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Unread 04-14-2015   #1
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 21
Witches in trouble

Hello - I think this belongs in "everything else" because I combined a bunch of different transformations into one story... I used the same three characters as in my other story... if anyone wants to help develop this further, let me know!


Witches In Trouble

Scene: Interior Apartment/House, with a couch, coffee table, a cabinet with lots of jars nearby, and a full length mirror. On the coffee table is several vials of liquid.


- Kara: Asian female, 20s, average height; clothes: blue jumpsuit; personality: warm, friendly, vivacious
- Emi: Asian female, 20s, average height, clothes: long sleeved shirt and long pants; personality: caring, a bit conservative, tends to worry
- Stacy: Asian female, 20s, average height, clothes: crop top and pencil skirt; personality: curious, helpful but a bit klutzy

1: Stacy is sitting on the couch, just relaxing. Kara and Emi enter holding a vial of liquid.

Stacy: Hey guys, what’s going on?
Emi: Hey Stacy! How’s your day going?
Stacy: Great! Can’t complain.
Kara: Great. [smiling] Well… we have a surprise for you!
Stacy: Oh, you guys… what sort of witchy adventure do you have in mind this time?
Emi: Haha, well… we know your birthday is coming up…
Stacy: True…
Kara: And we were doing some experiments for our witch internships, and well…
Stacy: Spill it already!
Emi: Haha, well, we know you’ve dreamed about being a real fairy someday, somehow…and we think we found a way to make it come true!
Stacy: What! You’re kidding me! That’s great! But … is it reversible? I don’t want to be a fairy permanently… I remember that experiment your classmate did? She’s still a centaur!
Kara: Ugh, I know. The lawsuits from that are going to be awful…
Emi: Nope, we promise, this is temporary – it’ll wear off in a couple of hours. Do you want to try it?
Stacy: Sure, I’ve got some time this afternoon… and actually, I’ve been working on something too…
Emi: Oh really? You used the books we gave you? What did you make?
Stacy: Yeah! I know I’m not as advanced as you guys but you inspired me to try something… and I think it works but I’m still not sure…
Kara: Oh, that’s cool! Well, if we can help, let us know!
Stacy: Sure! Maybe we can all practice together…

2: All 3 girls are seated on the couch, with several vials of liquid on the coffee table.

Stacy: OK, so what’s involved in this fairy transformation?
Emi: OK, there are 3 steps. First of all, you have to grow some wings, and then you can shrink and then a little bit of the weightlessness potion we used last time, remember?
Kara: How could you forget… that was awesome…
Emi: Yeah, but then you guys overdid it!
Stacy: OK, I promise I won’t do that this time. I’m just happy you figured out the wings formula!
Kara: It took awhile, but we think we’ve got it. I mean, you could always use artificial wings but we thought, natural is better.
Stacy: Is it going to hurt?
Emi: Nah, it will just tingle. It’s just redirecting your natural bodily functions in some ways. It’s driven by your metabolism.
Kara: We’ll be here to help just in case… we’ve got an antidote ready as well.
Stacy: OK! I’m ready! Let’s do it!

3: Stacy drinks from one of the vials, then another, then another, in sequence.

Stacy: [drinks]
Emi: OK, great. Now, while we wait, you probably want to take off your top…that will help when the wings start to grow…
Stacy: OK… what happens first? Wings, then shrinking?
Kara: If we’ve timed it right, that should be the sequence. They’ve got to work in combination.
Stacy: I’m starting to feel a little flush… yeah, I think I can feel the tingling you talked about. [Takes off top] You guys have some clothes for me when I shrink? I’m not really interested in being a naked fairy…
Emi: Sure thing! [shows her a small blue sparkly dress] See, we’ve even got cut outs for the wings…
Stacy: Awesome! [moans] Whoa…ok. I think it’s really starting. Do you see anything?
Emi: [checks her back] No…oh wait! A little bud! Yes, keep concentrating! It’s working!
Kara: Emi, we might need to hold her during the growth phase… it’s going to take a lot of energy on her part…
Emi: Good idea. OK, we’re just going to hold your arms while they grow, OK? Just keep breathing and focusing… this is the trickiest part…
Stacy: OK… I trust you guys…

4: Emi and Kara take hold of Stacy’s arms and hold her up so the wings can grow. We slowly see the wings emerging from her back, multi-colorful and gossamer thin. They flutter slightly as Stacy gets used to having them and controlling them.

