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Unread 03-29-2014   #1
Finally Making Things
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A Tight Fit by Willgottengains[A TG Story]

Hello all! I've been a lurker on this site for a few years and I decided to make a new account and make some new content. Some life changes have given me time to actually write, I've only posted writing projects twice before here. This time around I actually wrote someone more than a single page transformation. This isn't the end of the story. It can actually go anywhere, so I'm open to suggestions. So tell me where you want to see this go and any feedback would be great. After the story I'll post some things I want to do going forward.

I've also attached the .TXT file for those that just want to download it.
A Tight Fit
By: Willgottengains


The day was slow enough as it is, without the ticking of the clock. Henry couldn’t believe just how long that day actually was.


All he could think about was freedom. When the time came, he would jump in the air, “Freedom!” he would scream, likely scaring his coworkers. At points like this, with an hour left, he didn’t much care. He found that the more he fixated on the slowness of time, the more he found his mind wandering. Not that that is a bad thing, but he always thought of the weirdest stuff. Which is funny, for years he has told countless people that he is a piggybacker when it comes to ideas. He wasn’t the one who would come up with the cool idea, he would take an existing idea and refine it and make it work. But that was a lie, he had tons of ideas of his own. The only problem being that they were quite a bit weird for polite company. He just didn’t think standard things if you had to qualify it.

Henry could see that over the agonizing past few minutes, only six of them had passed. He needed to let his mind go, cooping it up would drive him crazy before he could leave in fifty four minutes. What could he think of? He sat in a desk at work where there weren’t other desks in the front or sides of him, so there wasn’t anyone to talk to, or think about. He focused on the wall in front of him. The patterns of the grey marble would make the most interesting Pac-Man map, or maybe it was actually a dinosaur hidden in plain sight. As he left his mind drift he was interrupted when his vision was obscured by blue, he refocused and looked up to see Beth.

Beth had joined the company a few months back and she was one of the most beautiful girls Henry had ever seen. Taller, thin, Supermodel face, pale skin, bleach blonde hair. It was a wonder a girl like that would be found in the middle of North Dakota. Henry had tried to talk to her a few times, but it never led to anything. He wasn’t really her type, and she really didn’t find any interest in the things he enjoyed. Henry had just resigned to the fact that she was out of his league, he would never get a girl like her. Now here he was, with her right in front of his face. She wasn’t looking at him, she was talking to a different coworker a few desks away, but the fact remained, she was in front of him, looking beautiful as always.

He had been drawn to the blue of her jeans, they were a brilliant blue, much brighter than a normal pair, and they were so tight to her you could swear they were actually Yoga pants. He didn’t dwell too long on the image as he didn’t want to get caught looking at a coworker at work, but she was quite hard to keep his eyes off of. He raised his eyes up to see her and on the way saw her frilly top, lace, pretty but business like. His mind drifted, “I wonder what that would feel like on my skin.” That thought stopped him in the tracks. Where had that come from. Maybe, just maybe, it would be different. He knew she wore things like that because they looked good, but he also knew that Beth wasn’t one to keep herself uncomfortable at the expense of others. “I bet tight Pants also feel great.” The brief image of himself wearing Beth’s clothes crossed his mind. They didn’t fit well, being that she was six inches taller than him, but it was quite a sight to see. Henry imagined Beth's shoulder length blonde hair on his head, but with his face, it didn’t fit well.
At this point Henry wasn’t exactly staring at Beth, more like he was looking through her, as he day dreamed of wearing her clothes. Beth had noticed his idle staring, and moved a hand in front of his face.



“Henry are you OK?” Suddenly his world returned. Snapping back into color and sight. Beth stood in front of him with a peculiar face.

“Uh, Yeah. I’m fine.”

“That’s good, so do you want to get lunch today?” She asked as she normally did on Tuesdays when Henry would go get food for his coworkers during his lunch.

“Sorry Beth, I can’t today. They are sending me home early since it’s so slow.”

“Oh Ok, well maybe next time.” And with that she walked away from Henry’s desk, and Henry couldn’t help but look. Perfectly taut legs, and she moved with the utmost grace. He turned away and felt ashamed, but there was nothing he could do, he had looked. The rest of the day his mind was more on track, it had a idea now. It was a weird idea, but an idea none the less. Henry ran through the full gambit of things he had seen Beth wearing in his head. Over and over, all the outfits she had worn in the last few weeks. He hated to admit it, but he found himself getting aroused at the idea. In no time at all though, it was time to leave. He gathered his things and left his desk for his quick walk home.

