes running out with a bunch of wooden toys. "Stakes!" he says, "I made some stakes!" You laugh and race over to him. You pick him up and carry him to the house, "Keep them safe Dad. I'll deal with the bandits."
Your father hugs you, "Guardian, stay safe." you say,
"I will." You stand in the middle of the town square, as the bandits approach.

"Your money or you life!" the chief defends. You laugh at him

"I have a better idea, why don't you take your flea ridden arse and get the hell out of here before I cut off your head and use it as a chamber pot? Otherwise I might let you live."

The chief laughs, "You think you can defeat us?" he asks, "I am the chief of the Bandits of Thelomen I am! Fionn Redwood at your service." he laughs

"I am Guardian Rookwood." You say. A few bandits shudder, "Oh, you've heard of me? I guess it would be too much to expect you to still be scared of me, after all you bandits were always big on bravery and small on brains. Unless you count your willys, then you're small on brains and small on size too."

A bandit rushes at you, you swing the Amazonian blade and slice his arm clean off.

"Is that all ye've got?" you laugh. The chief orders all of his 100 men to attack at once. You slay a good chunk of them without even breaking a sweat. You eventually take a hit, a crossbow bolt hits your chest, the bolt pieces your armour and sticks into your left breast.

"Are you fooking kidding me?" You ask, wincing, "Right in my titty?"

You pull the bolt back out, you dispatch more bandits til only a few are left. The archer surrenders, so you simple break his bow while the swordsman bows respectfully and drops his weapons. You address the chief "You will surrender if you know what's good for you." you demand"I will execute you if you don't." The chief refuses, and spits at you.

"So be it." You say. You hold your hands in front of the chief, "Forma Mulieris!" you shout, casting a spell at him.

"What did you do to him?" the archer asked.

"Forma Mulieris, the curse of femininity." You reply, "He's going to become a woman."

The chief roars in rage and transforms into a woman, "Oh my God, I won't become a woman." The chief screams in anguish,

"I name your archer as the new chief, as he looks older and wiser then you soldier." You say to the swordsman, "Take your former chief as a sex slave, but remember that the town of Everdale is protected by Guardian Rookwood."

The swordsman nods, and says "I understand." You sheathe your sword. You walk over to the archer.

"What's your name?" you ask. "My name is Steve the fleet-footed." the swordsman said, "As the new chief of the Thelomen, I swear fealty to you Guardian Rookwood."

You nod, Steve and the swordsman kisses your hand. "Why did the Thelomen attack Everdale?" You ask

"Desperation, pure and simple. Our lands are cursed, we cannot grow our own food. Our water wells are drying out." Steven said, "Chief Redwood said we needed to raid, just to live."

"I shall visit your lands, but first I need something done."

You see your brother, "Darian, ride to Bana-Mighal and speak to Guardian Artemis. Tell her Everdale and Thelomen call for help."

You approach the forest where it all begun, you stand at the site where you slayed the great bear.

"You're back." a voice said, you turn to face the woman who cursed you. You feel no anger, you're happy to see her again. "I have missed you." you say. She stands before you and you embrace her. You kiss her cheek "I'm happy now." You say,

"What happened child? The spell was supposed to wear off." the magi said, looking confused.

"Amazon blood." you reply

"Oh dear god...I didn't mean for that to happen." she says sadly, "In all honesty, I was just pranking you."

"Pranking me?" You ask

"The forest guardian is immortal, he's beside you right now." she says. You turn to see the great bear of the legend. You gently extend your hand and pet his muzzle, the bear groans in contentment. You turn back to the magi "You have nothing to apologise for. I'm happier now, my Amazonian blood allows me to do great feats." you say. You embrace the magi again. She whispers a chant, you feel your body become more powerful.

You're the strongest being on the planet, you're a goddess. You jump from the forest to the town in a single bound. You land in the middle of the village square, You feel your body shift, you feel the world around you shift. People look at you in awe. "I'll be right back." You say, sprinting to the Amazon Cidital, on the way you grab Darian and put him onto your shoulders, you run the fifty mile distance in an hour, whilst in full armour and carrying your brother. You arrive at the Amazon ciditial. "Sam, you're back?" Artemis says, "and you bought a friend?"

"This is my brother, Darian." you answer, "But I come with an urgent request. The Westlands are dying, bandit raids are attacking the city of Everdale."

Darian bows respectfully to the Amazons, "We humbly request your aid in defending ourselves. If the plague is as bad as the Thelomen say, we could get attacked by more desperate tribes."

"Very well, we shall send 10 guardians to Everdale." the queen said, "Artemis will lead them."

"What are you going to do?" Artemis asks you.

"I'm going into the Westlands to see how bad it is." you reply.

"I'll go with you Guardian Artemis." Darian says, "I can show your Amazons the way to Everdale."

You nod, "No flirting." you say firmly

"As if I'd flirt with the Amazons. One wrong word and they'll cut off my dick." Darian says

"Behave or I'll cut off your dick." You warn him. You see Artemis giving Darian an look of appraisal, "Poor Darian." you think, if Artemis gets the hots for him. What would the safe word be if they got busy, 'GAH! MY PELVIS' or "I have no feeling in my lower half."

You begin to run to the Western lands, you spring and jump clean over villages. You run as fast as you've ever ran. In the Westlands, you encounter a group of raiders. The chief demands you surrender. You smirk at him.

He says you're not going to be allowed to go unpunished. You laugh in his face. You hold up your hand and yell "Forma Mulieris!" at the chief. The raiders gasp as their chief transformed into a huge breasted woman in a skimpy outfit.

