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Unread 03-01-2015   #1
Smutty Lady
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 622
The Labyrinth Ch. 01 [TF / TG / Cow Woman]

Part 1 of 2. A retelling of Theseus facing the Minotaur.

Air stirred in the small cell. Small strands of hay danced, twirling and spinning around each other as warm wind found its way through the cracks and hallways of the palace. Young Theseus closed his eyes with a sigh, welcoming the fresh air. The man sat stiffly against the cool wall of his cell, strong arms crossed over his stomach. Despite his calm demeanor, the youth hummed with energy, purpose and confidence.

Suddenly, the door to the cells groaned open. Theseus squared his shoulders to face his captor but, to his surprise, a young woman soon stepped into view. Her hair was golden curls held up and away from her smooth, tan neck. She wore a simple, yet expensive, white chiton with an ornate golden girdle that matched her luxurious hair. Her body was hidden by the long, loose fabric yet Theseus could nearly imagine her form and his heart raced from a different kind of energy.

The young woman glanced nervously at Theseus and then back at the entrance to the cells.

"If I had known my jailors to be so beautiful, I would've surrendered myself to their care far before now," Theseus said. He stood, dusting himself off.

The girl licked her lips with a quick, pink tongue. "You're a fool to take such an attitude," she told the young man. "If you knew what waited for you-"

"The minotaur," Theseus said easily. "I know my fate and I welcome it."

Blinking, the young woman stepped back. "You know?"


"And yet you still stand there, grinning like a fool?"

"Young mistress, I volunteered. My name is Theseus and I will end the minotaur and its terrible hunger. No more will our youths be sent to King Minos. I will end it all." The young man opened and closed his fists, strong corded forearm muscles bunching and flexing.

"I knew it," the young woman said, breathlessly. Again she licked her lips and, again she glanced at the entrance to the cells. "I am Ariadne, daughter of King Minos and I loved you as soon as I saw you step foot onto the island. At a glance I could tell you were no normal man and I thank the gods for your arrival. I have no great love for the beast, whom some say is my half-brother."

Theseus approached the bars of his cell. Passion and hunger burned in his eyes. "Ariadne, I would have you. When I have slain the abomination, I will come for you and make you my queen. For, one day, I will unite the people into a great kingdom. I have seen it. Your beauty drives all reason and thought from me. If I had not already pledged my services to defeat the foul creature, I would leave this island with you at my side."

"The gods have done more than unite us; they've seen fit to give you your escape from the Labyrinth." Reaching into her garment, the young woman pulled out a large ball of string. "Daedalus built the Labyrinth for my father. His work is nothing less than miraculous. Even if you were to find the minotaur and defeat it, you would find yourself lost forever in its passages. And, yet, the builder despises what has become of his work. Look! A simple ball of string shall bring my love back to me."

Theseus took the string and then clasped the young woman's hand when she withdrew. Red flushed quickly to the woman's tanned cheeks.

"Wait for me. By tomorrow night, I shall return."

"I will," the young woman said. She hid her eyes, unable to look at the young man. "I... I must go before I am missed. Always forward in Daedalus' Labyrinth. Neither left or right but always forward."

Without another word, the woman pulled free and left, holding up her long chiton over bare feet. Theseus watched her go. Smiling, the youth again sat, lightly tossing the string ball back and forth while dreaming of a future with the beautiful, daring young woman.


Pasiphae leaned back on the small stool. She was adjacent to Theseus' cell, hidden away in order to spy on the youth. As her daughter had, Pasiphae noticed the unusual aura of the young man immediately and had spent the evening waiting for him to reveal his plans.

Anger burned through the queen at her daughter's betrayal. She couldn't, and wouldn't, raise a hand against her daughter, whom she loved, but Theseus was another matter. She left the small room as quietly as possible, listening for movement before opening the hidden door leading out into the hallway. Soon, she found herself leaving the palace.

The sun was low on the horizon. Great waves crashed in the distance and the air smelled heavily of salt. White birds hung nearly motionless over the nearby cliffs, shifting and dipping before folding their wings to disappear over the water.

Queen Pasiphae made her way to a nearby hill. There, at the crest, stood a small temple in honor of her father, the god Helios. Made of imported white marble with pure gold highlights, it was open and barely large enough for five people to stand in. A large copper hammered bowl dominated the center of the temple. Every evening she lit a fire within and her priests tended it until the sun again rose over the sea.

Following her evening ritual, the queen kneeled, facing the sun after lighting the fire.

"Helios. Father. Hear me," the woman intoned. The blazing fire shifted and roared within the bowl. The air became heavy with an undefinable pressure. "My son is in danger. Already he languishes at the center of the Labyrinth, punished for following nothing more than his own nature. Kept far away from his mother and the pleasures of man. I beg of you, intercede on his behalf. Keep him safe. Please, Father. I beg of you."

The fire within the brazier flared and spun, swirling into a great height. Queen Pasiphae forced herself still, even as the heat threatened to steal her breath and burn her skin. A single tear slid from beneath closed eyes, evaporating instantly in the oppressive heat.

"Thank you," Pasiphae whispered. "Thank you, Father."


Daughter,the voice said. I would speak with you.

The young woman stirred in her bed, stretching and yawning. Animals stirred around her, adjusting themselves around their mistress. A large sow squealed quietly in the corner before settling back to sleep.

"Father," the young woman said, blinking away her sleep. "You honor me with your presence. What brings you to me this evening?"

The voice speak directly to her mind and she listened. As Helios neared the end of his instructions, the woman smiled.

"Oh, yes. Nothing would give me more pleasure, Father." She spoke to empty air. The god had already withdrawn.

Standing, the woman adjusted her cascading robes. Her auburn hair fell to her waist in great waves. It was near the middle of the night and cold but, the daughter of Helios never felt the cold. She worked quickly over a long table filled with vials and casks and jars of odd mixtures. The woman poured her final mixture into a large plain cup with a generous helping of honey mead.