Henry loved his job, sometimes it boring, but never unenjoyable. One of the best aspects was that his company's offices were only three blocks away from his house, and right past the market. It made it convenient to shop the small towns various independent stores located on his trip home. Henry would visit many of the shops on a daily basis and had quite a reputation in a few of them, even being greeted by name. As with most small towns, the stores changed quite often as bigger retailers moved to cities nearby. Today Henry decided he wasn’t going to stop at any of the stores as he just wanted to get home and relax.

As the walked the few blocks, he noticed that a new shop had opened where his favorite antique shop had been but a week ago. This new shop ‘Michael's Miracles’ had a similar feel to an antique shop, and looked to be fully stocked already. Although Henry really did want to use his free time to get home and rest, he felt himself drawn inside. His curiosity needed to be sated and exploring this new store was the only thing that would do it. The familiar sound of a bell ringing queued Henry that even though different people ran this shop, it was still set up the way the older owners had run it. There was an older man behind the counter, he almost seemed to be asleep and didn’t even wake at the sign of the bell. “All the better,” Henry thought. He preferred to shop in peace.

The aisles of the store will filled with odds and ends, nothing too special, but mostly things that were much weirder than you would find in the middle of nowhere. For every cat sculpture there was an animal in a jar, for each cherub angel there was a grouping of skeleton keys that look like they were made of bone. There were signs every few feet saying, “If you aren’t going to buy, don’t touch!” It was weird, but Henry assumed that the old man really cared for these old trinkets. The next object he looked at caught his eye. It was a ring. It was dark grey and almost like three rings held together, octagonal outer pieces with a smooth circle in the middle of the ring. It was an interesting design. There was no price listed, but when compared to the rest of the objects in the store, Henry figured he couldn’t be charging any more than a few dollars. Henry reached out his hand, hesitated a moment, but then assuredly picked up the ring. He was going to buy it. As soon as his fingers touched the ring, the old mans eyes snapped open.

“Ah, young man. What a fine choice you have made today. Bring it up to the counter and we will get you all taken care of.”?

“Interesting,” Though Henry. The old man almost seemed giddy to get rid of the object.

“How much is the ring?” He asked as he placed the ring on the counter in front of the old man.

“That’s the thing, free young man.”


“Yes free. You see, my wife loved to travel the world, and go on ‘Adventures’. I didn’t care for traveling myself, but my wife obsessed. She wanted to show the things she had found around the world to the people of america. While she traveled the world, I built a successful insurance business. When my wife passes away, I followed her last wish to give away these objects to the people who might find them. So I retired from the insurance business, took the money, and opened this shop. Everyone get one thing, for free, in the memory of my wife.”

“Wow, what a great story. I’ll have to tell my friends about this place.”

“Please do, I think you will really enjoy that ring. My wife got that from an African mystic after she saved the village from a crocodile.”

“Thank you sir.” Henry was ecstatic.

This ring was seriously cool, and to find a cool place like this in the middle of no where Dakota made him very excited. Henry pocketed the ring and quickly left the store and briskly walked home. The walk was a blur as he focused on getting home. The suddenly found himself getting tired and it was most likely caused by the excitement and rushing home. He go to his apartment and quickly got inside and threw down his jacket and bag in the entrance as he walked to the living room looking for relax for his ‘Weekend’. It wasn’t the actual weekend, but he had off on Wednesday and Thursday. Two days of nothing but relaxing. TV, Movies, and videos game. What else could you ask for?

Henry threw out all the stuff in his pockets. His phone, his wallet, any loose change. Once it was all loosed, he flopped into his recliner, only to be poked by the a corner of the octagonal ring in his pocket. He pulled the ring from his pocket, “You are preventing me relaxing, but I think we can fix that.” Henry put the ring on, and it fit him perfectly. He thought he was going to have the ring size for him, but this worked out well. He relaxed in his seat only to find out that getting out of work early had let him down, it was still very early in the afternoon, and the soap operas where still on. He flipped channel through channel but it was all soap operas and infomercials.

