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Unread 02-15-2014   #1
Purveyor of Porn
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Join Date: Jan 2006
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New story from me! "Take My Breath Away" (Slow shrink)

Drawn-out process, some uneven shrinking, gratuitous 80s music, and other fun stuff. Yorick89 commissioned this from me, so he's to blame if you don't like it, lol. If anyone's interested, I'll likely be opening up for writing commissions on a regular basis beginning sometime in March, so there's that. In the meantime, please enjoy the show!

* * * * *

Anna sighed heavily, staring down at the ice cubes slowly melting in the empty glass on her table. For what had to be the tenth time, she checked the clock on her phone; Olivia had been gone for more than 45 minutes now. She'd said she wanted to go sit and talk with this hot guy she'd bumped into on the dance floor, but Anna was getting increasingly suspicious that they'd gone off to a private room in the back of the club. *Of course she's making out with some guy while leaving me stuck here alone,* she thought sourly. *Next time, we're taking my car, and I'll run off to get some action and leave her stranded at a table to get drunk alone.*

"And I'll pick a place that's doing disco night," she muttered to herself. "Payback for making me listen to all this 80s music and dress like this." She frowned down at the retro ensemble she'd worn for theme night at Room 42: black single-shoulder shirt, hot pink fingerless gloves, zebra-patterned skirt, and pink leg warmers over a pair of white sneakers. She'd worn huge, gaudy golden hoop earrings, a bright pink plastic bracelet, and a mood ring; she'd even teased up her dark tresses to get that wavy-curly big hair look that just screamed 80s fashion. Glancing around at the various patrons, she consoled herself with the thought that at least she pulled off the look better than some of the people in attendance. She flipped through the app store on her phone, hoping to find something interesting to pass the time. *Or at least help me tune out the music,* she thought, as "Take On Me" ended and "Owner of a Lonely Heart" came on.

"Excuse me, miss?" She was startled out of her reverie by a waitress bearing a tray with some pink concoction with a pineapple slice and a paper umbrella on top.

"Oh. I didn't order anything. I think you have the wrong table. Although I could use a refill while you're here," Anna said to the petite blonde as she was setting the glass down in front of her.

"Oh, no, miss, this is from your friend. I think she said her name was Olivia?" Seeing surprise and recognition on Anna's face, she continued. "She said to tell you she'll be back soon, and sorry she's taking so long, and she wanted to buy you a drink to make it up to you."

"Oh! Okay. What is it?" She sniffed at the tall glass, detecting faint hints of coconut and something else.

"It's a specialty drink we only serve on 80s night. We call it a Punky Brewster. It's really good," replied the short blonde. Anna saw CYNDI L. on the girl's name tag as she leaned in close. "You look a little unhappy, if you don't mind my saying. This will give you the warm fuzzies and a really nice buzz," Cyndi added conspiriatorially.

"Thanks," Anna said, pulling the glass closer and taking a sip. "Mmm! That's delicious!" she said, smiling at the waitress.

"Enjoy!" the blonde said with a grin before turning to head back toward the bar.

*Well. I still expect an apology from her, but this is a good start,* Anna thought, taking another sip. The drink was sweet and fruity, and while there was definitely alcohol in it (coconut rum?) she could taste pineapple, cherry, and a few other flavors that blended well and kept the liquor from tasting too strong. She returned her attention to her phone and was surprised a short time later by the air-sucking sound coming from her straw. "Slow down, girl," she chided herself. It had tasted really good, though. *One more couldn't hurt...*

She waited for the waitress to come near and waved for her attention. Cyndi returned to her table and smiled at the empty glass. "Well. Someone was thirsty."

Anna felt her cheeks warm a bit. "It was really good," she said sheepishly.

The petite blonde grinned at her again. "Told ya. Want another one?"

"Mmm, yeah, that sounds--HIC!" Startled, Anna covered her mouth with one hand. She glanced briefly around in embarrassment--the hiccup had been really loud! Nobody seemed to have noticed except Cyndi, though.

"Heh. Maybe you drank it a little TOO fast," she said with a wink. "Sure you want me to bring you a refill?"

"Yeah, it was so--hic!--tasty," Anna replied, hiccuping again, although more quietly. "I'll go--hic!--easier on the second one. And that'll be my--hic!--last," she added. She shifted in her chair, trying to relieve the slight discomfort she suddenly felt.

"Alright, give me just a few minutes. I'll have 'em whip one up for you and be right back!" The blonde whirled around, her side ponytail whipping through the air, and strode off through the crowd. Anna stifled another hiccup as she watched her go. She picked up her phone again and checked the time once more.

Olivia had now been gone for an hour, and Anna's irritation was growing by the minute. The music was starting to get in her head, too--she had caught herself unconsciously humming along to Foreigner a minute ago. *I really need to get out of here.* She adjusted her grip on the phone in her hand; something didn't feel right about how it was
sitting. After a moment, she realized that the problem was with the gloves; they felt like they had slid out of place on her hands and were making her hold her phone strangely. She tugged them back into place and picked up her phone just as she hiccuped again.

*What the hell?* She had felt the oddest sensation. It almost felt like the phone had moved in her hand. *It's not set on vibrate,* she thought, double-checking to make sure. *And anyway that felt more like it was just...sliding across my palm.* She put it down on the table and shook her hands briefly, noticing that the gloves felt weird again. The bracelet, too, seemed looser on her wrist, and the mood ring jiggled on her finger. She noticed it was a reddish-orange color. *Not like I needed this thing to tell me I'm upset.*

Anna hiccuped yet again and her shoulder itched. She reached up to scratch it and noticed the top of the single-shoulder shirt she had worn wasn't sitting in the right place--her bra was showing! Embarrassed, she pulled the strap back into place. As she did, her hand brushed against her dangling hoop earring. *That's odd,* she thought, checking the huge hoops hanging down from her ears. She turned her head side to side, feeling them swing. *I know they're big--that's kind of the point--but I didn't think they hung down that low...*

She hiccuped again and felt the hoops touch the skin of her shoulders. "What the hell?" she said aloud, then cleared her throat as her voice sounded a bit strange. This made her hiccup again; now the earrings were definitely resting against her shoulders. Her shoulder strap had started to slide again and she tugged it back into place, noticing that her hair brushed against her hand now. She'd had to use a few strategically placed pins to keep it up, but something had happened. Checking the pins, Anna found they were loose and out of place. Annoyed, she readjusted them as best she could, but her efforts were hampered; her mood ring and bracelet were rattling loosely around her hands, getting snagged in her hair. There was also her continuing bout of hiccups.