A long staff, tipped with curved golden wings, lay against her table. She snatched the staff up and faced her room. With a quiet incantation, she took a step and found herself outside the cells of King Minos' palace. Cup in one hand, staff in the other, she opened the great doors and took another step.

Leather laced sandals appeared on the woman's feet. With another step, her long robes shortened and became more plain. A third step and she shimmered, as if a great heat had surrounded her. When it faded, an old man appeared in her place. The young woman, her true appearance hidden, made her way to Theseus' cell.

"Boy!" the woman cried out, her voice hoarse with feigned age. "Princess Ariadne has sent me on this fool's errand. I would see you starve but the princess begged me to pity you. I brought warmed mead. I'd rather feed it to the cows, who stand above you in my eyes, but I love the princess and would see her smile at my benevolence. Speak nothing of this if you wish the princess no harm."

Theseus approached the bars, eyes wary but open. The youth grabbed the cup from the old guard and tipped it to his lips, drinking deeply. The guard cracked the butt of his staff three times against the cold ground as Theseus finished the drink.

"Thank you," the youth said, handing the old cup back through the bars. "And send Princess Ariadne my gratitude if it cause her no trouble."

"Oh," the guard said with a smile. "It'll be no trouble at all, boy."

Without another word, the guard turned and left. Once out of sight, the disguise quickly fell away to leave the beautiful woman standing barefoot at the entrance to the cells.

"It is done, Father," Circe said aloud.


Theseus felt the warm mead flow through his body. He lay against the ground on his side, relaxing with the aid of the drink. He'd neared sleep before the guard had arrived but, now, he felt his heavy eyelids slid close.

His dreams were brief and chaotic. A swirl of images he couldn't comprehend of grasp. They slipped through his fingers as he slept through the night.

Heavy footsteps woke the youth from his deep sleep. His head buzzed with a queer feeling that Theseus attributed to the drink and rough sleep in an unfamiliar place. Quickly, he checked his light clothing for the ball of string he'd hidden and then stood, groaning.

A new guard arrived. Younger than the guard from the night before with eyes full of anger, the guard unlocked the cell. Two more men stood behind the guard. No guards these but well trained soldiers. Theseus noted their muscular arms, eyes tracing along the bulge of their biceps down to their large, calloused hands. He blinked and looked over to the guard, telling himself his heart was racing from the danger he would soon face.

The two soldiers stood back, allowing Theseus to follow the guard while they trailed. The men smelled of leather and sweat and he knew they had been awake hours before, training. He could almost imagine them working through their forms in the rising son. Yelling, fighting, grappling, bodies twisting as they fought. The youth missed a step in his excitement. Blood raising at the thought of the fight. How he wished he could have joined them in their exercise.

The cells lead out through long, twisting corridors before finally opening into the huge front courtyard. Theseus took the entirety of it in a glance. Queen Pasiphae stood with her children. Theseus looked over her sons, noting how they had taken their mother's beauty and grace, before settling on Ariadne. The young girl was blushing but she gave a quick nod toward Theseus and he could see the promise of their new life hidden in her glance.

Surely, Theseus thought, glancing again at Ariadne's brothers, if our sons are as beautiful as Queen Pasiphae's own children, I shall be a lucky man. The skin around Theseus' small nipples darkened to a light brown. He scratched quickly at his chest as the skin became puffy, growing into small areolas.

The guard stopped at the palace gates but the soldiers continued. One of the men switched to the front to lead Theseus to the labyrinth while the other remained in the rear. They marched along the path leading from the palace and Theseus blinked in the sudden harsh sunlight. Pain shot behind his eyes to settle throughout his entire head but he ignored it and continued.

As they walked, Theseus admired the lead soldier's calves. He considered himself fleet footed but, surely, the nameless soldier in front of him was quicker. Sweat ran along his body in small drips, between his shoulderblades and along his hard, muscular stomach. The youth scratched at his lower belly as the sweat tickled his flesh. Four small spots on his stomach puckered, the smooth flesh becoming four wrinkled circles.

Broad shoulders as well, Theseus admitted. He watched the way the man walked, the easy, confident sway to his hips that spoke of years of hard experience. A slow, barely noticeable pulse thrummed deep within Theseus' belly. I would have a hard time with this man if I were to fight him one-on-one. Would he keep to his sword or wrestle? The battle raging around us, facing off against this man, close in, swords lost to the side, hands gripping and pulling as we fought for better positions. Bodies close and sweating and hard.

The light pulsing beat quickened, small and hot. Soft brown hairs slid from the skin along Theseus' spine, sparse and light. The youth shifted as the sweat brushed against the light fur. He shivered when the drops slid against his suddenly sensitive ass. A small gasp escaped unnoticed from his lips.

Theseus' manhood stiffened under his clothes. He bit his lips as it rose slowly to full attention. His heartbeat pounded at his temples and he flushed in shame and excitement. He looked down, praying that the soldiers focused on their goals. Eyes cast down, he watched the soldier's bare calf muscles, mindlessly enjoying the view. Excitement from my upcoming battle. And the princess. The beautiful princess. I'll make her my wife and we shall unite the kingdoms for my sons.

Slowly, muscles bulged within Theseus' thighs. The man shivered as they first rubbed together but, soon, they simply chafed. Light brown hairs sprouted in a line among his leg hair. Down the hairs grew, hidden beneath his curly leg hair until the brown hairs turned white around his ankles. Short and barely unnoticeable, the new hairs swayed with the fresh sea wind.

The three men marched along the small island. The Labyrinth was an imposing structure that loomed closer and closer. The pressure in his lower belly began to ache. The youth could feel the soreness in his belly, chest and teeth. His manhood throbbed almost as painfully beneath his clothes.

He wanted to touch it.

He wanted to caress his length as he had many lonely nights while traveling. So many nights spent on the road between campaigns and quests when no woman was available to keep him warm. His heart ached in his chest with each beat, echoed between his legs. His hands ached to touch himself, to slid along his girth.

