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Unread 03-04-2014   #1
Purveyor of Porn
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Gallifrey
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Short story: "The More I Drink" (M/f sex)

This story is the result of a creative writing experiment I'm doing over at The Minimizer. It's actually the second one, but the first didn't get posted here because no process. This one, though...

Graphic NSFW sexy times. Just so you know.

EDIT: Oh my god. I just realized this is the first M/f sex scene that's ever been in one of my stories. I mean, *I* like it, but I hope someone else thinks it turned out well...

* * * * *

"The More I Drink"
Inspired by spot

"Come on, it'll be fun," Shelley said, tugging on Blake's arm.

"Nope. Not happening, Shel," her boyfriend replied, planting his feet firmly and refusing to budge.

"Please? For me?" She batted her eyes at him, fluttering her long lashes.

He shook his head, chuckling. "That's not fair. You know I can't resist that look, you little cheat." He sighed. "Fine, I'll do it. But as a conscientious objector," he added, grinning at her.

"Yay! Thanks, Blake. You're the best," she said, standing on tiptoe to plant a kiss on his cheek.

"I don't see why you're making such a big deal out of this anyway. It doesn't look like a fun ride to me," he said, frowning at the bright sign reading "ORBITER" in red light bulbs.

"This is one of my favorites! You'll see, it's great." She beamed at him. "Besides, what's the point of coming to the fair if you don't ride any rides?"

"...Eating fried everything?" he replied after a moment's hesitation.

Shelley rolled her eyes. "Men." She shook her head and walked away, toward the back of the ride's line. Blake followed behind her, his gaze lingering on the way her jeans hugged her curves.

She reached the end of the line and turned around to face the ride. "Were you staring at my ass?" she asked as he stepped close behind her.

"Mmmmmmmmaybe," he said. Moving slightly closer, he cupped a hand around one of her firm buttocks and squeezed lightly, eliciting a small gasp from her.

"You tease," she mumbled over her shoulder.

"Me? You're the one wearing the painted-on jeans."

The line wasn't that long and moved quickly, and soon the couple found themselves strapped into a two-seater pod attached to one of the ride's spindly arms. A lap bar came down, firmly restraining them in their seats. The song that had been playing from the speakers attached to the ride platform ended, and the next one began with a voice echoing, "Watch out, here I come...come...come...come..." Moments later, the bass started thumping and the cars began to slowly spin around the ride's base as the song started.

"Oh, yes, very exciting," Blake said sarcastically.

"This isn't all it does, silly. Weren't you watching it?"

"No, I was staring at your ass some more."

She scoffed. "You'll see."

As the song approached the chorus, he felt it begin to pick up speed, the cars beginning to swirl faster around the central mechanism. "Oh, I see, well, if it goes faster that's much aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!" His sarcastic comment turned into a yell as the ride's arms lifted up and the speed increased dramatically, flinging the cars around wildly through the air. The ride operator had timed it perfectly with the song--Blake could hear "You spin me right round, baby, right round" as the speakers flew past in a blur. The sudden change in movement and speed had caught him off-guard and he clutched the lap bar tightly, but he looked over and saw Shelley holding her arms skyward and whooping with delight. Not to be outdone, he mimicked her pose, and actually found himself having fun despite his expectations.

"See?" she shouted over the whipping wind. "Awesome!" Too soon, the cars began slowing down as the ride was ending. The arms lowered and the pods drew inward, gradually coming to a stop. The lap bars lifted and the riders began exiting. Shelley turned to Blake. "Come on, admit it. That was fun," she said with a smile.

"Alright, alright. You were right, that was pretty cool," he replied, stepping out of the side of the pod, his boots hitting the metal platform with a dull thud. He held out his hand to help her down from the pod.

"Aww, aren't you sweet." She grinned at him and reached out for his hand. Before she could grasp it, an incredibly bright bolt of lightning flew out of the cloudless sky, struck the top of the ride, arced down the arm, and zapped Shelley and the pod. She screamed and spasmed in the seat as Blake felt his heart stop. In an instant, the bolt had vanished, leaving a smell of ozone and a very dazed-looking Shelley with her long brown hair standing wildly out in all directions from her head.