"Shot through the heart, and you're to blame!"

"Oh, god!" she said, hearing again something wrong with her voice. She grimaced and briefly put her hands over her ears--*so sick of this song!*--and finally abandoned her hair as a lost cause. She pulled the useless pins out of it and stuck them into her purse as the teased curls cascaded down onto her shoulders. *Where's that waitress with my refill?* She stood up to look around for Cyndi, but when she sat back down the leg warmers slid down her shins and puddled above the shoes. Reaching down to adjust them, she felt a looseness in her shoes.

"What is going on--hic!--with my clothes tonight?" she said. She once more tried clearing her throat (annoyed at hiccuping yet again); her voice still didn't sound right. *It's like
it's...higher? Like I sucked helium or something...* Trying not to think about it, she tugged the leg warmers back up her shins. They stayed up, although they seemed baggier than they should be. Anna suffered another hiccup and scowled. *Ok. I'm stuck in this club, in these 80s clothes, putting up with 80s music*--currently, Bananarama's "Venus"--*because my selfish friend stranded me here, my clothes are all messed up and my drink is taking forever to get here...but these hiccups, I can do something about!*

Thus decided, she took a deep breath and held it. She tried to mentally time it and when she'd reached about 30 seconds, she let go slowly. No sooner had the breath escaped her lungs than--"HIC!" She covered her mouth in embarrassment--that had been a very loud one. She also felt a strange shifting sensation and a faint tingling across her whole body, as if everything was moving slightly. Curiously, her lips felt numb for a moment, and when the feeling passed, they felt strange under her hand. She rubbed lightly at them, trying to ease the unusual feeling; her fingers came away with a faint smudge of her hot pink lipstick on them. Still feeling odd, she licked her lips and noticed they felt different. *It's like they're puffy, or swollen or something...but they didn't feel that way before...* She frowned, hoping she wasn't having some strange allergic reaction.

"Here you go!"

The sound of Cyndi's voice startled Anna, making her jump slightly in her seat. Unnoticed by her, this made the shoulder strap of her shirt fall off, sliding down her upper arm, and the leg warmers once again slipped down onto her shoes. Turning to face the waitress, she smiled up at her, but her expression briefly turned to puzzlement when something didn't seem to line up. Anna was only 5'2" herself, but the blonde had seemed a little bit shorter than her. *I don't remember having to look up quite so far...* She reached up to take the proffered beverage, surprised when the bright pink bracelet slid down her forearm to her elbow. "Um, thanks," Anna said lamely, hearing the weird pitch of her voice and feeling like she was mumbling slightly through her puffy lips. She frowned, looking Cyndi up and down briefly as she took a sip of her drink, trying to figure out why the blonde waitress suddenly seemed taller.

"Something wrong, hon?" said Cyndi with a quizzical look.

"Huh? Oh, no, nothing." Anna cleared her throat and hiccuped again, then groaned in frustration. "Just put it on my tab, please." *Why does my voice sound like that?*

"Aw, you still have those hiccups?" the waitress asked with a grin. "Have you tried holding your breath?"

"Well, yeah, that was--hic!--the first thing I thought of," Anna replied, trying not to sound condescending. *Not that I could anyway--my voice sounds even higher!* she thought in dismay. Aloud, she added, "It didn't work, as you might have guessed."

"Maybe you didn't do it long enough," Cyndi said. "Why don't I time it for you? We'll see if that helps. If not, maybe I can go get you a glass of ice water."

"Well, okay," Anna said, hating the way her voice sounded. "Can't hurt to try."

The blonde said something else, but it was drowned out by the chorus of "Hungry Like the Wolf." "Huh?" *God, that sounded like a squeak!*

"Stand up," Cyndi repeated. "You can breathe deeper that way, it'll let you hold it longer."

"Okay..." she replied. Hesitantly, she stood up next to the waitress, who was clearly at least a couple of inches taller than her. *Maybe I misjudged before,* she thought, tugging absently at her slipping skirt. When she let go, she heard a faint metallic pinging sound; she glanced down to see the mood ring, still burning red, had slipped off her finger. She tried to put it back on, but found it didn't fit anything but her thumb. She stared at it for a moment, perplexed, before Cyndi cleared her throat. "Sorry," she said sheepishly.

The blonde grinned at her. "Ok. Deep breath, and, hold!" She looked at her watch as Anna waited. It seemed to go on longer than 30 seconds; she was starting to feel strained when Cyndi finally said, "Slowly, exhale." Anna did so, the slow whoosh of outgoing air capped off with another loud "HIC!" and more of that strange tingling. This time, her hips and butt felt the numbness instead of her lips.

It passed in a few seconds; Anna groaned aloud and rolled her eyes, frustrated that she couldn't shake the annoying hiccups. "Well, thanks for trying to help, at least. Maybe that water would be a good idea." She frowned at the mostly-full drink refill Cyndi had brought. "And, as good as that tastes, I think I'll leave it for a while."

"Ok, hon. I'll go get you some--um. You, uh, having a little wardrobe malfunction there? Maybe you should fix that..." she said, pointing at Anna's chest.

"What? What do you--aah!" she shrieked, her voice sounding even higher than before. She didn't care about that, though; she cared about her single-strap shirt hanging low enough to show off her bra...which was oddly loose on her chest, partially exposing her right nipple to the club. Anna blushed bright red and adjusted her bizarrely ill-fitting clothes, trying to regain some semblance of dignity. She managed to fix the shirt well enough to cover up, although it sat worryingly loose on her torso. "Oh my god, how embarrassing!" she said, blushing even more at her obviously squeaky tone. She glanced rapidly around, but nobody seemed to have noticed other than Cyndi. *Good thing I picked kind of an isolated corner table...*

"It happens occasionally. It can be hard to find retro clothes in the right size these days," the waitress said understandingly. "It helps to use safety pins or something though."