Stacy: [makes grunting sound] Oh… this is getting intense… what’s happening?
Emi: It’s ok… we’re here. I can see them starting to sprout!
Stacy: [grunt] Oh… wow…
Kara: You’re doing great! Soon, you won’t need to use so much strength and you can relax a little bit… they look beautiful!
Stacy: [grunting] Oh… that’s so cool… [breathing heavily] I can’t wait…
Emi: Yeah, you’re almost there! Just a little bit more!
Kara: Try to flutter them! You just need to flex your back muscles a bit…
Stacy: [breathing heavily] Woo.. ok… how’s that? [they begin to flutter a bit]
Emi: Yeah! You did it! OK, so how do you feel?
Stacy: Oh… just slightly dizzy…
Kara: That’s normal… but wow! Look at you! Hey, Emi, it worked!

5: Stacy stands up, and begins to flex her new wings more fully and skillfully. She is very proud of them. Kara and Emi admire her from the couch.

Stacy: Oh my gosh, you guys! Look at me! [twirls around, showing off her wings]
Kara: I know! Beautiful!
Emi: You really did a great job. Ok, the shrinking should start soon, and then, the reduced density and weight. We put a time delay on the rest to give the wings a chance to get fully strengthened. You may want to practice exercising your wings for a bit just to make sure you’re used to them.
Stacy: Like this? [she flexes them back and forth a few times]
Emi: Perfect! Wow, what a pro!

6: Stacy is standing, and starts to shrink slowly. Her skirt begins to get loose and fall off. At the end of this dialogue exchange, she ends up at about 2 feet tall. Her voice is higher than before.

Stacy: Oh, I think the shrinking has started! [moan] Oh… I forgot how good that feels.
Kara: Yeah, looks like. Good, it’s all working perfectly. And the wings are shrinking in sync with your body! This is good. But they won’t lose their strength when they shrink, which will make it easier for you to fly. But you’ll need some practice with that, I bet…
Emi: Do you need any help?
Stacy: No, I don’t… [moan] think so… just get that dress ready. My skirt is already falling off!
Kara: Haha, sure…

7: Stacy continues to shrink and ends up at about 6 inches high, standing on the floor, with her wings shrinking in sync with her. Her voice is even higher than before.

Stacy: OK… [moan] … it feels like it’s almost over…
Kara: Yeah! It looks like it… how do you feel?
Stacy: Oh… [moan] … just a little disoriented… but I’m sure it will be fine. [tries to jump and flap her wings] Oh, shoot, I can’t fly yet!
Emi: Yeah, that won’t be until later… here, do you need some help? [Emi lowers her hand and Stacy jumps on]
Stacy: Thanks!
Emi: [lifting Stacy up to the coffee table] Here you go. And here’s your dress. [gives blue sparkly dress to Stacy]
Stacy: [twirls around on the coffee table] Oh… this feels great… oh, I guess I should get dressed… [puts on dress]
Kara: You look really cute!
Emi: Yeah, if there was a fairy cosplay competition, you’d win for sure!
Stacy: Aww… thanks guys… now, do you think you can try my potions?
Kara: Sure… but let’s wait until you figure out how to fly first.

8: The weightlessness potion starts to kick in for Stacy, who is standing barefoot on the coffee table.

Stacy: Oh… I can feel the warmth coming on… [moan] that’s the weightlessness potion, right? Oh, it feels good!
Emi: Yes! Great. The last stage is beginning. Now, I want you to flap your wings a few times. Let’s take this slowly…
Kara: Yeah, we don’t want you getting hurt on your first flight!
Stacy: Ok, here’s goes… [flaps wings a few times] hmm… nothing. What’s wrong?
Kara: Maybe you’re not quite there yet… there’s a threshold after which you should be weightless enough to fly easily… I just know there’s going to be a learning curve…
Emi: Try flapping them faster! You’ve got to really get that momentum going to get some lift…
Stacy: Ok… [concentrates really hard] [flaps wings much faster than before]

9: We see Stacy’s feet start to lift slowly off the table… and dangle in midair. Then we zoom out to see her fluttering just about three or four inches off the coffee table. Then she stops flapping and lands gently back on the table.

