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Unread 12-05-2017   #1
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 1
Size Science (M/f, violent)

Chapter 1

The beam hit the tomato. Light quickly enveloped it, and then the tomato seemed to just disappear out of nowhere. The whirring of the machine slowed down and it was put into sleep mode. The lights in the test area came back on and three scientists in lab coats rushed in, taking off their safety goggles.
"We did it!" Dr. Decker exclaimed. His boss, Dr. Johnson, was busy looking at reports on a slick white tablet.
"Don't be so sure," Dr. Johnson said. "Make visual contact. We don't know if we made it tiny and exploded it, made it too tiny to see, or if it's just to tiny to see from a distance." Decker was slouched over the grey pillar checking to see if the tomato was still there.
Yes! It was! He got down on his knees to check it more closely. He began scanning it with a red light on his phone, taking the tomato's measurements. It looked like it could be a tomato that Barbie would eat!
They were part of a well funded "scientific expedition," as told by the bureaucrats who paid them. Dr. Charles Johnson, the leader of this small team, classified it as tackling "the worst humanitarian crisis in the history of mankind." The planet's burgeoning overpopulation finally tipped after the typhoon, sending nearly 2 billion people out of south Asia and into the countries and nations surrounding them. The resulting European immigration disaster spurred politicians into action, spending stupid amounts of money in many different arenas tying to solve the problem.
Dr. Johnson, a recently tenured professor who had been in academia for a little over 20 years had submitted tentative plans that he'd worked on as a graduate student. They were the designs for a machine that would grow certain types of fruits and vegetables, then attempting some sort of answer for the rampant hunger gripping the world. He stated that the plans could easily be reversed, which wasn't exactly true, being able to shrink objects instead of growing them. The entire program had a tricky start as changing the numbers to account for shrinking weren't as easy as he thought it would be.
Now, all their work was about to pay off. If they had successfully shrank the tomato they could be on the cusp of shrinking a living being.
The numbers on Decker's phone made his face brighten up. Not only had the beam worked, but it shrank the target exactly to the desired size. He ran to Dr. Johnson to confirm the numbers.
The door behind them swung open and their assistant stepped inside, her face antsy with anticipation. She'd been adjusting the machine's settings as it slept, making sure it was ready for the next experiment. Lifting her goggles and putting on her glasses, she peaked over the doctor's shoulders in order to get a glance at the tomato. "Did it work? Did we do it?" she asked.
Dr. Jonson adjusted his glasses, swiping his fingers across his tablet. "The numbers don't lie Sarah. Look for yourself." Dr. Johnson went to hand the tablet to Sarah, but she was far more interested in seeing the tomato for herself.
She bent over the test area.
"Oh my God, it's so tiny!" She wanted to pick it up and hold it, to feel the weight of all their hard work just whisked away. She knew that was a big no-no, though. The machine wasn't completely tested yet. Introducing foreign genetic material to something minimized may alter it, or so Dr. Johnson said. The unknowns were too great, even if they had succeeded.
She didn't want to pick up the tomato just to come to terms with the reality that the machine worked. More importantly, she wanted to hold it because it looked so damn cute! She could even see the little produce sticker with the letter 'T' on it! It was doll food!
Sarah was pretty, but her friends always told her she didn't classify as a babe. Her hair was jet black, currently tied up into a knot. She wasn't quite curvy, but also not very skinny. She was on the taller side. The semi-curviness gave her an amazing ass, round and sticking out a tad, and a generously sized chest.
"There's no denying it. The test was a complete success. This is a great moment," Dr. Johnson said. Decker raised his arms, hugging his boss in celebration. Dr. Johnson stood there with his arms down, smiling through the hug.
Decker then went to hug Sarah, his arms open with a smile on his face. Sarah hesitated for a split-second, but figured what the hell and dove in for the hug. She could barely get both her arms around him! Randy wasn't fat, but he wasn't skin and bones either. It was like his body was half fat but also half muscle, like somebody with a big frame had built themselves up just enough not to seem fat.
But it wasn't his weight that bothered Sarah, oh no. Randy Decker had been in the back of her mind nearly her whole time working for Dr. Johnson. When she was just an intern there had been an incident, an unwanted sexual advance at a Christmas party that she didn't see coming. On hindsight she really should have.