"Oh my god! Shel! Are you okay?" Blake said, clutching her hand, his face white.

"I...I think so..." she said, speaking slowly. Holding his hand for support, she climbed out of the pod and stood beside him.

Blake put his arms around her and hugged her tightly as one of the ride attendants ran over. "Is she okay? What happened?" he said, concern evident in his features.

"That's what I'd like to know," Blake replied, narrowing his eyes. "Aren't these things grounded or something? Stuff like that shouldn't happen!"

"Well, of course we have safety measures in place," the attendant said, looking nervous. "And things like this are extremely rare. But I mean, nothing is impossible," he continued, frowning at Blake's increasingly angry expression. "Look, is she hurt at all? We do have a medical emergency facility at this fair."

"I think I'm fine, honestly," Shelley said, stopping Blake before he could launch into a tirade. "I mean, it didn't hurt much more than getting shocked. It just scared the hell out of me and felt...weird. Really tingly." She gingerly reached up to her static-shocked locks. "And there's what it did to my hair. But really, I feel okay."

"You're sure?" Blake asked hesitantly.

She moved her arms and legs experimentally. "Yeah. Pretty sure. Let's go walk around the midway for a while, I don't feel up to any more rides right now."

"Good plan," he said, giving her a hug and a kiss on the forehead. Turning to the attendant again, he shrugged. "I guess she's not hurt. But if anything happens to her later there'll be hell to pay. In the meantime you guys might want to shut this ride down and inspect it."

"Already one step ahead of you," the attendant said, making hand signals to the operator in his booth.

* * * * *

A short while later, after Shelley had visited the restrooms and managed to get her hair back under some semblance of control and they'd taken a stroll along the midway to calm their nerves, Blake stopped at a food stand. He was still concerned for Shelley but she kept reassuring him she felt fine, and she seemed to be suffering no ill effects from that weird lightning strike; eventually, as his worry for her had faded, he'd realized he was getting hungry. She teased him about wanting to eat so soon after her near-death experience, but stopped quickly when she saw it was still bothering him. She asked him for a hot dog, then went to sit at one of the nearby picnic tables, idly tapping her foot against the hard-packed earth in time to the music coming from a nearby ride. Blake stepped over to her a few minutes later carrying her hot dog, two slices of pizza, and a translucent plastic cup containing some kind of slushy, fruit-scented concoction.

"Oooh, what's that? Looks yummy," she said, eyeing the cup.

"Something they're calling a Tropico," he replied, biting into one of his pizza slices. "They said it's supposed to taste like a pina colada."

"I love pina coladas! Can I have a sip?" she pleaded.

"Oh no you don't." He pulled the cup closer to his side of the table, glaring at her.

"What? I just want a little sip," she said petulantly.

"You know exactly what. You do this to me all the time. You want a little sip of my cocktail, or a little bite of my cheesecake, or a little taste of my ice cream. Next thing I know, I'm the one who only gets one little taste and you take the rest of it." He shook his head in mock disappointment. "You never want to order your own, noooo, always gotta steal my treat."

"Please, Blake? Just a little sip? Pleeeeeease?"

He cupped his hand protectively around the drink; in response, she batted her eyes at him. "Dammit," he muttered. "Well, so much for that. I'm gonna go get me a beer. At least that's something you won't ask for a 'little sip' of." So saying, he slid the Tropico across the table to her, then rose from his seat and turned toward the food stand. Before he left, he turned his head to grin and wink at her.

"Ah! You did that on purpose!" she said as he walked away, still grinning. Shelley picked up the cup and sniffed it, picking up on a sweet mixture of coconut, banana, and pineapple. She smiled and took a sip through the straw sticking out of the top. The concoction was delicious, and she immediately took a much bigger gulp of it, savoring its taste and cool, slushy texture. As she swallowed it, though, she felt a curious tingling along her spine that slowly suffused throughout her body. She waited a moment, but the feeling didn't return. She just felt kind of thirsty. Taking another long sip of the fruity drink, she felt another tingle as it slid down her throat. She wondered if there was alcohol in the beverage, deciding she'd ask Blake when he returned as she downed another gulp of Tropico and felt the sensation again. She fidgeted idly in her seat, trying to get comfortable.