"No, these fit when I left the house! I have no idea what's happening!" Anna replied, her humiliation tinged lightly with panic.

"Uh-huh. Well, no offense, but maybe you're a little confused. Clothes don't just get bigger," Cyndi said. "I'm gonna go get you that water. Maybe I can find you a pin or two while I'm at it."

As she turned to go, Anna blurted out, "How tall are you?"

The blonde sighed. "A majestic, towering five feet even. I get asked that a lot. Not to mention the short jokes." She smiled at Anna. "Then again, I'm sure you have it worse than me. You're, what, four-ten?" Cyndi paused, looking confused. "Or maybe four-nine. Really short, anyway. It's funny, I didn't notice before. I usually do. We little women have to stick together!"

"What?" Anna said in shock. "No way! I'm five-two! Have been for years!"

Cyndi grinned at her again, looking slightly down to meet Anna's eyes. "Sure. You're five-two. And your clothes fit when you left the house. Honey, I think you've had a little too much to drink. That, or you're shrinking." She shook her head and laughed. "Ha! Shrinking! Yeah, right. Anyway, I'll be right back." So saying, she spun and strode off toward the bar, not noticing the look of shock frozen on Anna's face, the blonde's final words ringing in her ears.

*That, or you're shrinking.* The idea was ridiculous, impossible. People didn't just spontaneously get smaller. *But it would explain everything...* Anna looked around the club, taking stock of the relative size of everything. The unusually tall patrons, the high ceiling, the tabletop that she was sure hadn't come up to just below her breasts when she walked in... Even the chair looked higher, like it was designed for people taller than her. Coupled with her inexplicably large clothes, she was forced to accept that the impossible must be happening.

"I'm shrinking. I'm SHRINKING!" she cried suddenly, her higher voice loud enough to be heard over Hall & Oates' "Maneater" and drawing a few confused looks from other tables. She blushed again and self-consciously clutched her sagging clothes closer to her body, feeling the skirt shift dangerously and the shirt droop from its single strap. Now that she'd given voice to the idea, the signs were truly obvious; the earrings felt bigger than ever and abnormally heavy, she could feel looseness in her bra and panties under her clothes, the bracelet was so big it was constantly threatening to fall over her hand, her fingers were withdrawing gradually into the gloves, and her leg warmers were puddles of fabric resting atop shoes that felt at least two sizes too large.

"Oh god, why is this happening to me?" she moaned, hearing the pitch of her voice. *Of course. It even explains that.* Anna was relieved to note that her lips felt like they were back to normal. It was a small silver lining, but she'd take it. Worried and feeling helpless, she decided to sit back down and hope Olivia showed up soon, hopefully before she shrank any more.

When she attempted to sit down, though, she got two unpleasant surprises. The first thing was that the seat of the chair was higher and she had to stand on tiptoe to get into it. The second was that her hips and ass felt different as they contacted the chair. They felt...bigger, somehow. Stepping back down off the chair, she momentarily forgot her embarrassment and felt herself around the waist. *No doubt about it--these are bigger,* she thought, hands on her hips. *And so is this!* she added as she patted her ass.

For just a moment she had the thought that she must have put on a bit of weight, but then she remembered that part of her body feeling weird and numb a few minutes ago, while the rest of her was tingling all over. *So...what? I'm shrinking, but not ALL of me is shrinking? What the hell?* She patted her ass again. *I mean, I wouldn't necessarily mind a little more curve here, but not like this!* Sighing resignedly, she again rose up on tiptoe and sat in the chair, trying to ignore the bizarre feeling of sitting on an extra cushion.

Anna leaned forward toward the tabletop and found it was disconcertingly high; she wanted to rest her chin in her hands, but she was now too low to the table for that to be comfortable. Giving up after a moment, she scooted her chair in as close as possible, rested her elbow on the table, and slumped the top of her head against it as best she could, resettling her huge clothing around her when she was comfortable.

Glancing at her phone and small purse--*well, it felt small earlier, anyway*--she was suddenly struck by the thought that if she kept shrinking, the table would keep getting higher, and it might end up too tall for her to easily reach her phone if she needed it. Trying not to think about just how small she'd have to be for that to be true, she scooped them up from the table and set them down in the chair next to her. Even with her new proportions, she didn't take up the whole seat, so there was a place for them.

She started to pick up her phone to pass the time again, hoping Olivia would show up soon, but she had no sooner reached for it than she hiccuped again. The huge pink bracelet shot down her outstretched arm and past her hand, scraping off her oversized glove and landing in the seat next to the phone. Simultaneously, she felt her toes leave the floor, her big shoes dangling loosely from her hanging feet. She whimpered, which sounded strange in her higher voice, and hiccuped again. She felt another subtle shifting in her clothes, her shoes sliding slightly, her skirt starting to puddle even around her too-big hips, her fingers disappearing completely within the remaining glove. Resignedly, she easily tugged the giant glove off her small hand and also removed the mood ring, now big enough to enclose two of her fingers.

The earrings were bumping against her constantly and dragging across her shoulders whenever she moved her head, and they were also starting to hurt as they grew bigger within her piercings; she removed them as well and added them to the gloves and jewelry sitting in the chair by her phone. She picked up the device--*God, it feels more like a tablet!*--and tried to call Olivia. Her aggravation mounted when the call went to her friend's voicemail, but she decided to leave a message anyway, hoping that "Addicted to Love" wasn't drowning out her ever-higher voice.