At the thought, the skin along his rough hands tightened. Calluses were pulled smooth and the thick, dirty worn palms of his hands softened. Soft brown hairs sprouted alongside the darker brown hairs of his short, rough beard. He rubbed as his face with his long, thin fingers and the darker hairs of his beard pulled free.

Under her shirt, just below his belly button, small ducts began to develop. A single vein bulged from one side of his hip to the other.

The three men approached a large olive tree and suddenly halted. The lead soldier turned to face Theseus and his eyes immediately flicked down to the youth's excitement. Theseus flushed with embarrassment, twisting his larger thighs together under the man's scrutiny. The soldier looked up, his lips pulled back in disgust before the man blinked in surprise. He started to speak but stopped and shook his head instead.

Oh, gods, Theseus groaned. This is too much. He'll probably think it was due to him. I should say something. I should- no, fool! You'll only make it worse. Do you want to lose face in front of this man? More than you already have? It's nothing to do with him; let him look upon you. Let him see who you are. His judgment is nothing.

Still, Theseus found himself casting his eyes downward. Not in shame but out of some emotion he hadn't ever felt before. He felt at a loss to describe it but his heart beat faster as his ears roared with the blood racing to his face.

Ears nicked and torn and weathered from battle slowly smoothed and healed. Hard creases within his ears flattened into soft skin. Beneath his chest, his small, pink nipples swelled, pushing his areola wider. Small pink spots appeared on his brown nipples as they grew larger.

Theseus sighed. Eyes still down, the man wondered if the soldier would hit him. If, in his disgust at Theseus and what he thought the youth had imagined, he'd backhand him. I didn't! The youth thought, somewhat petulantly. I didn't think of you so stop looking at me like that. I wasn't thinking of you in that way.

The young man's thoughts betrayed him. He raised his eyes slightly to peer at the soldier's stomach. A small, quiet part of him hoped the other man would like what he saw. That he would be hard and as large as he was now imagining. Theseus licked his lips quickly, wiping away a line of drool from slowly thickening lips. The thought of the man's cock filled him and the youth wondered how it'd feel against his soft hands.

"Drink," the soldier said roughly, thrusting a filled water skin towards the young man.

Theseus reached for the water skin carefully. Shyly. He drank greedily, water slopping over awkward, thick lips. Handing back the skin, Theseus wiped his mouth, not noticing more dark hairs coming away to leave light brown fur behind.

Without a word, the soldier turned and they continued. Impossibly, Theseus was still hard. He could feel his need for release from the way he ached deep in his gut. He could picture it, his hands around his cock, pumping furiously. Moaning from it. Watching the soldier's face as he pleasured the man, working his slim fingers up and down. Squeezing gently at the man's balls. Flushing in excitement and pleasure at the way the soldier would groan in approval. Feeling the man's hand in his hair as he pushed Theseus down to swallow his cock.

Theseus whimpered quietly at the thought. Fatty tissue built beneath his ass and his hips swelled slowly, changing his solid, trim figure into a slightly hourglass shape. The chafing of his thighs lessened as he filled out.

He could almost smell the man's cock. It'd be dotted with pre-cum and he'd lick at it with his tongue before...

With a blink, Theseus stumbled. No, he thought. NO. This is... this is wrong. This isn't me. I don't- something is wrong with me.

"Keep walking," the rear soldier told him.

"Ye- yes," Theseus said quietly, his confidence gone. The light fur along his spine crept downward. As soon as it reached his lower back, it began to spread, creeping along and down to cover his widening ass. "I'm sorry," he whispered. His voice cracked on the word and he coughed. Tears welled in his eyes. His throat swelled. He wanted to cry suddenly and desperately but he fought against the feeling.

The sun climbed the sky as Theseus stumbled along in a daze. His excitement faded, replaced with a surge of emotions battling for attention. A second vein bulged in his lower belly. The four small puckered circles tightened and swelled, pushing a quarter inch away from his skin.

Pathetic, he told himself, scratching his belly. He blinked away fresh tears, sniffing. Bones cracked suddenly within his chest and he cried out, voice high and woman-like. Falling to the ground, Theseus clutched his sides. His ribcage flexed and expanded and the man sobbed through the pain of it.

"Get up!" yelled the first soldier.

"S-sorry," Theseus cried. "I- I'm s-s-sorry." New tissues and glands began to grow on his chest and his nipples pushed out into small small bumps. The youth wanted to cry and scream. New hormones rushed through his body, bringing with them a host of emotions that he'd never bothered feeling before. He clutched at his head, trying to ignore the babbling whispers in his skull. Hair slid slowly through his fingers as his short, curly hair grew down to touch the middle of his neck. Light brown fur lifted from his neck beneath the hair. Bones creaked beneath the skin of his feet.

"I said get UP!" the soldier yelled again, slamming his boot against Theseus.

The young man cried out with a shrill, high voice. His entire body ached. Bones and ligaments stretched to near breaking points as his entire body expanded. Theseus pushed himself to his hands and knees, head low, sweat sliding against his lightly furred cheeks to drip to ground. Finally, he pushed himself up. His clothes clung tightly to his body, dirty and sweat-soaked. Bones deep within his foot slid, cutting through tissue and muscle.

Although shaky, Theseus felt solid on the ground. His center of balance had shifted and, unnoticed to him, his larger, wider body made his stance stronger. Although his body was sore all over, his feet were particular painful. The slight change to his feet caused his bones to scrape against each other and, as he continued to walk, each step shot pain up his legs.

Before long, the Labyrinth loomed before them. The walls stood easily twelve feet high and were entirely solid. No cracks or holes or any seams showed through the brilliant architecture. There was no door to block the entrance as nobody except Daedalus had ever walked out of the maze. There was no need to guard the entrance.