Henry relaxed into his seat, “Maybe I should just nap then.” He sunk lower into his chair, ready to nap the rest of the day away. As he lost focus on the TV and more on being comfortable, he remembered what he was thinking of earlier in the day. Beth. The image of her ill fitting clothes on his body was still there in his memory. He laughed to himself as he thought of the silly image, but while he was laughing, he felt uncomfortable. Like his clothes were too tight. He shifted, and turned but it didn’t help. He opened his eyes, only to be shocked at what he saw. Beth’s clothes, the ones she was wearing today, like he imagined, there on his body. The tight bright blue jeans, the frilly white blouse top, the red belt, and arm bangles. It was all there, sized wrong and everything. The fabric felt weird on his skin, the blouse was very soft, but tight in the waist and arms. The pants were way too soft to be jeans, and where tight on the inside of his thighs, and knees, and waist. The belt had a huge buckle that dug into Henry’s gut, and the arm bangles where small enough there was no way he could get them off.

Henry couldn;t believe what he was looking at. How was he in these clothes? Had he been drugged, and someone changed his clothes. “No,” He thought. There was no way they would have known that is what he was thinking of. He hadn't even fallen asleep, he checked the clock to find that not even a minute had passed. He looked around and couldn’t find his own clothes. Like that had disappeared or changed into these now ill fitting clothes. Now standing in the Ill fitting clothes had Henry think. “There is no way he could wearing these clothes. Maybe this was all a dream.” he quickly braced himself and whacked his face with an open palm as hard as he could.


Now he knew this wasn’t a dream. If it wasn’t a dream, he had no idea what could have done this. He thought, “They don’t have clothes that can changed into other clothes. This isn't some new technology, that doesn't exist. I didn't put these clothes on, but now I'm in them. If you eliminate all rational options, and only the fantastic are left, then it must be the cause.” What was new? What had changed since this morning? The Ring. He quickly pulled his hand up and looked at the ring. It sat on his hand, just like it did when he put it on, but it was different. The two outer octagonal shapes were still there, but the area in between the shapes wasn’t a circle as before, now it was a square.

Henry couldn’t believe it, his clothes had changed. Unless this was the act of some cruel god, it had to be the ring. He knew it had to be. It was the only thing new in his life, the only part that had changed. But how did it happen, and how did it work. he was sitting in his chair, relaxing, and thinking of Beth….

That was it, he was thinking of Beth’s clothes on his body. Quickly he thought of his own clothes on his body…

Nothing happened. He was panicking, “how could this happen?” He said as he sank back into his chair. He tried to take off the pants as they were the most uncomfortable, but it seemed like they were stuck. He loosened the belt fully, and then tugged on the pants again, but they didn’t come off. With a large sigh, Henry resigned he was stuck, "Maybe I should figure out how to change the clothes." He sunk back into his chair trying to figure out what he was going to do. “I bet Beth has no trouble getting out of these pants.” And the image of Beth slipping the pants off easily crossed his mind, he thought of her shapely long legs, thin and enticing. “She could easily take off the pants, and I bet they weren’t uncomfortable for her either.” As he thought of this he began to move his hands up and down the pants, feeling the fabric in his hands, thinking of Beth undressing. As he felt, a warmness spread through his legs. It was a feeling on pleasure and warmth. Since Henry had his eyes closed he didn't notice the changes as his legs grew longer, thinner, and shapely. He opened his eyes and found that his legs where different. They fit the pants perfectly.

“Holy Shit!” Henry found himself saying. “What happened to my legs?” He quickly stood up and admired the womanly legs. He didn’t want to admit it, but he was definitely turn on seeing legs this nice this close, getting to touch them, feel them. But he didn’t feel the pressure that normally accompanies him getting hard, no, he felt a warmth growing, a need, a wetness. He stopped to get a better look at the legs. “This is totally surreal.” As he studied the legs, doing a twist. He noticed his butt sticking out a far bit more than normal. “A mirror!” He quickly shot to his bedroom where he had a full sized mirror bolted to the wall. He had never thought much about it, it had come with the apartment, and he had no use for it until today. Once in his room, he closed the door out of habit, and turn to the mirror. He was stunned, getting to look at the legs this close, and inspect them was totally surreal. They were works of art, perfect supermodel legs. Not too thin, not too thick, long, and shapely. Compared to his old legs, they were longer, bigger around the thighs, bigger hips, much thinner around the knees and calves. He was now also wearing Chuck Taylor's instead of the Walmart brand shoes he normally wore. They were quite a bit smaller than his normal shoes. He moved his hands up and down his legs, and as he passes around the inner thighs, he moved slowly up to his crotch. As he got closer, it felt amazing, sensual, it brought about an interesting feeling.