"Olivia! Damn it! You need to come get me--hic!--now! I'm..." Anna paused a moment, knowing that she couldn't very well say she was shrinking, even if the feeling of the phone expanding slightly in her hand was a clear indicator that she still was. "...I'm medical emergency! I need to get help, asap!" Anna could hear that her pitch had risen even more; she almost sounded like a kid. Blushing in embarrassment again, she finished hurriedly. "So seriously, stop making out or whatever and come help me! Please, please, as soon as you get this call me and--hic!--let me know!" The phone grew in her hand again as she finished the call. Now it really did feel as big as a tablet, and looked it in comparison to her hand. *I wonder how small I am now,* she thought with dismay.

Looking at the edge of the table, she was surprised to see it was even with her neck. *Good thing I thought to put my stuff in the chair,* she thought. Glancing down at her wardrobe, she saw her skirt in a growing puddle around her legs, and she could feel its waistband sagging into her lap. She wasn't exposed, because the shirt was also pooling in her lap. She was exposed up top, though, as the neck of the shirt and her falling bra had slipped low enough to reveal her nipples again. Fortunately, since they were below the level of the table and she was off in a far corner of the club, she doubted many people had seen them, but she still felt her face heating in embarrassment.

She wanted to make adjustments to her clothing and her first thought was to find some privacy. That was quickly squelched when she looked up to see where the restroom was and found she couldn't see anything through the mass of ever-taller people in the club; she'd get lost in the crowd trying to find the door to the ladies' room. *More like little girls' room,* she added glumly. And that was assuming her clothes didn't just fall off when she had to jump down (!) from the chair, or that her gigantic shoes and leg warmers didn't trip her up on her way.

Giving up on the idea of making it to the restroom--*Hope I don't have to go anytime soon*--and hoping that her relatively remote table would provide privacy enough, Anna reached around behind her back through the drooping shirt and adjusted her bra to the smallest hooks, saddened to find that she'd become small enough that it was still loose even on that setting, though it was better. She fiddled with the straps, tying knots in them to tighten them on her shoulders, then did the same for the single strap of her shirt, dismayed at how much fabric she had to gather into the knot. When it was done, she was at least covered, although the garments still looked kind of baggy on her. *Now what to do about my skirt...*

With a careful process of shifting in the chair and twisting and lifting her hips and butt (made much more difficult by their unfamiliar size), she was able to gather up much of the loose fabric in the waist of her skirt and tie a similar knot in it. She started to stand up to test its hold, but realized she still had the problem of needing to hop down to the floor and then back up into the chair. Feeling slightly ridiculous, she stood up in the chair instead, having to carefully lift her feet to keep her incredibly loose shoes on. She was stunned to see that even standing straight up in the chair seat, the tabletop was almost even with her waist! She moved around a bit, hands at the ready to grab her skirt in case it slipped, but it held up.

Satisfied that she wouldn't accidentally flash the club again anytime soon, Anna started to relax a little bit, not even realizing how much tension she'd been holding in the last few minutes. As her anxiety eased and she slowly exhaled, she hiccuped...and saw the table creep slowly up past her waist as she felt her clothes shift slightly. "Oh my god, not--hic!--again!" she moaned. As she said this the table rose even higher and her clothes slid loosely around her dwindling frame again. As the tabletop stopped climbing just above her navel, her skirt lost its hold entirely and dropped off her shrinking waist, landing in a heap atop sneakers the size of clown shoes. Her legs, looking bizarrely skinny amidst the gigantic garments around her ankles, were left exposed, though the shirt was hanging to mid-thigh.

Blushing beet red again, she bent down to pull up the skirt. As her hands closed around it, she felt and saw a piece of tan-colored fabric fall into the pile. She was momentarily confused, but quickly recognized the item--her panties had just fallen off! More embarrassed than ever, she quickly tugged them and the skirt back up to her waist. Anna adjusted her panties, trying desperately to get them to stay on her reduced hips. She finally managed to get them to hold up, but she could feel the underwear slipping treacherously around her waist; it seemed that only the recently-exaggerated curvature of her hips and ass was keeping them on. *If I shrink any more, they're a lost cause...*

No sooner had she had this thought than another hiccup escaped her throat, and the instant it did, she felt her panties shift, slide off her ass completely, and drop unceremoniously from the open bottom of the sagging skirt she was clutching to her body. She could feel the shirt growing again, its strap once more slipping toward her shoulder, and she saw the tabletop moving slowly up toward her breasts. At that moment, something she'd been vaguely suspecting clicked into the front of her mind with absolute certainty. "Oh god," she whispered, "it's the hiccups! My hiccups are making me shrink--hic! Dammit!"

This only served to cement her certainty, as the moment the hiccup passed her lips, she saw the edge of the table again rise, ascending past the top of her breasts...which became exposed as the enlarging shirt and bra again fell off her shoulders, dropping to where her hands were pressed against her waist to hold the skirt in place. She gasped in shock and embarrassment--which came out sounding more like a squeak than ever--and automatically grabbed the top with one hand, causing her skirt to fall down on that side. Her other hand still held the opposite side of the skirt against her body, but even with the knot she'd tied to cinch it up, she had shrunk so small that the waistband went diagonally down to her knee.

*I must look completely ridiculous,* Anna thought, glancing down at herself. She was standing in the seat of her chair, her shoes more like a strange-looking dais under her bare feet, her leg warmers two puddles of pink fabric piled halfway up her shins, her zebra-print skirt hanging at an angle with one side low enough to touch the shoes and the other barely above the leg warmers, her shirt looking like a nightie as it hung almost to her knees, its single strap loosely draped over her shoulder with enough slack to expose her breasts and the comparatively huge bra that dangled to her belly button, and the tabletop shoulder-high to her despite her elevated footing. She flushed deep crimson over her entire body (made obvious by so much exposed skin) and felt relieved that very few patrons seemed to have noticed her at her faraway table. Still, she had to do something; she couldn't even contemplate being naked in such a public space.