"Anyone else?" You ask. The group draws weapons. You cast the same spell onto the entire group, you turn them all into women. You look at them. "Is this what you want? Are you happy now?" you think to yourself. Several of the women start crying, suddenly you feel like a terrible person. You remember how upset you were when you became a woman.

"What am I becoming? I'm a Guardian, not a spiteful witch." you say, "I should be happy, I'm stronger, faster, better than any man." You raise your hands and cast the dispell onto the group, turning them back to normal.

You address the group of men, "Now, don't mistake my kindness for weakness. Why do you all keep attacking Everdale? Is it because you're bored? Because you're angry?"

"We've got no food, it's all dying." the chief says, his voice is weary, "My people are starving to death."

"Just like in Theolan." You realise, "Okay, go to Everdale, stay there peacefully and help rebuild. I am the Guardian of Everdale, I am trying to find out why your lands are cursed." You say, "Everdale is rich and fertile, you can help build a cidital. Misbehave, I won't turn you into women again, maybe pigs or donkeys, whatever I think is funny."

The chief says "We will go peacefully. The Gar swear fealty to Everdale" You spend a whole year examining the westlands, everything is dying, but you find no explanation for it. The water doesn't appear to be bad, the only thing you find that is unusual is small purple crystals.

You return to Everdale and you're amazed. The groups of former bandits have rebuild the town into a huge cidital. They have created huge granaries, farms, weapon factories, and everything else that the former bandits would have used to make Everdale a strong and prosperous town. "Well, colour me impressed." you say.

"Lady Samantha." Steven Fleetfoot says, bowing respectfully.

"No, Guardian Rookwood, I ain't a lady, just a lass." you say, "You can call me Sam."
"Very well, Sam." Steven says, "We do have a problem with my former chief. Fionn."

"The one I turned into a lass? What's she doing now?" you ask.

"Well, we tried working her as a hooker, some guy tried to get her to perform a fellatio, she bit the guys willy clean off." Steven replied, wincing.

"Okay, maybe she's too hot tempered to be a sex slave. Why did you keep forcing her to do that? You ask, amused.

"You told us to do that." Steven said

"Oh, guess that ones on me. Wait, what the hells a fellatio?" You ask confused.

"You know, where you put your the willy in the mouth?" Steven says

"Ha ha ha ha, so a guy forced his willy into her gob and she bit it off?" you asked, "Well, sucks to be him. Maybe use her as a scully maid. I'm going to go speak with her."

You enter the former chief's tent. The ex chief is sitting on a stool, smoking a pipe, she looks up as you enter. She looks scared, "Hello Lady Rookwood" she says.

"Well, I heard you did something very naughty." you say

"You heard wrong." She says

"No, I didn't. One of the workers was told you were to be used as a sex slave, then during fellatio, when you had your mouth over his willy, you bit it off." you say

"Well, that's just his word against mine." she protests

"And his missing willy?" you ask, amused.

"No, it's not. You were seen performing fellatio, and then the man turns up injured"

She says, "Do you know what it's like to be publicly used as a whore? I told them many times I wasn't doing it. The sex part was bad enough, but them putting their willies into my gob, no way! I ain't sucking no cocks!" she snaps, "I'm a warrior, I ain't a cock sucking whore!"

You shake your head. "You're being punished for war crimes. What else can would you be able to do?"

"I'd rather be dead." she replies bluntly, shocking you. Empathy is a powerful skill you've possessed for some time, you pull her into a hug.

"I'm sorry Fionn, I didn't mean for you to be this bad." you whisper

"I killed people due to desperation." she said, "My peoples lands were ruined, civilisation collapsed and we formed raiding groups to survive."

"Okay, I'll tell them to stop trying to use you as a whore. You can be a cook instead." you suggest

"I can cook." she nods, "Before the famine I was a famous chef, but when the wars happened I became a warrior." she says, "I know a thing or two about food, I can cook."

You go outside and speak to Steven, "Your former chief is now our chef."

"Do you still call yourself Fionn?" You ask

"No, I use Fiona." She says, "Fionn was my male name." You nod A drunken soldier walks past and gropes Fiona's chest. She slaps his hand away, "Here, keep your manky hands off the merchandise."

"Guardsman!" You snap. The drunk guard looks at you

"Yeah love?" he asks, leering at your figure.

"First of all, thats 'Yes Guardian Rookwood' not 'yeah love' and secondly, you harass any women in the cidital, I'll transform you into one so fast, your head will spin! Is that clear?" you snap.

The drunk guard nods, "Yes Guardian Rookwood." He whispers "I'm sorry."
He heads off. You walk next to Fiona, "That was bloody amazing." Fiona says, "I learned how to fight in brothels when I was a man." She says, "I learned how to steal, sneak, distract, and how to have sex on rooftops." You shake your head, "Sex on a rooftop?"

Fiona chuckled, "Yep."

'Sex, what is it like?' you wonder You didn't get around to having it as a man, and you haven't had it as a women either. You're curious.

That night, you masturbate for the first time. It's so intense, you climax multiple times. You cum so hard you pass out. During your orgasm, you screamed and caused a terrified Fiona to come rushing in. She looks at your sleeping form and giggles, pulling a blanket over you.

The next morning, Fiona is cooking the breakfast and keeps giggling at you. You ask her what's so funny.

She says, "You screamed last night, I ran in and you were asleep, but your quilt was soaked with your bodily fluids." she giggles again, "I found it funny."

"Oh." You say, "Well I'm a virgin, so I've never done it before."

"I've been with a man before." She says, "It fucking sucked." she said. You ask her how.
She says, "Well, I still had a mans mind and he wasn't exactly gentle. In fact, he's the daft bugger who decided to shove it in me gob....and you remember what happened to him?" She says, "Yeah, you bit it off and now he's a eunich."

