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Unread 05-17-2008   #1
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The Gardener (Complete)

Hey guys this is my second attempt at a story. It?s set in Yorkshire, where I'm from so if you don't the odd reference I'm sorry; just ask me for an explanation.
Anyway this is the first part. The story itself is going to be a lot shorter then Alice (Not literally as she did get rather tiny) but in terms of length.

Let me know what you think of it.


The Gardener

It was Katie?s mum who had originally got her the summer job. For as long as Katie could remember she had been interested in gardening, an interest her parents had encouraged. So when a gardening job at the local stately home had appeared in the village newsletter her mother wasted no time in volunteering her. Katie was a little taken aback at first, but her mother, curator of the village hall, head of the local W.I, organiser of many a village fete and general pillar of village life, was the sort of women you had to expect to give your opinion to you and then act upon it accordingly.

Katie, was however, secretly pleased that her mother had taken the initiative. She?d just returned from university and the long summer seemed to stretch in front of her like a hot sticky dirge of boredom and stuffy village life. Returning to her little village of High Danby from her student life in Manchester had been a bit of a comedown and she looked forward to having something to occupy herself with until September.

So it was with some optimism that she trudged up the long drive of Hyton Hall to start her first day as gardener. The building had been a permanent fixture in her childhood. A little bit of a tomboy she had always played with the local boys in its grounds and its slightly wild gardens held a special significance to her.

Hyton Hall was large and Edwardian, the culmination of generations of work by the Hyton family to finally make it into ?civilised society?. Throughout Katie?s childhood Old Mrs Hyton had been its sole custodian, a bit senile in her old age she had been unable to support the estate and control its finances, resulting in its sale upon her death the previous year. The Hall?s new owners, a Mr and Mrs Croft, had come from London with, in her mother?s opinion at least, ?far too much money then was decent.? It had been Mrs Croft?s idea to ?civilise? the garden, very in keeping with the Hyton family attitude, Katie thought, and so it was her job to achieve this.

Katie carefully walked around the side of the house retracing her childhood steps to the door to the old kitchen. She checked her appearance to make sure she was presentable. She was wearing her usual gardening gear, a pair of tight fitting dungarees that were worn at the knees; these covered the majority of slight 5?4 frame, doing their best to accentuate her firm C-cup breast and her small pert bottom. She had tried to contain her long ginger hair with the use of a bandana but it still managed, somehow, to spill over in endless waves that reached into her cleavage. Untangling her hair from her pockets, buttons, cleavage and anywhere else it had managed to infiltrate she knocked, rather gingerly, on the old wooden kitchen door.

In keeping with her tomboyish childhood she had managed, in the short walk to the Hall, to accumulate mud on her shoes and dungarees and was trying to remove it when the door began to creek open. Realising only two late that her efforts had led to the mud smudging over her arms and cheeks the door opened and she was surprised to see a boy about her age with messy black hair and a cheeky grin on his face. Katie wasn?t sure why but she immediately went red and shuffled nervously under his gaze, still trying, in vain, to remove the mud that now adorned her cheeks hands and cute freckly nose.

?Er...? She stammered, her face now almost the same colour as her hair. ?I?m Katie, the new gardener.?
The boy?s grin broadened and he stuck out his hand ?I?m Sam, nice to meet you.?

Katie stuck out her hand rather timidly, which was very unusual for her, and then blushed an even deeper red as she realised she had spread mud all over his fingers.

?Er...sorry? was what she meant to say but she never got further than the S.

Sam, still grinning, cut in with ?Never mind it?ll wash, do you want me to show you where the all the gardening stuff is??

?Yes please? she said meekly, infuriated that her blushing still hadn?t receded; it was as if her body was committing some form of betrayal.

She trudged up a long garden path behind Sam, finding her eyes accidently straying to his buttocks as he walked to a collection of greenhouses in a small copse of trees.

?Everything?s in here? he said pointing towards the old glass buildings. ?Mum wants you to start with these flower beds? he said indicating the ones around the greenhouses.