Stacy: I think… I think it’s happening!
Emi: Yes! See that speed? That’s helping you do it.
Kara: Wow, I’m so proud of you! You’re really learning to be a fairy very quickly!
Stacy: [stops flapping, lands] OK… wow… that took a lot of concentration… but I think I can do it again! You’re right, it’s getting easier with my body getting lighter, but it’s still hard…
Kara: I think you’ll find it’s like riding a bike… over time it’s just going to get more natural.
Emi: Try again!

10: Stacy starts to flap her wings quickly, and this time, rises to about 2-3 feet off the table. She is able to hold her position for longer now.

Stacy: Ok… [flaps] whoa… here I go… whoa! I think… yes!
Emi: Haha, great job, girl!
Kara: Yeah, you’re hovering! That’s great!
Stacy: Yeah, the flapping is almost autonomic now. I think the wings have just sort of taken on a mind of their own. I don’t have to really think about it much, I just flex and they’re off.
Kara: Awesome. That’s what we were hoping would happen.
Emi: OK, now we have to try movement. Do you think you can fly closer to us?
Stacy: I wonder how to do that…
Kara: You sort of have to tilt yourself so that you can get some angular momentum going. Then, the wings should do the rest.
Stacy: OK… so, like this?

11: Stacy tilts her body forward slightly, still flapping, and begins to move slowly closer to Kara and Emi.

Emi: I think you’ve got it! The key is just slow and steady.
Kara: Yeah, don’t try to do too much at once. You just learned to hover, and now you’re getting direction down. If you need to take a break, let us know.
Stacy: Ok… ah, how do I stop!
Kara: Just pull up and hover like you were before!

12: Stacy’s forward momentum stops, leaving her inches from Emi’s face.

Stacy: Whoa, that was close!
Emi: Haha, I wasn’t scared. OK, now try to fly across the room!
Stacy: All the way over there? Really? It seems so far…
Emi: You can do it! Look at all the progress you’ve made so far!
Kara: Yeah, don’t worry, nothing is going to happen. If you get tired of flapping, you can always just glide…
Stacy: Ah, good point! OK, here I go…

13: Stacy begins to fly across the room, picking up momentum. She’s enjoying the increase in speed and control.

Stacy: Whoa, guys, this is great! You should totally try it! Woo! I’ve got total control of my wings now!
Emi: Haha, that’s so awesome! This is your dream come true!
Stacy: Yeah, it really is, all thanks to you two!
Kara: Ok, well, actually, I’m excited now. I’m really curious to try your potions!
Stacy: Awesome! Let me just come back over there. [she returns to the coffee table]

14: Stacy lands gently on the coffee table next to some of the vials of liquid.

Stacy: OK, well, I know I’m just a beginner, not advanced like you guys… but I thought I’d start with an invisibility potion and an invulnerability potion. You know, they’re two sides of the same coin, really, but they seemed like two of the more achievable potions to me.
Kara: That makes sense – you’re just starting out, so it’s good to stick to the basics.
Stacy: So, this one is invisibility and this one is invulnerability. They’re not too strong, I think, so they should wear off after a few minutes, so why not give them a try?
Kara: OK, I’ll take invulnerability, if you don’t mind, Emi?
Emi: OK, sure, Kara! I’ve always liked invisibility. I did it a couple times in witch school, and, it was pretty easy! I’m sure your formula is pretty good.
Stacy: OK, great! I owe you guys a lot… I just hope you like them!

15: Kara and Emi each take a vial and drink, clinking vials together before they drink.

Kara & Emi together: Cheers! [drink]
Kara: Woo! That tasted bitter.
Emi: Yeah, mine too. Add some sugar next time, OK? It won’t change the effect but it will just make it easier to drink.
Stacy: Ah, I didn’t know that! Makes sense though.
Kara: Ugh… that taste in my mouth… I need a chaser or something.
Emi: Ha, go get some water.