“I need to get these pant off.” Henry thought as he quickly removed the belt from around his waist. The belt was red, stretchy, shiny, and had the largest belt buckle in the shape of a red purse. it clattered on the ground as Henry threw it to the ground. "Time for these pants," They were most likely yoga pants with a light blue jean pattern printed on them, they clung to his every curve, tight but comfortable. As Henry removed the pants, he found that he was also wearing Beth’s underwear. Black Panties with lace around the edge. He rolled the pants down and for the first time he really got to notice just how much extra cushion was on his rear and the extra wideness in his hips. His legs were also very smooth and soft to the touch with petite little feet to top it off. Henry moved his hands down his now womanly legs. The touch on his skin was amazing, electric, and erotic. Again his thoughts were drawn between his legs. He pondered for a moment, but quickly succumbed to curiosity and lust. He nearly ripped the panties from his legs, and discovered a glorious sight. Cleanly shaven pussy, with perfect pink lips framing the pussy now between his legs. He could feel the moistness, and brought a hand closer and closer. He touched one of the lips, and a shiver was sent through his body. It was a completely different feeling than touching his dick. That was just a shiver, but it sent a feeling through his body. He felt it in his head and toes. He wanted to explore more of what the ring could do, but he needed to feel more right now. He slowly took two fingers and began to his lips, moving over them, back and forth. The feeling shot through his body, it felt better and better the more he did it. Suddenly it was too much, placing his fingers above the lips, he reached and felt the depths of his hole.

“Oooooooooooo…” Escaped from Henrys mouth. “Did I just moan?” But he couldn’t help it, the feeling of the fingers inside him, filling him, touching him, probing, reaching, thrusting. In and out. In and out. In and out. “Ah ah ahhhhh ahhhh.” He couldn’t contain it any longer, he was fully invested in getting release. Some part of his brain told him, he needed it. He started using his other hand, fitting in as many fingers as he could fit. Deeper and deep. In and out. Faster and faster, then, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.” Sweet, release. The feeling of satisfaction filled Henry, to every extremity. He couldn’t believe this feeling. It was totally unlike anything else he had ever felt. It was a complete feeling that filled his entire body. He wanted more, he needed more, but he suddenly found a clear mind returning through the afterglow. “What did I just do? Did I just masturbate with a pussy? My pussy?” These alien thoughts passed through his mind, “My pussy, My Vagina.” There he was, sprawled on the ground in his room. Naked from the waist down, wearing womens clothes on his male body, and fluids still dripping from his womanly crotch. He really got to appreciate how pale his legs truly were, almost like porcelain. He slowly began to look around, notice his surroundings.

With a grounded realism suddenly returning, Henry began to think about his situation. He was a woman from the hips down, and a man from the hips up. He knew it was the ring now. He quickly looked at the ring and saw that what had been a square a few moments ago was now a pentagon. He knew the ring was connected to the changes. But it didn’t work when he had tried earlier. But it did start working when he was relaxed and aroused. It mustn't be when someone just thinks of it, they need to visualize it, which is hard to do when not relaxed. He grabbed a few tissues from his desk and cleaned up. He then gathered the panties, pants, and belt and put them on. They fit as snugly as before. He sat down and Visualized himself, as he was this morning. Normal. Slacks, hoodie, dress shoes, normal belt. He closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind, and thought only of himself. Again the warm feeling from before filled his body but he found that his shirt wasn’t too tight, and wasn’t constrained on his body. He opened his eyes and looked down. He was back to his normal clothes. He check his pants to quickly check to make sure his member was back in his boxers.

“Thank god.” Henry said with a sigh, seeing his penis back where it belonged. “This ring must allow a person to change themselves as long as they can visualize it. Clothes and everything.” He knew he would have to test this, but he was spent from his encounter. Henry decided to order some food in, watch a movie, and experiment later.