They had defiantly seen better days, in fact it was almost impossible to determine where the wildflowers ended and the beds actually began.

?Er...thanks? she said, her new unfamiliar nervousness still getting the better of her.
Sam turned and began to walk across the lawn back to the house ?If you need anything else just let me know, I?ll be in most the day, there ?s a fat chance of me going out anywhere interesting around here isn?t there.?

Katie wanted to agree and talk at length about the boredoms of living in High Danby but instead her body mutinied and she simply smiled, becoming even more conscious of the mud smeared on her shoes, legs, arm, face and now, somehow, her neck.

* * *

For the rest of the day Katie devoted herself to her work. She cleared the area around the greenhouses, expertly planting the slightly nauseating plants that Mrs Croft had chosen for this section of the garden. The work was easy really. It involved nothing more then removing the wilder flowers in the bed and replacing them with the pre-potted selection Mrs Croft had provided.

As the day wore on Katie began to notice slight irregularities about the garden. They itched away at the back of her mind. The First was that at no point during her work did she have to remove any weeds from what should have been an overgrown jungle. The second was the wildflowers themselves, they seemed to Katie rather rational brain to be a little too...neat. It was as if they had been grown by somebody who understood nature beyond anything Katie ever could. Not organised chaos but arranged randomness were the only words Katie could find to explain it. The third thing was that she kept hearing a very dull buzzing noise in her ears. It seemed to be coming from all around her but once she concentrated on it it would stop as abruptly as it had started. Finally the last thing that had been plaguing Katie wasn?t to do this the garden at all. It was more to do with her reaction to Sam. She considered herself above silly crushes now that she had turned 20 but she had somehow just shut down when he had talked to her. Even when she was trying to work her thoughts had still managed to slip to Sam?s tight jeans and the slightly devious twinkle he had in his deep blue eyes.

Before Katie knew it the light was beginning to fade and she could see, what must have been Mrs Croft, beckoning her into the kitchen. When she finally downed tools and reached the Kitchen door Mrs Croft just looked her up and down rather quizzically.

?Thank you very much Katie.? She said slightly patronisingly ?Did you find everything ok for you today??

?Everything was ok thank you.? Said Katie?s lips while her brain was thinking ?I?m 20 not a bloody child you posh old bat.?

?Well shall I see you the same time tomorrow?? Mrs Croft enquired in the same tone.

?Oh yes, bright and early? Katie said her lips still fortunately in charge of her brain.

As she turned to walk up the long drive towards the road Mrs Croft shouted after her ?If you see my Sam in the village try and keep him out of trouble would you, he seems to gravitate towards the wrong people, if you know what I mean.?

Katie didn?t know what to say to this and so for the second time in a day she simply smiled at a member of the Croft family and then continued her journey home.

* * *

The next few days saw Katie would go though a similar pattern. She arrived at the Hall early and, after making a slight fool of herself in front of Sam, began work on different sections of the garden. Katie?s rational mind seemed to be picking up the same inconsistencies. Everywhere the garden seemed to contain a certain, arranged neatness and sheer absence of weeds. It was as if somebody had secretly been maintaining the garden for years. Katie had thought back to her childhood playing with the local boys in these very gardens. It seemed that even when Old Mrs Hyton had had the garden it was still easily accessible. This was bizarre due to infirmness and lack of resources to maintain the place. It wasn?t however until her fifth day of working there that Katie finally gained answers to all of her nagging little doubts.

The day had started like all the others. She had got to the Hall for nine, managed to trip over a rake in front of Sam as he bought her a cup of tea, and settled into Mrscrofifying a section of the garden. She was working on a few borders near to the greenhouses, where she had started gardening just a few days before, when she noticed something rather odd about her first days work. Upon closer inspection the pansies and roses that she had planted were almost half covered by the collection of wild flowers that had seemingly sprouted out of nowhere. She inspected the flowers carefully for a few minute and then, confused, went back to her work.