"Sam, what's a euinich?" Fiona asked

"A guardsman tasks with protecting the kings harem of women. They had their dicks chopped off to stop em from having sex with the kings girls."

"Oh, well that's a good one, he's not having sex with them anymore." Fiona says, "I told you, it sucks."

"Actually Sam, a eunich only had their testicles cut off." Steve says. You glance at him, "I read a lot." he says "Guards can still pee in the corner, if they had If they cut the dicks off, they had to sit to pee in the girls toilet and no girl wants to share with a guy right?" he asked, "If they only cut the nuts off, the guard can pee away from the girls."

You nod, "I get it."

"Gods, now I need to go get cleaned up for a formal dinner." you say, heading to the bathhouse. You strip down to your smallest underwear, and step into the bathhouse. You grab a bar of soap and start scrubbing yourself with it. After you're done, you get dressed in a formal gown. You apply your makeup and look in the mirror. You look like a perfect lady. Steve and Fiona walk by and say "Wow, she looks amazing." "Oh, thanks." you say, "How did ye get so good?" Fiona asked.

"Practise, you want me to do your makeup?" you ask slyly, "I'm pretty good at it, I could do it in my sleep." Fiona gives you a sexy smile and nods. Later that day, you, Fiona, Steve and the chiefs meet to discus the future.

The meeting ends well, all tribes agree to expand east, away from the growing decay of the west lands.

"You know, being a lass ain't so bad when the men ain't trying to shag ya." Fiona says

"I find that hard to believe." Steve says. You wink and Fiona and transform Steve into a woman.

"Am I a girl?" she asks.

"Yep." You reply

"Will I return to normal in the morning?" she asks

"Yep." You reply

"Did you cast the spell to make me super horny so I'll masturbate all night long and get no sleep?" she asked, you laugh.

"Oh yes." You reply. The girl version of Steve checks her reflection in the mirror and wanders off to her tent, "See you tomorrow." The next morning, male Steve sits drinking from a flagon of coffee.

"Tired?" you ask

"Ugh...i was masturbating all night long." he mumbles, "Okay, Fiona was right. Being a woman is pretty damn amazing, but it has one drawback."

"What's that?" you ask, "Going to the bathroom?" Steve laughs.

"Exactly, I like to be able to pee when standing up." Steve says, "But, I'm too lazy to walk around, so we need to find a place to relieve ourselves."

You giggle, "Yep."

Fiona asks you a question, "What do you think of the new Amazon guards?" "The sisters are brave, but not forgiving of male stupidity." you say

"Good thing they didn't meet Fionn then." Fiona says, "They'd have killed me as him."

You laugh and ask her if she likes being a woman, "Oh yes." She says, That night, you head into the bath house and undress, you examine your body in a mirror. You have a lean, fit physique, with firm D-cup breasts. You sigh, you see a small scar on your left breast, "The crossbow bolt." you realise. You dip a washcloth in a bowl of water and wash the scar, it still hurts, but you feel stronger, more powerful. you examine your nipples. You used to hate them, they were always erect and uncomfortable. Now however, you can play with them, they are aroused and sensitive. You can touch them, you caress them, you gently pinch them.

"What's going on here?" a voice asks, you yelp and spin around to see Fiona smiling at you. "Fionn, I was just..." you say, "Checking out your body." Fiona blushes, "Mine too." she says, "I was just examining my chest." You grin Fiona walks over and gently cups your breasts.

"You know, there's a reason why we're called the Amazon guard." Fiona says, "Men are terrified of us, but in a good way."

You return to camp and the next day, you are paired up with another guard, Cherry. "What's it like Guardian Rookwood?" Cherry asks, "I hear it's pretty great."

"Having the powers of a Goddess?" you ask? "Oh, it's better than you can imagine." Cherry replies, "We're ready to head out, Guardian."

"Good luck." Fiona says, Fiona kisses you passionately, running her tongue over your lips. You return the kiss, and for the first time, you are more than friends with a woman. You leave the cidital with Cherry to explore the lands around.

"Ma'am, what was it like being a man?" Cherry asks

"I can't reallt remember." You reply honestly, "I've been a woman for over 8 years now."

"So you're fully a woman?" she asks

"Well yeah, men don't get periods." you reply "Does the fact that I used to be a man make you feel nervous?" you ask,

"Sometimes." She answers honestly

You hear a few people talking as you pass, one woman says "Look at her, didn't she used to be a man?"

"I heard she was, she wears makeup and everything." says the first woman

"That's just lipstick." Says the second woman

A few people stare, but you just keep walking, screw em.

"Guardian Rookwood! We have a situation....the guardian bear has gone berserk and is attacking the cidital." one of the guards says, "I'll take care of her, you run."

Outside, you watch in horror as the bear attacks, the bears body is covered in purple stone spikes which crackle with electricity. You watch, everything is going in slow motion as the bear strikes Fiona, ripping her stomach open. You hear her cry out, your dad tries to save her, he runs towards the her but he is engulfed in purple lightning, and burns to death instantly.

"Guardian, the bear is corrupted by evil powers." the magi says, "I cannot control her. You must kill her, and quickly." you watch as the forrest guardian finishes off Fiona, she collapses to the ground, blood pouring out of her wounds.

"Fiona." you whisper. You watch as the guardian rears her head back and growls, You take the Amazonite blade and circle the bear, "You've caused me no end of misery." you sob, "first my manhood and just as I'm happy, you kill the woman I love!"

You swing the blade, and the guardian roars. You slash the blade across her face, cutting off her nose and part of her skull. You stab through her neck, severing her spinal cord. You perform a mercy kill on the bear, knowing it wasn't her fault, but you still feel anger. As the bear collapses and fades away, you run over to Fiona.