Fear sank like a knife into Theseus' heart. Never had he felt it so clear and strong. Never had he trembled at the touch of it. But, now, seeing the entrance, he wavered. For the first time in his life, he wanted to run. The only thing keeping him in place were the soldiers. Just yesterday, he would've been sure that he could've easily handled both men but, now, he knew he couldn't. His confidence was gone. Stolen from him with each step from his morning's journey.

"Please," he whispered, eyes locked onto the entrance. "Please don't."

The soldiers laughed, heads thrown back and bellies shaking.

"Please? Please?!" the rear soldier roared. "I've seen boys half your age and half your size walk bravely into the Labyrinth and you say please?"

"I- I'll do anything," Theseus begged. "Please. Please don't. I- I'll pleasure you. I will. If you let me go, I'll pleasure you both as a woman would. Just please let me go." A small part of him grew excited at the thought of the man naked in front of him.

The youth didn't see soldier's fist but the world spun around him as he slumped to the ground with a thud. He stared senselessly at the blue sky above him. Clouds raced across the sky as a brisk, hard whipped along his body. He shivered and his nipples tightened on his tiny breasts at the wind's caress. He felt the sensation as a deep, pleasurable tickle between his legs. As he lay there, his ears grew longer. Thin, smooth skin making the tips of his ears flop slightly. Soft white fur sprouted from the skin above his cock. He twisted, murmuring in his daze.

The skin along his lower stomach softened and bulged. Theseus moaned. The pulsing ache in his groin began again, even lower now and, as he had with his nipples, he felt it between his legs. A dull, throbbing ache.

An empty ache.

Theseus groaned and shifted, sitting up. His nipples made small tents against his clothing. His tiny breasts swelled, flattening against the already tight clothes.

I have to, he told himself. A small shred of his confidence surged. I have to go. I have to stop this. He closed his eyes and breathed. Theseus' nose widened above his thick lips. He licked at it with an elongating tongue as he began to control his breathing.

Scents flooded him. The sharp bite of the nearby olive trees, the tang of the sea and the sweaty flesh of the soldiers. The youth licked his lips and nose again. The slowly growing ache between his legs pulsed and he groaned. He could smell the soldier's musky scent. He moaned quietly, low and husky and feminine.

No. Stand up. Stand up, he told himself. Slowly, he did. His back clicked and popped until he stood straight. The side of his chiton strained as the fat and muscles grew in his waist and back. Finally, it gave under the pressure with a quiet tearing sound. The skin beneath the rip was sweaty. Seven single strands of soft brown fur sprouted from the skin while he straightened.

He hadn't realized before but he stood taller than both soldiers and, yet, they loomed over him. He ducked his head while rubbing his lower back.

"Go forward and be brave," the soldier told him. "Or die at our swords like a coward."

Theseus stared at the man. Again, he scented the air. A bubble of drool appeared at the corner of his lips. The ache between his legs flared again at the smell of the man's cock. His earlier thoughts began to return. The thought of his soft hands around the man's thickness. Blood rushed to his own manhood and it stirred.

Before he found himself begging on his knees again, Theseus turned and stepped through the threshold of the Labyrinth. Faint sounds echoed around the walls and passages curved off to his left and right and before him.
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Unread 03-06-2015   #2
Smutty Lady
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 622
Re: The Labyrinth Ch. 01 [TF / TG / Cow Woman]

Part 2 of 2. Theseus enters the Labyrinth as his body changes further.

Always forward, never left or right, Theseus remembered. The tear on his left side continued stretched against his increased bulk, ripping up to his armpit. The cool air that flowed in and against his skin made him shiver with pleasure. His small breasts had grown enough to show through the tear, the swell of the new skin soft and white against his tanned skin. White fur sprouted between his breasts, lengthening into a small tuft that tickled his thick, hardened nipples.

Theseus walked forward, wincing in pain with each step. As soon as he was out-of-sight of the soldiers, he stopped to retrieve the ball of yarn tucked away. His slim, deft feminine fingers quickly undid the small knot and he unraveled a bit of it to tie around a protrusion in the wall.

Satisfied, he continued forward. The heat within the Labyrinth was stifling. He'd imagined it to be open to the sky but it was sealed. And yet, light dim somehow found its way into the massive structure. Whether by accident or masterful artifice, Theseus could only guess.

Despite the breeze caressing his body, the youth began to sweat profusely, large drops of the liquid sliding along his new curves and light fur. A bulge appeared at the small of his back and he mindlessly massaged it while lapping at his face and nose with a widening, lengthening tongue.

Forward, never left or right, he chanted. Forward. Slowly, as he walked, a new scent floated to his wide nose. Theseus gasped and fell against a nearby wall. The soldiers' musk was thick and enticing but this new scent made his pulse speed and his breathing come in short, quick gasps. Something twisted and pinched between his legs and he collapsed onto his plump, soft ass.

He'd never realized that he'd been clenching a muscle within his belly so tight. He'd never, as a man, even knew there was such a muscle deep within his groin. But, suddenly, that muscle relaxed and Theseus gasped. He could feel things moving slightly within his body and his ears began to ring with a high pitched noise. Gasping, breathing as deeply as possible, he reached between his legs to try to touch the new muscle. To feel it between his fingers.

"Noooo," he moaned in frustration, his voice husky and thick with need. His cock throbbed and twisted, trying to grow erect. He touched himself and then his hand went higher, fumbling over the four nipples growing on the soft skin of his lower belly. He pulled and twisted the nipples and his feet rubbed against each other in front of him.

Within seconds, the bones in his feet began to fuse, the joints solidifying and fusing together into a solid lump. His feet lengthened. The unkempt toenails at the tips of his toes clicked together. The dense, solidified nail spread to cover the front of his toes and then curved around to line the bottom of the balls of his feet.

Theseus' new hooves clacked against the ground as he teased the nipples on his udder.

Below the four new nipples, the skin of his stomach was incredibly soft. His slim fingers slid against the smooth, silky skin. The sensation made him gasp and arch his back. Small bumps rose along the length of his arm in a wave. A third and fourth vein appeared on his udder, bulging against the creamy flesh. He massaged himself and the udder responded, slowly swelling under his attentions.