Then she heard it, that same dull buzzing coming from above her head. Quietly and carefully, without trying to think to hard about the noise, she quickly grasped above her head and was astonished to find her hand clamp hold of something small and wriggly. Dreading to think about what she had captured Katie slowly lowered her hand in front of her face. Letting out a little gasp she was astonished to find a tiny women, about 6 inches high, with her arms folded over her considerable bosom, her lips puckered into the sexiest of indignant pouts, scowling at her from underneath her short mop of tousled blond hair. On the back of the little women where what appeared to be a pair of wings, they were beating so fast that Katie was having trouble seeing them. Startled Katie let go almost instantly and watched as the little women hovered in front of her eye line still with a deliciously grumpy expression on her impish face.
Katie then watched astonished as the little fairy poked her aggressively on the nose and said ?What do you think you?re doing to my garden!?

Katie started to stammer ?I it Croft.? She finally got out.

?Fixing! More like ruining is what you?re doing! It took me weeks to get the garden growing happily. You?re running everything!? the fairy shouted confrontationally.

Katie looked around at her newly planted, Mrs Croft approved, borders. They looked garish and tacky next to the wild neatness of the rest of the garden. Suddenly she felt very apologetic.

?I?m sorry, I didn?t know you looked after the garden, I did think it was a bit too tidy, but, well I didn?t know fairies existed. I?m sorry.? She added again.

?Yes well? the fairy added her fire slightly doused by Katie?s rapid apology.

There was a silence both parties didn?t know what to say to each other, it was broken only by a slight buzzing as the fairy hung effortlessly in the air in front of Katie?s face.

Unsure of what to do next Katie?s brain automatically fell back on her manners ?My names Katie what?s yours?? she said extending a small muddy hand towards the fairy.

?Claricia? she said shaking the tip of Katie?s index finger, still with a trace of unpleasantness just below the surface.

?Friends...?? Katie asked hopefully.

?For now yes? the fairy said ?whether we stay that way remains to be seen?

Claricia landed gently on a nearby rock and sat toying with a leaf as she surveyed the giant ginger interferer. Now that she was more stationary Katie was able to get a better look at her. After only a few seconds of study it was obvious to Katie that Claricia was the most feminine thing she had ever seen. Below her untidy mop of blond hair the fairy had a full figure comparable only to a 50?s pin up. Her big firm breasts were squeezed snugly into what appeared to be a dress weaved entirely from different wild grasses. This dress only just covered her buttocks leaving rather little to Katie imagination.These large round buttocks poked ever so slightly out from underneath the dresses frill and were glorified buy a pair of long toned legs culminating in a small pair of shoes that seemed to be weaved from the same grassy material.

All thought of confrontation gone, Katie?s inquisitive mind yearned to know more about this magical little creature.

Her first question seemed to be the most obvious, to Katie at least ? come you speak English??

Claricia looked casually from her rock, still surveying the muddy giant leant above her ?My family have live around here for generations; we?ve been speaking it since the days of Danelaw.?

?Wow...have you always lived in High Danby??

?Me yes, but my family, not always, 200 years ago we used to live further inland until people drove us out of the lands bordering the Aire and the Calder? the fairy said moving slightly giving Katie a rather sexy view of her shifting cleavage.

Katie couldn?t help it, as the little fairy talked about her heritage; she started to stare at her with a slight longing. It was nearly noon now and the sun light was playing off her hair in a way that Katie was finding most enticing. Realising that she was perving on another women, and a tiny one at that, her logical mind kicked in and she began to push those thoughts back into her subconscious.

Katie sat listening to the fairy for a few more minutes still feeling a slight air of hostility to her presence. However once the conversation turned to gardening the two began to really hit it off. Gardening, or ?tending? as Claricia called it, wasn?t just her job it was, as far as Katie could see, the very reason that she was in the first place. The fairy held no real distinction between the garden and herself. The well being of both seemed to be completely linked. The enthusiasm with which Claricia talked about plants was infectious. Katie happily told her how she hated what Mrs Croft wanted her to do to the garden and watched wide eyed as Claricia turned and by sprinkling a fine cloud of gold mist over one of Katie?s flowerbeds transformed it back into a bed of wildflowers.