"Fiona! Speak to me!" you cry, cradling her lifeless body, you sob helplessly. You pick up Fiona's corpse and slowly carry her back to the cidital, the gates open and Steve appears, "Sam, what happened? Oh by the gods." he gasps, seeing Fiona in your arms. You put her down gently and Steve performs a spell, trying to heal her wounds and reviving her, but it's useless. Steve says, "I'm so sorry Sam, I tried to save her, I tried everything." "We give her a full military burial." you say, "It's not enough."

Steve agrees, "No, it's not."

You heave a slab of stone and get to work, you carve a statue in Fiona's likeness and erect it in the city. You carve a epitaph, "Here lies Fiona of Thelomen, a free woman." you heave another slab of stone, and get back to work. Your family appears, "I'm sorry mom, I couldn't save dad." your Mom sobs, "You couldn't save either of them." your sister picks up a rock and places it near the statue, she then gathers more rocks, one for each person killed in the battle. "The statue looks beautiful, just like Fiona." The statue has her face, her figure and her long flowing red hair. In her left hand, she holds a sword and in her right hand she holds a shield. You walk up to the statue and stand before it, "I'm sorry, Fiona. I love you. I will always love you." you say, You speak with the magi, "What happened to the bear?"

Suddenly, the world becomes really bright and you wake up...Fiona is lying next to you.

Wait, she's alive! You suddenly kiss her intensely.

"Sam, wha?" Fiona whispers, looking confused. You break the kiss, "I love you. I always will, no matter what." You tell her. She nods and looks at you, "I love you too, Sam."

"I had a nightmare, the guardian bear went berserk and killed you." you admit, your hair is soaked with sweat from the nightmare.

"Ok sweetie, why don't you go take a bath?" Fiona suggests, "Maybe take a day off work too, you're stressed out." You nod and kiss her again, "Thank you." Fiona went to speak with Steve.

"Steve, we need you to cover for Sam for the day. All of this guardian shit has gotten to her. I told her to take a day off." she says

"Is she okay, what happened?" Steve asked

"She had a nightmare about me dying, she was really shook up. She was crying, I ain't ever seen her crying before." Fiona said,

Steve nods, "Yeah, I'll cover for her, she's been really working too hard." Fiona smiles, Meanwhile, you have a nice wash and decide to get a massage from one of the healers. You strip your clothes off and lie down on the bench as a young woman massages your body. You try to ignore your burning nipples as she massages your chest and stomach. You can't help but to start to salivate as she touches you, "Oh you like that don't you?" she says, you blush deeply "I could give you a sensual massage, would you like that?" she says seductively.

You sit up and apologise. "I'm sorry, I can't do this." you tell her, but she looks at you and says, "Don't worry about it, you're just a little nervous, it's cute."

"Would you like me to do it?" a voice asked, and Fiona pokes her head inside, "Oh you're cute when you blush Sam." she adds flirtatiously.The masseur winks at Fiona, "You owe me." she whispers, as she leaves.

Fiona places some oil onto her hands
"Roll over onto your back, we'll do that first."

You roll over and she massages your back, you can feel the tension melting away, you are so relaxed. She places a warm towel over your back and you stay in a state of bliss for several minutes. You then wake up and see Fiona, she smiles at you, "How was that?" "Much better." you say.

You roll over onto your back. Fiona takes a finger and traces it over your lips. You stay still as she continues to touch you, it feels so good. You kiss her. You kiss her again and again, you feel so loved. You kiss her passionately.

"I love you, Fiona." "Okay, boobs now." she says, and massages your breasts with some scented oils. You close your eyes and stay in a state of bliss for several minutes. She then touches your breasts seductively. She massages them, making sure your nice full, round, heavy breasts have been entirely massaged. After doing your arms and stomach, she massages your legs, her hands are getting closer and closer to your vagina. You stay in a state of bliss as she touches you, and then she stops. "Open your legs up." She says, and you do so. Fiona runs her finger up your thigh and then places it into you. You stay in a state of bliss as she starts to go down. You start to get wet, you're so turned on. She goes up further and further until she is fully inside of you. Her soft hand massages your clitoris, your body begins to shake, your boobs bounce wildly, "Yes, yes, yes!" you say, and she starts to do it faster. You stay in a state of bliss as she continues to have you.

Suddenly, Steve walks into the room. Neither you or Fiona notice, as you orgasm, you arch your back and let out a lust filled scream. You come down from your orgasm and you realise you're not alone. Steve is standing in the doorway, his face is flushed bright red, he's stammering an apology for just walking in on you. Fiona looks at him, "Steve, I um, I'll explain later." she says, but he keeps stammering. You stand up and put your clothes on, you look Steve directly in the eye and you say "You've got a hard on mate." you say, pointing to his crotch. Steve flushes and runs to the bathroom.

"Where's he gone?" Fiona asked.

"He's a bloke, we used to be blokes too. What do blokes do when they see a nice pair of tits or two girls making love? you snicker

"They go and jerk off." Fiona says with a grin. You both smile and laugh.

"You finished in there Stevie?" you knock on the door, "You're acting like you've never saw a pair of tits before." You say, which gets a giggle out of both of you.

"I've seen tits, but I've never saw two woman fingering each other." Steve mutters, "It overwhelmed me." You all laugh and you spend the next hour chatting about random things, and how great the massage was. Steve is quiet for the evening, you ask him what's wrong.