When she started out he was very nice to her. Almost too nice...when she mentioned her boyfriend Decker's demeanor toward her didn't sour, but she did notice him looking at her in strange ways. She would talk with him, about business of course, but when she stopped and went back to work his look would linger on her. She'd continue talking while her back was turned, and when she looked at him he'd have a distant look on his face. Just staring into space, not making eye contact while she spoke. Sometimes she had to snap her fingers to get him out of it. He would usually laugh and just agree with whatever she was saying.
Back then she was young and naive. She knew she was moderately attractive, but never thought professionals like these would think or act that way. After the incident, she knew exactly what was going through his head all those times his eyes became distant or lingered.
The festive party was held by the Dulas brothers, technicians in one of the labs upstairs. They and their wives held it every year and the entire building professed to how good it was. She thought it would be a great idea for her and Eric to go, at least for a little while.
The party was fun. Apparently everybody loved the party because of the gift exchange: the Dulas' had bought tons of gifts, mostly little things but two or three really good ones. People would get a gift as they walked in and had to exchange it with somebody else's gift at least once. Sarah ended up with a gift card to some chain restaurant nearby, and Eric had gotten a Kindle. No wonder people loved this party: boos and presents!
Randy was their with his wife Cynthia. It was strange to see Randy out of his work clothes. He looked a touch thinner in a lab coat. Cynthia introduced herself to Sarah and Eric. They seemed like nice people, or rather they were when they weren't around their children, Cynthia had said.
Later in the evening Sarah and Eric were gearing up to leave. Eric was in the bathroom, so Sarah went to get their coats from the bedroom in the back. As she was sifting through the pile of coats on the bed Randy stumbled in.
"Oh! Mr. Decker, are you leaving too?"
"Yeah...time to go back to the kids, I guess." He wobbled there, looking a little too drunk for himself. He looked normal but gave her a look that gave her the creeps. She had a bad feeling watching him stand there, but brushed it off as she looked for her coat. It was the holiday season after all.
She bent over to sift through the jackets. Just as she was thinking that he deserves some time to unwind and have a good time, Randy embraces her from behind and rubbing his crotch all over her ass.
"Dr. Decker!" Sarah gasped.
"Mmmm, my little always smell so gooooood.."
She could smell the alcohol on his breath. With his imposing form on top of her, she didn't move. He licked her neck up to her cheek. She closed her eyes in disgust, but it was over within a moment. She thought he came in his pants because he became almost limp, allowing her to push him off of her.
He wobbled upright, got his coats and stumbled upward, leaving the room.
She didn't know what just happened. Randy was clearly drunk, but that didn't make what he did okay. She wiped his saliva off her cheek. It stuck to her hand and made her skin crawl.
When she left the room she sought out Cynthia. Randy was elsewhere saying goodbye to somebody. She wanted to tell Cynthia what happened, but not with everybody standing around them. She walked up to Cynthia with her heart pumping but had no idea what to say.
"Randy.....isn't driving home tonight, is he?" was what she managed to muster.
"Oh, heavens no!" Cynthia laughed. "I'm driving home, and if I'm driving now that means he's going to want to drive later, you know what I mean?" She play tapped Sarah on the shoulder.
"Yeah, I guess so..." Sarah mumbled.
She wanted to tell Eric, but she didn't know how. She didn't want to say anything on the ride home. She just wanted to be silent.
The car was quiet except for Christmas songs playing softly on the radio.
"You okay?" Eric asked.
Sarah slowly nodded.
"Hey, did you drink too much? You smell like beer."
Now Sarah always had Randy in the back of her mind. Working around him was awkward, but she never knew if he even remembered what he did. It was clear he had a thing for her, some repressed desire he most likely hid from his wife. He never did anything like that to her sober so she tolerated him.
The tomato was collected and placed in refrigeration. The test wasn't completely through yet. Next they would wait and see if the tomato stayed fresh in the fridge while small. Did shrunken organic material rot faster? Did it stay fresh longer? Once they had more data, they could move onto animals. And if they were successful in shrinking animals...
"Good work today," Dr. Johnson said. "I think we're on the cusp of something great."

Chapter 2

Sarah had that dream again. This wasn't the second time, or the third...but now it had morphed into something different.
After the incident with Randy she sometimes had a dream where she was in the lab at night, alone. She was looking at her work but had an incredibly dark feeling. It was like she knew trouble was coming. Out of one of the back doors, Randy came in. He wasn't drunk and said so himself.
Sarah had a creeping feeling when she saw him enter. He fixed his eyes on her and put a dumb grin on his face.
"Sarah! Yes! Oh, Ms. Cassidy!"