?It took me ages to get that right.? She said proudly as she flew back to the rock. ?They always used to only come out in black and white, I?m not sure why, but my mother was never happy about it. She said it drew unwanted attention.?

Katie didn?t know what to say, she was still gobsmacked at witnessing what was, for want of a better word, magic.

After Katie had regained the power of speak her and Claricia began to discuss her training. It seemed that she had only just been given the garden to watch over since her grandmother had become too old to mange it. Claricia really wanted to impress her family for rewarding her with this garden but as it turned out Katie?s unwanted interference had come just before a planned inspection of her recent efforts.
Katie watched still spellbound as Claricia walked amongst the giant flowers whist she was talking, turning all of Katie?s effort back into their original state. As she watched the voluptuous little fairy walk between the grasses she began to wonder what it would be like to walk amongst the flowers, their huge storks rising above her as she would tend to them. She watched as Claricia would absentmindedly touch the stems of nearby flowers rejuvenating them back to life.

She lent in to get a closer look at her new tiny friend when she said ??I bet it must be amazing to walk around a giant garden like that, I?d love to try it.?

Without a moments hesitation Claricia turned to look at the giant redhead. Then smiling impishly she let out a cloud of the same golden mist she had been using to heal the flowers. The second the mist touched her body Katie felt a sudden rush coupled with a falling sensation. Closing her eyes in shock she felt herself land on something soft. Cautiously and carefully she began to open them. What she discovered was beyond her wildest dreams but also shocked her to the core. She was surrounded by a sea of green. Plants rose up around her like brightly coloured monoliths, grasses, once no more than a few inches high, rose up past her breasts. She was shrunk. Now no more then six inches tall she felt more like a little doll then a person. She looked down at her miniature dungarees, her now tiny gardening boots had sunk ankle deep into the mud. She breathed deeply and tried not to panic. The rational side of her brain managed to take over; if Claricia had shrunk her then she could un-shrink too. Unfortunately as she turned round, brushing aside a daisy as tall as her hip, she noticed her old spade , now the size of a small tower block sticking into the dirt. There was nothing else for it, the rational side of her brain gave up and rather embarrassingly she let out a little scream and then fainted. She then fell silently landing in a cute little heap of ginger hair, mud and denim in a nearby patch of clover.
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Unread 05-18-2008   #2
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Re: The Gardener

Great! I love this, keep going
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Unread 05-19-2008   #3
Silver Spoon
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Re: The Gardener

I like the story so far. It's definitely not the typical setting of a shrink story, and I for one am glad for it.
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Unread 05-20-2008   #4
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Re: The Gardener

thanks guys, the next bit should be dead sexual.
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Unread 05-21-2008   #5
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Re: The Gardener

Ta Da!

Here it is, and yes it is dead sexual.

Katie?s eyes began to creek open. Confused images of fairies and spades filtered through her mind. Her memories were a jumble, she remembered meeting a fairy, yes there had defiantly been a fairy, but any specifics were rather hazy. As her eyes slowly became accustomed to the light the reality of her current predicament was just beginning to dawn on her.

It wasn?t so much the giant flowers that first alerted her to her newly miniaturised state, it wasn?t even the sight of a giant beetle crawling across a nearby leaf, the thing that brought little Katie?s mind well and truly up to date was the sight of Claricia. She was now truly Amazonian in proportions. Her huge womanly hips swayed dramatically as she walked over to the shrunken damsel. As she was stood over Katie, Katie got a rather glorious view of her big succulent cleavage as she leaned over, giggling slightly out of small pouting lips.

?Owww?you were so cute when you fell over just now.? She cooed

?You?shrunk me?? Katie said still confuse

?Of course silly, you said you wanted to see what to was like to be as big as me, well here you are all little.? the fairy said rather mischievously

?I didn?t mean for you to actually shrink me! Look at me I?m smaller then a Barbie Doll!?

The fairy looked taken aback for a moment, like a child that had just been disciplined, ?what?s the matter, I thought you wanted this, aren?t you having fun?? She said reproachfully.