"Sorry Sam. I'm just thinking, everyone has a special someone. I'm just feeling lonely, another Valentine day when I'll need to send a card to my hand." he says

You pat him on the shoulder and give whisper into his ear "Cherry likes you." you say, "She's a nice girl, you should get out there." A few weeks later, the routine is the same as ever, patrol, break up trouble, sex with Fiona, but their's a new difference. Steve has been dating Cherry and the two are inseparable. One night in late February, you find yourself on patrol a few blocks from Cherry's house. You hear a scream and pound on the door,

"Guardians, open up!"

Cherry answers the door, blushing. Her hair is a mess and her lipstick is smudged. You notice she is breathing faster then normal.

"Oh gods, I'm sorry." you realise, you've interrupted her and Steve having sex. Steve approaches the door, "Hi Sam." he says, "This revenge for when I walked in on you and Fiona?" he says,

"I'm so sorry" you say

Steve kisses Cherry on the cheek, "I'll make it up to you, I promise." Cherry smiles at him, "I'll uh let you lovers get back to it." you say and head on your way.

Outside the city, you see a commotion...the forest guardian is acting agitated and growling at people. You notice a glowing crystal in it's back.

"Oh my god." You realise, you saw this in a nightmare, the bear was covered in those spikes and killed Fiona. You rush over and subdue the bear, removing the crystal from it's back. She lies down and sleeps. You speak to the magi about it

"I saw this in a dream, the bear went berserk and killed Fiona, it was covered in these damn things" you say, "Could they be some sort of talisman? We need to destroy them all."

The Magi nods "The crystals come from the beyond lands, beyond the dead lands where no sane man treads."

"I be no man, and sane is not in my vocabulary." you say, "My friends and I will visit this dark land and find what's causing it."

"You will need help." The Magi says, "This talisman will protect you." she says

Two days later, you along with Fiona, Steve and Cherry arrive at the borders of the dark lands, the wasteland stretches on for what seems like forever. Eventually, you hit an invisible barrier.

"What the hell is this?" Fiona asks, "It's like a glass wall."

"Sam, I see a crack over there, it looks like a doorway." Cherry said, "Maybe we can get through to the other side."

You knock on the glass and notice that it's not glass, it's an illusion, you walk through the crack. You see a giant city nearby, the city is in ruins and made out of metal. You look back towards the way you came and you see a giant dome. You jump as high as you possibly can, and you see all the lands you ever knew were covered by a giant glass dome. "What, we've spent all of our lives living inside a bubble?" Steve asked, "How the hell is this possible?"

"This must be where the barrier ends. We are in the dead lands." On the ground nearby, is a strange object, it's a metal creature.

"Alert, alert, alert." a voice from within the creature says, "Elemental contamination has infiltrated Bio-Sphere 18."

"What? What the hell does that mean?" you ask "Who are you?" you ask the creature. It looks like a spider, but several of it's legs are damaged.

"I am a guardian drone, tasked with keeping elemental contamination out of Bio-Sphere 18." the creature says, "I am a robot, my designation is H07. You may call me Hol."

"Hol, what is a bio-sphere and what is element?" Cherry asks, "I've never heard of any of this stuff before."

"You have lived your entire lives inside a bio-Sphere, a dome made out of radiation proof materials. Their are 40 such domes around this ruined city." Hol said, "Each dome is made up of a unique combination, the same combination that exists in the earth." Hol says, "The element I refer to is of extra-planetary origin. It was a material that emitted high amounts of power, but it was also highly toxic. The bio-domes were built when the levels became too high for humans to survive." Hol said, "The purpose of the domes is to protect Bio-Sphere 18 inhabitants, and other domes, from contamination from the outside world. The drones are used to prevent any contamination."

"How long ago did the contamination happen?" you ask.

"Two point five million years ago." Hol said, "The material that caused the contamination came from a planet that had been colonised by a highly developed extra-terrestrial species."

"What?!?" Steve says, "What the hecks a million?" Fiona asked

"When you use numbers, if you take a thousand 1's, you get a thousand naturally. When you have one thousand thousand, you get a million, which in numeric terms is 1,000,000. So the event happened 2,500,000 years ago." Hol said, "The humans that were exposed to the toxic element went into mass extinction." Hol continues,

"We survived in the bio domes? So wait, magic and all of that...was that real?" you ask, "Was that actually happening?" "Negative. Magic is impossible. What you actually witnessed was nanotechnology at work." Hol says, "Nanotechnology is the manipulation of matter on an atomic and molecular scale." Hol says, "All dome inhabitants are filled with nanodrones. I see two of you, the one called Fiona and the one called Sam.....your nanodrones have altered your Deoxyribonucleic acid." Hol said "In English please Hol." you say, "DNA?" Hol says, "Correct. Your nanodrones have created a super-soldier." Hol says, "Sam is a super soldier, but you both used to be men, correct?" Hol asks, "So how have your nanodrones altered you?"

You explain the events that led up to your current situation. Hol listens intently to you. At the end, he says, "The guardian bear is a part of a simulation, it's designed to stop people from killing everything and the Magi is a security programme. The so called spell turned your nanodrones on and altered your body. Sam, the drones rewrote your DNA into a female, transforming your body from male to female." Hol continues, "Fiona, the nanodrones reversed the change. Your body will continue to revert back to male, if you wish to undergo a second transformation, say so." Hol says, "No bloody way, I'm happier as a lass." Fiona said "You are truly happier being female?" Hol asked, "Is their any biological advantages to being female?
"Well, yeah. The female body may be more fragile than the male, so my body is less resistant to damage. I can reproduce naturally without intervention. And yes, there are benefits to being a lady." Fiona said "Such as?" Hol asked

"Multiple orgasms." Fiona said, you blush and laugh.
"I guess we won't be having any more nanodrones messing with our DNA now." you say. Hol asks, "Any questions?" "Why is the dome failing?" You ask.