Giving up on the skirt as a lost cause, she let it fall to the chair to join the shoes and leg warmers. Stepping out of those, she held the enormous shirt carefully and maneuvered her arms and shifted her torso until the oversized bra dropped out of the shirt bottom. Feeling incredibly exposed, she did some creative knotwork with the top and fashioned it into an odd-looking but serviceable thigh-length minidress. *Now I just have to hope nobody gets a look from the wrong angle,* she thought. *Actually, I think I'd rather nobody get a look at me at all.*

The universe seemed to be working against her, though; seconds later she heard Cyndi's voice and turned around--*Oh my god, I can barely see over the back of the chair!* to see the waitress in conversation with a clubgoer, a tray balanced on her outstretched hand carrying a few drinks and a small plastic cup of ice water. Anna gulped at seeing that the blonde, whom she'd previously held a slight height advantage over, now seemed towering like everyone else in the room. Even standing in the chair as she was, she doubted she was chin-level to the 5' server.

"God, I can't let her see me like this! I can't let anyone see me like this!" Anna said, stunned at just how different her voice sounded now. *It's like I inhaled a whole balloon of helium...* Thinking fast, she scooped up as much of her enlarged clothing as she could and stuffed it into the opening of her purse, thankful that she had left it open and didn't have to struggle with the zipper. She pushed the clothes in as best she could, leaving only a few bits of colored fabric hanging out. Then she shoved her shoes to the edge of the chair (briefly marveling at just how big they were now--each one looked like a surfboard) and pushed them over the edge, each one hitting the seemingly faraway floor with a soft thump, inaudible to the other patrons over the music.

*So that's my clothes...but I still need to hide!* she thought, glancing over the chair and seeing Cyndi handing off the last drink, leaving only Anna's water. She didn't want to jump down to the floor, since she couldn't be sure of getting back up to her phone; that left only one option. Her chair was pulled up to the table in the outermost corner, but a bench seat ran along the walls under the rest of the table, making a booth. Her chair was close enough to the edge of the bench that she thought she could clear the gap, even though the bench's cushion was a bit higher up, so she backed up to the far side of the chair, ran across the cushion, and jumped for the bench. She didn't jump quite high enough and her shins caught on the edge, sending her sprawling facefirst into the seat. She was glad nobody was looking, or she'd likely have flashed them.

Anna rose up quickly and dashed across the bench, running to the opposite side of the table and ducking down, bent over beneath the tabletop to shield herself from view, her back pressed against it due to the cushion on the bench being a couple of inches taller. She glanced across the chasm between this part of the bench and her previous chair, the view partially obscured by table legs. *Did I really just get a running start and jump across two chairs? Am I seriously almost standing up under a table? This entire thing is surreal!* she thought to herself, hearing Cyndi approaching. In a moment, she could see a huge pair of legs clad in fishnet stockings and a denim skirt walk up to the outer chair. Anna's nerves fluttered as she made a quick estimation and realized she didn't stand as tall as the blonde's waist, and likely not even as tall as the bottom of her skirt. *I might even be down to knee height...*

"Huh. I wonder where she went?" she heard the waitress asking to herself. "Looks like she left her purse here...some people are so careless! It could get stolen or something." Anna watched the pair of legs, seeing Cyndi's body shift as she apparently leaned over the chair. "And her phone, too! Maybe I should take this stuff to the office..." Anna tensed up, hoping the blonde would leave her things alone. *Please don't take my phone, please don't take my phone...*

After a moment that seemed to stretch on forever, the waitress muttered to herself pensively. "Maybe she just went to the bathroom or something. I'd hate to move her stuff if she'll be back soon. Maybe I can just check back in a few minutes." Anna heard a faint thump, likely the water cup being set on the table, and saw Cyndi straighten her body back up. As she turned to leave, Anna was suddenly struck by the strange thought that she could walk between Cyndi's legs and see straight up her skirt. She laughed in spite of herself and hiccuped again, panic seizing her as she felt herself shrink again, her makeshift minidress moving against her skin, the underside of the table rising higher over her back.

Unfortunately, her hiccup had occurred just as the music was changing tracks, and Cyndi seemed to have heard it. Anna saw the massive legs tense up suddenly and whirl back around to face the table. The song that came on next was Men at Work's "Down Under," and she had to stifle another giggle at the absurdity of the situation. *Down under...that's where I am, all right...* She held her breath, terrified of hiccuping again and being discovered in her shrunken state. The huge legs took a few steps along the table, the shifting of Cyndi's posture suggesting she was looking around the table for the source of the noise. After several tense seconds, the legs turned and walked away again, headed in the direction of the bar.

Once they were far enough away, Anna relaxed, slowly letting out her held breath...followed by another loud hiccup! "Oh, no!" she cried, her voice approaching chipmunk range. She felt that weird tingling over most of her body again, including her hips and ass. This time, the only part that felt numb was her head. She watched the world expand slowly around her, dismayed to see how much further she could straighten up from her bent position.

When she stopped shrinking, her shirt was below her knees and once again baggy enough to threaten to fall off up top. She didn't know what to do with it now, as she was approaching the limits of what she could really do with tying knots in it. *Guess I'll just have to try to keep an eye on it and hope for the best.* She backed out from under the table and stood up to her full height, noticing her head felt strange, as if it were a little too heavy. *Weird...* Standing straight up, the top of the table was just below her chin, meaning she was something like 14 inches tall. She recalled her earlier conversation with the waitress and how shocked she'd been to be called 4'9". *What I wouldn't give to be 4'9" now...*

Anna knew she needed to get back to her chair to be near her phone in case Olivia called, but she also wouldn't be able to see over the table, and likely couldn't jump back to the bench with her latest reduction in size. If she couldn't see over the table, she probably couldn't get the cup of water; she was really thirsty and thought that drinking water might stop her hiccups where holding her breath had failed. *I need that water.* Taking a quick look at the situation, she thought about trying to reach it from the point on the bench closest to her chair and then realized she had a better solution.

Bracing her hands on the table, she hopped up off the bench seat and pushed down against the top with her arms, struggling to haul herself up over the edge. *Can't believe I'm doing this!* She got her torso over the lip of the table and pulled herself the rest of the way up, panting with exertion. She took a moment to catch her breath, but she didn't want to rest too long; the top of the table was wide open and she felt like any moment someone might notice her.