The pleasure he felt distracted him as his testicles dwindled away to nothing, leaving a loose sack of skin hanging beneath his useless penis.

The bump at the base of his spine pushed further away from above his wide hips. Long white hairs grew from the very tip of it and his tail flicked against the wall.

"Ohhh," Theseus moaned. His jaw popped. Bones slid and grew beneath his skin. He licked his face against the aching pain caused by the growth of his muzzle. Light brown and white fur grew along his expanding face. Beneath his torn clothing, his breasts swelled further and he groaned as the hard, throbbing nipples rasped against his tattered, rough clothing.

Only partially aware of what he was doing, Theseus pulled at his chiton. The already torn fabric ripped the rest of the way, freeing his large, half-furred form. His breasts hung on his sweaty chest, swelling as they filled with milk.

With one hand on his growing udder and the other pressing uselessly, hopelessly between his legs, he felt the skin of his ball sack pull into his body. Something opened within his body and he screamed out from the alien, erotic feeling.

Theseus clawed at the dirt floor, breasts heaving and hoofed feet kicking as his vagina opened for the first time. Skin folded and pulled and a tiny slit appeared under his limp cock. The youth's finger slid against the hole accidentally and he gasped.

Slowly, he brought the traitorous finger up to his face. His eyes crossed over his long muzzle. When they refocused, the muzzle half-vanished, a shadow hidden by a trick of his mind.

His fingertip was coated in a clear liquid. He could smell the familiar scent. A scent he'd found on every single one of the women he bedded.

The smell of his new, wet virgin pussy.

Light brown fur covered the back of his hand. He turned his hand back and forth as if seeing it for the first time. Slender and soft. His fingers were long and ended in clear, thick nails. The fur continued up his hand to his elbow and small, irregular white spots of fur mixed with the brown.

A sudden gust of wind made Theseus flex his hips. He tried looking down at the sensitive spots on his chest but his muzzle blocked his view. Instead, he saw the bulge on his lower belly. And the four long nipples growing out of it.

Although his small udder partially hid his sex, old and new, from view, he could feel the head of his cock against the small slit that had grown between his legs.

He wanted to touch himself again. He wanted to press a finger into that aching emptiness.

Despite the changes, he yearned to fill that new part of him. Theseus shivered again.

"No," he whispered in his high, feminine voice. "This isn't right. I've been cursed. Magic from the Labyrinth changing me into this monster. Turning me. No. No."

With renewed resolve he stood and his torn chiton slid against his body to pool against the floor. Theseus moaned. Everything felt sensitive. Everything on his body begged to be caressed. To be touched and licked and scratched.

"No," he said again. "I can heal this. Kill the beast and I break the curse. That has to be the way. Ariadne. Our children. I've seen the vision of my children ruling a united realm. I've... I've seen it. It... It has to... it will..." His modest breasts called to him but he forced his hands to his sides.

Long fingers tipped with short, clear nails slid against his wide, furred hips and a line of fire raced along his belly to set off small, pinching pleasurable aches in all six of his nipples. Theseus sighed, leaning against the nearby wall until the intense feeling passed. He resolved not to touch himself again. This body... this accursed, false body would tempt him no more, he vowed silently.

Bending down, awkward on his new hooves, he reached for the knife he'd hidden in his clothing. The cool handle felt odd and somehow smaller in his hands but he held it tight. The ball of yarn had bounded away but he retrieved it and continued down down the passage, marking his journey.

White fur sprouted around Theseus' belly button. It crept down to the white fur mixed in with his still-human pubic hair. The hair spread out and around his cock and down his inner thighs. The sensation was maddening but Theseus focused on his task.

The Minotaur's smell guided him. He didn't want to admit it but the male's scent pulled at him. He found himself continuously drooling and licking it away with his long tongue.

Clear liquid leaked through the slit between his legs. Theseus stumbled, falling painfully to his knees at the sudden sensation of it. At the smell of it. His own scent. He could feel his insides sliding together as he walked. Sliding wetly together and making him even more turned on. His body cried out in its arousal. A slow, maddening, thrumming sense of need that was completely alien to his old male body.

Brown fur grew down his neck and along his shoulders. Short and soft, it covered him, sprouting down his arms until it reached his elbow. Theseus scratched himself idly, tongue lolling out in happiness as he followed the male's scent.

Sudden sharp pains in his stomach made Theseus pause. He grunted, again leaning against a nearby wall.

His udder swelled suddenly. No longer a gentle bump on his belly, the skin ballooned out as his milk came in. Drops of translucent white liquid welled from the tips of the four nipples hanging from his udder. Almost as if in sympathy, a single drop of milk formed from the tip of nipple on his right breast. One of the four long nipples pulled tight and spurted a jet of milk and he gasped, knees dropping slightly from the sensation. His cock disappeared completely from view as the udder continued to grow. Black coloring appeared on the nearly pink, silky skin.

Theseus clutched his growing udder, supporting the new weight as it pulled heavily at his body. The skin along his back bulged, rippling patches of short brown fur. Muscles grew and thickened. His biceps bulged, twitching and jerking under the coat of fur covering them. Theseus' short tail whipped angrily behind him, slapping against his furred thighs and ass.

With a muscular back and stomach that flared into a wide ass and powerful thighs, Theseus was distinctly feminine. Patches of bare skin were still visible along his stomach and back and calves.

His udder ached and burned on his belly. He was swollen and he knew he needed to express the milk but he refused, grunting through the pain that bordered on a sick sense of pleasure.

Another long string of clear liquid leaked out of his pussy, sticking to his thigh before falling to the ground. His face and ears burned. His traitorous fingers slid from his udder down to his thighs.

"Oh gods, no," he whimpered, lips trembling. The brown fur along his brow was darkened from sweat and he was gasping, chest heaving. The growth of his udder had stopped and, slowly, he found himself calming. His new sex ached badly and all six nipples throbbed down to his stomach but he snatched his hand away from his legs.