"The dome was damaged by a meteor strike." Hol said "What does element do?" You ask. You hear a growling noise and a giant creature bursts out of the ground, a huge snake

"It does things like that. Coluber Natrix, the grass snake. Usual length, one metre. This one's length, 500 foot." Hol said, "The element also drives creatures feral." Hol continues, "The bio-spheres use the element to generate a protective shield, if an animal or being is inside the shield, it will remain safe." Hol says, You draw your sword, you notice purple crystal spikes in the the bear.

"Come on then!" You shout, and attack the snake.
You cut the snake in half, the snake is dead.
"The element kills." Hol says, it reminds me of a poem. the drone mutters a poem about a knight who fights a giant serpent, he killed it by covering his armour in spikes so the snake killed itself as it tried to constrict him.

"Hol, is their any way to destroy the element? If there's a way to kill it, I wanna know." you say, Hol says, "There is a way, but it is very dangerous. We need to travel into the city." In the city, much of the technology is functioning, robots move around doing repairs and in one building you see a box on the wall with a glass front. Fiona presses a button and an image appears inside, a vampire and a woman, "I vant to suck your blahd." the vampire said, biting the woman.

"BEGORRAH!" Fiona screams, and shoves her dagger into the box, the box explodes, shooting sparks all over, you all jump back. When the smoke clears, the box and the contents are gone. You look at Hol and raise an eyebrow "Was their any particular reason to why you stabbed a television?" Hol asked "What in the name of the wee man is a television?" You ask Hol. Hol says, "Hol, would you just describe what a television is and how it works?" you ask, "Just describe it." Hol says, "A television is a technology that creates an image, it is a device that displays images. Television sets are large, heavy devices that broadcast on certain frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum." "Can you repeat that in layman's terms?" Cherry asked, Hol says, "You take a picture with a camera, the picture travels through the air and into the television set where you can see it from miles away." "What about that image, what does it look like?" you ask, "Well, it is possible to use the television to watch a movie, a cartoon, a live performance, a programme of any kind of content." "So, it was a play from years ago we saw on the box?" You ask, "Well Fiona, you just killed a play." Hol says, "How do you know it was a play?" "I didn't, I guessed." you say. Fiona finds another television and turns it on. On the screen, you see images from years ago, an old cartoon is playing."

"The Simpsons." Hol says, "Show ran for nearly 40 years." You look at the screen and see Bart, Homer, Lisa, Maggie and Nelson. You watch the Simpsons for a bit, you watch them have a good old laugh at the antics of their favourite family. "I hate to interrupt, but we must move deeper into the city." Hol said. You see a sign on a wall, "Keep London tidy." you look up at the wall, it is completely covered with signs "Keep London tidy," "Keep London Safe," "Keep London Clean," "Keep London Merry," "Keep London Safe," "Keep London Merry," "Lon-Don?" you ask. Hol says, "It's pronounced Lon-din. London." Hol says, "This is the capital city of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland."

"Ireland?" Fiona asks, "In my tribe, Ireland was the word for Heaven."

"I noticed you had an Irish accent miss. So memories of the old world were preserved in the new world?" Hol said

"What about my accent?" Fiona asked, "I still sound Irish?"

"It's different, it's still Irish." Hol said, "I used to be from Ireland myself." you walk down a dark, narrow alleyway. "You were from Ireland?" Fiona asked

"I was manufactured in Cork." Hol said, "Ireland has a large manufacturing sector. You know, because of the beautiful scenery and mild climate." You walk for a bit, you come to a large wall, it is covered in spikes, and graffiti, "Ondo un ground?" you read the sign.

"London Underground." Hol said, and explains about it. "It runs through the city, mostly underground, and runs trains and trams." You walk down the stairs, but it's dark.

"Wait, their could be mutants inside. Up to the surface, their's a shop nearby, we need torches." Hol said

"We already have some." You say, holding up a wooden torch.

"Oh no, we can't use that underground, if theirs any gas leaks, we'll be killed by an explosion. The torches I had in mind are called flashlights" Hol saidYou find a few in a shop, you turn on your flashlight, it gives off a bright light, illuminating the stairs ahead of you. "I don't see any mutants." Hol says, and walks down the stairs.

"Begorrah, these things are amazing. Light, powerful and they don't set your hair on fire." Fiona said, "I must have these for the children." "Alright." Hol says, "We must travel to the centre of the city." "Alert, alert, alert!" a robotic voice trills. Two robots emerge from the shadows, powerfully built and on track treads.

"Tank-Bots." Hol said, "We are hear to fix the reactors and stop the element leak. We need to access the towers."

"Negative, biological units not recognised. Extermination will now commence." the robot replid.
"What the fuck does it mean, extermination?" you ask, "This is a malfunction."
"This isn't malfunction, it's a directive." Hol says, "EVERYONE SCATTER!" you yell, you all run in different directions, Fiona carrying Hol to safety.

"Okay you tin can tosspot! You want to go first?" you ask, getting your sword out. You rush at the robot, it opens fire, a few bullets hit you, but your superhuman shrugs off the damage. You don't want to be shot again so you disarm the robot, you slice off it's left arm and then slice off the gun arm. You pick up the gun and back away as the robot begins to whine.

"It's going to self destruct!" Hol said, "Get away from it!"

The robot suddenly explodes, the blast hitting you dead on, sending you flying into rubble.

"SAM!" Fiona screams You stand up, emerging from the rubble, unhurt but you clothes are in tatters. Your breasts are on display for all to see. Hol examines you, looking confused.
"That was... unexpected." He says You are dazed, and step forward, feeling your breasts swaying. You look down and scream, covering your chest with your hands and arms/
"What happened?" Hol asks, "I'm so sorry." "Oh god, this is embarrassing." you whisper, blushing, "Don't look at me!" you tell everyone.