She jogged barefoot across the table, again picturing the insanity of her situation. She was slightly thrown off by the continued odd feeling in her head. She seemed to be having some trouble keeping it up, and it felt oddly wobbly on her neck. She remembered it feeling numb while the rest of her tingled during her last shrink and was hit with a horrible thought. *God, I hope not...* Deciding she'd have to get her compact mirror out of her purse in a few minutes, she pushed the idea out of her mind for the time being. She reached the plastic cup of water and was displeased if not exactly surprised to find that it came up to her thighs. Fortunately, it wasn't completely full. *Good, at least it won't be as heavy as it could be.*

She picked it up, testing its heft. It was of course far heavier than it would have been at her normal size, but it wasn't unmanageable. She walked to the edge of the table, carrying it in both arms as if it were a grocery bag, and set it down above her chair. She looked down at the offset chair, still holding her purse and phone. *How am I going to get it down there?* She contemplated lowering it over the edge while she stayed on the table, but she had nothing to hold on to up here and she feared its weight might drag her over and send her tumbling into the chair. There was too much risk of hurting herself or at the very least spilling the water. She sat on the edge of the table, legs dangling over, and pondered the situation.

Then she hiccuped again.

"Dammit!" she snapped, her ridiculously squeaky voice really beginning to grate on her nerves. Anna felt herself shrink yet again and saw the water cup slowly grow next to her as the chair cushion crept further away. Fortunately she didn't seem to shrink much that time. *But I've got to get it down there before I get too small.* She stood up...and right out of her shirt-minidress, her narrow shoulders slipping right through the top opening as she rose, her hips (back to their normal proportions) sliding through as well. In an instant, she was naked on the table, her only clothing a puddle at her ankles.

"Eek!" she shrieked. *I sound like Mickey Mouse!* She scrabbled to pull the shirt up over her, but the best she could do was drape it over her body like a blanket. She looked at the garment that now covered her feet, glanced sidelong at the water cup, and got an idea. With extreme reluctance and embarrassment, she slipped the shirt back off and tied the neck hole closed completely. She then set the cup into it and pulled the shirt up over the cup, then carefully lowered it down off the edge of the table, suspending the cup in a sort of makeshift sling. Anna laid down on the tabletop--feeling the cool surface against her bare skin, burning hot with humiliation--and cautiously let more and more of the garment out. The cup slipped lower...lower...and contacted the cushion, sitting smoothly.

Sighing in relief that at least something had gone correctly, she let go of the shirt and stood, looking over the edge at the chair below. She stepped to the side, getting far enough away from the cup so as not to disturb it, then swung her tiny nude body down over the edge, hanging from the lip of the table and lowering herself as far as she could before letting go. Anna dropped to the chair, letting out a soft grunt as she hit the padded surface.

Immediately, she dashed to her open purse, now even more grateful that Cyndi hadn't taken it away. She poked her head and arms inside and had another of those strange realizations. *I could fit my whole body in here.* This was followed by the thought that it couldn't get much more private than that, so she did exactly that, crawling into the opening to rummage through her things. Anyone watching the purse would have seen a tiny hand emerge, pushing a compact mirror the relative size of a manhole cover out through the opening.

A few minutes later, Anna crawled back out of her purse, having found her super-sized panties and fashioned them into a toga. Dreading what she might see, she opened the compact and examined herself in the mirror. Unfortunately for her, her fears proved true--her head was obviously too big for her body. It hadn't come along for her latest shrinkage. "Oh my god, I look like an Anna Kendrick bobblehead!" she wailed. "I'm probably not much bigger than one," she added miserably, unable to keep from gritting her teeth at the pitch of her voice.

She didn't want to do what she knew she was about to do, but she couldn't stop herself. She watched her mortified reflection as she rapidly wobbled and bobbed her oversized head for a few seconds. "Stop that!" she snapped, slapping herself in the face. It had the desired effect; she stopped wiggling her head and turned away from the mirror. *If there's one thing that could possibly make this more embarrassing, that was it.*

Knowing that she had to try to stop hiccuping and thus stop her shrinking, she turned her attention to the cup of water in its improvised sling. Stepping across the cushion, she pulled the tied-off shirt down from around the cup (which was now almost waist-high). Anna bent down and picked up the cup. She had a little trouble working out how to drink from it. Finally, she figured out she could hold the rim up to her mouth with one hand and use the other to lift it from the base. Carefully maneuvering the giant plastic cup, she began to slowly drink the cold water, trying to maintain a steady pace without guzzling. *The last thing I want is to make my hiccups worse,* she thought glumly.

After several seconds, she slowly tapered off her water intake, gradually stopping and carefully setting the cup back down. She swallowed the last of it and took a few carefully controlled breaths. Nothing happened. She sighed in relief, thinking she had finally stopped her fit of hiccups. "Now, how do I get back to normal?" she mused. She started to head for her phone, but had no sooner taken a step toward it than she felt a faint rumble in her stomach...then a strange tension in her throat...and then..."HIC!"

Proportionately, it was the loudest she'd hiccuped all night, although she was so small now and her voice so high that even someone else sitting at that table would've been hard-pressed to hear it, even without "Footloose" blaring in the background. She felt that familiar whole-body tingling again, grateful to feel it in her head. After a moment, she realized that she couldn't feel any numbness anywhere. *Well, I'm shrinking again, but maybe I'll be back to normal proportions, at least!* She could feel the toga sliding down on her, going from mid-thigh down to above her knee...then over it...then creeping down her shins. Its shoulders slid further away from her neck, slipping slowly further down her shoulders until they fell onto her upper arms. *Oh god, I'm shrinking more this time! I hope it stops soon,* she thought worriedly.

Moments later, her shrinking did stop. She immediately noticed that the water cup came up to her shoulders! "Damn, I got really small," she said softly, turning to look down at herself. "But at least I'm back to--what the fuck?!"

She stared in shock down at herself. The panty-toga she'd pulled together was down almost all the way to her ankles and its shoulders had fallen from her own. It would have been in a puddle at her feet...but it hadn't fallen off her breasts, because they looked at least twice as big as they'd been moments ago. "Oh my god!" She raised her hands to them experimentally and squeezed. No doubt about it, she was really seeing what she thought she was seeing. They seemed somewhat more sensitive, too.