He came up on her fast, grabbing her shoulders. Forcing her to the ground, he dropped his pants. He didn't force her to blow him or kiss him or anything. He just laid her down and rubbed himself all over her body. One instant she was clothed, and the next she was completely naked. Randy didn't do anything but rub against her until he came, shooting his load in her face.
That's when she woke up. She never made it past that part.
Tonight however, the dream was different.
It actually started out bright. Sarah walked into the lab, her silky black hair hanging loose instead of tied up into a knot. She wore a black skirt and silky brown blouse under her lab coat. She'd realized not to wear things like jeans or yoga pants around Randy. She also realized that it wasn't very professional. Apparently even dream Sarah knew not to wear things like that to work.
She passed their lab monkey, Rufus. Rufus was always a little grumpy, but Sarah had a soft spot for animals and tried to give him as much nourishment and attention as possible.
"Hey, Rufus!" she waved. The little monkey jumped toward the front of his cage. She came closer toward him thinking he wanted to say 'high'. When she reached the cage Rufus swiped and growled at her.
"Hey!" Sarah said, stepping back. "That's not like you!" she scolded him.
She found Dr. Johnson and Dr. Decker. They were working on the as of yet unnamed shrinking device. Randy was priming the configuration. Dr. Johnson walked up to her and began leading her to the test area.
"It's going to be alright. It's going to be alright," he repeated.
What was going to be alright? She looked down and noticed her hands were chained to the chair!
"Hey, wait--" she protested to Dr. Johnson.
He walked behind her, out of view.
"Don't worry Sarah. I promise the machine won't kill you," he said.
Then it hit her--she was the target of the test!
"No!" she said, pulling on the chains. "Rufus, where's Rufus?" she cried. Rufus was the ultimate goal of their tests. If shrinking Rufus worked fine they would move on to humans.
But Rufus wasn't here, only Sarah.
She looked up at Randy smiling as he activated the machine. It was the last thing she saw before the machine went off. She was hit by a light, a strange looking beam that was different than the real one. She instantly shrunk to about the size of a Barbie-Doll.
The world instantly changed for her. The chains had shrunk with her. She attempted to free herself, but it wasn't working.
"Oh shit! No, no, no, these things need to come off!"
In a panic she started really trying to get them off. As she was messing with the chains, a giant shadow appeared over her. Terrified, she slowly looked up.
"There's my cute little assistant!" Randy said. "This is too good! It worked! Now you can be mine forever!" He bent over and reached his meaty paw toward her.
"Dr. Decker, wait--!" she squeaked as he coiled his fingers around her waist.
The chains broke instantly, allowed Sarah to be brought up to Randy's face. As he held her in his fist, she looked around for Dr. Johnson.
"Dr. Johnson! Help! Help! Where'd you go?"
He wasn't there.
"I killed him," Randy said. "Now the machine is mine, and I can have anything I want!" Her stomach sank, realizing what was going to happen.
Like dreams sometimes do, she was instantly in a new room. She was also in different clothing, tight yoga pants and a small pink tank top. The room reminded her of a bedroom.
Randy sat on the floor on a circular green carpet in the middle of the room. Wasting no time, his fingers descended on her.
"Eep!" Sarah squeaked as her tore off her tank top and bra.
"Ahhh...." Randy started massaging her upper body with his fingers. Still clenched in Randy's fist she closed her eyes tight and turned her head as he pressed her boobs together.
"So soft..." Randy said. He licked her chest, slathering her in saliva.
"Ahhh..." Randy trailed off, leaning his head back and opening his mouth. More of his saliva dripped onto her.
"Disgusting! No! No! This isn't happening!"
She was half right. It was disgusting, but it wasn't really happening.
This part of the dream really stood out to her. She couldn't stand Randy's nasty saliva dripping down her body. It was so gross her stomach turned.
"Let me see the goods!" Randy exclaimed. She was finally free from his fist, but not free from him. He dropped his pants, turning Sarah over on the floor.
"Ohh yeah, time to let out the Double Decker." First she didn't understand, but as he pressed her face first into the carpet she realized that this was his name for his penis.
Randy let the Double Decker out, taking it in his hands. Bent at the knees, he began pressing Sarah's ass down from behind. He mashed his dick into her and let out an aggressive moan.
"Oh, yes!" He started ramming into her harder. Sarah began to cry as she was accosted by this horny giant. In the dream it felt like this went on forever. He repeatedly rammed the tip of his penis into her behind. The yoga pants made her ass feel even softer.