"The male- Minotaur. The- the Minotaur," he said, gasping. "I- I have to find him. End this. I have to end it. And save myself. I have to."

Theseus clopped away from the wall. The smell of his milk and sex was hard to ignore but he turned and continued, following the male's musk. With a narrow, forced focus, he continued on. His hooves clopped loudly down the passageways. His tail flicked behind him and he could feel his large ass cheeks and thighs rubbing together with each step. Sweat slid down his chest, sliding around and down his breasts. He focused on each step.

Because of his focus, Theseus didn't realize he'd found the center of the Labyrinth until he stood at the entrance of it. The room was vast. Torches lined the walls, flickering and guttering.

He was there.

The Minotaur stood at the back, eyes trained on Theseus. He was huge. Wide and tall and covered in fur and heavy, corded muscles. Two large curved horns grew from the beast's temples.

Theseus thought the creature was the most magnificent thing he'd ever seen. A thought that quickly brought a blush of shame and anger. And, yet, just beneath the surface of that quick, forced rage, his heart raced.

Theseus found his eyes trailing down at the gigantic cock hanging between the male's legs. At its base it was as thick as his old human arm. It was red and veiny and seemed to almost glisten in the faint light. A short, barely noticeable black furred sheath enveloped the very base of it. The male's cock tapered slightly along its length until, three inches from the tip, it bent and twisted slightly into a rounded tip.

"Oh gods, no," Theseus whispered, eyes wide and still locked on the male's cock. The youth shuddered. He pressed himself against the wall, dropping the ball of string to hold the dagger in front of himself with both hands. He trembled. As much as he tried, he couldn't look away from the Minotaur's cock. Drool formed at Theseus' lips. He felt it fall against his furred chest but he couldn't move.

The ache between his legs intensified. He could almost feel the male in him. He could almost feel his hot, wet virgin slit being forced open by the male. Theseus moaned deeply, blood rushing to his face and pussy. It throbbed between his legs.



"I smelled you coming," the beast said. It's voice was a low, powerful rumble. "What are you? Not like me. Not quite. But not like them, either."

"I- I-" Theseus stuttered. He fell, landing on his ass. The air rushed from his lungs and his legs pressed painfully against his udder. "I-"

The dagger clattered to the ground from nerveless fingers. Theseus' uncircumcised cock began to shrink, pulling into his body. As it did, his wet slit lengthened, opening in eager anticipation of the male's girth. The head of his cock closed and then pulled into the foreskin. Smaller and smaller it shrunk. A cluster of nerves formed and Theseus found himself spreading his legs open and closed in response.

Wafting his new scent to the male in invitation.

Theseus' slit bulged and folded as his vulva formed. Clear liquid squirted from between his new lips, coating his furred thighs as his pussy opened wide and formed properly. The new lips were engorged with blood. Thick, puffy black lips with small, pink spots.

On his chest, his breasts began to swell. He grasped them roughly with his soft hands, massaging away the pain as best as he could. The areola widened, pulling the nipple with it until they were twice as thick as a human woman's nipple. They pushed out from his areola, a quarter the length of the udder's nipples. He could feel the weight of his breasts as they grew, sliding against his furry chest until they hung, heavy and full to his sides.

The hot, painful ache in his udder worsened. Theseus, mind filled by the changes raging through his body, grasped at his lower nipples. He squeezed and pulled over and over until milk spurted from the tips, arching in front of him to splash on the dirty floor. The aching hot pain passed quickly as he milked himself. Since he hadn't birthed a calf, his milk hadn't properly and fully come in. He was simply expressing the little that had come when his udder formed.

The long nipples on his udder lay bent in half now that his udder was empty and Theseus found his breasts jealously begging for his attention. Theseus rocked his hips back and forth as he dug into the soft flesh and silky fur covering his heavy breasts. He pinched and rubbed at his nipples while he moved, twisting and shifting on his ass.

His foreskin folded into a hood around the tiny head of his cock.

The youth cried out as nerves connected and the head of his cock became the clit on his soaking wet, engorged pussy.

Heat flooded his body. He felt drugged. Drunken. Worse than he'd ever felt before. A single hand reached between his legs and he threw his head back in ecstasy as he touched himself properly for the first time.

"Oh, oh gods, oh yes," he whimpered. Looking down, his eyes fell on the male. The Minotaur was watching him closely. Theseus rocked faster back and forth, fucking his finger. A second joined the first. Then a third. Then a fourth. He licked his muzzle while picturing the male between his legs. Thick liquid soaked his hand. He cried out, needing release. Needing to feel the release of the built up desires that had been storming through his body. His other hand rubbed against the marble skin of his udder, fingers sliding among the four nipples. He pulled awkwardly at them, lowing deep in his throat with pleasure. Legs spread wide open, knees touching the dirty ground, he grunted over and over, frustration growing at the lack of fulfillment.

Why, his dazed mind wondered. Why won't he just fuck me? Why won't he take me? Gods, I need him. I need him in me. Fucking me. Why won't he do it? He's a beast. A monster. He murders innocent people. What is he waiting for?

The Minotaur stood in the same position. His nostrils were flaring over and over and his giant cock throbbed in the air before him. And yet, he stood still, large hands clenched in fists at his side.

Theseus went to him.

Theseus, hero of Athens. Brave and bold and without fear.

The youth crawled to the Minotaur on hands and knees. His hooves clacked against the ground and his hand, soaked with his own juices, mixed with the dirt. His wide nose took the male's scent in over and over and his eyes traced the thick cock down to the huge black furred balls dangling below them.

Theseus stopped in front of the Minotaur. He expected to be taken then. He wanted it to happen. He wanted to feel those rough hands against his hips. He could barely breathe from his need. Nerves along his spine and sides and legs sung out to him and that deep, wet ache between his legs was a burning, hungry hole that could never be filled.