16: Kara stands up to go get some water in the other room. Meanwhile, Emi begins to notice a change. Her feet and hands have disappeared. We see her shoes floating in midair and her shirt sleeves have no hands sticking out of it.

Emi: Hey! My feet! My hands!
Stacy: Yeah, I think the book said it should start from your extremities and work its way from there…
Emi: Ha, I think I remember that… it’s been so long since I’ve been invisible! I think you did a great job!
Stacy: Oh, thanks, you’re so kind!
Emi: Let’s see if it’s working… [pulls up shirt to reveal nothing in the middle] Yup! My tummy’s gone too!
Stacy: Wow, cool!
Emi: So, you think this will last just a few minutes, huh?
Stacy: Yes, I think so!
Emi: OK, great, well, I’m glad to have helped you out! I think you’ve got a bright future as a witch!

17: Kara comes back holding a glass of water. But, her skin and hair have all turned dark blue. Meanwhile, Emi has turned fully invisible and we only see her clothes.

Emi: Oh my gosh, Kara, what’s wrong?
Kara: Who said that? Oh, Emi! You’re invisible!
Emi: Yeah, it worked. But you’re – BLUE!
Kara: WHAT?
Stacy: Oops… I guess it didn’t work.
Kara: What do you mean I’m blue? [runs to look in the mirror] Stacy! What did you do??
Stacy: Uh, well, I just followed what the book said…
Kara: Ok, well, you said it would wear off, right? I don’t feel invulnerable, I just feel… bloated.
Stacy: Ugh, I can’t believe I failed… I’m sorry guys. And after you’ve been so nice to me!
Kara: Don’t worry about it, everyone makes mistakes… we just have to wait I guess… [grunts] ugh… I feel like, gassy or something. I need to sit down. [to Emi] Scoot over, Sue Storm.
Emi: Look on the bright side, at least you match your outfit!

18: Kara is slowly getting fatter, slowly inflating into a round blue ball. As she does, she falls off the couch and rolls onto the floor. Stacy is still standing on the coffee table, watching all of this unfold.

Stacy: Oh my gosh! Kara, are you ok?
Kara: What does it look like? [grunt] Ooff… what did you put in that potion?
Stacy: OK, well, it said it needed a lot of antioxidants, so I put in some blueberries…
Kara: Antioxidants? Where do you get antioxidants for an invulnerability potion???
Emi: I think she was supposed to put in antibodies… that’s what typically goes into an invulnerability potion. Stacy, are you dyslexic?
Stacy: What? I thought it was antioxidants… stupid me!
Kara: Well, fly your little fairy butt over here and fix this!
Stacy: What do I do?
Kara: I can feel it… I’m filling up with juice… [grunt] We’ve got to get the juice out of me before I explode…

19: Kara is now fully round, with her hands and feet sticking out, helplessly waving. Emi is still on the couch, with her body barely visible (maybe at 5-10% transparency), but with her clothes still on. Stacy flies over and lands on top of Kara’s rotund body.

Stacy: Don't worry! We’ll get the juice out… uh, how? Emi, help! At least your visibility is coming back!
Emi: OK, I will… uh, wait, what’s happening? It feels like the air is flowing right through me…
Kara: You guys need to de-juice me… that’s the only way… take me to the bathtub and start squeezing…
Emi: Guys, something is wrong… I feel… [starts waving her hands in front of her face] … not all there…
Stacy: Now what? What do you mean?

20: Stacy flies over to Emi and instead of stopping, flies right through Emi’s head. Both are shocked when this happens. Emi stands up and her clothes fall off. She has become intangible.

Emi: What just happened! You flew right through me!
Stacy: I don’t know!
Kara: [grunt] Guys… I’m serious… you need to get me to the bathtub… I don’t want to get stains on this rug…
Emi: How did you just fly through me?
Stacy: I don’t know! [begins to cry] This is all going wrong!
Kara: She probably… [grunt] got the proportions wrong… your body… [grunt] the polarity… is probably off… just like with me… [grunt] this is why you practice first before offering potions for people to drink!
Emi: Yeah, and this isn’t wearing off… in fact, I think it’s getting worse… I need to concentrate just to keep from falling through the floor…

21: Emi stands up and walks around, walking right through Kara’s rotund body on the floor.