"Calm down lass, I've saw em before." Fiona said

"Same." Steve says, then looking at Cherry "By accident."

"You haven't got anything I haven't got Sam." Cherry said, "They've seen your boobies before, they're probably used to it." you realise. You lower your hands and walk to a staircase, "Shopping mall? Would their be clothes in there?" you ask Hol.

"Maybe, it's part of the shopping complex." Hol says. You walk up the staircase and see a shop. "Victoria's secrets?" you read aloud, and then see a image of a beautiful woman modelling underwear.."Not a Victoria's secrets model?" you think, "They used that saying back home, although the original meaning was lost to time. You head inside and see a machine, "Bra fitter?" you read.

"That will measure you and fit you with the appropriate sized brassiere." Hal said

"What's a brassiere?" you ask, "I've never heard of one." "Imagine a cup. Women have them fitted to measure how full they are." Hol says, "You mean a bra, why didn't you just say so?" You ask, "Man, that droid is so literal." you think, and step on the machine. You press the button and a series of arms and measuring tools descent and measure your vital statistics. The machine measures your height, waist, bust, hip measurement and cup size. You read the results out loud.
"You are 5'8, 14 stone, 34-26-36, bust size 34DD. Your waist is 32 inches, hips 36, bust size 34C...wait, what? You measure your bust size again. 34C? That can't be right, I have 34DD. I was only measured once." You say, "I think I need another measurement, maybe I got measured wrong." You let the machine measure you again, you have 34DD, that's correct. The machine fits you with a brand new black bra, you feel much more comfortable in it. Your old bras must have been too small for you. You examine yourself in a mirror. Your reflection in the mirror looks more beautiful, more confident, more like a woman. You feel more like a woman. You check out your bust in the reflection again. Your reflection says you have nice rounded breasts, with perky nipples. You giggle, pleased with your reflection.

"Would you care to use our automated makeover facility?" the machine asks. As you look around, you see Cherry hopping into a makeover booth.

You hear a protest, and see Fiona pushing Steve into a womans makeover booth and laughing evily. Cherry emerges from the booth, her makeup is flawless and her nails have been done. A minute later, Steve's booth opens and you all laugh at how he looks. Steve looks like a drag act and is not amused. "You look great!" you say, "That was quick!"

"Thanks!" Cherry says, smiling at you, then at her reflection. "Go back inside and it'll clean you up Steve." Cherry said

You mumble the gender transformation spell and Steve morphs into a woman. You can see the transformation taking place as Steve morphs into a beautiful girl with red hair, green eyes, and a fantastic figure. "God damn it." Steve mumbles, "How long will this last?" she asks.

"It should last a few hours, you're a pretty girl, make a good wife." "Seriously Sam?" Cherry asks, looking at her formally male lover, "I think you better change him back. He can't walk because of those ridiculous tits you gave him." You sigh. "Yeah, I guess so." You revert Steve to normal and enter the final makeover booth.

"Please select your desired makeover
1: 60's centrefold
2: 70's centrefold
3: 80's Popstar
4: 90's pinup
5: Perky goth"

5 options to chose from, which one do you chose?
4 - 80's pinup
You press 4 and a beautiful woman in an 80's pinup outfit springs up. She is completely naked. You feel awkward and cover her up, you realise it's just a model, and the machine does your makeup just like hers. Your reflection looks fantastic, more beautiful than you ever could have hoped for. You feel like your a million miles away from the shy girl you were before. "Please state nail polish colour." The machine says.

You press the button and a bottle of nail polish of all different colours appears. "This is called a nail polish miracle!" the woman says, "Please state your desired colour and would you like acrylic nails?"
You press the button and a series of colours appear, "Blue, pink, purple, orange, yellow and white. Which colour do you want?" "Blue." "What are acrylic nails?" you ask. "It's a nail that is shaped like a finger, you put them on like a glove. Acrylic nails are super durable, you can clean them, wear them without fear of breaking them." The woman says. She shows you an image of false nails in many different lengths. "Would you like me to apply acrylic nails to you?" "Yes please."

The machine puts a false nail on and clips it to your real nail. You can see your reflection again. Your reflection says you have beautiful, delicate looking nails. "Paint them blue please." You say, "Sure." The machine applies a coat of blue paint to your nails. "Can I get a manicure too?" You ask, "Sure." the machine applies a coat of pink paint to your nails. "Wait, could you make them into a French tip manicure? you ask.

The machine is silent for a moment, then you hear "I can't wait to see you in the finished product!" The machine applies a coat of clear polish to your nails. the machine continues to work on you, painting your nails, applying them, and giving you your choice of designs. The woman emerges from the makeover room looking beautiful. You enter the room and see a full body mirror, "Wow!" you say, Your nails are fabulous, pale pink with a white stripe across the top, they are so pretty. "Thanks!" you say, "I like my nails, they are nice, and I don't have to worry about breaking them." "You girls done yet?" Steve asks, poking his head in the door. "Yeah." You say, exiting the store. You've finally found clothes that are comfortable and had a makeover.

"What are you wearing?" Fiona asks you, "I want to look fabulous too." You take a deep breath. You have to tell them.

You have to admit, it feels really good to be honest about yourself. "Well, while you lot were horsing around, we lost 3 hours." Hal says, "We need to move and disable the generators or all is lost." "Are you sure this is the only way?" you ask, "we could try to destroy them the way we did the gun turrets."

"No." Steve says, "That would probably cause an evil bigger explosion."