"Oh yes...Oh yes!" He rammed her so hard that it threw her upward. Now she was laying in front of him. Randy decided the yoga pants had to go. He held her down at her shoulders as he peeled them off. Sarah felt a chill.
Now she was laying in front of him wearing only her panties. Randy started at her with an otherworldly lust.
"I'm in love with you, Sarah. I'm in love with you."
Then she did something that she wouldn't have done if this wasn't a dream. She looked up at that stupid bastard and told him off.
"You're not allowed to touch me, Randy! Get the fuck out of here and leave me alone you stupid freak!" She'd had dreams before where a nightmare was trying to get her. Usually if something really scary happened she would simply tell it off.
This never worked in all the other dreams she had about Randy.
"Stupid freak, huh?" Randy said, snatching her off the floor. He wrapped his hand around her again, smiling instead of offended.
"You're right, Sarah. I am a stupid freak. Check this out."
Randy lowered his fist down toward his crotch. As Sarah watched, Randy's erection began to grow. "Oh no..." Sarah said softly as it grew to two times its size.
"I think it's time to turn you into a sex toy," Randy hissed. He took Sarah into his open palm and pressed her against the underside of his enormous cock. "Ah!" he moaned. "Yes, yes!"
Sarah was rubbed violently against Randy's penis. She feared him so much, feared this gargantuan rod. She couldn't do anything but scream at this point. As she screamed his dick began to become harder. Her screams made him so incredibly...well, randy.
He did this for almost ten minutes. Sarah didn't know if it was exactly ten minutes, but in dream logic it felt this way so she just knew it was true. Regardless of how much time had passed in the end she was still beaten and abused, tears streaming down her face as he furiously jacked it. He had so much fun with his little doll that his hand got tired.
" tired," he said breathing heavily.
She looked up at him in disgust.
"You feel tired?" she griped.
Before she could complain any more he sat backward and tossed the pretty brunette onto his crotch. It smelled, covered in sweat.
"Do it for me slave," he ordered. "Do it yourself while I rest my hand."
Sarah was breathing heavily as well, never before experiencing torture like this in the real world. She managed to get up and lean against the mighty Double Decker. She slowly pulled her panties off, tossing them aside. Then she began to grind her hips against the monster. It wasn't really staying erect so she had to put more into it.
She tried and tried to please the beast, thinking that when she did this dream would be over. Ultimately he snatched her up yet again, rested and ready for more.
This time his play time didn't last quite as long. All he really had to do was mash Sarah's beautiful breasts against the top of his cock.
"Scream for me," Randy order.
She didn't understand. Then he yelled at her.
Sarah let out a panic attack, making the giant hornier.
"Ahh! No, no--no!" she screamed as Randy mashed her into his dick.
"Ahhh...yes!" Randy moaned. His rapid pace hit a climax, shooting Sarah off of him and piling her with cum. She looked up as he poured it onto her.
"Bye, bye little Sarah! Have fun!" was the last thing she heard as Randy's thick cum covered her ears. All she could see was white. It was all around her and closing in. In the center of her vision there was still a free area that her head poked out from the puddle. The last thing she saw was Randy's evil face as the cum overtook her.
Then she woke up.
Drenched in sweat of course. Her hair was so wet it looked like she just got out of the shower. She looked around in the dark, breathing rapidly. Her breathing slowed as she realized she wasn't in her bed. She was in some sort of smooth service that curved inward. Getting up, she almost fell over whatever she was in. Sarah felt the wall in panic looking for a light switch or something.
Her fingers pressed the switch and the lights came on. She was in her bathroom. She must have walked in her sleep and hidden inside her bathtub.
She got back in and began to weep. What the hell had her brain just cooked up? She clearly had a fear of Randy. She tolerated him at work, but after this she didn't know how she could continue on with that.
Cradling her knees in her arms she decided she was quitting the experiment as soon as they complete their tests on Rufus. If that was successful she'd get her doctorate for sure.
Eric slept peacefully in the other room. She wanted to be with him but just like the dream and the incident at the Christmas party, she didn't want to move. She wanted to curl up to him for protection but for some reason deep down she worried that if something like that ever actually happened Eric might not be able to help her at all.
The one thing that brought her solace is that it was just a dream. Dr. Johnson would never let something like that happen. Dreams can be scary but in real life, most of the time you're safe.
She was going to quit. Until that time, Randy would be a big part of her life.
Very big.
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Re: Size Science (M/f, violent)

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