Kara: Hey, watch it! [grunt] ugh, you guys… I’m serious… this isn’t comfortable.
Emi: I think I need some sort of molecular strengthener… something to bring the polarity back in line…
Stacy: [cries] Waaah, I’m such a bad witch…
Emi: Don’t get stressed out…we’re going to fix it… I’ve been in worse situations than this. Remember that time I was trapped on the ceiling the whole weekend? Took me hours to figure out how to reverse my gravitonic matrix!
Kara: [grunt] Is anyone even listening to me? [moan] Oooh… the juice…
Emi: OK, Stacy, I need your help. I can’t touch anything right now, so I need you to get a solution together that’s going to increase my density. Can you do that for me?
Stacy: Sure, I’ll try!
Emi: In the meantime, we definitely need to help take care of Kara here. I think the easiest thing to do is shrink her and then de-juice her that way. She’s got a lot of extra stuff in her system and it’s just going to be easier if we do it that way.
Kara: Ugh… [grunt] why do I agree participate in these things…
Emi: Stacy, let’s go ahead and give her the shrinking solution you just took. You’re going to have to drop it in her mouth because I can’t grab anything.
Stacy: Will do!

22: Stacy grabs an eye dropper and fills it full of shrinking potion. Then she flies up to Kara’s mouth and drops in a few drops. Meanwhile, Emi is looking at a cabinet full of jars with different mixtures in them.

Stacy: Sorry about all this, Kara! We’ll get you back to normal in no time!
Kara: You better! I’m not going to the beach as a giant blueberry!
Emi: You know, that would definitely get the boys’ attention though… let’s see… to get my molecules the strength they need, I think we need an ossification agent… Stacy, mix this one and this one and this one together, OK? That will make a solution that we can then pour on me, which should get the hardening process started. At least I hope so! If not, we’ll have to call the head witch to come help.
Stacy: OK!

23: Stacy lifts different jars into place and mixes their ingredients, struggling as she goes. But eventually, she’s able to create the mixture according to Emi’s specifications. Meanwhile, Kara is lying on the floor, slowly shrinking, still as a rotund blueberry, down to the size of a cantaloupe.

Kara: You guys, I think it’s working…[moan] oh, even when I’m full of juice, this shrinking solution feels so good…
Stacy: Great! Progress! Emi, how does it feel to be a ghost anyway?
Emi: Actually, it feels OK, it’s just, I would like to be able to control it. But it’s kind of cool to be able to pass through things. Let me test it! [waves arm through Kara]
Kara: Hey, cut it out!
Stacy: Ha, well, I hope this all isn’t too awkward for you!
Emi: No, you’re learning, that’s ok.
Kara: Easy for you to say, Emi! You’re not a giant blueberry!
Emi: Oh, come on, let’s be more supportive. And anyway, you’re not a giant blueberry anymore anyway!
Kara: True! Soon I’ll be a tiny blueberry!

24: Emi lays down on the ground so Stacy can pour the mixture on top of her.

Emi: OK, now pour the ossification solution on me! Not too much, though, I don’t want to become a statue!
Stacy: OK! [lifts up bowl with solution in it] How’s this? [flies over the top of Emi holding the bowl]
Emi: Great, just a little at a time… [Stacy accidentally flips over the entire bowl’s contents onto Emi’s torso and legs]
Stacy: Oooppss…
Emi: Stacy! You klutz! Oh geez, quickly, get some water! Wash it off!

25. Stacy flies out of the room, going to get some water. Meanwhile, Kara has shrunk to the size of a cantaloupe, but is still blue and rotund. Emi stands up.

Emi: That silly girl… she’s going to be the death of me…well, at least the solution is working. I can touch things again.
Kara: Pick me up! I still can’t move!
Emi: Right… yeah, let’s get a bowl, so you don’t de-juice all over the rug.

26: Emi places the shrunken berry-formed Kara in a small bowl and presses hard on her. Purple liquid begins to fill up the bowl.