Thanks for reading!
Going forward I'd like to have a more detailed process, with Henry looking at the changes as they happen, maybe him even feeling them.
After that maybe some changes into other people, a woman of his own design, and then I'd like to do some TF.
Thanks again!
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Last edited by Willgottengains; 04-04-2014 at 01:18 PM. Reason: Formatting
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Unread 03-31-2014   #2
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Re: A Tight Fit by Willgottengains[A TG Story]

It doesn't read very well, it's probablys just me, but I have a trouble trying to read things that are not paragraphed well. Try adding in paragraphs and it'll read better.
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Unread 04-03-2014   #3
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Re: A Tight Fit by Willgottengains[A TG Story]

Well I certainly enjoyed that! Do keep writing, I'd love to see where this goes.
Believing I had supernatural powers, I slammed into a brick wall.
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Unread 04-04-2014   #4
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Re: A Tight Fit by Willgottengains[A TG Story]

I like it. Please continue.
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Unread 04-04-2014   #5
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Re: A Tight Fit by Willgottengains[A TG Story]

Nice, I reread it and it's a cool story. Kudos.
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Unread 04-04-2014   #6
Finally Making Things
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Re: A Tight Fit by Willgottengains[A TG Story]

Sorry, it had lost most of it's formatting when I brought it over from Google Drive. I have updated it and hopefully the solves the reading problems. Still can't get indenting, but oh well.

I also updated the text file.
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Last edited by Willgottengains; 04-04-2014 at 01:22 PM.
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Unread 04-10-2014   #7
Finally Making Things
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Re: A Tight Fit by Willgottengains[A TG Story]

Sorry for the wait. Here is part two, as Henry begins a total change into a woman, and I've updated and attached a new version of the .txt file for those who want to download it.

---Part 2---

Henry still couldn’t believe what had happened. As he sat in front of his TV he rubbed the ring, playing with it, running through the crazy event in his mind. He had been a woman from the waist down. It was surreal to think about, that the ring had let him change. He wondered to what extent he could change. Not just his body, but also his clothes. If it had changed not only his pants but also his underwear, to what extent could he take the changes. Henry decided he needed to find out, first with clothes, then his body. he finished his meal and cleaned up the house. He retreated back his room for his experiment, he didn’t want anyone to walk in on something he couldn’t explain. He closed and locked his bedroom door, turned to the full length mirror and thought, “What should I change?” He decided to start small and then go from there. He cleared his mind, thought of what he was wearing, a blue t-shirt, slacks, a grey hoodie, white tennies. He pictured his hoodie being black, he focused his thought only on his hoodie, and it being black.

When Henry opened his eyes he looked down and saw his hoodie had changed to black, same logo, same design, but black. “It works!” He immediately closed his eyes and thought of a three piece suit and when he opened his eyes, Henry was wearing a 3 piece suit. Just as he had envisioned. “Wow,” Henry could literally have any clothes he wanted, “Now if only I was in shape…actually.” He thought about how he could be his ideal version of himself. Without the belly, stronger, taller. “First,” he thought, “need to get back to normal clothes.” He started picturing the clothes before he had even closed his eyes and happened to see them change right before him. Each piece of clothing changed color into the color of the piece it was going to be, and then reshaped itself into the correct length. It was trippy, but Henry had seen it change. He knew he if he focused he wouldn’t have to close his eyes anymore during changed.

Henry had many different thoughts run through his head and he now thought of the possibilities. The thought of change made him think of his own body. He was overweight, not a lot, but enough to make him ever so slightly depressed. “But that will change,” Henry said to himself. He held the ring in front of him, he could make himself anything. He had already had Beth’s legs, so there must not be a limit. “Beth.” The thought didn’t want to leave his mind. he began to get hard at the thought of Beth. “I’ve had already done part, might as well finish,” Henry thought as pictured her in his mind, but this time it was different. He looked at himself in the mirror as his thoughts returned to Beth. He focused on Beth, but also himself. “If I changed into what I imagined earlier, maybe if I imagine a change, I can watch the change as it happens..” Henry began to imagine himself becoming Beth slowly, he did so that he could enjoy the changes and see the differences. He felt the same warming feeling fill his body, and noticed his skin was now a shade lighter.