After a few moments, she realized that while they obviously hadn't gotten smaller with the rest of her, they might actually be a little bit bigger than they'd been before she shrank. *Maybe that's why they didn't feel numb--because they were changing size,* she mused. *Just in the other direction.* She squeezed them again, unable to wrap her mind around the craziness that was happening to her. "Well, at least they kept my outfit from falling off--hic!" She groaned as she felt herself shrinking again, the water cup growing to eye-level and the toga finally getting too big for even her enormous tits to hold it on. It slipped off her diminishing body and fell to her feet, leaving her naked yet again. *I just had to open my mouth...*

Suddenly, a familiar sound got her attention, standing out from the refrain of "Kyrie" playing over the club's sound system. It was decidedly more modern than anything else she'd heard tonight: Katy Perry's "Last Friday Night." Olivia's ringtone! *Finally!* Temporarily forgetting her nudity, she dashed over to her phone, her bigger breasts bouncing with every step and messing with her equilibrium. She reached the phone--*It looks as big as a TV!*--and answered the call.

"Olivia! Thank god you called me back!" she cried, trying to make herself loud enough to be heard while forcibly trying to lower her tone.

"Anna? Is that you? You sound like you sucked helium! That's hilarious!" her friend replied.

*Evidently that didn't work,* Anna thought sourly, embarrassed yet again by her predicament. "Uh...something like that. Look, can you please come and get me? I have a real emergency here!"

"Yeah, you said something about it in the message you left me. Look, I'm sorry, it's just I thought you'd be okay, and Liam is really hot--"

"Olivia! Please! You can tell me all about it later! I really need help!"

"Alright, alright. Geez. Where are you?"

"I'm still at the same corner table. Look in the seat of the chair when you get here."

"The chair seat? Why?" Olivia replied, sounding confused.

*Stupid!* Anna smacked herself in the forehead, her newly grown boobs wobbling slightly with the arm motion. "Um. I just don't want to accidentally leave my phone or my purse, and I might leave them in the seat if you don't remind me," she answered lamely, hoping it didn't sound like a lie.

"Alright. Stay put, I'll be there soon. But if you still sound that ridiculous I reserve the right to laugh at you no matter what the issue is," Olivia said, trying to stifle a chuckle.

"Laugh at me all you want, just come help me!" Anna snapped.

"Okay, okay! No need to be so touchy. See you in a few." Olivia ended the call.

Anna walked back over to the makeshift outfit she'd crafted from her panties and worked with it, tying more knots until she could make it stay on. She thought about trying to stop her hiccups again, but the cup of water was too big and heavy to drink from now, and holding her breath obviously wasn't going to work. She sat down, hands around her raised knees. *Now I just wait, and hope I don't get too small to see...*


A short time later, Anna heard a familiar voice coming from somewhere beyond the chair. The waitress had apparently returned, maybe to check and see if Anna's things were still in the chair. *I forgot she said she might come back!* Anna started to make a run for her open purse, but before she could move, Cyndi's head came into view around the side of the chair, her gaze slowly turning down toward the cushion. "I wonder if she came back for--" The blonde's jaw dropped when she saw the tiny Anna curled up in the seat. "Oh my god! How did this happen to you?"

Anna looked up at the blonde, feeling a mixture of panic at her situation and an odd sense of relief; the waitress had seemed nice enough, and Anna hoped she might help her. Her tiny voice started to crack as she talked. "I don't know! I got the hiccups really bad and I just...shrank! I kept getting smaller and smaller and I didn't know if it was gonna stop and--hic! Oh no!" She felt the familiar sensation of her toga shifting and sliding, growing bigger against her shrinking body until it slid off again, leaving her naked in front of the titanic Cyndi. "Eep!" she cried, putting one hand over her groin and covering her outsized tits as best she could with her other arm.

"Wow. That stuff was more potent than I thought."

Anna's blood froze at Cyndi's words, and her head snapped up to meet the giantess' eyes. "What...what did you just say?"

"I said that stuff was more potent than I thought. I didn't actually think you'd get THIS small," the waitress replied, grinning down at the miniature woman. "I mean, I'm fine with how much you shrank, but I'm surprised."

Anna didn't like the expression on the blonde's huge face; it looked wicked and menacing. "You did this to me? How? WHY?!"

"Oh my god, your voice sounds so cute and silly!" Cyndi said, suppressing laughter. "You're like a chipmunk!" She took a moment to regain control as the tiny Anna stared up at her in shock and terror. "Well, to answer your I did it was to slip a little something extra into the drink I brought you. As for why I did it, well..."

Cyndi leaned down, her massive head descending toward the tiny Anna. She stopped just inches away from the seat, her grinning face seeming to hang overhead like the sun in the sky. She was so close that her hot breath washed over Anna like a breeze. "I did it because I wanted to. Your friend left you alone, so I figured nobody would miss you right away. I thought you looked really sexy, and I thought you'd be even sexier as a tiny little living doll." Her grin spread even wider, her eyes lighting up. "And I was right."

Anna was dumbfounded, unable to even comprehend what was happening as she stared up at the formerly petite Cyndi. She was so focused on her frighteningly huge face that she didn't even see the massive hand coming at her until it was too late. Fingers, soft against her skin but as large and strong as steel beams, closed around her miniature naked form and lifted her out of the seat. She screamed as she was hauled up into the air and held before Cyndi's gaze.

"Oh wow! I can't believe you're small enough to pick up! This is awesome!" Anna couldn't believe it either. Her legs below the knees stuck out past the blonde's closed fingers and her breasts were just above the giant index finger. Her arms were pinned at her sides. "Although it feels like you didn't exactly shrink in proportion..." One of the giantess' fingers probed at Anna's relatively huge breasts. "These are a lot bigger on you than they looked earlier tonight." The questing finger brushed against one of her itty-bitty nipples, sending a pleasurable sensation through her nerves and causing the tiny point to stiffen. "'s so small I can't be sure, but it feels like somebody likes that," Cyndi said with obvious amusement.