In a few minutes, Blake sat back down across from her. "Aah. Nice cold beer that you won't steal from me." He frowned quizzically at her for a moment, then shrugged and took another bite of pizza.

"Speaking of alcohol, is there any in this?" She gestured at the half-empty cup in front of her.

"Don't think so," he responded. "Why do you ask?"

"It's making me feel a little...funny. Kind of warm and tingly." She slurped down some more of the drink, unsurprised when the sensation returned. "But mainly I'm really thirsty." Another swallow. "I might need another one of these," she said, smiling hopefully across the table at him.

"Why don't you finish that one first?" he replied with a smirk, before chomping heartily into his pizza again. The frown returned to his face as he stared at her.

"What?" she finally asked. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing, it's just..." he seemed unsure of how to phrase it. "Are you slouching, or something? You look like you're not sitting up straight."

Shelley shifted in her seat again, feeling as if her clothes weren't quite fitting right. "Yeah, I'm sitting up. Maybe you're just seeing things." She looked across the table at him and shrugged, then reached up to readjust the shoulder of her shirt. He noticed the cuff hung loosely down from her wrist, and when she lowered her arm it slipped slightly over her hand, covering part of her palm. Funny how he hadn't spotted that before. She picked up the Tropico and drained the rest of it in one long sip...and she almost looked like she was slowly slouching down further as she did so. He rubbed his eyes, thinking he must be imagining it, and went back to eating his pizza.

She blinked in surprise at the air-slurping sound coming from the straw. "Wow. I was really thirsty." She fidgeted in her seat again, once more reaching up to adjust her shirt. She looked at Blake, waiting patiently for him to notice, and batted her eyes again.

"Oh boy. Now what would you like me to do for you?"

"I'm still pretty thirsty, sweetie. Would you go get me a soda, or some water or something?"

"Well, okay. Let me finish this slice real quick and I'll get you something," he replied, taking a big bite of his food.

"Thanks, hon. You're so sweet," she said, smiling at him. She picked up her hot dog and brought it close to her face. Making sure he was paying attention, she added, "I should really do something nice for you later." She suggestively licked the end of the hot dog before wrapping her lips around it. His eyes widened and he almost dropped his pizza in surprise...but Shelley got a surprise of her own from how big the hot dog seemed to be. He must have gotten her one of the large sausage dogs, although she thought it had looked like a regular one. She bit off a small piece and chewed, but she didn't really feel hungry at all, just very thirsty.

She was relieved when he ate the last of his pizza a moment later and got up to grab her a drink. She stood up with him and wrapped her arms around him, feeling momentarily confused when their bodies didn't seem to line up quite right. "What would I do without you?" She stood on tiptoes and tried to give him a kiss, but missed and bonked her nose into his chin.

Chuckling, he bent down a little and kissed her, then said, "Buy your own food?"

She gave him a playful punch on the shoulder. "Jerk." She turned around to sit back down on the bench and he took the opportunity to check out her ass again...and was confused when the jeans that should've been skintight instead sagged loosely off her ass. He noticed that he could even see the top of her pink thong where the denim hung down a little too low in back. He reached down and cupped her ass again, eliciting a delighted gasp from her, then tugged her jeans back up.

"You're trying to flash everyone your underwear, babe."

"Whatever," she replied, smiling over her shoulder. "You just wanted to cop a feel again."

"You know me," he said, glancing again at Shelley's firm butt. The jeans were back up and covering her thong, although they still looked looser than he remembered. Shrugging and figuring he'd have plenty of time to check the fit later, he stepped over to the food stand and got in line for her drink.

While he was in line, she surreptitiously eyed his beer. She didn't like beer all that much, but she really needed something to drink. The longer Blake took in line, the more she stared at the cup, feeling an uncomfortable dryness in her mouth. Finally, she gave in and grabbed the cup, taking a small swig. It didn't taste as bad as she expected, and it relieved her thirst a little bit, along with spreading more of the warm, tingly feeling throughout her body. She smiled, enjoying the sensation, and took another gulp of the beer. She closed her eyes and relaxed, swinging her feet back and forth as the delightful tingles swept over her.