Henry moved his hands up and down his arms, they were ever so slightly softer, his body hair thinning and turning lighter. Henry broke this train of thought for a second to remove his clothes. Standing fully exposed make him pick apart every little detail about himself that he didn’t like. He was overweight. His gut, his thick legs, his face stubble. It was all parts of his body that he was unhappy with. He grabbed his gut with his hands, pinching the skin in his fingers. “You will be gone forever my friend.” And almost like the changes heard what he just said, his gut slowly shrank, as did most of his other body fat. Smaller and smaller. Smaller than Henry had ever had seen his stomach as far as he could remember. Shrinking until all that was left was a taut stomach, smooth pale skin, and a smile growing on Henry’s face.

Henry was met with a tightness in his chest as his shoulders shrank down, slimmer and less defined. He looked down at his shoulders and chest and could see the muscles and bones underneath moving and shaping themselves different. His shoulders smoothed and became less angular, and with his taut stomach and smooth chest Henry could actually see his ribs change, growing closer together and shrinking to fit a smaller frame. As he was rubbing his chest and shoulders, oblivious to anything else, Henry was caught off guard by the sudden change in his legs as they grew longer. This sudden change threw off his balance and Henry toppled to the floor. He looked down at this legs, and he notices it might not have been his legs as much as his feet growing quite a bit smaller. He must have lost at least an inch on each foot in length, and they thinned as he watched, the changes seemed to flow up then, as his leg hair promptly grew thin, lighter in color and shrank away into nothing. This left Henry with smooth legs, as soon as he began to touch them, and rub them to feel the softness, his legs grew longer.

Starting at his calfs, and slowly moving up, Henry’s manly legs grew longer, thinning as they lengthened out and took on a womanly shape. Moving to a sitting position, Henry brought his legs towards his body. He loved the feeling of his soft smooth skin with his hands, and he moving his hands over his body, ever-so gingerly. Just the slightest of touches from each of his fingertips. He could feel himself growing hard, and could see his member standing out harder than he had ever seen it. While still feeling his legs in his left hand, Henry moved his right hand to his member to satisfy his growing need. Only when he grasped hard did he notice that his hands were in the process of changing. His fingers thinning out, growing longer, delicate. His heavy calluses fading away to soft, tender fingers. Grasping his member, if felt as if someone else was touching him. He began to stroke himself, starting off slowly, but growing faster and faster.

Henry wanted to reach release, but the more he stroked, the more he felt a please feeling filling his whole body. Similar to earlier when he had mastubrated using a pussy. It was a warming feeling, filling him to every bit of his body. Henry reasoned that it may be his brain chemistry and nerves in his body changing. He stroked and stroked, rubbing his chest with his other hand, but the more he tried, he couldn’t reach release. His need grew more, he was filling with burning desire, but completion was out of his grasp.

Henry found him left hand, still rubbing his chests, circling his nipples as they seemed to have much more feeling than he had before. An almost electric feeling, sharp jabs of pleasure shooting from his chests. He looked down and could see that his nipples were much more puffy than normal, they stood at attention, and every time Henry brush past one of them, it sent a shiver through his body. Without even thinking, Henry was grabbing at his chest, willing it to be larger, he needed more, to feel, to grasp. Again, almost like the change was following his thoughts, he felt a pressure build up behind his chest. The pressure began to build, until it felt like something was trying to get out of his chests, when suddenly he saw it. His chest puffing out, slowly but surely. As he continued to grasp, it was in almost no time that he suddenly found himself with something to grab, starting as simple A cups, the pressure almost felt like it was releasing, and that outlet was his breasts. They continued to grow, getting warm and growing to nice B cups, they continued to grow but stopped just short of large C cups. Henry remembered that Beth had a perfect size of breast, not to big, not too small.

Continuing to stroke, Henry was entranced with his breasts. He could grab them and feel them. Pulling on his breasts confirmed that they were infact his and they were attached him, part of him, part of the his body. These thoughts made Henry more and more horny, stroking like a mad man, he had to restrain himself to not injure his member.