The huge finger rubbed against Anna's nipple a few more times, producing an involuntary moan that she quickly stifled. She flushed with further embarrassment. *Dammit, don't enjoy this!* "Please! Make me big again!" she pleaded, aware of how much she sounded like a little kid begging for something. *Except even little kids' voices aren't this high!*

Cyndi's expression turned to mock confusion. "Make you big again? Why would I want to do that?" The wicked grin returned. "You're my own private little living, breathing toy now. I'm gonna have a lot of fun with you!"

Anna's fear returned at the tone of that last statement. "What? What are you...look, never mind! Cyndi, please! I can't stay this size forever!"

"Oh? Why not?" the blonde said with a smirk.

Anna's mouth gaped in shock. It took her a few seconds to even begin to reply to that. "What do you mean, why not? This is--hic! Aaaaagh!" she cried out, feeling her skin sliding against the enormous fingers, her body contracting into the giantess' palm. The index finger lifted outward to allow her breasts to slide past it as she shrank down, her legs retracting toward Cyndi's pinky. She stopped shrinking after a few moments, guessing she'd probably lost about an inch...which was a lot, considering how small she was now.

"About six inches," the waitress said, as if reading her mind. "But I should probably stop your shrinking before you get too small to have fun with..." So saying, she rummaged in her purse, took out a small vial, and sprinkled a small amount of powder from it into the cup. The liquid turned a pale pink, and Cyndi picked up the cup and lifted it, bringing it close to Anna and tipping it to bring the liquid close to the rim. "Drink up, my little toy." When she initially turned away from the cup, a very slight increase in pressure from the giant fingers got her attention. "Drink it. I'm not asking. If you don't, I have no idea how much more you'll shrink."

Reluctantly, Anna turned to the lip of the cup and sipped some of the pink fluid. It tasted vaguely reminiscent of the drink she'd had earlier. She felt a tingle run across her body as she swallowed it, similar to the tingling she'd felt earlier, although she didn't seem to shrink after this one. Cyndi set the cup down on the table next to Anna's remaining half-finished drink.

"Good, good. That should stop your hiccups and keep you from getting any smaller. You're a very lovely size, you sexy little thing." Cyndi smiled down at her captive again. "Now I just need to get you out of here. Ah, and I see you've already done most of the cleaning up for me!" She bent down to the chair cushion and stuffed Anna's phone and compact into the open purse, although her shoes wouldn't fit. The giantess picked them up instead, carrying them on two outstretched fingers.

"What are you going to do with me?" Anna asked, staring up at the giant face, her worried tone evident even in her high voice.

"Ah! Well. I can't have you being seen, I suppose. So!" Without any warning, Anna felt herself dropping frightfully fast as the hand that held her swooped downwards. Everything around her suddenly got dimmer, the light blocked out by pale pink fabric; she was being stuffed into her own purse! The huge hand pushed her down into the soft folds of her own clothing, and then the world went dark as the zipper was pulled closed.

Anna was jostled around as the floor tilted. She realized Cyndi was picking up the purse to carry her god knew where. Suddenly, the zipper was pulled partially open again and light streamed in from outside. For a second, she wondered what was going on; then the giantess' hand dipped into the purse and felt around, brushing against Anna's naked skin a few times before finally closing around something buried in the clothes. Anna watched as the hand pulled her phone out of the purse. When both were out of the opening, Cyndi's gigantic smiling face appeared briefly in the gap.

"Almost forgot I put that in there, little doll. Can't have you call for help and spoil my fun!" Laughing to herself, Cyndi again closed the zipper, plunging Anna once more into darkness. The purse began to sway and occasionally bump as the giantess walked across the club floor. Moments later, Anna heard Cyndi's voice again, muffled through the fabric that surrounded her. "Hey, Chris, can I knock off early tonight? I don't feel so hot."

A deep, masculine voice replied from somewhere outside the purse. "Aw, Cyn, come on. You've only got two hours left in your shift."

"Look, I wouldn't ask, but I'm really feeling under the weather here." Anna could almost hear the suppressed laughter in the blonde's voice.

The man sighed. "Fine. I'll get Jodie to cover your section. But just this once, okay?" There was a pause, then he added, "What's with the shoes?"

"Oh, my feet are killing me. I think the shoes I wore for this outfit are too small. I didn't wanna change while I was at work, but I wanted to have them ready in case you said I could go."

"Alright, alright. Get out of here before I change my mind. And you'd better be in tomorrow, on time."

"Oh, don't worry about that," Cyndi replied. "As soon as I get home and handle this one little, tiny thing, I'll feel a lot better. See you tomorrow!"

The purse jostled more rapidly as Cyndi practically bounced with excitement. After a few moments, the zipper was opened again. Anna saw a starry sky through the gap and knew she was outside the club. She shivered as the cool evening air touched her naked skin and burrowed deeper into her own clothing. Cyndi looked down into the gap and smiled.

"Oh, you're just too cute. I can't wait until I get you home!"

Anna wrapped herself tightly in her enormous shirt, trying to imagine she was wrapped up in her sheets at home and this was all just a bad dream. *If I ever get out of this, I'm never going clubbing again,* she thought. *And if not, I guess I'll find out what life is like for a pet...*

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Unread 02-15-2014   #2
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Re: New story from me! "Take My Breath Away" (Slow shrink)

5 schlicks out of 5!

This is now one of my fav SW stories. I love shrinking spurts!

Thanks for sharing it.
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Unread 02-15-2014   #3
aka Nina.lil
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Re: New story from me! "Take My Breath Away" (Slow shrink)

very good story, loved it alot.. just wish she would shrink even more
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Unread 02-15-2014   #4
Nom Anor
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Re: New story from me! "Take My Breath Away" (Slow shrink)

Great stuff as always, qzar.
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Unread 02-16-2014   #5
Captain Ash
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Re: New story from me! "Take My Breath Away" (Slow shrink)

Looks like that these free drinks will cost them dearly.

Captain Ash
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process, shrinking, uneven

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