"Shel? What are you doing?" She opened her eyes to see Blake standing by the table, a cup of water in one hand and confusion on his face. He was staring at the cup in her hand. "Is that my beer?" He plucked it from her grasp. "What the hell, babe? It's half gone! I thought you didn't even like beer!"

She looked up at him sheepishly. "Sorry, baby. I don't usually. I was just sooooo thirsty and you were gone so long..."

"Shel. I was gone three minutes." He frowned at her. "What's gotten into you? You're acting weird." A worried expression crossed his features. "I hope this isn't anything to do with that lightning strike earlier..."

"I'm fine, baby." She smiled at him and batted her eyes again. "Can I please have my water? I'm still really thirsty." He sighed and set the water down in front of her, then took a sip of his beer. "Thanks, babe!" she grinned and picked up the water. "Oooh, you got me a nice big cup of it, that's good." She raised it to her lips and started greedily gulping it down.

"A big cup?" Blake looked puzzled. "It's the same size as..." He trailed off, looking her up and down, taking stock of some oddities in his girlfriend's appearance. Her shirt collar gaped around her neck, almost reaching her shoulders, leaving one loose-looking bra strap visible. The tabletop seemed to be almost level with her breasts. The cup of water looked almost like a movie-theater drink in her hand, although he was sure it had been the same size as all the other cups. As he watched her drinking it, he was almost positive he could see her fingers spreading outward, as if the cup was growing in her grasp...or...

"Um, Shel?" He looked at her face again and was shocked to realize he could actually see her head slowly creeping lower. With every swallow of water, she slipped down a little more, her shirt now hanging off one shoulder, both loose straps of her pink bra visible and the cups starting to show as the neckline sagged. She still hadn't stopped drinking the water. "Shel!" he snapped, reaching over to pull the cup away from her face and take it from her. His hand brushed hers and he was startled at how small it felt.

"Aww, why did you do that? I'm still so thirsty!" She reached for the cup, but he pulled it back out of her grasp. She stretched out her arm as far as it could go, the long sleeve of her shirt sliding down and bunching around her shoulder, before finally dropping her hand. "You big bully. Just because I took some of your precious beer..."

"That's not it, Shel," he replied, his worry growing. "I think...something is happening to you. And it seems like the more you drink the worse it gets."

She raised an eyebrow at him skeptically. "I think that only applies to alcohol, dear." She stood up from the bench and seemed momentarily confused when she had to hop down from it, as well as when it came up all the way to her ass even standing. She turned around to look confusedly behind her before shrugging and stepping away from the picnic table, her shoes clomping loosely around her feet, the cuffs of her jeans bunching up on top of them. She had gone all of two steps when her jeans dropped around her ankles in a puddle, and though her shirt was big enough to hang down past her groin, a hint of pink thong hung loosely out from the bottom of it. She let out an embarrassed yelp before stooping to pick up the fallen jeans and hold them up against her waist. She marched up to Blake, tripping once or twice on her way and looking puzzled as she had to crane her neck to look up at his face. "Now give me my water!" she demanded, glaring up at him.

For his part, Blake could only stare in open-mouthed shock at his girlfriend. The top of Shelley's head was barely above his elbow! Her shirt had grown so large on her that either sleeve could probably accomodate both of her arms, and the collar had slipped down off both shoulders, showing off her pink bra. Its D-cups were much bigger than her breasts now and they hung emptily in front of her chest, exposing her tits to anyone who cared to look. Her jeans were so loose that even with her holding them up, they sagged comically all around her. She reached for her water cup with her right hand and the denim dropped off her hip, showing her smooth thigh beneath the sagging shirt. She didn't seem to notice or care what was happening to her; she was just fixated on getting more to drink!

"Shelley! Snap out of it!" He fixed her eyes with his own, staring down at her. "Don't you see what's going on? You're..." He hesitated, knowing how crazy it sounded. But there wasn't really any other way to describe it, was there? "You're shrinking!" he whispered, not wanting anyone to overhear and draw attention.