"You," the Minotaur said. "You have to do it. You are not of them. I will not kill you or force you. If you are to be mine, you will show it. The gods sent you to me but you will finish it. You-"

Theseus grabbed the Minotaur's cock. It was solid and huge and warm. He couldn't wrap his hand completely around the base of it. He held it with both hands, eagerly stroking it. Looking up at the male for approval. Long, brown ears flicking back while he pulled on the huge cock. His giant breasts bounced under his enthusiasm.

But, the smell of it. Gods, the smell of that heady musky. He wanted to please the male. He wanted to hear the Minotaur tell him how happy he was. He good he felt. He wanted to hear all of those things and blush but now, now pure raw need made him feel more aggressive than his new nature told him to be. Almost tentatively, he lapped at the male's cock with his wide tongue. A low moan escaped Theseus' lips. It just felt right to do it. To taste him. The red skin was smooth and warm against his tongue and the taste... The taste.

Holding the length of the male's cock steady, Theseus took it into his long muzzle. He wrapped the cock lovingly with his wet, thick tongue until he felt the round tip pushing at the back of his throat. He could feel himself gagging from it and he still had two hand-widths left.

The Minotaur stroked Theseus' long, soft, curly brown hair and the youth nearly leapt from the tenderness he felt. His heart sung from the touch. From the implied approval. He gently cupped the Minotaur's testicles, squeezing and pulling and rubbing lightly as he slowly worked his muzzle up and down the smooth length of him.

"It is good," the Minotaur said flatly. Despite the rumbling bluntness of it, Theseus was sure he heard something different in the male's tone. An excited lilt to words. A warmth that wasn't there before. "I have never- I have never done this. I have never mated with anyone. I-"

The Minotaur growled, fingers clenched tightly in Theseus' hair. The youth froze, glancing upwards at the male.

"Something is happening. I. Be careful. Be careful. My... love."

Tears welled in Theseus' eyes at the words. His heart raced beneath his wide, furred chest. Slowly, gingerly, he slid down over the male's thick cock. His tongue licked at the smooth, rippled skin. Slowly, he again built up speed, sucking and licking at the male. The Minotaur grunted above him.

Suddenly, the male bellowed. His cock swelled and Theseus choked. Pulling back, eyes wide, he felt thick gouts of cum spurt from the tip of the Minotaur's cock.

An odd sort of pride filled him. He'd made his mate cum for the first time.

Cum spurted out between Theseus' black lips to cover the fur along his chin but he tried to swallow as much as he could. Again and again the Minotaur's cock swelled until, finally, the youth gasped for air.

"It is my first time," he said, his rumble breathless. "Are you hurt?"

Theseus shook his head. Long white ropes of the male's cum hung from his chin. He wiped the cum with the back of his arm and then, without hesitation, he licked himself. Cleaning the cum from the fur of his arm. Tasting it slowly with each lap of his wide tongue. Finished, he cast his eyes down but felt the Minotaur's thick, rough hand gently under his chin, raising his head.

"Are you hurt?" the male repeated.

"N- no," Theseus gasped. "No. But, I ache."


Without answering, Theseus turned. He spread his thighs and raised his wide hips. His pussy lips opened wetly. Thick strands of clear liquid connected from his pussy to his thigh and the base of his lifted tail.

The Minotaur's nose flared and white filled his eyes. He bent to Theseus, roughly grabbing the youth's hips. Large, flat fingers dug into Theseus' side and the youth gasped at the sensation. Everything along his body felt like a live wire. The male licked at Theseus' long ears and he groaned in appreciation.

One hand came away from Theseus' side and he looked back to see what was happening. The Minotaur held his cock steady, slowly pushing forward until the tip of it pressed between Theseus' legs.

"Please," Theseus gasped. "Please. Please yes." Rational thought fled as the male began to push into him. Pain mixed with pleasure. The Minotaur's slick, spit and cum-coated tip slid easily into Theseus' virgin pussy. His tight, engorged black pussy lips wrapped around the Minotaur's red cock and the youth felt new muscles gripping and pulling the male. Theseus pressed his forehead to the ground, eyes shut. His long fingers dug into his soft palms and he held back the cry of pain he wanted to make.

He would be brave, he decided. Brave for his lover. To show that he could take him. That he could take his mate's cock.

Theseus' lower stomach and udder bulged as the male slid into him. It was unlike anything he'd felt and he didn't think he could ever get enough. The ache in his loins faded, replaced with pressure, pain and pleasure. He reached under himself, grabbing at a long nipple to twist and pull. Two drops of milk fell and a deep, husky moan escaped Theseus' lips at the double sensation.

"Almost," the Minotaur said, gasping. "Almost all of me."

Theseus' pussy throbbed with heat and blood. He was gasping. Part of him wanted more of his mate's cock but another part tried to warn him that it was too much. Almost, almost he cried out to make his mate stop but, finally, he felt the Minotaur's soft balls against his furry, wet pussy lips.

And then the Minotaur pulled back. The enormous girth of the Minotaur's cock rubbed every single inch of Theseus' pussy. He gasped, shaking and shuddering as the male withdrew. Slowly, he eased into Theseus again.

The human side of Theseus screamed as it was wiped away.

He was mated now.

Shewas mated.

"More," the female panted. She felt how slick she was from the male, how her thighs and ass were coated with her own juices but she needed more. She pushed back, gasping and groaning as he filled her again. The male growled and grabbed a thick tuft of fur on the back of the female's neck. Her head jerked back and, incredibly she grew more wet for her mate.

Pain and sharp, bright pleasure tore through the female as her pussy was used for the first time. Muscles unused and still tight felt torn by the male. She wanted to scream as tiny knives tore inside of her but the pure pleasure of it was too much. Not just the feeling of her mate inside of her but the position, giving herself up - feeling herself taken on hands and knees, as docile as her new namesake.