Katie looked at Claricia; it was obvious from her face that she hadn?t meant any harm. As she stood over her looking like a scolded child, Katie had no option but to smile. It was evident that you couldn?t be to literal with this little creature, she seemed to work on a more elemental level then herself which seemed to have an unerring way of extracting your true feelings from you. The problem was that she acted upon them well before she had time to even imagine the consequences. This consequence was something that Katie?s mind had decided to cope with. Now all she had to do get used to twenty foot flowers and building sized gardening equipment and she would be fine. Well that was the theory at least.

Katie?s smile had managed to relax the fairy and as Katie began to pick herself off the floor Claricia rushed to help her. Katie?s legs were still a little shaky from her recent tumble and as she stood upright she felt herself wobble, so in an effort not to fall she had to grab hold of Claricia to steady herself. Once she was stable she looked up at the fairy. There was a massive grin on Claricia?s face and as Katie looked back down it was clear to see why. In order to steady herself Katie had placed her left hand on the fairies considerably mountainous left breast. She left it there for a few seconds feeling its warmth and firmness, before and rational thoughts kicked and she removed the hand quickly, trying to look as if it had never happened. Claricia simply smile darkly. Katie new that there would be no further mention of the incident but now Claricia new what she had suspected, Katie may have been shrunk but her sexual appetite hadn?t diminished one iota.

Still smiling mischievously the fairy began to walk out of the little patch of tall grass that cocooned the two tiny girls proceeding out into the open ground of the lawn. Gingerly Katie began to run after, still enthralled by the giant foliage that surrounded her.

Once Claricia was almost upon the lawn Katie shouted desperately after her ?Wait what is someone sees us??

The fairy tuned her head slightly ?Is this someone, someone tall, with dark hair and smoky eyes by any chance??

?Wait?how did you?...never mind, no for your information there are plenty of people around who might see us.? Katie said annoyed that the Claricia had managed to betray another of her sexual fantasies.

?Don?t worry; you?d be surprised what people don?t see when they don?t want to. Now, as it is such a glorious day I fancy a bit of sun. Follow me? she said gesturing Katie towards her as she walked out onto the lawn.

Katie was defiantly aware of her size now. The lawn seemed to stretch out like a massive green carpet. It covered the landscape in all directions, from the impossibly huge house all the way to the skyscraper sized trees that dominated the eastern edge of the garden. Katie felt so humbled by her surroundings it was scary. She had always loved nature, watching it grow and flourish had giving her so much joy throughout her life. Now however instead of being on the outside looking in she was enveloped by this giant leafy wonderland. Once you?d got over your original shock Katie had to admit that this was an exhilarating experience.

As she walked behind the fairy, towards the pond and the rockery in the far north of the garden, Katie began to survey her from a more personal perspective. The fairy was big, it wasn?t just that she was at least a head taller then the skinny red head, it was simply her proportions. Katie?s eye line barely reached above the commanding blonde?s cleavage, something which she wasn?t complaining about just yet, making Claricia well over the 6 foot mark, all things relative of course. Katie found herself almost having to jog a little to keep up with the Amazonian fairy, on the plus side ever time she fell behind she get a great view of Claricia?s big round buttocks as her hips swayed through the grass.

Once they reached the pond Claricia began to lie down on small patch of leaves by the ponds edge. She gently patted the leaf next to her and gestured seductively to Katie. Katie, in a slight daze, walked over to the leaf and lay down next to the blonde temptress.

?I love the sun don?t you?? The fairy said to Katie as she got comfortable.

?Er?well? Katie said as she brushed her long ginger hair out of her face ?I burn a little to be honest?

?Well you should enjoy yourself, just relax, look I?ll show you.?

Claricia then let out another cloud of golden mist that enveloped her whole body. When the cloud vanished Katie quickly realised that so had all of Claricia?s cloths. Katie couldn?t help but stare open mouthed at the naked beauty before her. Claricia?s breasts were mountainous, each of them easily bigger than either f Katie?s hands and topped by a delightfully erect brown nipple. Her whole body was extremely well toned and Katie followed its curvaceous contours all the way down towards her neatly trimmed blonde pubis.