Kara: Uugghhhh… not so hard!
Emi: We’ve got to get all that juice out of you…
Kara: I know but… [grunts]
Emi: Oh shoot… I can feel myself stiffening up… where is she with that water? I’m going to become Venus de Milo pretty soon if she doesn’t hurry up!

27: Stacy flies back in carrying a glass of water. But meanwhile, Emi’s skin (except her head) is turning silver/grey.

Stacy: Here you go! I got the water!
Emi: [struggles to move] It’s too late! My body’s going to stiffen up…we used too much ossification agent… just get me into a comfortable position… [Stacy positions Emi’s body so it’s standing straight up, posing, as it stiffens]
Kara: Hey, don’t forget about me! I’m still full of juice!
Emi: [speaking stiffly and sort of strained] Stacy, you’ve got to keep squeezing her. Just fly on top of her and push as hard as you can until all the juice is out of her.
Stacy: But what about you?
Emi: [still speaking stiffly] I’ve got some softening agents… they’re on the top shelf… on the right… it’s that white powder… open it up and just dump as much as you can on me…
Kara: Squeeze me first!

28: Stacy flies above and squeezes Kara really hard, with more purple liquid flowing out of Kara every time she does it.

Kara: Ugh… more… I can still feel the juice…
Stacy: Man, I never thought one person could have so much juice! There’s enough for two of you in here!
Kara: Very funny… next time you can become the giant blueberry…see how you like it…
Stacy: Actually, that sounds worth trying!
Kara: Ugh, no… it is not… stick to being a fairy…
Stacy: Say, when is this going to wear off anyway? I can’t go to school like this!
Kara: Should be… [grunt] … in a couple of hours…
Emi: [still speaking stiffly] Guys! Come on! I’m stiff as a board over here!
Stacy: Hold your horses, Ms. Juice-a-lot is still squirting here!
Kara: I swear I’m going to … [grunt] get revenge on you for this…

29: Stacy grabs the jar of softener and flies over Emi to begin pouring, who is completely grey and standing stiff as a statue. But as Stacy’s pouring the softener, a white powdery mixture, she accidentally drops the jar, which lands on Emi. It bounces off her, throwing up a cloud of dust, but in the process, knocks Emi over, causing her to break into two pieces – her head/torso and her legs.

Stacy: OK, here goes…
Emi: Careful, you have to…
Stacy: Whoops!
Emi: Stacy! Oh no! Help! [crash]
Stacy: Aaaa! Emi! Are you ok!
Emi: Do I freakin’ look ok? My legs are over there and my head is clear over here!
Stacy: You’re strangely calm for being broken into two different pieces.
Emi: Well, at least the softener is working…I can feel myself getting back to normal… it’s a good thing there’s a binding agent in there, otherwise my organs would be all over the floor.

30: Kara appears to be almost back to normal, even though she is shrunk. Her skin is light blue now instead of dark blue, and she’s bathing in the purple juice.

Kara: Guys, I’m getting kind of tired of being tiny, and I think the rest of the juice should sweat itself out. Can you get me back to normal size?
Stacy: Uh, in case you didn’t see, Emi’s broken in half!
Kara: Stacy, really? On top of everything else?
Stacy: This is just not my day… being a fairy isn’t all its cracked up to be. No offense, Emi.
Emi: None taken… I just need to get myself over to the couch…oof.
Kara: Well, bring that growing potion over here and get me back to normal.

31: Emi’s top half walks using her hands and climbs up to the couch and puts her shirt back on. Her legs stand up of their own accord and sit down next to Emi. Emi’s top half puts her skirt back on her legs. Meanwhile, Stacy is brings the growing potion to Kara, who is still in the purple bowl of liquid.

Emi: Hey, I’ve never seen my own legs from this angle before. They’re actually really cute!
Kara: Glad you have such a positive body image right now. Try that when you’re a freakin’ piece of fruit!
Stacy: Here’s the growing potion…
Kara: Good, now, don’t spill it… give it here. Be careful… that’s powerful stuff. I just put some testosterone in there so I might get a little bit surly in the growth process.
Stacy: OK! Maybe I should take some too, I’m kind of tired of being a fairy.
Kara: Sure, I understand. We’ve all had a hard day and frankly, I’d like to split.
Emi: Hey! No puns about splitting! You’ve still got to fix me!
Kara: Sorry. Will get to you in a second.