In the reactor core, you find the shutdown codes and disable the devices. The pools of elemental waste begin to dry up, you suddenly hear a voice in your head "Guardian, Everdale is falling! The corrupted monsters are attacking en mass!" you hear the Magis voice calling. You know what you must do.

You are the Guardian. It's your duty to protect the innocent. The brave people of Everdale need you. The evil that threatens to consume them must be stopped! "How can we get back there in time? It's a four day journey." Cherry said, crying and causing her mascara to run down her face.

"We can't!" Steve says, "There's no way we can make it back in time." "We fly." Hal said, pointing to several metal birds.

"Aeroplanes!" Steve said, "I read about them when you were getting makeup in those booths."

You all get into small aircraft and Hol tells you the basics, "You can't crash these things, even a baby could pilot them." You take the controls and fly. The aircraft are small, but you are used to piloting them. You quickly find the coordinates for the town. "What about the dome?" Fiona asked

You fly towards the dome and press a control button, the plane fires several explosive rounds blowing the west side of the dome apart, giving you a way in. You pilot the planes towards Everdale. The land is rolling, but you know exactly where to go. "How far is it?" you ask, "It's about 3 miles, I can get there in minutes" Your plane arrives at Everdale and circle town. Corrupted creatures are attacking.

Your friends assist you, you shoot at the monsters, slaying them all. You fly through the air, firing your guns and taking them out. You land and head into the town, and explain everything, the outside world, the Bio-Domes and the corruption. "Oh my God! We're saved!" Cherry cries, "We don't have to stay here!"

"Yes we do," Steve says, You hear a strange sound and you exit the building. People are screaming in fright, as the bio-dome breaks apart and disintegrates. The corrupting element sludge has been eradicated, the world is safe and the bio-domes are opening.
You look up at the clear blue sky, the smell of fresh air fills your nostrils. A slight wind blows past, carrying the scent of the flowers growing wild. You feel free. "You saved the world Guardian Rookwood." you hear Artemis say from your side, she is looking at the sky and crying with happiness.
"We did it!" Fiona says, "We saved everyone!" The other heroes hug you, crying with happiness, "The world is saved." you sigh, "Fiona, you wanna get married?" She smiles at you, "Yes."

You live in Everdale for a full year, a new age of enlightenment dawns upon the people. You and your friends live normal lives. The magi, who you learn is called Bundlewed gifts you with a new ability, the nanodrones rewire some dna and you end up pregnant with your and Fiona's baby. You wake up one morning, your back is aching as usual and you have a craving for cheesecake as usual. You sit down and eat some cheesecake while caressing your belly.
You hear a familiar voice in your head, it is Hal. "Guardian Rookwood, I have to tell you something." You listen carefully, "Your pregnancy is nearing completion." he says.

"You don't say." You tell him, rolling your eyes, "Why not fly off and pester Cherry and Steve?"

The drone spouts a small propeller and flies into the air, and out of your house.

You chuckle to yourself, and eat a piece of cheesecake. As you sit in your chair, you feel a strange sensation, a popping noise in your stomach and you see the front of your pants are soaking.

"Oh god, did I wee myself?" you think. Hal flies back in and examines you. "Oh no. Oh no no no." Hal says, "It appears your waters have broken." "What the hell does that mean, what do you mean by my waters have broken?" you ask "The amniotic sac within your womb has ruptured." "What happens next?" you ask, still confused
"The baby will be born soon." Hal says Suddenly, a wave of pain shoots through your stomach and crotch. You scream and cry out as your stomach is torn apart by some invisible force. "Hal, what happened?" you ask, as more pain tears through your stomach. Hal appears in front of you. "I don't know, I'm not a doctor, I'm just a drone." He says, "But i think it was a contraction." "Oh my god, I'm having a baby." you cry out, "Do something, get help!" Another contraction passes through you.
"Okay, don't panic." Hal says, "I'll call for medical assistance, hold on." He leaves the room and exits the house. Cherry rushes in, "Sam, what's wrong???" You moan and groan in pain. "Oh my god, you're having the baby." she says, "We need to get your clothes off." You scream in pain as your jeans are ripped off. the contractions have lessened, you blush red as you urinate, covering the bed with pee.
Cherry grabs a cotton blanket and covers you. You're covered in sweat, shaking. "I'm going to call for help." she says, "I'll be right back." Your breasts are swollen, filled with lactic fluid to nurse your baby with. You feel the milk inside sloshing around as you gasp for breath. Cherry runs out of the room, back in a moment later with a paramedic. "How are you feeling ms Rookwood?" he asks. You can barely speak, panting for breath. He runs his hands all over your belly, looking at your growing belly, "The baby's head is right below your navel." he says, Another more powerful contraction hits you, you scream in pain. "OH GODS!" you groan, you always assumed people complaining about labour were just exaggerating how bad it hurt. But it was so much worse than you ever imagined. "I can see the head." Cherry says, smiling.
You hear sirens outside. The paramedics rush you to the hospital, where a doctor delivers your baby boy, you name him Alexander. The doctor smiles at you, "How are you feeling?" he asks, "You've had a long night." "You want an honest answer or a pleasant answer?" You ask

"Honest." he says

"I feel like shit." you answer, "but i'll be okay." The next day, Fiona finally arrives, she's been on an important work in Bio-dome 19, and she rushed back when she heard you'd given birth. She arrives to find you breastfeeding Alexander. You blush, she smiles at you, and walks out of the room. "I'll be back in a moment." she says. You continue to nurse Alexander, until he finally drifts off to sleep. The feeling of breastfeeding your own baby is indescribable.
You fall asleep in minutes, a feeling of contentment washes over you, you're a mother.

The end
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