Katie suddenly felt very self-conscious about her own body. Her skin was pale and slightly freckled. Her unruly ginger locks, that Katie considered such a bane to her wellbeing, were flowing beautifully over her eyes and into her pert pale cleavage. So as Katie sat staring at this blonde goddess, mouth still slightly open, becoming more and more aroused by her sensual toned curves, the little fairy was secretly doing the same.

Unknown to Katie, Claricia had been watching her for the last few days. The reasons, however, that she hadn?t intervened up until now was because she had been getting too much of a thrill from the watching the giant red head tend to the garden. Katie small coy appearance coupled with her constant sense of cute indignation had enthralled the fairy. She looked over at the freshly shrunk little gardener as she stared at her long golden body. She arched her back slightly in a fake attempt to get comfy and was delighted to see Katie let out a tiny whimper. Claricia looked at her new mini companion. She looked so cute in her shrunken gardening gear. Her tiny hiking boots and little dungarees mixed with the patches of mud and grass smeared on her brow and breasts made her look delightfully tomboyish. The fairy could stand it no more. She gently lifted her hands to lips and blew a golden cloud in the tiny gardener?s direction.

She laughed as Katie?s eyes opened wide in shock as the cloud began to cover her all over. Once its effects had dissipated Claricia was forced into a fit of giggles. Katie?s cloths had defiantly vanished but due to her inexperience the blue daisy patterned bandana Katie had been wearing in an attempt to restrain her flowing ginger hair had grown back to its original size, covering the tiny girl like a blanket.

Once the little bump that contained all that was left of the shrunken Katie managed to find her way out from under the giant material, it was greeted by the giggling figure of a giant naked fairy.

Claricia looked over at the little naked girl, her tousled head peeking out from under her once tiny bandana, she was just too cute. Her firm breasts were now exposed to the air and Claricia could see her little pink nipples grow erect in response to their new atmosphere.

She gently raised her head and said ?Sorry about that, my new magic sometimes cancels out my previous efforts; I still can?t get the hang of retention theory.?

Katie just smiled back, it was getting a little tiring hanging around with this elemental little creature, but increasingly more exciting. She slowly crawled out from under the bandana and stood and stretched, allowing the fairly to get a good view of her shrunken little body.

As Katie turned to sit down she showed off her small, firm and highly spankable, buttocks Claricia couldn?t resist any longer. She stood up and with expert speed and grace flew the few inches toward Katie and then planting a delicate little swot upon her exposed rear.

Katie, startled, turned to be greeted by the fairies huge breasts. They had been such a feature of her eye line just a few minutes before and now, with them so tantalising close, she was unable to stop herself. She bent down slightly and once she had brushed her long wavy red hair out of her eyes began to suck on one of Claricia?s big exposed nipples. Claricia smiled and pushed Katie?s small head against her breast forcing it further into her cleavage. Katie simply moaned and redoubled her effort on the engorged nipple.

After a few minute Katie felt herself lifted off the ground as the Amazonian fairy swept her off of her feet and carried her over to the giant bandanna. Lying on her back Claricia placed little Katie on top of her clamping her small muddy hands onto her giant breasts. Katie now began to completely let go, regardless of her size and station, she just focussed all of her thought of pleasing this giant mountain of feminine sexuality. She gently traced her hands around the base of Claricia?s impressive breast gently tweaking each of her nipples when her hands reached the breasts summit. She began to gently rub her slight frame against the powerful thighs of the fairy, running her knees across the lips of her pussy, producing little moans out of Claricia?s pursed red lips.

Katie had never really had much sexual experience of women. She had seen plenty of boys whilst at Uni but apart from one drunken night with one of her room mates her lesbian experiences where fairly limited. That drunken night had however seemed fairly awkward, whereas this seemed like the most natural thing she could ever do. She revelled in for ability to make the little fairy moan as she traced her tiny hands around her blonde pubis.