"Drinking? Yes, that's what I'm trying to do!" she snapped, suddenly letting go of her jeans with her other hand as well. They fell to the ground around her ankles again, but while his focus was momentarily on that, she snatched his half-full beer from him with her newly-freed left hand. Before he could react, she brought it to her lips and tipped it up, guzzling it as quickly as she could and spilling several drops. He stared dumbfounded for a few seconds, too startled to react, watching her sink lower and lower. Her black shirt crept slowly down her legs, advancing toward her knees. Her pink thong suddenly fell out of the bottom of it, joining her jeans in a puddle around her ankles. The shirt dropped all the way down to her elbows, held up only by the fact that she was using both hands to hold the beer cup up to her face as it approached the relative size of a bucket. The pink bra straps, too, rested on her elbows, and the cups hung to her navel, effectively leaving her topless. Some of the spilled beer trickled down her chin and ran along her exposed breasts; her nipples stiffened from contact with the cold beverage.

He broke his trance a moment later. "Hey! HEY!" He grabbed the cup away from her dwindling hands and held it high, out of her reach. He realized that she had become small enough that her "reach" was only about as high as his shoulders if she raised her arms all the way up- she was eye level with his waist! She was scowling up at him, her gaze rapidly cycling between his face and his outstretched hands, one holding a mostly-gone beer and the other with a half-cup of water.

"Dammit, Blake, I'm still thirsty! Gimme my drink!" She hopped into the air, making a play for his hand, but she had no hope of reaching the cups--all her hopping did was make the oversized shirt and bra flutter around and set her miniaturized (but still proportionately large) breasts to bouncing distractingly.

He couldn't help but watch for a few seconds before shaking his head and coming to his senses. "Shel! Look at yourself! You're shrinking!"

She looked around at a world that had relatively doubled in size, then down at herself and her state of undress. She blushed and tried to adjust the shirt to cover her breasts, ultimately tying it into a makeshift toga. She gazed up at him from half his height. "You're so big..." she breathed, finally seeming to realize what had happened to her. "Oh my god, you're right! I'm so little!" She licked her lips, shifting her gaze to the cup in his hand again. "And I'm still so thirsty, baby. I need some more to drink." She batted her eyes at him again; if anything, the expression was even cuter in her shrunken state. "Please?"

He started to lower the cup before he caught himself. "Shelley, stop that! You're already, like, half your normal size! And it seems like every time you take a drink, you get smaller!"

"So, what, the more I drink, the more I shrink?" She giggled. "Hey, that rhymes!"

"Shel, will you please take this seriously?" Blake said, exasperated.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm just so thirsty I can't even think about anything else. Please, can't I have just a little more?"

Sensing another attempt to flutter her lashes was forthcoming, he took drastic action. He poured the cups into a nearby trash can as Shelley wailed. "I'm sorry, babe, but that was for your own good."

She grumbled to herself for a few moments before looking back up at him pleadingly. "But sweetie, I'm still soooooo thirsty. I feel like my mouth and throat are just gonna dry up and crumble to dust." She did the eye trick again. "Won't you please get me something else to drink? Pleeeeeease?" she said, lashes fluttering enough to practically generate their own breeze.

Blake frowned and forced himself to look away. "Shel. There's no telling what will happen if I keep letting you drink. You might just get smaller and smaller until you disappear. You're just gonna have to try to ignore it. I'm sorry, hon."

"But I can't ignore it! It's driving me crazy! I've just got to have something to drink..." she protested. "I won't even need to drink much since I'm so much smaller! Come on, baby," she said, her voice dropping to a sultry tone as her little hand climbed his thigh. "Buy me a drink, big boy, and I'll do anything you want..."

Blake couldn't help but laugh a bit at that one. "Man. How many guys would love to hear that in a bar? But serieeeeeeee..." He trailed off as her hand reached his crotch, rubbing the bulge beneath his zipper teasingly. ".....mmm....No! Dammit! Shel, don't you see how serious this is?" He summoned the willpower to twist away from her, then put a hand on her shoulder, turned her around, and started walking, gently pushing her in front of him. Her first steps pulled her feet from the pile of oversized shoes and fallen jeans at her feet, her drooping socks trailing lazily along in the dirt as she wasn't quite small enough for the tight elastic bands to have passed her feet.