During the last venture in breast growing, Henry was so caught up in the ecstasy of the moment that he was almost more focused on the good feeling spreading through his body and not watching the changes. His eyes had drifted to the ceiling as his focus had faded. He looked down to see his breasts and inspect his body and was surprised that his skin was now the very same shade of pale as Beth’s. His skin stood out against his dark carpet and darkly painted room. He looked down at womanly Legs and feet, hands and arms, breasts, shoulders and stomach, and as he watched he idly brushed hair away from his face, only to pause and look to see that his sight was now framed with golden locks as he watched his hair grow down to his shoulders and longer. He brushed his left hand through his hair, paying attention to keep it out of his eyes, it now reached halfway down his back. Long, flowing, and smooth. With his eyes fixed on the hair he watched as it turned lighter and light until it was the platinum blonde he was accustomed too.

Henry was greeted with an itch on his face that grew to encompass his entire face. It was followed by a pulling sensation. He felt his brow move up, his cheekbones adjust to a higher place, his lips puffed up, softening in the process. His nose shrank, slightly turning up, while his eyes grew ever so slightly bigger. His jaw line soften into a smooth shape, his facial hair shrinking and turning lighter as it faded away into nothing. His ears grew smaller, and his neck thinned and grew a big longer. Almost as quickly as they began, the sensations on his face had ended and when Henry opened his eyes and looked at the mirror in front of him, he was greeted with Beth’s face.

“Hello?” A womanly voice escaped from his lips. “So this is me?” Henry pondered his situation, but was only distracted for a small bit as he found the familiar pressure feeling building in his hips. It was centered on his sides and his back end, and as he looked down he saw his hip bones rearrange themselves. Henry watched as his hips grew wider and wider, until he was staring at perfect womanly hips, big enough for childbearing. He was still stroking at this point, all be it much slower than before, and he tried to spread his legs apart find that his range of motion was much larger with his new hips. He felt more cushion on his back end as his ass seemed to plump up and finish filling out his womanly shape. He moved his body so he was laying lengthwise in front of the mirror, and could see the womanly body looking back at him. Perfectly smooth, pale, shapely but thin. He was looking at Beth, other than his ugly member standing against the perfectness of the rest of his body.

“I guess there is only one thing left.”
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Last edited by Willgottengains; 04-10-2014 at 10:34 AM. Reason: Spelling
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Unread 04-13-2014   #8
Finally Making Things
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Re: A Tight Fit by Willgottengains[A TG Story]

Here is the last part folks. Again I've updated the .txt file to now include the entire story. Thanks for all the support guys, it really means a lot.


Henry was still holding his member in his hand. It was engorged as large as he had ever seen it. It pulsed and twitched from the excitement Henry felt at being Beth. From head to toes he was Beth, other than his dick. His member was an ugly dot, on an otherwise unblemished body. Perfectly smooth, pale, and womanly. He knew what needed to happen next, he knew it was coming. He was waiting for it, he had felt had one orgasm with a pussy already, but he needed to feel that need, that pleasure, he needed to be a woman completely, at least once. He continued to stroke his dick. Furiously he tried to reach release but he was quickly finding that feeling getting farther and farther away from him with each stroke. he tried to force it his hardness to enhance the feelings, but as he continued to play with his penis he felt a familiar feeling of of warmth and wholeness filling his body. He knew he was getting closer and closer to being a woman fully.

Henry looked down on his dick, he knew the changes were upon him, at last he would be complete. He positioned himself in front of his mirror to get the perfect look at the changes that were about to happen, the wonderful changes. He was laying on his back, feet touching the wall, legs spread to get the best view of his penis soon to become pussy in the mirror. He felt a warmness fill his loins and a pulling sensation coming from his balls. He looked to them and could see that his sack was shrinking, getting tighter around his testicles. The skin stretched taut around his balls and the pulling feeling started to center in between his balls, feeling like someones hand was inside him, pulling them up. With every stroke of his dick his balls pulled closer and tighter against the skin until they began to shrink away into the space between his legs. Little by little they continued to shrink away until nothing was left. His dick was there, but it was smooth underneath. He could feel his organs moving underneath his skin, changing into this womanly counterpart. He could only assume that his balls were separating and changing into his ovaries. His stomach was almost giving off noises, similar to those when he would have a rumbling stomach, but just as quick as his balls had shrunk away, the change was over, and he was left with nothing but a dick.