Katie gently began to rub her hands up and down the fairies legs. Starting at her feet and stroking all the way up the inside of her thigh. Tracing her fingers either side of her now sopping wet vagina, Katie returned her attention back the two mountainous breasts in front of her. She began to squeeze them as hard as she could whilst biting on her big brown nipples. Claricia?s breasts were so big and firm that Katie?s hands never had a chance of covering them and they spilled delightfully between her fingers.

As Claricia lay on her back she was having trouble containing herself. She tried desperately to ram her finger into her engorged pussy but just as she tried she found that Katie had shifted her head between her thighs and was proceeding to lick and kiss her newly exposed clitoris and vagina. Defeated the fairy moved her hands back up to big firm breast and watched as Katie licked her out, whilst gently kneading her own breasts.

Katie was rather proud of herself now. Not only had she managed to completely let go and throw herself into this experience, something which her logical mind had trouble doing, but she seemed to be rather good at it. She sniffed up inhaling as much of Claricia?s smell as she possibly as she could. The fairy arched her back allowing her easier access, Katie obliged, burying her nose even deeper into her gaping vagina. As Claricia?s back was arched Katie grabbed hold of her two big round buttocks and used them as purchase to continue her activities. With this new stimulus on her buttocks Claricia couldn?t contain herself any longer. She clamped her legs as hard as possible around Katie?s face and began to shake violently. As her final, massive orgasm, began to wash over her her whole body began to glow gold. Katie removed her head to watch the fairy in its final throws of passion. Upon her final release the golden mist again shot out of her body, this time in all direction.

The magical fallout for Claricia?s orgasm began to penetrate their surroundings, plants began to sprout out of the ground where they lay, shooting upwards forming a canopy over their horny little bodies. The magic also made her bandanna shrink back to doll size as well as making the rest of her cloths appear out of fresh air and land in a head on top of the two lovers.

When Claricia?s quivering had finally subsided Katie stood over her giggling. ?I guess we know you really enjoyed yourself don?t we.? She said looking around at the plants that now dwarfed them.

?Oh?yer?that can sometime happen?retention?I told you? Claricia said heavily out of breath ?You?can?t leave that much magic pent up?you need a?release.?

Then she giggled a little as she looked at Katie?s hair. Katie noticing were she was looking looked down to find out what was so funny. Her hair was now jet black.

?Erm?my magic may have affected you a little.? Claricia said still giggling.

Katie couldn?t help thinking that she wouldn?t have minded as much if it wasn?t for the fact that her little bush was still flame red.

?Don?t worry you look hot.? The fairy reassured her as Katie folded her arms over her bosom, now covered in long black hair, and pulled at sulky face at her. ?Oh and you were amazing by the way.? She added.

Katie blushed from beneath her new mop of wavy black hair. ?Thanks? she said biting her lip.

?Well I guess it?s your turn now isn?t it? Claricia said grinning.

Katie blushed again as the fairy stood up and sauntered sexily towards her. Once there she pushed her over onto a waiting pile of leaves. Claricia then lent over Katie and brushed her new black locks off her pert breasts. The fairy then began to repeat the action of her shrunken lover on her own exposed breasts and vagina. Katie simply lay still as the huge fairy rubbed her massive chest against hers and drew her strong fingers up and down her little cleft. She went weak as the fairy committed her own mouth to the pleasuring of her own vagina and clitoris. Claricia however was feeling slightly more adventurous then the little gardener had done. Removing her head from Katie?s loins she gently to gently rub a blade of grass again her exposed pussy. Expertly flicking the little blade up and down Katie pussy, she managed a little squeal with ever caress. Claricia smiled as Katie began to arch her back and hastily shove her own fingers into the wet cleft of her pussy.

As Claricia watch her new tiny friend masturbate in front of her, her memories drifted to that first swot she had placed on Katie?s perfect little bottom. As she replayed the moment in her mind she found herself lifting the freshly shrunken women up and placing her across her knee. As Katie still fingered herself the tiny fairy began to slap and play with her buttocks. The thrill for Katie was indescribable. She loved feeling subservient to this sexy little creature and felt herself orgasm with each of her tiny smacks. By the point when Claricia had slipped her fingers inside the back of Katie?s little ginger pussy, rubbing one finger over her anus, Katie was already ready to climax. She began to violently shake and shudder on across the fairies knee and dug her short fingers into her thighs as her orgasm finally exploded over Claricia?s legs.