He marched her to a nearby brightly-painted sign bearing a height chart and the legend "YOU MUST BE AT LEAST 48" TALL TO RIDE!" He pressed her up against the sign, then checked the measurement. "Look! This is insane! You're only 36 inches tall!" He paused for a moment as that sank in. "Jesus. 3 feet. And I'm telling you that if you drink any more, you'll get even smaller, and you honestly don't care?"

"Wow," she said, turning to look at the sign behind her and ignoring his question. "This is bizarre. I'd almost think I'm just drunk and hallucinating." She grinned wickedly. "Hmm, speaking of drunk..." She tugged on the collar of her makeshift toga, exposing one breast. He watched, stunned, as she bent her head and lifted it toward her mouth, sticking out her tongue to lick her nipple. "Mmm..." she said as Blake looked on, completely baffled at her behavior. However, in a second, he saw her slipping slowly down past the next mark and he realized what she was doing--she was licking up the beer that had spilled on her breasts! She wasn't getting much, as her extremely slow descent proved, but she had already shrunk so much!

Blake forced himself to ignore the primal reaction he was having to watching his girlfriend suck her own nipples and put his hand under her chin, forcing her head up to look at him. Her eyes were wide and she let out a plaintive whine at being interrupted. "Shelley. You have to stop this. We don't have any idea how small you could get, or how to get you back to normal, or aaaaahhhh..." Her hand had found his bulge again, now pushing harder against the front of his pants after the show she had put on. "We need to...mmm get you to aaaaaaaa a doctor," he managed, as she squeezed and stroked his member under the fabric.

"You know, Blake," she said, smiling up at him and biting her lip as her little hand kept rubbing. "I bet this would look really, really big to me right now. I wanna see it."

He gasped out a breath. " can't be serious. We have to...aaaahhh...get you some heeeeeeellllooo nurse!" he cried as she gave him a particularly strong squeeze.

"We can go get help soon. But this is...incredible," she said, still looking up at him. "I mean, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Don't tell me you're not interested." She flicked her tongue teasingly against the material of his pants, and he felt himself twitch in response.

"I...really don't...mmmm think we...."

"Your mouth says no, but this says yes," she replied, coquettishly batting her eyes again as she continued to stroke him. "Let's go find somewhere private, and let me play with this great big cock of yours," she continued, licking her lips, "and then, I promise, I'll cooperate."

Within ten minutes, Blake and Shelley had slipped past the fences and found a cozy little nook in one of the service areas. She reached her tiny hands up to his belt and furiously worked at the buckle. "You're sure about this?" he asked, looking down at her.

"Baby, I've never been more sure of anything in my life," she replied, pulling the belt out of the buckle and slipping the pants button through its opening.

"And you promise you'll let me take you to a doctor after this?" he continued as she tugged down his zipper and pulled his pants down to his ankles. Despite his concern for her condition, he couldn't keep the big grin off his face.

"I promise. Now let me at it!" she said as she yanked his boxers down. His cock, already stiff from her earlier ministrations, sprang out at attention and poked her in the chin.

He couldn't believe how big it looked compared to her face. "I dunno if you can handle all that, sexy. You're not as big as you used to be," he smirked.

She looked up at him, eyebrow raised. "I may be small, but I'm still woman enough to handle you. No more talking," she said, opening wide and wrapping her mouth around his shaft. She could barely fit the whole thing past her lips, but she managed. Of course, she could only get about halfway down it before it was hitting the back of her throat, but she didn't let that stop her.

Blake was electrified by the stimulation. Her mouth was so tight around it, and he could feel her little tongue flicking rapidly along the bottom of his cock. She bobbed her head enthusiastically, her lips snug as they slid down the shaft, then back up, sliding almost all the way off the head before working their way back down. She pulled back some and swirled her tongue all around the rim of his head, licking it all over.

She took her mouth off it for a moment. "Oh, god, it's so big!" she cried delightedly before running her little tongue all they way down the underside of the shaft. She teased his balls with the tip of her tiny tongue, then licked his cock all the way back up to the top before greedily wrapping her lips around it again.