In complete disbelief, it had happened before but now that he could see it, it was almost unreal. Henry continued to stroke his member, but the sight of his ball less crotch was making him more and more aroused. As he continued to stroke he had to slow down, as the shaft of his penis was getting more and more sensitive each passing moment, it was only a matter of seconds that he couldn’t fully grasp his penis in the same way he had before, as it was too sensitive. He changed his grip to gingerly moving his fingertips up and down the shaft. He just let the tips of his finger touch, the ever so slight feeling against his sensitive skin was already more pleasing than it had been with his dick in his entire life. He was looking intently at his penis as this feeling was spreading, and he watched as the skin on his penis began to darken a bit and take on a shade of pink. It happened slowly at first but then spread from the base of his penis to the tip, fully pink and similar to colors he was familiar with from seeing himself with Beth’s pussy once.

Henry’s penis also began to lose it’s definition, it seemed to get a more textured feeling as changed to not be as smooth as it once had been. The veins and general texture of his shaft changed and melded down into the rest of his shaft as it became one feature. He noticed that the head of his penis seemed to blend down with the shaft making one feature. It remained rounded at the end but tapered thicker towards the bottom of the shaft and smaller towards the top. It took almost no time at all, and Henry’s shaft had changed into one feature, no discernible head, darker pink. Then his penis began to shrink. This distressed Henry but he was in too much pleasure to care. As it shrank the skin to the side of his changing penis began to move into his crotch making a fold of skin, and as it moved it seemed to be making an area around his penis that looked more and more like the tell tale signs of a pussy. The flap of skin grew deeper and deeper, spreading down from where his shaft connected to his crotch and as it shrank in the fold of skin that was growing around it pulled lower than the shaft, changing into a familiar slit. As his penis shrank to the less than an inch, Henry saw the changing skin in his crotch bunch together forming the folds and layers found in a vagina. He was continuing to move his hand along his member, but it couldn't be called that anymore. It was quickly shrinking, turning darker and slowly was pulled into the growing slit of skin growing deeper around it. It took only a matter of moments, and Henry’s penis had shrunk down until it no longer looked like a penis, but instead looked like a large clit hanging out of a large pussy, but that changed as both shrank down into the smooth and taut folds and features that Henry was accustomed to for Beth’s pussy. It was complete.

Henry looked with amazement at the wondrous change that had just occurred. He could no longer call himself a man, he was fully a woman and not any woman, but Beth. He was no longer stroking a penis, now he was rubbing his clit. He couldn’t believe how amazing it felt. His entire body was filled with the ecstasy of the moment. Each touch sent shivers through his body. “Ooooooo.” He couldn’t contain it, he was fully Beth and now found himself with her self control with the feeling of her body spreading through him. It all felt amazing, and as he continued to rub his clit he started to dip deeper and deeper into his pussy. He moved his left hand back to his breasts and began to rub and grab them, the combined feeling was exhilarating and hundreds of times better than just the pussy. He started off slowly at first and with the overflowing sensory input of these new feelings it was hard to control. So hard to control in fact that Henry actually lost control and began to vigorously finger his pussy. Fast and faster, Henry didn’t think he would be able to keep up at the speed he was going, but in short order he was feeling something new, it felt as if his whole body was on a ledge and the more and more that he pushed himself, fingering faster and faster, he got closer and closer to the edge. He needed to make that dive, he needed release, fast and faster, He focused on the feeling of his fingers in his Pussy. He could feel each one, each finger, his index finger working his clit, flicking it, rubbing it, and his middle finger reaching for the end of his pussy, going deeper and deeper. He felt his Pussy start to tighten, get closer around his fingers, tighter and tighter, until it almost hurt his fingers, but he didn’t stop. He kept pushing, rubbing, deeper.

“OOOOOooooooooooo………………” Henry was seeing colors, his head hit the floor as his body spasmed into orgasmic bliss. The feeling hit his every extremity, fully encompassing his person. He felt exhausted, but the afterglow was still trailing through his body. He tried to remove his hand, but it was so intensely sensitive, he could even adjust the positioning of his hand without almost inducing painful pleasure. He shook, taking deep breaths like he couldn’t get enough air. Even five minutes later he was still awash in the glow of the moment. Thoughts filled his mind, “What if I had used two hand? What if I had a dildo? What I had gotten fucked?” Henry was ready to try more changes, and see what pleasure they would bring, but he was glad that Beth was his first time being a woman. He knew it wouldn't be the last.
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