Once Katie had calmed down and the final elements of the orgasm had dissipated she turned and looked at the fairy. ?That was fantastic, thank you.?

?Oh we?re not done yet.? The fairy said with a distant look in her eyes

Katie blushed and said looking around ?So do you want to go somewhere a little more private, how about your place??

Katie had intended this to be a joke but Claricia just stared back at her wistfully and said ?Umm?that?s not a bad idea.?

Katie, taken aback, realised that she had never actually considered where her knew little friend actually lived. Tentatively she asked ?We?re exactly is it??

?It?s up in one of the bigger trees in the orchard.? She said

?Well you gonna have to help me get up there, ?cos I?ll never get up there at this size and I?m far too big to carry.? Katie said matter-of-factly

The second she said it she wished she hadn?t.

Claricia, with a plan forming in her eyes, lent in towards the tiny gardener and blow some more golden dust into her face. Katie recognised the feeling almost instantly. Everything went hazy and she felt her body begin to fall, as if it had been dropped from a great height. Dreading what she might see when she opened her eyes she carefully took in her surrounding. Everything appeared to be cast in shadow, the colossal leaf which she was stood on appeared the size of a bus and the shadow it was cast in helped to give it a very eerie appearance. It was the source of the shadow however that Katie found so horrifying.

She now stood looking directly at the ankle of a fairy she had once held in the palm of her hand. Looking up, all her little eyes could comprehend were the two shapely trunks of her legs that met in a blonde jungle of pubic hair between Claricia?s legs. Her breasts were so impossibly huge that they obscured Katie?s vision of her face and seemed to hover above her like hot air balloons. As the giant fairy bent over her to pick up her tiny new friend Katie let out a little squeak. Claricia?s thick fingers wrapped around her little body, covering her from her ankles to her breasts. Katie even felt the fairy rub her finger delicately against her miniaturised bosom as she was lifted towards her face. Katie watched in awe as she was carried along the length of Claricia?s colossal body and then dropped into Claricia?s palm and held in front of her face.

?See, now you?re big enough for me to take home.? She said giggling and giving her a pair of simply gigantic come-to-bed eyes

Katie knew there was no point arguing, she?d asked for it really, you just couldn?t be too literal. As Claricia placed her on her shoulder Katie watched as she began to gather up Katie?s massive cloths, shrinking then to her now microscopic size, and placing them in her palm. In the same magical flourish Katie found that Claricia was fully dressed and bobbing around excitedly.

Placing Katie back in her palm she said ?we?re gonna have so much fun when we get back to mine, I can?t wait your just to cute? as she said this Claricia stroked her back with a massive index finger.

?Now where to put you that?s safe? the fairy mused as she began to flutter her wings.

Katie, who had been looking down at Claricia impossibly gigantic cleavage and past it to the ground far below, turned to look at her

?Oooow?that?s nice idea? Claricia said sweetly ?you can be all snug in here whilst I fly us home?

As she spoke Katie found herself being transferred from the fairies palm into the snug sanctuary of her giant bosom. Katie, still dazed by her second bout of shrinking, just sat in the snug valley of Claricia?s cleavage trying to comprehend the day?s events. They had defiantly been strange. Strangely however she wasn?t scared, Claricia had a way of making you feel at ease, even sat tiny between her mountainous breasts Katie felt relatively at ease. In fact Katie felt so at ease that, as they flew upwards towards the fairies house, she still couldn?t help herself inadvertently rubbing up against the curve of the two giant breasts. As she gently masturbated in the fairies cleavage, Katie new that whatever was going to happen next, it defiantly wouldn?t be boring.
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Unread 05-21-2008   #6
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 18
Re: The Gardener

Excellent. Looking back on Alice, I thought that sir Sam wouldn't be focused on in comparison to Claricia.
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