32: Kara stands up in the bowl of liquid and Kara sand Stacy both drink the growing potion. Stacy helps Kara step out of the bowl of liquid. Kara’s skin is even lighter blue, but still a tinge of it.

Kara: Ugh… forgot how awful that tastes. OK, let’s get off the table so we don’t break the table.
Stacy: Sure. [picks Kara up and carries her to the ground]

33: Both Kara and Stacy begin growing slowly. Stacy forgets to take off her blue dress, so it rips apart when she grows, leaving her naked.

Stacy: Oh, my dress!
Kara: Ah, that’s OK. We’ll get another one at the toy store the next time you want to be a fairy.
Stacy: Yeah, I just hope this next time isn’t as calamitous!
Kara: I doubt that anything could be as calamitous as today.

34: Both Kara and Stacy have grown back to full height, Kara’s skin is back to normal and Stacy’s wings have disappeared. We only see their top halves of their bodies in the shot.

Stacy: Oh, my poor wings… oh, they were so beautiful…
Kara: OK, where are my damn clothes! Time to help Emi get herself together.
Emi: [laughing] Uh, you guys look a little different…
Kara: What the hell do you mean? And that’s funny to say coming from someone who looks like the magician’s assistant gone horribly wrong.
Emi: [laughing] Uh, how much testosterone did you put in the growth solution?
Kara: Why? What?
Stacy: [screams] AAAA!
Kara: What?
Stacy: You’ve got a…
Kara: What?
Stacy: [screams louder] AAAAA!!!
Kara: WHAT?
Stacy: I’VE GOT A… [passes out]

35. Kara looks down to see that she has grown a penis, as has Stacy.

Kara: Oh, for hell’s sake… this is the last thing I need right now.
Emi: Don’t worry, this is a chance to get in touch with your masculine side.
Kara: Don’t even start with me! Or I’ll break you into even more pieces!
Emi: Look, He-man, just cast a merge spell on me and then we can help Mr. Stacy over there deal with her new gender.
Kara: You got it, toots. Can I put some clothes on first at least?
Emi: Be my guest.

36. Kara comes back fully clothed, and then goes over to Emi and picks up her top half to place on to her legs.

Kara: Ready?
Emi: Ready!
Kara: Akabane-BASHI!

37: A blue flash emerges and Emi is suddenly in one piece again. Emi stands up to admire her body, back to normal.

Emi: Ah! That feels so much better. Thank you, sir.
Kara: You better watch your mouth with that “sir” crap.
Emi: Oh, come on, you were always a bit of a tomboy.
Kara: I swear, Stacy is going to be in so much trouble…
Emi: Oh, go easy on her. She’s dealing with a lot today!

38: Emi goes to put a towel around Stacy, and together, her and Emi bring her to the couch. She slowly wakes up.

Stacy: Oh… what happened. Have I been dreaming? Did I really grow wings and fly? Did you really turn into a statue? Did you really turn into a shrunken blueberry?
Emi: Well, yeah, all that happened…
Stacy: And did I really grow a…?
Kara: Unfortunately, yes… but don’t worry, we can reverse it. Unless you want to stay a…
Stacy: No! No no no no no no… no. NO.
Kara: Actually, it’s a different feeling than what I thought it would be… gives me some swagger…
Emi: Ugh, just what we need… you with more swagger…
Kara: I could definitely go do some Crying Game type stuff to the college boys down the road…
Stacy: I don’t want to look… it just feels so weird…
Kara: Actually, looking at you in that towel is giving me a bit of a chubby…
Emi: Kara! Behave!
Kara: Now I know why men go so crazy with these things…
Stacy: Actually, I know what you mean too… it’s a sort of powerful feeling…
Emi: Not you too…
Kara: Come on, Stacy. Let’s go get into trouble!
Emi: Haven’t we gotten into enough trouble for today?
Kara & Stacy together: NO!
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