With each motion, the pain faded. She found herself pushing back, able to easily take more of her mate. Wanting more of him. She couldn't stop herself from gasping and moaning in pleasure. The old Theseus was a rough, quiet lover but now, she couldn't stop the sounds escaping from her long, furred muzzle. The old Theseus was controlled. Disciplined. But, no longer. She had let everything go. Given herself up to her mate and the submission was enormously freeing.

Long, brown ears flicked back, eyes half-closed in lust and love, she looked back at the Minotaur. Watched the way the muscles of his forearm shifted as he gripped her wide hips. Her large soft ass slammed against her mate's hard stomach. Her tail pressed against the male's side, coiling against him lovingly. She could feel the strength in his body with each motion.

How proud she was of him.

Thoughts were slowly becoming difficult. The world began to compress to a sphere in the center of her body. Her heavy, large breasts shook beneath her, rocked by the roughness of their motion. No lovemaking this. Two creatures, unique in the world and unmated. Virgins needing desperate release.

They fucked on their knees in the dirt of the open room. Surrounded by bones and dried blood and tattered furnishings, the male grunted while the female screamed in pleasure. The ground below them became soaked with drops of her milk and cum as the pressure built within her. The male began to thrust faster. Painfully so as his round tip slammed deep within her uterus. Over and over he pounded her, his red cock spreading her lips. Filling her to near bursting.

The female opened her mouth to scream but no sound came out. She bucked, her hooves clattering loudly on the ground as her first orgasm stormed through her. She fell to the ground, huge breasts and udder flattening beneath her as she twisted and kicked. Her tail flailed widly behind her until the male grabbed it and pulled. The sensation of it and the pure dominance shown by the male sent another orgasm crashing through her body.

A loud, animalistic lowing sound came from the female's lips as her mate's cock swelled inside of her. She gasped, clutching and clawing at the ground with her eyes rolling into her head as, again, thick spurts of cum slammed into her. The male roared above her, head back. Her pussy clenched over and over, pushing their mixed cum from between her tight pussy, coating them both in their juices.

Finally, the male collapsed gently above the female. They panted next to each other. Each small movement of the male sent shockwaves through the female. The dull, hungry ache had lessened but, even as she lay, filled and satisfied, the warmth of her mate against her furred back, she knew she wanted more.

Knew she would never stop wanting him.


The female lay on her side on a soft blanket. Her breasts were swollen and painful and her udder felt hot and hard to the touch.

"Come," she said. "Come young Theseus and sup." The female held her child closer to her udder and the small babe sucked blindly until he found a nipple. The babe's soft, short muzzle held her long nipple tightly and his small eyes stared adoringly up at his mother. She stroked the baby's furred back while he sucked from her nipple.

The Minotaur held a sleeping young child in his arms. It was another boy. As with his brother, the young child had a small muzzle atop of furry body. Two small bumps stood out from his temples, nearly hidden by curly brown hair that he'd inherited from his mother.

"My love, bring him. Agis will be hungry, too."

"In a moment," the Minotaur answered. "He has my finger."

"And my breasts need to be emptied. Both of them."

With a sigh, the Minotaur gently laid the young child at his mate's breasts. The child sniffed, scenting her milk before opening his eyes. He rolled to his mother, fumbling her for breast's smaller nipple. She cooed to him when he found it.

"I will leave tomorrow," the Minotaur said. "I have followed the string you brought so long ago and it still leads to the entrance. I will gather allies. More of my kind. Those forced to be hidden away from the sight of men. Flying beasts. Crawling beasts. Those deep within the sea. I will find them and we shall make war. Alone, I was satisfied to accept my fate. No longer."

"I-" the female paused. "I remember some things. Old memories. Of before." She didn't like to talk about them. Even now they were painful. Reminders of who she was. Before. Before she found her mate. "I remember war. And the world. I will go with you."

The Minotaur nodded, as if he'd expected no less.

The female furrowed her brow, eyes staring into the distance. "My- Our children will inherit the kingdom we build."

After a moment, she finished quietly. "I have seen it."
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Unread 03-07-2015   #3
"My way of thanking you"
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Re: The Labyrinth Ch. 01 [TF / TG / Cow Woman]

A bit too much focus on bodily fluids for me to really like the piece. And I think I'd have enjoyed a bit more time being given to the psychological changes but overall this was a nice transformation piece. You crammed in a lot of detail and it really flowed quite well. I think I'd have preferred if you didn't make the victim actually Theseus and had made it someone else, but I don't mind overly that. I do think the newly created minotaur should have felt a bit more animalistic however. Was too controlled for the mythological representations. Shouldn't have had the transforming Theseus feel lust for the guards escorting him to the cell. Should have been a bit more bloodlust and irrational disgust.

Overall a throughly enjoyable story with a few quirks I didn't care for. Certainly deserves a better response from this community.
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Unread 03-11-2015   #4
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Re: The Labyrinth Ch. 01 [TF / TG / Cow Woman]

I really enjoyed this! The transformation was slow and very detailed, and I liked the twist on the story of Theseus and the Minotaur. I'd love to see more of your writing!
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Unread 03-11-2015   #5
Smutty Lady
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Re: The Labyrinth Ch. 01 [TF / TG / Cow Woman]

Thank you very much! I have more stories posted here (mostly in the TF section) but also at FurAffinity, DeviantArt (as Olddog77), SoFurry and my own personal website at

If you're looking for more TG stories, I have "Sketch 01: Mother", "The Honeypot" and "Jenny"
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Unread 03-11-2015   #6
Smutty Lady
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Re: The Labyrinth Ch. 01 [TF / TG / Cow Woman]

@frice2000 - thank you And I'll keep the changes in mind. I came up with it and wrote it all in about ... 7 hours? With later editing so it was meant to be a quick story and it worked well with Theseus in this case but I know what you mean about being a different person since Theseus is such a major figure but he's well known in the myth.

And I appreciate the thoughts on it being more well received here. I'm a little surprised it isn't, honestly. It's a pretty popular story on the rest of the sites I post to.
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