He could feel the rising tide internally and he knew he was getting close. He felt her tongue flicking against the very tip of his penis, lapping at the precum running out. Seconds later, he felt like her mouth was drawing ever so slightly tighter around him, which only heightened the sensations. Then her shrunken hands slid up his thighs to caress his balls, and he could hold back no longer.

Shelley felt the tingles slowly sweeping her system as she swallowed Blake's precum. She was glad her idea had worked--she felt less thirsty already. Moments later, the enormous cock in her mouth spasmed, and she felt his throbbing member spurt his load against the back of her throat. She gulped it down rapidly, swallowing as much as she could even as his orgasm continued, threatening to overwhelm her tiny mouth. The tingles and warmth grew much stronger than they'd been all evening, and she felt his cock expanding in her mouth as her lips receded down the shaft. She determinedly kept her mouth on it, rising up onto her tiptoes as her shrinking continued.

Blake's sex-addled mind had finally realized that she had started shrinking again from swallowing his precum. However, this realization came a moment too late, as he couldn't stop himself from climaxing and she had her lips wrapped resolutely around his cock. Sure enough, he could tell she was swallowing, taking in what had to be an enormous amount, and he saw her begin shrinking even faster, pulling herself up onto her toes to keep in contact with his shaft. Her black shirt-toga quickly became too large for her yet again, falling down to her elbows and stopping, then sliding the rest of the way off when she sank too low to keep her hands in contact with his crotch and let her arms drop to her sides. The shirt pooled around her feet as she continued to dwindle. Her mouth shrank with the rest of her, slowly pulling back from the head of his cock until her open lips barely encircled the tip; a moment later she lost her balance and fell backward into the piled-up shirt as the last of his cum spurted out, spraying her in the face and chest. She scooped it up with one tiny hand and gleefully sucked down as much of it as she could even as she kept on shrinking. He watched her dwindle smaller and smaller, finally slowing down and stopping at what he estimated to be about eight inches tall.

Shelley felt a moment of sadness when she lost her footing and tumbled backward, thinking that she would miss out on the last mouthful, but she was pleased a moment later when the jet splattered onto her upper body. She happily gathered it up and swallowed, moaning pleasurably as the warm, delightful tingles suffused her entire body. When they finally subsided a short time later, she realized that she finally felt sated. Rising up into a sitting position, she smiled up at her boyfriend...and up...and up. Blake towered over her, looming like a five-story building. Whatever had been going on in her head, keeping her fixated on her dire thirst to the exclusion of all else, seemed to have faded now that she was satisfied. She looked around anxiously as the reality of her situation hit home.

Blake leaned down toward his tiny girlfriend as she sat up and looked around, guessing from her behavior and expression (as best he could see it, anyway) that the spell was broken. She flinched away involuntarily as his massive face approached, so he backed up a little bit and gently lowered his hand, laying it flat near her. She hesitantly stepped over to it, then climbed into his palm and sat on her knees, clutching his thumb for support as he carefully raised her up to his face.

"Well, you're doll-sized," he said. "Sorry," he added in a much softer tone as she put her hands to her ears.

"Well, at least I'm not thirsty any more," she said, grinning sheepishly.

" what?" he asked, bending to gather up her shirt.

"Well, we should see if we can find something for me to wear. Then you can call a doctor," she replied. "But you mind if we stop by another food stand? I never did get to eat that hot dog--yours doesn't count--and I'm still hungry..."
Tace atque abi. Plenus stercoris est.

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Unread 03-04-2014   #2
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Re: Short story: "The More I Drink" (M/f sex)

great story, thanks!
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Unread 03-06-2014   #3
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Re: Short story: "The More I Drink" (M/f sex)

Agreed, that was a wonderful read.
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Unread 03-06-2014   #4
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Re: Short story: "The More I Drink" (M/f sex)

Really hot shrinking, really hot sexy stuff, really funny closing line.

This was fun! Thanks!
My SW novels Short Time, Desperate Measures, and How the Chips May Fall are available at:
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Unread 03-06-2014   #5
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Re: Short story: "The More I Drink" (M/f sex)

I'll drink to that!
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clothes loosening, process, sex, shrinking woman

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